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Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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*elinimn       ****             12    MS             258  40
*lamater       Hiram            21    MS             159  22
*No Surname    Alexander        55    MS             215  37
*No Surname    Dick             6     MS             215  40
*No Surname    Jane             4     MS             216   1
*No Surname    Julia            75    MS             215  38
*No Surname    Susan            21    MS             215  39
Adams          Harriet          66    Gra            184  39
Adams          James            34    MS             185   1
Adams          John B           55    MS             172  39
Adams          Lucretia         32    MS             185   2
Adams          Nita             4/12  MS             173   1
Adams          Pamelia          37    MS             184  40
Adams          Sarah            26    MS             172  40
Ailes          Rhoda            7     MS             150  27
Alred          Adaline          6     MS             170  15
Alred          Adaline          14    MS             170  13
Alred          Ezekial          10    MS             170  14
Alred          Ezekiel          43    MS             170  10
Alred          Loretta          18    MS             170  11
Alred          William          20    MS             170  12
Anders         Abram            18    MS             233  40
Anders         Adam H           30    MS             228   8
Anders         Adam R           73    MS             231  36
Anders         Alice            4     MS             229  29
Anders         Allen            5     MS             232   2
Anders         Amanda           13    MS             234   3
Anders         Amy              63    LA             231  34
Anders         Anna             16    MS             230   6
Anders         Arminda          10    MS             231  40
Anders         Baby             11/12 MS             221  22
Anders         Calvin           11    MS             221  18
Anders         Conrad           80    NC             229  25
Anders         Conrad           36    MS             231  33
Anders         Daphone          1     MS             231  31
Anders         David            17    MS             234   1
Anders         Edmond H         31    MS             219  22
Anders         Elizabeth        36    MS             230   5
Anders         Elizabeth        3     MS             228  11
Anders         Eveline          2     MS             234   8
Anders         Frances          6     MS             234   6
Anders         Franklin         2     MS             232   3
Anders         Gary             57    Gra            221  14
Anders         George           3     MS             228  10
Anders         George           13    MS             231  39
Anders         Green M          35    MS             229  27
Anders         Harper           16    MS             231  28
Anders         Howell           7     MS             221  19
Anders         James            4     MS             234   7
Anders         James            17    MS             231  38
Anders         James            13    MS             221  17
Anders         John             7     MS             232   1
Anders         John             1     MS             230  10
Anders         John D           38    MS             231  26
Anders         Joseph L         49    MS             230   4
Anders         Julia            33    MS             219  23
Anders         Julia            11/12 MS             219  27
Anders         Louisa           5     MS             231  30
Anders         Lucetia          8     MS             234   5
Anders         Margaret         10    MS             219  25
Anders         Martha           33    MS             231  27
Anders         Martha           21    MS             228  22
Anders         Mary             9/12  MS             228  23
Anders         Mary             7     MS             231  29
Anders         Mary             6     MS             221  20
Anders         Mary             42    MS             221  15
Anders         Melinda          37    MS             231  37
Anders         Melissa          10    MS             234   4
Anders         Michael          45    MS             233  38
Anders         Minerva          24    MS             228   9
Anders         Minerva          20    MS             229  28
Anders         Missy            4     MS             221  21
Anders         Nancy            69    NC             229  26
Anders         Nancy            32    MS             231  35
Anders         Richard          17    MS             221  16
Anders         Robert L         25    MS             228  21
Anders         Sarah            15    MS             234   2
Anders         Sarah            12    MS             230   8
Anders         Susan            9     MS             230   9
Anders         Susan            42    MS             233  39
Anders         Thomas           8     MS             219  26
Anders         William          14    MS             230   7
Anderson       A F              54    Massachusetts  173   2
Anderson       Adaline          23    MS             213  11
Anderson       Alethia          17    MS             206  23
Anderson       Alexander        3     MS             213  34
Anderson       Allen E          30    MS             256  24
Anderson       Ann              5     MS             213  33
Anderson       Anna             12    MS             215  32
