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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Brabham        Ann A            16    MS              422b  22
Brabham        Barth            24    MS              428b  18
Brabham        James            13    MS              419a  16
Brabham        James T          8     MS              422b  23
Brabham        John             46    S Carolina      496a  18
Brabham        Lavinia          15    MS              419a  14
Brabham        Leander          15    MS              419a  15
Brabham        Mary J           19    MS              412b  13
Brabham        Minerva          19    MS              419a  13
Brabham        Nancy            13    MS              428b  22
Brabham        Silas            15    MS              428b  21
Brabham        Sophia           19    MS              428b  20
Brabham        Thursa A         23    MS              422b  21
Brabham        Warren           22    MS              428b  19
Brabham        Zachariah        21    MS              422b  20
Bradley        A                32    MS              455b   2
Bradley        Amanda           15    MS              473b  14
Bradley        Ben              17    MS              448a  11
Bradley        Calvin           13    MS              447a  33
Bradley        Catharine        7     MS              473b  17
Bradley        Celia            10    MS              447a  34
Bradley        Charlotte        12    MS              473b  15
Bradley        Clarissa         20    MS              470a  23
Bradley        Eliza            46    MS              447a  31
Bradley        Ellen            14    MS              447a  32
Bradley        Hamden           69    S Carolina      455b   4
Bradley        Henderson        2     MS              470a  24
Bradley        Henry            34    MS              447a  30
Bradley        Jarrot           4     MS              473b  19
Bradley        L A              22    MS              455b   3
Bradley        Lottie           53    MS              470a  22
Bradley        Lucinda          16    MS              448a  12
Bradley        Mary             18    MS              447b  25
Bradley        Milton           46    MS              473b  12
Bradley        Nat              10    MS              448a   6
Bradley        Nora             35    MS              473b  13
Bradley        Pat              9     MS              473b  16
Bradley        Phebe            70    MS              450a  18
Bradley        Philis           22    MS              448a  14
Bradley        Pompy            3     MS              473b  20
Bradley        S H              24    MS              448a  13
Bradley        Stephens         3     MS              470a  25
Bradley        Susanah          4     MS              448a  15
Bradley        Thomas           5     MS              473b  18
Bradly         Harriet          70    MS              473a  10
Bradly         Richard          60    MS              473a   9
Bramlet        D C              25    MS              507a  12
Bramlet        E                56    MS              507a  38
Bramlet        Fannie           57    MS              507a  39
Bramlet        Malissa          15    MS              507a  40
Branch         Alethia          8     MS              471b   7
Branch         Amanda           4     MS              471b   9
Branch         Columbus         11    MS              471b   6
Branch         Emeline          7     MS              471b   8
Branch         Helen            23    MS              471b   5
Branch         James            7/12  MS              471b  10
Branch         Joe              36    MS              471b   4
Branch         Joe Sr           79    MS              471b  11
Brashears      Elizene          7/12  MS              418a   8
Brashears      George L         2     MS              418a   6
Brashears      George M         39    Lousiana        418a   1
Brashears      Lavinia L        2     MS              418a   7
Brashears      Lucretia A       30    MS              418a   2
Brashears      Morris           13    MS              418a   3
Brashears      Wiley            10    MS              418a   4
Bratham        Ellison          20    .               432a  32
Bratham        Lewis            4     MS              432b   1
Bratham        Minerva          16    .               432a  27
Bratham        Minnie           21    .               432a  33
Bratham        Terry            1     MS              432b   2
Bratham        William          1     .               432a  34
Brett          David W          50    MS              391a  36
Brett          Lucy             12    MS              391a  38
Brett          Mary             52    MS              391a  37
Brewer         A A              28    MS              514b   2
Brewer         P R              31    MS              514b   1
Briges         Amanda           30    MS              426b  26
Briges         Thomas           2     MS              426b  27
Briggs         George           24    MS              418b  39
Briggs         Rachel           80    Virginia        419a   1
Briggs         Sarah            40    MS              418b  40
Brightly       Amanda           5     MS              443a   2
Brightly       Charles          2     MS              443a   3
