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Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Keen           Mary             23    LA             223  37
Keen           Thomas           67    MS             198   8
Keen           Thomas           32    Indiana        223  36
Keifen         Josephine        60    Baden          258   7
Keifer         Julius           19    Poland         256   7
Keith          Marion           11    MS             181   6
Keith          Martha           7/12  MS             181  11
Keith          Mary             35    MS             181   2
Keith          Mary             3     MS             181  10
Keith          Rebecca          9     MS             181   7
Keith          Robert           16    MS             181   3
Keith          Samuel           14    MS             181   4
Keith          Sarah            13    MS             181   5
Keith          Susan            5     MS             181   9
Keith          Willam F         36    MS             181   1
Keith          William          7     MS             181   8
Kelly          Angeline         20    MS             226   9
Kelly          David E          24    MS             226   8
Kelly          Rhoda            56    MS             226   7
Kinabrew       Augusta          12    MS             177  12
Kinabrew       Louisiana        14    MS             177  11
Kinchen        Mathew           25    LA             154   6
King           John D           24    MS             176  37
King           Mary             57    Gra            174  10
King           Prudence         18    MS             176  38
King           Solomon          21    MS             174  11
King           William          17    MS             174  12
Kirchner       Ellen            4     MS             259  38
Kirchner       John             33    Prussia        259  36
Kirchner       Teilia           20    LA             259  37
Kirkland       Alfred           7     .              202  40
Kirkland       Andrew H         35    Ala            202  37
Kirkland       Ann              1     MS             203   3
Kirkland       Emily            28    MS             202  38
Kirkland       Hamilton         9     LA             202  39
Kirkland       John             65    SC             204  10
Kirkland       Mary             63    SC             204  11
Kirkland       Paschel          5     MS             203   1
Kirkland       Samuel           4     MS             203   2
Knox           John W           25    MS             248   7
Knox           Viola            24    MS             248   8
Knox           William          4     MS             248   9
Korman         Catharine        25    Bavaria        254  36
Korman         Emma             2     MS             254  37
Korman         John             30    Bavaria        254  35
Lacey          Elizabeth        6     MS             195  22
Lacey          John T           34    Missouri       195  20
Lacey          Mary             27    Indiana        195  21
Lacey          Robert           9/12  MS             195  23
Lanier         David            60    Scotland       255  31
Lanier         Isabella         52    England        255  32
Lanier         Margaret         14    MS             255  33
Lansdown       Christopher      27    MS             216  14
Lard           Ellison          17    MS             164   4
Lard           John             18    MS             178  34
Lard           Joseph           65    SC             164   3
Lard           Thomas           21    MS             190  37
Lard           Thomas M or W    26    MS             178   1
(Lauatre ?)    Allan            48    Ireland        248   6
Lea            Amanda           26    MS             249   2
Lea            Armeal *         27    MS             209  34
Lea            Cecilia          17    MS             160  21
Lea            Charles          5     MS             161  15
Lea            Charles          23    Virginia       195  24
Lea            Charlsey         53    MS             150  33
Lea            Cornelia         11    MS             178   8
Lea            David            7     Texas          163   8
Lea            Dewitt           11    MS             161  12
Lea            Elceba           2     MS             161  16
Lea            Eliza            21    MS             150  10
Lea            Elizabeth        31    MS             150   6
Lea            Elizabeth        11    Texas          163   6
Lea            Ellen            8     MS             150  37
Lea            Emeline          13    Texas          163   5
Lea            Emily            13    MS             161  11
Lea            Emma             1     MS             178  13
Lea            Emmet            16    MS             219  24
Lea            Endora           5     MS             150  38
Lea            Erastus          1     MS             249   5
Lea            Eugene           5     MS             249   3
Lea            Eugenia          3     MS             209  36
Lea            Frances          33    MS             161  10
Lea            Franklin W       34    MS             150  13
Lea            George           23    MS             160  20
Lea            George R         63    TN             150   4
Lea            Gertrude         3     MS             150  39
Lea            Hampton          49    MS             160  18
Lea            Henry            18    MS             163   4
Lea            Henry            1     MS             209  37
Lea            Isaiah           19    MS             150  11
Lea            Iverson          5     MS             178  11
Lea            Iverson G        38    MS             249   1
Lea            James            22    MS             150  34
Lea            James E          40    MS             161   9
Lea            Jane             2     MS             178  12
Lea            Jefferson        9     MS             178   9
Lea            John             9     Texas          163   7
Lea            John             25    MS             150  12
Lea            Josephine        11    MS             150  36
Lea            Josiah           15    MS             178   7
Lea            Julia            21    MS             209  35
Lea            Landon           79    MS             150  32
Lea            Margaret         29    MS             150   7
Lea            Mariah           49    MS             160  19
Lea            Marshall         15    MS             160  22
Lea            Mary             9     MS             161  13
Lea            Mary             24    MS             150   9
Lea            Nancy            54    MS             150   5
Lea            Rachel           39    MS             178   6
Lea            Rose             7     MS             161  14
Lea            Sarah            35    MS             163   3
Lea            Sarah            3     MS             249   4
Lea            Sarah            28    MS             150   8
Lea            Wesley W         54    MS             150  40
Lea            Wilford Z        43    MS             178   5
