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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Safford        E                53    NY              513a  19
Safford        Elias D          8     MS              513a  26
Safford        Emily            13    MS              513a  24
Safford        H A              42    MS              513a  20
Safford        H L              16    MS              513a  23
Safford        Hettie V         6     MS              513a  27
Safford        Louisa E         4     MS              513a  28
Safford        Lucy             10    MS              513a  25
Safford        Maria            36    MS              507b  17
Safford        Peter            64    N Carolina      507b  16
Safford        Rebecca          20    MS              513a  21
Sage*          Frederick        37    St Helena       383a  40
Samme          Charles          65    Virginia        457b  23
Samme          Isaac            16    MS              457b  27
Samme          Mary             40    Tenn            457b  24
Samme          Robert           18    MS              457b  25
Samme          Stephen          20    MS              457b  26
Sample         A C              3     MS              508b   9
Sample         A J              23    MS              508b   8
Sample         Betsey           50    MS              389a  24
Sample         Francis          1     MS              508b  10
Sample         J R              30    MS              508b   7
Sandle         Ailsey           20    MS              411b  13
Sandle         Caboin           25    MS              411b   4
Sandle         Darby            26    MS              411b   3
Sandle         Hanibal          8     MS              411b   7
Sandle         Henry            10    MS              411b  14
Sandle         Jane             10    MS              411b   6
Sandle         Joseph           6     MS              411b   8
Sandle         Joseph           23    MS              411b  12
Sandle         Lizzie           2     MS              411b  10
Sandle         Monroe           1     MS              411b  11
Sandle         Sarah            11    MS              411b   5
Sandle         Thomas           3     MS              411b   9
Sanford        Allen            15    .               432a   8
Sanford        Samuel           35    .               432a   6
Sanford        Sarah            32    .               432a   7
Sassington     J A              42    Ga              514a   4
Saturday       James            69    N Carolina      513b  37
Saturday       Maria            4     MS              510b  12
Saturday       Martha           10    MS              510b  10
Saturday       Matilda          60    MS              513b  38
Saturday       Sarah            5     MS              510b  11
Saturday       Teene            22    MS              510b   9
Sawney         Daniel           43    MS              493b  21
Sawney         Patience         30    MS              493b  22
Schew          Ida              1     MS              477b  18
Schew          Infant           7/12  MS              477b  19
Schew          James            28    MS              477b  15
Schew          Jonas            3     MS              477b  17
Schew          Missouri         28    MS              477b  16
Scoby          Aaron            58    MS              460a  28
Scoby          Aaron            12    MS              460a  30
Scoby          Catherine        40    MS              460a  29
Scoby          Dillon           6     MS              460a  32
Scoby          Eli              8     MS              460a  31
Scott          Alex             29    MS              462b  20
Scott          Alice            6/12  MS              462b  24
Scott          Alice            2     MS              423b  10
Scott          Amanda           20    MS              431a  19
Scott          Amelia           23    MS              423b   7
Scott          Barney           27    MS              423b   6
Scott          Benjman          45    So Carolina     414a  25
Scott          Charlie          3     MS              423b   9
Scott          Elizabeth        25    MS              431a  25
Scott          Ellen            8/12  MS              423b  11
Scott          Ellen            14    MS              431a  21
Scott          Henry            3     MS              431a  22
Scott          Henry            28    MS              502a  38
Scott          Jane             25    MS              462b  21
Scott          John             5     MS              462b  22
Scott          Joseph           61    MS              431a  17
Scott          Joseph           27    MS              431a  24
Scott          Lucinda          1     MS              431a  23
Scott          Luella           10    MS              431a  26
Scott          Mary             9     MS              404b   5
Scott          Melissa          2     MS              431a  27
Scott          Ready            8     MS              423b   8
Scott          Roberta          10    MS              431a  28
Scott          Sarah            54    Maryland        431a  18
Scott          Sarah            2     MS              462b  23
Scott          Terry            16    MS              431a  20
Seal           Ewing            28    MS              386a  12
Seal           Jauesy           20    MS              385a  35
Seal           William          22    MS              385a  34
Seal           William J        2     MS              385a  36
Seale          Angelina         54    MS              382a  34
Seale          Catharine        19    MS              382a  38
Seale          Cynthia          19    MS              382a  37