Brightly       Ellen            28    MS              442b  40
Brightly       Infant           5/12  MS              443a   5
Brightly       Martha           2     MS              443a   4
Brightly       Matilda          9     MS              443a   1
Brightly       Willis           51    VA              442b  39
Brooks         Adeline          5     MS              426a  36
Brooks         Albert           9     MS              494a  18
Brooks         Amanda           13    MS              494a  17
Brooks         Biddie           35    MS              476a  24
Brooks         Chaney           38    MS              426a  26
Brooks         Charlie          4     MS              426a  37
Brooks         Emily            19    MS              454a  19
Brooks         Frank            6     MS              426a  35
Brooks         George           19    MS              426a  27
Brooks         Gibson           60    Va              494a  13
Brooks         Hampton          13    MS              426a  32
Brooks         Harriet          5/12  MS              473a  27
Brooks         Henry            43    MS              426a  25
Brooks         India            16    MS              426a  30
Brooks         James            9     MS              426a  33
Brooks         Lottie           7     MS              494a  19
Brooks         Margaret         17    MS              426a  29
Brooks         Maria            14    MS              426a  31
Brooks         Mary             3     MS              494a  20
Brooks         Matilda          44    MS              494a  14
Brooks         P                35    MS              476a  23
Brooks         Rebecca          17    MS              494a  15
Brooks         Robert           1     MS              426a  38
Brooks         Sarah            21    MS              473a  26
Brooks         Sarah            18    MS              426a  28
Brooks         Sherman          1/12  MS              494a  21
Brooks         Silas            15    MS              494a  16
Brooks         Van              7     MS              426a  34
Browder        Ann              6     MS              380a  22
Browder        Charlotte        12    MS              380a  21
Browder        George           16    MS              380a  20
Browder        Pleasant         75    MS              380a  18
Browder        Sally            30    MS              380a  19
Brown          Abner            68    S Carolina      488b  16
Brown          Abraham          4     MS              392a  12
Brown          Albert           3     MS              461b   2
Brown          Alex             2     MS              482b  14
Brown          Alexander        20    MS              383b  31
Brown          Alice            17    MS              424a  22
Brown          Alice            16    MS              466b  34
Brown          Allen            16    MS              426a  21
Brown          Amanda           4     MS              475a  33
Brown          Amanda           2/12  MS              456a  21
Brown          Amelia           18    MS              466b  24
Brown          Angeline         2     MS              390b   2
Brown          Ann              55    MS              505a  34
Brown          Azsels           18    MS              395b  13
Brown          Ballen           20    MS              456a  19
Brown          Benjamin         63    S Ca            505a  33
Brown          Bennet           10    MS              505a  35
Brown          Caroline         25    MS              466b  28
Brown          Caroline         13    MS              467b   2
Brown          Caroline M       22    MS              424a  15
Brown          Carter           6     MS              488b  19
Brown          Cecelia          23    MS              513a  30
Brown          Cecilia          5     MS              461b   1
Brown          Charity          12    MS              461b   5
Brown          Charles H        74    Pennsylvania    431a   1
Brown          Clara            60    MS              475a  34
Brown          Cornelius        7     Texas           395a  31
Brown          Daniel           57    SC              392a   7
Brown          E B              66    S Carolina      505a  31
Brown          Ebenezer         27    MS              391a  40
Brown          Edna             11    MS              496b  36
Brown          Eliza            4     Texas           395a  33
Brown          Eliza            35    MS              390a  38
Brown          Elizabeth        4     MS              395a  34
Brown          Ellen            14    MS              402a  36
Brown          Elmira           1/12  MS              505a  30
Brown          Emily            11    MS              488b  18
Brown          Emma             49    MS              496b  34
Brown          Ephraim          4/12  MS              459a  30
Brown          Ephriam          9/12  MS              401b   7
Brown          Ephriam          35    MS              390a  37
Brown          Erasmus          13    MS              390a  40
Brown          Eugenia          4     MS              482b  12
Brown          Francis          28    MS              475a  26
Brown          G                58    MS              475a  25
Brown          George           7     MS              495b   1
Brown          George           67    Md              467a  40
