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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Kates          Amanda           12    MS              407a  17
Kates          Enoch            4     MS              407a  19
Kates          Jane             40    MS              407a  13
Kates          Jesse            17    MS              407a  15
Kates          Millie           6     MS              407a  18
Kates          Minerva          14    MS              407a  16
Kates          Seaborn          19    MS              407a  14
Keen           Angeline         24    MS              416a   7
Keen           Beula            3     MS              416a   8
Keen           Elizabeth        1     MS              416a   9
Keen           Madison J        28    MS              416a   6
Keith          Addie            1     MS              405b  14
Keith          Allen            8     MS              405b  13
Keith          Angelin          9     MS              485a   5
Keith          Caroline         9     MS              485a  18
Keith          Caroline         26    MS              485a   3
Keith          Dora             9     MS              405b  12
Keith          Hanibal          42    MS              485a  16
Keith          Infant           8/12  MS              485a   9
Keith          Julian           33    MS              485a  17
Keith          Lafayette        6     MS              485a   7
Keith          Lorena           6     MS              485a  19
Keith          Lottie           8     MS              485a   6
Keith          Manion           19    MS              405b   8
Keith          Mary J           13    MS              405b  11
Keith          May              2     MS              485a   8
Keith          Nat              5     MS              485a  20
Keith          Pompy            37    MS              485a   2
Keith          Pompy            13    MS              485a   4
Keith          Rebecca          16    MS              405b   9
Keith          Susan E          14    MS              405b  10
Keller         Alex             25    MS              484b  20
Keller         Anna E           6     MS              484b  22
Keller         Daniel           3     MS              484b  24
Keller         Martha           4     MS              484b  23
Keller         May              20    MS              484b  21
Kelley         D C              35    MS              439a  23
Kelley         J B              11/12 MS              439a  27
Kelley         M A              8     MS              439a  25
Kelley         M J              34    MS              439a  24
Kelley         M V              3     MS              439a  26
Kelly          Adeline          30    MS              440b  28
Kelly          Ernest           3     MS              440b  29
Kelly          John             6     MS              440b  30
Kelly          Thomas           93    MS              378a  36
Kennabrew      David            17    MS              510a   2
Kennabrew / Kinnabrew Alice     1     MS              508b  39
Kennabrew / Kinnabrew Charity   30    MS              508b  36
Kennabrew / Kinnabrew M         48    La              508b  35
Kennabrew / Kinnabrew Stephen   20    MS              508b  40
Kennabrew / Kinnabrew Van       8     MS              508b  37
Kennabrew / Kinnabrew William   6     MS              508b  38
Kiard          Addie            1     MS              485b  21
Kiard          Ben              35    MS              485b  17
Kiard          Elisabeth        35    MS              485b  18
Kiard          Perry            9     La              485b  20
Kiard          Scott            16    La              485b  19
Kinabrew       Mary E           13    MS              387a   1
Kinabrew       S D              33    MS              482a   1
Kinabrew       W B              44    MS              481b  40
Kinabrew       W E              10    MS              482a   2
Kinda / Kineda John             24    Kentucky        506a  22
Kinda / Kineda Mary             1     MS              506a  23
King           A*rus            62    Ga              501b   5
King           Celia            50    MS              501b   6
King           Dolsey           6     MS              398b  38
King           Infant           5/12  MS              398b  40
King           James            30    MS              398b  35
King           Lizzie           35    MS              398b  36
King           Sidney           3     MS              398b  39
King           Solomon          20    MS              444b  28
King           Van              8     MS              398b  37
Kinney         Isaac            21    MS              409b  39
Kinnonson      B                26    MS              471a  39
Kinnonson      F                5     MS              471b   1
Kinnonson      Matilda          23    MS              471a  40
Kinnonson      Thelbert         3     MS              471b   2
Kinnonson      Ullen            23    MS              471b   3
Knight         Alfred           14    MS              469a  14
