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Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Baden          Matsy            49    MS             217   8
Baden          Thomas           14    MS             217   9
Baden          William          44    Vermont        217   7
Badgett        Jesse B          44    NC             180  20
Baker          Francis          9     MS             219  21
Baker          John             16    MS             219  18
Baker          Marion           10    MS             219  20
Baker          Martha           22    MS             219  16
Baker          Mary             20    MS             219  17
Baker          Thomas           12    MS             219  19
Baker          Wade             49    MS             219  15
Barkdell       Cyne S           28    Ohio           257  20
Barksdale      Alice            3     MS             207   6
Barksdale      Frank            5     MS             207   5
Barksdale      Gabrella         26    MS             207   4
Barksdale      Henry            10/12 MS             207   7
Barksdale      Hezekial         27    Ohio           207   3
Barney         George H         41    NY             259  13
Barney         Helen            5     MS             259  15
Barney         Martha           27    MS             259  14
Barney         Mary             1     MS             259  16
Barney         Pinkney          6/12  MS             154   9
Bass           Elizabeth        20    MS             233   3
Bass           George           6     MS             233  10
Bass           James            16    MS             233   5
Bass           Jeremiah         46    MS             233   1
Bass           Joicey           45    MS             233   2
Bass           Lucy             8     MS             233   9
Bass           Mary             12    MS             233   7
Bass           Miles            18    MS             233   4
Bass           Nancy            27    MS             234  15
Bass           Stephen          10    MS             233   8
Bass           Susan            14    MS             233   6
Bates          Aletha           33    MS             225   9
Bates          Andora           10    MS             252   8
Bates          Andrew           18    MS             252   7
Bates          Baby             2     MS             225  14
Bates          Burton           7     MS             207   2
Bates          Burton           65    SC             206  36
Bates          Burton S         19    MS             206  38
Bates          Calula           10    MS             225  11
Bates          Charles          4/12  MS             248  31
Bates          Charles J        34    MS             163  30
Bates          Christopher      13    MS             225  10
Bates          Cornelia         21    MS             248  29
Bates          Cynthia          52    SC             206  37
Bates          Cynthia          17    MS             206  39
Bates          Edward           1     MS             248  30
Bates          Elceba           55    Tenn           252   6
Bates          Elizabeth        4     MS             152  29
Bates          Emily            1     MS             152  30
Bates          Emmet            1     MS             163  34
Bates          Ephiram J S      35    LA             152  27
Bates          Fanny            12    MS             163  32
Bates          Harriet          1     MS             180  19
Bates          Henry B          44    MS             180  18
Bates          James            32    LA             152  31
Bates          James            1     MS             180   3
Bates          James E          37    MS             225   8
Bates          Jane             6     MS             225  13
Bates          Lenora           29    MS             163  31
Bates          Louisa           11    MS             207   1
Bates          Marshall P       22    MS             248  28
Bates          Mary             14    MS             206  40
Bates          Maryann          3     MS             163  33
Bates          Rebecca          22    MS             180   1
Bates          Richard          7     MS             180   2
Bates          Richard          63    SC             252   5
Bates          Sarah            27    MS             152  28
Bates          Wiliam           8     MS             225  12
Beall          Cicero           17    MS             243  40
Beall          Elias            10    MS             180  40
Beall          Elisha           43    Gra            243  39
Beall          Elizabeth        13    MS             180  39
Beall          John             14    MS             244   1
Beall          Margaret         45    Gra            180  37
Beall          Martha           10    MS             244   3
Beall          Thadeus          12    MS             244   2
Beall          William          15    MS             180  38
Beasly         Cornelius        40    MS             251   7
Beck           Moses            37    Poland         254  29
(Bedeh ?)      William          30    NY             255  16
Belden         Henry            28    Massachusetts  227   7
Bennett        James B          23    MS             172  14
Berryhill      Aletha           14    MS             210  12
Berryhill      Alexander        5     MS             210  16
Berryhill      Alice            9     MS             210  14
Berryhill      Charles          10    MS             210  33
Berryhill      Emily            28    LA             210  31
Berryhill      George W         39    MS             210  10
Berryhill      James            11    MS             210  13
Berryhill      James M          36    MS             210  30
Berryhill      Jefferson        5     MS             210  17
