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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Henderson      N                5     MS              435a  20
Henderson / Herndon T D         36    Geo             510a  32
Henegan        J R              28    LA              464a  34
Henson         C Avery          9     MS              511a  35
Henson         James            52    MS              511b  12
Henson         James            43    MS              511a  30
Henson         James Jr         11    MS              511a  34
Henson         Jno Walker       14    MS              511a  33
Henson         Lea Archy        2     MS              511a  38
Henson         M E              33    MS              511a  31
Henson         M Ellen          16    MS              511a  32
Henson         May Sallie       4     MS              511a  37
Henson         W C Samuel       6     MS              511a  36
Herman         George           18    MS              490b  39
Herman         Wm               18    Virginia        452a  25
Herndon        J R              25    Georgia         512a   1
Herrington     James            37    MS              378a   7
Hewett         Edmond B         6     MS              407a   6
Hewett         James M          13    MS              407a   3
Hewett         Lucy L           11    MS              407a   4
Hewett         Mary E           8     MS              407a   5
Hewett         Thomas J         18    MS              407a   2
Hewitt         Alice E          21    MS              407a   9
Hewitt         Clarence T       7/12  MS              407a  10
Hewitt         William H        21    MS              407a   8
Hickman        Carter           3     MS              478a  37
Hickman        M                24    Ky              478a  36
Hicks          Edward           24    MS              507a   6
Hicks          Ellen            2     MS              507a   9
Hicks          Emeline          5     MS              507a   8
Hicks          Olly             28    La              507a   7
Hicks          Warren           6/12  MS              507a  10
Hide           Adam             62    Virginia        445a  38
Hide           Aggy             60    Virginia        445a  39
Hide           Alcey            22    MS              445b   6
Hide           Amanda           12    Virginia        445a  40
Hide           Bethel           1/12  MS              445b   3
Hide           Eliza            20    MS              445b   9
Hide           Fred             1     MS              445b   8
Hide           George           12    MS              445b   1
Hide           Jennie           4     MS              445b  10
Hide           M M              5/12  MS              445b  11
Hide           Nelson           4     MS              445b   5
Hide           Rebecca          25    MS              445b   4
Hide           Silas            6     MS              445b   7
Hide           Teller           2     MS              445b   2
Hildebrand     Fannie E         22    LA              437a  33
Hildebrand     James            44    LA              437a  31
Hildebrand     James N          10    LA              437a  37
Hildebrand     Jane             44    MS              437a  32
Hildebrand     M L              20    LA              437a  34
Hildebrand     Mary A           12    LA              437a  36
Hildebrand     S E              14    LA              437a  35
Hildebrand     Thos H           6     LA              437a  38
Hildebrand     Virginia         2     LA              437a  39
Hill           Eliza            9     MS              488b  34
Hill           Ellen            30    Md              493a  17
Hill           J M              60    MS              488b  24
Hill           J R              42    MS              456b  16
Hill           Lucy             27    MS              488b  33
Hill           Margaret         7     MS              493a  20
Hill           Martha           5     MS              493a  21
Hill           Minerva          7     MS              488b  35
Hill           Porter           12    MS              493a  18
Hill           Richard          3     MS              493a  22
Hill           Sam              11    MS              493a  19
Hines          A L              27    MS              445b  21
Hines          B M              1/12  MS              445b  22
Hines          J H              28    MS              445b  20
Hinson         David            8     MS              400a  21
Hitchcock      Dina             80    VA              464b  23
Hitchcock      Dora W           21    MS              402b  16
Hobgood        E D              14    LA              458b  14
Hobgood        E E              27    MS              458b  13
Hobgood        E W              24    LA              458b  12
Hodge          Allen            12    MS              410b  38
Hodge          Eliza            27    MS              410b  37
Hodge          Sarah            13    S Ca            491b  36
Hodge          Way              20    S Ca            491b  37
Hodges         Christopher      3     MS              410a  34
Hodges         Elvira           13    MS              410b   8
Hodges         Emeline          7     MS              410b  10
Hodges         Hellen N         8/12  MS              410a  35
Hodges         Isaiah           4     MS              410b  11
Hodges         Isom             12    MS              410b   9
