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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Ba***          Horace           19    MS              425b  40
Bacot          Ann              27    MS              407b  33
Bacot          Blanch           7     MS              407b  39
Bacot          Cynthia          40    MS              407b  28
Bacot          Harrison         18    MS              407b  34
Bacot          Ida              6     MS              407b  40
Bacot          Irene            4     MS              408a   1
Bacot          Irwin            16    MS              407b  36
Bacot          Jacob            11    MS              407b  38
Bacot          Jerry            12    MS              407b  30
Bacot          Joseph           50    MS              407b  27
Bacot          Lenora           16    MS              407b  29
Bacot          Lorenzo          48    MS              407b  32
Bacot          Mourning         17    MS              407b  35
Bacot          Robert           13    MS              407b  37
Bacot          Rose             11    MS              407b  31
Bacot          Walter           2     MS              408a   2
Badley         Susan            4     MS              448a   5
Baham          Adeline L        20    MS              422b  30
Baham          Benj E           21    Louisiana       422b  29
Baham          Jesse R          23    Louisiana       422b  25
Baham          Missouri J       27    MS              422b  26
Bailey         Ailsey           35    MS              469b  12
Bailey         Alphey           10    MS              415b  37
Bailey         Charlotte        39    MS              415b  34
Bailey         Dellie           16    MS              415b  35
Bailey         Donald           23    MS              469b  10
Bailey         Emma             10    MS              415b  38
Bailey         Henry            51    Md              469b  11
Bailey         Infant           1     MS              415b  40
Bailey         Jacob            55    MS              415b  33
Bailey         Kitty            19    MS              469b  13
Bailey         Lela             16    MS              469b  14
Bailey         Martha           13    MS              415b  36
Bailey         Stephen          3     MS              415b  39
Baily          Lizzie           1     MS              376a  12
Baily          Rosa             25    MS              376a  11
Baker          Francis          17    MS              447b  19
Baker          M O              4     MS              447b  21
Baker          Mary A           34    MS              447b  16
Baker          Monroe           18    MS              447b  18
Baker          N L              2     MS              447b  22
Baker          Thos W           22    MS              447b  17
Baker          Wade             56    MS              447b  15
Baker          Wm M             6     MS              447b  20
Banily         Eliza            42    VA              377b  39
Banily         Isaac            42    MS              377b  38
Bankhead       Caroline         16    MS              506b  14
Bankhead       Eli              5     MS              506b  15
Bankhead       Frank            15    MS              506a  29
Bankhead       Harriet          4     MS              506b  16
Bankhead       M                40    MS              506b  12
Bankhead       Martha           17    MS              506b  13
Bankhead       Patsy            1     MS              506b  17
Banks          Adaline          1     MS              483a   1
Banks          Alton            7     MS              482b  39
Banks          George           43    MS              482b  32
Banks          Henry            13    MS              482b  36
Banks          Jane             12    MS              482b  37
Banks          Jerry            17    MS              482b  34
Banks          March            5     MS              482b  40
Banks          Nicey            9     MS              482b  38
Banks          Sarah            48    MS              482b  33
Banks          Vestus           15    MS              482b  35
Bankston       A                17    MS              463b   3
Bankston       Ann              12    MS              467a  14
Bankston       B                52    Virginia        467a  12
Bankston       Burton           12    MS              467a  15
Bankston       Charity          50    N Carolina      467a  13
Bankston       Elisabeth        13    MS              428a  17
Bankston       Emily            5     MS              428a  21
Bankston       Fannie           29    VA              467a  18
Bankston       Green            7     MS              428a  20
Bankston       Green B          37    MS              428a  15
Bankston       Isabel           25    MS              467a  17
Bankston       Julia A          9     MS              428a  19
Bankston       Levy             11    MS              428a  18
Bankston       Nancy            32    MS              428a  16
Bankston       Nanney           60    VA              467a  16
Bankston       Thomas J         9/12  MS              428a  22
Barbary        Ella S           2     LA              389b  32
Barbary        Henry C          10    LA              389b  30
Barbary        Lizzie           8     LA              389b  31
Barbary        Minnie J         6/12  LA              389b  33
