The USGenWeb Census Project®
Licking County, OH 1840 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.
Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Licking County, Ohio 1840 census.
























Because of the many age-range columns of the 1840 census, each page has two microfilmed pages.
The left-side of the page which includes the Head-of-Household name is the "a" page,
and the right-side of the same page with just the remaining age-range columns is the "b" page.

If you find a name of interest, click on the (LEFT) page# link to view the
image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives.
To see the remaining numbered columns for that page, click on the (RIGHT) page link.
Then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser to return to this index.
Mack, Alexander          238a   238b
Mack, Jacob              238a   238b
Mack, John               238a   238b
Mackerel, Josh           361a   361b
Mackrell, David          366a   366b
Mackrell, John           366a   366b
Macombe, Cornelius       196a   196b
Magaffin, Archibald      371a   371b
Magdalen, Mary           318a   318b
Magley, Christian        359a   359b
Magley, Richard          359a   359b
Maguson, A.M.            367a   367b
Mahan, John              291a   291b
Mahaney, Lewis           189a   189b
Maharry, James           319a   319b
Maholin, James           169a   169b
Maisberry, James         163a   163b
Mallory, Leveret         345a   345b
Malory, Luther           280a   280b
Malove, William          248a   248b
Manley, Robert           240a   240b
Mann, Jonathan           384a   384b
Mannafee, Charles        257a   257b
Manning, George          182a   182b
Manon, Alexander         205a   205b
Manon, H.S.              356a   356b
Mansfield, John          203a   203b
Mansor, Susan            381a   381b
Mantania, Isaac          319a   319b
Mantania, Lewis          319a   319b
Mantel, George           180a   180b
Manvil?, John            347a   347b
Manville, George         347a   347b
Manville, Nicholas       347a   347b
Maple, Aaron             199a   199b
Maple, David             169a   169b
Marble, Daniel           195a   195b
Marble, Oliver           208a   208b
March, Elisabeth         326a   326b
March, Reuben            309a   309b
Marks, Daniel            281a   281b
Marlow, Levi             246a   246b
Marple, David            169a   169b
Marple, John             169a   169b
Marsh, Dan.              289a   289b
Marsh, Edmund            348a   348b
Marsh, Lyman             385a   385b
Marsh, M.L.              352a   352b
Marsh, Roswell           385a   385b
Marshall, Thomas         356a   356b
Marshall, Thomas S.      255a   255b
Marson, Catharine        225a   225b
Marten, Jonathan         255a   255b
Martin, Daniel           160a   160b
Martin, David            319a   319b
Martin, J.M.             384a   384b
Martin, Jacob            376a   376b
Martin, James            339a   339b
Martin, Leroy            385a   385b
Martin, Lewis            350a   350b
Martin, Lewis            356a   356b
Martin, M.D.             349a   349b
Martin, Martha           160a   160b
Martin, Sethes           326a   326b
Martin, Thomas           272a   272b
Martin, Thomas           334a   334b
Martin, W.L.             289a   289b
Martin, William          162a   162b
Martin, William          230a   230b
Martindale, Saml.        374a   374b
Marty, Abraham           308a   308b
Marvin, Jesse            241a   241b
Mason, Dorsey            371a   371b
Mason, George            206a   206b
Mason, Harrison          273a   273b
Mason, Isaac             371a   371b
Mason, Thompson          230a   230b
Matheany, John           273a   273b
Matheny, James           368a   368b
Matheny, James           368a   368b
Matheny, John            308a   308b
Mathews, Margarett       161a   161b
Mathews, ?.J.            316a   316b
Mathist, Joshua          201a   201b
Matthews, Christian      261a   261b
Matthews, Henry          261a   261b
Matthews, Jacob          228a   228b
Matthews, James          241a   241b
Matthews, Noah           222a   222b
Matthews, Thomas         357a   357b
Mattison, Ira            330a   330b
Mattox, Bennet           257a   257b
Mattox, Ebenezer         191a   191b