Hodges         John W           15    MS              410a  31
Hodges         Martha           35    MS              410a  30
Hodges         Minerva          38    MS              410b   7
Hodges         Moses            45    Alabama         410b   6
Hodges         Samuel J         39    MS              410a  29
Hodges         Sidney M         13    MS              410a  32
Hodges         William A        6     MS              410a  33
Hoff           A E              17    MS              457a  19
Hoff           A V              9     MS              456b  19
Hoff           J A              4     MS              456b  20
Hoff           J B              68    LA              457a  15
Hoff           J W              15    MS              457a  20
Hoff           M A              10    MS              457a  21
Hoff           M C              53    MS              457a  16
Hoff           N D              29    MS              457a  17
Hoff           T E              2     MS              456b  21
Hoff           Thos H           57    Georgia         456b  17
Hoff           W D              40    MS              456b  18
Hoff           W H              22    MS              457a  18
Hoffman        Adaline          40    La              488b  14
Hoffman        R                50    Germany         488b  13
Holden         Amanda           34    MS              503b  35
Holden         Arthur           6/12  MS              504a   4
Holden         C J              42    MS              495a   6
Holden         H M              16    La              495a   8
Holden         Ida              4     MS              504a   2
Holden         J J              18    La              495a   9
Holden         John             14    MS              503b  36
Holden         Josephine        7     MS              503b  40
Holden         Leander          5     MS              504a   1
Holden         M P              36    MS              495a   7
Holden         Monroe           11    MS              503b  38
Holden         Seaborn          2     MS              504a   3
Holden         Thomas           9     MS              503b  39
Holden         Thomas           40    MS              503b  34
Holden         William          13    MS              503b  37
Hollis         * Ioipen         22    MS              443b   1
Hollis         Clarissa         19    MS              443b   2
Hollis         Cyrus            65    MS              395a  28
Hollis         Laura            5     MS              443b   3
Hollis         Moses            3     MS              443b   4
Holmes         Adeline          28    MS              402a   2
Holmes         Ailsey           12    MS              469a  19
Holmes         Alfred           22    MS              479b  10
Holmes         Amanda           6     MS              486a   1
Holmes         Anderson         11    MS              478b   1
Holmes         Charity          15    MS              479b  11
Holmes         Charles          10    La              503b   4
Holmes         Charlie          8     MS              401b  40
Holmes         Charlotte        18    MS              474b  39
Holmes         Charlotte        15    MS              477b   9
Holmes         Cresa            33    MS              401b  36
Holmes         Dandridge        9     MS              402a   3
Holmes         Dandrige         67    MS              401b  35
Holmes         Daniel           12    MS              401b  38
Holmes         Dolly            30    MS              461b  26
Holmes         E                41    MS              478a  39
Holmes         Elvira           9     MS              461b  27
Holmes         George           21    KY              399b  15
Holmes         Infant           1     MS              486b   3
Holmes         Isaac            7/12  MS              475a   1
Holmes         James            1     MS              402a   4
Holmes         Jane             31    MS              478a  40
Holmes         Jennie           11    MS              486b   1
Holmes         Joseph           12    MS              461b  28
Holmes         Lewis            30    MS              474b  38
Holmes         Louisa           25    MS              485b  39
Holmes         Martha           35    S Carolina      469a  17
Holmes         Martha           2     MS              474b  40
Holmes         Mary             8     La              503b   5
Holmes         Mary E           1/12  MS              461b  31
Holmes         Matilda          32    MS              503b   3
Holmes         Moses            10    MS              478b   2
Holmes         Nancy            6     La              503b   6
Holmes         Phebe            3     MS              469a  21
Holmes         R                45    MS              486a  39
Holmes         R                27    MS              485b  38
Holmes         Rogers           14    MS              469a  18
Holmes         Sally            35    MS              486a  40
Holmes         Sam              7/12  MS              486a   2
Holmes         Sam              5     MS              486b   2
Holmes         Sam              3/12  MS              469a  22
Holmes         Sarah            9     MS              401b  39
Holmes         Sturman          3     MS              461b  30
Holmes         Toney            7     MS              461b  29
Holmes         Vina             11    MS              485b  40
Holmes         Warren           14    MS              401b  37
