The USGenWeb Census Project®
Licking County, OH 1840 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.
Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Licking County, Ohio 1840 census.
























Because of the many age-range columns of the 1840 census, each page has two microfilmed pages.
The left-side of the page which includes the Head-of-Household name is the "a" page,
and the right-side of the same page with just the remaining age-range columns is the "b" page.

If you find a name of interest, click on the (LEFT) page# link to view the
image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives.
To see the remaining numbered columns for that page, click on the (RIGHT) page link.
Then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser to return to this index.
Abbot, Erastus           324a   324b
Abbot, James             293a   293b
Abbot, Samuel            198a   198b
Abbott, Abigal           181a   181b
Abbott, Benjamin         159a   159b
Abbott, Elizabeth        298a   298b
Abbott, Elizer           281a   281b
Abbott, Ira              209a   209b
Abbott, Jackson          298a   298b
Abbott, Job              296a   296b
Abbott, Jonathan         299a   299b
Abbott, Judah            298a   298b
Abbott, Lorenzo          194a   194b
Abbott, Reuben           298a   298b
Abbott, Saml.            296a   296b
Abels, William           380a   380b
Abrams, Andrew           370a   370b
Abrams, John             370a   370b
Achy, George             354a   354b
Ackley, Calvin           224a   224b
Ackley, Levi             225a   225b
Adair, Alexander         201a   201b
Adams, Daniel            196a   196b
Adams, David             324a   324b
Adams, Edwin             290a   290b
Adams, Elisabeth         380a   380b
Adams, Elishus           375a   375b
Adams, Gailord           289a   289b
Adams, James             158a   158b
Adams, John              390a   390b
Adams, Marie             257a   257b
Adams, Matthew           181a   181b
Adams, Robert            164a   164b
Adams, Wesley            207a   207b
Africa, David            172a   172b
Agar, J.H.               338a   338b
Agney, Abraham           199a   199b
Agrez, Edward            339a   339b
Aidaker, Joseph          159a   159b
Albaugh, Daniel          273a   273b
Albaugh, John            179a   179b
Albaugh, Noah            158a   158b
Albaugh, Samuel          180a   180b
Albaugh, Solomon         166a   166b
Albaugh, Zachariah       166a   166b
Alden, Nesbit            376a   376b
Alden, Saml.             375a   375b
Alexander, Henry         233a   233b
Allberry, H.M.           350a   350b
Allberry, John           350a   350b
Allberry, Philip         350a   350b
Allberry, Thomas         349a   349b
Allbert, Henry           356a   356b
Allbright, Frederick     250a   250b
Allen, Bogart Van        262a   262b
Allen, Butler            237a   237b
Allen, David             293a   293b
Allen, Erastus           331a   331b
Allen, James             195a   195b
Allen, Joseph            348a   348b
Allen, Nathan            331a   331b
Allen, Peter Van         261a   261b
Allen, Smith             206a   206b
Allen, Solomon           336a   336b
Allen, Solomon           345a   345b
Allen, Sophia            378a   378b
Allender, David          166a   166b
Allison, Andrew          388a   388b
Allison, Otho            246a   246b
Allsdorf, William        182a   182b
Allward, Elisabeth       333a   333b
Allwood, E.H.            330a   330b
Allwood, J.C.            332a   332b
Allwood, S.D.            325a   325b
Allwood, Saml.           332a   332b
Allyn, Lorenzo           291a   291b
Alword, James            334a   334b
Alword, Zephaniah        334a   334b
Amick, Michael           355a   355b
Ammon, Saml.             359a   359b
Anbel, John              209a   209b
Anderson, Daniel         254a   254b
Anderson, Elizabeth      273a   273b
Anderson, Henry          337a   337b
