The USGenWeb Census Project®
Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Mace           Mary             50    New Hampshire  250  13
Machin         Hugh B           20    MS             254   1
Mally          Anderson         22    MS             213   5
Mally          Hamden           58    SC             213   2
Mally          Mary             8     MS             213   6
Mally          Thomas           24    MS             213   4
Mally          William          28    MS             213   3
Manchester     James B          40    Maine          178  21
Manieu         Charles          20    Bavaria        258   9
Marcy          James G          24    MS             252   1
Marsalis       Almira           7     MS             171  31
Marsalis       Ann              17    MS             177   6
Marsalis       Camelite         13    MS             177   7
Marsalis       Cansida          12    MS             177   8
Marsalis       Dorothia         28    MS             171  29
Marsalis       Elijah           18    MS             171   2
Marsalis       Elijah           18    MS             237  11
Marsalis       Elisha           18    MS             171   3
Marsalis       Elisha           18    MS             237  10
Marsalis       Ephraim          5     MS             171  32
Marsalis       Ephriam          51    Gra            177   4
Marsalis       Erasmus          12    MS             171   4
Marsalis       Franklin         8     MS             177   9
Marsalis       James            40    MS             181  21
Marsalis       James E          30    MS             171  28
Marsalis       John             3     MS             177  10
Marsalis       Julia            10    MS             181  26
Marsalis       Lenora           13    MS             181  24
Marsalis       Lethe            12    MS             181  25
Marsalis       Letitia          40    MS             177   5
Marsalis       Letitia          4     MS             171  33
Marsalis       Lucy             46    MS             171   1
Marsalis       Mary             75    Gra            177  13
Marsalis       Peter            15    MS             181  23
Marsalis       Prudence         11    MS             171  30
Marsalis       Thomas           8     MS             171   5
Marsalis       Thomas           1     MS             181  28
Marsalis       Victoria         1     MS             171  34
Marsalis       Virginia         5     MS             181  27
Marsalis       William          50    Gra            170  40
Marsalis       William          17    MS             181  22
Martin         Ephana           51    SC             176  10
Martin         Ida              2     MS             228  26
Martin         James            10/12 MS             187  11
Martin         John             47    SC             176   9
Martin         John             13    MS             176  11
Martin         Joseph F         32    MS             187   6
Martin         Lavisa           24    MS             228  25
Martin         Lloyd            40    Maryland       228  24
Martin         Mary             2     MS             187  10
Martin         Samanda          5     MS             187   8
Martin         Sarah            26    MS             187   7
Martin         Thomas           4     MS             187   9
Mason          Columbus         21    MS             224  28
Maxwell        Charles          1     MS             223  12
Maxwell        Cynthia          6     MS             223  10
Maxwell        Frank            27    MS             223   8
Maxwell        Martha           3     MS             223  11
Maxwell        Sarah            21    MS             223   9
Mayhall        Ambrose D        36    Indiana        212  26
Mayhall        Elizabeth        33    MS             212  27
Mayhall        Helen            7     MS             212  30
Mayhall        Irene            7     MS             212  28
Mayhall        Timothy          1     MS             212  31
Mayhall        William          6     MS             212  29
McBasye        Emily            22    MS             257  25
McBasye        Hardre           3     MS             257  26
McBasye        William          30    NY             257  24
McClendon      George           56    SC             160  13
McClendon      James            22    MS             160  17
McClendon      James M          23    MS             152  13
McClendon      Jess             25    MS             160  15
McClendon      Marshall         18    MS             160  16
McClendon      Mary             54    SC             160  14
McCoy          Edward           19    MS             202   5
McCoy          Eli              21    MS             202   4
McCoy          Fielding         59    SC             201  40
McCoy          John             11    MS             202   8
McCoy          Julia            18    MS             202   6
McCoy          Lovelen          54    SC             202   1
McCoy          Napoleon         23    MS             202   3
McCoy          Thomas           14    MS             202   7
McCoy          William          25    MS             202   2
McDael         Gibson           17    MS             238   4
McDaniel       Apouzina ?       19    MS             238   3
McDaniel       Eveline          9     MS             238   8
McDaniel       George           13    MS             238   6
McDaniel       Jesse            15    MS             238   5
McDaniel       John             21    MS             238   2
McDaniel       Lucretia         56    MS             238   1
McDaniel       Micajah          65    MS             237  40
McDaniel       Susan            11    MS             238   7
McDowell       Aletha           25    MS             223  19
McDowell       Amanda           23    MS             218  17
