The USGenWeb Census Project®
Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Underwood      A Will           24    KY             257   1
Underwood      Amelia           36    MS             213   8
Underwood      Armstead         21    KY             150  30
Underwood      Georgiana        19    MS             150  29
Underwood      James            28    KY             150  28
Underwood      Jehu             36    Tenn           213   7
Underwood      Mariah           53    KY             150  31
Van Norman     Aaron            83    Penn           227   1
Van Norman     Andrew J         22    MS             251  12
Van Norman     Anloem ?         22    MS             253  10
Van Norman     Cyrenus          35    Indiana        255  10
Van Norman     Elizabeth        55    KY             258  11
Van Norman     Ellen            8     MS             255  12
Van Norman     Emma             2     MS             210  23
Van Norman     Garnet           26    MS             258  13
Van Norman     Garnet           1/12  MS             255  14
Van Norman     Hiram            59    Canada         258  10
Van Norman     Hiram            10    MS             210  21
Van Norman     James            6     MS             255  13
Van Norman     Margaret         5     MS             210  22
Van Norman     Mary             27    MS             255  11
Van Norman     Mary             18    MS             253  11
Van Norman     Mary             10/12 MS             210  24
Van Norman     Matilda          61    Gra            227  26
Van Norman     Rhoda            30    MS             210  19
Van Norman     Roland           12    MS             210  20
Van Norman     Samuel           22    MS             255  18
Van Norman     Sarah            17    MS             258  14
Van Norman     William L        32    Indiana        210  18
Wactor         Abram            25    MS             168  23
Wactor         Arminda          23    MS             168  21
Wactor         Caroline         28    MS             168  20
Wactor         Chlorinda        21    MS             168  22
Wactor         John             70    SC             168  17
Wactor         Mary             30    MS             168  19
Wactor         Susannah         69    SC             168  18
Waid (Wade)    Elizabeth        40    MS             236  14
Walker         Alice            1     MS             169   5
Walker         Christopher      12    MS             169   1
Walker         Herman           16    MS             168  39
Walker         John             14    MS             255  26
Walker         John E           45    MS             168  36
Walker         Julia            18    MS             255  25
Walker         Martha           6     MS             169   3
Walker         Mary             48    Vermont        255  24
Walker         Mary             10    MS             169   2
Walker         Nicholas         14    MS             168  40
Walker         Rachel           38    MS             168  37
Walker         Virginia         3     MS             169   4
Walker         Virginia         12    MS             255  27
Walker         William          20    MS             227   8
Walker         William          18    MS             168  38
Wall           Ada              1     MS             150  21
Wall           Adaline          27    MS             151  18
Wall           Aletha           13    MS             152  18
Wall           Alice            6     MS             151  33
Wall           Baby             5/12  MS             152   4
Wall           Barbara          33    MS             178  36
Wall           Benjamin         27    MS             151  17
Wall           Benton           1     MS             151  21
Wall           Bowman           16    MS             214  35
Wall           Byrd             30    MS             151  13
Wall           Caroline         11    MS             152  19
Wall           Catherine        13    MS             153  15
Wall           Charles          7/12  MS             159  27
Wall           Charles J        62    MS             153  12
Wall           Charles V        25    MS             159  23
Wall           Chlorinda        18    MS             155  10
Wall           Clarence         1     MS             151  16
Wall           Cynthia          1     MS             152  22
Wall           David            22    MS             153  16
Wall           David            2     MS             159  26
Wall           Dora             2     MS             151  15
Wall           Elizabeth        7     MS             150  17
Wall           Esther           23    MS             153  14
Wall           Eugene           2     MS             150  20
Wall           Francis          38    MS             153  13
Wall           Hampton          30    MS             155   9
Wall           Harvey           5     MS             159  25
Wall           Henrietta        35    MS             152  17
Wall           Henry            18    MS             151  28
Wall           Howell           38    MS             178  35
Wall           Howell G         36    MS             152  16
Wall           Ida              4     MS             151  19