Anderson, Jacob          295a   295b
Anderson, James          243a   243b
Anderson, Jesse          201a   201b
Anderson, Jonathan       254a   254b
Anderson, Joseph         252a   252b
Anderson, Joshua         320a   320b
Anderson, Josiah         299a   299b
Anderson, Lewis          254a   254b
Anderson, Simon          254a   254b
Anderson, Squire         309a   309b
Anderson, William        295a   295b
Andrews, John            197a   197b
Andrews, Wm.             367a   367b
Andrick, J.U.            359a   359b
Angeirtee, Hizam         279a   279b
Angell, Solomon          267a   267b
Angier, A.G.             160a   160b
Anthony, Jacob           253a   253b
Aquater, Robert          296a   296b
Aram, Mathias            294a   294b
Arbuckle, David          180a   180b
Archer, John             181a   181b
Archer, Stephen          181a   181b
Archer, William          181a   181b
Arington, Ferdinand      343a   343b
Armsboy, Aquilla         316a   316b
Armspey, Anthony         268a   268b
Armstrong, Abraham A.    203a   203b
Armstrong, Achsay        224a   224b
Armstrong, George        214a   214b
Armstrong, James         346a   346b
Armstrong, Jesse         345a   345b
Armstrong, John          249a   249b
Armstrong, John          303a   303b
Armstrong, John          326a   326b
Armstrong, John          383a   383b
Armstrong, Joshua        216a   216b
Armstrong, Rachel        345a   345b
Armstrong, William       217a   217b
Arnold, Charles          368a   368b
Arnold, G.B.             175a   175b
Arnold, H.J.             259a   259b
Arnold, Henry            232a   232b
Arnold, James            222a   222b
Arnold, Joel             207a   207b
Arnold, John H.          257a   257b
Arnold, John W.          251a   251b
Arnold, Joseph           297a   297b
Arnold, Martin           257a   257b
Arnold, Willis           251a   251b
Arntd, Catharine         355a   355b
Arrap?, James            166a   166b
Arrap, John              180a   180b
Arringdale, John         224a   224b
Arringdale, John B. Jr.  224a   224b
Arringdale, Thomas       224a   224b
Arrowsmith, John         218a   218b
Arter, Robert            234a   234b
Artz, Jacob              334a   334b
Arvon, Jesse D.          196a   196b
Ash, David               226a   226b
Ashbrook, A.P.           376a   376b
Ashbrook, Eli            375a   375b
Ashbrook, J.P.           370a   370b
Asher, W.F.              291a   291b
Asher, Wooddon           291a   291b
Ashley, Archibald        341a   341b
Ashley, Harry            317a   317b
Ashton, Harrison         281a   281b
Ashton, Isaac            327a   327b
Ashton, Joseph           380a   380b
Ashton, Stephen          381a   381b
Aston, Thomas            356a   356b
Atherton, Henry          162a   162b
Atherton, John           157a   157b
Atherton, Thomas         162a   162b
Atherton, Thomas Jr.     197a   197b
Atherton, William        191a   191b
Athey, Burgess           295a   295b
Athey, Robert            254a   254b
Atkinson, H.L.           330a   330b
Atkinson, Peabody        330a   330b
Atno, Joseph             223a   223b
Atwood, James            255a   255b
Atwood, Mary             344a   344b
Atwood, Mary             380a   380b
Aubert, George           372a   372b
Aubert, Rachel           343a   343b
Augustine, Ambrose       199a   199b
Ault, Frederick          357a   357b
Ault, Leonard            252a   252b
Austin, Silas            336a   336b
Avery, Eliza             332a   332b
Avery, Henry             204a   204b
Avery, James             208a   208b
Avery, Mary              366a   366b
Axline, Danl.            327a   327b
Aylsworth, Asahel        286a   286b
Bachelor, Bazel          299a   299b
Bachelor, Ebenezer       374a   374b
Bachelor, Lyman          298a   298b
Bacon, Isaac             223a   223b
Bailey, Danl.            295a   295b
Bailey, J.A.             284a   284b
Bailey, J.T.             319a   319b