Anderson       Baby             2/12  MS             206  20
Anderson       Baby             1     MS             213  35
Anderson       Charles          6     MS             215  27
Anderson       Cynthia          30    MS             206  22
Anderson       David F          20    MS             211  26
Anderson       Drucilla         16    MS             256  25
Anderson       Eliza            6     MS             256  27
Anderson       Eliza            50    NC             213  27
Anderson       Emma             2     MS             211  29
Anderson       Francis          83    Virginia       201  30
Anderson       Hetty            4     MS             215  28
Anderson       J Way            41    SC             215  22
Anderson       James            8     LA             213  32
Anderson       James            6     MS             256  26
Anderson       James            10/12 MS             250   6
Anderson       Jane             32    MS             215  31
Anderson       Jane             30    LA             213  31
Anderson       Jefferson        25    MS             206  18
Anderson       John C           23    MS             256  28
Anderson       John L           38    MS             241  13
Anderson       Jonathan         3     MS             250   5
Anderson       Joseph           12    MS             215  25
Anderson       Julia            7     MS             215  34
Anderson       Julia            5     MS             206  26
Anderson       Julia            28    MS             250   2
Anderson       Laura            2     MS             206  27
Anderson       Letitia          10    MS             206  25
Anderson       Louisa           1/12  MS             215  36
Anderson       Margaret         8     MS             250   3
Anderson       Margaret         38    Penn           215  23
Anderson       Martha           4     MS             211  28
Anderson       Mary             6     MS             215  35
Anderson       Mary             54    MS             242  16
Anderson       Mary             23    MS             211  27
Anderson       Moses G          43    MS             206  21
Anderson       Moses G          33    MS             213  30
Anderson       Nathaniel        16    MS             215  24
Anderson       Samuel           15    MS             242  20
Anderson       Sarah            18    MS             189   9
Anderson       Sarah            14    MS             215  26
Anderson       Thadeus N        36    MS             215  30
Anderson       Theodore         10    MS             215  33
Anderson       Victoria         23    MS             206  19
Anderson       Way              2     MS             215  29
Anderson       William          6     MS             250   4
Anderson       William          13    MS             206  24
Anderson       William P        34    MS             250   1
Andrews        Arthur           10    MS             181  14
Andrews        B*** (Baby)      1     MS             186  27
Andrews        Celia            12    MS             201  19
Andrews        Edmund           11    MS             186  22
Andrews        Elenore          18    LA             201  17
Andrews        Fanny            8     MS             186  24
Andrews        Felix            35    MS             181  12
Andrews        Hannah           3     MS             186  26
Andrews        James            9     MS             186  23
Andrews        James            38    MS             186  20
Andrews        Martha           20    MS             186  21
Andrews        Marvin           7     MS             181  16
Andrews        Mary             32    MS             181  13
Andrews        Mary             16    MS             201  18
Andrews        Thomas J         42    SC             201  16
Andrews        William          6     MS             186  25
Andrews        Wilson           8     MS             181  15
Antisder       John             33    Prussia        193  23
Applewhite     Isaac            25    Texas          174  38
Armstrong      John             49    Canada         230  18
Armstrong      Martha           4     MS             230  21
Armstrong      Mathew           7     MS             230  20
Armstrong      Sarah            50    MS             230  19
Arnold         Aaron            30    MS             246  25
Arnold         Adaline          4     MS             246  28
Arnold         Amelia           2     MS             184  10
Arnold         Elizabeth        6     MS             246  27
Arnold         James            1     MS             246  30
Arnold         John             45    Baound ?       195  19
Arnold         John             40    Bavaria        152   8
Arnold         Mary             32    MS             246  26
Arnold         Mary             20    MS             184   8
Arnold         Robinson         3     MS             246  29
Arnold         Sophrina         4     MS             184   9
Arnold         Thomas           6/12  MS             184  11
Arnold         Thomas B         33    MS             184   7
Ausmock        James            55    NY             259   1
Ausmock        Sophia           40    MS             259   2
Avery          Chal J (Charles) 21    MS             253  35
Avery          Horatio          19    MS             251  24
Avery          Sarah            55    SC             251  23
Avery          Simon            65    Connecticut    251  22
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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