The USGenWeb Census Project®
Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Neal           Caswell          32    LA             196  12
Neal           James            19    MS             229  16
Neal           Junita           27    MS             196  13
Neal           Martha           7/12  MS             196  14
Neil           Elizabeth        30    LA             153   1
Neil           Leroy            5     MS             153   4
Neil           Margaret         1     MS             153   5
Neil           Martin           5     MS             153   3
Neil           Nicholas J       20    LA             152  40
Neil           William          6     MS             153   2
Nelson         Almeda           20    MS             249  31
Nelson         Angelina         26    MS             259  19
Nelson         Charles          6     MS             259  20
Nelson         Charles P        24    MS             249  30
Nelson         Daniel           4     MS             232  17
Nelson         David            15    MS             254  28
Nelson         Isola            4     MS             259  21
Nelson         James B          30    MS             221   1
Nelson         Jane             50    SC             254  26
Nelson         John             6     MS             221   2
Nelson         Laura            10/12 MS             249  32
Nelson         Lucetta          1     MS             232  18
Nelson         Lucinda          22    MS             232  16
Nelson         Richard          4     MS             221   3
Nelson         Richard M        51    SC             254  25
Nelson         Roberta          11/12 MS             259  22
Nelson         Virginia         19    MS             254  27
Nelson         William M        29    MS             232  15
Nelson         William S        27    MS             259  18
Nesmith        Agnes            39    MS             228  14
Nesmith        Darcus           47    MS             229  11
Nesmith        Darcus           14    MS             229  12
Nesmith        Francis          10    MS             229  14
Nesmith        Jane             12    MS             229  13
Nesmith        John M           34    MS             228  12
Nesmith        Rebecca          65    NC             228  13
Nesmith        Willam A J       57    SC             229  10
(Nettles) ?    Ann              23    LA             186  19
(Nettles) ?    Thomas J         41    LA             186  18
Newberry       Mary             55    England        250  15
Newman         Amanda           19    MS             161   3
Newman         Baby             9/12  MS             161   5
Newman         Caroline         20    MS             153  25
Newman         Caroline         16    MS             158   9
Newman         Elizabeth        46    MS             160  35
Newman         George           26    MS             161   2
Newman         Huhey            11    MS             158  12
Newman         James            26    MS             153  24
Newman         John             16    MS             160  37
Newman         Louisa           36    MS             155  33
Newman         Lucinda          6     MS             155  37
Newman         Marcus           13    MS             158  11
Newman         Marshall         14    MS             160  38
Newman         Martha           14    MS             155  36
Newman         Martin           21    MS             198  11
Newman         Mary             2     MS             161   4
Newman         Matilda          12    MS             161   1
Newman         Milton           9     MS             160  39
Newman         Nancy            8/12  MS             153  28
Newman         Nancy            19    MS             160  36
Newman         Nancy            14    MS             158  10
Newman         Pauline          7     MS             160  40
Newman         Rebecca          48    MS             158   8
Newman         Samuel           42    SC             155  32
Newman         Samuel           4     MS             155  38
Newman         Sophrona         2     MS             153  27
Newman         Theophilus       17    MS             155  35
Newman         Thomas           54    SC             158   7
Newman         Thomas           4     MS             153  26
Newman         Thomas           21    MS             155  34
Newton         John M           24    NY             255  30
Neyland        Albert           3     MS             199   9
Neyland        Baby             1/12  MS             199  11
Neyland        Betsey           24    MS             199   8
Neyland        George M         28    MS             199   7
Neyland        Jasper A         27    MS             198  25
Neyland        Lafayette        16    MS             198  28
Neyland        Louis            2     MS             199  10
Neyland        Madison          23    MS             198  26
Neyland        Sarah            19    MS             198  27
Ninn           Thomas P         31    Gra            253   9
Nix            Infant           6/12  MS             226  17
Nix            John             7     MS             226  15
Nix            Louisa           21    MS             226  14
Nix            Lula             3     MS             226  16
Nix            Samuel J W       38    LA             226  13
(Havis) (Norris) ? James J      19    MS             215  20