McDowell       Anna             60    Tenn           217   6
McDowell       Anna             42    MS             219  13
McDowell       Armadilla        21    MS             223  20
McDowell       Baby             8/12  MS             223  27
McDowell       Cecilia          4     MS             223  25
McDowell       Charles          2     MS             219  14
McDowell       Charles          13    MS             223  23
McDowell       Charles C        37    MS             219  12
McDowell       Dora             6     MS             170  38
McDowell       Edmond           2     MS             223  26
McDowell       Eliza            19    MS             248  39
McDowell       Elizabeth        4     MS             173  22
McDowell       Elizabeth        31    MS             178  16
McDowell       Elizabeth        1     MS             178  20
McDowell       Ella             10    MS             173  20
McDowell       Emma             1     MS             218  21
McDowell       Fillmore         2     MS             218  20
McDowell       Frank            15    MS             223  22
McDowell       Geneva           8     MS             170  37
McDowell       Gertrude         7     MS             178  18
McDowell       Hester           33    MS             173  18
McDowell       Ida              10    MS             178  17
McDowell       James            2     MS             218  18
McDowell       Jane             7     MS             223  24
McDowell       John             8/12  MS             170  39
McDowell       John             36    MS             170  31
McDowell       John             10/12 MS             218  19
McDowell       John             1     MS             173  23
McDowell       Julia            17    MS             170  33
McDowell       Mary             17    MS             223  21
McDowell       Mary             12    MS             173  19
McDowell       Mary             1     MS             248  40
McDowell       Minnie           4     MS             178  19
McDowell       Morgan           33    MS             178  15
McDowell       Nancy            35    MS             170  32
McDowell       Nancy            12    MS             170  36
McDowell       Napoleon         14    MS             170  35
McDowell       Nathaniel        22    MS             218  16
McDowell       Russel           6     MS             173  21
McDowell       Russel D         30    MS             248  38
McDowell       Tho  H (Thomas)  41    MS             223  18
McDowell       Virginia         23    MS             259  17
McDowell       William          16    MS             170  34
McDowell       William F        39    MS             173  17
McElwee        Allen            15    MS             208  20
McElwee        Amanda           27    MS             209   4
McElwee        Badin            8     MS             209   5
McElwee        Catharine        12    MS             208  16
McElwee        Eugene           6     MS             209   6
McElwee        James            5     MS             209   7
McElwee        James M          44    LA             209   3
McElwee        John             5     MS             208  19
McElwee        Margaret         2     MS             208  21
McElwee        Mary Jane        30    MS             208  15
McElwee        McKliff          9     MS             208  17
McElwee        Robert           6     MS             208  18
McElwee        Simeon           3     MS             209   8
McElwee        Stephen          18    LA             209  10
McElwee        Thomas           20    LA             259  35
McElwee        Wesley G         42    LA             208  14
McFadden       Barney           40    Ireland        259   8
McFadden       John H           42    KY             187  31
McFadden       Rachel           25    MS             187  32
McFadden       Sam (Lane)       2/12  MS             187  35
McFadden       Samuel           3     MS             187  34
McFadden       William          7     MS             187  33
McGahy (McGehee) Nancy          5     LA             176  13
McGehee        Abner            29    MS             243  26
McGehee        Ada              2     MS             243  11
McGehee        Amanda           29    MS             242  21
McGehee        Baby             1/12  MS             173  30
McGehee        Caswell          30    MS             243  12
McGehee        Catharine        31    MS             243   2
McGehee        Catherine        17    MS             246  21
McGehee        Cecila           32    MS             240  39
McGehee        Charles          2     MS             167   7
McGehee        Cornelia         10    MS             243  23
McGehee        Elias            5     MS             243  16
McGehee        Elizabeth        31    MS             243  22
McGehee        Elizabeth        20    MS             243  18
McGehee        Garnet           4     MS             246  24
McGehee        Geogiana         6     MS             243  10
McGehee        George           40    MS             204  12
McGehee        Hannibal         25    .              241   1
McGehee        Hawkin           25    MS             242  39
McGehee        Henrietta        7     MS             246  23
McGehee        Iverson          10    MS             243  14
McGehee        James            3     MS             173  28
McGehee        Jane             12    MS             242  24
McGehee        John H           38    MS             243   1
McGehee        John L           30    MS             240  40
McGehee        L Jasper         25    MS             167   5
McGehee        Le**llen         1     MS             167   8
McGehee        Lewis            36    MS             243  21
McGehee        Louisa           19    MS             167   6