Mattox, William          359a   359b
Mauges, Frederick        357a   357b
Mauk, Levi               160a   160b
Mawhoor, Joseph          319a   319b
Maxell, William          357a   357b
Maxfield, George         355a   355b
Maxwell, James           183a   183b
Maxwell, Robert          251a   251b
Mayfield, Abram          372a   372b
Mayfield, James          374a   374b
Mayfield, Richard        372a   372b
Mayfield, Wm.            371a   371b
Mazar, Jacob             200a   200b
McAboy, Peter            191a   191b
McAmey, D.G.             320a   320b
McAmy, J.G.              319a   319b
McAninch, William        297a   297b
McBane, Charles          195a   195b
McBride, Aron            291a   291b
McBride, Jane            368a   368b
McCadden, J.A.W.         207a   207b
McCadden, John           170a   170b
McCadden, John           207a   207b
McCain, Benjamin         296a   296b
McCain, George           296a   296b
McCandless, Alexander    176a   176b
McCandless?, Alexander   176a   176b
McCannon?, James         176a   176b
McCanry, Samuel          197a   197b
McCarthy, John           202a   202b
McCarty, Wm.             271a   271b
McCartor, Jonathan       253a   253b
McCauley, James          287a   287b
McClain, John            272a   272b
McClaser, George         260a   260b
McClelin, Cary           274a   274b
McClellan, Catharine     236a   236b
McClellin, B.H.          271a   271b
McClintock, William      246a   246b
McCombs, William         228a   228b
McConnell, Hannah        169a   169b
McConnell, John          304a   304b
McCormack, Elenor        290a   290b
McCracken, Alexander     239a   239b
McCracken, John          228a   228b
McCra?y, William         243a   243b
McCrea, Margaret         358a   358b
McCullock, James         222a   222b
McCullock, William       260a   260b
McDaniel, Abraham        249a   249b
McDaniel, James          316a   316b
McDaniel, Joel           189a   189b
McDaniel, John           307a   307b
McDaniel, Saml.          319a   319b
McDaniel, Watson B.      170a   170b
McDonald, W.             291a   291b
McDonell, Eber           296a   296b
McDowell, James          223a   223b
McDowell, Samuel         223a   223b
McDowell, Walter         250a   250b
McDowell, William        223a   223b
Mcenturf, Daniel         316a   316b
Mcenturf, John           316a   316b
McEnturn, John           367a   367b
McEnturf, Saml.          362a   362b
McFadden, Margaret       275a   275b
McFadden, Robert         295a   295b
McFarland, Michael       187a   187b
McFarland, Moses         238a   238b
McFarlin, James          267a   267b
Mcfarlin, James          315a   315b
McFeaters, James         223a   223b
McFeters, Saml.          298a   298b
McGarce, Enos            237a   237b
McGill, Robert           166a   166b
McGlocklin, John         274a   274b
McGlocklin, Thomas       274a   274b
McGlocklins, Robbert     271a   271b
McGraugh, Mary           250a   250b
McGuin, Jeremiah         255a   255b
McIntosh, William        326a   326b
McInturf, Aner           227a   227b
Mckeever, William        222a   222b
McKellops, John          365a   365b
McKelvey, Samuel         215a   215b
McKendry, A.G.           197a   197b
McKendry, Elijah         208a   208b
McKenney, Joseph         171a   171b
McKetrick, Synthe        356a   356b
McKinley, Amos           176a   176b
McKinley, Catharine      308a   308b
McKinley, William        203a   203b
Mckinney, Daniel         238a   238b
Mckinney, James          224a   224b
McKinny, Alexander       191a   191b
McKinny, John            188a   188b
McKnight, James          302a   302b
McKnight, John           302a   302b
Mcknight, Lason          262a   262b
McLain, John             304a   304b
McLalland, Thomas        293a   293b
McLane, Barnabas         246a   246b
McLane, Jacob            372a   372b
McLauglin, John          182a   182b
McLellan, Reese          374a   374b
McLevy, Matthew          172a   172b
Mclintick, John          313a   313b
McLurg, Joseph           373a   373b
McMaughen?, Thomas       183a   183b
McMillen, Andrew         381a   381b
McMullen, George         158a   158b
McMullen, Hugh           158a   158b
McMullen, John           158a   158b
McMullen, Joseph         233a   233b
McMullen, Samuel         236a   236b