Norwood        Elizabeth        18    LA             178  28
Norwood        Nancy S          60    SC             249  20
Nunnery        Archibald        5     MS             165  33
Nunnery        Eliza            24    MS             166  13
Nunnery        Eliza            21    MS             166   8
Nunnery        Eugena           3     MS             166  10
Nunnery        George           11    MS             166  16
Nunnery        Henry            34    Ala            165  28
Nunnery        James            4     MS             165  34
Nunnery        Jane             1     MS             165  35
Nunnery        John             7     MS             165  32
Nunnery        John             26    MS             165  36
Nunnery        John H           57    SC             166  12
Nunnery        Joseph           32    Ala            166   7
Nunnery        Mariah           8     MS             165  31
Nunnery        Mary             7     MS             166   9
Nunnery        Reuben           23    MS             166  14
Nunnery        Richard          8     MS             166  18
Nunnery        Robert           1     MS             166  11
Nunnery        Samuel           16    MS             166  15
Nunnery        Sarah            24    MS             165  29
Nunnery        Thomas           10    MS             165  30
Nunnery        William          17    MS             242  40
Nunnery        Zachariah        10    MS             166  17
O'Neal         Alestia          10    MS             237   5
O'Neal         Allen            8     MS             237   6
O'Neal         Gabriel          6     MS             237   7
O'Neal         James            10    MS             245  34
O'Neal         Lucy             2     MS             237   9
O'Neal         Mary             14    MS             245  31
O'Neal         Matilda          27    MS             237   4
O'Neal         Priscilla        31    MS             245  30
O'Neal         Samuel           5     MS             237   8
O'Neal         Samuel           35    MS             245  29
O'Neal         Sarah            13    MS             245  32
O'Neal         Washington       31    MS             237   3
O'Neal         William          12    MS             245  33
Oaks           Elenore          3     LA             208  36
Oaks           Felix            35    SC             208  31
Oaks           Tabitha          30    LA             208  32
Oaks           William          6     LA             208  35
Ogden          Alonzo           10    MS             161  36
Ogden          Lucy             29    MS             161  35
Oswald         George           25    Mastenberg ?   254  39
Ott            Aaron            45    MS             167  21
Ott            Sarah            30    MS             167  22
Page           Hester           12    MS             161  34
Page           Jane             36    MS             161  31
Page           John             72    Virginia       161  29
Page           Martha           16    MS             161  33
Page           Samanthia        32    MS             161  32
Page           Tabithia         56    Gra            161  30
Parker         Amos             57    NC             242   5
Parker         Angelina         52    Gra            242   6
Parker         Catherine        45    NC             183  32
Parker         Dalena           15    MS             242   8
Parker         Elam             15    MS             183  26
Parker         Elihu            50    NC             183  22
Parker         Elizabeth        80    NC             183  34
Parker         Elizabeth        51    Tenn           174   2
Parker         Emily            20    MS             183  24
Parker         Eulosia          7     MS             242  10
Parker         Henry            48    NC             183  31
Parker         James            16    MS             174   4
Parker         James            12    MS             242   9
Parker         James R          52    SC             174   1
Parker         Joel             18    MS             242   7
Parker         John             14    MS             183  27
Parker         Julian K         38    Virginia       215  21
Parker         Margaret         13    MS             174   5
Parker         Martha           12    MS             183  28
Parker         Mary             36    MS             183  23
Parker         Rosanna          18    MS             174   3
Parker         Sarah            11    MS             183  29
Parker         Thomas           16    MS             183  25
Parsons        Benjamin         22    MS             172  15
Parsons        Elizabeth        33    MS             183  40
Parsons        Frances M        35    MS             184   6
Parsons        Francis          80    NC             183  33
Parsons        James G          24    MS             172  13
Parsons        Jane             20    MS             184   4
Parsons        John B           29    MS             184   2
Parsons        Matilda          27    MS             184   3
Parsons        Sarah            59    SC             183  39
Parsons        Sarah            31    MS             184   1
Parsons        Sophrina         17    MS             184   5
Pate           Christopher      27    MS             176  29
Pate           James            2     MS             244  26
Pate           Jane             25    MS             176  30
