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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Easley         A S J            2     MS              496b  33
Easley         D M              12    MS              500b  29
Easley         Darcas           60    MS              427a   6
Easley         George           35    La              502a  29
Easley         H P              14    MS              500b  28
Easley         J R              8     MS              500b  30
Easley         Lizzie           58    MS              501a  29
Easley         M E              23    MS              497a  24
Easley         M P              28    MS              497a  23
Easley         Margaret         57    Louisiana       429b  40
Easley         Martha           27    MS              502a  30
Easley         N J              24    MS              496b  32
Easley         Peter            10    MS              427a   8
Easley         Robert           60    MS              427a   5
Easley         Sicily           8     MS              427a   9
Easley         T E              4     MS              497a  25
Easley         Theodore         5     La              496b  14
Easley         W A              30    MS              496b  31
Easley         W F              16    MS              500b  27
Easley         Wilford D        16    MS              430a   1
Easley         William          12    MS              427a   7
Edmond         Charity          11    MS              509a  12
Edmond         Emma             5     MS              509a  14
Edmond         Frank            14    MS              509a  11
Edmond         J N              3/12  MS              509a  16
Edmond         James            48    MS              509a   9
Edmond         Prince           2     MS              509a  15
Edmond         Sally            30    MS              509a  10
Edmond         Seaborn          7     MS              509a  13
Edwards        Ailsey A         1     MS              415a  16
Edwards        Alsey            62    So Carolina     415a   4
Edwards        Catharine E      5     MS              415a  15
Edwards        Charles          21    MS              494b  26
Edwards        David            32    MS              415a  11
Edwards        James E          39    MS              414b  11
Edwards        Joseph           77    So Carolina     415a   3
Edwards        Louisa J         35    MS              414b  12
Edwards        Margaret K       9     MS              415a  13
Edwards        Mary A           8     MS              415a  14
Edwards        Mary A           34    MS              415a  12
Egelston       Dora E           29    MS              506b  19
Egelston       Martha           59    Va              506b  18
Egleston       Martha           28    MS              506b  21
Egleston       Thomas           5     MS              506b  22
Ellis          Candis           10    MS              453b  11
Ellis          Evaline          36    LA              453b   9
Ellis          Lucinda          14    MS              453b  10
Ellis          Thomas           52    Virginia        453b   8
Elsey          Andrew           35    MS              398a  12
Elsey          Ann              40    MS              398a  13
Elsey          Ben              12    MS              398a  14
Elsey          Irvin            5     MS              398a  16
Elsey          Jannie           7/12  MS              398a  17
Elsey          Rose             10    MS              398a  15
Estes          Elisha R         53    MS              409a  32
Estes          Elizabeth        56    MS              409a  33
Eubanks        Alex             6     MS              485a  38
Eubanks        Henry            8     MS              485a  37
Eubanks        Hester           40    MS              485a  34
Eubanks        John             16    MS              485a  35
Eubanks        Tom              13    MS              485a  36
Europe         Charles          45    MS              400a  39
Europe         Jane             32    MS              400a  40
Europe         Mary             12    MS              400b   1
Europe         Mary E           10    MS              400b   2
Evans          Ellen            17    MS              504a   6
Evans          Sandy            30    Va              504a   5
Evere          Caroline         25    MS              403a  19
Evere          Emily            6     MS              403a  21
Evere          Hagar            9     MS              403a  20
Evere          James            8/12  MS              403a  23
Evere          Lethean          3     MS              403a  22
Evere          W Joseph         35    MS              403a  18
Everett        Aaron            4     MS              467a   3
Everett        Alex J           41    MS              415b  26
Everett        Alice M          18    MS              416a  18
Everett        Angeline         23    MS              421a  40
Everett        Ann              62    MS              416a  15
Everett        B                42    .               465b  28
Everett        Betsey           6     MS              467a  11
Everett        Charles F        24    MS              416a  17
Everett        Cora G           5/12  MS              416a  21
Everett        Darcas           39    MS              467a  10
Everett        Elisabeth        32    .               465b  29
Everett        Elizabeth        67    Tennessee       421a  37
Everett        Emily            8     MS              467a   1
Everett        Eugenia          2     MS              405b  20
Everett        Hanah            24    MS              422a  19
Everett        Harriet          58    MS              413b   7
Everett        Haynes           50    MS              466b  39
Everett        James            39    MS              416b  24
Everett        John             3     MS              422a  22