Brown          George           5     MS              475a  32
Brown          George           35    MS              466b  27
Brown          George J         10    MS              467b   3
Brown          Hannah           37    MS              466b  33
Brown          Hannah           23    MS              401b   5
Brown          Harriet          9/12  MS              482b  15
Brown          Harrison         19    MS              391b   6
Brown          Henry            3     MS              466a  28
Brown          Hester           18    MS              475a  27
Brown          Infant           4/12  MS              395a  35
Brown          Isaac            27    MS              513a  29
Brown          Isaac            1     MS              466b  25
Brown          J F              25    Germany         454a  31
Brown          Jack             24    MS              406a  14
Brown          Jacob            28    MS              401b   4
Brown          Jane             22    MS              384b  27
Brown          Jeannette        9     MS              440a  21
Brown          Jerry            51    MS              482b   9
Brown          Jerry            14    MS              392a   9
Brown          Jesse            25    S Carolina      461a  39
Brown          Joe              26    MS              466b  23
Brown          John             65    N Carolina      458b  16
Brown          John             10    MS              475a  29
Brown          John L           15    MS              440a  18
Brown          Joseph           62    So Carolina     424a  19
Brown          Joseph W         34    MS              424a  14
Brown          Joshua           8     MS              390b   1
Brown          Jounah           23    MS              461a  40
Brown          L A              36    MS              440a  15
Brown          L G              52    So Carolina     440a  14
Brown          Lale             15    La              479b  17
Brown          Laura B          57    MS              424a  20
Brown          Laura L          2     MS              424a  17
Brown          Leona            7     MS              392a  11
Brown          Lettie           80    Virginia        451a  40
Brown          Linna            1     MS              466b  31
Brown          Linnie           15    MS              391b   7
Brown          Louisa           11    MS              440a  20
Brown          Lucinda          14    MS              412a  38
Brown          Lucy             19    MS              475a  28
Brown          Mahulda          40    MS              458b  17
Brown          Malinda          12    MS              395b  14
Brown          Maria            36    MS              482b  10
Brown          Maricu           35    MS              384b  26
Brown          Martha           60    MS              475b  34
Brown          Martha           39    MS              413b  34
Brown          Mary             60    MS              497a   2
Brown          Mary             47    VA              461b   4
Brown          Mary             46    MS              467b   1
Brown          Mary             17    MS              440a  17
Brown          Mary A           49    MS              488b  17
Brown          Mary A           28    MS              392a   8
Brown          Mary C           3     MS              424a  16
Brown          Mary J           19    MS              384b  28
Brown          Matilda          3     MS              482b  13
Brown          Millie           5     MS              495b   2
Brown          Millie           23    MS              456a  20
Brown          Millon           9     MS              475a  30
Brown          Minapa           6     MS              482b  11
Brown          N H V            3     MS              513a  31
Brown          Nancy            5     MS              467b   4
Brown          Nancy E          1     MS              424a  18
Brown          Nannie           7     MS              475a  31
Brown          Nathan           4     MS              466a  27
Brown          Nathaniel        30    Texas           395a  29
Brown          Neamit           27    MS              395b  12
Brown          O A              18    MS              505a  29
Brown          Peggy            7     MS              466b  29
Brown          Peggy            60    MS              466b  32
Brown          Peter            80    So Carolina     475b  33
Brown          Peter            65    Virginia        448b  28
Brown          Piggie           11    MS              496b  35
Brown          Prince           42    MS              466a  25
Brown          R F              4/12  MS              454a  36
Brown          S                79    So Carolina     442b  18
Brown          Samuel           19    MS              440a  16
Brown          Sarah            3     MS              466b  30
Brown          Sarah            13    MS              392a  10
Brown          Sarah E          13    MS              440a  19
Brown          Sophia           21    MS              424a  21
Brown          Susan            32    MS              466a  26
Brown          T A              24    MS              454a  32
Brown          Teener           90    MS              459a  31
Brown          Temperance       26    SC              395a  30