Knight         M                47    MS              469a  12
Knight         Rachel           48    Va              469a  13
Knox           Adeline          21    MS              379a  40
Knox           Alice            4/12  MS              420b  40
Knox           Amanda           18    MS              379b   1
Knox           America          9     MS              379b   3
Knox           andrew           9     Va              485b  35
Knox           Angalai          33    MS              379a  34
Knox           Antony           30    Georgia         485b  33
Knox           Canda            23    MS              379b  14
Knox           Caroline         40    MS              379a  39
Knox           Catherine        7     MS              379b   4
Knox           Ceasar           5/12  MS              379a  37
Knox           Ceasar           11    MS              379b   2
Knox           Charity          20    MS              392a  20
Knox           Charles          46    MS              379a  38
Knox           Chloa            4     MS              420b  38
Knox           Cornelia         4     MS              420b  37
Knox           Corrine          2     MS              388a  38
Knox           Daniel           7     MS              379b  10
Knox           Elias            30    MS              503a  20
Knox           Emily            25    Va              485b  34
Knox           Francis A        4     MS              388a  37
Knox           Frank            5     MS              379b   5
Knox           Gardner          3     MS              420b  39
Knox           George           40    MS              379a  33
Knox           Hannah           34    MS              420b  36
Knox           Harriet          4/12  MS              503a  22
Knox           Infant           1     MS              392a  23
Knox           Isabel           24    MS              503a  21
Knox           Isom             16    MS              379a  35
Knox           J D D            2     MS              503a  23
Knox           Jack             29    MS              379b  13
Knox           John L           8     MS              388a  36
Knox           John W           37    MS              388a  34
Knox           Johnson          7     Va              485b  36
Knox           Mary             2/12  MS              379b  12
Knox           Melissa          25    MS              379b   8
Knox           Milley           9     MS              379b   9
Knox           Missouri         3     MS              379b   6
Knox           Palsey           5     MS              392a  21
Knox           Rebecca          75    KY              379b  15
Knox           Rebecca          5/12  MS              379a  36
Knox           Samuel           38    MS              392a  19
Knox           Simon            32    MS              379b   7
Knox           Stepney          41    MS              420b  35
Knox           Sylvia           3     MS              392a  22
Knox           Sytes            2     MS              485b  37
Knox           Viola A          36    MS              388a  35
Knox           William          3     MS              379b  11
Kohn           Lewis            42    Bavaria         446b  27
Korman         Em               13    MS              514b  12
Korman         John F           8     MS              514b  13
Kouwella       Ada              12    MS              477b  35
Kouwella       Henry            4     MS              477b  36
Kouwella       Leah             30    MS              477b  34
Kouwella       Mary             2     MS              477b  37
Kreel          Emma             6     MS              408a  10
Kreel          Harriet          30    MS              397b  20
Kreel          John             44    SC              397b  19
Kreel          Louisa J         7     MS              408a  24
Kreel          Mary             16    MS              397b  21
Kreel          Richard          1     MS              397b  22
Kreel          Robert G         26    MS              408a   8
Kreel          Rosana J         29    MS              408a   9
Lambert        C L              28    MS              497b  15
Lambert        J J              6     La              497b  18
Lambert        L A              24    La              497a  39
Lambert        M A              11    La              497b  16
Lambert        Nancy            60    La              497b   3
Lambert        O M              8     La              497b  17
Lambert        Sarah A          17    MS              497a  40
Lambert        W E              4     La              497b  19
Lambert        William          74    South Carolina  497b   2
Lambert        Wm               34    La              497b  14
Lambreth       H                21    La              503b  20
Lampton        John             25    LA              381a  30
Land           Cynthia          40    Ky              487b  34
Land           Emeline          52    Va              484b  26
Land           Francis          13    Ky              487b  36
Land           George           50    MS              484b  25
