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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Paddock        Cyrus            10    MS              393b  33
Paddock        Jackson          5     MS              393b  34
Paddock        John             35    MS              393b  31
Paddock        Matilda          37    MS              393b  32
Paddock        Rela             2     MS              393b  35
Page           Cornelia         8     MS              394b  33
Page           Ellen *          19    MS              423b   2
Page           George M         30    MS              423b   1
Page           Letithia         66    Georgia         423a  40
Page           Maria            30    MS              394b  32
Page           Mary L           10/12 MS              423b   3
Page           Samantha         43    MS              423b   4
Panket         Amanda           5     MS              506a  18
Panket         Candas           39    La              506a  15
Panket         Celia            18    MS              506a  16
Panket         Charles          4     MS              506a  19
Panket         Jane             16    MS              506a  17
Panket         Mary             2     MS              506a  20
Panket         Robert           40    MS              506a  14
Panket         Susan            1     MS              506a  21
Parker         A                33    Maine           512a   2
Parker         A M              26    .               441b  18
Parker         Amos R           67    NC              378a   8
Parker         Angeline E       63    GA              378a   9
Parker         Eliza A          20    MS              405a  21
Parker         Ellen            4     MS              464a  18
Parker         Fannie           8     MS              414b  37
Parker         Henderson H      26    MS              408a   4
Parker         Infant           9/12  .               441b  21
Parker         Infant           2     .               441b  19
Parker         Infant           2     .               441b  20
Parker         Infant           1/12  MS              464a  20
Parker         Isaac            6     MS              464a  17
Parker         Jackson          2     MS              464a  19
Parker         James A          21    MS              382a  26
Parker         John H           22    MS              414b  36
Parker         John R           62    N Carolina      408a   3
Parker         Loz*in *         18    MS              378a  10
Parker         Margaret E       23    MS              408a   5
Parker         Margy            22    MS              464a  16
Parker         Mary             49    MS              414b  35
Parker         Sarah M          3     MS              405a  27
Parker         Siah             30    MS              464a  15
Parker         Thomas C         28    MS              405a  20
Parker         Thomas S         5     MS              405a  26
Parker         W R              27    .               441b  17
Parker         William B        9/12  MS              405a  28
Parks          Darcas           35    MS              432b  22
Parks          Samuel           52    MS              432b  21
Parrish / P*rrish Henry T       2     MS              501a  37
Parrish / P*rrish Mary E        36    MS              501a  36
Parrish / P*rrish William       35    Ark             501a  35
Parsons        Drucilla         41    MS              417b   6
Parsons        Drucilla         24    MS              415b   8
Parsons        Elizabeth        43    MS              408a  17
Parsons        John             39    MS              408a  15
Parsons        Joseph           34    MS              408a  16
Parsons        Kizziah          65    MS              417b   7
Parsons        Kizziah          65    MS              415b   9
Parsons        Matilda          37    MS              408a  19
Parsons        Sarah H          41    MS              408a  18
Pasket         Adam             26    MS              376b  30
Pasket         Amelia           19    MS              376b  31
Pasket         Catharine        12    MS              376b  24
Pasket         Fayette A*       22    MS              376b  29
Pasket         Marie            25    MS              376b  27
Pasket         Nellie           50    MS              376b  26
Pasket         Sarah            23    MS              376b  28
Pasket         Thomas           50    VA              376b  25
Patterson      Alferd           16    MS              423b  16
Patterson      Allen            18    MS              423b  15
Patterson      Amy              34    MS              423b  13
Patterson      Henry            5/12  MS              423b  23
Patterson      James F          22    Vermont         383a  15
Patterson      Jonas            20    MS              423b  14
Patterson      Lucinda          14    MS              423b  17
Patterson      Maria            10    MS              423b  19
Patterson      Mary             2     MS              423b  22
Patterson      Matilda          12    MS              423b  18
Patterson      Robert           54    Virginia        423b  12
Patterson      Rosa             22    Gulf of Mexico  383a  16
Patterson      Spencer          5     MS              423b  21
Patterson      Vic              8     MS              495a  30
Patterson      Zylphia          8     MS              423b  20
Paxton         Hester           28    MS              482a  34
Paxton         Josh             16    MS              482a  35
Paxton         Tom              51    MS              482a  33
Payne          Alberta          1/12  MS              386b  23
Payne          Amazon           23    MS              396a  24
Payne          George           28    Georgia         386b  16
Payne          John C           4     MS              396a  25
Payne          Julia L          2     MS              396a  26
Payne          Mary             18    MS              386b  17
Payne          Robert C         34    MS              396a  23