Everett        John W           8/12  .               421b   1
Everett        Joseph           72    So Carolina     417a  30
Everett        Juda             50    MS              420b   1
Everett        Keren H          25    MS              415b  27
Everett        Lee              7/12  MS              415b  30
Everett        Lelia            4     MS              405b  19
Everett        Lizzie           5     MS              422a  21
Everett        Lula             9     MS              416b  26
Everett        Luretta J        21    MS              416a  20
Everett        M                30    MS              466b  40
Everett        Martha           27    MS              416a  16
Everett        Martha J         28    MS              405b  16
Everett        Mollie           7     MS              422a  20
Everett        Moses            1     MS              422a  23
Everett        Mourning         15    MS              413b   8
Everett        Nancy            60    MS              417a  29
Everett        Nancy            60    MS              415a  31
Everett        Nancy            2     MS              467a   4
Everett        Nelson           30    MS              413b   6
Everett        Robert J         10    MS              405b  18
Everett        Sarah E          28    MS              416b  25
Everett        Thomas J         38    MS              405b  15
Everett        Warner           7     MS              467a   2
Everett        William J        20    MS              416a  19
Everett        William T        12    MS              405b  17
Everett        Winchester       34    MS              421a  38
Everett        Zachariah        27    MS              421a  39
Ewell          James            48    MS              469b  38
Ewell          Joseph           35    MS              462b   2
Ewell          M A              41    MS              469b  35
Ewell          Stautope         14    MS              469b  37
Ewell          W D              60    MD              469b  34
Ewell          Wm M             18    MS              469b  36
Fach           Elizabeth        20    La              510b  26
Fach           Jacob            27    Bavaria         510b  25
Farnsworth     N                60    MS              409a  35
Faunie         Joe              21    Kentucky        467b  32
Faunie         Lottie           18    VA              467b  33
Faust          A                29    MS              508a   2
Faust          Albert           10    MS              451a  14
Faust          Amanda           8     MS              506a  38
Faust          Amanda           15    MS              451a  12
Faust          Audrey           6     MS              473a  14
Faust          Ben              14    MS              508a   3
Faust          C C              13    MS              507a  18
Faust          Caroline         32    MS              451a   9
Faust          Caroline         25    MS              473a  11
Faust          Charles          4/12  MS              508a   7
Faust          Cora             28    La              506a  36
Faust          D A              46    MS              507b  39
Faust          Davy             5/12  MS              473a  15
Faust          Dennis           30    MS              506a  35
Faust          E G              17    MS              476b  14
Faust          Ed               8     MS              473a  13
Faust          Evans            19    MS              451a  10
Faust          F F              10    MS              507a  19
Faust          Frank            10    MS              508a   4
Faust          H M              23    MS              508a   1
Faust          Henry            4     MS              508a   6
Faust          Henry            10    MS              473a  12
Faust          Howard           8     MS              508a   5
Faust          J D              8     MS              507a  20
Faust          James            18    MS              458a  33
Faust          Joseph           43    MS              451a   8
Faust          July             8     MS              451a  15
Faust          L A              43    Indiana         507b  40
Faust          Linney           12    MS              451a  13
Faust          M J              34    Ala             507a  17
Faust          M R              4     MS              507a  21
Faust          M S              23    MS              445a  17
Faust          Maggie           9     MS              405a  38
Faust          P P              40    MS              507a  16
Faust          P R              1     MS              507a  22
Faust          Roberta          17    MS              451a  11
Faust          S S              21    MS              446a  16
Faust          Scott            10    MS              506a  37
Fegundus       Charles          9     MS              499b  17
Fegundus       Irene            2     MS              499b  19
Fegundus       J J              33    La              499b  15
Fegundus       Jane             34    MS              499b  16
Fegundus       Rosa             1/12  MS              499b  20
Fegundus       Wallace          4     MS              499b  18
Felder         Albert           23    MS              498b  18
Felder         Alexander        4     MS              425a  39
Felder         Aliasia *        9     MS              429a  29
Felder         Ann              5     MS              401b   6
Felder         Ann              3     MS              418b  30
Felder         Arcola           6     MS              425a  34
Felder         C A              3     MS              498b  20
Felder         Catharine        21    MS              419b  25
Felder         Charles          1     MS              425a  36
Felder         Charles F        56    So Carolina     425a  30
Felder         Dewitt           20    MS              509b  19
Felder         Dewitt C         21    MS              425b  12