Land           Isaac            17    Ky              487b  39
Land           John             44    Va              487b  33
Land           Juliett          14    Ky              487b  35
Land           Malinda          27    MS              472b  35
Land           Margaret         60    NC              474b  13
Land           Margaret         10    Ky              487b  37
Land           May              3     MS              472b  36
Land           Nathan           1     MS              472b  37
Land           Sophia           22    MS              474a  13
Lang           Andrew           6     MS              420a  24
Lang           Betsey           16    MS              420a  20
Lang           Charles          21    MS              419b  28
Lang           Fannie           15    MS              420a  18
Lang           Flora            14    MS              420a  21
Lang           Harry            45    MS              420a  16
Lang           Jamison          12    MS              420a  22
Lang           Jefferson        17    MS              420a  19
Lang           Lewis            9     MS              420a  23
Lang           Mary             24    MS              419b  29
Lang           Melinda          22    MS              420a  17
Lang           Squire           3     MS              419b  30
Lard           Alice            14    MS              402a  24
Lard           Elisabeth        37    MS              493a  24
Lard           Francis          1     MS              424a  13
Lard           Isaac            57    GA              402a  21
Lard           Iverson H        2     MS              424a  12
Lard           James            70    MS              493a  23
Lard           James            13    MS              402a  23
Lard           James E          5     MS              424a  10
Lard           Jane M           31    MS              424a   9
Lard           John             12    MS              509a  40
Lard           Louisa A         4     MS              424a  11
Lard           Sally            65    NC              509a  39
Lard           Thomas M         35    MS              424a   8
Lard           Tiney            58    MS              402a  22
Lassiter       Millie           16    MS              490a   4
Lassiter       N N              19    La              490a   3
Lawn           Cornelius        1     MS              464b  20
Lawn           Maria            25    VA              464b  17
Lawn           Polly            5     MS              464b  18
Lawn           Stephen          3     MS              464b  19
Lawrence       M C              21    Tenn            449b  20
Lea            * F              11    La              497a  35
Lea            Abel             36    MS              459b   5
Lea            Alexander        16    MS              419a  31
Lea            Ardelia          27    MS              377a  38
Lea            Augusta          4     MS              480b   3
Lea            Calvin           8     MS              427a  31
Lea            Caroline         30    Tennessee       427a  28
Lea            Cato             25    MS              404b  22
Lea            Chaney           25    MS              419a  30
Lea            Charles          18    MS              503a  29
Lea            Charlie C        15    MS              427a  19
Lea            Coela            18    MS              404b  23
Lea            Dewitt C         21    MS              427a  16
Lea            Edmond           10    MS              427a  30
Lea            Eliza            21    MS              502b   6
Lea            Elizabeth        8/12  MS              423b  31
Lea            Ella             9     MS              423b  30
Lea            Ella             18    MS              502b  39
Lea            Elseby L         12    MS              427a  20
Lea            Erastus          11    MS              423b  29
Lea            Eugene           5     MS              459b  12
Lea            Francis          44    MS              427a  15
Lea            Ganett           6     MS              459b  11
Lea            George           12    MS              459b   7
Lea            Green            8     MS              459b   9
Lea            Hampton M        69    MS              429a  25
Lea            Harper           25    MS              480b   1
Lea            Henderson        12    MS              427a  29
Lea            Infant           2/12  MS              427a  33
Lea            Isaiah           2     MS              459b  13
Lea            Iverson G        14    MS              394a  13
Lea            James E          51    MS              427a  14
Lea            James J          8     MS              427a  21
Lea            Janine S         13    MS              394a  14
Lea            Jefferson        7     MS              459b  10
Lea            Jefferson        19    MS              394a  11
Lea            John             3     MS              480b   4
Lea            Josephine        21    MS              502b  38
Lea            Julia E          7     MS              427a  22
