The USGenWeb Census Project®
Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Cable          John H           28    NC             205  11
Cain           Andrew           60    Gra            166  38
Cain           Eugene           2     MS             167   3
Cain           Frances          19    MS             225   1
Cain           Hardy            18    MS             225   2
Cain           J** J            26    MS             224  40
Cain           John             26    MS             246  33
Cain           Julia            10/12 MS             246  35
Cain           Leona            3     MS             247   2
Cain           Mary             56    MS             224  39
Cain           Mary             35    MS             166  39
Cain           Mary             24    MS             246  34
Cain           Melissa          21    MS             247   1
Cain           William          30    MS             246  40
Callender      Ada              3     MS             198  23
Callender      Amelia           2     MS             198  24
Callender      James S          27    LA             152  14
Callender      John             19    MS             198  17
Callender      Keziah           50    MS             198  15
Callender      Margaret         14    MS             198  18
Callender      Mary             20    MS             198  21
Callender      Mary             17    LA             152  15
Callender      Rebecca          5     MS             198  22
Callender      Robert E         26    MS             198  20
Callender      Sarah            22    MS             198  16
Callender      William          52    LA             198  14
Callender      William          11    MS             198  19
Calvin         Aguilla          1     MS             156   6
Calvin         Aguilla M        42    MS             155  39
Calvin         Celetia          6     MS             156   4
Calvin         Eli M            16    MS             156   1
Calvin         Louisa           12    MS             156   3
Calvin         Mary             42    LA             155  40
Calvin         Mary             4     MS             156   5
Calvin         William          14    MS             156   2
Campbell       John             52    MS             190   1
Campbell       Julia            7     MS             190   3
Campbell       Minerva          15    MS             190   2
Capel          Eli J            45    MS             202  31
Capel          Henry            14    MS             202  34
Capel          Margaret         41    MS             202  32
Capel          Ophelia          9     MS             202  35
Capel          Robert           19    MS             202  33
Capel (Cassels) Elizabeth       75    Virginia       216  29
Carlin         William R        45    Gra            259  10
Carraway       Adam             52    Tenn           174  23
Carraway       Eliza            18    MS             169  10
Carraway       John             12    MS             174  24
Carraway       Julia            6/12  MS             169  11
Carraway       Robert           23    MS             169   9
Carroll        Charles          28    MS             253  27
Carruth        Edwin B          29    MS             178  14
Carruth        John P           22    MS             176  23
Carruth        Martha           45    MS             176  22
Carruth        Samuel O         49    Gra            176  21
Carter         Eveline          13    MS             156  14
Carter         Franklin         23    LA             161   6
Carter         Harriet          1     MS             161   8
Carter         Israel           52    SC             156  10
Carter         Mariah           53    SC             156  11
Carter         Martha           19    MS             161   7
Carter         Mazilla          15    MS             156  13
Carter         Seaborn          21    MS             156  12
Carter         William          60    SC             155   2
Cason          Benjamin         11    MS             206  30
Cason          Celia            9     MS             206  31
Cason          Celia            42    LA             206  28
Cason          Eliza            16    MS             206  29
Cason          Elizabeh         7     MS             206  32
Cason          James            8/12  MS             206  33
Caston         Adelaide         3     MS             203   7
Caston         Albert S         30    MS             213  12
Caston         Alberta          2     MS             213  17
Caston         Allen            8/12  MS             190  27
Caston         Almeda           3     MS             201  37
Caston         Amanda           10    MS             229   2
Caston         Amazon           14    MS             166  34
Caston         Ann              4     MS             170   4
Caston         Anna             7     MS             213  14
Caston         Avey             20    MS             218  14
Caston         Baby             1/12  MS             201  38
Caston         Charles          18    MS             228  40
Caston         Charles          17    MS             166  37
Caston         Eliza            24    MS             213  13
Caston         Eliza            10    MS             201  34