Brown          Thomas           8     MS              496b  37
Brown          Thomas           3/12  MS              461b   3
Brown          Victoria         15    MS              390a  39
Brown          W K              25    MS              505a  28
Brown          Walton           5     Texas           395a  32
Brown          William          39    MS              413b  33
Bruce          Jackson          24    LA              397a   4
Bruce          John W           30    LA              397a   1
Bruce          Robert           1     MS              397a   3
Bruce          Sarah E          27    MS              397a   2
Brumfield      Hannah           61    GA              401b  19
Brumfield      Jesse            63    SC              401b  18
Bryant         Albert           4     La              504a  30
Bryant         Alethea          40    La              504b  14
Bryant         Alfred           7     La              504b  26
Bryant         Alfred           27    MS              504a  26
Bryant         Amanda           8     So Carolina     414a  30
Bryant         Amanda           8     MS              416b   8
Bryant         Anna             30    La              504a  27
Bryant         Augusta          14    MS              501b   9
Bryant         Caroline         16    MS              501b   8
Bryant         Charles          57    MS              448b  14
Bryant         Cherry           13    La              504b  23
Bryant         D H              33    MS              449b  40
Bryant         David            15    La              504a  33
Bryant         Dollie           9     La              504a  28
Bryant         Dollie           50    La              504a  35
Bryant         Dollie           11    La              504b  17
Bryant         Dudley           3     La              504b  27
Bryant         Eliza            11    MS              448b  17
Bryant         Emily            31    MS              416b   6
Bryant         Emily            31    So Carolina     414a  28
Bryant         Frank            7     MS              448b  19
Bryant         Hannah           13    La              504b  16
Bryant         Harriet          13    La              504b  24
Bryant         Henry            17    La              504b  15
Bryant         Issac            20    MS              501b   7
Bryant         James            8     La              504b  18
Bryant         James            67    La              504a  34
Bryant         John             16    La              504a  32
Bryant         Julia            10    La              504a  37
Bryant         Lewis            35    La              504b  13
Bryant         Lucinda          2     La              504b  20
Bryant         Lucinda          13    So Carolina     414a  29
Bryant         Lucinda          13    MS              416b   7
Bryant         Mary             40    La              504b  22
Bryant         Mary             36    MS              448b  15
Bryant         Mathew           19    La              504b  29
Bryant         Minnie           13    La              504a  36
Bryant         Nathan           6     La              504a  29
Bryant         Nelson           40    La              504b  21
Bryant         Pennie           17    MS              448b  16
Bryant         Rebecca          6     La              504a  38
Bryant         Sarah            5/12  La              504a  31
Bryant         Simon            5     MS              448b  20
Bryant         Targett          9     MS              448b  18
Bryant         Wash             10    La              504b  25
Bryant         William          4     La              504b  19
Bryant         William          1     La              504b  28
Bubee          E H              24    Indiana         440b  36
Buckey         Polly            55    MS              464b  16
Buckles        Joe              45    MS              448b  21
Buckley        Ann              13    MS              383b  21
Buie           Christopher      4     MS              390a  16
Buie           Cresa            1     MS              390a  17
Buie           Francis          33    MS              390a  15
Buie           Jacob            50    MS              390a  14
Bullock        Alice            6     MS              393b  24
Bullock        Edward J         11    MS              399b  32
Bullock        Enos             9     MS              390b  29
Bullock        Frances          10    MS              495b  12
Bullock        John D           7     MS              399b  33
Bullock        Missouri         30    MS              390b  28
Bullock        Ned              28    MS              393b  22
Bullock        Rhoda            25    MS              393b  23
Bullock        Samuel           4     MS              393b  25
Bullock        William          14    MS              399b  31
Burrell        Eliza            60    MS              426a  24
Burris         Aaron            11    MS              420a   4
Burris         Al***            20    MS              420a  30
Burris         Amanda           24    MS              420a  28
Burris         Annie            22    MS              411b  21
Burris         Clarissa         15    MS              472a  35
Burris         Delia            7     MS              420a   6
Burris         Eliza            4/12  MS              472a  39