Bailey, Philander        365a   365b
Bailey, Robert           346a   346b
Baily, Geo.              366a   366b
Baily, Isaac             370a   370b
Baines, Stephen          221a   221b
Baker, Aaron             375a   375b
Baker, Arena             375a   375b
Baker, Artimus           266a   266b
Baker, Charles           244a   244b
Baker, D.M.              279a   279b
Baker, Daniel            246a   246b
Baker, Danl.             302a   302b
Baker, Edwin             375a   375b
Baker, Enoch             368a   368b
Baker, Ephraim           300a   300b
Baker, G.W.              310a   310b
Baker, George            201a   201b
Baker, Gerushia          290a   290b
Baker, Gideon            163a   163b
Baker, Henry             361a   361b
Baker, Isaac W.          205a   205b
Baker, Israel            273a   273b
Baker, J.B.              348a   348b
Baker, Jacob             272a   272b
Baker, Jesse             209a   209b
Baker, John              161a   161b
Baker, John              169a   169b
Baker, John              236a   236b
Baker, Lemuel            209a   209b
Baker, Levi              375a   375b
Baker, Matthew           294a   294b
Baker, Rachael           161a   161b
Bakon, Danl.             327a   327b
Baldwin, Elias           286a   286b
Baldwin, Enoch           156a   156b
Baldwin, Starr           199a   199b
Baldwin, William M.      202a   202b
Ball, C.L.               328a   328b
Ball, Isaac C.           205a   205b
Ball, J.C.               375a   375b
Ball, Joseph H.          205a   205b
Ball, S.D.               350a   350b
Ball, S.D. Jr.           350a   350b
Ballad, Bartholomew      327a   327b
Baller, Thomas           315a   315b
Balthus, Henry           386a   386b
Baltknap, Gamaliel       350a   350b
Baltknap?, Lucy          347a   347b
Bancroft, A.A.           284a   284b
Bancroft, Augustine      340a   340b
Bancroft, Henry          289a   289b
Bancroft, Jared          289a   289b
Bancroft, L.E.           286a   286b
Bancroft, Laysall        236a   236b
Bancroft, Lyman          351a   351b
Bancroft, Saml.          288a   288b
Bancroft, Samuel H.      202a   202b
Bancroft, Thomas         292a   292b
Bancroft, W.W.           292a   292b
Bane, Abner              176a   176b
Bane, John F.            240a   240b
Banks, Christina         223a   223b
Banks, Robert            221a   221b
Bantre, Stephen          319a   319b
Barber, Aquilla          313a   313b
Barber, James            313a   313b
Barber, James            320a   320b
Barber, John             320a   320b
Barber, Joseph           156a   156b
Barber, Jessee           157a   157b
Barber, O.F.             293a   293b
Barber, Thomas           313a   313b
Barchers, Thomas         244a   244b
Barchers, Thomas Junr.   244a   244b
Barcus, Ebenezer         374a   374b
Barcus, John             387a   387b
Barcus, Josiah           370a   370b
Barcus, Wm.              366a   366b
Bard, Wm.                271a   271b
Bare, John               272a   272b
Barens, Isaac            373a   373b
Barick, Henry            295a   295b
Barick, William          295a   295b
Barkelor?, Edward        172a   172b
Barkley, George          348a   348b
Barlow, J.C.             297a   297b
Barnall, Philip          267a   267b
Barnes, A.B.             338a   338b
Barnes, Allen            340a   340b
Barnes, Ashford          313a   313b
Barnes, Charles          223a   223b
Barnes, George           214a   214b
Barnes, George           225a   225b
Barnes, John             216a   216b
Barnes, John             223a   223b
Barnes, John             384a   384b
Barnes, Joseph           338a   338b
Barnes, L.C.             315a   315b
Barnes, Lewis            342a   342b
Barnes, Nathan           223a   223b
Barnes, Oran             338a   338b
Barnes, S.V.             315a   315b
Barnes, William          314a   314b
Barney, James M.         200a   200b
Barnum, Joseph           376a   376b
Barr, Samuel             199a   199b