Caston         Ellen            6/12  MS             203   8
Caston         Glass            49    MS             201  31
Caston         Harriet          57    MS             166  32
Caston         Harriet          38    Illinois       201  32
Caston         Harriet          24    LA             203   5
Caston         Henry G          28    MS             190  23
Caston         Jabez            15    MS             246   7
Caston         James R          27    MS             203   4
Caston         Jane             8     MS             201  35
Caston         Jane             45    MS             228  38
Caston         Jane             4     MS             190  25
Caston         John             9     MS             246   9
Caston         Joseph B         28    MS             170   1
Caston         Julia            5     MS             201  36
Caston         Julia            14    MS             218  15
Caston         Leona            18    MS             166  33
Caston         Madison G        50    MS             228  37
Caston         Mariah           6     MS             170   3
Caston         Mariah           21    MS             190  24
Caston         Martha           2     MS             190  26
Caston         Mary             72    SC             203  33
Caston         Mary             11    MS             232  27
Caston         Medona           3     MS             213  16
Caston         Nancy            19    MS             246  10
Caston         Samantha         24    MS             170   2
Caston         Sarah            8     MS             229   3
Caston         Seth             8     MS             224  10
Caston         Seth             7     LA             203   6
Caston         Seth P           45    MS             224   9
Caston         Victoria         12    MS             166  35
Caston         Virginia         8/12  MS             170   6
Caston         Virginia         12    MS             246   8
Caston         Wesley           19    MS             201  33
Caston         William          6     MS             166  36
Caston         William          5     MS             213  15
Caston         William          2     MS             170   5
Caston         William          2     MS             187  39
Caston         William L        44    MS             166  31
Caston         Zachary          13    MS             229   1
Caulfield      Anna             33    LA             249  38
Caulfield      Anna             10    MS             195  12
Caulfield      Anna             10    .              203  16
Caulfield      Belordin         36    Tenn           195   9
Caulfield      Douglas          10    MS             249  39
Caulfield      Fanny            62    Tenn           195   8
Caulfield      Frances          20    .              203  15
Caulfield      George           1     MS             249  40
Caulfield      James D          37    Virginia       249  37
Caulfield      Ruth             45    SC             203  12
Caulfield      Sarah            24    .              203  13
Caulfield      William          22    .              203  14
Causey         Adaline          20    MS             212   5
Causey         Adelaide         7     MS             226  25
Causey         Alexander S      48    MS             209  38
Causey         Alice            10    MS             211  15
Causey         Allen            3     MS             211  18
Causey         Camelite         19    MS             212   3
Causey         Catharine        11    MS             212   8
Causey         Charles          4     MS             212  24
Causey         Charles          3     MS             226  27
Causey         Charles          1     MS             206   1
Causey         Cynthia          10/12 MS             212  11
Causey         David            18    MS             210   3
Causey         David            12    MS             212  21
Causey         Fedinand         28    MS             235  23
Causey         Frank            5     MS             211  17
Causey         Garnet           14    MS             212  20
Causey         George W         24    MS             212   2
Causey         Gilly            12    MS             226  22
Causey         Hardy            8     MS             210   6
Causey         Harriet O        28    MS             212  19
Causey         J Monroe         26    MS             205  39
Causey         James            13    MS             210   4
Causey         James M          32    MS             211  13
Causey         Jonas W          46    MS             210   1
Causey         Joseph           1     MS             226  28
Causey         Josiah           10    MS             212  22
Causey         Julia            7     MS             212  23
Causey         Leila            16    MS             212   6
Causey         Lucretia         7/12  MS             210   9
Causey         Margaret         27    MS             205  40
Causey         Margaret C       50    MS             212   1
Causey         Martha           78    SC             220  26
Causey         Martha           6     MS             210   7
Causey         Martha           16    MS             226  20
Causey         Mary             14    MS             226  21
