The USGenWeb Census Project®
Taylor County, WV 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Taylor County, WV 1870 census
































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Parker          James          23     Virginia            208a--30
Parker          Nancy          68     Virginia            208a--31
Parr            Absolem H      31     Virginia            119b--11
Parr            Athalinda      28     Virginia            119b--12
Parr            Charles J      1      West Virginia       119b--17
Parr            Cora M         8      Virginia            119b--14
Parr            Dorah D        10     Virginia            119b--13
Parr            Mary E         4      West Virginia       119b--16
Parr            Thomas G       6      West Virginia       119b--15
Parsons         Caroline       18     Virginia            194a-- 3
Parsons         George         34     Virginia            193b--40
Parsons         Isaac          29     Virginia            194a-- 1
Parsons         James          62     Virginia            193b--38
Parsons         James          23     Virginia            194a-- 2
Parsons         John           31     Virginia            196a-- 3
Parsons         Martha         10     Virginia            196a-- 5
Parsons         Mary           52     Virginia            193b--39
Parsons         Mary           8      Virginia            196a-- 6
Parsons         Mary Ann       45     Virginia            196a-- 4
Patrick         Bruce          2      West Va             111b--39
Patrick         Jacob          39     Ohio                111b--37
Patrick         Mary           21     Virginia            111b--38
Patrick         Sylvester      36     Ohio                111b--40
Patton          Andrew J       5      West Virginia       119b--22
Patton          Elizabeth      46     Virginia            115b--18
Patton          Ezekiel R      9      Virginia            115b--24
Patton          Homer          12     Virginia            119b--20
Patton          Israel         47     Virginia            119b--18
Patton          Israel A       18     Virginia            115b--20
Patton          John           66     Virginia            106a--38
Patton          Joseph C       23     Virginia            115b--19
Patton          Julius O       13     Virginia            115b--22
Patton          Lauraetta      6      West Va             115b--25
Patton          Malvina        34     Virginia            119b--19
Patton          Marietta       10     Virginia            119b--21
Patton          Rachael        58     Virginia            119b--23
Patton          Robert         52     Virginia            119b--24
Patton          Samuel         59     Virginia            115b--17
Patton          Sarah E        15     Virginia            115b--21
Patton          Thomas J       11     Virginia            115b--23
Paxton          Alamanda       7      Virginia            178a--22
Paxton          Carrie H       1      West Va             178a--24
Paxton          Ellen          31     Maryland            178a--20
Paxton          Ellison V      9      Virginia            178a--21
Paxton          Howard S       4      West Va             178a--23
Paxton          Josiah         36     Pennsylv'a          178a--19
Payne           Ann            34     Virginia            153a--25
Payne           Ann E          30     Virginia            124a--37
Payne           Ardy           8/12   West Virginia       211a--27
Payne           Benja F        49     Virginia            119b-- 8
Payne           Catharine      37     Virginia            212a--24
Payne           Charles        6      West Va             153a--30
Payne           Charles H      38     Virginia            153a--24
Payne           Daniel B       16     Virginia            145b-- 6
Payne           Dorothy        54     Virginia            145b-- 4
Payne           Eliza          40     Virginia            212a--23
Payne           George         56     Virginia            145b-- 3
Payne           H C            42     Virginia            119b-- 9
Payne           Henry A        8      Virginia            124b-- 1
Payne           J G            17     Virginia            123b--38
Payne           Jacqueline M   19     Virginia            145b-- 5
Payne           James H        25     Virginia            211a--25
Payne           Jerusha        14     Virginia            153a--27
Payne           John           38     Virginia            212a--25
Payne           John W         13     Virginia            124a--38
Payne           Kate A         10     Virginia            124a--40
Payne           Lewis          50     Virginia            212a--22
Payne           Mary C         9      Virginia            119b--10
Payne           Mary F         7      Virginia            153a--29
Payne           Mary H         12     Virginia            124a--39
Payne           Nancy J        13     Virginia            145b-- 7
Payne           Samantha       24     Virginia            211a--26
Payne           Sarah          77     Virginia            212a--21
Payne           Theodore       10     Virginia            153a--28
Payne           Waldo W        14     Virginia            123b--39
Payne           Walter         4/12   West Va             153a--32
Payne           William        15     Virginia            153a--26
Payne           Wonder         3      West Va             153a--31
Peacock         Charles        33     Virginia            140a--10
Peacock         John           42     Virginia            126b--36