Lea            L L              59    MS              502b  37
Lea            Lewis            10    MS              459b   8
Lea            Louisa           35    MS              503a  30
Lea            Louisa           1     MS              404b  24
Lea            M A              8     La              497a  36
Lea            M J              7     La              497a  37
Lea            Margaret         48    MS              497a  31
Lea            Margaret         28    MS              502b   3
Lea            Maria            69    MS              429a  26
Lea            Marry            23    MS              502b   5
Lea            Mary             6     MS              427a  32
Lea            Mary E           11    MS              394a  15
Lea            Mary V           19    MS              427a  17
Lea            Myrtis L         2     MS              427a  23
Lea            N Cornelia       21    MS              394a  10
Lea            Prince           30    MS              404b  25
Lea            R E              15    MS              502b  40
Lea            Rachael          50    MS              394a   9
Lea            Rosa F           17    MS              427a  18
Lea            S B              16    La              497a  33
Lea            Sarah            26    MS              502b   4
Lea            Sarah            13    MS              423b  28
Lea            Sarah A          30    MS              459b   6
Lea            Sarah A          18    La              497a  32
Lea            Scott            30    MS              419a  29
Lea            Sicily           27    MS              429a  27
Lea            Thomas M         25    MS              429a  28
Lea            Vina             25    MS              480b   2
Lea            W J              25    MS              502b   2
Lea            Warren           15    MS              423b  27
Lea            Wessley          6     MS              377a  39
Lea            Wilford L        9     MS              394a  16
Lea            Wilford L        53    MS              394a   8
Lea            Will J           31    MS              503a  31
Lea            William          8/12  MS              423b  32
Lea            William *        15    La              497a  34
Lea            William H        17    MS              394a  12
Lea            Winston          4     MS              377a  40
Ledbetter      Amanda           34    MS              503a   3
Ledbetter      Amelia           28    MS              503a   2
Ledbetter      Harriet          2     MS              504b   2
Ledbetter      James            4/12  MS              504b   3
Ledbetter      John             30    MS              503a  28
Ledbetter      Lewis            27    MS              503a   1
Ledbetter      Sarah            3     MS              503a   5
Ledbetter      Thos             17    MS              504b   1
Ledbetter      William          6     MS              503a   4
Lee            Martha           12    MS              408a  40
Lee            Robert           2     MS              408a  39
Lenore         Clorinda         17    MS              417b  37
Lenore         Henry            16    MS              418b  12
Lenore         Jane             10    MS              418b  13
Lenore         Lethia           22    MS              418b  11
Lenore         Lewis N          1     MS              416a  32
Lenore         Mary E           25    MS              416a  30
Lenore         Moses            58    MS              418b  10
Lenore         Nelson           20    MS              417b  36
Lenore         Pinckney         27    MS              416a  29
Lenore         Wallace          7/12  MS              417b  38
Lenore         William M        2     MS              416a  31
Leonard        Ada L            18    MS              415a  19
Leonard        Alice            22    MS              415a  18
Leonard        Eliza            2     MS              411a   3
Leonard        Ella             5     MS              411a   2
Leonard        Ella Z           16    MS              415a  20
Leonard        Gertrude L       14    MS              415a  21
Leonard        June B           10    MS              415a  22
Leonard        Lebaus           36    MS              410b  39
Leonard        Lucinda          25    MS              410b  40
Leonard        Martha           7     MS              411a   1
Leonard        Mary A           42    MS              415a  17
Leonard        Thomas H         5     MS              415a  23
Leven          Levy             35    MS              458a  34
Levi           John             13    MS              395a  26
Levy           Christina        54    MS              394b  22
Levy           David            17    MS              394b  21
Lewis          Fannie           1     MS              485b   7
Lewis          John             20    Ga              481b   5
Lewis          Spencer          16    Louisiana       429b  22
Lewis          Tenn             22    MS              485b   6
Lilly          Abigal           31    MS              513b   1