Seale          Elijah           12    MS              382b   1
Seale          George           17    MS              382a  39
Seale          James            56    MS              382a  33
Seale          Mary             20    MS              382a  36
Seale          Mona             14    MS              382a  40
Seale          Palestine        4     MS              382b   2
Seale          Viola            24    MS              382a  35
Shakespeare    Alex             18    MS              442b   8
Shakespeare    Ora              38    MS              442b   6
Shakespeare    Orvil            40    MS              442b   5
Shakespeare    Van              17    MS              442b   7
Sharp          Adella           16    MS              499b   9
Sharp          David            21    MS              381a   8
Sharp          George           11    MS              499b  12
Sharp          George H         23    MS              404b  34
Sharp          John             12    MS              499b  11
Sharp          John H           5     MS              381a  13
Sharp          Joseph A         12    MS              381a  11
Sharp          Joseph H         54    NC              381a   6
Sharp          Leona M          19    MS              404b  35
Sharp          Newton           7     MS              499b  13
Sharp          Orleana A        10    MS              381a  12
Sharp          Orleana H        43    MS              381a   7
Sharp          Vernona J        16    MS              381a   9
Sharp          Virginia         13    MS              499b  10
Sharp          Wille            2     MS              381a  14
Sharp          William C        14    MS              381a  10
Sharpe         Edward C         25    MS              393a  16
Sharpe         Otis W           9/12  MS              393a  18
Sharpe         Thaddeus M       20    MS              393a  17
Shaw           Allen            13    MS              476a  29
Shaw           Amelia           11    MS              476a  30
Shaw           Clay             5     MS              476a  33
Shaw           Dora             6/12  MS              476a  36
Shaw           George           14    MS              476a  28
Shaw           H N              38    MS              476a  26
Shaw           Henry            8     MS              476a  31
Shaw           J S              22    MS              476a  17
Shaw           John             5     MS              476a  35
Shaw           Margaret E       16    .               421b  23
Shaw           Maria            24    MS              476a  34
Shaw           Mary J           58    LA              476a  16
Shaw           Monroe           7     MS              476a  32
Shaw           Richard          20    .               421b  22
Shears         Amy              16    MS              459b  20
Shears         Celia            2     MS              459b  23
Shears         Cone             5     MS              459b  25
Shears         Cresa            13    MS              459b  21
Shears         Infant           2/12  MS              459b  24
Shears         Isaac            18    MS              459b  19
Shears         James            39    MS              459b  17
Shears         Katy             6     MS              459b  22
Shears         Millie           33    MS              459b  18
Sheppard       Robert           13    .               465b  40
Shippard       Anna             36    MS              465a  39
Shippard       John             48    Virginia        465a  38
Shippard       William          1     MS              465a  40
Shirk          Elizabeth        35    Vt              508b  12
Shirk          M S              40    Ohio            508b  11
Short          Charlie          13    MS              412b  33
Short          Maria            58    Kentucky        423b  24
Shrik          M                16    MS              508a  34
Sibley         Caroline         20    MS              429a   7
Sibley         Charlotte        22    MS              450a   2
Sibley         Daniel           3/12  MS              429a  10
Sibley         Daniel           23    MS              429a   6
Sibley         Leander          5     MS              429a   8
Sibley         Lettice          3     MS              429a   9
Simmonds       Allen            17    MS              428b  10
Simmonds       Caroline         3     MS              428b  15
Simmonds       Darley           14    MS              428b  11
Simmonds       George           2     MS              428b  16
Simmonds       Harry            55    MS              428b   7
Simmonds       Harry            18    MS              428b   9
Simmonds       Isaac            4     MS              428b  14
Simmonds       Oney             7/12  MS              428b  17
Simmonds       Phoebe           7     MS              428b  13
Simmonds       Priscilla        34    MS              428b   8
Simmonds       Sarah            11    MS              428b  12
Simmons        A                31    MS              468a  13
Simmons        Adaline          2     MS              468a  12
Simmons        Antony           14    MS              468a   9
Simmons        Catharine        19    La              497a  27
Simmons        Henry            62    VA              468a   7
Simmons        Henry            6     MS              468a  15
Simmons        Leah             43    MS              468a   8
Simmons        M C              20    La              497a  26
Simmons        Mary A           11    MS              468a  10
Simmons        Moses            4     MS              468a  11
Simmons        Nancy            26    MS              468a  14