McGehee        Lucy             12    MS             246  22
McGehee        Martha           9     MS             242  25
McGehee        Martha           35    MS             204  13
McGehee        Martha           23    MS             243   9
McGehee        Martha           1     MS             243  29
McGehee        Mary             7     MS             242  26
McGehee        Mary             29    MS             243  27
McGehee        Mary             20    MS             173  26
McGehee        Mary             13    MS             243   3
McGehee        Mourning         46    MS             246  19
McGehee        Olivia           7     MS             243  15
McGehee        Priscilla        63    SC             235  22
McGehee        Rebecca          44    SC             240  38
McGehee        Rulia            29    MS             243  13
McGehee        Samuel           9     MS             243  28
McGehee        Samuel M         70    Gra            243  17
McGehee        Thomas           19    MS             246  20
McGehee        William          2     MS             173  29
McGehee        William          15    MS             242  22
McGehee        William C        48    MS             246  18
McGehee        William M        27    MS             173  25
McGehee        Woodford         14    MS             242  23
McGehee        Zilpha           4     MS             173  27
McGowan        Joseph           20    Indiana        185  14
McGraham (McGehee) James N      30    Ala            208   3
McGraw         Mary             27    MS             228  39
McKey          Eliza A          61    SC             149  27
McKey          John L           42    MS             199  12
McKey          Keziah           57    MS             199  13
McKey          Lucy             48    MS             199  14
McKey          Mariah           35    MS             199  15
McKey          Napoleon         22    MS             149  29
McKinney       Louisa           17    MS             180  32
McKnight       Adela            9     MS             180  15
McKnight       Azalia           7     MS             252  29
McKnight       Catharine        18    MS             180  11
McKnight       Curtis           9     MS             252  28
McKnight       Florence         13    MS             252  27
McKnight       Hamilton         39    LA             252  24
McKnight       Hannah           38    MS             149  10
McKnight       Hardwick         16    MS             252  26
McKnight       Hiram            5     MS             252  30
McKnight       Irvin            2     MS             180  17
McKnight       Leonard          6     MS             180  16
McKnight       Margaret         11    MS             180  14
McKnight       Mary             48    MS             180   9
McKnight       Melinda ?        2     MS             252  31
McKnight       Nancy            57    *la            252  25
McKnight       Nathan           14    MS             180  13
McKnight       Robert           16    MS             180  12
McKnight       Theodore         44    SC             149   9
McKnight       Theodore         3     MS             149  11
McKnight       Thomas           20    MS             149  12
McKnight       Thomas           20    MS             180  10
McKnight       Thomas E         50    SC             180   8
McKowen        Amelia           17    MS             258  39
McKowen        Eliza            21    Ireland        258  38
McLain         Albert           3     MS             251  33
McLain         Amanda           9     MS             217   3
McLain         Ann              14    MS             216  40
McLain         Eliza            7     MS             217   4
McLain         Enoch B          30    MS             251  28
McLain         Francis          8     MS             251  30
McLain         Green B          49    Tenn           216  39
McLain         Isaac D          35    MS             211   8
McLain         Joanna           10    MS             211  11
McLain         Josephine        11    MS             211  10
McLain         Lafayette        11    MS             217   2
McLain         Lucy             5     MS             217   5
McLain         Mary             6     MS             251  31
McLain         Matilda          23    MS             251  29
McLain         Nancy            5     MS             251  32
McLain         Robert           12    MS             217   1
McLain         Trissy           29    MS             211   9
McLain         William          1     MS             251  34
McLean         Elizabeth        14    MS             195  40
McLean         Margaret         18    MS             195  39
McLean         Noland           20    MS             195  38
McManius       Harris           20    MS             193  25
McManus        Charles          1     MS             182  30
McManus        Charles G        34    MS             182  25
McManus        John             6     MS             182  27
McManus        Margaret         4     MS             182  28
McManus        Missouri         21    MS             182  26
McManus        William          2     MS             182  29
McMillan       John             74    NC             240  14
McMillan       William          29    .              179   8
(McMillan ?)   Leonora          20    MS             256  22
(McMillan ?)   Minerva          17    MS             256  23
(McMillan ?)   Rosa             40    MS             256  21
McMillen       Charity          58    Tenn           240  15
McMillen       Duzala           21    MS             240  17
McMillen       Henry            31    MS             240  16
McMorris       Dewitt           11    MS             191  17
McMorris       Fanny            14    MS             191  16