Barkley        Henney           12    MS              392a  15
Barkley        Huldy            8     MS              392a  18
Barkley        Margaret         10    MS              392a  17
Barkley        Nathan           71    MS              392a  13
Barkley        Rosetta          42    MS              392a  14
Barkley        Rosetta          11    MS              392a  16
Barksdale      Alice            13    MS              508a  24
Barksdale      Charity          5     MS              508a  26
Barksdale      E G              35    MS              508a  22
Barksdale      Frank            14    MS              508a  23
Barksdale      Franklin         2     MS              424a  24
Barksdale      H S              38    Ohio            508a  21
Barksdale      Henry            11    MS              508a  25
Barksdale      Rosa             4     MS              424a  23
Barman         Huff             11    MS              443a  36
Barman         J L              39    MS              443a  32
Barman         J P              13    MS              443a  34
Barman         M A              1/12  MS              443a  39
Barman         Mary A           36    MS              443a  33
Barman         Mary E           3     MS              443a  38
Barman         T H              11    MS              443a  35
Barman         Wm L             6     MS              443a  37
Barner         Maria            5     MS              404a  15
Barnes         Duncan           55    N Carolina      456a  10
Barnes         Jack             15    MS              456a  12
Barnes         Mary             56    MS              456a  11
Barney         G H              51    New York        433a   1
Barney         George           9     MS              433a   5
Barney         Hellen           15    MS              433a   3
Barney         Martha           37    MS              433a   2
Barney         Mary C           12    MS              433a   4
Barney         Minnie D         2     MS              433a   6
Barr           Calvin           6     MS              379a  21
Barr           Francis          28    MS              379a  15
Barr           Frank            2     MS              379a  23
Barr           Jackson          30    MS              379a  14
Barr           Lizzie           6     MS              379a  20
Barr           Morton           4     MS              379a  22
Barr           William          8/12  MS              379a  24
Barron         Charlie W        10    MS              416b   3
Barron         James S          17    MS              416a  39
Barron         John Thos        15    MS              416a  40
Barron         Missouri A       38    MS              416a  37
Barron         Naomi            75    Georgia         409a  34
Barron         Richard          14    MS              416b   1
Barron         Wiley W          12    MS              416b   2
Barron         William H        20    MS              416a  38
Barron         William T        44    MS              416a  36
Barrons        George C         6/12  MS              418a  17
Barrons        Harrison M       8     MS              418a  14
Barrons        Melinda          33    MS              418a  12
Barrons        Richard B        38    MS              418a  11
Barrons        Richard W        4     MS              418a  15
Barrons        Walter W         2     MS              418a  16
Barrons        William T        15    MS              418a  13
Bass           Alethia          20    MS              462a  39
Bass           Appalona         16    LA              442a   7
Bass           Henrietta        5     .               465b  30
Bass           Infant           3     MS              436a  40
Bass           James            21    MS              443a  29
Bass           Jennie           3     MS              443a  31
Bass           Jerry            58    LA              442a   4
Bass           Jerry            14    LA              442a   8
Bass           Joicy            50    LA              442a   5
Bass           Laura            9     .               465b  31
Bass           Lizzie           26    MS              436a  39
Bass           M H              28    MS              441a  38
Bass           M H              28    .               441b   1
Bass           Margaret         18    LA              442a   6
Bass           Maria            62    VA              462a  38
Bass           Martha           19    MS              443a  30
Bass           Matilda          12    MS              485a  12
Bass           Robert           15    MS              462a  40
Bass           S E              2     .               441b   2
Bass           Stephen          19    MS              437a  16
Bass           Weary            60    S Carolina      462a  37
Bass           Wesley           18    MS              472a  18
Bateman        Cynthia          23    MS              386a  28
Bateman        Hamilton         8     MS              386a  30
Bateman        Lizzie           10    MS              386a  29
Bateman        Martha           6     MS              386a  31
Bateman        Nancy            3     MS              386a  32
Bateman        Peter            28    MS              386a  27
Bateman        Virginia         68    MS              386a  33
Bates          A E              3     MS              433b  39
Bates          A E              26    MS              433b  37