Simmons        Robert           3     MS              468a  16
Simon          Dora             6     Texas           511a   5
Simon          Sarah            14    Texas           511a   4
Simore         Isaac            32    So Carolina     410a  38
Sinclair       Elizabeth G      21    MS              392b   9
Sinclair       Gillie Y         23    MS              392b  11
Sinclair       Missouri         42    MS              392b   8
Sinclair       William D        23    MS              392b  10
Sites          E A              36    MS              479b  38
Sites          L                78    MS              479b  35
Sites          M A              16    MS              479b  39
Sites          N M              49    MS              479b  37
Sites          Nancy            59    MS              479b  36
Sleeper        Aaron            24    MS              478b   3
Sleeper        Cecil            4     MS              509b  13
Sleeper        E I              31    MS              475b  15
Sleeper        G D              12    MS              475b  17
Sleeper        G S              41    MS              475b  14
Sleeper        Isadora          2     MS              475b  21
Sleeper        J M              35    MS              506b  20
Sleeper        Joe              35    MS              509b  11
Sleeper        Josephine        9     MS              475b  37
Sleeper        Josiah           4     MS              475b  20
Sleeper        Juliann          4     MS              475b  38
Sleeper        Lorena           30    MS              509b  12
Sleeper        Martha C         13    LA              389b  29
Sleeper        Martha E         6/12  MS              475b  22
Sleeper        Mary             27    MS              475b  36
Sleeper        Milton           25    MS              475b  35
Sleeper        Minnie           65    So Carolina     475b  13
Sleeper        N C              9     MS              475b  18
Sleeper        Rosa             7     MS              509b  15
Sleeper        S H              13    MS              475b  16
Sleeper        Theo             7     MS              475b  19
Sleeper        Tony             18    La              478b   4
Sleeper        Wade             1     MS              509b  14
Smiley         A M              25    MS              455b  32
Smiley         Alfred           23    MS              456a  22
Smiley         C J              21    MS              455b  35
Smiley         Caroline         15    MS              455b  37
Smiley         E A              47    MS              455b  31
Smiley         Ellen            11    MS              456a   5
Smiley         George           3     MS              392b  22
Smiley         Harriet A        5     MS              456a  24
Smiley         Henry            2     MS              392b  23
Smiley         Infant           6/12  MS              392b  24
Smiley         J A              9     MS              455b  39
Smiley         James            19    MS              455b  36
Smiley         Jerry            13    MS              456a   4
Smiley         Joseph           4     MS              392b  21
Smiley         Lavinia          21    MS              392b  20
Smiley         Louisa           11    MS              456b   8
Smiley         M A              23    MS              456a   1
Smiley         M B              11    MS              455b  38
Smiley         M E              1/12  MS              456a   2
Smiley         Mary             1     MS              456b  11
Smiley         Mathew           49    MS              455b  24
Smiley         Matilda          40    MS              456b   7
Smiley         Maybell          4     MS              456a  25
Smiley         Moses            13    MS              456a  17
Smiley         N F              27    MS              455b  40
Smiley         Peggy            7     MS              456a  18
Smiley         R P              55    MS              455b  30
Smiley         Robert           20    MS              426a   7
Smiley         Robert           15    MS              456a  16
Smiley         S J              21    MS              455b  34
Smiley         Sarah            49    MS              456a  15
Smiley         Sarah            21    Texas           456a  23
Smiley         Sim              4     MS              456b  10
Smiley         Thomas           7     MS              456b   9
Smiley         V E              23    MS              455b  33
Smiley         Washgtn          56    VA              456a  14
Smith          A J              16    MS              484a  19
Smith          Adalaide         6     MS              447a  23
Smith          Adam             9     MS              447a  12
Smith          Adam             55    Virginia        447a  10
Smith          Adam             11    MS              404a  16
Smith          Adeline          27    MS              416b  18
Smith          Aggy             8     MS              490b  13
Smith          Amanda           7     Florida         446b  38
Smith          Amanda           59    MS              446b  29
Smith          Amanda           10    MS              447a  22
Smith          Andrew           9     MS              404a  14
Smith          Angeline         45    MS              446b  21
Smith          Arak             17    MS              469a  16
Smith          Augusta          14    MS              464a  13
Smith          Barney           4     MS              484a  23
Smith          Bragg            8     MS              464a  14
Smith          Bulia            21    MS              482b  17
Smith          Cain             6     N Carolina      484a  11
Smith          Calvin           14    MS              447a  21
