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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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C*****e        A E              10    MS              437b  36
C*****e        J S              14    MS              437b  34
C*****e        John             54    MS              437b  33
C*****e        M A              13    MS              437b  35
C*****e        N L              37    MS              437b  37
C*****e        S M              3     MS              437b  38
Cain           Adeline          12    MS              461a  27
Cain           Aletha           10    MS              461a  28
Cain           Alethea          12    MS              513b  24
Cain           Angeline         8     MS              461a  29
Cain           Auchy            7     MS              513b  25
Cain           Benjamin         8     MS              386a  10
Cain           Calista          3     MS              386a  17
Cain           Charles          6     MS              461a  30
Cain           Charles          44    MS              513b  22
Cain           Easter           32    MS              386a  13
Cain           Eli              12    MS              389a  39
Cain           Elijah H         11    MS              386a   9
Cain           Ellen            11    MS              386a  15
Cain           Emily            16    MS              461a  26
Cain           Eva L            12    MS              386a   8
Cain           Franklin W       8     MS              403a  15
Cain           Georgianan       35    MS              461a  24
Cain           Grace            25    MS              389b  17
Cain           James E          12    MS              387a   2
Cain           Jesse            17    MS              461a  25
Cain           John             10/12 MS              461a  32
Cain           Jonah            50    Va              513b  23
Cain           Lee              1     MS              389b  40
Cain           Live             20    MS              386a  14
Cain           Lotta            40    MS              383b  32
Cain           Margaret         4     MS              386a  16
Cain           Maria            35    MS              399a  40
Cain           Mary             65    Georgia         386b  39
Cain           Melissa          33    MS              386a   7
Cain           Mourning         5     MS              461a  31
Cain           Patsey           60    MS              390a  25
Cain           Silas            30    MS              389b  16
Cain           Silas            12    MS              387a  10
Cain           Squire           4     MS              389b  18
Cain           Tobias           40    MS              399a  39
Cain           Warren           35    MS              461a  23
Calcot         Henry            6     MS              413b  15
Calcot         John             3     MS              413b  16
Calcot         Martha           23    MS              413b  14
Caldwell       Lidia            35    MS              488b  21
Caldwell       Parsnus          2     MS              488b  22
Caldwell       Wiley            10    MS              488b  20
Caldwell       Willis           10    MS              488b  23
Callender      Amelia           10    MS              478a  24
Callender      Ellen            8     MS              478a  25
Callender      John             5     MS              478a  26
Callender      K                60    MS              478a  17
Callender      M A V            32    MS              478a  22
Callender      M E              24    MS              478a  18
Callender      R E              36    MS              478a  21
Callender      Rebecca          12    MS              478a  23
Callender      Vina             8     MS              478a  20
Callender      W R              21    MS              478a  19
Callender      William          1     MS              478a  27
Calvin         Carther          36    MS              428a   5
Calvin         Elisabeth R      8     MS              428a   7
Calvin         Francis          15    MS              400a  31
Calvin         Matilda          28    MS              428a   6
Campbell       Aaron            17    MS              391a  19
Campbell       Biddy            5     MS              412b  39
Campbell       Harriet          50    MS              391a  20
Campbell       Jacob            3     MS              391a  22
Campbell       Jenkins          6     MS              391a  21
Campbell       John             **    Georgia         412b  37
Campbell       John E           9     MS              422b  27
Campbell       John W           31    MS              403b  40
Campbell       Martha E         28    MS              412b  38
Campbell       Octavia          22    MS              404a   1
Campbell       William A        4     MS              422b  28
Canady         Hiram            28    MS              402a  34
Canady         Sarah J          24    MS              402a  35
Cancaarter     Peter            48    SC              389a  40
Caramel        Amiel            2     MS              431b  26
Caramel        Ellen            25    MS              431b  22
Caramel        J**m             10    MS              431b  24
Caramel        Ogist            3     MS              431b  25
Caramel        Pensey           12    MS              431b  23
Caramel        Victor           32    Lousiana        431b  21