Lilly          H J              30    La              508a   8
Lilly          John T           5     MS              513b   2
Lilly          M E              3     MS              513b   3
Lilly          Smiley           28    MS              508a   9
Lincoln        Abe              10    MS              431a  40
Lindsey        Allen            22    MS              395b  25
Lindsey        Ellen            3     MS              406a  35
Lindsey        Ferdinand        11/12 MS              406a  36
Lindsey        Infant           5/12  MS              395b  27
Lindsey        Jesse            5     MS              406a  34
Lindsey        Lethea           18    MS              395b  26
Lindsey        Minerva          12    MS              406a  32
Lindsey        Nicey            8     MS              406a  33
Lindsey        Vicey            40    MS              406a  31
Linsey         C M              45    MS              500b  18
Linsey         Cinderella       6     MS              500b  26
Linsey         Isaac            14    MS              500b  22
Linsey         John             15    LA              500b  21
Linsey         M A              18    LA              500b  20
Linsey         Mary R           14    MS              500b  23
Linsey         Mozella          6     MS              500b  25
Linsey         Nathaniel        22    LA              500b  19
Linsey         William          9     MS              500b  24
Linsey         William          45    LA              500b  17
Little         Balsora J        45    MS              425a  14
Little         James H          37    MS              423b  25
Little         Lamanda E        37    MS              423b  26
Loflin         Nora             11    MS              505b  39
Loflin / Laflin Amanda          30    MS              506a  28
Loflin / Laflin Henry           28    MS              506a  27
Longmire       A E              22    MS              451b   2
Longmire       A M              34    MS              449a  38
Longmire       Abe              21    MS              503a  24
Longmire       Abenter          10    MS              449b   1
Longmire       Alex             51    MS              453a   8
Longmire       Amanda           11    MS              458a  39
Longmire       Auty             40    MS              447b  28
Longmire       Ben              3     MS              458b   1
Longmire       Ben              21    MS              453b  33
Longmire       Charlotte        6     MS              503a  26
Longmire       Dan              22    MS              447b  30
Longmire       E E              13    MS              453a  18
Longmire       Eliza            15    MS              453a  15
Longmire       Eliza            1/12  MS              453b  35
Longmire       Elizabeth        30    MS              503a  25
Longmire       Ellie            9     MS              447b  36
Longmire       Esther           27    MS              453a   9
Longmire       F J              21    MS              474a  12
Longmire       Fannie           50    MS              447b  32
Longmire       G G              42    MS              451b   1
Longmire       Geo              37    MS              458a  37
Longmire       George           8/12  MS              458b   2
Longmire       Harry            26    MS              447b  29
Longmire       Ida              14    MS              449a  39
Longmire       James            16    MS              447b  35
Longmire       Joseph           18    MS              461b  40
Longmire       Julia            14    MS              453b  34
Longmire       Julia            13    MS              461b  39
Longmire       L T              1/12  MS              451b   3
Longmire       Leonard          8     MS              449b   2
Longmire       Levi             19    MS              453a  14
Longmire       Lillie           1/12  MS              449b   5
Longmire       Luke             7     MS              447b  37
Longmire       M M              34    MS              453a  17
Longmire       Millie           3     MS              449b   4
Longmire       Millie           27    MS              447b  33
Longmire       Nelson           42    MS              461b  37
Longmire       Oleana           12    MS              449a  40
Longmire       Owen             8     MS              453a  10
Longmire       Peter            18    MS              447b  34
Longmire       R                20    MS              443b  17
Longmire       R J              28    MS              447b  38
Longmire       Rebecca          38    MS              458a  38
Longmire       Res              44    MS              453a  16
Longmire       Robert           61    MS              447b  31
Longmire       Robert           4     MS              449b   3
Longmire       S D              16    MS              473b  39
Longmire       Sam              6     MS              458a  40
Longmire       Sarah            9     MS              453a  12
Longmire       Scilla           1     MS              453a  11
Longmire       Sim              3     MS              453a  13