Smith          Caroline         30    MS              464a   9
Smith          Catherine        28    MS              388b  33
Smith          Charity          22    MS              446b  20
Smith          Charles          17    MS              490b  11
Smith          Charles          13    MS              424b  22
Smith          Charley          5     MS              453a  28
Smith          Charlotte        9     MS              447a   7
Smith          Charlotte        26    MS              453a  27
Smith          Darcas           19    MS              464a  10
Smith          David            23    LA              446b  19
Smith          Dumpin           1     MS              490b  15
Smith          E S              9     Florida         446b  37
Smith          E W              8     MS              482a  16
Smith          E W              7/12  MS              459b  30
Smith          Eliza            4     MS              409b  25
Smith          Eliza            3     MS              447a   2
Smith          Elizabeth        45    MS              482a  14
Smith          Elizabeth        3     MS              424b  25
Smith          Ellen            2     MS              482b  19
Smith          Ellen            11    MS              424b  18
Smith          Emma             36    MS              423b  33
Smith          Everline         41    Virginia        447a   5
Smith          Feda             7     N Carolina      484a  10
Smith          Flora            10    MS              464a  12
Smith          Francis          23    MS              447a   1
Smith          G                13    Florida         446b  35
Smith          G W              51    MS              482a  13
Smith          H E              2     MS              498b  36
Smith          Harriet          30    MS              409b  23
Smith          Harriet          26    MS              447a  20
Smith          Harriet          16    MS              404a  13
Smith          Henry            6     MS              423b  35
Smith          Hines            6     MS              447a   4
Smith          Infant           8/12  MS              446b  23
Smith          Infant           4/12  MS              447a  26
Smith          Infant           2     MS              409b  26
Smith          Isaac            24    MS              466b  12
Smith          Iverson          4/12  MS              482b  20
Smith          J E              30    La              498b  33
Smith          J M              16    Florida         446b  34
Smith          J N              11    MS              484a  21
Smith          J T              5     MS              514a  30
Smith          Jack             24    Kentucky        437b  22
Smith          James            4     MS              490b  14
Smith          James            37    Ky              490b   9
Smith          James D          3     MS              388b  35
Smith          Jennett          65    N Carolina      484a   7
Smith          John             5     MS              409b  24
Smith          John W           6     MS              388b  34
Smith          Johnie           8     MS              424b  24
Smith          Josephine        2     MS              453a  29
Smith          Kary             10    N Carolina      484a   9
Smith          L E              36    MS              484a  18
Smith          Lewis            2     MS              453b  29
Smith          Lewis            2     MS              484a  24
Smith          Louisiana        12    Florida         446b  36
Smith          Lowan            1     MS              447a   3
Smith          M A              3     MS              498b  35
Smith          M E              35    Mass            514a  28
Smith          M E              13    MS              484a  20
Smith          M L              5     MS              514a  29
Smith          M R              1     MS              514a  31
Smith          M S              24    MS              498b  34
Smith          Malinda E        18    MS              413a  30
Smith          Margaret         16    MS              447a   6
Smith          Margaret E       7/12  MS              388b  36
Smith          Mariah           32    N Carolina      484a  14
Smith          Mary             34    MS              490b  10
Smith          Mary             23    MS              466b  13
Smith          Mary             14    MS              495a  39
Smith          Molly            50    MS              447a  11
Smith          Monroe           15    MS              490b  12
Smith          Monroe           11    MS              424b  23
Smith          Mose             9     MS              446b  22
Smith          Moses            1     MS              466b  14
Smith          Nager            3     N Carolina      484a  12
Smith          Narcite          1     MS              447a   9
Smith          Nat              5/12  N Carolina      484a  15
Smith          Ned              18    MS              464a  11
Smith          Nice             1     N Carolina      484a  13
Smith          Olivia           2     MS              459b  29
Smith          Petting          18    MS              453b  28
Smith          R D              17    MS              482a  15
Smith          Richard A        21    Alabama         413a  29
Smith          Robert           3     Florida         446b  39
Smith          Robert S         59    So Carolina     446b  31
Smith          Sam              7     MS              447a  24
Smith          Sarah            12    MS              423b  34
Smith          Smily            7     N Carolina      484a  16
Smith          Sylvester        4     MS              423b  36
