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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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H***l          J****            17    MS              376a  22
Hacabee        Cora             1     MS              416a  28
Hacabee        John H           31    MS              416a  23
Hacabee        Sophia E         31    MS              416a  24
Hacker         Amanda           1     MS              506a  34
Hacker         Amelia           25    MS              506a  31
Hacker         Arthur           25    MS              506a  30
Hacker         Caroline         8     MS              494b  22
Hacker         Charles          1/12  MS              494b  25
Hacker         Ellen            3     MS              494b  24
Hacker         Emanuel          5     MS              494b  17
Hacker         Harriet          12    MS              494b  15
Hacker         James            5     MS              506a  33
Hacker         John             7     MS              506a  32
Hacker         Judson           27    MS              494b  20
Hacker         Margaret         4     MS              494b  18
Hacker         Mary             6     MS              494b  23
Hacker         Mary             30    MS              494b  13
Hacker         Sallie           8     MS              494b  16
Hacker         Toy              22    Md              494b  21
Hacker         Wiley            13    MS              494b  14
Hacker         Willie           2     MS              494b  19
Hacker         Wren             69    Md              494b  12
Hacket         David            40    MS              495a  35
Hacket         Kisana           16    MS              495a  38
Hacket         Margaret         40    MS              495a  36
Hacket         Martin           2     MS              495a  37
Hageman        Catharine        36    Germany         514b  10
Hageman        J G              38    Germany         514b   9
Hageman        U C J            1     MS              514b  11
Hales          John N           12    MS              378a  11
Hall           Alex             2     MS              472a  29
Hall           Eliza            7     MS              427b   6
Hall           Ellen            3     MS              472a  28
Hall           Elsie            44    MS              498b  38
Hall           Fannie           20    MS              472a  27
Hall           Fannie           16    MS              427b   4
Hall           Isiah            4/12  MS              472a  30
Hall           James            35    MS              427b   2
Hall           Levin            27    MS              472a  26
Hall           M E              17    MS              499b  22
Hall           Maria            28    MS              427b   3
Hall           Nora             3     MS              427b   7
Hall           Rose             11    MS              427b   5
Hall           Thomas           50    MS              498b  37
Hamau*         Evitt            13    MS              419a  21
Hamilton       Ann              6     MS              482b  25
Hamilton       C J              23    MS              482b   8
Hamilton       Cecelia          5     MS              513a   7
Hamilton       Celia            2/12  MS              482b  28
Hamilton       Colla            6     MS              482b   6
Hamilton       Delia            38    MS              481a   1
Hamilton       E J              43    La              482a  39
Hamilton       E O              11    MS              482b   4
Hamilton       Fannie           8     MS              513a   5
Hamilton       Frank            14    MS              481a   6
Hamilton       Helen            13    MS              481a   2
Hamilton       Isaac            17    MS              481a   4
Hamilton       Isadore          10    MS              513a   4
Hamilton       J B              20    MS              482b   1
Hamilton       J F              39    Alabama         513a   2
Hamilton       J P              13    MS              482b   3
Hamilton       Jerry            6     MS              481a   3
Hamilton       John             6     MS              513a   6
Hamilton       Josaphine        4     MS              482b  26
Hamilton       L P              9     MS              482b   5
Hamilton       Laura            8     MS              482b  24
Hamilton       Lizzie           22    MS              482a  40
Hamilton       M A              32    MS              513a   3
Hamilton       Martha           23    MS              482b  22
Hamilton       Pennia           10    MS              482b  23
Hamilton       Rebecca          6/12  MS              513a   9
Hamilton       S                33    MS              482b  21
Hamilton       S J              4     MS              482b   7
Hamilton       Solomon          2     MS              482b  27
Hamilton       V S              16    MS              482b   2
Hamilton       Willey           3     MS              513a   8
Hamilton       Willey           16    MS              481a   5
Hamilton       Wm               26    MS              480b  40
Hampton        Elisa            20    MS              414a  39
Hampton        Isaac            21    MS              414a  38
Hampton        William          1     MS              414a  40
Hancock        Allice           13    MS              511b  18
Hancock        Angeline         40    MS              511b  17
Hancock        Feulon           2     MS              511b  22
Hancock        J A              15    MS              511b  19
Hancock        Josiah           4     MS              511b  21