McMullen, William        180a   180b
McNeely, Jeremiah        189a   189b
McNulty, Jesse           358a   358b
McQuan, Minor            252a   252b
McQuinn, John            253a   253b
McReary, John            339a   339b
McReary, Tower           385a   385b
McTeeters, David         183a   183b
McVay, Abza              266a   266b
McVay, Harrison          266a   266b
McVay, John              180a   180b
McVey, Peyton            257a   257b
McVicken, James          190a   190b
McVicker, Elizabeth      267a   267b
McVicker, Mason          268a   268b
Mead, Carry              279a   279b
Mead, Danl.              382a   382b
Mead, Henry              289a   289b
Mead, Holmes             280a   280b
Mead, James              224a   224b
Mead, Leman              159a   159b
Mead, Peter              331a   331b
Mead, Stephen            280a   280b
Mead, W.H.               330a   330b
Mead, William            280a   280b
Means, John              206a   206b
Mears, T.V.              364a   364b
Meecher, David           348a   348b
Meecher, Elijah          349a   349b
Meecher, Lot             349a   349b
Meecher, William         348a   348b
Meek, Richard            254a   254b
Meek, Thomas             251a   251b
Meek, William            253a   253b
Melluin, David           311a   311b
Melvin, Daniel           324a   324b
Melvin, Kile             324a   324b
Mentzer, Mary            327a   327b
Mentzer, Samuel          246a   246b
Merchant, Wm.            331a   331b
Meredith, Samuel         234a   234b
Merrat, Joshua           271a   271b
Merrell, John            333a   333b
Merrill, Nicholas        361a   361b
Merrill, Richard         331a   331b
Merrit, Homer            272a   272b
Merrit, T.H.             274a   274b
Merryman, Andrew         289a   289b
Merryman, S.A.           292a   292b
Meseck, Townsend         387a   387b
Meskiman, David          250a   250b
Messinger, Campbell      334a   334b
Messinger, David         176a   176b
Messmore, Albert         248a   248b
Metcalf, Edward          380a   380b
Metcalf, Isaac           280a   280b
Metcalf, James           280a   280b
Metcalf, James           379a   379b
Metcalfe, Eliah          160a   160b
Metcalfe, John           160a   160b
Metgerer, John           200a   200b
Metts, John              244a   244b
Mettz, John              157a   157b
Metzer, Jacob            160a   160b
Meyres, John             300a   300b
Meyres, Joseph           300a   300b
Meyres, William          298a   298b
Middleless, Geo.         268a   268b
Mikewort, Abraham        388a   388b
Mikeworth, David         388a   388b
Milborn, Andrew          294a   294b
Miles, John              191a   191b
Miles, Stephen           272a   272b
Miley, Jacob             217a   217b
Millay, William          204a   204b
Millenberg, Joseph       359a   359b
Miller, A.L.             288a   288b
Miller, A.R.             344a   344b
Miller, Aaron            343a   343b
Miller, Abraham          161a   161b
Miller, Abraham          334a   334b
Miller, Abraham Jr.      162a   162b
Miller, Adam             334a   334b
Miller, Andrew           223a   223b
Miller, Anthony          162a   162b
Miller, Christopher      352a   352b
Miller, Elson            198a   198b
Miller, Enoch            210a   210b
Miller, Feilding         245a   245b
Miller, Henry            302a   302b
Miller, Henry            316a   316b
Miller, Hiram            315a   315b
Miller, Isaac            325a   325b
Miller, Isaac            357a   357b
Miller, Isabella         171a   171b
Miller, Jacob            214a   214b
Miller, Jacob            223a   223b
Miller, Jacob            372a   372b
Miller, James            237a   237b
Miller, John             157a   157b
Miller, John             216a   216b
Miller, John             222a   222b
Miller, John             227a   227b
Miller, John             320a   320b
Miller, John             383a   383b
Miller, Jonah            252a   252b
Miller, Joseph           262a   262b
Miller, Lewis            186a   186b
Miller, Noah             223a   223b
Miller, Samuel           248a   248b
Miller, William          180a   180b
Miller, William          254a   254b
Miller, William          294a   294b
Miller, Wm.              372a   372b
Milligan, James          203a   203b