Holmes         Washington       38    MS              461b  25
Holmes         William          7     MS              469a  20
Holmes         William          5     MS              402a   1
Home           Ben              17    MS              488a  15
Home           Jane             55    Va              488a  14
Home           Mariah           17    MS              488a  17
Home           Philip           22    Ala             488a  20
Home           Rebecca          19    MS              488a  16
Home           Rosa             1     MS              488a  19
Home           Sharp            80    SC              488a  13
Home           Stephen          24    Ala             488a  18
Homer          S                20    MS              513a  22
Honea          George W         13    MS              422b  39
Honea          Nancy            38    MS              422b  38
Honea          Thomas M         3     MS              423a   1
Honea          Thomas P         41    MS              422b  37
Honea          William          7     MS              422b  40
Hood           Amanda           5/12  MS              378a  34
Hood           Benjamin         4     MS              378a  27
Hood           Caroline         19    MS              378a  35
Hood           Catharine        10    MS              378a  24
Hood           Celia            32    MS              378a  21
Hood           Charity          60    MS              378a  30
Hood           David            13    MS              378b  31
Hood           Dicey            4/12  MS              378a  28
Hood           Frank            42    MS              378a  20
Hood           Henry            12    MS              378a  23
Hood           Jennie           2     MS              378b  34
Hood           John             8     MS              378a  25
Hood           Joicey           15    MS              378b  30
Hood           Joseph           34    MS              378a  31
Hood           Mary             24    MS              378a  32
Hood           Robert           12    MS              508b  31
Hood           Samuel           64    VA              378a  29
Hood           Samuel           13    MS              378a  22
Hood           Squire           6     MS              378b  33
Hood           Thomas           2     MS              378a  33
Hood           Virginia         6     MS              378a  26
Hood           Walter           11    MS              378b  32
Hooper         C L              23    England         495b   9
Horace         Henry            22    MS              428a  37
Horace         Infant           1     MS              428a  39
Horace         Martha           20    MS              428a  38
Hornby         Cinthia          17    MS              468b   3
Hornby         Frank            9     MS              468b   6
Hornby         George           14    MS              468b   4
Hornby         Graw             44    Kentucky        468b   1
Hornby         Jeff             11    MS              468b   5
Hornby         Lucy             46    MS              468b   2
Hornsby        Ellis            10    MS              442b  22
Horules        Count Henry      42    Germany         403a  11
Howard         Emma             1     MS              485a  33
Howard         James            65    S Carolina      485b   2
Howard         Jane             40    MS              501a  22
Howard         John             11    MS              501a  23
Howard         Lizzie           3     La              485a  32
Howard         Lucy             21    La              485a  31
Howard         Mary             5     MS              501a  24
Howard         Mary             24    MS              485b   3
Howard         Neil             37    MS              485a  30
Howard         Vina             13    MS              485b   4
Howell         Harriet          36    MS              398a  34
Howell         Martha           1     MS              398a  35
Howell         Sarah            21    MS              407a  29
Howell         Seaborn          50    MS              398a  33
Howell         Temperance       19    MS              407a  30
Huff           A M              59    MS              446b   5
Huff           Abner            8     MS              446b  11
Huff           Abner            6     MS              446b  17
Huff           Amanda           22    MS              446b  15
Huff           B F              7/12  MS              440b  13
Huff           B F              29    MS              440b   9
Huff           Benjamin         39    MS              451a  20
Huff           Chaney           30    MS              447a  36
Huff           Charles          36    MS              451a  28
Huff           D M              10    MS              443a  26
Huff           Duncan           11    MS              451a  30
Huff           E                20    MS              443a  24
Huff           Edmond           52    MS              446b   9
Huff           Eliza            3     MS              446b  13
Huff           Eliza            3     MS              446b  18
Huff           Ellen            2     MS              458a  27
Huff           Ellen            11    MS              447a  37
Huff           Floyd            4     MS              458a  26
Huff           Green            6     MS              446b  12
Huff           James            20    MS              447a  35
Huff           Linna            9     MS              457b  21