Barr, Thomas             311a   311b
Barrack, J.S.            303a   303b
Barrett, William         339a   339b
Barrett, William Jr.     339a   339b
Barrick, Jacob           194a   194b
Barrick, William A.      187a   187b
Barrick, William R.      196a   196b
Barroughs, George        178a   178b
Bash, John               308a   308b
Bass, George             262a   262b
Bates, Creighton         226a   226b
Bates, J.S.              333a   333b
Bates, John              226a   226b
Bates, W.W.              347a   347b
Bates, William           227a   227b
Baudinot, Lucas          341a   341b
Baughman, Christian      255a   255b
Baughman, George         254a   254b
Baughman, Jacob          266a   266b
Baughman, John           254a   254b
Baughman, Levi G.        251a   251b
Baughman, William        253a   253b
Baxter, William          333a   333b
Bayley, George           181a   181b
Bayley, Susan            161a   161b
Baylies, Edward          171a   171b
Baylies, George          156a   156b
Baylis, Stephen          346a   346b
Bazel, Ralph             238a   238b
Beabont, Ebenezer        180a   180b
Beach, Ahisa             330a   330b
Beach, Charles           354a   354b
Beach, Horace            330a   330b
Beach, J.H.              352a   352b
Beach, Joseph            330a   330b
Beach, R.W.              336a   336b
Beacher, Zina            333a   333b
Beak, John               234a   234b
Beall, James             251a   251b
Beall, Nincan            233a   233b
Beall, Samuel W.         241a   241b
Beals, J.N.              347a   347b
Beam, Andrew             327a   327b
Beam, Danl.              350a   350b
Beam, John               350a   350b
Beam, Michael Jr.        349a   349b
Beam, Richard            349a   349b
Beam, W.A.               350a   350b
Beam, William            349a   349b
Beamer, John             342a   342b
Beamon, Henry            267a   267b
Bean, A.B.               379a   379b
Bean, A.E.               317a   317b
Bean, J.E.               331a   331b
Bean, Joseph M.          197a   197b
Bean, Nathaniel          317a   317b
Bear, Catharine          307a   307b
Bear, Layfaette          307a   307b
Beard, J.A.              337a   337b
Beard, James             228a   228b
Beard, John              244a   244b
Beard, Joseph            229a   229b
Beard, Joseph            330a   330b
Beard, William           330a   330b
Beardsley, Daniel        259a   259b
Beardsley, E.H.          300a   300b
Beardsley, Job           305a   305b
Beardsley, William       305a   305b
Beardsly, Orlando        189a   189b
Beatty, Elisabeth        364a   364b
Beatty, Elisha           346a   346b
Beatty, James            198a   198b
Beatty, Robert           221a   221b
Beatty, William          232a   232b
Beaumont, Isaiah         345a   345b
Beaver, Joseph           223a   223b
Beaver, Martin           244a   244b
Beaver, Saml.            387a   387b
Beavers, Joseph          362a   362b
Beck, Henry              305a   305b
Beck, Saml.              366a   366b
Beckham, Robert          257a   257b
Beckholt, Matthias       254a   254b
Beckwith, Asa            207a   207b
Beecher, Bers            378a   378b
Beecher, Eneas           375a   375b
Beeney, Charles          275a   275b
Beeney, Jessee           275a   275b
Beeney, Joshua           180a   180b
Beeny, Charles           168a   168b
Beeny, James             200a   200b
Behont, Solomen          271a   271b
Beier, John W.           187a   187b
Belford, James           190a   190b
Belknap, Elisha          338a   338b
Belknap, Foris           351a   351b
Bell, E.S.               376a   376b
Bell, John               271a   271b
Bell, John               306a   306b
Bell, Samuel             179a   179b
Bell, William            180a   180b
Bell, William            319a   319b
Bellows, Danl.           297a   297b
Bellows, John            298a   298b
Bellows, Leonard         297a   297b
Belt, Abner              167a   167b