Hancock        M A              11    MS              511b  20
Hancock        W C              48    SCarolina       511b  16
Hanks          Aaron            25    MS              471a  35
Hanks          E N              12    MS              489b   9
Hanks          E V              5     MS              489b  11
Hanks          Hester           4     MS              471a  38
Hanks          J L              14    MS              489b   7
Hanks          Julia            15    MS              471a  37
Hanks          L R              56    S Carolina      489b   4
Hanks          L R J            18    MS              489b   6
Hanks          M A              44    MS              489b   5
Hanks          M E              9     MS              489b  10
Hanks          M J              12    MS              489b   8
Hanks          Miram            35    MS              471a  36
Hansford       Charity          16    So Carolina     414a  24
Hansford       Harriet          33    So Carolina     414a  23
Hardisey       A                30    MS              481a  12
Hardisey       Alice            10    MS              481a  15
Hardisey       Bertha           5     MS              481a  17
Hardisey       Celia            8/12  MS              481a  18
Hardisey       Jack             15    MS              481a  14
Hardisey       Millie           32    La              481a  13
Hardisey       Wm               5     MS              481a  16
Hardwick       F B              63    N Carolina      513b  19
Hardy          Dina             4     MS              481a  37
Hardy          Fannie           29    So Carolina     414a  32
Hardy          George           7     MS              481a  35
Hardy          George           40    So Carolina     414a  31
Hardy          Kau              8     MS              481a  34
Hardy          Missouri         15    MS              481a  32
Hardy          Polly            32    MS              481a  31
Hardy          Sam              46    MS              481a  30
Hardy          Susan            12    MS              481a  33
Hardy          Vina             3     MS              481a  36
Harness        Adam             38    Virginia        431a  10
Harness        Eason            34    Virginia        431a   2
Harness        Edward           70    Virginia        431a   6
Harness        Edward           14    MS              431a  12
Harness        Elijah           4     MS              431a  14
Harness        Erie             2     MS              431a  15
Harness        Jennie           75    Virginia        431a   7
Harness        Mary             8     MS              431a  13
Harness        Mary             25    MS              431a   3
Harness        Mina             31    MS              431a  11
Harning        Elijah C         21    MS              383b  34
Harold         Isom             35    LA              466b  26
Harper         Coela            54    MS              432b  24
Harper         Hester           20    MS              432b  25
Harper         Simon            45    MS              432b  23
Harrel         Charles          26    AL              376a   8
Harrell        A E              30    La              498a  15
Harrell        Adaline          17    MS              480a   6
Harrell        Ally             15    La              480a  17
Harrell        Anna             30    MS              480a   4
Harrell        Barrin           4     MS              480b  16
Harrell        C C              8     MS              490a  11
Harrell        Charles          14    MS              476b   9
Harrell        Charlotte        12    MS              480a   7
Harrell        D D              6     MS              476b  13
Harrell        Dave             9     MS              480b  15
Harrell        Eliza            19    MS              481a  38
Harrell        Emily            9     MS              480a  37
Harrell        Eug C            17    MS              476b   8
Harrell        Fannie           22    MS              498a  16
Harrell        Fannie           19    La              480a  33
Harrell        Filmore          12    MS              480a  35
Harrell        George           21    MS              494b  11
Harrell        George           1     MS              480a   9
Harrell        Harriet          31    La              480a  16
Harrell        Henderson        30    MS              494b   6
Harrell        Henry            8     MS              480a   8
Harrell        Henry            55    La              480a  26
Harrell        Isaac            2     MS              420a  39
Harrell        Jacob            74    S Carolina      480a  22
Harrell        Joe              8     MS              482a  37
Harrell        Joe              14    MS              480b  12
Harrell        Julia            10    MS              480a  19
Harrell        Julia            1     MS              480a  34
Harrell        L L              10    MS              490a  10
Harrell        Linn             30    MS              480b   8
Harrell        Lorena           17    MS              494b   7
Harrell        Lorna            1     MS              498a  17
Harrell        M P              12    MS              476b  10
Harrell        Mack             10    MS              480a  30
Harrell        Margaret         17    MS              480b   9
Harrell        Maria            1/12  MS              480b  18
Harrell        Mariah           44    MS              480a  27
Harrell        Mary             5     MS              420a  40
Harrell        Mary             37    MS              480a  36
