The USGenWeb Census Project®
Tyler County, WV 1830 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.
Click on the letter-button to see a list of the names enumerated in the
Tyler, WV 1830 census
A-G  H-O  P-Y
There are 26 wide-pages in this census with the Head-of-Household names,
and many age-range columns that record the number of household members.
Because of the width, each page has two microfilmed pages.
The left-side of the page which includes the Head-of-Household name is the "a" page,
and the right-side of the same page with just the remaining age-range columns is the "b" page. 
If you find a name of interest, click on the link (Left-side) to view the
image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives.
To see the remaining numbered columns for that page, click on the (Right-Side) link.

Then click the BACK button to return to this index

A**ach       James                   164a         164b
Adams        John                    164a         164b
Allen        James                   164a         164b
Allen        John                    164a         164b
Allen        John W                  164a         164b
Anderson     Charles                 164a         164b
Anderson     Daniel                  164a         164b
Anderson     James                   164a         164b
Anderson     Nezekiah                164a         164b
Anderson     Richard Esq             164a         164b
Anderson     Robert                  164a         164b
Ankrom       Jacob                   164a         164b
Ankrom       Jesse                   164a         164b
Ankrom       John                    164a         164b
Ankrom       John of Richard         164a         164b
Ankrom       Joseph                  164a         164b
Ankrom       Joseph                  164a         164b
Ankrom       Nancy                   164a         164b
Ankrom       Richard Esq             164a         164b
Ankrom       Thomas                  164a         164b
Ankrom       William                 164a         164b
Archer       Joseph                  164a         164b
Archer       William                 164a         164b
Ash          Jacob                   164a         164b
Ash          John                    164a         164b
Ash          Lovinea                 164a         164b
Asher        Henry                   164a         164b

Backer       John (****ing ****)     166a         166b
Baily        Daniel                  166a         166b
Baily        James                   166a         166b
Baily        John                    166a         166b
Baily        John of Wm              166a         166b
Baily        William                 166a         166b
Baker        Anne                    165a         165b
Baker        Evon                    165a         165b
Baker        John                    165a         165b
Baker        John of Coen            167a         167b
Baker        John Sen                165a         165b
Baker        Joshua                  165a         165b
Baker        Masha* Jr               166a         166b
Baker        Masha* Jr               167a         167b
Baker        Resin                   165a         165b
Bales        Ed*                     166a         166b
Ball         Peter                   166a         166b
Barker       James                   165a         165b
Basher       John                    166a         166b
Baston       Enos                    166a         166b
Beaddle      Samuel                  166a         166b
Bell         William                 165a         165b
Bernard      Henry L.                167a         167b
Birckhead    Abraham                 166a         166b
Birckhead    James                   165a         165b
Birckhead    William                 166a         166b
Blue         Zachariah               165a         165b
Bogard       John                    165a         165b
Bond         Benjamin B              166a         166b
Bond         George                  166a         166b
Bond         John                    166a         166b
Bond         Thomas                  165a         165b
Bond         William                 166a         166b
Bonnet       William                 166a         166b
Boo*lin      John                    165a         165b
Booker       Henry                   165a         165b
Booth        John                    166a         166b
Boothe       Elizabeth               166a         166b
Bowman       Dan*** P.               165a         165b
Bowman       Elizabeth               165a         165b
Bowman       James                   165a         165b
Bowman       Silas                   166a         166b
Brewer       Ayers                   165a         165b
Brewer       Benjamin B              166a         166b
Brewer       Mary                    165a         165b
Bruce        David                   166a         166b
Buchanan     James                   166a         166b
Buchanan     John                    166a         166b
Buchanan     John                    166a         166b
Buck         John                    165a         165b
Buck         Thomas                  165a         165b
Buskirk      Daniel                  165a         165b
Buskirk      George                  165a         165b
Buskirk      John                    165a         165b
Buskirk      Peter                   165a         165b
Byard        Isaac                   165a         165b
Byard        John                    165a         165b