Wall           James            6     MS             152  20
Wall           James            18    MS             152   2
Wall           James            11    MS             153  18
Wall           Jehu G           31    MS             150  14
Wall           Jerome           11    MS             151  30
Wall           John             24    MS             151  25
Wall           John             10    MS             178  38
Wall           Josephine        10    MS             151  31
Wall           Lafayette        4     MS             152  21
Wall           Leroy            22    MS             151  26
Wall           Lethia           22    MS             152   1
Wall           Letitia          16    MS             151  29
Wall           Louisa           9     MS             150  16
Wall           Margaret         26    MS             151  24
Wall           Martha           5     MS             150  18
Wall           Martha           4     MS             178  40
Wall           Martha           15    MS             152   3
Wall           Mary             6     MS             178  39
Wall           Mary             28    MS             151  14
Wall           Mary             24    MS             150  15
Wall           Mary             22    LA             159  24
Wall           Mary             2     MS             151  20
Wall           Mary             12    MS             153  17
Wall           Rebecca          47    SC             151  23
Wall           Reuben T         48    SC             151  22
Wall           Rhoda            58    MS             151  39
Wall           Samuel           53    SC             155  11
Wall           Sarah            4     MS             150  19
Wall           Sarah            19    MS             151  27
Wall           Sarah            13    MS             178  37
Wall           Virginia         9     MS             151  32
Wall           William          20    MS             151  40
Ward           Stella           1     MS             178   4
Ward           Stephen B        25    Indiana        178   2
Ward           Susan            25    Indiana        178   3
Washburn       Emma             22    Vermont        250  17
Way            Allen            8     MS             187  21
Way            Claiborn         12    MS             187  19
Way            Cluskey          33    MS             187  18
Way            Evans            34    MS             187  17
Way            Harriet          9     MS             187  20
Way            John             4     MS             187  23
Way            Joseph           3/12  MS             187  25
Way            Mary             6     MS             187  22
Way            Nancy            2     MS             187  24
Way (May)      Etheland         23    MS             176  14
Way (May)      John             2     MS             176  16
Way (May)      Julia            21    MS             176  15
Way (May)      Mary             5/12  MS             176  17
Weatherby      Celina           38    MS             177  15
Weatherby      Eliza            21    MS             195   7
Weatherby      Elizabeth        19    MS             167  34
Weatherby      Famitana         6     MS             177  19
Weatherby      Halton C         48    SC             177  14
Weatherby      Halton J         23    MS             167  33
Weatherby      Harriet          2/12  MS             167  35
Weatherby      Lewis            16    MS             177  16
Weatherby      Seaborn          24    MS             225  23
Weatherby      Seaborn          11    MS             177  18
Weatherby      William          14    MS             177  17
Weathersby     Eliza            5     MS             169  26
Weathersby     Lewis            27    MS             176  25
Weathersby     Martha           55    Penn           186   6
Weathersby     Mary             7     MS             169  25
Weathersby     Mary             30    MS             169  23
Weathersby     Mary             24    MS             176  26
Weathersby     Solomon          17    MS             176  12
Weathersby     Virginia         1     MS             176  27
Weathersby     Walter           8     MS             169  24
Weathersby     Walter M         35    LA             169  22
Weathersby     William J        23    MS             176  24
Webb           Andrew           16    Gra            252  14
Webb           Caroline         12    Gra            252  16
Webb           Chal K           59    MS             226   1
Webb           Charles          12    MS             226   3
Webb           Eliza            1     MS             162  37
Webb           Felicia          23    MS             226   5
Webb           Frances          6     Gra            162  35
Webb           George           3     MS             223  32
Webb           George F         42    MS             223  28
Webb           Grazella         8     Gra            252  18
Webb           James            17    Gra            252  13
Webb           Jane             43    MS             226   2
Webb           John M F         27    Gra            253  36
Webb           K Rufus          35    MS             226   4