Huff           Martha           2     MS              451a  23
Huff           Martha J         41    MS              457b  17
Huff           Mary             26    MS              451a  29
Huff           Owen             26    MS              446b  14
Huff           Pennie           14    MS              457b  18
Huff           R L              5     MS              440b  12
Huff           Ransom           8     MS              446b  16
Huff           Rebecca          32    MS              451a  21
Huff           Robert           53    MS              457b  16
Huff           S J              21    MS              440b  10
Huff           Sarepta          48    MS              446b  10
Huff           Sherman          4     MS              451a  22
Huff           Sophia           23    MS              458a  25
Huff           Thomas           12    MS              443a  25
Huff           W L              58    MS              446b   4
Huff           W S              7     MS              440b  11
Huff           Wade             21    MS              458a  24
Huggins        Ailsey           17    MS              451a  19
Huggins        Alex             7     MS              454a   6
Huggins        Alex             27    MS              454a   2
Huggins        Ann              10    MS              454a   5
Huggins        Charity          32    MS              453b  40
Huggins        Edna             21    MS              457b  19
Huggins        Emily            50    MS              453b  39
Huggins        Emmit            4     MS              454a   7
Huggins        Francis          19    MS              454a   9
Huggins        Harriet          30    MS              454a   1
Huggins        Henry            60    MS              453b  38
Huggins        Josephine        16    MS              457b  20
Huggins        Lizzie           9     MS              454a  10
Huggins        Louisiana        3     MS              454a  11
Huggins        Mary J           17    MS              454a   3
Huggins        Napoleon         2     MS              454a   8
Huggins        Robert           9     MS              454a   4
Huggins        Taylor           25    LA              451a  18
Hughes         A C              3     MS              498a  29
Hughes         Albert           14    MS              377b  18
Hughes         Alexander        19    MS              423a  33
Hughes         Allen            13    MS              423a  35
Hughes         Amanda           35    MS              401b  27
Hughes         Angeline         1     MS              423a  39
Hughes         Anna             4     MS              490b  34
Hughes         Aubrey           60    MS              490a  21
Hughes         Chaney           10    MS              423a  37
Hughes         Daniel           45    MS              476b  22
Hughes         Dora             7     MS              401b  29
Hughes         Douell           15    MS              476b  24
Hughes         Easter           17    MS              423a  34
Hughes         Edna             35    MS              476b  23
Hughes         Elisabeth        69    S Ca            491b  30
Hughes         Elvira           14    MS              466a  17
Hughes         Emily            10    MS              401b  28
Hughes         Finker           3/12  3               466a  21
Hughes         G M              25    S Ca            491b  33
Hughes         George           40    KY              401b  26
Hughes         Green            11    MS              490a  18
Hughes         Harriet          45    MS              423a  32
Hughes         Harriett         4     S Ca            491b  34
Hughes         Henry            44    MS              423a  31
Hughes         Henry            12    MS              423a  36
Hughes         Hettie           12    MS              476b  25
Hughes         Infant           1     MS              498a  30
Hughes         Isaiah           7     3               466a  19
Hughes         Jacob            48    MS              376b  11
Hughes         Jane             16    MS              504a  16
Hughes         Jane             10    MS              377b  20
Hughes         John             9     MS              490b  33
Hughes         John             32    MS              498a  25
Hughes         Lafayette        7     MS              498a  27
Hughes         Levi             8     MS              377b  21
Hughes         Lizzie           8     MS              423a  38
Hughes         Lizzie           24    MS              490b  32
Hughes         Lizzie           12    MS              377b  19
Hughes         Mahala           3     3               466a  20
Hughes         Maranda          26    MS              498a  26
Hughes         Margaret         35    MS              376b  12
Hughes         Marian           10    MS              476b  26
Hughes         Mary Ann         39    MS              466a  16
Hughes         Millie           76    S Ca            491b  32
Hughes         Milton           5     MS              376b  13
Hughes         Missy            2     MS              490b  35
Hughes         N                13    MS              510b   7
Hughes         Nancy            34    MS              490a  16
Hughes         Robert           32    MS              490a  15
Hughes         Samuel           35    MS              490b  31
Hughes         Stephen          56    S Carolina      466a  15
Hughes         Susan            13    3               466a  18
