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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Talbert        A J              28    MS              480b  20
Talbert        Ann              35    MS              415b  19
Talbert        Anna             53    MS              450b  30
Talbert        Billington       2     MS              480b  23
Talbert        Charity          35    MS              509a  18
Talbert        David            62    Virginia        450b  29
Talbert        E J              25    MS              438a  17
Talbert        Florine          19    MS              490a   2
Talbert        Francis          13    MS              450b  31
Talbert        George           9     MS              415b  22
Talbert        George           40    MS              415b  18
Talbert        Hamilton         13    MS              509a  19
Talbert        Harriet          10    MS              495b  32
Talbert        Hiram            13    MS              415b  20
Talbert        Horace           16    MS              446b  25
Talbert        Infant           7/12  MS              480b  24
Talbert        J A              39    La              480b  19
Talbert        John             7     MS              415b  23
Talbert        John             6     MS              480b  22
Talbert        Julia            12    MS              495b  31
Talbert        Louisa           15    MS              509a  22
Talbert        Mahala           55    MS              446b  24
Talbert        Martha           2     MS              495b  33
Talbert        Mary             34    MS              495b  29
Talbert        Mary             10    MS              415b  21
Talbert        Pinckney         3     MS              415b  24
Talbert        Polk             25    MS              438a  16
Talbert        Ranson           46    MS              509a  17
Talbert        S *              1     MS              438a  18
Talbert        Samantha         10    MS              509a  20
Talbert        Samuel           16    MS              495b  30
Talbert        Sarah            32    Tenn            438a  14
Talbert        Tullia           6     MS              480b  21
Talbert        W J              32    MS              438a  15
Talbert        Weatley          7     MS              509a  21
Talbert        William          1     MS              415b  25
Tapolin        Adam             14    MS              489b  38
Tapolin        Alfred           44    Florida         489b  35
Tapolin        Alfred           24    MS              489b  37
Tapolin        Caroline         24    MS              489b  36
Tapolin        Kate             4     MS              489b  40
Tapolin        Lidia            2     MS              490a   1
Tapolin        Wilson           5     MS              489b  39
Tarver         Aaron            21    MS              454a  18
Tarver         Alferd           25    MS              413a  13
Tarver         Allen            32    MS              502a  19
Tarver         Almeda           18    MS              425a  23
Tarver         Arminda          12    MS              425a  26
Tarver         Bragg            9     MS              425a  28
Tarver         Calista          32    MS              391b   8
Tarver         Caroline V       22    Louisiana       413a  14
Tarver         Catharine        6/12  MS              413a  15
Tarver         E J              2     MS              437b  26
Tarver         E W              39    MS              441a  12
Tarver         Eliza            10    MS              425a  27
Tarver         Emily            16    MS              425a  24
Tarver         Eugenia          12    MS              391b  11
Tarver         Frank            21    MS              386a   5
Tarver         Franklin         16    MS              422b  32
Tarver         J B              50    MS              441a  11
Tarver         J W              14    MS              441a  13
Tarver         James B          14    MS              422b  33
Tarver         Jamison D        8     MS              422b  35
Tarver         Julia            52    MS              425a  22
Tarver         Julia            24    MS              502a  20
Tarver         Lewis            50    MS              425a  21
Tarver         Lott             4     MS              441a  16
Tarver         Louisa           21    MS              394b   9
Tarver         M J              3     MS              437b  25
Tarver         M V              2     MS              441a  17
Tarver         Marshall         14    MS              425a  25
Tarver         Mary             60    MS              425a   5
Tarver         Mary E           30    MS              437b  24
Tarver         Mary E           15    MS              391b   9
Tarver         Mary F           9     MS              422b  34
Tarver         Mary J           4     MS              425a  29
Tarver         Milton           23    MS              395b  39
Tarver         Nathan           15    MS              425a   6
Tarver         Nelson           21    MS              394b   8
Tarver         S J              7     MS              441a  15
Tarver         Sarah J          1/12  MS              437b  27
Tarver         Sarah R          20    MS              413a  28
Tarver         T J              30    MS              437b  23
Tarver         Thomas N         1     La              502a  21
Tarver         W W              10    MS              441a  14
Tarver         William          14    MS              391b  10
Tarver         William          1     MS              394b  10
Tarver         William Z        6     MS              422b  36
Tarver         Wilson           66    So Carolina     413a  27
Tate           Caroline         2     La              499a   7