Webb           Lorena           30    Gra            162  34
Webb           Louisa           38    MS             223  29
Webb           Lucinda          49    Gra            252  11
Webb           Mary             19    MS             253  37
Webb           McKlung          10    MS             223  31
Webb           Pleasant         31    Gra            162  33
Webb           Sampson C        25    Gra            254   3
Webb           Samuel           10    Gra            252  17
Webb           Samuel B         57    Gra            252  10
Webb           Sarah            14    Gra            252  15
Webb           Thomas           5     Gra            252  19
Webb           William          2     Gra            162  36
Webb           William          17    MS             223  30
Webb           William          10/12 MS             226   6
Webb           William G        22    Gra            254   2
Weber          Frank            24    Bavaria        254  38
Wells          Baby             7/12  MS             173  40
Wells          Christopher      5     MS             180  28
Wells          Ebenezer         12    MS             180  26
Wells          George           3     MS             173  39
Wells          George           10    MS             180  27
Wells          Geroge           37    MS             173  31
Wells          James            12    MS             173  34
Wells          John             7     MS             173  37
Wells          Martha           38    MS             180  24
Wells          Mary             30    MS             173  32
Wells          Mary             16    MS             173  33
Wells          Nathaniel        42    MS             180  23
Wells          Nathaniel        10    MS             173  35
Wells          Robert           9     MS             173  36
Wells          Thomas           14    MS             180  25
Wells          William          5     MS             173  38
Westbrook      Allen N          26    MS             175  32
Westbrook      Amazon           17    MS             168  11
Westbrook      Anna             10    MS             174  32
Westbrook      Benjamin         13    MS             168  14
Westbrook      David            5     MS             174  34
Westbrook      Edward           44    MS             168   8
Westbrook      Frances          37    MS             168   9
Westbrook      Henry            6     MS             175  34
Westbrook      John             4/12  MS             175  37
Westbrook      John             17    MS             150   3
Westbrook      Joseph           12    MS             174  31
Westbrook      Julia            3     MS             175  36
Westbrook      Letha            8     MS             174  33
Westbrook      Louisa           14    MS             174  30
Westbrook      Mary             7     MS             150   2
Westbrook      Mary             16    MS             168  12
Westbrook      Melissa          14    MS             168  13
Westbrook      Richard          4     MS             175  35
Westbrook      Sarah            44    Gra            174  29
Westbrook      Sarah            21    MS             175  33
Westbrook      Seaborn          19    MS             168  10
Westbrook      Taylor           12    MS             168  15
Whitaker       Aminda           16    MS             224   6
Whitaker       Mary             13    MS             224   7
White          Ambrose          24    LA             197  30
White          Charles          2     LA             190   5
White          John             30    MS             190   4
Whitehead      Elias            31    LA             227  28
Whitehead      Emeline          17    LA             227  32
Whitehead      Joseph           26    LA             227  31
Whitehead      Julia            1     MS             227  30
Whitehead      Mary             17    MS             227  29
Whitehead      Nancy            13    LA             208  34
Whitehead      Sarah            13    LA             208  33
Whitney        J H              25    NY             254   5
Whitney        Monroe           12    MS             259   3
Whittington    Aletha           6     MS             227  15
Whittington    Aletha           25    MS             238  25
Whittington    Aletha           11    MS             238  18
Whittington    Alexander        6     MS             228  34
Whittington    Alexia           27    MS             230  34
Whittington    Almira           5     MS             240  36
Whittington    Amanda           12    MS             236   2
Whittington    Amelia           42    MS             221  24
Whittington    Andrew           24    MS             182   6
Whittington    Arthur           45    MS             240  30
Whittington    Arzela           14    MS             236   1
Whittington    Baby             8/12  MS             221  30
Whittington    Baby             2/12  MS             230  36
Whittington    Benjamin         16    MS             247  18
Whittington    Buck             2     MS             238  27
Whittington    Calvin           3     MS             221  29
Whittington    Caroline         19    MS             237  15
Whittington    Catharine        6     MS             237  21