Payne          Thomas L         6/12  MS              396a  27
Peceu          Amanda           24    MS              490a  19
Peceu          Bob              5     MS              490a  20
Perkins        Albert           10    MS              479a  36
Perkins        Alex             15    MS              469a  38
Perkins        Alice            12    MS              481a  26
Perkins        Anton            16    MS              459b  26
Perkins        Archibald        70    MS              400a  32
Perkins        Charles          5     MS              481a  10
Perkins        Ellen            35    MS              481a  25
Perkins        Esther           7     MS              481a   9
Perkins        Fannie           40    N Carolina      469a  37
Perkins        G W              38    MS              479a  34
Perkins        Green            28    MS              400a  34
Perkins        H                21    MS              469a  15
Perkins        H C              25    MS              480b  26
Perkins        J A              56    S Carolina      480b  25
Perkins        J B              5     MS              479a  38
Perkins        J E              10/12 MS              479a  40
Perkins        Jane             14    MS              479a  19
Perkins        John             19    MS              479a  18
Perkins        John B           19    MS              480b  28
Perkins        Kate             8     MS              481a  28
Perkins        Louisa           12    MS              479a  20
Perkins        Lousia           9     MS              481a   8
Perkins        Madison          21    MS              400a  35
Perkins        Maria            54    MS              400a  33
Perkins        Mary             62    MS              476a  25
Perkins        N                35    MS              481a   7
Perkins        Prince           21    MS              460a  26
Perkins        Prince           20    MS              481a  11
Perkins        R L              3     MS              479a  39
Perkins        Rodall           42    Va              469a  36
Perkins        S A              30    MS              479a  35
Perkins        S E              8     MS              479a  37
Perkins        S E              22    MS              480b  27
Perkins        Sam              10    MS              469a  39
Perkins        Scott            10    MS              481a  27
Perkins        Shack            5     MS              481a  29
Perkins        T E              16    MS              480b  29
Perkins        Thom             45    Va              481a  24
Perkins        W R              14    MS              480b  30
Perris / P***S Catharine        20    MS              493b  20
Perrks         Hester           43    MS              479b  18
Perry          Adam             13    MS              486a  35
Perry          Alethia          2     MS              486a  38
Perry          Andrew           11    MS              486a  36
Perry          Demaris          18    MS              486a  34
Perry          Easter           32    MS              469a  34
Perry          Emeline          22    MS              478a  11
Perry          Fannie           4     MS              478a  14
Perry          George           82    S Carolina      478a  15
Perry          George           2     MS              478a  12
Perry          Harriet          50    MS              486a  33
Perry          Lafayette        28    MS              473a  39
Perry          Lawrence         50    MS              486a  32
Perry          Peter            1     MS              473b   1
Perry          Rebecca          6     MS              486a  37
Perry          Sally            60    MS              478a  16
Perry          Thomas           28    MS              473a  40
Perry          Timothy          6/12  MS              469a  35
Perry          William          3/12  MS              478a  13
Perry          Winter           22    MS              478a  10
Phillip        Thomas           49    MS              502a  28
Phillips       A                48    France          505a  32
Phillips       A W              1     MS              486b  23
Phillips       Cordelia         2     MS              430a  24
Phillips       DeKalb           18    MS              486b  19
Phillips       E E              12    MS              486b  21
Phillips       Emily E          4     MS              430a  23
Phillips       J E              4     MS              486b  22
Phillips       M E              15    MS              486b  20
Phillips       Madison          34    Louisiana       430a  18
Phillips       Mary J           15    MS              430a  20
Phillips       Nancy L          30    MS              430a  19
Phillips       S E              37    MS              486b  18
Phillips       T N              47    MS              486b  17
Phillips       Thomas J         10    MS              430a  21
Phillips       William P        6     MS              430a  22
Picket         Isaac            21    MS              409b  33
Pickett        W                16    MS              439b  13
Pinket         Aggy             72    So Carolina     458a   8
Pinket         Lewis            7     MS              458a   9
Pinkett        Adelaine         45    MS              458a  35
Pinkett        Ben              17    MS              514a  36
Pinkett        Jane             3     MS              458a  36
Pipes          Millie           70    Ga              486a  30
Platt          Alferd N         18    Lousiana        415b  31
Platt          William S        16    Lousiana        415b  32
Popes          Alex             44    La              478a   2
Popes          Alex             3     MS              478a   8
Popes          Elizabeth        7     MS              478a   7
Popes          Hanah            27    MS              478a   3
Popes          Louisa           14    La              478a   5
Popes          Sina             1     MS              478a   9
Popes          Webster          17    La              478a   4