Belt, Benedict           280a   280b
Belt, Benjamin           181a   181b
Belt, Benjamin           315a   315b
Belt, Dorsey             167a   167b
Belt, Dorsey             169a   169b
Belt, G.V.               316a   316b
Belt, James P.           181a   181b
Belt, Jane               181a   181b
Belt, Jeremiah           172a   172b
Belt, John               167a   167b
Belt, John               168a   168b
Belt, Lloyd              323a   323b
Belt, Raymond            379a   379b
Belt, Thomas P.          178a   178b
Belt, William            280a   280b
Benedon, Joseph          336a   336b
Benger, William          254a   254b
Benjamin, Christopher    310a   310b
Benjamin, Jonathan       310a   310b
Benjamin, Sylvanus       310a   310b
Benjamin, William        297a   297b
Benner, Ann              220a   220b
Benner, Daniel           171a   171b
Benner, Jacob            171a   171b
Benner, Jacob            252a   252b
Benner, John             166a   166b
Benner, Peter            168a   168b
Bennet, Michael          168a   168b
Bently, Briggs J.        194a   194b
Berbick, Alonzo          312a   312b
Berger, Charles          168a   168b
Berger, David            328a   328b
Berger, John             166a   166b
Bergman, Christian       357a   357b
Berkley, James           228a   228b
Berridge, William        159a   159b
Berry, John              357a   357b
Berry, John              389a   389b
Berry, W.T.              385a   385b
Bessey, Andrew           326a   326b
Bessey, Henry            350a   350b
Bessey, Madison          325a   325b
Bessey, Saml.            326a   326b
Bessner?, Christopher    166a   166b
Best, Henry              352a   352b
Bethel, Nelson           357a   357b
Betker, Charles          204a   204b
Betting, Joseph          157a   157b
Bevard, George           168a   168b
Beverd, Adam             296a   296b
Beverd, Elizabeth        298a   298b
Beverd, James            301a   301b
Beverly, William L.      249a   249b
Bezel, James             226a   226b
Bhnay?, George           388a   388b
Bibbin, E.A.             354a   354b
Bickel, Michael          204a   204b
Bickinlaw, George        301a   301b
Bickle, David            235a   235b
Bickle, Levi R.          234a   234b
Biers, William           344a   344b
Bigelow, Franklin        280a   280b
Bigelow, Lorenzo         280a   280b
Bigelow, Martial         280a   280b
Biggs, James             344a   344b
Biggs, John              344a   344b
Biggs, Sarah             344a   344b
Biglow, John             250a   250b
Bigony, F.W.             358a   358b
Bilby, John              258a   258b
Billinger, Godfrey       203a   203b
Billingsley, Zachariah   258a   258b
Bills, Benjamin          345a   345b
Bills, J.C.              282a   282b
Billsman, Leonard        253a   253b
Bingham, Oran            363a   363b
Binningsley, Sirvus      266a   266b
Bishop, John             323a   323b
Bishop, Lemuel           388a   388b
Bishop, Saml.            378a   378b
Bishop, Zebine           380a   380b
Bitcher, Abram           358a   358b
Biten, Ruth              248a   248b
Bixler, Daniel           240a   240b
Bixler, Danl.            363a   363b
Bixler, John             239a   239b
Blachabre, John          296a   296b
Black, Agnes             244a   244b
Black, Benoni            288a   288b
Black, Jemima            380a   380b
Black, John              308a   308b
Black, T.O.              349a   349b
Blackburn, Thomas        361a   361b
Blades, Hicksom          384a   384b
Blair, A.O.              200a   200b
Blair, Ralph E.          198a   198b
Blake, Saml.             323a   323b
Blake, Theophilus        323a   323b
Blake, W.W.              341a   341b
Blamer, John             373a   373b
Blanchard, Edwin         284a   284b
Blanchard, H.M.          284a   284b
Blanchard, Joseph        284a   284b
Blanchard, Thomas        284a   284b
Blancy, Andrew           246a   246b