Bates          Adeline          2     MS              412b  32
Bates          Ailsey           10    MS              509a  26
Bates          Alethea          7     MS              509a  27
Bates          Alethea H        12    MS              412b  10
Bates          Alex             60    SC              509a   6
Bates          Alexander        17    MS              379a   9
Bates          Alice            6     MS              412b  29
Bates          Alice            12    MS              394b  28
Bates          Alici            1     MS              379a  11
Bates          Amanda           19    MS              394b  26
Bates          Amanda           12    MS              509a   4
Bates          Amanda J         8     MS              389a  32
Bates          Amelia           25    MS              392a  39
Bates          Anderson         26    LA              386b  18
Bates          Andrew J         28    MS              426b  10
Bates          Annie            40    MS              509a   7
Bates          Ary              22    MS              376b  36
Bates          Benjamin         14    MS              496a   5
Bates          Betsy            35    MS              412b  27
Bates          C C              35    Lousiana        433b  36
Bates          Chaney           65    MS              392b   2
Bates          Charity          50    MS              508b  30
Bates          Charity          25    MS              379a   5
Bates          Charles          48    Va              509a  23
Bates          Charles J        9     MS              425a  33
Bates          Charlie          4     MS              389a  33
Bates          Charlie C        10    MS              426a   4
Bates          Christopher      23    MS              412b   8
Bates          Cornelia         31    MS              426a   3
Bates          Cresa            35    MS              509a   2
Bates          Davis            15    Virginia        473b  23
Bates          Dorcas           20    MS              395a   5
Bates          E J              11    MS              503a  35
Bates          E J S            45    La              503a  32
Bates          Edmond           2/12  MS              379a  13
Bates          El               22    Lousiana        433b  33
Bates          Elisabeth        5/12  MS              472b  33
Bates          Elizabeth        9     MS              408b  29
Bates          Ellen            21    MS              376a  31
Bates          Ellen            14    MS              379a   7
Bates          Ellen            1/12  MS              495a  24
Bates          Emeline          25    MS              502b   1
Bates          Emily            27    Virginia        472b  30
Bates          Emma C           6     MS              426a   6
Bates          Emmet A          12    MS              425a  32
Bates          Ephraim          32    MS              495a  20
Bates          Etta             8     MS              495b   5
Bates          Eugene           5/12  MS              379a  12
Bates          F M              24    Lousiana        433b  32
Bates          Frank            32    MS              502a  40
Bates          Frank            12    MS              379a   8
Bates          Frank J          16    LA              389a  30
Bates          Garner W         67    Va              509a  29
Bates          Gaston           7     MS              408b  30
Bates          George           25    MS              376a  30
Bates          George           10    MS              412b  25
Bates          Grace            36    MS              394b  23
Bates          H M              33    MS              495b   3
Bates          H M J            3     MS              495b   7
Bates          Hampton          50    MS              412b  26
Bates          Hanah            16    MS              379a   6
Bates          Harriet          28    La              509a  24
Bates          Henrietta        30    MS              379a   4
Bates          Henry            9     MS              473b  24
Bates          Henry            7     MS              496a   7
Bates          Henry            19    MS              376b  35
Bates          Henry P          11    MS              408b  28
Bates          Horace           32    MS              376b  34
Bates          Howell           8     MS              495a  23
Bates          Ida              9     Va              496a   6
Bates          Infant           8/12  MS              426b  13
Bates          Infant           6/12  MS              395a   7
Bates          Infant           1/12  MS              495b   8
Bates          Isaac            66    SC              376b  32
Bates          Isaac            21    MS              394b  25
Bates          J E              13    MS              503a  34
Bates          Jackson          40    MS              394a  40
Bates          James            43    MS              503a  37
Bates          James E          47    MS              412b   6
Bates          James R          11    MS              403a  14
Bates          Jane             2     MS              394b   4
Bates          Jannie           3     MS              412b  31
Bates          Jason            60    SC              508b  29
Bates          Jennie           50    MS              465a   6
Bates          Jimmie           2     LA              377a   1