McMorris       Joseph           9     MS             191  18
McMorris       Joseph           6     MS             186  10
McMorris       Joseph           29    SC             186   7
McMorris       Martha           57    MS             191  14
McMorris       Martha           4     MS             186  11
McMorris       Mary             15    MS             191  15
McMorris       Mary M           44    MS             196   1
McMorris       Nancy            7     MS             186   9
McMorris       Rachel           5/12  MS             186  13
McMorris       Samuel           3     MS             186  12
McMorris       Sarah            22    MS             186   8
McMorris       Thomas           19    MS             196   2
McNeely        Aletha           23    MS             185   7
McNeely        Hugh             20    MS             185   8
McNeely        Michael          53    SC             185   6
McNeely        Samuel           27    MS             174  13
McNeely        Sarah            23    MS             174  14
McNeil         Charles          11/12 MS             218  25
McNeil         Courtney         14    MS             218  28
McNeil         Daniel           69    NC             218  26
McNeil         Daniel           32    MS             218  22
McNeil         Edna             19    MS             218  23
McNeil         John             9     MS             218  29
McNeil         Louisa           74    SC             218  27
McNeil         Olive            2     MS             218  24
(McWhinway)    Eliza            42    Ireland        258  37
(McWhinway)    John M           47    Ireland        258  36
Melissa        Melissa          16    MS             188  12
Mercer         Cecilia          12    MS             217  16
Mercer         Elizabeth        48    Gra            217  12
Mercer         Emma             6     MS             217  17
Mercer         Francis          14    MS             217  15
Mercer         Franklin         22    MS             217  13
Mercer         Rowena           20    MS             217  14
Mercer         Thomas M         46    MS             217  11
Middleton      Baby             1/12  MS             220  39
Middleton      John             16    MS             220  36
Middleton      Judith           13    MS             220  37
Middleton      Louisa           11    MS             187  37
Middleton      Robert           6     MS             220  38
Middleton      Robert           43    MS             220  33
Middleton      Sarah            35    MS             220  34
Middleton      Thomas           34    LA             187  36
Middleton      William          18    MS             220  35
Miles          A Mansfield      48    MS             218  30
Miles          George           6     MS             218  34
Miles          James            2     MS             218  36
Miles          Martha           42    Ala            218  31
Miles          Mary             7/12  MS             218  37
Miles          Sarah            7     MS             218  33
Miles          Thomas           4     MS             218  35
Miles          William          10    MS             218  32
Millard        Allen            7     MS             242  18
Millard        Ann              25    MS             242  17
Millard        Leatine          5     MS             242  19
Milligan       Margaret B       30    Ireland        250  18
Mitchell       Antoine          30    LA             201  21
Mitchell       Henrietta        41    MS             201  22
Mixec (Mixon ?) Napoleon B      26    LA             253   8
Mixon          Abner            16    MS             159  37
Mixon          Alonzo           5     MS             192  22
Mixon          Charles          14    MS             192  18
Mixon          Cornelia         4     MS             160   1
Mixon          Edwin            34    LA             192  26
Mixon          Elizabeth        60    SC             192  25
Mixon          Falba            6     MS             159  40
Mixon          Falby            43    MS             159  35
Mixon          George           7     MS             192  21
Mixon          Isara            1     MS             192  24
Mixon          James            10/12 MS             192  31
Mixon          Louisa           70    SC             160   4
Mixon          Louisa           4     MS             160   2
Mixon          Marcelina        2     MS             192  23
Mixon          Martha           12    MS             192  19
Mixon          Melissa          21    MS             192  28
Mixon          Melissa          13    MS             159  38
Mixon          Obed             39    LA             192  16
Mixon          Obid             8     MS             159  39
Mixon          Obid             43    MS             159  34
Mixon          Samuel           27    MS             192  27
Mixon          Tabithia         10    MS             192  20
Mixon          Vienna           34    MS             192  17
Mixon          Viola            1     MS             160   3
Mixon          William          3     MS             192  30
Mixon          William          18    MS             159  36
Montgomery     Amanda           3/12  MS             245   5
Montgomery     Calvin           13    MS             211  21
Montgomery     Edwin            6     MS             215  14
Montgomery     Edwin            6     MS             214  21
Montgomery     Edwin S          32    MS             214  17
Montgomery     Elizabeth        28    MS             214  18
Montgomery     Elizabeth        10    MS             211  22
Montgomery     Ella             10    MS             214  19
Montgomery     Elphana          9     MS             185   5
Montgomery     Erastus          13    MS             185   4