Berryhill      John             1     MS             210  36
Berryhill      Laura            7     MS             210  15
Berryhill      Letitia          6     MS             210  34
Berryhill      Margaret         33    MS             210  11
Berryhill      Mary             4     MS             210  35
Berryhill      Thomas           12    MS             210  32
(Betz ?)       Abram            22    Bavaria        254   8
(Betz ?)       David            25    Bavaria        254   9
(Betz ?)       Helena           28    Bavaria        254   7
(Betz ?)       Jacob            50    Bavaria        254   6
Bisland        Francis          33    KY             205  18
Bisland        James            16    MS             205  20
Bisland        James R          39    MS             205  17
Bisland        Josiah           1     MS             205  23
Bisland        Lewis            20    MS             205  19
Bisland        Robert           14    MS             205  21
Bisland        William          6     MS             205  22
Bixler         Elcif            29    LA             188  31
Bixler         William C        36    .              188  30
Blank          Blank            .     .              252  37
Blank          Blank            .     .              252  40
Blank          Blank            .     .              252  38
Blank          Blank            .     .              252  39
Block          Abram            17    Frances        243   7
Boatner        Elizabeth        82    SC             204   9
Boatner        Elizabeth        18    MS             204   1
Boatner        Ellen            1     MS             204   8
Boatner        Emma             3     MS             204   7
Boatner        Frances          40    MS             203  40
Boatner        Jacob            14    MS             204   2
Boatner        Laura            8     MS             204   5
Boatner        Lawrence         48    MS             203  39
Boatner        Lenora           5     MS             204   6
Boatner        Martha           12    MS             204   3
Boatner        Thomas           10    MS             204   4
Bogard         George           6     LA             258  18
Bogard         Jacob            1     LA             258  19
Bogard         John             42    Besne          258  15
Bogard         John             10    LA             258  17
Bogard         Louisa           40    Besne          258  16
Bogart         John             28    Ireland        194  18
Bohmiller      Adaline          23    LA             195  14
Bohmiller      Cavin            44    Mistembey ?    195  16
Bohmiller      John             34    Baonna ?       195  13
Bolin          Ann              6     MS             232  19
Bolin          Elizabeth        24    MS             169  28
Bolin          John             6     LA             252  36
Bolin          John H           33    MS             169  27
Bolin          Mary             3     MS             169  29
Bolin          William          65    SC             164  39
Bonds          Aletha           9     MS             221  36
Bonds          Amanda           19    MS             228   3
Bonds          Elijah           12    MS             221  35
Bonds          Elizabeth        66    Gra            228   1
Bonds          John             20    MS             250  28
Bonds          Loretta          7     MS             221  37
Bonds          Paschal P        25    MS             228   2
Bonds          William          3     MS             228   4
Bongrady       Leonard          35    Prussia        193  22
Bowman         Abram            28    Massachutetts  214  37
Bowman         Henry            28    Switzerland    254  40
Boyles         Helen            4/12  MS             259   6
Boyles         Susan            22    MS             259   5
Brabham        Ann              4     MS             162  14
Brabham        Arnold           3     MS             154  40
Brabham        Baby             6/12  MS             155   1
Brabham        Bartimus         14    MS             192  35
Brabham        David            10    MS             154  37
Brabham        Elenore          42    SC             192  33
Brabham        Felicia          26    LA             154  36
Brabham        Henry            3     MS             193   6
Brabham        James            9     MS             193   3
Brabham        John             6     MS             193  14
Brabham        John             48    SC             193   8
Brabham        John             3     MS             192  40
Brabham        John             1     MS             193   7
Brabham        Joseph           46    SC             162   8
Brabham        Lavina           38    MS             193   2
Brabham        Lavina           14    MS             193  10
Brabham        Letitia          7     MS             192  38
Brabham        Lydia            6     MS             193   5
Brabham        Mary             9     MS             162  12
Brabham        Mary             5     MS             154  39
Brabham        Mary             48    MS             193   9
Brabham        Minerva          6     MS             162  13
Brabham        Minerva          4     MS             193  15
Brabham        Norman           12    MS             192  36
Brabham        Pamesa (Permey)  39    MS             162   9
Brabham        Polly            12    MS             193  11
Brabham        Sarah            8     MS             193   4
Brabham        Sarah            16    MS             192  34
Brabham        Silas            7     MS             154  38
Brabham        Silas            5     MS             192  39
Brabham        Sophia           9     MS             192  37
Brabham        Theodore         10    MS             193  12