Bates          John             58    MS              502a  35
Bates          John             2 1/2 MS              376a  33
Bates          John             1     MS              408b  32
Bates          Jordan           2     MS              509a  28
Bates          Josephine        16    MS              408b  26
Bates          L P              20    MS              510a   1
Bates          Laura            10    MS              412b  14
Bates          Leonard          5     MS              392b   1
Bates          Lewis            5     MS              473b  25
Bates          Lewis            37    MS              473b  21
Bates          Lizzie           4     MS              412b  30
Bates          Lott             3     MS              473b  26
Bates          Lucy             30    MS              394b   1
Bates          Lula             5     MS              495b   6
Bates          M J              7     MS              433b  38
Bates          M J              5     MS              433b  40
Bates          M J              1     MS              434a   1
Bates          Maggie           1     MS              412b  12
Bates          Mahala           25    LA              386b  19
Bates          Mahala           25    Virginia        472b  31
Bates          Malinda          5     MS              509a   8
Bates          Maria            10    MS              376a  34
Bates          Marshall P       8     MS              426a   5
Bates          Marshall P       41    MS              426a   2
Bates          Martha           6     MS              394b   3
Bates          Martha           5     MS              408b  31
Bates          Mary             7     MS              472b  34
Bates          Mary             50    KY              376b  33
Bates          Mary             45    MS              412b  22
Bates          Mary             11    Maryland        424a  38
Bates          Mary B           5     MS              412b  11
Bates          Mary C           27    MS              412b   7
Bates          Matilda          51    MS              426a  20
Bates          Matilda          16    MS              502a  37
Bates          Matilda          15    MS              394b  27
Bates          Mattie           2     MS              426b  12
Bates          Miles            48    MS              379a   3
Bates          Millie           24    Virginia        473b  22
Bates          Monroe           17    MS              509a   3
Bates          Nancy            26    MS              376b  39
Bates          Nancy J          43    MS              408b  24
Bates          Nannie           12    MS              412b  24
Bates          Narage           80    Virginia        426b   9
Bates          Nathan           4     Lousiana        433b  34
Bates          Noel G           60    SC              408b  23
Bates          Orange           4     LA              386b  20
Bates          P L              25    MS              495b   4
Bates          Rachel           49    MS              502a  36
Bates          Richard E        55    MS              389a  29
Bates          Richard E        10    MS              389a  31
Bates          Richard P        18    MS              393b   2
Bates          Robert           8     MS              412b  28
Bates          Robert           60    Georgia         465a   5
Bates          Robert           57    MS              426a  19
Bates          Robert           22    MS              408b  25
Bates          Rosatha          13    MS              408b  27
Bates          S S              39    MS              503a  33
Bates          Sallie           16    MS              376b  37
Bates          Sallie           10    MS              495a  22
Bates          Samuel           40    MS              509a   1
Bates          Sarah            26    MS              394b  24
Bates          Seaborn          17    Not marked      394b  40
Bates          Taylor           22    MS              412b  23
Bates          Theodore E       .     MS              426b  11
Bates          Thieis           19    MS              472b  32
Bates          Thomas           2     Lousiana        433b  35
Bates          Thompson         44    MS              392a  38
Bates          Tillman          14    MS              509a  25
Bates          Van              3     MS              376a  38
Bates          Van              22    MS              395a   4
Bates          Van              10    MS              394b   2
Bates          Vicie            35    MS              495a  21
Bates          W A              6     MS              503a  36
Bates          Wade             10    MS              392a  40
Bates          Wade             10    Maryland        424a  39
Bates          Warren           12    MS              378b   8
Bates          William          8     MS              465a   7
Bates          William          75    MS              472b  29
Bates          William          5     MS              379a  10
Bates          William          5     MS              496a   8
Bates          William          4     MS              376a  32
Bates          William          2     MS              395a   6
Bates          William H        18    MS              412b   9
Bauyan         Charlotte        5     Virginia        411a  13
Bauyan         James            18    Virginia        411a  12
Bauyan         Lenora           46    Virginia        411a   9