Smith          Terrell          45    GA              446b  32
Smith          Thomas           6     MS              482b  18
Smith          Thomas           57    Virginia        447a  19
Smith          Thomas           3     MS              447a  25
Smith          V L              30    MS              459b  28
Smith          W P              36    MS              484a  17
Smith          W S              64    So Carolina     446b  28
Smith          Washington       17    N Carolina      484a   8
Smith          William          4     MS              447a   8
Smith          William J        26    Tenn            459b  27
Smith          Willie           9     MS              484a  22
Smith          Winter           25    MS              482b  16
Smith          Winter           14    S Ca            491b  38
Smith          Wm               64    Canada          514a  27
Smith          Wm               25    LA              453a  26
Smith          Wm S             19    Florida         446b  33
Smoot          Francis          2*    MS              396b  24
Smyley         C M              20    MS              470a  26
Smylie         Algin            10    MS              466b  10
Smylie         Henry            7     MS              466b  11
Spears         Abner            28    MS              483a   2
Spears         Andrew           12    MS              469b  30
Spears         Calvin           1     MS              469b  33
Spears         Casander         6     MS              483a   5
Spears         Charles          1     MS              468b  22
Spears         Charlotte        15    MS              483a  13
Spears         Churchill        12    MS              468b  18
Spears         Colson           48    MS              482a   7
Spears         Dave             4     MS              483a  17
Spears         David            35    MS              468b  16
Spears         David            25    MS              483a   7
Spears         Edmond           13    MS              483a  21
Spears         Elisabeth        3     MS              483a  26
Spears         Eliza            9     MS              483a  23
Spears         Ellen            7     MS              483a   4
Spears         Ellis            14    MS              483b  26
Spears         Elvira           4     MS              469b  32
Spears         Fannie           9     MS              483b  29
Spears         Hannah           21    MS              483a   8
Spears         Harriet          11    MS              483a  22
Spears         Harrison         4     MS              483b  31
Spears         Henrietta        30    MS              483a  20
Spears         Isaac            45    MS              469b  26
Spears         Isaac            34    MS              483a  11
Spears         Isaiah           2     MS              483a  18
Spears         Jacob            36    MS              483a  19
Spears         Jefferson        9     MS              483b  28
Spears         Kinnitt          6     MS              483a  16
Spears         Kitty            2     La              483a  10
Spears         Linda            10    MS              482a  11
Spears         Malinda          30    MS              483a  12
Spears         Manolia          29    MS              468b  17
Spears         Margaret         9/12  MS              482a   9
Spears         Margaret         15    MS              483b  25
Spears         Maria            32    MS              482a   8
Spears         Martha           6     MS              483b  30
Spears         Martha           23    MS              483a   3
Spears         Martha           2     MS              483a   6
Spears         Mary A           16    MS              469b  28
Spears         Mason            7     MS              483a  24
Spears         May              5     MS              483a  25
Spears         May              4     MS              468b  20
Spears         Nancy            7     MS              468b  19
Spears         Nannie           8     MS              482a  12
Spears         Patience         14    MS              469b  29
Spears         Rachel           3     MS              468b  21
Spears         Roda             5     La              483a   9
Spears         Rose             44    MS              483b  24
Spears         Rosetha          8     MS              483a  39
Spears         Sally            22    MS              482a  10
Spears         Sam              8     MS              469b  31
Spears         Sarah            27    MS              469b  27
Spears         Sophia           10    MS              483a  15
Spears         Violet           13    MS              483a  14
Spears         Winter           59    MS              483b  23
Spears         Winter           12    MS              483b  27
Spian / Spears Lizzie           11/12 MS              479b  16
Spian / Spears Minge            29    MS              479b  12
Spian / Spears Molly            4     MS              479b  15
Spian / Spears Rose             5     MS              479b  14
Spian / Spears Scilla           24    MS              479b  13
Spilman        Elizabeth        45    MS              436a  10
Spilman        John             36    MS              436a  12
Spilman        Lewis            36    MS              436a   9
Spilman        Mary A           9     MS              436a  11
Spitz          A                30    Switzerland     510b  15
Spitz          Annie            4     MS              510b  17
Spitz          Joanna           20    Switzerland     510b  16
Spitz          Mary             2     MS              510b  18
Sprich         * E              24    MS              510b  19