Burris         Elizabeth        57    Georgia         420a  27
Burris         Elvira           2     MS              427b  18
Burris         Emily            17    MS              420a  29
Burris         Enos P           8     MS              411b  26
Burris         Ephriam          3     MS              420a   8
Burris         Erasmus T        19    MS              411b  24
Burris         Fannie           9     MS              420a   5
Burris         Hampton          61    So Carolina     411b  22
Burris         Henderson        24    MS              448a   7
Burris         Ida              5     MS              426b  19
Burris         Infant           2/12  MS              406b  32
Burris         Isabella         7/12  MS              426b  20
Burris         J*el             21    MS              420a  31
Burris         Jacob            32    MS              420a   2
Burris         Jacob F          21    MS              411b  20
Burris         Jane             7     MS              426b  18
Burris         John             3     MS              448a   9
Burris         John A           27    MS              406b  29
Burris         Laura S          23    MS              406b  30
Burris         Lucy             20    MS              420a   3
Burris         Lucy             20    MS              427b  17
Burris         Maggie           1     MS              420a   9
Burris         Mahala           25    MS              426b  17
Burris         Malinda          19    MS              448a   8
Burris         Malinda H        29    MS              420a  14
Burris         Marshall         35    MS              420a  13
Burris         Mary M           34    MS              411b  23
Burris         May              33    MS              472a  34
Burris         Minnie           6     MS              472a  37
Burris         Minnie H         1     MS              420a  15
Burris         Prentis          24    MS              426b  16
Burris         Richard          4     MS              420a   7
Burris         Sarah            12    MS              472a  36
Burris         Thomas R         10    MS              411b  25
Burris         Tony             3     MS              472a  38
Burris         William          9/12  MS              448a  10
Burris         Willie E         3     MS              406b  31
Burton         Adaline          19    MS              426b  23
Burton         Adam             2     MS              503a   8
Burton         Bates            76    SC              509b  38
Burton         Cynthia          63    SC              509b  39
Burton         Elbert           28    MS              503a   6
Burton         Elbert           25    MS              426b  22
Burton         Hity             21    MS              503a   7
Burton         Josephine        6/12  MS              503a   9
Burton         Leathi           11/12 MS              426b  25
Burton         M Bethel         23    MS              509b  40
Burton         Noah             2     MS              426b  24
Butler         A M J            4     MS              440a  39
Butler         Aaron C          14    MS              386b  33
Butler         Aaron H          49    MS              384a  10
Butler         Albert D         3     MS              386b  35
Butler         Alexander        3     MS              417b  23
Butler         Amelia           41    MS              510b  33
Butler         Amy              16    MS              385a  11
Butler         Ann              25    Kentucky        433a  39
Butler         Anna             11    MS              395a  11
Butler         Ary E            8     MS              386b  34
Butler         Avery Joe        13    MS              395a  10
Butler         Bell             11    MS              507a  35
Butler         Bradley W        18    MS              386b  31
Butler         Buster           15    MS              386a  34
Butler         Cage             18    MS              406b  23
Butler         Charles H        22    MS              416b  35
Butler         Charlie          11    MS              403b  13
Butler         Charlie T        4     MS              384a  16
Butler         Davis            8     MS              507a  36
Butler         Decatur N        52    MS              385b   9
Butler         Decatur N        12    MS              385b  15
Butler         Dempsey M        16    MS              384a  13
Butler         Dick             12    MS              386a  35
Butler         Eliza V          14    MS              416b  37
Butler         Elizabeth *      23    MS              399a  26
Butler         Ellen E          18    MS              416b  36
Butler         Emeline          14    MS              507a  37
Butler         Emma K           38    MS              386b  30
Butler         Franklin E       21    MS              405b  21
Butler         George H         27    MS              399a  25
Butler         Georgia          11    MS              495a  40
Butler         Hardy            8     MS              385a  14
Butler         Helen E          23    MS              416b  33
Butler         Henry            5     MS              417b  22
Butler         Hi***l           23    MS              383a  38
Butler         Hiram            6     MS              433a  40
Butler         Hugh B           25    MS              416b  32