Bauyan         Shander          21    Virginia        411a  10
Bauyan         Spencer          20    Virginia        411a  11
Bauyan         Wilford          46    Virginia        411a   8
Beal           Frank            60    Virginia        434b  36
Beall          Adeline          22    MS              389a  21
Beall          Amanda           10    MS              412b  16
Beall          Amelia           40    MS              412b  15
Beall          Bowen            20    MS              388a  13
Beall          Buck             6     MS              380a   9
Beall          Caroline         20    MS              388a  14
Beall          Charlotte        25    MS              389a  25
Beall          Cicero           3/12  MS              388a   9
Beall          Elisha V         11/12 MS              379b  39
Beall          Eliza            16    MS              382b  11
Beall          Ellen            10    MS              380a   8
Beall          Ellen S          21    MS              388a   8
Beall          Emana            8     MS              382b  13
Beall          Harriet          25    MS              380a   6
Beall          Henrietta        8/12  MS              389a  23
Beall          Henry            3     MS              412b  17
Beall          Isaac            3     MS              417b  19
Beall          Jannie           20    MS              379b  38
Beall          John W           24    MS              388a   7
Beall          Johnnie          1     MS              417b  20
Beall          Lawyer           55    MS              388a  11
Beall          Luvinia          2     MS              389a  22
Beall          Mary             66    KY              389a  37
Beall          Millie           38    MS              382b  10
Beall          Nancy            12    MS              382b  12
Beall          Nancy            12    MS              380a   7
Beall          Rachel           40    MS              388a  12
Beall          Rachel           22    MS              417b  18
Beall          Robert           42    MS              382b   9
Beall          Sampson          5     MS              382b  14
Beall          Scott            21    MS              379b  40
Beall          Solomon          28    MS              417b  17
Beall          Thadius R        22    MS              379b  37
Beall          Wiley            2     MS              388a  15
Beall          William          30    MS              380a   5
Beall          William          2     MS              380a  10
Beasely        Cornelius        55    VA              381a   5
Beasley        Ada              4     MS              387b  13
Beasley        Amanda           22    MS              387b  24
Beasley        Andrew           35    TN              387b   6
Beasley        Andrew           1     MS              387b  26
Beasley        Bradley          8     MS              387b  11
Beasley        Cudjo            12    MS              387b   9
Beasley        Easet            10    MS              387b  10
Beasley        George           11    MS              383a   1
Beasley        Harrison         8     MS              387b  25
Beasley        Henrietta        11    MS              382b  40
Beasley        Isabel           14    MS              387b   8
Beasley        John             31    TN              387b  23
Beasley        Robert E Lee     6     MS              387b  12
Beasley        Rose             30    MS              387b   7
Beasley        Winston          10/12 MS              387b  14
Beavers        Silas M          26    Louisiana       422b  31
Beecham        Miltee           35    KY              377b  29
Beecham        Patsy            25    MS              377b  30
Beecham        Rosetta          1     MS              377b  32
Beecham        Thomas           2     MS              377b  31
Bennet         Eliza            20    Kentucky        450b  20
Bennet         Infant           5/12  MS              450b  22
Bennet         James            25    MS              450b  19
Bennet         Roselea          2     MS              450b  21
Bennett        Charlotte        50    Kentucky        445a  23
Bennett        Ira              15    MS              445a  24
Bercegray      Ellen E          24    MS              413a  10
Bercegray      George L         3/12  MS              413a  12
Bercegray      Raney            27    Louisiana       413a   9
Bercegray      Thomas S         2     MS              413a  11
Berry          Lewis            19    MS              457b  22
Berryhill      A E              18    MS              452a   5
Berryhill      Allex            15    MS              452a   7
Berryhill      B                35    MS              434a  29
Berryhill      Dick             4     MS              507b   3
Berryhill      E L              7     MS              453a  36
Berryhill      E L              15    MS              453a  32
Berryhill      Eli              3     MS              507b   4
Berryhill      Eliza            1/12  MS              434a  32
Berryhill      Emerline         27    MS              434a  30
Berryhill      Emily            40    LA              453a  31
Berryhill      Emma L           4     MS              453a  37
Berryhill      F M              2     MS              453a  38
Berryhill      G N              21    MS              452a   4