Milligan, John           203a   203b
Milligan, Matty          371a   371b
Milligan, Moses A.       197a   197b
Milligan, Robert         205a   205b
Mills, Hiram             289a   289b
Mills, Mary              385a   385b
Mills, Nathin            272a   272b
Mills, P.S.              271a   271b
Mills, Saml.             326a   326b
Mills, W.W.              386a   386b
Milone, Maklon           248a   248b
Minaceon, Thomas         269a   269b
Miner, Ensign            337a   337b
Miner, Francis           237a   237b
Miner, Griswold          290a   290b
Minnied, Edward          267a   267b
Minton, J.               367a   367b
Misick, B.P.             380a   380b
Mitchael, Mathew         274a   274b
Mitchaell, Wm. Jr.       273a   273b
Mitchaell, Wm. Sr.       273a   273b
Mitchell, David          179a   179b
Mitchell, J.L.           305a   305b
Mitchell, J.N.           336a   336b
Mitchell, J.W.           384a   384b
Mitchell, James          205a   205b
Mitchell, James          248a   248b
Mitchell, Martha         381a   381b
Mitchell, Robert         179a   179b
Mitchell, William        161a   161b
Moat, Robert             386a   386b
Moats, David             224a   224b
Moats, James             224a   224b
Moats, William           221a   221b
Monroe, Elijah           226a   226b
Monroe, Margaret         226a   226b
Monroe, Silas            350a   350b
Monroe, William          234a   234b
Monson, Allen            219a   219b
Montague, Anna K.        332a   332b
Montgomery, Henry        258a   258b
Montgomery, John         186a   186b
Montgomery, Saml.        318a   318b
Montgomery, Samuel       190a   190b
Montgomery, William      186a   186b
Montonias, Amos          288a   288b
Montonya, A.             177a   177b
Montonya, Joseph         178a   178b
Moody, Salmon            198a   198b
Moody, Thomas            189a   189b
Mooman?, R.G.            200a   200b
Moon, Noble              162a   162b
Moon, William            329a   329b
Mooney, John J.          207a   207b
Moore, Abraham           186a   186b
Moore, Benjamin          281a   281b
Moore, Christian         302a   302b
Moore, David             191a   191b
Moore, David             207a   207b
Moore, David             215a   215b
Moore, David             356a   356b
Moore, Frederick         282a   282b
Moore, Harvey            305a   305b
Moore, Homer             283a   283b
Moore, Isaac             372a   372b
Moore, Jacob             309a   309b
Moore, James             179a   179b
Moore, James             191a   191b
Moore, Jesse             243a   243b
Moore, John              181a   181b
Moore, John              191a   191b
Moore, John              195a   195b
Moore, John              195a   195b
Moore, John              246a   246b
Moore, John              296a   296b
Moore, John              306a   306b
Moore, John              372a   372b
Moore, John W.           260a   260b
Moore, Little            386a   386b
Moore, Mary              290a   290b
Moore, Milton            202a   202b
Moore, Moses             196a   196b
Moore, P.B.              308a   308b
Moore, Patrick           179a   179b
Moore, Presley           308a   308b
Moore, R.B.              366a   366b
Moore, Robert            194a   194b
Moore, S.R.              342a   342b
Moore, Saml.             389a   389b
Moore, Samuel            191a   191b
Moore, Samuel            243a   243b
Moore, Thomas            221a   221b
Moore, Thomas            283a   283b
Moore, William           234a   234b
Moore, William           302a   302b
Moore, William           309a   309b
Mooreland, Bazaleel      168a   168b
Moose, Daniel            224a   224b
Moots?, James            206a   206b
Moran, Thomas            251a   251b
Moran, Thomas            254a   254b
Morath, Augustus         205a   205b
Moray, John              334a   334b
Mordock, Wollard         366a   366b
More, Samuel             270a   270b
More, Samuel             273a   273b
Morehead, James          252a   252b
Morehead, John           319a   319b
Morehead, William        294a   294b
Moreland, David          328a   328b
Moreland, N.             354a   354b
Moreland, Philip         168a   168b
Moreland, William        329a   329b
Mores, David             274a   274b
Morey, A.B.              279a   279b