Caraway        Couver           13    MS              383b  17
Caraway        Eliza J          22    MS              429b   6
Caraway        John H           23    MS              429b   5
Caraway        Joseph E         9/12  MS              429b   7
Caraway        Minerva          40    MS              383b  16
Carlton        B F              45    Mass            513b  10
Carodine       Malinda          100   MS              460b  32
Carpenter      Andrew           6     MS              490a  13
Carpenter      Charles          2     MS              490a  14
Carpenter      Rachel           25    MS              490a  12
Carpenter      Taylor           36    MS              503a  27
Carr           George           35    MS              390b  36
Carr           Mary             4     MS              390b  38
Carr           Nancy            25    MS              390b  37
Carr           Nancy            1     MS              390b  39
Carroll        A B              8/12  MS              508a  12
Carroll        Amanda           25    MS              508b  16
Carroll        Celia            23    MS              493a  28
Carroll        Charles          38    MS              508a  10
Carroll        Clorinda         1     MS              508b  18
Carroll        Delpha           80    Va              508a  13
Carroll        F A              23    MS              508a  11
Carroll        Frank            32    MS              493a  27
Carroll        Henry            30    MS              508b  15
Carroll        Henry            3     MS              493a  29
Carroll        John             3     MS              508b  17
Carroll        Lewis            7     MS              508b  20
Carroll        Martha           51    La              477a  32
Carroll        Martha           13    MS              508b  19
Carroll        Peter            8     MS              493a  30
Carroll        Wm R             18    MS              508a  14
Carruth        Fannie M         3     MS              409b  37
Carruth        John P           20    MS              409b  34
Carruth        Joseph E         28    MS              410a  36
Carruth        Mary E           25    MS              409b  35
Carruth        Mattie B         9/12  MS              409b  38
Carruth        Sarah N          4     MS              409b  36
Carter         Alex             20    MS              449a  17
Carter         Allcio           8     MS              428b   6
Carter         Amanda           44    MS              449a  16
Carter         Amarintha        16    MS              449a  19
Carter         Andrew           10    MS              430a   3
Carter         Autmey           8     MS              449a  22
Carter         Betty            40    MS              430a   2
Carter         Brazilla         22    Louisiana       429b  18
Carter         Cain             2     MS              498b   5
Carter         Calvin           18    MS              449a  18
Carter         Caroline         8/12  MS              462b   9
Carter         Charlotte        60    MS              442b  21
Carter         Darley           17    MS              428b   2
Carter         Dilsey           60    La              476a  22
Carter         Edward           61    Virginia        449a  15
Carter         Elisabeth        35    Louisiana       429b  17
Carter         Eliza            19    MS              428b  30
Carter         Elizabeth        5     MS              462b   8
Carter         Elvira           28    MS              448a  23
Carter         Emily L          3     MS              428a  13
Carter         Francis          4/12  MS              428a  14
Carter         Frank            11    MS              462b   6
Carter         Frank M          33    Lousiana        428a   8
Carter         Gabriel          14    MS              428b   3
Carter         George           17    MS              461b  12
Carter         Harriet          13    MS              462b   5
Carter         Harriet E        11    MS              428a  10
Carter         Henry            35    MS              462b   3
Carter         Henry            2     MS              462b  10
Carter         Henry            1     MS              451b   8
Carter         Ida              3     Kentucky        483a  38
Carter         Infant           5/12  Louisiana       429b  21
Carter         Infant           2     MS              428b  32
Carter         Israel           62    S Carolina      429b  16
Carter         J R              20    MS              473b  38
Carter         James            57    MS              428a  40
Carter         Jane             9     MS              498b   3
Carter         Jerry            35    MS              498a  40
Carter         John J           8     MS              428a  12
Carter         Joseph           70    VA              442b  20
Carter         Joseph           26    MS              443a  10
Carter         Joseph W         4     Louisiana       429b  19
Carter         Josephine        11    MS              428b   5
Carter         Lenis            26    La              483a  36
Carter         Lizzie           26    N Carolina      443a  11
Carter         Louisa           17    MS              498b   2
Carter         Luke             13    MS              449a  20
Carter         Maria            2     MS              443a  13
Carter         Marion           42    MS              442b  19
Carter         Martha           23    MS              449a  24