Pate           John             6     MS             176  31
Pate           Louisa           1     MS             176  33
Pate           Mary             72    MS             176  34
Pate           Moses            4     MS             244  25
Pate           Rankin           30    MS             244  22
Pate           Richard          3     MS             176  32
Pate           Sarah            18    MS             244  23
Pate           William          10    MS             244  24
Patrick        Canoe            27    NY             242  29
Patrick        Loengo           37    NY             242  28
Patrick        Ursula           16    NY             242  30
Patton         Robert D         27    MS             253  39
Pemble         Elizabeth        22    MS             174   9
Pemble         Robert J         30    MS             174   8
Peoples        Betsy            83    SC             199   6
Perkins        Adaline          46    SC             249  12
Perkins        Aletha           15    MS             200  24
Perkins        Allen            4/12  MS             201  13
Perkins        Bailey           10    MS             200  18
Perkins        Dalcho           43    MS             200  16
Perkins        Dalcho           2     MS             200  22
Perkins        Francis          6/12  MS             200  23
Perkins        Gro (George) M   26    MS             201  10
Perkins        Henry            15    MS             249  15
Perkins        Ida              3     MS             201  12
Perkins        James            4     MS             200  21
Perkins        James            18    MS             249  14
Perkins        John             15    MS             249  17
Perkins        Lewis            54    LA             249  11
Perkins        Mary             20    MS             249  13
Perkins        Robert           9     MS             200  19
Perkins        Sarah            30    LA             200  17
Perkins        Sarah            20    MS             201  11
Perkins        Sarah            12    MS             249  16
Perkins        Tullia           8     MS             249  18
Perkins        William          7     MS             200  20
Perkins        William          7     MS             249  19
Phares         Elizabeth        27    MS             206  10
Phares         Lula             3     MS             206  11
Phares         Sarah            1     MS             206  12
Phares         Wm C             50    LA             206   9
Phillips       Georgiana        15    LA             156   9
Phipps         Alice            1/12  MS             203  35
Phipps         Dekalb           7     MS             203  36
Phipps         Eleanore         2     MS             203  38
Phipps         Mary             5     MS             203  37
Phipps         Sarah            27    MS             203  34
Pinkley        Elmer            4     Ohio           164  38
Pinkley        Henry L or S     34    MS             164  36
Pinkley        Julia            31    Ohio           164  37
Po*ter         John             30    Gra            255  15
Poindexter     Ellen            68    Virginia       252  23
Poindexter     Herbert          21    MS             253  38
Pool           Eugenia          12    Texas          203  25
Poole          Amanda           29    LA             245   7
Poole          Cicero           10    MS             245  39
Poole          Eugene           4     MS             245  10
Poole          Fleming          34    MS             245   6
Poole          Josephine        8     MS             245   8
Poole          Julia            1     MS             245  11
Poole          Mary             6     MS             245   9
Pope           Everett          27    MS             174  35
Pope           Magnolia         1     MS             174  37
Pope           Rebecca          25    MS             174  36
Powell         Aletha           21    MS             192   4
Powell         Allen            5     MS             158  15
Powell         Allen            5     MS             205  36
Powell         Amazon           12    MS             192   8
Powell         Caroline         9     MS             192  10
Powell         Cecil            2     MS             192  13
Powell         Cornelia         3     MS             205  37
Powell         Eldridge         6     MS             205  35
Powell         Elizabeth        44    MS             192   3
Powell         Frances          1     MS             205  38
Powell         Green            20    MS             153  36
Powell         James            16    MS             192   6
Powell         Jane             24    MS             205  33
Powell         John             34    MS             158  13
Powell         John             3     MS             158  16
Powell         John             14    MS             192   7
Powell         Joseph           7     MS             192  11
Powell         Mary             19    MS             192   5
Powell         Matilda          8     MS             205  34
Powell         Nancy            22    MS             158  14
Powell         Nancy            2     MS             158  17
Powell         Sarah            10    MS             192   9
Powell         Thomas           31    KY             205  32
Powell         William          6     MS             192  12
Powell         William          47    Gra            192   2