Felder         Dora             20    MS              425b  13
Felder         Edmond           58    Tennessee       418b  17
Felder         Flowers          4     Virginia        419a  38
Felder         George           59    Virginia        419a  34
Felder         George M         9/12  Virginia        419a  39
Felder         Henry            4     MS              418b   8
Felder         Ida M            6     MS              419b   2
Felder         Jacob            22    MS              418b  28
Felder         James            13    MS              418b  19
Felder         James W          9/12  MS              425b  14
Felder         James W          61    So Carolina     419a  40
Felder         Jane             38    Virginia        419a  35
Felder         Jane             24    MS              418b   7
Felder         Jane             20    MS              425a  38
Felder         Jane             18    MS              418b  29
Felder         John             17    MS              418b  18
Felder         Julian           5/12  MS              418b  31
Felder         Lausdale         14    Virginia        419a  36
Felder         Lenore J         40    MS              425a  31
Felder         Lewis            22    MS              425a  37
Felder         Louisa           40    Va              509b  20
Felder         Louisa           23    MS              498b  19
Felder         Lula A           4     MS              425a  35
Felder         M E              1     MS              498b  21
Felder         Maria            51    MS              419b   1
Felder         Mary             2     MS              419b  26
Felder         Pinckney         7     Virginia        419a  37
Felder         Sandy            18    MS              419b  24
Felder         Sylvester        1     MS              418b   9
Felder         Thomas           2/12  MS              419b  27
Felder         William M        19    MS              425b  15
Fenn           Ada B            1     MS              391a  12
Fenn           Clarence J       8     MS              391a  10
Fenn           Daniel W         37    MS              391a   6
Fenn           Ida E            10    MS              391a   9
Fenn           Indiana          12    La              499b  38
Fenn           Irene            5     La              499b  39
Fenn           James            3     La              499b  40
Fenn           Mary L           30    MS              391a   7
Fenn           Odas L           4     MS              391a  11
Fenn           Robert J         13    MS              391a   8
Ferguson       Eliza J          11    MS              422b  18
Ferguson       Elizabeth        8     MS              422b  19
Ferguson       Jane             50    MS              403b  39
Ferguson       Martha           39    MS              422b  16
Ferguson       William A        16    MS              422b  17
Fields         Amanda           22    MS              489b  25
Fields         Catharine        24    MS              489b  30
Fields         Catherine        13    MS              489b  21
Fields         Delia            5/12  MS              489b  28
Fields         Frank            25    MS              489b  29
Fields         Jane             3     MS              489b  23
Fields         Joe              6     MS              489b  26
Fields         Lia              5     MS              489b  32
Fields         Martha           6     MS              489b  22
Fields         Mary Jane        3     MS              489b  27
Fields         Melinda          28    MS              489b  20
Fields         Monroe           8     MS              489b  31
Fields         Mozella          3     MS              489b  33
Fields         Sarah E          1     MS              489b  24
Fields         Sophia           1     MS              489b  34
Fields         Wilson           26    MS              489b  19
Finch          Anna             8     MS              513a  38
Finch          Caroline         12    MS              513a  37
Finch          Charles          5     MS              513a  39
Finch          E M              37    Europe          513a  33
Finch          G H              47    Europe          513a  32
Finch          G H Jr           19    La              513a  34
Finch          John             15    La              513a  36
Finch          Joseph           2     MS              513a  40
Finch          W A              16    La              513a  35
Fish           Adda             3     MS              440b  20
Fish           C E              34    Vermont         440b  17
Fish           L A              21    MS              440b  18
Fish           Willie           6     MS              440b  19
Fleming        *oey             54    MS              397a   5
Fleming        Alexander S      4     MS              397a  14
Fleming        David A          6     MS              397a  13
Fleming        James O          13    MS              397a  11
Fleming        John D           3     MS              397a  19
Fleming        John D           23    MS              397a  17
Fleming        Josephine        21    MS              397a  18
Fleming        Lavouia          21    MS              397a   7
Fleming        Leonia           18    MS              397a   9
Fleming        Martha D         16    MS              397a  10
Fleming        Martha E         3/12  MS              397a  20
Fleming        Mary A           31    MS              397a   6
Fleming        Milton B         11    MS              397a  12
Fleming        Samuel R         2     MS              397a  15
Fleming        Susan T          1     MS              397a  16
Fleming        Theodore M       19    MS              397a   8
Fletcher       Allen            20    MS              498b  17
Flowers        Ephriam          38    MS              407b   9
Flowers        Ephriam          3     MS              407b  16
Flowers        Florence E       1     MS              407b  15