Morey, W.P.              309a   309b
Morgan, David            284a   284b
Morgan, David            332a   332b
Morgan, Elisabeth        320a   320b
Morgan, Jane             332a   332b
Morgan, Joseph           342a   342b
Morgan, Josiah           234a   234b
Morgan, Parker           216a   216b
Morgan, Solomon          200a   200b
Morgan, William          226a   226b
Morgans, Morgan          163a   163b
Moriart, Solomon         215a   215b
Morrick, Thomas          225a   225b
Morris, Charles          160a   160b
Morris, Elisha           253a   253b
Morris, Jacob            381a   381b
Morris, John             159a   159b
Morris, John             245a   245b
Morris, Philip           381a   381b
Morris, Thomas           209a   209b
Morrison, David          181a   181b
Morrison, David          275a   275b
Morrison, John           229a   229b
Morrison, Morris         196a   196b
Morrison, Nathaniel      229a   229b
Morrison, William        208a   208b
Morrow, Jacob            390a   390b
Morrow, James            376a   376b
Morse, Isaac             342a   342b
Morton, Marcus           300a   300b
Mosell, George W.        197a   197b
Mosier, Ora              355a   355b
Moss, Thomas             197a   197b
Mossholder, Daniel       252a   252b
Mossman, John            234a   234b
Motes, Henry             275a   275b
Motes, John              271a   271b
Motherpan?, Daniel       216a   216b
Moulton, Harlbut         343a   343b
Moulton, Selah           342a   342b
Mouser, Abram            323a   323b
Mouser, Mary             323a   323b
Mouser, Saml.            381a   381b
Muller, David            372a   372b
Mulligan, William        194a   194b
Mulrine, James           237a   237b
Mundon, A.L.             283a   283b
Munger, James            339a   339b
Munnet, William          378a   378b
Munnett, Joseph          334a   334b
Munnett, Simona          325a   325b
Munsell, Thomas          331a   331b
Munsell, William         342a   342b
Munson, Augustine        286a   286b
Munson, Joseph           288a   288b
Murfey, Edward           266a   266b
Murphey, John            357a   357b
Murphey, William         332a   332b
Murphy, Francis          157a   157b
Murphy, Joseph           187a   187b
Murphy, Samuel           191a   191b
Murphy, Samuel           192a   192b
Murphy, Solomon          188a   188b
Murray, Alexander        284a   284b
Musselman, Samuel        246a   246b
Musser, Barbara A.       206a   206b
Myars, Joel              269a   269b
Myer, Jacob              388a   388b
Myers, Andrew            227a   227b
Myers, Andrew            236a   236b
Myers, Andrew            386a   386b
Myers, Benjamin          158a   158b
Myers, Benjamin          302a   302b
Myers, Casper            301a   301b
Myers, Eli               261a   261b
Myers, George            236a   236b
Myers, George            308a   308b
Myers, Henry             390a   390b
Myers, Henry Junr.       235a   235b
Myers, Henry Senr.       235a   235b
Myers, Jacob             378a   378b
Myers, J.C.              378a   378b
Myers, J.D.              378a   378b
Myers, J.K.              379a   379b
Myers, Jacob             228a   228b
Myers, Jacob             379a   379b
Myers, John              166a   166b
Myers, John              169a   169b
Myers, John              240a   240b
Myers, John              327a   327b
Myers, John              349a   349b
Myers, John              378a   378b
Myers, Jonas             350a   350b
Myers, Joseph            160a   160b
Myers, Joseph            303a   303b
Myers, Lemuel            390a   390b
Myers, Lewis             168a   168b
Myers, Lewis             241a   241b
Myers, Mary              172a   172b
Myers, Mary              352a   352b
Myers, Michael           234a   234b
Myers, Peter             227a   227b
Myers, Peter             352a   352b
Myers, Philip            349a   349b
Myers, Philip            350a   350b
Myers, Philip            356a   356b
Myers, Simon             380a   380b
Myers, Solomon           227a   227b
The free display of the 1840 Licking County, Ohio census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Debra Stewart and the permission of S-K Publications. 
This index was transcribed by Margaret Pattison

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