Sprich         Annette          50    Switzerland     510b  21
Sprich         Eliza            14    MS              510b  23
Sprich         Goldt B          25    Prussia         510b  24
Sprich         Kate             16    MS              510b  20
Sprich         Wilby            18    La              510b  22
Spriggs        Alferd           5     MS              383b   9
Spriggs        Charity          13    MS              383b   5
Spriggs        Daniel           23    MS              383b   3
Spriggs        Emily            12    MS              383b   6
Spriggs        Henry            7     MS              383b   8
Spriggs        James            60    VA              383b   1
Spriggs        James            1     MS              383b  11
Spriggs        Jane             30    VA              383b   2
Spriggs        Jennie           30    MS              383b  12
Spriggs        Jesse            14    MS              383b   4
Spriggs        Joshua           3     MS              383b  10
Spriggs        Norah            11    MS              383b   7
Spriggs        Scott            11    MS              383b  13
Spurlock       Adeline          3     MS              406a   9
Spurlock       Amanda J         26    MS              418a  19
Spurlock       Andrew           30    MS              402a   8
Spurlock       Caroline         12    MS              391b  27
Spurlock       Charlotte        25    MS              402a   9
Spurlock       Dean             2     MS              393b  12
Spurlock       Edna             30    MS              391b  26
Spurlock       Enos             15    MS              391b  31
Spurlock       George           9     MS              406a   7
Spurlock       Harrison         9     MS              402a  10
Spurlock       Henry            7     MS              402a  11
Spurlock       Hilley           17    MS              394a   7
Spurlock       Hulda            37    MS              406a   4
Spurlock       Johana           2     MS              406a  10
Spurlock       John             11    MS              406a   6
Spurlock       Joseph           50    MS              406a   3
Spurlock       Julia            3     MS              418a  21
Spurlock       Lucy             40    MS              412a   5
Spurlock       Maria            10    MS              391b  28
Spurlock       Mary             60    TN              412a  15
Spurlock       Mary             6     MS              406a   8
Spurlock       Oliver           2     MS              391b  30
Spurlock       Scilla           13    MS              412a  37
Spurlock       Sylvester        4     MS              402a  12
Spurlock       Sylvia           15    MS              393b  11
Spurlock       Tessie           8     MS              391b  29
Spurlock       Thomas           40    Tennessee       418a  18
Spurlock       Thomas J J       8     MS              418a  20
Spurlock       William          19    MS              406a   5
Spurlock       Willis           5/12  MS              393b  13
Stallions      Aaron            20    MS              401a   5
Stallions      Herbert          17    MS              401a   6
Stallions      James            7     MS              401a   9
Stallions      Lizzie           14    MS              401a   7
Stallions      Nicholas         12    MS              401a   8
Stallions      Phebe            40    MS              401a   4
Stallions      Samuel           35    MS              401a   3
Stallions      Washington       2     MS              401a  10
Statesman      Joe              20    MS              455a  40
Statesman      Mary             2     MS              455b   1
Statton        A G              3     MS              514b  21
Statton        F W              31    Va              514b  19
Statton        J A              27    La              514b  20
Stebbins       Kate             25    MS              499b   1
Stebbins       Samuel           6     MS              499b   2
Steel          Alex             9     MS              511b  25
Steel          Archibald        1     MS              511b  29
Steel          H J              38    MS              511b  23
Steel          Mary             3     MS              511b  28
Steel          May              5/12  MS              511b  30
Steel          N C              35    MS              511b  24
Steel          Samuel           11    MS              511b  27
Steel          Sarah            7     MS              511b  26
Steele         Matilda          15    MS              456b  32
Steele         Susan            22    MS              456b  22
Stephen        Anna             16    La              504a  40
Stephen        Caroline         20    MS              387a   7
Stephen        Jefferson        50    MS              387a   5
Stephen        Jerry            17    La              504a  39
Stephen        Nancy            50    MS              387a   6
Stephen        Nancy            18    La              502b   8
Stephen        Willis           70    Va              502b   7
Stephenson     Solomon          42    NC              403a  10
Sterling       Amelia           40    La              497b   5
Sterling       Antony           5     MS              489a  10
Sterling       Baldwin          2     MS              489a  13
Sterling       C                15    MS              434b   4
Sterling       Charles          9     LA              435b   7
Sterling       E J              18    LA              434b  10
Sterling       Fed              28    MS              489a   8
Sterling       Haynes B         22    MS              489a  14
Sterling       J A              58    MS              497b   4
Sterling       J A              18    MS              434b   3