Price          Charles          33    Lueony ?       193  24
Pruitt         Martha           25    NY             250  14
Pugh           Catharine        60    Ireland        257  16
Pugh           Catharine        16    Ireland        257  14
Pugh           Eugene           25    Ireland        257  15
Pugh           Michael          23    Ireland        257  13
Quin           * Henry G        30    MS             251  17
Quin           Emma             5     MS             251  19
Quin           Mary             3     MS             251  20
Quin           Monroe           1     MS             251  21
Quin           Virginia         25    MS             251  18
Quinn          Arthur G         42    MS             178  22
Raborn         Ally             7     MS             158  30
Raborn         Artalinla        4     MS             155  31
Raborn         Demarcus         18    MS             155  26
Raborn         Dick             5     MS             155  30
Raborn         George           33    MS             158  26
Raborn         James            16    MS             155  27
Raborn         John             2     MS             158  32
Raborn         Louisa           9     MS             155  29
Raborn         Martha           27    MS             158  27
Raborn         Mary             5     MS             158  31
Raborn         Mary             30    MS             155  24
Raborn         Mary             15    MS             155  28
Raborn         Nancy            10    MS             158  28
Raborn         Rachel           60    KY             158  33
Raborn         Rebecca          46    MS             164   2
Raborn         Sarah            80    MS             164   1
Raborn         Simpson          45    MS             155  23
Raborn         William          8     MS             158  29
Raborn         William          19    MS             155  25
Raiford        Elizabeth        4     MS             250   9
Raiford        Jane             27    MS             250   8
Raiford        Julia            2     MS             250  10
Raiford        William B        30    NC             250   7
Ramsey         Matheus          68    SC             205   2
Randall        Alice            8     MS             237  26
Randall        Allen            35    MS             228  15
Randall        Amanda           6     MS             237  27
Randall        Catherine        38    MS             228  16
Randall        David            11    MS             228  17
Randall        Elizabeth        5     MS             228  19
Randall        James            44    MS             237  23
Randall        Jane             10    MS             237  25
Randall        Jasper           9     MS             228  18
Randall        Jonathan         4     MS             237  28
Randall        Margaret         1     MS             237  29
Randall        Nancy            22    MS             237  24
Randall        Van Allen        6/12  MS             228  20
Ratcliff       Alfred           49    MS             217  19
Ratcliff       Allen            2     MS             217  26
Ratcliff       Arak             13    MS             218   4
Ratcliff       Ben              22    MS             217  40
Ratcliff       Ben C            55    MS             217  38
Ratcliff       Charles          57    MS             251  35
Ratcliff       Eliza            30    MS             251  36
Ratcliff       Elizabeth        44    MS             217  20
Ratcliff       Emma             1     MS             250  26
Ratcliff       Eunice           10/12 MS             251   5
Ratcliff       Frances          20    MS             218   1
Ratcliff       Frances          20    MS             251   4
Ratcliff       Holloway H       25    MS             251   3
Ratcliff       Horton           14    MS             217  22
Ratcliff       Loretta          7     MS             217  25
Ratcliff       Luke             4     MS             218   6
Ratcliff       Mary             47    MS             217  39
Ratcliff       Napoleon         18    MS             217  21
Ratcliff       Nathaniel        9     MS             217  24
Ratcliff       Olivia           11    MS             250  24
Ratcliff       Peter            39    MS             250  22
Ratcliff       Peter            11    MS             217  23
Ratcliff       Samuel           19    MS             218   2
Ratcliff       Sarah            16    MS             218   3
Ratcliff       Susan            26    MS             250  23
Ratcliff       Taylor           11    MS             218   5
Ratcliff       Thomas           5     MS             250  25
Redman         Frank            31    MS             178  33
Reeves         Adelaide         17    MS             229   8
Reeves         Anna             56    SC             166  20
Reeves         Eliza            18    LA             202  17
Reeves         J Simpson        34    MS             166  21
Reeves         James            27    Gra            203  17
Reeves         John             70    Gra            202  16
Reeves         Martha           20    MS             166  22
Reeves         Stephen S        23    Gra            229   7
Reeves         Zackariah        59    SC             166  19
Rembert        Celia            60    SC             200  37
Reynolds       Amelia           33    MS             151  35
Reynolds       Catharine        36    MS             227  19
