The USGenWeb Census Project
The USGenWeb Census Project

, Coordinator

Maryland county names beginning with:
Maryland County Index
Allegany Anne Arundel Baltimore City Baltimore County Calvert
Caroline Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester
Frederick Garrett Harford Howard Kent
Montgomery Prince Georges Queen Annes Somerset St. Mary's
Talbot Washington Wicomico Worcester  

Enumerations including the entire State of Maryland
1763 Acadian Census

  Acacian Census of 1763

Joan Harman


Transcription for all of the 1790 MARYLAND counties combined and sorted by name
 | Misc | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |  I  | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U-V | W | Y-Z |


Transcription for all of the 1800 MARYLAND counties combined and sorted by name
|  Misc  |  A  | B-Be | Bi-Bo | Br-By | C-Cl | Co-Cz | D-De | Di-Dy |  E  |  F  | G-Go | Gr-Gy |
| H-Ha | He-Hi | Ho-Hy |  I  |  J  | K | L | M-Ma | Mc-Me | Mi-My | N | O | P-Ph | Pi-Py | Q |
| R-Ri | Ro-Ry | S-Sh | Si-So | Sp-Sy | T-Th | Ti-Ty | U-V | W-We | Wh-Wi | Wo-Wy | Y-Z |


Transcription for all of the 1810 MARYLAND counties combined and sorted by name
| Misc | A | Ba | Be-Bi | Bl-Bo | Br | Bu-By | Ca-Ce | Ch-Cl | Co | Cr-Cy | Da-De | Di-Dy |
| E | Fa-Fl | Fo-Fy | G-Gl | Go-Gy | Ha | He-Hi | Ho | Hu-Hy |  I  | J | K | L-Le | Li-Ly |
| Ma | Mc | Me-Mi | Mo-My | N | O | P-Ph | Pi-Pz | Ra-Ri | Ro-Ry |
| Sa-Se | Sh-Sl | Sm-So | Sp-St | Su-Sy | Ta-Th | Ti-Ty | U-V | Wa | We-Wh | Wi | Wo-Wy | Y-Z |

1840 Pensioners Pensioners of the Revolution or other Military Service
1890 Federal Population Destroyed by the fire in the Commerce Dept. Bldg. in January 1921.
1940 to the present Not available to the public.

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To narrow your search results put Last Name first inside quotation marks. EXAMPLE "Smith, John"
Linda Talbott, Project Coordinator

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