Causey         Nancy            40    MS             209  39
Causey         Ransom J         41    MS             226  18
Causey         Robert M         21    MS             212   9
Causey         Rufus            14    MS             212   7
Causey         Sarah            5     MS             226  26
Causey         Sarah            3     MS             210   8
Causey         Scott            9     MS             226  24
Causey         Seaborn          2     MS             212  25
Causey         Susana           60    Gra            235  35
Causey         Susannah         37    MS             210   2
Causey         Theodore         22    MS             212   4
Causey         Victoria         21    MS             212  10
Causey         Virginia         30    MS             211  14
Causey         Virginia         11    MS             210   5
Causey         Walter           18    MS             209  40
Causey         William          8     MS             211  16
Causey         William          11    MS             226  23
Causey         Zerilla          22    MS             226  19
Cavin          Eugenia          6     MS             215   6
Cavin          George           2     MS             215   7
Cavin          Hiram            21    MS             215   9
Cavin          John             25    MS             202  36
Cavin          Matilda          17    MS             216   5
Cavin          Matilda          15    MS             215   8
Cavin          Sarah            30    MS             215   4
Cavin          Thomas           52    Tenn           215   3
Cavin          Thomas           13    MS             215   5
Caylin         Francis          20    MS             183  38
Chaddrick      Alice            4     MS             169  32
Chaddrick      Amanda           45    MS             169  21
Chaddrick      Jane             27    MS             169  31
Chaddrick      Louisa           1     MS             169  34
Chaddrick      Richard R        27    MS             169  30
Chaddrick      Thomas           3     MS             169  33
Chisholm       Christensen      15    MS             252  34
Chisholm       William          13    MS             252  35
Clark          Aletha           29    MS             229  39
Clark          Benjamin         11    MS             185  21
Clark          Felix G          39    Tenn           229  38
Clark          Isabella         7     MS             186  38
Clark          John             30    MS             186  36
Clark          Lucinda          11    MS             229  40
Clark          Martha           38    MS             185  18
Clark          Martha           3     MS             230   3
Clark          Martha           25    MS             186  37
Clark          Rachel           9     MS             230   1
Clark          Robert           6     MS             230   2
Clark          Robert           1     MS             186  40
Clark          William          9     MS             185  22
Clark          William          4     MS             186  39
Clark (Montgomery) John         13    MS             185  20
Clark (Montgomery) Octavia      16    MS             185  19
Claughton      John R           55    .              250  27
Claughton      John R           27    LA             197  29
Cleveland      Angelina         14    MS             163  12
Cleveland      Columbus         9     MS             163  14
Cleveland      Elizabeth        42    MS             163  11
Cleveland      Elizabeth        26    MS             191  39
Cleveland      Mary             4     MS             191  40
Cleveland      Octavia          11    MS             163  13
Cleveland      Sylvester        24    MS             191  38
Cobb           Amanda           11    MS             219  10
Cobb           Joseph           35    MS             219   5
Cobb           Louisa           15    MS             219   8
Cobb           Margaret         13    MS             219   9
Cobb           Mary             35    MS             219   6
Cobb           Minerva          9     MS             219  11
Cobb           Thomas           19    MS             219   7
Cockerham      Amelia           33    MS             175  22
Cockerham      Ellison          25    MS             161  17
Cockerham      Frances          24    MS             161  18
Cockerham      Green            5     MS             161  19
Cockerham      Iverson          22    MS             149  23
Cockerham      Jack             39    MS             163   9
Cockerham      James            62    SC             149  22
Cockerham      James            2     MS             161  21
Cockerham      Jane             19    MS             149  24
Cockerham      Joana            4     MS             161  20
Cockerham      John             3     MS             175  25
Cockerham      Louisiana        6     MS             175  24
Cockerham      Louisiana        13    MS             149  25
Cockerham      Martha           6/12  MS             175  26
Cockerham      Napoleon         16    MS             165  12
Cockerham      Riley            47    MS             175  21
Cockerham      Thomas           12    MS             175  23
Cockerham      Velusgury        20    MS             165  11