C*           Joseph                  167a         167b
Cady         Charles                 167a         167b
Caldwell     William                 167a         167b
Camp         John                    167a         167b
Camp         Rachel                  168a         168b
Caralier     John                    167a         167b
Carrol       William                 167a         167b
Cecil        Charles                 168a         168b
Cester       Adam                    167a         167b
Chambley     Richard Esq             167a         167b
Chapman      William W.              168a         168b
Church       Hannah                  167a         167b
Church       Henry Jr                167a         167b
Church       Henry Sen               167a         167b
Church       Mary                    167a         167b
Cline        **pha                   168a         168b
Clipstine    John                    167a         167b
Cochran      Thomas                  168a         168b
Cochran      Zachariah               168a         168b
Colling      Jacob                   168a         168b
Conner       John M.                 168a         168b
Cook         Job L.                  167a         167b
Cook         Richard                 167a         167b
Cooper       Charles                 167a         167b
Cooper       John D.                 168a         168b
Cornell      William                 167a         167b
Coulter      Samuel                  167a         167b
Covaltz      Abraham                 167a         167b
Cox          Friend                  168a         168b
Cox          Levi                    167a         167b
Cravens      Benjamin B              167a         167b
Crowl        Samuel                  167a         167b
Cunningham   James                   167a         167b
Cunningham   Thomas                  168a         168b
Cutler       Calvin                  167a         167b

Dare         John                    168a         168b
Davis        Caleb                   168a         168b
Davis        John                    168a         168b
Davis        Jonathan                168a         168b
Davis        Robert Jr               168a         168b
Davis        Robert Sen              168a         168b
Delashmidt   Elias                   169a         169b
Delashmidt   William                 168a         168b
Delashmidt   Wm *                    168a         168b
Doak         Alexander               168a         168b
Doak         James                   169a         169b
Doak         Robert                  169a         169b
Doak         Samuel                  168a         168b
Dodson       James                   168a         168b
Dodson       Joseph                  169a         169b
Dodson       Richard                 169a         169b
Duncan       David                   168a         168b
Duty         Andrew                  168a         168b
Dye          Ezekiel                 168a         168b
Dye Ezekial  Thomas                  168a         168b

Edgel        Allen                   169a         169b
Edgel        William                 169a         169b
Elefritz     Willy                   169a         169b
Elson        James                   169a         169b
Elson        Samuel                  169a         169b
Evans        Samuel                  169a         169b

Farnal       Noah                    169a         169b
Fenil        Elisha                  169a         169b
Ferril       John                    169a         169b
Fetty        Vincent                 169a         169b
Fish         Elias                   169a         169b
Fleming      Elizabeth               169a         169b
Flesher      Henry                   169a         169b
Foggy        James                   169a         169b
Francis      William                 169a         169b
Friar        George                  169a         169b
Furbee       Alexander               169a         169b
Furby        Bowers                  169a         169b
Furby        Waitman                 169a         169b

Gabriel      John                    170a         170b
Gabriel      Stephen                 170a         170b
Gabriel      Thomas                  170a         170b
Galloway     William H.              170a         170b
Gandy        Rollin                  170a         170b
Gappin       John                    170a         170b
Garlow       John                    170a         170b
George       Absalom                 170a         170b
George       Elizy                   170a         170b
George       John                    170a         170b
George       William                 170a         170b
Gilmore      Joseph                  170a         170b
Glen         James                   170a         170b
Goddard      Henry H.                170a         170b
Goings       Ranoel                  170a         170b
Gorby        Eli                     170a         170b
Gorby        John                    170a         170b
Gorrel       John B                  169a         169b
Gorrel       Levi                    170a         170b
Gorrel       Ralph                   169a         169b
Gorrel       Robert Esq              170a         170b
Gorrel       Sally                   169a         169b
Gorrel       Sarah                   169a         169b
Gorrel       William                 170a         170b
Gorrel       William of Thomas       170a         170b
Gregg        Lawrence                170a         170b
Gregg        Thomas                  170a         170b
Gregg        William                 170a         170b
Grier        Robert                  170a         170b
Guthrie      Elizabeth               170a         170b
Guthrie      Robert                  170a         170b

The free display of the 1830 Tyler County, (West) Virginia, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Karen E. Bridgeman and the permission of S-K Publications.
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