Blancy, Benjamin         249a   249b
Blancy, Charles          214a   214b
Blancy, John             160a   160b
Blancy, John             214a   214b
Bland, Jod               251a   251b
Bland, Silas             251a   251b
Blanden, T.H.            295a   295b
Blandy, Charles          239a   239b
Blind, Jacob             170a   170b
Bliss, Danl.             286a   286b
Bliss, Henry             364a   364b
Bliss, L.B.              364a   364b
Blizyard, Wesley         162a   162b
Blizzard, Isaac          162a   162b
Blizzard, M.E.           342a   342b
Blizzard, Reuben J.      196a   196b
Blood, Mary              341a   341b
Blood, Nathan            324a   324b
Blood, Parmelia          203a   203b
Blunt, Hezekiah          252a   252b
Blunt, Wilson            254a   254b
Blyston, Henry           254a   254b
Blyston, Joseph          254a   254b
Boan, Geo.               366a   366b
Boan, John U.            360a   360b
Boardman, Hiram          290a   290b
Boardman, Saml.          375a   375b
Bobo, Jesse              186a   186b
Bobwine, Henry           191a   191b
Boden, Abram             271a   271b
Bodle, Hugh              260a   260b
Bodle, James             272a   272b
Bodle, Matilda?          176a   176b
Bodle, Michael           273a   273b
Bohern, Abraham          246a   246b
Boilan, Aaron            187a   187b
Bolebee, Joseph          274a   274b
Bolen, Charity           230a   230b
Bolinger, John           159a   159b
Bolinger, Josiah         163a   163b
Bolton, Daniel           197a   197b
Bolton, John             208a   208b
Bond, M.L.               353a   353b
Bonear, Sheldon          257a   257b
Boner, Jacob             208a   208b
Boner, John              225a   225b
Boner, John              296a   296b
Boner, William           320a   320b
Bonham, Harrison         215a   215b
Bonham, Sadinah          243a   243b
Bonham, Samuel           233a   233b
Bonham, Wakford          243a   243b
Bonne?, Daniel           317a   317b
Bonum, Jesse             361a   361b
Bonum, John              361a   361b
Bonum, Saml.             368a   368b
Boon, Peter              224a   224b
Booth, Albert            176a   176b
Bordner, Peter           228a   228b
Boring, Abraham          237a   237b
Boring, Elizabeth        233a   233b
Boring, George           233a   233b
Boring, Lewis            233a   233b
Borner, John             195a   195b
Boss, William            195a   195b
Boston, John             197a   197b
Botts, John              186a   186b
Boudinot, Elisha         342a   342b
Boulan, Margaret         191a   191b
Bounds, Allin            265a   265b
Bounds, David            384a   384b
Bounds, Henry            265a   265b
Bounds, Isaac            383a   383b
Bounds, Maria            384a   384b
Bounds, Sarah            258a   258b
Bourn, Almeron           323a   323b
Boutcher?, Abraham       157a   157b
Boutell, Asaph           341a   341b
Bowen, David             265a   265b
Bowen, Eber              157a   157b
Bower, George            295a   295b
Bower, John              235a   235b
Bower, Sarah             249a   249b
Bowers, David            298a   298b
Bowers, George           302a   302b
Bowers, Jacob            301a   301b
Bowers, John             218a   218b
Bowers, John A.          171a   171b
Bowers, Martin           232a   232b
Bowers, Samuel           196a   196b
Bowham, Peter            206a   206b
Bowlby, Charles          188a   188b
Bowlby, John             157a   157b
Bowles, Jane             210a   210b
Bowman, Benjamin         231a   231b
Bowman, Daniel           231a   231b
Bowman, David            170a   170b
Bowman, David            383a   383b
Bowman, Jacob            170a   170b
Bowman, John             322a   322b
Bowman, Peter            170a   170b
Bowman, Robert           322a   322b
Bowman, Saml.            322a   322b
Bownds, Nathin           265a   265b
Boyd, Allen              175a   175b
Boyd, Benjamin           182a   182b