Cockerham      Young            11    MS             149  26
Cohn           Moses            28    Prussia        207   9
Collins        Caroline         8     MS             185  30
Colston        John             28    Maryland       196  23
Combs          John             29    LA             158  25
Cook           Allen            12    MS             190   9
Cook           Catherine        2     MS             190  14
Cook           Charles          8     MS             190  11
Cook           Frank            4     MS             190  13
Cook           Hannah B         60    Virginia       233  34
Cook           James            14    MS             190   8
Cook           Mary             26    MS             190   7
Cook           Rosalphine       4/12  MS             190  17
Cook           Sophia           6     MS             190  12
Cook           William          47    Gra            190   6
Cook (Quigley) Caroline         12    MS             190  10
Coontz         Elizabeth        10    LA             257  36
Coontz         William          7     LA             257  37
Corcoran       Bartholomew      7     w              206   8
Corcoran       Diane            38    MS             206   3
Corcoran       Henry            15    MS             206   6
Corcoran       James            14    MS             206   7
Corcoran       Josephine        17    MS             206   5
Corcoran       Mary             18    MS             206   4
Corcoran       Michael          48    Ireland        206   2
Cornelius      Elizabeth        26    Bavaria        255   1
Corodin*       Edwin            3     MS             253  34
Corodin*       Eugene           6     MS             253  33
Corodin*       Frank            10    MS             253  32
Corodin*       Thomas           12    MS             253  31
Corodin*       Thomas *         43    NY             253  29
Corodin*       Virginia         56    Virginia       253  30
Cotton         Abel             24    MS             201  39
Cotton         Adaline          15    .              161  26
Cotton         Alethia          27    MS             209  27
Cotton         Angelina         21    .              161  24
Cotton         Asa              6     MS             243  19
Cotton         Caroline         19    .              161  25
Cotton         Caroline         13    MS             209  33
Cotton         Emma             2     MS             209  30
Cotton         Eugenia          8/12  MS             209  31
Cotton         Harriet J        70    SC             209  32
Cotton         Jefferson        5     MS             209  29
Cotton         John N           48    SC             161  22
Cotton         Joseph           11    .              161  28
Cotton         Mary             45    MS             161  23
Cotton         Mary             17    MS             225   3
Cotton         Mary             10    MS             209  28
Cotton         Theodore         13    .              161  27
Cotton         Thomas           20    MS             259  39
Cotton         William A        33    MS             209  26
Courtney       Benjamin         1     MS             222  32
Courtney       Martha           35    MS             222  30
Courtney       Mary             48    MS             249  24
Courtney       Sarah            2     MS             222  31
Courtney       William J        24    MS             222  29
Covington      Emma             2     MS             255   5
Covington      Jane             16    MS             255   6
Covington      John M           42    KY             255   2
Covington      Martha           3     MS             255   4
Covington      Mary             31    *enmark ?      255   3
Covington      Sarah            52    SC             165   1
Covington      Seaborn          30    MS             165   3
Covington      Theodore         26    MS             165   2
Covington      Virginia         19    MS             165   4
Coward         Niedham M        70    MS             175  31
Coward         Samuel J         23    MS             175  30
Cox            David            17    MS             197  22
Cox            Eli              11    MS             209   2
Cox            Eliza            50    MS             197  21
Cox            Eliza            12    MS             197   6
Cox            Franklin         16    MS             197   4
Cox            Henry C          25    SC             208  37
Cox            James            15    .              208  40
Cox            Margaret         14    MS             197   5
Cox            Rebecca          38    MS             197   2
Cox            Rebecca          11    MS             197  24
Cox            Robert           32    Maryland       197   1
Cox            Robert           13    MS             197  23
Cox            Sarah            24    MS             208  38
Cox            Sarah            13    MS             209   1
Cox            Sophia           10    MS             197   7
Cox            William          18    MS             197   3
Cox            Willie           19    .              208  39
Crawford       Mariah           18    MS             250  21
Crawford       Martha           52    SC             250  20