Peacock         Martha J       33     Pennsylvania        126b--37
Peacock         Mary R         13     Virginia            126b--39
Peacock         Sarah          69     Virginia            140a-- 9
Peacock         Sarah V        15     Virginia            126b--38
Pell            John R         22     Virginia            124a-- 2
Penderast       B              18     Ireland             219a--14
Peters          Catharine      59     Virginia            106a--16
Peters          Chas H         2      West Virginia       136b-- 3
Peters          Clarinda       2      West Va             106a--19
Peters          David E        16     Virginia            106a--21
Peters          Elizabeth      19     Virginia            134a--40
Peters          Elizabeth      28     Virginia            136b-- 2
Peters          George W       25     Virginia            161b--14
Peters          Hiram F        27     Virginia            136b-- 1
Peters          Jacob          28     Virginia            106a--17
Peters          James          6/12   West Virginia       134b-- 1
Peters          John           74     Virginia            106a--15
Peters          Lafayette      1      West Va             106a--20
Peters          Ruhama         30     Virginia            106a--18
Peters          Samuel F       16     Virginia            213a--40
Peters          Ulysses        22     Virginia            134a--39
Petty           Redman K       18     Virginia            123b--37
Peyton          Henry          45     Virginia            152b--13
Phelps          Catharine      57     Maryland            176a--36
Phelps          Mary E         22     Maryland            176a--37
Phelps          Walter W       69     Maryland            176a--35
Philips         Columbia       12     Virginia            152a--11
Philips         Ellen V        10     Virginia            152a--12
Philips         Lucinda        14     Virginia            152a--10
Philips         Margaret       44     Virginia            152a-- 8
Philips         Mary J         20     Virginia            152a-- 9
Philips         Robert         51     Virginia            152a-- 7
Philips         Robert B       4      West Va             152a--14
Philips         Thomas E       1      West Va             152a--15
Philips         Wm J           6      West Va             152a--13
Phillips        (unnamed)      3/12   West Virginia       190a--29
Phillips        Alpheus        21     Virginia            195b--37
Phillips        Augustus       14     Virginia            184a--15
Phillips        Benj F         50     Virginia            195b--34
Phillips        Cassa A        22     Virginia            142b--29
Phillips        Catharine      13     Virginia            142b--31
Phillips        Elisha         21     Virginia            142b--39
Phillips        Eva Jane       32     Virginia            142b--38
Phillips        George         26     Virginia            142b--28
Phillips        Jane           20     Virginia            184a--14
Phillips        Jemima         48     Virginia            195b--35
Phillips        John           18     Virginia            207a--25
Phillips        John W         23     Virginia            195b--36
Phillips        Joseph         75     Virginia            184a--12
Phillips        Joshua         8      Virginia            100b--25
Phillips        Laura B        3      West Virginia       190a--27
Phillips        Louis D        4/12   West Virginia       143a-- 1
Phillips        Mary           57     Virginia            184a--13
Phillips        Mary E         27     Virginia            190a--26
Phillips        Mary J         2      West Virginia       190a--28
Phillips        Rebecca        22     Virginia            143b--26
Phillips        Robt E         25     Virginia            190a--25
Phillips        Saml           59     Ohio                142b--37
Phillips        Samuel         23     Virginia            143b--25
Phillips        Sarah          20     Virginia            142b--40
Phillips        William W      1      West Virginia       142b--30
Pickett         James          4      Ohio                165a-- 9
Pickett         John           40     Ireland             165a-- 6
Pickett         Maggie         9      Virginia            165a-- 8
Pickett         Mary A         27     Maryland            165a-- 7
Pickett         Sarah          2      West Va             165a--10
Piles           Hiram          25     Virginia            159b-- 8
Pinnell         David S        25     Virginia            149a-- 8
Pinnell         Florida        22     Virginia            149a-- 9
Pinnell         Frank          3      West Va             149a--11
Pinnell         George         5      West Va             149a--10
Pinnell         Mollie         1      West Va             149a--12
Poe             (unnamed)      1      West Va             171b--24
Poe             (unreadable)   23     Virginia            199a--10
Poe             Adolphus       21     Virginia            143b--14
Poe             Almira M       6      Virginia            143a--27
Poe             Andrew         11/12  West Virginia       142b-- 6
Poe             Augustus       10     Virginia            143b--10
Poe             Celia          12     Virginia            139b--27
Poe             Cornelius      33     Virginia            185a--17
Poe             Elizabeth      51     Virginia            143b-- 7
Poe             Elizabeth      8      Virginia            143b--11
Poe             Elizabeth      17     West Virginia       143b--15