Berryhill      G W              49    MS              452a   2
Berryhill      George           3     MS              452b  19
Berryhill      Harriet          40    MS              507b   2
Berryhill      J E              11    MS              453a  34
Berryhill      J M              47    MS              453a  30
Berryhill      Jefferson        13    MS              452a   8
Berryhill      L A              17    MS              452a   6
Berryhill      M M              4/12  MS              452b  21
Berryhill      M P              14    MS              453a  33
Berryhill      Margaret         37    MS              452a   3
Berryhill      Maria            28    MS              452b  18
Berryhill      Sarah            4     MS              434a  31
Berryhill      Susan            1     MS              453a  39
Berryhill      Tete             1     MS              452b  20
Berryhill      Thomas           22    MS              425a  20
Berryhill      W F              9     MS              453a  35
Berryman       Amy              25    MS              475a  36
Berryman       Eliza            3     MS              475a  40
Berryman       Martha           2     MS              475a  39
Berryman       Minnie           6     MS              475a  37
Berryman       Moses            6     MS              475a  38
Berryman       Moses            48    MS              475a  35
Betram         Ambrose          28    Italy           448b  36
Beverly        Ann              18    MS              478b  24
Beverly        David            14    MS              471a  23
Beverly        Docier           9     MS              471a  25
Beverly        Louisa           45    Va              471a  21
Beverly        M                36    MS              471a  20
Beverly        Meredith         5     MS              471a  27
Beverly        Stephen          7     MS              471a  26
Beverly        Thorton          17    MS              471a  22
Beverly        Violet           12    MS              471a  24
Biggs          William          10    MS              467b  19
Bills          J C              36    Lousiana        433a  10
Bills          V J              30    MS              433a  11
Bilton         Alethia A        31    MS              501a  18
Bilton         J A              27    Alabama         501a  17
Bilton         J O              1     MS              501a  19
Biman          A                50    .               465b  32
Black          Amos             2/12  MS              413a  40
Black          John             28    Ohio            413a  38
Black          Martha           18    MS              413a  39
Blackburn      A                47    MS              508b  32
Blackburn      Cecil            6     MS              440a  12
Blackburn      Chloe            25    Geo             440a   9
Blackburn      F                60    Geo             440a   7
Blackburn      Fannie           2/12  MS              440a  13
Blackburn      Linney           7     MS              440a  11
Blackburn      Mary             35    MS              440a   8
Blackburn      Philis           18    Geo             440a  10
Blake          Alferd           30    MS              456b  23
Blake          Ann              9     MS              456b  25
Blake          Clarissa         3     MS              456b  40
Blake          Cora             8     MS              456b  26
Blake          Fannie           25    VA              456b  24
Blake          Thomas           5     MS              456b  27
Blake          Washington       1/12  MS              456b  28
Blount         Harriet          35    La              497b  28
Blount         Martha           13    MS              497b  31
Blount         Mathew           2     MS              497b  30
Blount         Rosetta          4     MS              497b  29
Blount         William          88    North Crolina   497b  27
Boatner        Aggy             35    MS              486a   8
Boatner        Brett            60    S Ca            485a  24
Boatner        Daniel           30    MS              486b  24
Boatner        Ellen            11    MS              485b  15
Boatner        Elvira           38    MS              485a  25
Boatner        Emma             13    MS              485b  14
Boatner        F J              50    MS              485b  10
Boatner        Hanah            2     MS              485a  27
Boatner        J                24    MS              485b   8
Boatner        Joe              9     MS              486a   9
Boatner        L M              58    MS              485b   9
Boatner        Laura            18    MS              485b  12
Boatner        Lewis            14    MS              481b  24
Boatner        Lizzie           27    MS              485b  11
Boatner        Mary             54    MS              486a  16
Boatner        Minda            3     MS              486a  10
Boatner        Nannie           6     MS              481b  25
Boatner        Nora             15    MS              485b  13
Boatner        Ophelia          38    MS              481b  23
Boatner        Phebe            18    MS              461a   7
Boatner        Priscilla        57    MS              486a  15
Boatner        S E              10    MS              485a  26
Boatner        Sam              45    MS              481b  22
Boatner        Simon            3     MS              481b  26