(Crocker ?)    Sanders M        28    Holland        254  17
Crossley       Andrew           41    Gra            186   1
Crossley       Elizabeth        50    SC             187   2
Crossley       Eugenia          5     MS             186   4
Crossley       John             70    Gra            187   1
Crossley       John             3     MS             186   5
Crossley       Margaret         17    MS             187   4
Crossley       Martha           7     MS             186   3
Crossley       Martha           31    MS             186   2
Crossley       Wesley           30    MS             187   3
Cruise         Drucilla         50    SC             167  24
Cruise         Francis          19    MS             167  25
Cruise         Harriet          24    MS             167  28
Cruise         Jefferson        10/12 MS             167  32
Cruise         Joseph           2     MS             167  31
Cruise         Mary             5     MS             167  29
Cruise         Micajah          61    SC             167  23
Cruise         Samuel           15    MS             167  26
Cruise         Thomas           26    MS             167  27
Cruise         William          3     MS             167  30
Crumbs (Crum)  Adaline          31    MS             232   5
Crumbs (Crum)  Amanda           3     MS             232  12
Crumbs (Crum)  James            9     MS             232  10
Crumbs (Crum)  John             22    MS             232   6
Crumbs (Crum)  Lavisa           5     MS             232  11
Crumbs (Crum)  Mary             26    MS             232   8
Crumbs (Crum)  Walter           11    MS             232   9
Crumbs (Crum)  Warren           21    MS             232   7
Crumbs (Crum)  William          54    MS             232   4
Cunningham     Marsilla         26    NY             250  16
Davis          Ada              43    MS             197   9
Davis          Alvin            18    MS             197  12
Davis          Arminda          22    MS             244  30
Davis          Benjamin         35    MS             244  29
Davis          Cathella         4     MS             197  18
Davis          Celia            9     MS             197  16
Davis          Charles          22    MS             197  11
Davis          Charles E        23    MS             253  19
Davis          Claudius         16    MS             197  13
Davis          Elijah M         57    SC             197   8
Davis          Ida              14    MS             197  14
Davis          James            8     MS             197  17
Davis          James            6     MS             244  31
Davis          Mississippi      13    MS             197  15
Davis          Simon            22    France ?       190  22
Davis          William          24    MS             197  10
Dawson         Dallas           16    MS             176  40
Day            Adaline          26    MS             243  31
Day            Andrew           44    Indiana        184  33
Day            Angelina         17    MS             239  28
Day            Benjamin         25    MS             239  27
Day            Calvin           27    MS             239  26
Day            Charles          2/12  MS             184  38
Day            Demarius         28    MS             239  36
Day            Eliza            60    SC             239  25
Day            Eliza            5     MS             239  40
Day            Elizabeth        50    MS             243  35
Day            Fanny            14    MS             239  29
Day            George           4     MS             184  36
Day            Hamilton         8     MS             243  32
Day            Hampton          3     MS             239  22
Day            Helen            4/12  MS             240   2
Day            Henry            40    Ireland        191  29
Day            Hiram            12    MS             243  37
Day            Iverson          22    MS             221  32
Day            James            29    Gra            149  13
Day            Jane             10    MS             243  38
Day            Jefferson        7     MS             239  39
Day            Jeptha           8/12  MS             243  34
Day            Jeptha V         22    MS             243  24
Day            John J           26    LA             153   7
Day            Jonathan         63    Gra            239  24
Day            Jonathan M       25    MS             247  16
Day            Julia            28    MS             247  17
Day            Louisa           18    Gra            149  14
Day            Lucetia          19    MS             221  33
Day            Lucetta          11/12 MS             221  34
Day            Lucia            34    Gra ?          184  34
Day            Lucia            2     MS             184  37
Day            Lucretia         4     MS             243  33
Day            Marshall         25    MS             239  20
Day            Martha           13    LA             153   9
(Day ?)        Mary             40    MS             203  21
Day            Mary             18    LA             153   8
Day            Mary             17    MS             243  25
Day            Mary             11    MS             184  35