Tate           Carrie           1/12  La              499a   8
Tate           Charles          3     La              496a  11
Tate           Charles R        12    MS              497b  13
Tate           Drucilla         25    Alabama         497b  11
Tate           Henrietta        2     La              499b  25
Tate           Infant           2     MS              500b  15
Tate           Infant           1/12  MS              500b  16
Tate           Infant           1/12  MS              496a  12
Tate           J C              32    La              499a   3
Tate           J K P            23    La              499b  23
Tate           J N              25    LA              500b  11
Tate           James J          34    MS              430b  22
Tate           John             33    MS              496a   9
Tate           Lillian          7     La              499a   5
Tate           Malissa          24    La              499a   4
Tate           Martha           25    MS              500b  12
Tate           Mary C           20    La              499b  24
Tate           Missouri         4     La              499a   6
Tate           N S              32    MS              496a  10
Tate           N W              4     MS              500b  13
Tate           O H              20    La              496a  19
Tate           Obe              50    La              504b  30
Tate           Rhoda            3     MS              500b  14
Tate           Sarah A          16    MS              497b  12
Tate           W C              40    MS              497b  10
Tatum          Artemesia        8     MS              421a  34
Tatum          C L              2     MS              456b  38
Tatum          Elisabeth        52    MS              457a   1
Tatum          Hiram            18    MS              445b  19
Tatum          Isadora          16    MS              421a  33
Tatum          J M              25    MS              456b  35
Tatum          James B          43    Alabama         421a  31
Tatum          Josephine        1/12  MS              456b  39
Tatum          M V              3     MS              456b  37
Tatum          Martha           1     MS              421a  35
Tatum          Pinty C          38    MS              421a  32
Tatum          T A M S          24    MS              456b  36
Taylor         Abraham          22    MS              427b   8
Taylor         Adams            30    Va              481b  31
Taylor         Amanda           15    MS              481b  36
Taylor         Amarintha        30    MS              463b   5
Taylor         Amelia           25    MS              427b   9
Taylor         Andrew           13    MS              440a  26
Taylor         Asa              62    Tenn            440a  22
Taylor         B V              6     MS              440a  29
Taylor         Benj             60    MS              430a   4
Taylor         California       5     MS              440a  30
Taylor         Caroline         42    MS              481b  34
Taylor         Darcas           8     MS              430a   7
Taylor         David            3/12  MS              440a  31
Taylor         David            12    MS              423a  24
Taylor         E M              28    MS              496a  21
Taylor         Easley           50    MS              427b  11
Taylor         Easter           3     MS              430a   8
Taylor         Emma             16    MS              489b  16
Taylor         Fousman          8     MS              481b  35
Taylor         H W              26    Ohio            434b   1
Taylor         Hanah            20    MS              430a   5
Taylor         Ida E            8     MS              423a  26
Taylor         J E              1/12  MS              496a  23
Taylor         J S              5     MS              496a  22
Taylor         Jane H           45    MS              423a  21
Taylor         Jenavia          7     MS              408a   6
Taylor         Joana            19    LA              434b   2
Taylor         Johnie           10    MS              423a  25
Taylor         Julia A          6     MS              423a  27
Taylor         Levi             9     MS              481b  39
Taylor         Lewis            19    MS              481b  33
Taylor         Martha           14    MS              423a  23
Taylor         Matilda          12    MS              430a   6
Taylor         Melissa          17    MS              423a  22
Taylor         Meridith         24    La              481b  32
Taylor         Monroe           4     MS              427b  10
Taylor         Nancy            4     MS              423a  28
Taylor         Neilson          11    MS              481b  38
Taylor         R S              3     MS              496a  25
Taylor         Sarah            38    MS              440a  23
Taylor         Sarah            12    MS              440a  27
Taylor         Scihia           45    MS              423a  20
Taylor         Seaborn          17    MS              440a  24
Taylor         Stephen          9     MS              440a  28
Taylor         T W              16    MS              440a  25
Taylor         Violet           13    MS              481b  37
Taylor         W C              43    KY              496a  20
Tebow          Charlotte        71    MS              513b   5
Tebow          John             76    MS              513b   4
Temperance     May              66    Virginia        431a  16
Temple         Alethea          5     MS              413b  28
Temple         Alexander        12    MS              413b  24
Temple         Cornelia         4     MS              413b  29
Temple         Elizabeth        2     MS              413b  30
Temple         Emerline         37    MS              413b  20