Butler         Ida Z            14    MS              385b  14
Butler         Infant           8/12  MS              440a  40
Butler         Infant           1/12  MS              385a  16
Butler         Infant           1     MS              384a  17
Butler         Ivarine          19    MS              383a  39
Butler         J H              11    MS              440a  36
Butler         J J              37    MS              513b  35
Butler         J J              20    MS              440a  34
Butler         J W              7     MS              440a  38
Butler         J W              47    MS              440a  32
Butler         Jabez            76    Georgia         386a  19
Butler         Jabez H          11    MS              381b   9
Butler         James            4     MS              385a  15
Butler         Jefferson B      7     MS              385b  17
Butler         John             35    MS              507a  30
Butler         John             17    MS              490b  38
Butler         John W           13    MS              384a  14
Butler         Joseph           14    MS              403b  12
Butler         Julia N          12    MS              416b  38
Butler         Latimer K        21    MS              385b  11
Butler         Lethia           5     MS              403b  14
Butler         Lethia           30    MS              403b  11
Butler         Louisa           45    MS              385a   9
Butler         Louisa           11    MS              417b  27
Butler         Lucinda          28    MS              395a   9
Butler         M E              40    MS              440a  33
Butler         Mahala           43    MS              463b   6
Butler         Mahala           15    MS              507a  32
Butler         Margaret         52    MS              416b  34
Butler         Martha           49    MS              385b  10
Butler         Martha E         9     MS              385b  16
Butler         Martha E         4     MS              399a  27
Butler         Mary             46    MS              417b  24
Butler         Mary P           26    MS              384a  11
Butler         Melinda          25    MS              417b  21
Butler         Minnie           2     MS              413b  39
Butler         Nancy            70    MS              386a  20
Butler         Nancy            36    MS              513b  36
Butler         Nancy P          21    MS              413b  38
Butler         Nathan           22    MS              395a   8
Butler         Polly F          17    MS              385b  13
Butler         Quitman          15    MS              381b   8
Butler         Robert P         58    MS              386b  29
Butler         Rowland W        19    MS              385b  12
Butler         Ruth             1     MS              413b  40
Butler         S E              16    MS              440a  35
Butler         Samuel           17    MS              385a  10
Butler         Sarah J          18    MS              384a  12
Butler         Shack            13    MS              507a  33
Butler         Sophia           16    MS              417b  26
Butler         Stanton R        16    MS              386b  32
Butler         Susan R          25    MS              417b  25
Butler         T H              9     MS              440a  37
Butler         Thomas           60    MS              385a   8
Butler         Thomas B         9/12  MS              399a  28
Butler         Thomas L         10    MS              384a  15
Butler         Toney            43    MS              403b  10
Butler         Victoria         35    MS              507a  31
Butler         Victoria         26    MS              386a  21
Butler         Vina             14    MS              384a  18
Butler         W L              4     MS              510b  34
Butler         Wade             11    MS              507a  34
Butler         Westley          12    MS              385a  12
Butler         Wiley            10    MS              385a  13
Butler         William          9     MS              417b  28
Butler         William E        29    MS              413b  37
Butler         Z P              61    Ga              510b  32
Byrd           Andy             5     MS              418a  29
Byrd           Annie            1     MS              418a  31
Byrd           Dinah            23    MS              418a  25
Byrd           Francis          35    MS              418a  24
Byrd           L A              3     MS              437b  32
Byrd           L A              10    MS              437b  31
Byrd           L C              57    MS              437b  29
Byrd           Lizzie           21    LA              463b   4
Byrd           Lucy             15    MS              418a  26
Byrd           Mary             4     MS              418a  30
Byrd           Nancy            59    MS              442b   3
Byrd           Nancy            50    MS              418a  23
Byrd           Polly            15    MS              418a  27
Byrd           Samuel           55    MS              418a  22
Byrd           Simon            14    MS              418a  28
Byrd           W M              13    MS              437b  30
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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