Longmire       Susan            40    Va              474a  33
Longmire       Van              18    MS              386a  18
Longmire       W G              44    MS              449a  37
Longmire / Longsmire A          20    MS              466a  34
Love           Aletha           14    MS              493b   2
Love           Ann              5     MS              503b  27
Love           Hannah           15    La              493b   1
Love           Isaac            46    La              493a  40
Love           Martha           56    MS              395a  13
Love           Mary             16    MS              378b   7
Love           Sarah            37    MS              493b   4
Love           William          13    MS              493b   3
Love           William F        21    MS              395a  14
Lowe           Lizzie           25    MS              383b  20
Lowrey         Joseph           33    MS              408a   7
Lowry          Aaron            4     MS              472b   7
Lowry          Anna             1     MS              472b   8
Lowry          Armstrong        10    MS              472b   3
Lowry          Demond           8     MS              472b   5
Lowry          Isom             13    MS              472b   2
Lowry          Maria            40    S Carolina      472b   1
Lowry          Rosana           9     MS              472b   4
Lowry          Tony             6     MS              472b   6
Lowry          Tony             31    MS              472a  40
Lucas          Albin            3     MS              444b  20
Lucas          Alethia          1     MS              444b  18
Lucas          Alex             27    MS              444b  19
Lucas          Ben              18    MS              511b   9
Lucas          Daniel           1     MS              448b  12
Lucas          Ellison          15    MS              438b  18
Lucas          Fannie           12    MS              511b  10
Lucas          Frank            2     MS              444b  17
Lucas          George           2     MS              444b  21
Lucas          Green            18    MS              448b   8
Lucas          Henry            10    MS              511b  11
Lucas          Iverson          15    MS              448b   9
Lucas          James            52    Virginia        444b  11
Lucas          James            50    MS              511b   7
Lucas          Julia            20    MS              444b  14
Lucas          Lizzie           4     MS              448b  10
Lucas          Lucy             12    MS              444b  16
Lucas          May              3     MS              448b  11
Lucas          Scilla           50    MS              444b  12
Lucas          Steve            13    MS              444b  15
Lucas          Susan            45    MS              511b   8
Lucas          Vina             25    MS              444b  13
Luckey         M A              20    La              502a  27
Lumpkin        Annie            5/12  MS              452b   1
Lumpkin        Arminda          23    MS              452a  38
Lumpkin        G T              43    So Carolina     452a  37
Lumpkin        Joseph           73    VA              383a  20
Lumpkin        M E              3     MS              452a  39
Lumpkin        Wm *             2     MS              452a  40
Lusk           A J              24    .               441b  34
Lusk           A M              30    .               441b  33
Lusk           Anetta           2     MS              454a  15
Lusk           Anna             76    .               441b  30
Lusk           Clarissa         73    Tenn            456b  30
Lusk           D W              22    .               441b  35
Lusk           E F              36    MS              456b  31
Lusk           Eliza            14    MS              436b  27
Lusk           H A              20    MS              441a  40
Lusk           J W              41    MS              454a  12
Lusk           J W              27    MS              456b  29
Lusk           Jasper           32    MS              441a  39
Lusk           Jesse            7     .               441b  31
Lusk           M E              3     MS              454a  14
Lusk           M L              16    .               441b  36
Lusk           Mary             58    .               441b  32
Lusk           Missouri         11    MS              436b  28
Lusk           S E              26    MS              454a  13
Lusk           Thomas           14    MS              434a  15
Lusk           Wilford          21    MS              380b  25
Luxenburg / Lurenberg U         40    Penn            514a  11
Luxenburg / Lurenberg W C       16    Ky              514a  12
Luxenburg / Lurenberg William   13    MS              514a  13
Lyles          Henry            6     MS              387a  29
Lyles          Jane             8     MS              387a  28
Lyles          Mary E           25    MS              387a  27
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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