Hughes         Thomas           16    MS              490a  17
Hughes         Travis           2     S Ca            491b  35
Hughes         W P              24    MS              504a  15
Hughes         William          16    MS              377b  17
Hughes         Willie           4     MS              498a  28
Hughes         Wintas           35    MS              377b  16
Hughey         Alethia          23    MS              425a  17
Hughey         Alexander        59    MS              404a  23
Hughey         Charles          22    MS              402b  22
Hughey         David            6     MS              402b  33
Hughey         Ephriam          31    MS              425a  16
Hughey         Irene            20    MS              402b  23
Hughey         James            5     MS              402b  32
Hughey         James B          4     MS              425a  18
Hughey         Julia            9     MS              402b  31
Hughey         Margaret A       1     MS              425a  19
Hughey         Nancy            55    Virginia        414b   1
Hughey         Oliver W         27    MS              402b  34
Hughey         Pennie           17    MS              414b   2
Hughey         Roda             13    MS              402b  30
Hughey         Sallie           38    MS              402b  28
Hughey         Sarah E          19    MS              402b  35
Hughey         Susan            56    MS              402b  20
Hughey         Virginia         20    MS              402b  21
Hughey         Warren           19    MS              402b  29
Hughey         William J        2/12  MS              402b  36
Hunt           Alethian         23    MS              477b  39
Hunt           Dawson           1     MS              478a   1
Hunt           Eldrige          4     MS              477b  40
Hunt           Gus              27    MS              477b  38
Hunt           Harriet          25    MS              462b  39
Hunt           Henry            2     MS              463a  23
Hunt           Julia            5     MS              463a  22
Hunt           Leah             25    MS              463a  21
Hunt           Lewis            26    LA              463a  20
Hunt           Margaret M       66    Georgia         405a  35
Hunt           Martha           14    MS              463a   2
Hunt           Milton           5/12  MS              463a   1
Hunt           Milton           28    MS              462b  38
Hunt           Ornsby           26    MS              463a  11
Hunt           Patience         48    MS              460a  10
Hunt           Silas            2     MS              462b  40
Hunt           Stephen          1/12  MS              463a  24
Hunt           William N        56    Georgia         405a  34
Hunter         A                21    MS              439b  30
Hunter         Ambrose          8     MS              439b  33
Hunter         Celia            28    MS              439b  32
Hunter         Eli              28    MS              439b  31
Hunter         Grabiel          1/12  MS              439b  37
Hunter         Milton           4     MS              439b  35
Hunter         Ormsby           2     MS              439b  36
Hunter         Silas            17    MS              439b  38
Hunter         Willie           6     MS              439b  34
Hurst          Alethia          3     MS              494b  30
Hurst          Autrey           14    MS              383b  40
Hurst          Charles J        13    .               421b   9
Hurst          Cresa            9     MS              422a  31
Hurst          Delphia R        40    Georgia         422a  24
Hurst          Eli              12    MS              422a  29
Hurst          Elisabeth        23    MS              494b  28
Hurst          Emma             1     MS              494b  31
Hurst          Francis J        2     La              499a  14
Hurst          Henry            41    MS              494b  27
Hurst          J G              51    S Carolina      499a   9
Hurst          James F          18    .               421b   6
Hurst          John             15    Georgia         422a  26
Hurst          Julia            23    Ill             499a  10
Hurst          L R              12    La              499a  13
Hurst          Lavinia          10    MS              422a  30
Hurst          Lucinda          40    MS              383b  38
Hurst          Lucinda          14    Georgia         422a  27
Hurst          M                46    MS              510b   8
Hurst          Martha J         16    .               421b   8
Hurst          Mary             36    .               421b   7
Hurst          Mary E           9     .               421b  10
Hurst          Nancy            12    MS              499a  11
Hurst          Nelson           14    La              499a  12
Hurst          Philis           1*    MS              383b  39
Hurst          R N              42    La              505a  13
Hurst          Robert           61    MS              383b  37
Hurst          Sampson          7     MS              422a  32
Hurst          Sarah            13    MS              422a  28
Hurst          Tisney           4     MS              494b  29
Hurst          William          17    Georgia         422a  25
Hutchins       Eugenia          7     MS              409a  31
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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