Temple         Isaac            8     MS              413b  27
Temple         Jane             11    MS              413b  25
Temple         John             14    MS              413b  23
Temple         Lindsey          17    MS              413b  21
Temple         Missouri         10    MS              413b  26
Temple         Redman           39    MS              413b  19
Temple         Valentine        15    MS              413b  22
Terrell        Benton B         3     MS              400b  19
Terrell        D C              15    MS              477b  21
Terrell        G D              24    MS              439a  12
Terrell        Griffin T        40    MS              400b  15
Terrell        J S              10    MS              477b  23
Terrell        J W              10    MS              433b   6
Terrell        John W           8/12  MS              400b  20
Terrell        L J              21    MS              439a  15
Terrell        Maria            45    Va              477b  20
Terrell        Mary J           28    MS              400b  16
Terrell        Nancy M          6     MS              400b  18
Terrell        R N              8     MS              433b   7
Terrell        S A              28    LA              439a  13
Terrell        S E              1     MS              439a  14
Terrell        Sarah E          8     MS              400b  17
Terrell        V N              10    MS              477b  22
Terrell        Victoria         3     MS              477b  24
Terrell        Viola A          4     MS              415b  17
Terry          Geroge           18    MS              472b   9
Teston         Stephen          18    MS              495b  11
Thom           C E              23    MS              503b   8
Thom           C J              44    MS              503b   7
Thom           L M              18    MS              503b   9
Thomas         Caleb            8/12  MS              424a   1
Thomas         Caroline         7     MS              425b   4
Thomas         Eliza            2     MS              423b  40
Thomas         Elza             23    MS              423b  38
Thomas         Emily            35    MS              425b   1
Thomas         Fayette          29    MS              423b  37
Thomas         George           3     MS              403a   4
Thomas         Hagar            48    MS              403a   6
Thomas         Idaly            14    MS              425b   2
Thomas         Jefferson        3/12  MS              403a   5
Thomas         John             12    MS              403a   8
Thomas         Joseph           58    MS              425a  40
Thomas         Joseph           5     MS              425b   5
Thomas         Lethea           20    MS              403a   3
Thomas         Lucy             16    MS              403a   9
Thomas         Martha           3     MS              423b  39
Thomas         Polly            15    MS              403a   7
Thomas         Rye              12    MS              425b   3
Thomas         Samuel           1     MS              425b   6
Thomas         Silas            25    MS              421a  36
Thomas         Silas            24    MS              403a   2
Thompson       A                28    Tenn            470a  20
Thompson       A                18    MS              467a  39
Thompson       Aaron            5     MS              461b  17
Thompson       Abner            67    S Carolina      462b  25
Thompson       Adeline M        19    MS              376b  17
Thompson       Amanda           20    MS              462b  27
Thompson       Anette           19    MS              385b  26
Thompson       Aurelia          6     MS              416a  27
Thompson       C E L            17    MS              443b  10
Thompson       C F              39    MS              467a  36
Thompson       C F              1     MS              443b  16
Thompson       Caroline         7     MS              505b  14
Thompson       Caroline         12    MS              461b  15
Thompson       Chaney           44    MS              385b  25
Thompson       Charles          25    MS              452b   4
Thompson       Dick             12    MS              467a  34
Thompson       Dilsey           20    MS              452b   5
Thompson       E C              20    La              477b  32
Thompson       E J              8     MS              455a   4
Thompson       E S              18    MS              477b  33
Thompson       Eli M            17    MS              376b  19
Thompson       Ellen            2     MS              452b  23
Thompson       Ellen            18    MS              513b  40
Thompson       Ellen            1     MS              425b  21
Thompson       Emeline          16    MS              425b  20
Thompson       Emily            58    VA              462b  26
Thompson       Emma             8     MS              446a  15
Thompson       Fenba            10    MS              461b  16
Thompson       Francis          55    MS              467a  33
Thompson       Francis          39    MS              446b  40
Thompson       Frank            5     MS              505b  15
Thompson       Frank R          16    MS              376b  20
Thompson       G N              11    MS              443b  13
Thompson       G W              10    MS              443b  14
Thompson       Geo              18    MS              446a   9
Thompson       George           35    MS              461b  13
Thompson       Harriet          23    Ga              505b  13
Thompson       Henry            50    MS              416b  39
Thompson       Husivil          28    MS              405b  34
Thompson       Ida L            11    .               421b   5
Thompson       J S              5     MS              443b  15