Harrell        Mason            20    MS              480b  17
Harrell        Moses            5     MS              480a  31
Harrell        Nancy            15    MS              480b  11
Harrell        Oll              37    MS              476b   7
Harrell        Owen             16    MS              480a  29
Harrell        Phil             21    MS              480a  32
Harrell        Philis           13    MS              480b  13
Harrell        Rachel           16    MS              480a   5
Harrell        Reuben           16    MS              480b  10
Harrell        Richard          12    MS              480a  18
Harrell        S W              45    MS              476b   6
Harrell        Sally            12    MS              480b  14
Harrell        Sam              38    MS              480a  15
Harrell        Sam              20    MS              480a  28
Harrell        Sarah            3     MS              480a  21
Harrell        Sidney           45    MS              482a  36
Harrell        Susan            45    Va              480a   3
Harrell        Susie G          9     MS              418a   5
Harrell        Thos L           9     MS              476b  12
Harrell        V M              11    MS              476b  11
Harrell        William          4     MS              482a  38
Harrell        Wm               8     MS              480a  20
Harrell        Wm               40    MS              480b   7
Harrington     Alonzo           30    MS              400b   4
Harrington     Dicey            31    MS              391a  28
Harrington     Felix            59    Ky              511a   8
Harrington     Frank            13    MS              511a  10
Harrington     Gabriel Y        8     MS              414a   9
Harrington     Jesse            55    MS              391a  27
Harrington     Lucy             10    MS              414a   7
Harrington     Mariah           45    MS              511a   9
Harrington     Sand**           20    MS              408b  22
Harrington     Sheppard         11    MS              511a  11
Harrington     Thomas W         9     MS              414a   8
Harris         A *              19    MS              437b  11
Harris         A J              8     MS              437b   7
Harris         Angeline         27    MS              434b  18
Harris         C                6     MS              437b   9
Harris         E D              22    MS              441a  27
Harris         E L              17    MS              437b   2
Harris         E N              10    MS              437b   5
Harris         E W              43    LA              437a  40
Harris         Ellen            2     MS              447a  17
Harris         Emily            7     MS              447b  13
Harris         Ephraim          30    LA              447a  15
Harris         F W              46    MS              434b  17
Harris         Flowers          25    MS              400b   7
Harris         Frank R          1     MS              434b  19
Harris         H E              12    MS              437b   4
Harris         Harriet          23    MS              414a  16
Harris         Henrietta        1     MS              447b  14
Harris         Infant           1     MS              437b  10
Harris         Jane             20    MS              400b   8
Harris         Lizzie           23    MS              404b   4
Harris         Louisa           18    MS              447b  12
Harris         Margaret         27    MS              434b  20
Harris         Martha           24    MS              447a  16
Harris         Mary             4     MS              400b   9
Harris         Mary J           4     MS              414a  17
Harris         Millie           70    MS              439b  28
Harris         Orace            53    MS              404a  40
Harris         Parker           8/12  MS              447a  18
Harris         R L              16    MS              437b   3
Harris         Sam              1     MS              434b  21
Harris         Sarah            28    MS              439b  27
Harris         Sarah            25    MS              386b  22
Harris         Stewart          5     MS              434b  22
Harris         T F              9     MS              437b   6
Harris         Thomas           2     MS              400b  10
Harris         Virginia         47    MS              437b   1
Harris         W P              7     MS              437b   8
Harris         Willis           35    MS              404b   3
Harris         Wm               28    MS              439b  26
Harrison       Alethea          22    La              499b  36
Harrison       Charles          37    La              497a  38
Harrison       Charlotte        36    MS              455b  13
Harrison       Emeline          21    MS              404a   8
Harrison       Frank            6     MS              400a  10
Harrison       Frank            27    SC              404a   7
Harrison       George           13    MS              505a  38
Harrison       Henry            23    La              499b  35
Harrison       Hiny             56    Va              505a  37
Harrison       Infant           1/12  MS              497b   1
Harrison       Isadore          1     MS              509b  18
Harrison       Iverson          4/12  La              499b  37
Harrison       Jack             20    MS              509b  16
Harrison       Joe              24    MS              455b  10
Harrison       Leah             16    MS              509b  17
Harrison       Martha           9/12  MS              455b  12
Harrison       Phillis          40    MS              455b   8