Carter         Martha           2     Louisiana       429b  20
Carter         Martha A         29    MS              428a   9
Carter         Mary             7     MS              462b   7
Carter         Mary             43    MS              462b   4
Carter         Mary             20    La              483a  37
Carter         Minerva          13    MS              428b   4
Carter         N J              4     MS              443a  12
Carter         Richard          25    MS              428b  29
Carter         Robert           25    MS              449a  23
Carter         S**la            48    MS              428b   1
Carter         Sidney           10/12 MS              443a  14
Carter         Susan            11    MS              449a  21
Carter         Sylvia           27    MS              498b   1
Carter         W R              70    Va              514a  15
Carter         Warren           7     MS              498b   4
Carter         William          3     MS              428b  31
Carter         William M        10    MS              428a  11
Carter         Wm               5     MS              451b   7
Carter / Cart*es J D            1/12  MS              497a   1
Carter / Cart*es M M            30    MS              496b  39
Carter / Cart*es N S            30    MS              496b  38
Carter / Cart*es R E E          6     MS              496b  40
Carver / Conner Jennie          69    Tenn            478b   7
Carver / Conner Lott            76    S Carolina      478b   6
Carver / Conner Lott Jr         21    La              478b   8
Carver / Conner Marshall        1     MS              478b  11
Carver / Conner Samuel          8/12  MS              478b  12
Carver / Conner Scott           26    La              478b   9
Carver / Conner Simon           69    La              478b   5
Carver / Conner Spha            21    MS              478b  10
Cason          B H              21    LA              464a  36
Cason          C A E            19    LA              464a  37
Cason          C W              53    LA              464a  35
Cason          E E              16    LA              464a  38
Cason          James G          10    LA              464a  39
Cassel         E J              50    MS              468a  39
Cassel         M E              52    MS              468a  40
Caster         Charlotte        3     MS              442b  10
Caster         Infant           1/12  MS              442b  11
Caster         Martha           36    MS              442b   9
Caston         A B              5     MS              485a   1
Caston         A E              46    MS              484b  28
Caston         A L              7     LA              477a  13
Caston         A S              40    MS              456a  33
Caston         Aggy             90    So Carolina     477a  15
Caston         Albert           12    MS              431b  38
Caston         Alberta          12    MS              456a  38
Caston         Alex             20    MS              458a  14
Caston         Alice            6     MS              456b   1
Caston         Alice            3     MS              393b  29
Caston         Allen            26    MS              385a  25
Caston         Amelia           40    MS              390b  11
Caston         Amelia           30    MS              391b  32
Caston         Amy              22    MS              376a  23
Caston         Amy              12    MS              475a   8
Caston         Andy             14    MS              393b  16
Caston         Angeline         6     MS              449a  13
Caston         Anna             16    MS              456a  35
Caston         Armisted         25    MS              487a   1
Caston         Bella            20    MS              431b  33
Caston         Boatner          58    VA              456b   2
Caston         Caroline         25    MS              453b  15
Caston         Caroline         24    LA              456b   5
Caston         Catharine        6     MS              463a  32
Caston         Catharine        21    MS              390b  23
Caston         Catherine        28    MS              453b  31
Caston         Chaney           9     MS              463a  29
Caston         Chaney           26    MS              385a  26
Caston         Charles          33    MS              453b  30
Caston         Charles          15    MS              463a  27
Caston         Cicero           8     MS              405b  30
Caston         Clara            13    KY              475a  13
Caston         Clorinda         8     MS              463a  31
Caston         Coela            26    .               432a   2
Caston         Cornelia         25    MS              450a  17
Caston         Cyans            58    MS              393b  14
Caston         Dicey            7     MS              463a  30
Caston         Dorilla          9     MS              431b  39
Caston         E A              36    MS              456a  34
Caston         E D              13    MS              484b  40
Caston         E S              21    MS              468a  28
Caston         Easter           12    KY              475a  14
Caston         Elijah           8/12  MS              391b  34
Caston         Ellen            15    MS              431b  36
Caston         Ellison          24    MS              456b   4
Caston         Elsey            19    MS              461b  11
Caston         Emily            11    MS              393b  18