Day            Minerva          1     MS             247  20
Day            Nancy            3     MS             240   1
Day            Nancy            23    MS             239  21
Day            R Harrison       34    MS             243  30
Day            Rosalthia        20    MS             225  31
Day            Samuel           3     MS             225  32
Day            Samuel           2/12  .              239  23
Day            Samuel B         37    MS             239  35
Day            Sarah            15    MS             243  36
Day            Stephen          10    MS             239  37
Day            Thomas           1/12  MS             153  10
Day            William          9     MS             239  38
Day            William H        35    MS             225  30
Day ? Gray     John             7     MS             192  29
(Deacon)       Ellen            16    England        249  36
(Deacon)       Louisia          18    England        249  35
(Deacon)       Thomas           41    England        249  34
DeLaughter     David            64    SC             186  28
DeLaughter     Emily            15    MS             186  31
DeLaughter     Henry            11    MS             186  33
DeLaughter     Janetta          9     MS             186  34
DeLaughter     Marvin           18    MS             186  30
DeLaughter     Sabithia         13    MS             186  32
DeLaughter     Sarah            47    MS             186  29
DeLaughter     Sophrona         7     MS             186  35
Denman         Amanda           19    MS             177   2
Denman         Baby             2/12  MS             175  20
Denman         Elizabeth        48    MS             176  36
Denman         James            20    MS             177   1
Denman         Joseph           3     MS             175  19
Denman         Margaret         20    MS             175  18
Denman         Prudence         1     MS             177   3
Denman         William          52    Gra            176  35
Denman         William C        24    MS             175  17
Dickey         Catherine        8     LA             178  25
Dickey         Nancy            38    MS             179   2
Dickey         Prudence         11    MS             179   5
Dickey         Robert           52    MS             179   1
Dickey         Sarah            13    MS             179   4
Dickey         Sarah            12    LA             178  24
Dickey         Victoria         16    MS             179   3
Dietz          Arnold           19    Bavaria        254  11
Dius           Daniel           18    MS             219  36
Dius           Martha           15    MS             219  37
Dius           Rachel           43    MS             219  35
Dius (Dietz)   Josephine        4     MS             185  39
Dius (Dietz)   Lucretia         27    MS             185  37
Dius (Dietz)   Sarah            12    MS             185  38
Dius (Dietz)   Virginia         2     MS             185  40
Dius (Dietz)   William          37    SC             185  36
Dixon          Alfred           3     MS             213  25
Dixon          Alice            16    MS             177  33
Dixon          Benjamin F       37    LA             208  23
Dixon          Charles          3     MS             177  40
Dixon          Charles T        44    Missouri       177  31
Dixon          Elizabeth        20    MS             204  33
Dixon          Emily            4     MS             213  24
Dixon          Fanny            9     MS             177  36
Dixon          Harriet          2     MS             204  37
Dixon          Helen            11    MS             177  35
Dixon          J Ann            52    NC             214  38
Dixon          James            15    MS             204  32
Dixon          James            14    MS             215   1
Dixon          John L           28    MS             213  22
Dixon          Jonas            16    MS             214  40
Dixon          Julia            34    MS             208  24
Dixon          Louisa           4     MS             204  36
Dixon          Lucius           12    LA             208  29
Dixon          Lucy             2/12  MS             204  38
Dixon          Manus            10    MS             204  34
Dixon          Margaret         24    MS             213  23
Dixon          Martha           6     MS             177  38
Dixon          Martha           18    MS             204  31
Dixon          Martha           1     MS             213  26
Dixon          Marvin           7     MS             208  30
Dixon          Mary             9     MS             204  35
Dixon          Maryann          30    MS             204  29
Dixon          Melissa          12    MS             215   2
Dixon          Nancy            5     MS             177  39
Dixon          Nancy            33    MS             177  32
Dixon          Noland           20    MS             204  30
Dixon          Russel           8     MS             177  37
Dixon          Samuel           21    MS             214  39
Dixon          Sarah            14    LA             208  28
Dixon          Thomas           14    MS             177  34
Dixon          William P        42    Tenn           204  28