Popes          Winter           10    MS              478a   6
Pouier         Amanda           30    MS              450a  28
Pouier         M A              13    MS              450a  29
Powell         Albert           4     MS              494a  11
Powell         Andrew           16    MS              458b  37
Powell         Andy             6     MS              494a  10
Powell         Andy             10    MS              495a   3
Powell         Cecilia          13    MS              495b  38
Powell         Celia            10    MS              494a   8
Powell         Charity          75    .               432a  22
Powell         Cornelia         25    MS              419a  19
Powell         Cresa            22    .               432a  17
Powell         Darcas           3     MS              496a   1
Powell         Dennis           14    MS              458b  38
Powell         Duncan           3     MS              458b  40
Powell         Eliza            49    MS              494b  39
Powell         Elizabeth        54    MS              419a  23
Powell         Emeline          14    MS              406a  11
Powell         Emily            28    MS              388a  17
Powell         Francis          2     MS              496a   2
Powell         Frank            2     MS              494a  12
Powell         Frank            17    MS              494b  40
Powell         George           56    MS              423a  30
Powell         H B              15    MS              496a  13
Powell         Harriet          34    MS              494a   7
Powell         Hawkins          49    MS              494b  38
Powell         Henry            37    MS              495b  34
Powell         Ida              2     MS              459a   1
Powell         J B              13    MS              496a  14
Powell         James            27    MS              419a  18
Powell         James            14    MS              495a   2
Powell         Jesse            37    MS              458b  34
Powell         Jesse            1/12  MS              459a   2
Powell         John             37    MS              498a   7
Powell         John             23    MS              419a  25
Powell         Joseph           16    MS              495b  36
Powell         Joseph W         17    MS              419a  26
Powell         Laura            9     MS              495b  39
Powell         Leathe *         25    MS              419a  24
Powell         Lewis            6/12  .               432a  18
Powell         M L              10    MS              496a  16
Powell         Mary             12    MS              495a   1
Powell         Matilda          29    MS              495b  35
Powell         N J              12    MS              496a  15
Powell         Otis             4/12  MS              419a  20
Powell         Peggy            25    MS              458b  35
Powell         Peter            6     MS              458b  39
Powell         Rachel           5     MS              495b  40
Powell         Robert           15    MS              495b  37
Powell         Rose             8     MS              494a   9
Powell         Rosella V        12    MS              419a  28
Powell         Rowland          36    MS              494a   6
Powell         Samuel           4     MS              498a   9
Powell         Sarah            6     MS              498a   8
Powell         Teny             8     MS              495a   4
Powell         Thomas           5     MS              495a   5
Powell         Thomas           45    N Carolina      388a  16
Powell         Vina             78    N Ca            486b  13
Powell         William          57    MS              419a  22
Powell         William          27    .               432a  16
Powell         William          16    MS              458b  36
Powell         William O        15    MS              419a  27
Powers         Augustus R       10    MS              415a   8
Powers         Robert           12    MS              415a   7
Poyner         Alex             26    MS              463a  16
Poyner         Ann              2     MS              463a  19
Poyner         John             6     MS              463a  18
Poyner         Sophrona         22    MS              463a  17
Pray           Henry            7/12  MS              417b  35
Pray           Nancy            22    MS              417b  34
Pray           Washington       23    Lousiana        417b  33
Pride          Charlotte        70    S Carolina      464b   3
Quinn          Arthur           57    MS              420b  12
Quinn          Augusta          14    MS              502b  32
Quinn          Catharine        17    MS              383b  19
Quinn          Emma E           15    Lousiana        420b  20
Quinn          Henrietta        6     MS              420b  23
Quinn          Henry G          40    MS              420b  18
Quinn          Henry G          3     MS              420b  24
Quinn          J W              32    MS              442a  36
Quinn          Jane             3     MS              414a  37
Quinn          John             21    MS              383b  18
Quinn          Lou Jane         32    MS              442a  37
Quinn          Lucinda          36    MS              502b  30
Quinn          Mary             2     MS              442a  38
Quinn          Mary A           13    MS              420b  21
Quinn          Mina             26    MS              414a  36
Quinn          Minerva          11    MS              420b  22
Quinn          Nelson           14    MS              442a  40
Quinn          Patience         18    MS              502b  31
Quinn          Rosana           3     MS              502b  33
Quinn          S J              1     MS              442a  39
Quinn          Vincenna         1     MS              420b  25
Quinn          Virginia         35    MS              420b  19
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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