Montgomery     Fanny            2     MS             214  23
Montgomery     Gertrude         2     MS             211  25
Montgomery     Helen            6/12  MS             215  15
Montgomery     Isadore          16    MS             215  12
Montgomery     John             15    MS             185   3
Montgomery     John E           49    MS             215  10
Montgomery     Jonathan E       41    MS             211  19
Montgomery     Lavina           5     MS             245   3
Montgomery     Mary             8     MS             214  20
Montgomery     Minnie           2     MS             211  24
Montgomery     Miranda          23    MS             245   2
Montgomery     Samuel           43    MS             203  18
Montgomery     Sarah            36    MS             215  11
Montgomery     Sarah            35    MS             211  20
Montgomery     Susan            35    Maryland       203  19
Montgomery     Wiley            25    MS             251  10
Montgomery     William          5     MS             211  23
Montgomery     William          4     MS             214  22
Montgomery     William          24    MS             245   1
Montgomery     William          2     MS             245   4
Montgomery     William          10    MS             215  13
Moore          Allen            27    MS             170  26
Moore          Ansevil          19    MS             181  19
Moore          Bryant           22    MS             181  18
Moore          Chet             48    Massuchuietts  197  31
Moore          Eugena           12    MS             167  13
Moore          Frances          4     MS             227  22
Moore          Frederick        7     Texas          197  34
Moore          George W         24    MS             227  20
Moore          Jane             14    MS             167  12
Moore          John             3     MS             167  16
Moore          Joseph           3     MS             170  28
Moore          Julia            10    MS             167  14
Moore          Lucinda          2     MS             227  23
Moore          Lucy             7     MS             167  15
Moore          Martha           1     MS             227  24
Moore          Mary             24    MS             227  21
Moore          Mary             21    MS             169  36
Moore          Melinda          33    MS             197  32
Moore          Melissa          21    MS             167  10
Moore          Russel           1     MS             169  38
Moore          Samuel           3     MS             169  37
Moore          Samuel           2     MS             170  29
Moore          Samuel B         25    MS             169  35
Moore          Sarah            24    MS             170  27
Moore          Sinih            54    SC             257  23
Moore          Thomas           25    MS             171   6
Moore          Thomas L         47    MS             167   9
Moore          Willam H         24    Tenn           258  27
Moore          William          9     Texas          197  33
Moore          William          20    MS             167  11
Moore          William          2/12  MS             170  30
Moore          William          2     MS             181  20
Moran          Arnold           22    France         195  25
Morehouse      John P           28    Ireland        196  21
Morehouse      Mary             18    LA             196  22
Morgan         Amanda           27    LA             198  30
Morgan         Augusta          34    MS             158  35
Morgan         Baby             2/12  MS             158  40
Morgan         Benjamin         20    MS             198  31
Morgan         Charles          11    MS             200  31
Morgan         Chlorinda        28    MS             253  13
Morgan         Cynthia          16    MS             253  17
Morgan         Eliza            15    MS             200  30
Morgan         Elizabeth        4     MS             158  38
Morgan         Elvira           6/12  MS             253  15
Morgan         Fielding         48    MS             198  29
Morgan         Fielding         13    MS             198  33
Morgan         Fillmore         4     MS             253  14
Morgan         Gayden           11    MS             198  34
Morgan         Hamilton         7     MS             198  35
Morgan         Hiram            7     MS             198  36
Morgan         Hiram            34    MS             158  34
Morgan         Hiram            2     MS             158  39
Morgan         Infant           1     MS             198  39
Morgan         John             15    MS             198  32
Morgan         John G           42    MS             253  12
Morgan         Margaret         44    MS             200  28
Morgan         Prentiss         7     MS             158  37
Morgan         Priscilla        3     MS             198  38
Morgan         Rivers           21    MS             200  29
Morgan         Robert           5     MS             198  37
Morgan         Sarah            9     MS             158  36
Morgan         Wiley            52    MS             200  27
Morgan         Wiley            18    MS             253  28
Morgan         William          27    MS             200  32
Moxik          Abram            23    France         242  37
Murray         Martha           75    LA             231  32
Myers          Frances          19    MS             196   4
Myers          George           9     MS             196   6
Myers          Hortense         59    MS             196   3
Myers          Malcolm          15    MS             196   5
Myershen (Mersham) Mark         24    Poland         207   8
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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