Poe             Ellen          47     Virginia            143a--23
Poe             Ellen F        3      West Virginia       185a--15
Poe             Emory G        17     Virginia            143a--25
Poe             Esteline       20     Virginia            142a--34
Poe             Eve            14     Virginia            143a--26
Poe             Fannie         2      West Va             160b--28
Poe             Francis        64     Virginia            143a--15
Poe             Francis A      25     Virginia            185a--12
Poe             Francis M      26     Virginia            137b--17
Poe             George W       18     Virginia            137b--20
Poe             Gustavus       2      West Virginia       185a--19
Poe             Harriet D      21     Virginia            171b--23
Poe             Isaac R        40     Virginia            188b--16
Poe             Isabel F       18     Virginia            139a--38
Poe             Jacob          42     Virginia            139b--21
Poe             James          57     Virginia            137b--14
Poe             James A        54     Virginia            143a--22
Poe             James E        1      West Virginia       185a--16
Poe             James F        38     Virginia            138b--34
Poe             James S        55     Virginia            199a-- 5
Poe             Jane           57     Virginia            137b--15
Poe             Jane B         1      West Virginia       142a--19
Poe             Jasper         27     Virginia            142a--33
Poe             John W         27     Virginia            143a--24
Poe             Jonathan       69     Virginia            138b--37
Poe             Jonathan       2/12   West Virginia       188b--21
Poe             Jonathan A     14     Virginia            139b--25
Poe             Joseph B       18     Virginia            139b--23
Poe             Lafayette      14     Virginia            199a-- 7
Poe             Louisa         6      Virginia            188b--20
Poe             Lucinda        33     Virginia            137b--16
Poe             Lucy           65     Virginia            138b--38
Poe             Luella         9      Virginia            138b--36
Poe             Malinda        23     Virginia            137b--18
Poe             Margaret       21     Virginia            137b--19
Poe             Margaret       27     Virginia            142a--32
Poe             Margaret M     1      West Virginia       143b-- 1
Poe             Maria          38     Maryland            138b--35
Poe             Martha         22     Virginia            143a--40
Poe             Martha A       18     Virginia            142b-- 5
Poe             Martha J       11     Virginia            199a-- 8
Poe             Mary           48     Virginia            139a--37
Poe             Mary           65     Virginia            142a--30
Poe             Mary           18     Virginia            143b-- 8
Poe             Mary A         34     Virginia            142a--17
Poe             Mary A         33     Virginia            160b--26
Poe             Mary A         33     France              188b--17
Poe             Mary E         12     Virginia            137b--22
Poe             Mary M         1      West Virginia       142a--35
Poe             Milroy R       7      Virginia            199a-- 9
Poe             N H            28     Virginia            171b--22
Poe             Newton         24     Virginia            142b-- 4
Poe             Paschal        10     Virginia            188b--18
Poe             Phebe E        12     Virginia            160b--27
Poe             Phebe E        54     Virginia            199a-- 6
Poe             Rebecca        44     Virginia            139b--22
Poe             Rosa Lee       2/12   West Virginia       143b--16
Poe             Sarah          33     Virginia            185a--18
Poe             Sarah          1      Virginia            188b--19
Poe             Sarah J        13     Virginia            143b-- 9
Poe             Solomon L      5      West Virginia       185a--14
Poe             Stephen        17     Virginia            139b--24
Poe             Stephen        101    Virginia            142a--29
Poe             Stephen        59     Virginia            143b-- 6
Poe             Stephen S      36     Virginia            142a--16
Poe             Steven W       15     Virginia            137b--21
Poe             Susan J        25     Virginia            185a--13
Poe             Susannah       30     Virginia            142a--31
Poe             Triphena       9      Virginia            139b--26
Poe             William B      45     Virginia            139a--36
Poe             William J      23     Virginia            143a--39
Poe             William S      8      Virginia            142a--18
Poe             Wm L           33     Virginia            160b--25
Poe             Zoa            10/12  West Virginia       185a--20
Pomeroy         Sarah          25     Virginia            156a--21
Pool            Alberta        3      West Va             151a--18
Pool            Emily A        9      Virginia            151a--17
Pool            Granville J    11     Virginia            151a--16
Pool            James W        34     Virginia            151a--14
Pool            Mary E         31     Virginia            151a--15
Pool            Richard        24     Virginia            149b-- 3
Pool            Theodosia      8/12   West Va             151a--19
Poston          Elizabeth      52     Pennsylvania        129a--15