Brabham        Thirza           13    MS             162  10
Brabham        Wesley           33    Ala            154  35
Brabham        William          8     MS             193  13
Brabham        William          26    MS             193  33
Brabham        Zachariah        41    SC             193   1
Brabham        Zackariah        11    MS             162  11
Bradford       Silas            25    NY             257   9
Bramlett       David            16    MS             196  18
Bramlett       Elkanah          53    Ohio           196  15
Bramlett       Elkanah          13    MS             196  19
Bramlett       Ellen            6     MS             196  20
Bramlett       Felix            18    MS             196  17
Bramlett       Virginia         46    MS             196  16
Breeland       Celina           18    MS             155  19
Breeland       Francis          60    MS             155  15
Breeland       James M or W     74    NC             155  14
Breeland       Mary             18    MS             155  22
Breeland       Mary             16    MS             155  20
Breeland       Reuben           24    MS             155  17
Breeland       Robert           27    MS             155  16
Breeland       William          21    MS             155  21
Breeland       William          21    MS             155  18
Bridges        Elizabeth        24    LA             154   8
Bridges        William C        20    LA             154   7
Britt          David            34    Gra            170  16
Britt          Laura            7     MS             170  20
Britt          Lucy             3     MS             170  21
Britt          Marshall         17    MS             170  18
Britt          Mary             42    MS             170  17
Britt          Philip           15    LA             195  15
Britt          Rebecca          13    MS             170  19
Brown          Alice            7     MS             149  21
Brown          Allen            24    MS             157  26
Brown          Ann              11    MS             200   8
Brown          Antoni           33    Baden          195  18
Brown          Chlorinda        16    MS             149  18
Brown          Elias            68    MS             217  27
Brown          Eliza            34    LA             200   7
Brown          Eliza            13    MS             149  19
Brown          Elizabeth        72    SC             200  15
Brown          Elizabeth        3     MS             200  12
Brown          Elizabeth B      56    SC             207  10
Brown          Ella             7/12  MS             200  13
Brown          Emeline          23    MS             157  27
Brown          James            16    MS             157  28
Brown          James            12    MS             168  16
Brown          John             87    SC             200  14
Brown          John             5     MS             200  11
Brown          Joseph           53    SC             149  15
Brown          Lemuel G         38    SC             200   6
Brown          Linna            50    MS             163  36
Brown          Louisa           47    MS             149  16
Brown          M J              24    MS             162   7
Brown          Martha           73    Gra            251   8
Brown          Martha           19    MS             192  32
Brown          Mary             7     MS             200  10
Brown          Mary             57    Geo            157  25
Brown          Nancy            22    MS             149  17
Brown          Ophelia          10    MS             207  12
Brown          Polly            45    MS             163  37
Brown          Samuel           9     MS             200   9
Brown          Sophia           10    MS             149  20
Brown          William          23    MS             179   7
Brown          William          13    MS             207  11
(Bruermiser ?) Marimillian      33    Prussia        256  16
(Bruermiser ?) Melinda          37    France         256  17
Burris         Adaline          15    MS             159   6
Burris         Alice            5     MS             159  11
Burris         Allen            6     MS             159  10
Burris         Alma             7     MS             194   9
Burris         Amanda           14    MS             194   6
Burris         Amanda           10    MS             159   9
Burris         Baby             1/12  MS             183  10
Burris         Elizabeth        47    Gra            194   1
Burris         Ellen            17    MS             159   5
Burris         Emily            9     MS             194   8
Burris         Enos             24    MS             194   2
Burris         Erasmus          9     MS             183   9
Burris         George N         55    MS             193  40
Burris         Hampton          50    SC             183   4
Burris         Harriet          20    MS             159   3
Burris         Jabel            11    MS             194   7
Burris         Jackson          13    MS             159   7
Burris         Jacob            12    MS             183   8
Burris         John             25    MS             153  11
Burris         John             17    MS             183   6
Burris         Julia            43    MS             159   2
Burris         Julia            11    MS             159   8
Burris         Lumsford         49    MS             183   3
Burris         Mary             25    MS             183   5
Burris         Melinda          22    MS             194   3
Burris         Patsy            80    SC             183   2
Burris         Samuel           65    SC             159   1
Burris         Sanford          49    MS             189  29
Burris         Sarah            14    MS             183   7