Whittington    Catherine        1     MS             227  17
Whittington    Cicero           20    MS             227  35
Whittington    Cornelia         7     MS             221  27
Whittington    Delia            17    MS             235  40
Whittington    Dempsey          21    MS             235  39
Whittington    Elam             45    MS             227  33
Whittington    Elam             28    MS             238  29
Whittington    Eliza            22    MS             238  30
Whittington    Elizabeth        49    LA             227  34
Whittington    Elizabeth        37    MS             237  19
Whittington    Elizabeth        31    MS             227  13
Whittington    Elizabeth        14    MS             237  16
Whittington    Elizabeth        13    MS             154   3
Whittington    Ellen            11    MS             154   4
Whittington    Emeline          20    MS             237  14
Whittington    Eveline          38    MS             228  28
Whittington    Franklin         23    MS             235  38
Whittington    Garnet           23    MS             229   9
Whittington    George B         28    MS             248  24
Whittington    Georgiana        2     MS             240  37
Whittington    Henderson        45    MS             237  12
Whittington    Indiana          14    MS             228  30
Whittington    Jackson          34    MS             237  18
Whittington    James            9     MS             237  20
Whittington    James            17    MS             227  38
Whittington    Jane             17    MS             238  17
Whittington    Jasper           8     MS             240  34
Whittington    Jerome           10    MS             228  32
Whittington    John             3     MS             230  35
Whittington    John             3     MS             248  26
Whittington    John             10    MS             236   3
Whittington    Jordan           40    MS             221  23
Whittington    Julia            30    MS             238  19
Whittington    Leander          5     MS             221  28
Whittington    Littleton        3     MS             227  16
Whittington    Louisa           9     MS             154   5
Whittington    Lucy             11    MS             221  25
Whittington    Martha           5     MS             238  21
Whittington    Martha           10    MS             240  33
Whittington    Martin           32    MS             238  24
Whittington    Mary             82    Gra            221  31
Whittington    Mary             8     MS             227  14
Whittington    Mary             6     MS             240  35
Whittington    Mary             55    Gra            238  13
Whittington    Mary             5     MS             227  40
Whittington    Mary             4     MS             238  26
Whittington    Mary             24    MS             248  25
Whittington    Mary             20    MS             242  14
Whittington    Melantha         12    MS             240  32
Whittington    Milly            3/12  MS             228  36
Whittington    Monroe           13    MS             228  31
Whittington    Mourning         16    MS             247   3
Whittington    Mourning         11    MS             237  17
Whittington    Nancy            41    MS             235  37
Whittington    Nancy            1     MS             237  22
Whittington    Napoleon         20    MS             227  36
Whittington    Napoleon         18    MS             183  30
Whittington    Napoleon         18    MS             228  29
Whittington    Noah             42    MS             235  36
Whittington    Noah             25    MS             238  15
Whittington    Ora              36    MS             240  31
Whittington    Phoebe           3     MS             238  22
Whittington    Rachel           38    MS             237  13
Whittington    Richard          9     MS             221  26
Whittington    Robert M         30    MS             242  13
Whittington    Sarah            37    MS             238  14
Whittington    Sarah            3     MS             238  31
Whittington    Sarah            13    MS             227  39
Whittington    Sarah            1     MS             248  27
Whittington    Stacy            23    MS             238  16
Whittington    Stephen          19    MS             240   4
Whittington    Susan            7/12  MS             238  32
Whittington    Susan            6/12  MS             238  28
Whittington    Thomas           65    SC             238  33
Whittington    Thomas           6     MS             236   4
Whittington    Thomas           3     MS             228  35
Whittington    Thomas H         30    MS             227  12
Whittington    Timothy          7     MS             238  20
Whittington    Turnsy ?         00    MS             238  34
Whittington    Wade             55    Gra            238  12
Whittington    Wade             1     MS             238  23
Whittington    Walter           8     MS             228  33
Whittington    William          2     MS             242  15
Whittington    William          19    MS             227  37
Whittington    William J        42    MS             228  27