Poston          Ella           2      West Va             157b--25
Poston          Felix          23     Virginia            157b--23
Poston          Maria          52     Virginia            157b--26
Poston          Olive          21     Virginia            157b--24
Poston          Wilsia         21     Virginia            157b--27
Poston          Wm             70     Virginia            129a--14
Potts           Elam P         28     Virginia            103a-- 1
Potts           Julia E        54     Virginia            102b--40
Powell          (not named)    1/12   West Va             103b--21
Powell          Alden          5      West Virginia       141b-- 3
Powell          Alice          9      Virginia            141b-- 1
Powell          Alice          13     Virginia            164b--33
Powell          Allison        29     Virginia            150a--27
Powell          Amos           19     Virginia            141a--37
Powell          Amos           38     Virginia            164b--31
Powell          Arizona        1      West Va             150a--29
Powell          Betsey         28     Virginia            148a--17
Powell          Burr Jr        22     Virginia            153b-- 1
Powell          Caroline       45     Ohio                163a--34
Powell          Cecil          1      West Va             150b--11
Powell          Charles        1      West Va             148b-- 6
Powell          Charles L      1      West Va             164b--34
Powell          Charlie        10     Virginia            148a--18
Powell          Claybourn      25     Virginia            103b--16
Powell          Cornelius      13     Virginia            141a--39
Powell          David          38     Virginia            150b--14
Powell          Decola         3      West Va             150b--10
Powell          Delia A        15     Virginia            128a--15
Powell          Edith J        9      Virginia            213b--36
Powell          Elijah         61     Virginia            151a--24
Powell          Ellen          36     Virginia            150b--15
Powell          Ellsworth      4      West Virginia       141b-- 4
Powell          Emily          38     Virginia            213b--31
Powell          Fannie         12     Virginia            213b--35
Powell          Florence       5/12   West Va             148a--20
Powell          Franklin C     7      Virginia            150b-- 8
Powell          Fulton         7      Virginia            150b--17
Powell          George         21     Virginia            128a--14
Powell          Grandison      30     Virginia            148a--16
Powell          Hannah         27     Virginia            103b--17
Powell          Hannah         44     Virginia            141a--35
Powell          Homer G        7      Virginia            148b-- 4
Powell          Isaac          48     Virginia            141a--34
Powell          James          26     Virginia            151a--26
Powell          James W        25     Virginia            130a--25
Powell          Jane           62     Virginia            153a--39
Powell          Jasper         31     Virginia            153a--40
Powell          Jennetta       5      West Va             150b-- 9
Powell          John           17     Virginia            128a--16
Powell          John           1      West Va             148a--19
Powell          John H         34     Virginia            150b-- 6
Powell          John N         15     Virginia            193a--19
Powell          Julia F        33     Virginia            193a--18
Powell          Laura F        11     Virginia            148b-- 3
Powell          Leah           32     Virginia            148b-- 2
Powell          Louisa         45     Virginia            128a--12
Powell          Louisa         39     Virginia            163a--36
Powell          Lucy           2      West Va             148b-- 5
Powell          Luella M       1      West Va             103b--20
Powell          Lydia          73     Virginia            126a--29
Powell          Maria          12     Virginia            141a--40
Powell          Martha         37     Virginia            164b--32
Powell          Martha P       28     Virginia            150b-- 7
Powell          Mary           2      West Virginia       141b-- 5
Powell          Mary           73     Pennsylv'a          163a--33
Powell          Mary           14     Virginia            163a--40
Powell          Mary           13     Virginia            193a--20
Powell          Mary           18     Virginia            213b--32
Powell          Mary E         17     Virginia            130a--19
Powell          Maryann        3      West Va             103b--19
Powell          Matilda        64     Virginia            153a-- 6
Powell          Melina         23     Virginia            151a--27
Powell          Nancy          17     Virginia            141a--38
Powell          Nancy          41     Ohio                163a--35
Powell          Nancy          16     Virginia            213b--33
Powell          Phenix         14     Virginia            213b--34
Powell          Rebecca        22     Virginia            141a--36
Powell          Richard        77     Virginia            126a--28
Powell          Richard        9      Virginia            193a--21
Powell          Rolla          7/12   West Va             150b--19
Powell          Samuel R       23     Virginia            128a--13
Powell          Sarah          56     Virginia            151a--25
Powell          Sarah          17     Virginia            151a--29