Dobyns         Orsin H          26    MS             187  38
Donovan        Darcus           10    MS             220  18
Donovan        John             63    Virginia       220  14
Donovan        Mary             50    MS             220  15
Donovan        Mary Jane        16    MS             220  17
Donovan        Rebecca          17    MS             220  16
Downy          Francis          15    NY             158  18
Drummond       Aletha           40    MS             196  32
Drummond       Allen            6     MS             196  38
Drummond       Alzenia          4     MS             196  39
Drummond       Baby             1     MS             196  40
Drummond       Elizabeth        13    MS             196  36
Drummond       James            12    MS             196  37
Drummond       John             18    MS             196  34
Drummond       Mary             20    MS             196  33
Drummond       Thomas           48    Ireland        196  31
Drummond       William          16    MS             196  35
Duck           Asa              8     MS             198   2
Duck           Asa              29    MS             198  12
Duck           Caroline         20    MS             198  13
Duck           Charles          3     MS             198   6
Duck           David M          22    MS             198   4
Duck           Dora             2     MS             198   7
Duck           Elisha           33    MS             197  39
Duck           Elizabeth        24    MS             198  10
Duck           Ellen            23    MS             198   5
Duck           Ellen            2     MS             198   3
Duck           Henry            19    MS             199   2
Duck           James            59    SC             198  40
Duck           James            18    MS             199   3
Duck           James            10    MS             198   1
Duck           Lorenzo M        34    MS             198   9
Duck           Lovey            34    MS             197  40
Duck           Mary             59    SC             199   1
Duff           Cecil            20    MS             212  16
Duff           Eliza            16    MS             212  17
Duff           Harvey           28    MS             212  13
Duff           Henry            25    MS             212  14
Duff           Jackson          23    MS             212  15
Duff           Julia            12    MS             212  18
Duff           Selena           55    SC             212  12
Dunigan        Edwin            27    New York       200  38
Dunigan        Sarah            20    MS             200  39
Dunn           Alexander        13    MS             241  38
Dunn           Alexander R      54    MS             241  33
Dunn           Alice            11    MS             241  39
Dunn           Bellingham       21    MS             207  26
Dunn           Carroll          20    MS             207  21
Dunn           Charles          18    MS             207  22
Dunn           David            86    SC             234  13
Dunn           Elenore          16    MS             241  36
Dunn           Elnora           20    MS             206  14
Dunn           Jane             4     MS             206  15
Dunn           John             19    MS             241  35
Dunn           Joseph           15    MS             207  23
Dunn           Joseph L         52    MS             207  19
Dunn           Marcel           10/12 MS             242   3
Dunn           Martha           75    SC             234  14
Dunn           Martha           17    MS             207  25
Dunn           Mary             44    SC             207  20
Dunn           Mary             3     MS             206  16
Dunn           Mary             10/12 MS             242   2
Dunn           Matheus (Mathew) 25    LA             206  13
Dunn           McKowen          15    MS             241  37
Dunn           Robert           8     MS             242   1
Dunn           Susan            1     MS             206  17
Dunn           Theodora         13    MS             207  24
Dunn           Virginia         5     MS             241  40
Dunn           Virginia         40    Tenn           241  34
Durham         John *           25    MS             240  12
Durham         Minerva          22    MS             240  13
Durham         Sarah            ** (60) Gra          240  10
Durham         William          14    MS             240  11
Durham         Wm T             62    Gra            242  27
Dutchman       John             18    Baden ?        257  22
Dye            Alma             6     MS             218  13
Dye            Daniel           10    MS             218  11
Dye            John M           73    SC             218   7
Dye            Marion           9     MS             218  12
Dye            Mary             52    Ireland        218   8
Dye            Nancy            17    MS             218   9
Dye            Thomas           14    MS             218  10
Dykes          Lucretia         6     MS             243  20
Dyson          Samuel           35    MS             194  17
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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