Burris         Thomas           20    MS             194   4
Burris         Victoria         19    MS             159   4
Burris         William          18    MS             194   5
Butler         Aaron            82    Virginia       245  26
Butler         Aaron H          39    MS             235  14
Butler         Alice            4     MS             229  35
Butler         Almona           21    MS             246   6
Butler         An               8     MS             229  33
Butler         Anne             11    LA             244  14
Butler         Baby             7/12  MS             244  17
Butler         Baby             2/12  MS             229  37
Butler         Blanchard        18    MS             241  16
Butler         Catharine        37    MS             244  13
Butler         Charles          12    MS             182   1
Butler         Christopher      4     MS             224  15
Butler         Decatur          2     MS             241  23
Butler         Decatur N        42    MS             241  14
Butler         Dempsey          6     MS             235  19
Butler         Drucilla         21    MS             245  23
Butler         Edmund J         45    MS             154  26
Butler         Eliza            4     MS             182   4
Butler         Ellen            8     MS             182   3
Butler         Emma             25    MS             224  12
Butler         Frank            6     LA             244  15
Butler         Frank            10    MS             182   2
Butler         George           17    MS             241  17
Butler         Gordon           7/12  MS             245  25
Butler         Gro P (George)   80    Virginia       240  29
Butler         Henry            1     MS             184  25
Butler         Henry C          51    MS             190  28
Butler         Hiram            13    MS             235  17
Butler         Hugh             14    MS             181  40
Butler         Ida              5     MS             241  22
Butler         Jabez            65    Gra            246   4
Butler         Jabez W          35    MS             229  30
Butler         James            9     MS             184  22
Butler         James            27    MS             249  23
Butler         Jesse            14    MS             184  20
Butler         Jesse            10    MS             229  32
Butler         John             3     MS             235  20
Butler         John             2     MS             229  36
Butler         Joseph           17    MS             190  30
Butler         Josephine        7     MS             184  23
Butler         Josephine        15    MS             235  16
Butler         Julia            2     MS             182   5
Butler         Kenyon           12    MS             241  19
Butler         Lena             44    MS             181  37
Butler         Louisa           1     MS             190  36
Butler         Louisiana        14    MS             241  18
Butler         Lucy             1     MS             224  16
Butler         Luna             2     MS             244  16
Butler         Martha           38    MS             241  15
Butler         Martha           34    MS             235  15
Butler         Martha           3     MS             190  35
Butler         Martha           17    MS             181  39
Butler         Mary             80    Gra            245  27
Butler         Mary             36    MS             190  29
Butler         Mary             30    MS             229  31
Butler         Mary             13    MS             190  32
Butler         Nancy            59    NC             246   5
Butler         Nancy            33    LA             184  19
Butler         Nancy            11    MS             190  33
Butler         Noel G           57    LA or SC       184  18
Butler         Polly            7     MS             241  21
Butler         R Ellison        45    MS             244  12
Butler         Robert           6     MS             224  14
Butler         Robert           13    MS             184  21
Butler         Robert P         47    MS             224  11
Butler         Rosalba          3     MS             184  24
Butler         Rowland          9     MS             241  20
Butler         Sarah            9     MS             235  18
Butler         Sarah            6     MS             229  34
Butler         Sophia           6     MS             190  34
Butler         Susan            15    MS             190  31
Butler         Thomas           2/12  MS             235  21
Butler         Thomas J         32    MS             245  22
Butler         William          2     MS             245  24
Butler         William          19    MS             181  38
Butler         William          10    MS             224  13
Butler         William C        53    Gra            181  36
Butler         Young            19    MS             241  24
Butler         Zackary P        50    Gra            249  22
Byrd           Adelia           2     MS             230  32
Byrd           Elizabeth        10    MS             230  29
Byrd           Ellen            9     MS             230  30
Byrd           Issue ? (Priscilla) 68 SC             236  13
Byrd           Leonard C        34    MS             230  27
Byrd           Luellen          2/12  MS             230  33
Byrd           Magdeline        28    MS             230  28
Byrd           Rebecca          40    MS             232  13
Byrd           Wade             6     MS             230  31
Byrd           William J        32    MS             236  12
Byrn           Lewis            28    NY             258  29
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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