Boyd, John               232a   232b
Boyd, John C.            179a   179b
Boyel, Wm.               312a   312b
Boyer, Caleb             162a   162b
Boyer, David             323a   323b
Boyer, William           221a   221b
Boyle, Michael           218a   218b
Brack, James             333a   333b
Bracketts, Josiah        300a   300b
Bradley, Absalom         191a   191b
Bradley, Augustine       253a   253b
Brady, Gilbert           196a   196b
Brady, Levi              217a   217b
Braggs, H.W.             290a   290b
Brake, Abram             373a   373b
Brakebill, Peter         160a   160b
Bramble, Henry           196a   196b
Bramble, James           220a   220b
Branch, Wart             296a   296b
Brannon, Reese           240a   240b
Brays, Lewis             265a   265b
Brazz, Saml.             297a   297b
Breakbill, Philip        351a   351b
Breden, William          376a   376b
Brennine, John           239a   239b
Brice, B.W.              221a   221b
Brice, Benjamin W.       207a   207b
Brice, John J.           198a   198b
Brice, Thomas            303a   303b
Brick, William           252a   252b
Bridges, Nancy           288a   288b
Brigam, Hannah           364a   364b
Briggs, Arthur           309a   309b
Briggs, Benjamin         202a   202b
Briggs, N.G.             306a   306b
Bright, David            255a   255b
Bright, Lewis            251a   251b
Bright, Lewis            253a   253b
Bright, Nathan           245a   245b
Brimmigen, Mary          208a   208b
Briton, William          160a   160b
Brittle, Claudius        377a   377b
Broadrick, John          290a   290b
Brookover, William       229a   229b
Brookover, William       230a   230b
Brooks, D.M.             321a   321b
Brooks, David            321a   321b
Brooks, Emaline          296a   296b
Brooks, J.G.             321a   321b
Brooks, Martin           293a   293b
Brooks, Nathan           293a   293b
Brooks, Oran             349a   349b
Brooks, Philander E.     171a   171b
Brooks, Ralph            346a   346b
Brooks, Solomon          321a   321b
Brooks, Solomon Jr.      311a   311b
Brooks, W.G.             321a   321b
Broomback, Fruitilda     375a   375b
Brother, George          209a   209b
Brother, James           162a   162b
Brown, Adam Junr.        240a   240b
Brown, Adam Senr.        237a   237b
Brown, Alvan             310a   310b
Brown, Amderton          336a   336b
Brown, Archibald W.      257a   257b
Brown, Asa               378a   378b
Brown, Bazzel            336a   336b
Brown, Benedict          327a   327b
Brown, Billings          343a   343b
Brown, Cyrus             362a   362b
Brown, Edward            334a   334b
Brown, Elizabeth         257a   257b
Brown, George            209a   209b
Brown, Harley            293a   293b
Brown, Henry             325a   325b
Brown, Hezekiah          359a   359b
Brown, Hiram             175a   175b
Brown, J.H.              271a   271b
Brown, J.W.              384a   384b
Brown, Jacob             238a   238b
Brown, James             240a   240b
Brown, James             323a   323b
Brown, Jamima            383a   383b
Brown, John              183a   183b
Brown, John              226a   226b
Brown, John              235a   235b
Brown, John              240a   240b
Brown, John              294a   294b
Brown, John              349a   349b
Brown, John              382a   382b
Brown, John              389a   389b
Brown, John C.           227a   227b
Brown, John P.           252a   252b
Brown, Jonathan          344a   344b
Brown, Joseph            238a   238b
Brown, L.E.              295a   295b
Brown, Luke              293a   293b
Brown, Matthew           362a   362b
Brown, Nicholas          334a   334b
Brown, Peter             387a   387b
Brown, Robert            175a   175b
Brown, Simeon            273a   273b
Brown, Theodore          293a   293b
Brown, Thomas            274a   274b
Brown, William           228a   228b
Brown, William P.        257a   257b