Caston         Emma             2     MS              468a  29
Caston         Francis          4     MS              453b  17
Caston         Frank            10    MS              405b  29
Caston         G                59    LA              477a   8
Caston         G P              50    MS              484b  39
Caston         Gasper           3     Maryland        446a  32
Caston         George           35    MS              391b  17
Caston         George           15    MS              390b  18
Caston         George           12    MS              453b  32
Caston         Green            20    MS              431b  34
Caston         H N              48    LA              477a   9
Caston         Harriet          44    MS              396a  19
Caston         Harriet          4     MS              390b  16
Caston         Harriet          1     MS              393b  30
Caston         Henry            2     MS              487a   4
Caston         Henry            13    MS              391b  19
Caston         Hester           13    MS              405b  28
Caston         Infant           1     MS              390b  17
Caston         J E              8     MS              484b  32
Caston         J E              34    MS              437b  39
Caston         J N              22    MS              484b  30
Caston         Jabez G          24    MS              386a  22
Caston         Jack             60    MS              475a   3
Caston         Jack             55    MS              475a   5
Caston         Jackson          50    MS              390b  10
Caston         Jackson          5     MS              393b  28
Caston         Jackson          29    MS              393b  26
Caston         James            8     .               432a   3
Caston         James            12    MS              393b  17
Caston         Jane             20    .               437b  40
Caston         Jane             2     MS              393b  19
Caston         Jane             12    MS              449a  10
Caston         Jane C           55    MS              438a   1
Caston         Jennie           9     MS              449a  31
Caston         Jennie           6     MS              431b  40
Caston         Jesse            1     MS              405b  32
Caston         John             6     MS              390b  14
Caston         John             23    MS              485a  21
Caston         John H           32    MS              380b   9
Caston         Julia            48    MS              475a   6
Caston         Kate             5     MS              484b  33
Caston         Katy             30    S Carolina      449a   9
Caston         L P              2     MS              485a  39
Caston         Laura            25    MS              393b  27
Caston         Laura            22    MS              463a  26
Caston         Lea              3     MS              456b   6
Caston         Lear             2     .               432a   5
Caston         Leona E          27    MS              396a  20
Caston         Linda            6     MS              453b  16
Caston         Lizzie           7     MS              449a  14
Caston         Lizzie           39    MS              393b  15
Caston         Loussa           30    MS              391b  18
Caston         Lucinda          40    MS              475a   4
Caston         M A              12    LA              477a  11
Caston         M C              26    MS              484b  29
Caston         M G              58    MS              438a  21
Caston         M J              30    Virginia        446a  31
Caston         Mary             5     MS              376a  24
Caston         Mary             13    MS              431b  37
Caston         Mary             10    MS              456a  39
Caston         Mary A           35    KY              475a  11
Caston         Melinda          16    MS              431b  35
Caston         Melissa          8     MS              456a  40
Caston         Millie           14    MS              475a   7
Caston         Missouri         6     .               432a   4
Caston         Modena           13    MS              456a  36
Caston         Molly            6     KY              475a  12
Caston         Monroe           8     MS              405b  31
Caston         Nancy            1/12  MS              446a  33
Caston         Nat              10    MS              449a  11
Caston         Patience         17    MS              390b  12
Caston         Patience         1     MS              391b  21
Caston         Patrick          35    MS              463a  25
Caston         Peter            42    MS              405b  26
Caston         Peter            30    .               432a   1
Caston         Reason           32    MS              446a  30
Caston         Robert           55    KY              475a  10
Caston         Robert           1     MS              463a  33
Caston         S J              22    MS              487a   2
Caston         S J              18    LA              477a  10
Caston         Sally            10    MS              391b  33
Caston         Samuel           5     MS              390b  15
Caston         Samuel           20    MS              385a  27
Caston         Sarah            35    MS              405b  27
Caston         Sarah            16    MS              484b  31
Caston         Sarah M          8     MS              396a  22
Caston         Silvia           4     MS              487a   3