Whittington    Willie           66    Gra            240   3
Wicker         A Middleton      36    MS             196   7
Wicker         Elceba           28    MS             196   8
Wicker         Francis          5     MS             196  10
Wicker         Sarah            5     MS             196   9
Wicker         Seaborn          2     MS             196  11
Wilcher        George           8     MS             175   2
Wilcher        Jane             36    MS             174  39
Wilcher        John             21    Tenn           170   7
Wilcher        Mary             10    MS             175   1
Wilcher        Melissa          16    MS             170   8
Wilcher        Thomas           7     MS             175   3
Wilcher        Virginia         14    MS             174  40
Wilkes         David            6     MS             166  27
Wilkes         Elisha           33    MS             166  23
Wilkes         Elizabeth        15    MS             166  25
Wilkes         Julia            3     MS             166  29
Wilkes         Louisa           8     MS             166  26
Wilkes         Thomas           1     MS             166  30
Wilkes         Vasti            28    MS             166  24
Wilkes         Zachariah        7     MS             166  28
Wilkinson      Adelaide         6     MS             247  14
Wilkinson      Allen            7     MS             245  37
Wilkinson      Amelia           19    MS             213  20
Wilkinson      Amos             1     MS             247  32
Wilkinson      Anderson (Andrew) 8    MS             247  13
Wilkinson      Ann              7     MS             247  30
Wilkinson      Benjamin         1     MS             245  40
Wilkinson      Benjamin R       30    MS             168  32
Wilkinson      Calisthia        13    MS             247  11
Wilkinson      Charles          1/12  MS             246   1
Wilkinson      Daniel           22    MS             220  40
Wilkinson      Don              10    MS             222   4
Wilkinson      Eason            4     MS             245  38
Wilkinson      Eason R          27    MS             245  35
Wilkinson      Elizabeth        23    MS             168  33
Wilkinson      Elizabeth        12    MS             222  17
Wilkinson      Florence         5     MS             247  19
Wilkinson      Franklin         4     MS             222  20
Wilkinson      Franklin         21    .              222  11
Wilkinson      Franklin         16    MS             247  24
Wilkinson      Indiana          11    MS             247  27
Wilkinson      James            8     MS             222   5
Wilkinson      Jane             22    MS             247  22
Wilkinson      Jane             15    .              222  12
Wilkinson      Jefferson        14    MS             247  25
Wilkinson      John             9/12  MS             222   8
Wilkinson      John             4/12  MS             247  15
Wilkinson      John C           35    MS             222  14
Wilkinson      John W           26    MS             213  19
Wilkinson      Lavisa           30    MS             175  12
Wilkinson      Lavisa           25    MS             247  10
Wilkinson      Mahala           23    MS             245  36
Wilkinson      Margaret         60    Gra            222  10
Wilkinson      Margaret         6     MS             222  19
Wilkinson      Margaret         56    LA             175  16
Wilkinson      Mary             3     MS             168  34
Wilkinson      Mary             21    MS             175  14
Wilkinson      Mary             15    .              222  13
Wilkinson      Mary             1     MS             175  15
Wilkinson      Mary C           29    MS             222   3
Wilkinson      Melissa          10    MS             247  28
Wilkinson      Micajah          9     MS             247  29
Wilkinson      Micajah          57    MS             222   2
Wilkinson      Micajah          44    MS             247  21
Wilkinson      Nathaniel        18    MS             247  23
Wilkinson      Nettie           2     MS             222  21
Wilkinson      Philadelphia     30    MS             222  15
Wilkinson      Reuben           12    MS             247  26
Wilkinson      Roland           6     MS             222   6
Wilkinson      Rowland          63    Gra            222   9
Wilkinson      Sarah            11/12 MS             168  35
Wilkinson      Sarah            10/12 MS             213  21
Wilkinson      Stephen          27    MS             175  11
Wilkinson      Stephen          15    MS             247  33
Wilkinson      Temperence       67    SC             249  21
Wilkinson      Thomas           6     MS             216  20
Wilkinson      Thomas           4     MS             222   7
Wilkinson      Tyson            22    MS             175  13
Wilkinson      Viola            4     MS             247  31
Wilkinson      William          8     MS             216  19
Wilkinson      William          14    MS             222  16
Wilkinson      Winston          42    MS             247   9
Wilkinson      Winston          10    MS             247  12
Wilkinson      Zachariah        10    MS             222  18