Sterling       J R              12    MS              497b   7
Sterling       James            26    MS              435b   4
Sterling       James            12    MS              437a   4
Sterling       Jane             32    MS              435b   5
Sterling       Louisa           40    MS              437a   2
Sterling       Louisa           3     MS              437a   6
Sterling       Lucretia         24    MS              489a   9
Sterling       M Z              18    MS              468a  38
Sterling       Martha           13    MS              437a   3
Sterling       Martha E         9     MS              489a  12
Sterling       Mary J           6     MS              435b   8
Sterling       O S              33    MS              436b  38
Sterling       Penelope         27    MS              489a  11
Sterling       S C              55    MS              436b  40
Sterling       S C              55    MS              437a   1
Sterling       S H              11    MS              497b   8
Sterling       Samuel           20    MS              382a  32
Sterling       Sarah            3     MS              435b   9
Sterling       Sarah            16    LA              434b  11
Sterling       Thos V           1/12  MS              435b  10
Sterling       V P              28    MS              436b  37
Sterling       W *              9     MS              497b   9
Sterling       W J              11    MS              435b   6
Sterling       W S              17    MS              497b   6
Sterling       Willie P         6     MS              437a   5
Stewart        Adeline          45    MS              500a  36
Stewart        Carrell          6/12  MS              504a   9
Stewart        Catharine        6     MS              389a  19
Stewart        Chaney           40    MS              389a  15
Stewart        Charles          8     MS              504a  18
Stewart        Dorcas           27    MS              389a   9
Stewart        E                57    MS              504a  10
Stewart        E *              1     MS              503b  19
Stewart        E F              2     MS              503b  18
Stewart        Eli              23    MS              500a  37
Stewart        Elizabeth        25    La              503b  17
Stewart        Emily            3/12  MS              389a  13
Stewart        Isaac            25    MS              389a  16
Stewart        J E              8     La              503b  10
Stewart        J M              28    MS              503b  16
Stewart        Jackson          40    MS              389a  14
Stewart        Jane             32    MS              499a  33
Stewart        Jerry            5/12  MS              504a  20
Stewart        John             5     MS              389a  11
Stewart        John             110   Md              503b  11
Stewart        Josephine        25    MS              389a  17
Stewart        Levy             28    MS              500a  35
Stewart        Maria            6     MS              389a  10
Stewart        Martha           21    MS              500a  38
Stewart        Mary             56    La              503b  12
Stewart        Mary             27    MS              504a  17
Stewart        Monroe           3     MS              389a  12
Stewart        Moses            37    MS              499a  32
Stewart        Nora             10    MS              499a  35
Stewart        R J              22    MS              504a   7
Stewart        Richard          34    MS              389a   8
Stewart        S L              20    Georgia         504a   8
Stewart        Samuel           4     MS              389a  20
Stewart        Sarah            2     MS              504a  19
Stewart        Sophia           8     MS              389a  18
Stewart        T                8     MS              502b  36
Stewart        Warren           12    MS              499a  34
Stewart        Wm               19    MS              504a  11
Stockhome      Alex             48    MS              390a  12
Stockhome      Susan            45    MS              390a  13
Stockhouse     Monica           63    SC              389b   1
Stokes         Dinah            14    MS              433b  19
Stokes         Fannie           2     MS              380b  23
Stokes         George W         21    LA              380b  20
Stokes         H H              9     MS              433b  18
Stokes         Hardee           8/12  MS              380b  24
Stokes         Rosaline M       22    MS              380b  21
Stokes         Shelby           3     MS              380b  22
Stone          Catharine        30    MS              505a  16
Stone          Frank            7     MS              505a  17
Stone          Missouri         4     MS              505a  18
Stone          Nathaniel        1/12  MS              505a  19
Stone          Samuel           57    MS              505a  15
Stoveal        Allen            25    MS              409a  20
Stoveal        Esther           4     MS              409a  22
Stoveal        Fannie           9/12  MS              409a  24
Stoveal        Mary             2     MS              409a  23
Stoveal        Melinda          23    MS              409a  21
Strange        Abner            20    MS              436b  19
Strange        David N          12    MS              436b  22
Strange        James M          4     MS              436b  25
Strange        John W           14    MS              436b  21
Strange        Monroe           11    MS              436b  23
Strange        Nancy O          6     MS              436b  24
Strange        Thomas           16    MS              436b  20