Caston         Sina             11    MS              463a  28
Caston         Stanmore         10    MS              390b  13
Caston         Stephen          9     MS              475a   9
Caston         Thomas           35    MS              390b  22
Caston         Tom              8     MS              449a  12
Caston         Violett          52    MS              456b   3
Caston         W                23    MS              468a  27
Caston         W J              8     LA              477a  12
Caston         William          4     MS              391b  20
Caston         William          15    MS              456a  37
Caston         William A        16    MS              396a  21
Caston         William L        54    MS              396a  18
Caulfield      Amy              11    La              488a  29
Caulfield      Benjamin         6     La              488a  31
Caulfield      C                37    Germany         485b  28
Caulfield      Catharine        6     MS              489b  18
Caulfield      Ellen            38    MS              488a  26
Caulfield      Geo              14    MS              489b  17
Caulfield      Jackson          8     La              488a  30
Caulfield      Jass             2     SC              485b  29
Caulfield      Lafayette        15    La              488a  27
Caulfield      Leah             1     La              488a  33
Caulfield      Martha           2     La              488a  32
Caulfield      Nancy            13    La              488a  28
Caulfield      Sean             50    MS              488a  25
Causey         A E              14    MS              502a   7
Causey         A J              15    MS              502a   6
Causey         Adelaide E       17    MS              392a  30
Causey         Artham           16    MS              390b  21
Causey         B H              24    Missouri        454b  37
Causey         C A              14    MS              454b   6
Causey         C H              29    MS              454a  34
Causey         Charles D        13    MS              392a  32
Causey         Clara L          5     MS              392a  35
Causey         Clorinda         4     MS              453b   5
Causey         D N              28    Virginia        451b  35
Causey         D R              8     MS              454b  13
Causey         Ellen            18    MS              390b  20
Causey         Ellison          16    MS              387a  24
Causey         Emiline          10    MS              488a   5
Causey         Emily            10    MS              404a  28
Causey         Fisher           8     MS              453b   4
Causey         Frank            8     MS              468b  12
Causey         G S              12    MS              454b   7
Causey         G W              34    MS              454a  33
Causey         George           5     MS              468b  13
Causey         George M         3     MS              392a  36
Causey         H R              25    MS              454b  36
Causey         H W              16    MS              502a   5
Causey         Harry L          3/12  MS              392a  37
Causey         Ida              15    MS              503b  26
Causey         Isaac            1/12  MS              453b   7
Causey         J A              13    MS              509b   5
Causey         J B              49    MS              502a   2
Causey         J C              27    Virginia        451b  36
Causey         J J              3     MS              454b  15
Causey         J L              18    MS              502a   4
Causey         J M Sr           42    MS              509b   1
Causey         Jane             8     MS              488a   6
Causey         Jane             22    MS              453b   2
Causey         Jefferson D      9     MS              392a  34
Causey         Jonas            3     MS              468b  14
Causey         Jones            3     MS              453b   6
Causey         Joseph           50    MS              390b  19
Causey         Joseph           20    MS              387a  22
Causey         Joseph E         11    MS              392a  33
Causey         Julia            1     MS              454b  16
Causey         Kate             25    Ky              488a   4
Causey         Kattie           40    MS              404a  27
Causey         L V              40    MS              509b   2
Causey         Lewis            10/12 MS              509b   6
Causey         Linna            9     MS              453b   3
Causey         M J              34    MS              502a   3
Causey         M L              10    MS              454b  12
Causey         M M              12    MS              502a   8
Causey         M R              1/12  Virginia        451b  37
Causey         Mack             32    MS              488a   3
Causey         Malinda          12    MS              404a  31
Causey         Maranda          7     MS              404a  29
Causey         Margaret         60    MS              454b  35
Causey         Martha           58    Tenn            468b  26
Causey         May              4/12  MS              468b  15
Causey         Molly            9     MS              454a  35
Causey         N                24    MS              453a  40
Causey         N                21    MS              453b   1
Causey         Otis             6/12  MS              404a  30
Causey         Phebe            6     MS              488a   7