Reynolds       Cornelia         4     MS             151  36
Reynolds       George           10/12 MS             151  38
Reynolds       Hiram            20    MS             240  20
Reynolds       Jane             13    MS             240  22
Reynolds       John W           48    SC             240  18
Reynolds       Julia            18    MS             240  21
Reynolds       Littleton P      45    Gra            224  17
Reynolds       Martin           3     MS             151  37
Reynolds       Mary             82    SC             227  18
Reynolds       Seaborn          31    MS             151  34
Reynolds       Temperance       48    MS             240  19
Reynolds       Thomas           14    MS             224  19
Reynolds       Thurza           39    MS             224  18
Reynolds       Thurza           1     MS             224  21
Reynolds       William          8     MS             224  20
Rhim           Sconce           6/12  MS             204  24
Rice           Betsy            43    NY             194  37
Rice           Cenes            2/12  MS             196  30
Rice           Clark            7     MS             194  40
Rice           Frank            4     MS             195   1
Rice           George           18    MS             196  26
Rice           Jefferson        6     MS             196  29
Rice           Louisa           36    MS             196  25
Rice           Mary             13    MS             195  11
Rice           Mary             13    MS             196  27
Rice           Peter            43    New York       194  36
Rice           Reuben           10    MS             196  28
Rice           Robert T         42    MS             196  24
Richmond       Emily            18    MS             158  24
Richmond       Iverson          25    MS             158  23
Richmond       John             58    SC             158  21
Richmond       Lucinda          55    Tenn           158  22
Richmond       Nancy            65    SC             230  39
Rickler        Michael          37    Baden          257  38
Riddle         Eve              19    LA             203  10
Riddle         Homer            20    MS             203   9
Riley          John G           19    MS             208  12
Ripey          Angelina         5     MS             154  23
Ripey          John             3     MS             154  24
Ripey          Rebecca          23    MS             154  22
Ripey          William          6/12  MS             154  25
Ripey          William          22    MS             154  21
Ripley         Obedience        70    SC             252  33
Roberts        A Jasper         30    MS             239  30
Roberts        Abraham          75    SC             233  35
Roberts        Amanda           22    MS             220  11
Roberts        Andrew           2     MS             256  39
Roberts        Catharine        12    MS             256  34
Roberts        Catherine        28    MS             239  31
Roberts        D Wesley         39    MS             256  30
Roberts        Elizabeth        35    MS             232  32
Roberts        Euphemia         32    MS             256  31
Roberts        Fidelia          16    MS             232  33
Roberts        Florence         1     MS             239  34
Roberts        Frances          21    MS             233  37
Roberts        Francis          9     MS             256  36
Roberts        Franklin         12    MS             232  35
Roberts        Henry            21    MS             204  40
Roberts        James            5     MS             239  33
Roberts        James            14    MS             256  33
Roberts        James D          44    MS             232  31
Roberts        Louisa           1     MS             232  40
Roberts        Lovey            60    NC             229  17
Roberts        Lydia J          61    SC             204  39
Roberts        Mary             10    MS             232  36
Roberts        Missouri         15    MS             256  32
Roberts        Monroe           8     MS             239  32
Roberts        Napoleon         8     MS             256  37
Roberts        Nathan           6     MS             232  38
Roberts        Phebe            4     MS             232  39
Roberts        Quitman          3     MS             220  12
Roberts        Sarah            8     MS             232  37
Roberts        Sarah            65    NC             233  36
Roberts        Sarah            11    MS             256  35
Roberts        Simeon           1     MS             220  13
Roberts        Thomas           14    MS             232  34
Roberts        Thomas G         28    MS             220  10
Roberts        Victoria         6     MS             256  38
Roberts        William          21    LA             205   1
Robinson       Alexander        15    MS             234  38
Robinson       Allen            9     MS             164  27
Robinson       Amanda           20    MS             244  18
Robinson       Amazon           13    MS             167   2
Robinson       Catherine        3     MS             214  16
Robinson       Catherine J      39    MS             214  12
Robinson       Celia            76    NC             202  14
Robinson       Daniel           3     MS             159  32
Robinson       David            60    Virginia       234  31
Robinson       Edward           22    MS             234  34