Williams       Ada              58    SC             247   5
Williams       Alice            3     MS             242  36
Williams       Allen            2     MS             153  35
Williams       Andrew           18    MS             157  33
Williams       Anolphus         35    Indiana        242  31
Williams       Cecil            4     MS             152  11
Williams       Charles          10    MS             153  32
Williams       Eliza            5     MS             153  34
Williams       Eliza            37    MS             242  32
Williams       Emma             1     MS             154   2
Williams       Esther           25    LA             159  13
Williams       Fidelia          22    MS             247   6
Williams       George           7     MS             242  34
Williams       George           19    MS             157  32
Williams       James            5     MS             154   1
Williams       James            3     MS             157  37
Williams       Jane             5     MS             242  35
Williams       Jane             40    MS             153  30
Williams       Jason            11    MS             157  36
Williams       Jefferson        17    MS             153  40
Williams       Jesse            83    SC             152   5
Williams       John             66    KY             247   4
Williams       John             14    MS             157  34
Williams       John             13    MS             242  33
Williams       John P           42    LA             204  21
Williams       Joseph           55    SC             157  30
Williams       Louisa           12    MS             153  31
Williams       Marshall         2     MS             152  12
Williams       Mary C           45    LA             213  28
Williams       Missouri         20    MS             153  39
Williams       Nancy            9     MS             157  38
Williams       Rachel           7     MS             157  39
Williams       Rebecca          9     MS             153  33
Williams       Rhoda            40    MS             157  31
Williams       Richard          6/12  MS             157  40
Williams       Richard          52    Maryland       153  29
Williams       Richard F        44    SC             153  37
Williams       Samuel           18    MS             247   7
Williams       Sarah            4     MS             159  14
Williams       Sarah            34    MS             153  38
Williams       Sarah            23    MS             152  10
Williams       Sarah            15    MS             247   8
Williams       Taylor           12    MS             157  35
Williams       Thomas           2     MS             159  15
Williams       William          37    MS             152   9
Williams       William J        45    SC             159  12
Wills          David            4     MS             179  26
Wills          Eliza            1     MS             179  27
Wills          Jackson          44    MS             179  22
Wills          John             6     MS             179  25
Wills          Mary             28    MS             179  23
Wills          William          9     MS             179  24
Wilson         Abraham          21    MS             189  32
Wilson         Adaline          15    MS             169  15
Wilson         Alethia          6     MS             189  38
Wilson         Amanda           38    MS             169  13
Wilson         Amasilis         11    MS             189   6
Wilson         Ann              7     MS             189  25
Wilson         Ann              21    MS             190  40
Wilson         Anthela          13    MS             189  36
Wilson         Arak             9     MS             189  24
Wilson         Arak             59    SC             182  39
Wilson         Arak             14    MS             189  35
Wilson         Baby             10/12 MS             182  19
Wilson         Brice M          44    MS             189   2
Wilson         Caroline         15    MS             163  40
Wilson         Charles          3     MS             189  27
Wilson         Daniel           63    Tenn           232  20
Wilson         Daniel           14    MS             169  16
Wilson         Dora             4     MS             191   5
Wilson         Edmund           10    MS             182  13
Wilson         Elceba           16    LA             163  24
Wilson         Eliza            12    MS             162  17
Wilson         Eliza            10    MS             169  17
Wilson         Elizabeth        49    MS             182  40
Wilson         Elizabeth        38    MS             189  31
Wilson         Elizabeth        2     MS             163  29
Wilson         Elizabeth        17    MS             189  34
Wilson         Ellen            6     MS             191   4
Wilson         Emily            2     MS             189   7
Wilson         Eugene           5     MS             182  16
Wilson         Freeman          11    MS             163  26
Wilson         George           9     MS             191   2
Wilson         George           13    MS             163  18
Wilson         Hillary          7     MS             182  15