Thompson       Jack             73    MS              505b  17
Thompson       Jeanette         34    MS              416b  40
Thompson       Jerry            55    MS              467b   5
Thompson       Joey F           13    MS              416a  25
Thompson       John             30    S Ca            505b  12
Thompson       John             20    MS              501a  15
Thompson       John L           11    MS              376b  22
Thompson       John M           48    MS              376b  14
Thompson       Jordan           60    MS              446b  26
Thompson       Julia J          22    MS              376b  16
Thompson       Lee              12    MS              446a  14
Thompson       Lizzie           22    .               421b   3
Thompson       Lizzie           19    MS              470a  21
Thompson       Louisa           16    MS              462b  28
Thompson       Lucinda          46    .               421b   2
Thompson       Lucinda          22    MS              452b  22
Thompson       Lucy             73    VA              377a   4
Thompson       Lucy A           5     MS              376b  23
Thompson       M A              33    MS              467a  38
Thompson       M C              16    MS              443b  11
Thompson       M E              28    MS              455a   3
Thompson       M J              42    Alabama         443b   9
Thompson       Manuel           74    VA              377a   3
Thompson       Margaret         20    La              501a  16
Thompson       Maria            4     MS              461b  18
Thompson       Martha           27    MS              461b  14
Thompson       Mary             70    MS              381a  26
Thompson       Mary             13    MS              385b  27
Thompson       N                65    MS              486a  22
Thompson       N J              72    S Carolina      443b  22
Thompson       Nancy            76    MS              467a  37
Thompson       Nancy            6     MS              385b  29
Thompson       Nancy C          18    MS              376b  18
Thompson       Nancy H          40    MS              376b  15
Thompson       Ned              8     MS              385b  28
Thompson       Robert           21    MS              410a  25
Thompson       Rosilla          64    MS              486a  23
Thompson       Rowland          24    MS              405b  33
Thompson       Ruby             66    MS              505b  18
Thompson       S H              46    MS              443b   8
Thompson       Sam              10    MS              505b  19
Thompson       Sarah            50    MS              392a  25
Thompson       Sarah            5     MS              385b  30
Thompson       Smith            8/12  MS              385b  31
Thompson       Smith            44    MS              385b  24
Thompson       Sylvester        21    MS              392a  24
Thompson       T W R            13    MS              443b  12
Thompson       Thomas J         13    MS              376b  21
Thompson       Timeutiney       9     MS              416a  26
Thompson       Warren           4     MS              467a  35
Thompson       Wilburn M        16    .               421b   4
Thompson       William          2     MS              505b  16
Thompson       William          1     MS              461b  19
Thomson        Allen            13    MS              457b  33
Thomson        Sterling         16    MS              457b  34
Thonetero      Caroline         36    MS              410a  26
Thonetero      Charity          17    MS              410a  27
Thonetero      William          3     MS              410a  28
Tichenor       Geogre H         30    KY              401a  31
Tichenor       Lula M           8     MS              401a  36
Tichenor       Maggie L         21    KY              401a  32
Tichenor       Rollie A         5     MS              401a  33
Tichenor       Sallie A         2     MS              401a  34
Tichenor       Smith Edgar      10    MS              401a  35
Tillery        A G              2     MS              452b  12
Tillery        A R              29    MS              452b  11
Tillery        D W              31    MS              474a   7
Tillery        Ellen            6     MS              474a   9
Tillery        Eugene           1/12  MS              474a  11
Tillery        Jno L            27    MS              452b  10
Tillery        Luther           3     MS              474a  10
Tillery        M R              26    MS              474a   8
Tillery        W H              4/12  MS              452b  13
Tillotson      Daniel W         33    MS              414a   5
Tillotson      James            2     MS              414a  11
Tillotson      Osmond G         4     MS              414a  10
Tillotson      Sophia E         28    MS              414a   6
Tobias         Alethian         3     MS              491a   3
Tobias         Andrew           8     MS              505a  24
Tobias         Caroline         7     MS              491a  12
Tobias         Dora             1     MS              491a  13
Tobias         Ellen            25    Va              491a   2
Tobias         Emeline          22    MS              506b   9
Tobias         Henrietta        28    MS              506b   3
Tobias         James            7     MS              506b   6
Tobias         James            38    MS              506b   2
Tobias         Jane             9     MS              506b   5
Tobias         Jane             27    MS              491a   8
Tobias         Jessie           8     MS              491a  11
Tobias         John             22    MS              506b   8
Tobias         Kate             6     MS              505a  25
Tobias         Louisa           21    MS              491a  16