Boatner        Thadius          48    MS              486a   7
Boatner        Willie           8     MS              485b  16
Boles          Benna            12    MS              469b  16
Boles          Ellen            3     MS              469b  18
Boles          Rutha            17    MS              469b  15
Boles          Violet           8     MS              469b  17
Bolin          Henrietta        60    Maryland        430a  25
Bomies         Chloe            28    MS              394a   5
Bomies         Eliza            12    MS              394a   6
Bonalls        Ada              7     MS              513a   1
Bonds          Abraham          6     MS              434a  26
Bonds          Adeline          9     MS              377a  24
Bonds          Alexander        4     MS              434a  28
Bonds          Alexander        37    Alabama         408a  11
Bonds          Allice           30    MS              434a  19
Bonds          Amanda           31    MS              398b  25
Bonds          Amanda           10    MS              377a  23
Bonds          Andy             20    MS              434a  20
Bonds          Arch             33    MS              377a  18
Bonds          Bella            4     MS              385b  20
Bonds          Benjamin         40    MS              385b  18
Bonds          Charlotte        15    MS              434a  22
Bonds          Diamond          80    MS              408b   1
Bonds          Dinah            12    MS              377a  22
Bonds          Edmond           11    MS              434a  24
Bonds          Elizabeth        35    Alabama         408a  12
Bonds          Ellen            16    MS              434a  21
Bonds          Emily            3     MS              377a  27
Bonds          Florence         9     MS              398b  27
Bonds          Francis          6     MS              444b   2
Bonds          Francis          23    MS              385b  19
Bonds          Francis          12    MS              434a  23
Bonds          Frank            45    MS              392b  12
Bonds          J M              2     MS              513b  11
Bonds          Jane             9     MS              392b  13
Bonds          Jasper           57    Kentucky        434a  17
Bonds          Jefferson        8     MS              434a  27
Bonds          Kiziah           21    MS              408b   4
Bonds          Laura            15    MS              377a  20
Bonds          Lettie           50    VA              434a  18
Bonds          Lettie           4     MS              377a  26
Bonds          Letty            7     MS              392b  14
Bonds          Mary             1     MS              429a  39
Bonds          Mary A           4/12  MS              408b   5
Bonds          Mary E           4     MS              408a  14
Bonds          Mary O           25    MS              429a  37
Bonds          Milton N         30    Louisiana       429a  36
Bonds          Monroe           14    MS              377a  21
Bonds          Patsy            31    MS              377a  19
Bonds          Pickett          25    MS              444a  36
Bonds          Rose             12    MS              444b   1
Bonds          Rufus            23    MS              408b   3
Bonds          S J              13    MS              444b  39
Bonds          Samantha         3     MS              429a  38
Bonds          Solomon          6     MS              377a  25
Bonds          Terry            65    MS              408b   2
Bonds          Wade             2     MS              385b  21
Bonds          William          8     MS              434a  25
Bonds          William          4     MS              392b  15
Bonds          William          16    Alabama         408a  13
Bonds          William P        12    MS              398b  26
Bonner         Cresa            14    MS              404b   7
Bonner         Erasmus          19    MS              404b  12
Bonner         George           18    MS              404b  40
Bonner         Harrison         13    MS              404b   8
Bonner         Maranda          10    MS              404b  10
Bonner         Orace            12    MS              404b   9
Bonner         Sarah            34    MS              404b   6
Bonner         Seaborn          21    MS              404b  13
Bonner         Willis           8     MS              404b  11
Booker         Charlotte        5     MS              489a   7
Booker         Clarissa         1     MS              490a  40
Booker         Isaiah           9     MS              490a  39
Booker         Lottie           48    MS              489a   6
Booker         Lottie           30    MS              490a  37
Booker         Mingo            60    Tenn            489a   5
Booker         Phillip          70    MS              490a  36
Booker         Rachel           14    MS              490a  38
Bowman         Levy             21    LA              458b  24
Bowman         Levy             21    MS              488a  10
Bowman         Neilson          18    MS              488a  12
Bowman         Susan            23    MS              458b  25
Bowman         Susan            22    MS              488a  11
Boyle          Lizzie           33    MS              403a  28
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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