Browning, Asa            333a   333b
Browning, Cassander      382a   382b
Browning, Hiser          200a   200b
Browning, Lewis          382a   382b
Browning, O.W.           382a   382b
Brubaker, Saml.          336a   336b
Bruce, James R.          202a   202b
Bruce, Joshua            218a   218b
Brumage, G.W.            321a   321b
Brumbaugh, Joseph        257a   257b
Brundidge, William       351a   351b
Bruneley, William        201a   201b
Brunner, H.W.R.          200a   200b
Brunson, Levi            364a   364b
Brunson, Ransom          364a   364b
Brunson, S.A.            290a   290b
Brush, Lloyd             374a   374b
Bryan, E.F.              289a   289b
Bryant, Francis          297a   297b
Bryant, Frederick        383a   383b
Bryant, Henry            300a   300b
Bryant, John             363a   363b
Bryant, Miles            162a   162b
Bryant, William          300a   300b
Bryson, Saml.            360a   360b
Buck, E.B.               307a   307b
Buckannon, Thomas        233a   233b
Buckgood, James          237a   237b
Buckingham, Bradley      159a   159b
Buckland, Nelson         378a   378b
Buckland, William        330a   330b
Bucksbarge, John         236a   236b
Buell, J.H.              364a   364b
Bullock, Henry           167a   167b
Bullock, Samuel          167a   167b
Bumgarner, Mary          167a   167b
Bump, Danl.              333a   333b
Bunnell, James           342a   342b
Burdett, Frederick       226a   226b
Burest, Valentine        203a   203b
Burge, John              233a   233b
Burge, Margaret          233a   233b
Burge, William           390a   390b
Burger, John             348a   348b
Burgess, Catharine       199a   199b
Burner, Mary             384a   384b
Burnes, Abraham          384a   384b
Burnes, James            236a   236b
Burnet, S.J.             341a   341b
Burnett, Silas           341a   341b
Burns, William           172a   172b
Burnseder, William       182a   182b
Burrell, Annanias        274a   274b
Burrell, Charles         222a   222b
Burrell, James M.        222a   222b
Bursied, Henry           214a   214b
Bursing, Jacob           201a   201b
Burton, Charles          240a   240b
Burton, John             357a   357b
Busby, John              304a   304b
Busby, Nathan            304a   304b
Busey, Malichar          157a   157b
Bush, George             370a   370b
Bush, Jacob              205a   205b
Bush, M.H.               377a   377b
Bush, Mitchell           292a   292b
Bush, Nicholas           370a   370b
Bush, Noah               370a   370b
Bush, R. & .S.A.         292a   292b
Bushnel, Julia S.        290a   290b
Bushnell, Charlotte      195a   195b
Busist, John             206a   206b
Buskirk, Catharine V.    205a   205b
Buskirk, John Van        194a   194b
Buskirk, John Van        205a   205b
Buskirk, Rachel          206a   206b
Buskirk, William V.      205a   205b
Butcher, James           309a   309b
Butcher, John            307a   307b
Butcher, Nahum           307a   307b
Butcher, Nathan          307a   307b
Butler, Abram            321a   321b
Butler, Charles          331a   331b
Butler, Eli              279a   279b
Butler, Henry            287a   287b
Butler, Levert           330a   330b
Butler, Nelson           333a   333b
Butt, Bezel              374a   374b
Butts, John              373a   373b
Butts, Saml.             371a   371b
Buxton, David            341a   341b
Buxton, David            377a   377b
Buxton, N.H.             377a   377b
Buzzard, Peter           300a   300b
Byer, Jonathan           159a   159b
Byerly, Andrew           158a   158b
Byers, Simon G.          239a   239b
Byner, John              289a   289b
The free display of the 1840 Licking County, Ohio census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Debra Stewart and the permission of S-K Publications. 
This index was transcribed by Margaret Pattison

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