Tobias         Louisa           14    MS              506b   4
Tobias         Maranda          3     MS              506b  10
Tobias         Mary             9     MS              491a  10
Tobias         Moses            8     Va              491a   6
Tobias         Nancy            16    MS              505a  23
Tobias         Peter            27    MS              491a   1
Tobias         Robert           60    MS              491a   7
Tobias         Robert           47    MS              491a   5
Tobias         Rosabell         11/12 MS              491a   4
Tobias         Stephen          13    MS              491a   9
Tobias         Thomas           3     MS              491a  17
Tobias         Walker           1     MS              506b  11
Toler          Ben              9     MS              444a  18
Toler          Ben              35    MS              444a  15
Toler          E A              18    MS              454b  23
Toler          E T              22    MS              446a   6
Toler          Ellis            4     MS              444a  21
Toler          G Z              54    MS              454b  21
Toler          George           11    MS              444a  17
Toler          H A              21    MS              454b  22
Toler          Irwin            6     MS              444a  20
Toler          J A              15    MS              454b  24
Toler          J H              26    MS              454b  27
Toler          J J              1/12  MS              444a  22
Toler          J M              2     MS              445a  14
Toler          J M              19    MS              445a  13
Toler          J M              14    MS              454b  25
Toler          J N              20    MS              446a   7
Toler          L B              9/12  MS              446a   8
Toler          Lou              8     MS              444a  19
Toler          M C              21    MS              454b  28
Toler          Mollie           18    MS              445a   1
Toler          S A              50    MS              444b  40
Toler          S A              12    MS              454b  26
Toler          Sylvia           27    MS              444a  16
Toler          W F              26    MS              445a  12
Toler          Willie           16    MS              445a   2
Toley          Michael          40    Ireland         475a   2
Tony           Charles          16    MS              435a  25
Tony           Eliza            12    MS              435a  28
Tony           Elizabeth        38    MS              435a  24
Tony           Eugene           6     MS              435a  31
Tony           Francis          13    MS              435a  26
Tony           George           1     MS              435a  33
Tony           James            4     MS              435a  32
Tony           Samuel           10    MS              435a  29
Tony           Thomas           14    MS              435a  27
Tony           William          38    MS              435a  23
Tony           Wm P             8     MS              435a  30
Torrence       B B              20    MS              475b  23
Torrence       Jeff             24    MS              498a  23
Torrence       Rebecca          27    MS              498a  24
Torrence       Van              17    MS              433a   8
Travis         Allen            22    MS              422b   2
Travis         Beatrice D       14    MS              402a  27
Travis         Cicero C         22    MS              379a  27
Travis         Ellison          15    MS              379a  28
Travis         Ellison J        37    MS              402a  25
Travis         Emily L          5     MS              430b   3
Travis         Enos             11    MS              379a  31
Travis         Hardy            25    MS              422a  39
Travis         Helen D          3     MS              402a  32
Travis         Ida              2     MS              379a  32
Travis         Infant           6/12  MS              422b   4
Travis         James            27    MS              422a  33
Travis         James            1     MS              422a  38
Travis         James M          18    Louisiana       430a  38
Travis         John B           5     MS              402a  31
Travis         Joseph J         52    MS              430a  35
Travis         Joseph J         12    MS              430b   1
Travis         Lavinia          48    Louisiana       430a  36
Travis         Lucinda          4     MS              422a  36
Travis         Lucinda          23    MS              379a  26
Travis         Lucretia         41    MS              430b  12
Travis         Martha           17    MS              379a  30
Travis         Martin           2     MS              422b   1
Travis         Mary             5     MS              422a  37
Travis         Mary             48    MS              422a  18
Travis         Mary             25    MS              422a  34
Travis         Mary J           9     MS              430b  14
Travis         Mary J           7     MS              402a  30
Travis         Mary P           8     MS              430b   2
Travis         Matilda          50    MS              493a   2
Travis         Matilda          14    Louisiana       430a  40
Travis         Melissa          6     MS              422a  35
Travis         Millie           19    MS              422a  40
Travis         Nancy E          16    Louisiana       430a  39
Travis         Nicholas         28    .               432a  28
Travis         Peter H          6/12  MS              402a  33
Travis         Phebe A          35    MS              402a  26
Travis         Samuel           75    MS              493a   1
Travis         Sarah            19    MS              422b   3