Wilson         Ira              52    Gra            182   7
Wilson         Ivy              1/12  MS             163  21
Wilson         James            8     MS             182  14
Wilson         James            6     MS             163  27
Wilson         James M          31    MS             189  22
Wilson         James M          29    MS             182  20
Wilson         Jane             23    MS             182  21
Wilson         Jerome           7     MS             169  18
Wilson         Jesse            17    MS             163  39
Wilson         John             8     MS             162  18
Wilson         John             7     MS             163  28
Wilson         John             4     MS             189  39
Wilson         John             20    MS             156  40
Wilson         John             11    MS             191   3
Wilson         John             1     MS             189  28
Wilson         John A           53    MS             162  15
Wilson         John B           48    Tenn           190  38
Wilson         John C           47    MS             189  30
Wilson         John D           32    MS             188  25
Wilson         Joseph           18    MS             163  38
Wilson         Laura            18    LA             163  23
Wilson         Lelina           43    MS             189   3
Wilson         Lewis            2     MS             182  18
Wilson         Linna            55    MS             232  21
Wilson         Linus            3     MS             182  17
Wilson         Louisa           38    SC             190  39
Wilson         Louisa           23    MS             188  26
Wilson         Martha           5     MS             189  26
Wilson         Martha           14    MS             189   5
Wilson         Mary             70    Penn           197  25
Wilson         Mary             5     LA             163  19
Wilson         Mary             47    MS             162  16
Wilson         Mary             24    MS             189  23
Wilson         Melina           19    MS             189   4
Wilson         Melissa          31    MS             182  12
Wilson         Mrs (Eliza A)    38    LA             163  22
Wilson         Napoleon         35    MS             182  11
Wilson         Napoleon         20    MS             232  22
Wilson         Olivia           2     MS             191   6
Wilson         Rebecca          54    SC             182   8
Wilson         Rebecca          44    MS             156  39
Wilson         Rebecca          4     MS             169  20
Wilson         Robert           9     MS             188  27
Wilson         Robert A         51    MS             169  12
Wilson         Sample           16    MS             232  23
Wilson         Sarah            9     MS             189  37
Wilson         Sarah            31    MS             163  17
Wilson         Sarah            10/12 MS             188  29
Wilson         Sidney           2     MS             189  40
Wilson         Spencer          42    MS             163  16
Wilson         Thomas           3     MS             163  20
Wilson         Thomas           19    MS             169  14
Wilson         Turner           8     MS             162  19
Wilson         Turner L         52    MS             156  38
Wilson         Victoria         6     MS             188  28
Wilson         William          5     MS             169  19
Wilson         William          13    MS             163  25
Wilson         William          13    MS             191   1
Wilson         William (Mary E) 18    MS             189  33
(Wishtrum ?)   Charles          26    Vermont        255  23
(Wishtrum ?)   Henry            24    Vermont        255  22
Wissenhauer ?  Jordan           22    Illinois       243   5
Wissenhauer ?  Nancy            20    Illinois       243   6
Witherspoon    Robert P         60    SC             216  17
Witherspoon    Sarah            57    SC             216  18
Wren           Baby             6/12  MS             195  37
Wren           Charles          3     MS             195  35
Wren           Eliza            6     MS             195  34
Wren           Frank C          35    MS             195  31
Wren           Gayden           8     MS             195  33
Wren           Lillian          2     MS             195  36
Wren           Mahala           62    SC             214  11
Wren           Victoria         35    MS             195  32
Young          Christopher      50    SC             168  24
Young          Christopher      3     MS             168  30
Young          James            30    MS             185  28
Young          Jesse            10    MS             168  27
Young          L C              26    KY             255  20
Young          Lavina           38    MS             168  25
Young          Margaret         5     MS             168  29
Young          Mary             7     MS             168  28
Young          Mary             28    MS             185  29
Young          Shadrick         13    MS             168  26
Young          William          1     MS             168  31
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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