Flowers        Francis E        13    MS              407b  12
Flowers        Henry            11    MS              407b  13
Flowers        Louisa A         15    MS              407b  11
Flowers        Mary M           38    Louisiana       407b  10
Flowers        Rebecca H        8     MS              407b  14
Floyd          Ailsey           25    MS              464a   7
Floyd          Hartley          5     LA              464a   8
Floyd          Mary             22    MS              440a   5
Floyd          Samuel           30    MS              440a   6
Flucker        Jonah            6     MS              493b  28
Flucker        Lousia           29    MS              493b  26
Flucker        Maria            2     MS              493b  29
Flucker        Mary             11    MS              493b  27
Fluker / Flaker Emeline         10/12 Md              491a  34
Fluker / Flaker Jennie          40    Md              491a  32
Fluker / Flaker Taylor          4     Md              491a  33
Fluker / Flaker William         34    Md              491a  31
Flynn          J T              53    So Carolina     451b   4
Flynn          M R              62    LA              451b   5
Flynn          Polina           26    LA              451b   6
Folks          Georgiana        22    VA              401b  25
Folks          Victor N         32    LA              401b  24
Ford           Alabama          4     MS              386b   7
Ford           Alice            15    MS              393a   2
Ford           America          37    MS              386b   3
Ford           Ann              6     MS              386b   6
Ford           Ella             9     MS              406b  19
Ford           Gabriel          63    MS              406b  14
Ford           Hardee           28    MS              463b  13
Ford           Henry            13    MS              406b  17
Ford           Infant           4/12  MS              383a  24
Ford           Jane             2     MS              383a  23
Ford           Jennie           75    MS              384a   6
Ford           Josephine        20    MS              383a  22
Ford           Mahala           50    MS              390a  29
Ford           Margaret         12    MS              386b   5
Ford           Marshall         2     MS              406b  20
Ford           Mary             11    MS              406b  18
Ford           Mary Ann         44    MS              406b  15
Ford           Mary H           18    MS              387a  19
Ford           Richard          2     MS              386b   8
Ford           Silas            18    MS              386b   4
Ford           Thomas F         20    MS              383a  21
Ford           William          15    MS              406b  16
Ford           William F        16    MS              383a  25
Foreman        A A              12    MS              439a  11
Foreman        A F              50    MS              439a   4
Foreman        C A              21    MS              441a   5
Foreman        E J              28    MS              441a  34
Foreman        E J              26    MS              439a   5
Foreman        E J Sr           50    MS              439a   3
Foreman        E N              19    MS              439a   7
Foreman        Elizabeth        23    LA              452b   2
Foreman        F C              24    MS              441a  24
Foreman        H L              23    MS              441a  35
Foreman        Infant           1/12  MS              441a  26
Foreman        J B              23    MS              441a   4
Foreman        J N              15    MS              439a   9
Foreman        J W              25    MS              439a   6
Foreman        L J              17    MS              441a  33
Foreman        M A              21    MS              441a  25
Foreman        M A              19    MS              441a  32
Foreman        M M              50    MS              441a  31
Foreman        N A              18    MS              441a  29
Foreman        N M              13    MS              439a  10
Foreman        P C              17    MS              439a   8
Foreman        R V              26    MS              441a  28
Foreman        T H              18    LA              439a  32
Foreman        T J              2     MS              441a  37
Foreman        Tempy            4     MS              441a  36
Forrest        Charlie          8/12  MS              399b  39
Forrest        Charlie A        6     MS              377a  11
Forrest        Clara            14    MS              377a   8
Forrest        Evan             3     MS              399b  36
Forrest        Henry            10    MS              377a  10
Forrest        Jefferson        28    MS              399b  34
Forrest        John E           3     MS              399b  37
Forrest        Js               2     MS              399b  38
Forrest        Louisa           16    MS              377a   7
Forrest        Lucinda          19    MS              468a  26
Forrest        Lucitta          4     MS              377a  13
Forrest        m                78    Ireland         468a  23
Forrest        Martha A         31    MS              399b  35
Forrest        Mary             28    MS              377a   6
Forrest        Mary             1     MS              377a  14
Forrest        Nelson           35    MS              377a   5
Forrest        Rebecca L        23    MS              468a  25
Forrest        Rosan            12    MS              399b  40
Forrest        S E              57    S Carolina      468a  24
Forrest        Samuel           12    MS              377a   9
Forrest        William A        5     MS              377a  12
Forseyth       J C              16    MS              514a  39
Forseyth       J D              19    MS              514a  38
Forseyth       P W              26    MS              514a  37