Robinson       Elceba           5     MS             165  25
Robinson       Elizabeth        32    MS             165  21
Robinson       Elizabeth        23    MS             234  33
Robinson       Elizabeth        18    MS             166  40
Robinson       Erastus          3     MS             165  26
Robinson       George W         30    MS             250  29
Robinson       Harriet          4/12  MS             159  33
Robinson       Hilton           1     MS             164  30
Robinson       Isaac A          35    MS             165  20
Robinson       Isaih            13    MS             234  39
Robinson       James            2     MS             157   5
Robinson       James            11    MS             214  14
Robinson       James F          50    MS             157   1
Robinson       Jane             21    MS             214  13
Robinson       Jane             16    MS             167   1
Robinson       John             22    LA             257  21
Robinson       John             21    MS             234  35
Robinson       John             10    MS             165  23
Robinson       Joseph           22    LA             195  17
Robinson       Julia            33    Indiana        228   6
Robinson       Lawrence         7     MS             164  28
Robinson       Lee              10    MS             244  21
Robinson       Letitia          36    MS             157   2
Robinson       Martha           24    MS             164  26
Robinson       Mary             4     MS             250  34
Robinson       Mary             31    MS             250  30
Robinson       Mary             3     MS             164  29
Robinson       Mary             18    MS             164  32
Robinson       Mary             1     MS             165  27
Robinson       Moselle          9     MS             228   7
Robinson       Moses            5     MS             214  15
Robinson       Moses            10/12 MS             157   6
Robinson       Moses B          30    MS             164  25
Robinson       Moses G          29    MS             241  31
Robinson       Moses S          21    MS             252   4
Robinson       Nancy            4     MS             159  31
Robinson       Newton           16    MS             234  37
Robinson       Ora              13    MS             244  19
Robinson       Phoebe           28    MS             234  32
Robinson       Rebecca          62    Tenn           164  31
Robinson       Sabithia         27    MS             241  32
Robinson       Sarah            27    MS             159  29
Robinson       Simeon           27    MS             159  28
Robinson       Temperance       4     MS             157   4
Robinson       Thomas           2     MS             250  35
Robinson       Thomas           14    MS             165  22
Robinson       Van              12    MS             244  20
Robinson       Wilford          8     MS             165  24
Robinson       William          6     MS             159  30
Robinson       William          6     MS             157   3
Robinson       William          37    MS             228   5
Robinson       William          18    MS             234  36
Rody           Jesse J          24    LA             213  29
Rogers         Arminda          18    MS             210  38
Rogers         Caroline         17    LA             208  25
Rogers         Dennis H         26    MS             210  37
Rogers         Henry            14    LA             208  27
Rogers         Ismael           21    LA             208  22
Rogers         John             23    LA             205  12
Rogers         Julia            12    LA             208  26
Rogers         Margaret         19    Arkansas       255   8
Rogers         Margaret         10/12 MS             255   9
Rogers         Robert G         25    MS             255   7
Rogers         Thomas           20    MS             210  39
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Eliza     28    MS             221  10
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Elizabeth 15    MS             221   8
Rollinson (Rawlinson) James     2     MS             221  12
Rollinson (Rawlinson) John      28    MS             221   9
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Mosilla   18    MS             221   7
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Nathan    4     MS             221  11
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Nathaniel 70    SC             221   4
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Samuel    6/12  MS             221  13
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Samuel    21    MS             221   6
Rollinson (Rawlinson) Susannah  55    MS             221   5
Romero         Jacob            16    LA             188  32
Roon           Edmund           18    Frances        243   8
Rosenthal      Frank            23    Baden          156  26
Ross           Manuel           19    France         257   8
Roundtree      Margaret         65    NC             182  32
Roundtree      Reuben           72    SC             182  31
Roundtree      Shadrick         16    MS             182  33
Roundtree      Sterling         22    MS             182  34
Roundtree      Virginia         20    MS             182  35
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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