Causey         R H              31    MS              454b  10
Causey         Ransome J        57    MS              392a  26
Causey         Reed             40    MS              468b   9
Causey         S A              4     MS              454b  14
Causey         S C              1     MS              454b  38
Causey         Sarah L          14    MS              392a  31
Causey         Scott W          18    MS              392a  29
Causey         Silas            36    Va              468b  10
Causey         Sophrona         11    MS              468b  11
Causey         T F              15    MS              509b   4
Causey         T J              22    MS              503b  25
Causey         V J              31    MS              454b  11
Causey         W J              17    MS              509b   3
Causey         William H        22    MS              392a  28
Causey         Zorilla G        31    MS              392a  27
Cavin          Adam             9/12  MS              473a  37
Cavin          Amanda           10    MS              473a  34
Cavin          Amelia           4     MS              473a  36
Cavin          Dick             30    MS              473a  32
Cavin          Martha           25    MS              473a  33
Cavin          Tim              8     MS              473a  35
Cecil          Joe              4     MS              451a  16
Cecil          Magdaline        2     MS              451a  17
Cephas         Cynthia          23    MS              396a  29
Cephas         Emily            6     MS              411b  17
Cephas         Infant           6/12  MS              411b  19
Cephas         Kizzie           7     MS              396a  31
Cephas         Lizzie           8     MS              411b  16
Cephas         Mary             25    MS              411b  15
Cephas         Samuel           15    MS              396a  30
Cephas         Vicey            4     MS              411b  18
Cephas         Willis           26    MS              396a  28
Chadwell       Andrew           14    MS              442a  23
Chadwell       Darcas           8     MS              442a  20
Chadwell       Eliza            30    MS              442a  18
Chadwell       Henrietta        5     MS              442a  21
Chadwell       Mary             10    MS              442a  19
Chadwell       Peter            32    MS              442a  17
Chadwell       Sarah E          1     MS              442a  22
Chandler       Alex             54    .               479b   2
Chandler       Augusta          16    MS              479b   5
Chandler       Chapman          17    MS              479b   4
Chandler       Delia            22    MS              482b  30
Chandler       Janett           10    MS              479b   8
Chandler       Louisa           8     MS              479b   9
Chandler       Miner            2     MS              482b  31
Chandler       Rachel           12    MS              479b   7
Chandler       Rebecca          54    N Carolina      479b   3
Chandler       Simon            14    MS              479b   6
Chandler       Tho              22    MS              482b  29
Chapman        D G              43    LA              473b  32
Chapman        J N              8     MS              473b  34
Chapman        L N              29    LA              473b  33
Chapman        Mary             2     MS              473b  36
Chapman        S B              6/12  MS              473b  37
Chapman        W E              5     MS              473b  35
Chattissac     Ophelia          45    MS              376a  35
Cheaham        Alice            3     MS              510a  10
Cheaham        Amanda           6     MS              510a   9
Cheaham        Fannie           1     MS              510a  11
Cheaham        H                45    MS              510a   7
Cheaham        Mary             35    MS              510a   8
Cheatam        Joseph           5     MS              392b   5
Cheatam        Lewis            3     MS              392b   6
Cheatam        Lucinda          25    MS              392b   4
Cheatam        Nelson           18    MS              392b   7
Cheatam        Samuel           29    MS              392b   3
Cheatham       Alex             15    MS              446b   8
Cheatham       C C              23    MS              451b  12
Cheatham       Caroline         4     MS              505b   9
Cheatham       D                20    MS              511b  39
Cheatham       Frank            25    MS              505b   7
Cheatham       Grace            21    MS              505b   8
Cheatham       L                35    MS              446b   6
Cheatham       Martha           1     MS              505b  11
Cheatham       N                35    MS              443b  19
Cheatham       R                55    Ky              514a  33
Cheatham       Robert           17    MS              446b   7
Cheatham       Simeion          17    MS              451b  13
Cheatham       Thomas           12    MS              381a  31
Cheatham       William          2     MS              505b  10
Christopher    Chancy           29    MS              425b  17
Christopher    George           4     MS              425b  18
Christopher    Joseph           25    MS              425b  16
Christopher    William          1     MS              425b  19
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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