Foster         Alexander        12    MS              431b  32
Foster         Harrison         26    MS              431b  30
Foster         Margaret         21    MS              431b  31
Foster         Wm               20    MS              488a   1
Fox            Adeline          15    MS              410b  31
Fox            Andy             11    MS              410b  32
Fox            Antony           40    MS              514b  23
Fox            Benjamin         2     MS              511a   3
Fox            Francis          9     MS              410b  33
Fox            Hannah           25    Prussia         511a   2
Fox            Ida              5     MS              410b  35
Fox            Infant           3/12  MS              514b  29
Fox            Infant           3/12  MS              514b  30
Fox            John             7     MS              410b  34
Fox            John             21    MS              450a  16
Fox            Lea              5     MS              514b  27
Fox            Leander          1     MS              410b  36
Fox            Leathia          47    MS              410b  29
Fox            Lewis            7     MS              514b  26
Fox            Louisa           24    MS              513a  17
Fox            Lucinda          28    La              514b  24
Fox            Peter            18    MS              410b  30
Fox            Reuben           30    MS              513a  16
Fox            Samuel           57    Georgia         410b  28
Fox            Samuel           48    Prussia         511a   1
Fox            Scott            71    MS              514b  25
Fox            Sherman          4     MS              514b  28
Francis        Charles          55    MS              409b  13
Francis        Charles          4     MS              409b  20
Francis        Cynthia          25    MS              409b  14
Francis        Frank            7     MS              409b  16
Francis        Infant           4/12  MS              409b  22
Francis        Lila             24    MS              409b  19
Francis        Marshall         5     MS              409b  21
Francis        Priscilla        8     MS              409b  15
Francis        Susan            4     MS              409b  17
Francis        Westley          24    MS              409b  18
Franklin       Eli              2     MS              431b  27
Franklin       John             25    MS              429b   4
Franklin       Matilda          70    MS              431b  20
Franklin       W B              22    MS              485b   5
Freeman        David            9     MS              435b  15
Freeman        David            22    MS              436a   8
Freeman        Elisha           8     MS              437a  28
Freeman        Elisha           70    Tenn            436a  13
Freeman        Elisha           10    MS              436a  16
Freeman        Franklin         5     MS              435b  17
Freeman        Henderson        1     MS              436a  17
Freeman        J L              16    MS              514a  32
Freeman        James H          17    MS              396a   7
Freeman        Joel             39    MS              435b  11
Freeman        John             24    MS              396a   6
Freeman        John L           13    MS              435b  13
Freeman        Mary             30    MS              436a  15
Freeman        Mary             22    MS              435a  22
Freeman        Mary A           3     MS              435b  18
Freeman        Mary J           36    MS              435b  12
Freeman        Rebecca          75    Geo             436a  14
Freeman        Susan            58    MS              396a   5
Freeman        T F              34    LA              437a  27
Freeman        Virginia         7     MS              435b  16
Freeman        W A              11    MS              435b  14
Frith          Ada              1/12  MS              494b   5
Frith          Almond G         12    Louisianna      406a  25
Frith          Caroline M       25    MS              422a   5
Frith          Charles H        32    MS              422a   4
Frith          Charlie          17    MS              432b  33
Frith          Christopher      5     MS              402b   9
Frith          E E              9     MS              494a  40
Frith          Eliza            33    MS              453b  36
Frith          Emma L           9     Louisianna      406a  26
Frith          F C              7     MS              494b   1
Frith          Fannie           11    MS              422a   9
Frith          George           16    MS              402b   7
Frith          George G         20    Louisianna      406a  23
Frith          Harbert H        23    Louisianna      406a  22
Frith          Henrietta        10    MS              402b  10
Frith          J W              4     MS              494b   3
Frith          J W              38    MS              494a  38
Frith          L A              26    MS              494a  39
Frith          Leona            41    MS              406a  21
Frith          Louisiana        25    MS              402b   6
Frith          Lula             1     MS              494b   4
Frith          Margaret V       18    Louisianna      406a  24
Frith          Susan            2     MS              422a   7
Frith          W N              5     MS              494b   2
Frith          Wade             9     MS              453b  37
Frith          William          14    MS              402b   8
Frith          William H        3     MS              422a   6
Fuller / Falles Adam            22    MS              472b  22
Fuller / Falles Easter          19    MS              472b  23
Fuller / Falles Jerry           10/12 MS              472b  24
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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