Strange        W H              14    MS              436b  26
Strange (Sarah) Sarah           37    MS              436b  18
Strawn         Alethia H        21    MS              465a  20
Strawn         George           13    MS              465a  21
Strawn         J F              55    Tenesse         465a  18
Strawn         M E              8     MS              446b  30
Strawn         Mary             52    MS              465a  19
Street         C N              4     MS              478a  31
Street         H G              68    Va              478a  33
Street         H N              2     MS              478a  32
Street         K E              28    La              478a  29
Street         P P              30    MS              478a  28
Street         T C              6     La              478a  30
Stribling      Judge            10    MS              390a  28
String         Isha             61    So Carolina     442b   2
Styles         Andy             15    MS              430b  32
Styles         Delila           20    La              497b  33
Styles         Harvey           12    MS              430b  33
Styles         Laura            41    MS              430b  30
Styles         Lavander         17    MS              430b  31
Styles         Lewis            9     MS              430b  34
Styles         Louisa           1/12  La              497b  34
Styles         Nathan           24    MS              497b  32
Sudduth        Easter           17    MS              380b  13
Sudduth        Rose             40    MS              380b  12
Swearengen     Albert           8     Virginia        411a  17
Swearengen     Clarrissa        21    Virginia        411a  16
Swearengen     Gay              33    Virginia        411a  15
Swearengen     George           28    MS              388a  26
Swearengen     Henry            4     Virginia        411a  20
Swearengen     Henry A          18    MS              411b  35
Swearengen     Infant           9/12  Virginia        411a  21
Swearengen     J B              47    MS              411b  33
Swearengen     Jake             7     Virginia        411a  14
Swearengen     James            20    MS              388a  28
Swearengen     Jane             12    MS              388a  29
Swearengen     Jane             1     MS              412a   1
Swearengen     Lettia A         15    MS              411b  36
Swearengen     Lucy             8     MS              411b  39
Swearengen     Maria            14    Virginia        411a  18
Swearengen     Mary             30    VA              388a  27
Swearengen     Nancy            6     Virginia        411a  19
Swearengen     Nancy A          13    MS              411b  37
Swearengen     Oliva A          40    MS              411b  34
Swearengen     Thomas           5     MS              411b  40
Swearengen     William H        11    MS              411b  38
Swearingen     Abel             21    MS              383a  12
Swearingen     Andora L         14    MS              429b  10
Swearingen     Andy             8     MS              409b   5
Swearingen     Catharine        10    MS              408b  38
Swearingen     Dicey            9     MS              409b   4
Swearingen     Ellen            50    MS              409a  40
Swearingen     Ellen            28    MS              389b  35
Swearingen     Ellen            19    MS              408b  35
Swearingen     Eugenia          13    MS              409b   2
Swearingen     Everett          49    MS              408b  33
Swearingen     Felix            13    MS              397a  29
Swearingen     George W         12    MS              429b  11
Swearingen     Hampton          17    MS              408b  36
Swearingen     Ida R            5     MS              429b  13
Swearingen     Infant           4/12  MS              383a  14
Swearingen     James            45    MS              389b  34
Swearingen     Job              18    MS              390a  20
Swearingen     John             8     MS              408b  39
Swearingen     John M           9     MS              429b  12
Swearingen     Lafayette        35    MS              429b   8
Swearingen     Lukie J          6/12  MS              389b  39
Swearingen     Martha           37    MS              408b  34
Swearingen     Martha A         45    MS              389b  27
Swearingen     Martha E         3     MS              429b  14
Swearingen     Martin           6     MS              408b  40
Swearingen     Mary C           1     MS              429b  15
Swearingen     Mary L           34    MS              429b   9
Swearingen     Merideth         5     MS              409b   6
Swearingen     Nicey            22    MS              383a  13
Swearingen     Nicey            14    MS              408b  37
Swearingen     Pearla           12    MS              389b  28
Swearingen     Prudence         3     MS              389b  38
Swearingen     Robert           12    MS              389b  36
Swearingen     Stanton          60    MS              409a  39
Swearingen     Susan            6     MS              389b  37
Swearingen     Thomas           19    MS              409b   1
Swearingen     Van              12    MS              409b   3
Swearingen     Van F            56    MS              389b  26
Swearingen     Warick           50    MS              397b   5
Swearingen     William          1     MS              409a   1
Swinton / *ismton John          53    MS              472a  23
Swinton / *ismton Patsy         6     MS              472a  25
Swinton / *ismton Sophia        27    MS              472a  24
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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