Travis         Sarah E          12    MS              402a  28
Travis         Sicily M         3     MS              430b   4
Travis         William E        15    MS              430b  13
Travis         William J        44    MS              379a  25
Travis         Wilson           13    MS              379a  29
Travis         Windfield C      10    MS              402a  29
Travis         Zachariah        21    Louisiana       430a  37
Trentham       Venius           45    MS              406a   2
Tucker         Charlie          2     MS              394a  22
Tucker         Darcas           12    La              499a  26
Tucker         Eliza            10    MS              394a  19
Tucker         Esom             33    MS              499a  37
Tucker         G G              9/12  MS              486a  26
Tucker         George           7     MS              394a  20
Tucker         Jacob            33    La              499a  23
Tucker         Jane             24    La              499a  38
Tucker         Laura            14    La              499a  25
Tucker         Mary             25    MS              394a  18
Tucker         Matilda          4     La              499a  29
Tucker         Minerva          35    La              499a  24
Tucker         Missouri         6     La              499a  28
Tucker         Nancy            2     La              499a  30
Tucker         Nathan           40    MS              394a  17
Tucker         Nathan           4     MS              394a  21
Tucker         Pinta            1/12  La              499a  31
Tucker         S J              36    MS              486a  25
Tucker         Sidney           8     La              499a  27
Tucker         W A              39    Tenn            486a  24
Turner         Abe              7     MS              481b  11
Turner         Alfred           45    MS              487a  24
Turner         Alfred           3     LA              462a  18
Turner         Bailey           27    LA              462a  16
Turner         Dicey            6     MS              465a  28
Turner         Dicey            19    MS              462a  17
Turner         Dick             25    MS              481b  19
Turner         Ellison          23    MS              479a   5
Turner         Henry            9     MS              481b  10
Turner         Isaac            17    MS              391a  18
Turner         Jennie           2     MS              481b  13
Turner         Joe              12    MS              481b   9
Turner         Lewis            5     MS              465a  29
Turner         Lizzie           16    MS              481b   7
Turner         Louisa           5     MS              481b  12
Turner         Louisa           20    MS              479a   6
Turner         Maria            70    Kentucky        465a  30
Turner         Martha           32    MS              481b   6
Turner         Martha           2     MS              479a   7
Turner         Matilda          17    MS              465a  26
Turner         May              15    MS              481b   8
Turner         Nap              3/12  MS              481b  14
Turner         Rosana           20    MS              481b  20
Turner         Rose             14    MS              465a  27
Turner         Sarah            3     MS              481b  21
Turner         Sidney           61    Md              479a   8
Turner         Thursa           34    MS              487a  25
Turnipseed     Abbot            1/12  MS              502a  34
Turnipseed     Anna             5     MS              494a  34
Turnipseed     B                27    MS              494a  32
Turnipseed     C                25    MS              502a  31
Turnipseed     Caleb            60    MS              378b  36
Turnipseed     Charity          40    MS              502a  32
Turnipseed     Delia            3     MS              494a  35
Turnipseed     Eliza            58    MS              422a   8
Turnipseed     Eliza            12    MS              418a  10
Turnipseed     Ephraim          14    MS              378b  38
Turnipseed     Geo              40    MS              378a  38
Turnipseed     George           11/12 MS              379a   2
Turnipseed     Harris M         8     MS              378b   3
Turnipseed     Hillery          9     MS              378b  40
Turnipseed     James F          16    MS              378a  40
Turnipseed     Jerry E          14    MS              378b   1
Turnipseed     Jessie           7     MS              379a   1
Turnipseed     John             3     MS              502a  33
Turnipseed     John B           12    MS              378b   2
Turnipseed     Julia            30    MS              378b  37
Turnipseed     Margaret         1/12  MS              494a  37
Turnipseed     Mary T           37    MS              378a  39
Turnipseed     Nancy            26    MS              494a  33
Turnipseed     Polly            11    MS              378b  39
Turnipseed     Rebecca          3     MS              378b   4
Turnipseed     Ula              1     MS              378b   5
Turnipseed     William          2     MS              494a  36
Turrell        Mattie           21    .               421b  25
Tyne           Anna             80    MS              396a  32
Tyser          Ann              45    MS              413b  18
Tyser          Granville        33    MS              413b  17
Tyser          Margaret         13    MS              414a   4
Tyser          Matilda          55    MS              414a   2
Tyser          Richard          59    MS              414a   1
Tyser          Sarah            10    MS              414a   3
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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