Harrison       Pleas            65    Va              505a  36
Harrison       Prissly          20    MS              455b  11
Harrison       Steven           52    MS              455b   7
Harrison       Teener           15    MS              455b   9
Harrol         Henry            8     MS              507b   1
Harrol         Kitty            45    MS              507b   5
Harry          Anderson         90    Va              506b  23
Hartley        Amanda           17    MS              408a  34
Hartley        Burrell          32    MS              408a  32
Hartley        Catharine        40    MS              408a  33
Hartley        Elizabeth B      12    MS              408a  27
Hartley        Genett           10    MS              408a  36
Hartley        Henry            15    MS              408a  35
Hartley        Howard E         11    MS              408a  28
Hartley        Ida E            4     MS              408a  31
Hartley        Minerva E        34    MS              408a  26
Hartley        Perry            4     MS              408a  37
Hartley        Thomas J         6     MS              408a  30
Hartley        William D        8     MS              408a  29
Hartley        William H        37    MS              408a  25
Hartley        Wilson           2     MS              408a  38
Harvey         Alethia          9     MS              452b  32
Harvey         Alexander        2     MS              425b  10
Harvey         Bunell           14    MS              452b  30
Harvey         Catherine        23    MS              425b   8
Harvey         Ceasar           32    MS              395a  16
Harvey         Emily            32    MS              452b  29
Harvey         Fannie           58    MS              419a  33
Harvey         Florence         8/12  MS              425b  11
Harvey         George           12    MS              395a  18
Harvey         Harriet          7     MS              452b  35
Harvey         Infant           6/12  MS              395a  19
Harvey         Jack             37    MS              452b  28
Harvey         John             26    MS              425b   7
Harvey         Louisa           30    MS              395a  17
Harvey         Mary             6     MS              425b   9
Harvey         Patience         5/12  MS              452b  34
Harvey         Robin            59    Louisiana       419a  32
Harvey         Sylvia           10    MS              452b  31
Harvey         Van              8     MS              452b  33
Havard         Albert           2     MS              438b  32
Havard         Alethean         30    MS              438b  29
Havard         Alethia          13    MS              486a  13
Havard         Charlotte        6     MS              438b  31
Havard         Freeman          20    MS              433b  31
Havard         Hattie           9     MS              438b  34
Havard         Isaac            16    MS              486a  11
Havard         J C              37    MS              433b  29
Havard         Jesse            7     MS              438b  30
Havard         Josephine        15    MS              486a  12
Havard         Lavinia          15    MS              438b  33
Havard         M A              25    MS              433b  30
Havard         Ned              12    MS              444b  10
Havard         Rosa             11    MS              486a  14
Havard         Simon            48    Virginia        438b  28
Hawkin         Ribon            24    MS              455b  25
Hay            Ebenezer         6     MS              407b   6
Hay            James            34    MS              407b   4
Hay            Lewis            2     MS              407b   8
Hay            Malvina          5     MS              407b   7
Hay            Patience         23    MS              407b   5
Haygood        Celia            23    MS              483b  19
Haygood        E                29    MS              482a  29
Haygood        E A              60    S Carolina      476b  27
Haygood        E J              54    La              476b  28
Haygood        E J              12    MS              476b  33
Haygood        Helen            20    MS              483b  22
Haygood        Henry            3     MS              483b  20
Haygood        Joe              13    MS              476b  34
Haygood        L H              24    MS              476b  29
Haygood        Lea              1     MS              483b  21
Haygood        M                55    MS              439a  37
Haygood        M A              20    MS              476b  30
Haygood        M E              15    MS              476b  32
Haygood        Mary A           20    MS              482a  30
Haygood        O C              17    MS              476b  31
Haygood        Sarah            12    MS              482a  31
Haygood        Scott            23    MS              483b  18
Haygood        Van              2     MS              482a  32
Haygood        William          12    MS              476b  35
Haynes         A E              22    LA              474a  40
Haynes         Amelia           34    MS              473b   4
Haynes         Baldwin          5     MS              466a  11
Haynes         Ben              10    LA              474b  10
Haynes         Betsy            37    MS              466b   4
Haynes         Clarissa         40    MS              466b  20
Haynes         Eady             45    Virginia        466a   4
Haynes         Edna             46    MS              466b  16
Haynes         Ellen            24    MS              466a   9