Lea            William          7     MS             178  10
Lea            William          20    MS             150  35
Leonard        Ada              9     MS             188  21
Leonard        Alice            13    MS             188  19
Leonard        Anna             4/12  MS             187  30
Leonard        Baby             1/12  MS             188  24
Leonard        Benjamin L or S  54    NC             188  17
Leonard        Ella             7     MS             188  22
Leonard        Flora            3     MS             187  29
Leonard        Florence         11    MS             188  20
Leonard        Gertrude         4     MS             188  23
Leonard        Mary             30    MS             188  18
Leonard        Susan            27    Florida        187  27
Leonard        Thomas           50    NC             187  26
Leonard        Thomas           2     MS             187  40
Leonard        William          5     MS             187  28
Levi           Moses            23    Poland         187   5
Lewis          Caroline         30    France         256  19
Lewis          Catharine        2/12  MS             256  20
Lewis          Emanuel          30    France         256  18
Lewis          Jacob            18    Prussia        256   8
Lewis          Simon            25    France         242  38
Lilly          Abigail          18    MS             149  32
Lilly          Henry            21    Ireland        256  29
Lilly          Samuel           28    England        149  31
Lindsey        Elizabeth        38    LA             152  34
Lindsey        Isaac            4     MS             152  38
Lindsey        John             6     MS             152  37
Lindsey        Martha           2     MS             152  39
Lindsey        Mary             8     MS             152  36
Lindsey        Nathaniel        11    MS             152  35
Lindsey        William          35    LA             152  33
Linsey (Lindsey) Martha         50    Gra            227  25
Linsey (Lindsey) Matilda        12    MS             227  27
Lions          Joseph           28    Ireland        257  18
Lisosky        Aaron            31    Poland         176  18
Lisosky        Charles          1     **             176  20
Lisosky        Rebecca          30    Poland         176  19
Liste          John G           25    MS             250  40
Little         Belzora          37    MS             164  34
Little         Elizabeth        59    Gra            164  33
Little         James H          25    MS             252   9
Little         William          30    MS             164  35
Lomax          John             24    unknown        181  17
Longmire       Alberta          4/12  MS             220   2
Longmire       Arlena           2     MS             220   1
Longmire       Catherine        16    MS             218  39
Longmire       Elisha           3     MS             210  29
Longmire       Endora           4     MS             219   3
Longmire       Frances          10    MS             216  33
Longmire       Francis          9     MS             223  16
Longmire       George G         32    MS             223  14
Longmire       Harriet          9     MS             210  28
Longmire       Harriet          8     MS             223   5
Longmire       Henry            39    MS             218  40
Longmire       Ida              3     MS             219  40
Longmire       Jane             22    MS             219   1
Longmire       Letitia          13    MS             216  32
Longmire       Margaret         22    MS             219  39
Longmire       Martha           49    Tenn           216  28
Longmire       Martha           15    MS             216  31
Longmire       Mary             24    MS             210  26
Longmire       Melanthia        28    MS             218  38
Longmire       Melissa          11    MS             223  15
Longmire       Morgan           6     MS             223  17
Longmire       Ophelia          9     MS             216  34
Longmire       Peter            6/12  MS             219   4
Longmire       Peter            18    MS             216  30
Longmire       Robin G          35    MS             210  25
Longmire       Roland           11    MS             210  27
Longmire       Roland           10    MS             223   6
Longmire       Scott            6     MS             219   2
Longmire       William G        30    MS             219  38
Love           Frank            56    SC             195   4
Love           Frank            10    MS             195   6
Love           Martha           46    MS             195   5
Lowrey         Harriet          20    MS             195  28
Lowrey         Henry            3     LA             195  29
Lowrey         James            23    NC             177  30
Lowrey         James M          49    MS             173  16
Lowrey         Joseph C         23    MS             169  40
Lumpkins       Gro  T (George)  30    MS             223   7
Lumpkins       Joseph           64    Virginia       246   2
Lumpkins       Thomas           25    MS             246   3
Luny           Joseph           30    Scottland      191  28
Lusk           Abner            15    MS             231  13
Lusk           Anna             20    MS             231  12
Lusk           Augustus         22    MS             216  11
Lusk           Clarissa         66    Tenn           216   6
Lusk           Davis            14    MS             231  14
Lusk           Davis H          46    MS             231   9
Lusk           Eliza            24    MS             216  10
Lusk           Elizabeth        4     MS             231  22
Lusk           John             13    MS             231  18
Lusk           John W           30    MS             216   7
Lusk           Joseph           19    MS             216  13
Lusk           Larkin           27    MS             232  25
Lusk           Louisa           32    MS             216   8
Lusk           Margaret         10    MS             231  20
Lusk           Mariah           68    SC             231  25
Lusk           Mary             6     MS             231  15
Lusk           Mary             51    SC             232  24
Lusk           Mary             47    MS             231  10
Lusk           Mary             29    MS             231  17
Lusk           Matilda          21    MS             231  11
Lusk           Missouri         7/12  MS             231  24
Lusk           Murna            17    MS             232  29
Lusk           Newton           21    MS             232  28
Lusk           Samuel R         37    MS             231  16
Lusk           Sarah            26    MS             216   9
Lusk           Thomas           3     MS             231  23
Lusk           Thomas           29    MS             216  12
Lusk           Viola            6     MS             231  21
Lusk           Wilford          12    MS             231  19
Lusk           William          20    MS             232  26
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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