Haynes         Emma             4     LA              474b  11
Haynes         Frank            5     MS              466a  31
Haynes         George           2     MS              502b  11
Haynes         Hannah           67    MS              466b   3
Haynes         Harry            3     MS              466a  32
Haynes         Harry            13    MS              466a   1
Haynes         Isaac            67    Tenn            466b   2
Haynes         Isaac            5     MS              466a   2
Haynes         Isaac            19    MS              473b   5
Haynes         Jack             53    .               465b  38
Haynes         James            7     MS              466a  13
Haynes         Josephine        24    LA              466a  30
Haynes         Julia            15    MS              466a  14
Haynes         L A              1     MS              466a  33
Haynes         Lafayette        23    MS              473a  38
Haynes         Lidia            12    MS              466a   6
Haynes         Louisa           7     LA              466b  22
Haynes         M V B            36    MS              466b  15
Haynes         Margaret         40    LA              474b   9
Haynes         Martha           2     MS              466b  18
Haynes         Mary             52    MS              473b   3
Haynes         May              13    MS              473b   7
Haynes         O B              29    LA              474a  39
Haynes         Peter            61    MS              473b   2
Haynes         Rinna            55    .               465b  39
Haynes         Robert           11    MS              466b   5
Haynes         Robinson         1     LA              474b  12
Haynes         Sam              32    MS              466a   8
Haynes         Sam              14    MS              473b   6
Haynes         Sam              11    MS              466a   7
Haynes         Samuel           3     MS              466a  12
Haynes         Sarah            22    MS              466b  17
Haynes         Sarah            20    MS              466a   5
Haynes         Sukie            5     MS              473b   8
Haynes         Thomas           22    MS              502b   9
Haynes         Tom              11    LA              466b  21
Haynes         Tommy            45    MS              466a   3
Haynes         Tyler            34    MS              466b  19
Haynes         Vina             18    MS              502b  10
Haynes         W L              27    MS              466a  29
Haynes         Walter           4/12  MS              474b   1
Haynes         Willie           8     MS              466a  10
Hays           A                40    MS              473a  21
Hays           Adelaide         3     MS              487a  32
Hays           Albert           8     MS              487a  22
Hays           Albert           28    MS              487a  33
Hays           Amanda           5     MS              487a  35
Hays           Autey            60    MS              487a  26
Hays           Charlotte        26    MS              487a  34
Hays           Cresa            2     MS              487a  37
Hays           Elisabeth        28    MS              487a  20
Hays           Fed              5     MS              473a  23
Hays           Harrison         2/12  MS              473a  25
Hays           Hennie           16    MS              487a  29
Hays           Jane             7     MS              487a  31
Hays           Lidia            2     MS              473a  24
Hays           Lydia            50    MS              487a  27
Hays           Noah             31    MS              487a  19
Hays           Peggy            10    MS              487a  21
Hays           Sarah            4     MS              487a  36
Hays           Sarah            20    MS              487a  28
Hays           Tenn             23    MS              473a  22
Hays           Wesley           9     MS              487a  30
Hazelwood      A A              6     MS              454b   3
Hazelwood      G W              2     MS              454b   5
Hazelwood      H O              38    MS              454b   1
Hazelwood      J S              28    MS              454a  40
Hazelwood      M M              8     MS              454b   2
Hazelwood      T L              4     MS              454b   4
Hazlewood      A M              25    MS              507a  29
Hazlewood      Aussie           30    MS              377b   8
Hazlewood      C                54    MS              455a  13
Hazlewood      Cicero           6     MS              377b   7
Hazlewood      E L              17    MS              455a  15
Hazlewood      Elizabeth        30    MS              475b  28
Hazlewood      Henry            10    MS              454b   9
Hazlewood      Janie            6     MS              377b   6
Hazlewood      Lucinda          35    MS              380a  39
Hazlewood      M A              20    MS              455a   2
Hazlewood      N                67    Virginia        454b  40
Hazlewood      N                11    MS              454b   8
Hazlewood      Ned              45    MS              475b  27
Hazlewood      Prince           35    MS              380a  38
Hazlewood      Rosetta          40    MS              377b   5
Hazlewood      Sen***           45    VA              377b   4
Hazlewood      T E              1     MS              455a   5
Hazlewood      W D              23    MS              455a  14
Hazlewood      Wm J             67    Virginia        455a   1
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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