Powell          Silvanus       8      Virginia            141b-- 2
Powell          Susan          24     Virginia            150a--28
Powell          T B            46     Virginia            193a--17
Powell          Tenah V        9      Virginia            103b--18
Powell          Thomas         22     Virginia            151a--28
Powell          W G S          49     Virginia            148b-- 1
Powell          Walter         4      West Va             150b--18
Powell          William        8/12   West Virginia       130a--26
Powell          William        21     Virginia            163a--39
Powell          William S      78     Virginia            153a-- 5
Powell          William T      7/12   West Virginia       193a--22
Powell          Wm V           41     Virginia            213b--30
Powell          Zana           11     Virginia            150b--16
Powers          Elizabeth      19     Virginia            185a--29
Pratt           Christina M    16     Virginia            131a--33
Pratt           Fielding       7      West Virginia       131a--37
Pratt           Floyd          9      Virginia            131a--36
Pratt           George         9/12   West Virginia       131a--40
Pratt           Lucretia       12     Virginia            131a--35
Pratt           Margaret       3      West Virginia       131a--39
Pratt           Martha         5      West Virginia       131a--38
Pratt           Mary F         14     Virginia            131a--34
Pratt           Susan          38     Virginia            131a--32
Pratt           Zachariah      48     Virginia            131a--31
Price           Alexander      4      West Virginia       184b--10
Price           Amos N         8/12   West Virginia       184b--12
Price           Edward         3      West Va             161b--33
Price           Emeline        5      West Virginia       180a-- 4
Price           Emma           12     Virginia            161b--28
Price           Eva Jane       35     Virginia            184b-- 6
Price           George         10     Virginia            161b--29
Price           George         5      West Va             177a--15
Price           George R       29     England             210a-- 4
Price           Henry          4      West Va             161b--32
Price           Isaac S        1      West Virginia       180a-- 3
Price           John G         42     Bavaria             161b--25
Price           Josiah W       11     Virginia            184b-- 8
Price           Lewis          23     Virginia            180a-- 1
Price           Martha E       2      West Virginia       184b--11
Price           Mary           36     Bavaria             161b--26
Price           Mary           8      Virginia            161b--30
Price           Mary E         24     Virginia            180a-- 2
Price           Mary J         15     Virginia            184b-- 7
Price           Phillip        6      West Va             161b--31
Price           Ruhama         8      Virginia            184b-- 9
Price           Sarah E        19     Virginia            210a-- 5
Price           Sophia         15     Maryland            161b--27
Price           W J            20     Virginia            124a-- 1
Price           William        27     Virginia            177a--14
Price           William        4      West Va             177a--16
Price           William B      35     Virginia            184b-- 5
Prim            Elizabeth      38     Virginia            211a-- 9
Prim            Floyd          5      West Virginia       211a--15
Prim            Francis C      13     Virginia            211a--11
Prim            George         7      Virginia            211a--14
Prim            Jasper         39     Virginia            211a-- 8
Prim            John           11     Virginia            211a--12
Prim            Lucy B         5/12   West Virginia       211a--17
Prim            Parthena       9      Virginia            211a--13
Prim            Sarah R        3      West Virginia       211a--16
Prim            William D      15     Virginia            211a--10
Printer         Anna           25     Ireland             219b--17
Printer         James          3      West Va             219b--19
Printer         John           5/12   West Va             219b--20
Printer         Maryann        4      West Va             219b--18
Printer         William        24     Virginia            219b--16
Pritchard       * V            10     Virginia            194a-- 4
Pritchet        Henry D        22     Virginia            198a--21
Pritchet        John A         8      Virginia            198a--17
Pritchet        Malinda A      3      West Virginia       198a--18
Pritchet        Ruth           55     Virginia            198a--20
Pritchet        Saml           31     Virginia            198a--15
Pritchet        Sarah C        3/12   West Virginia       198a--19
Pritchet        Susan C        27     Virginia            198a--16
Proudfoot       Charlie        1      West Va             168b--17
Proudfoot       Emily          27     Virginia            169a--14
Proudfoot       Francis        38     Virginia            169a--13
Proudfoot       Gordon         1      West Va             169a--17
Proudfoot       Ida            9      Virginia            168b--14
Proudfoot       Jas W          31     Virginia            168b--12
Proudfoot       Margaret       29     Virginia            168b--13
Proudfoot       Milton         9      Virginia            169a--15
Proudfoot       Minnie         6      West Va             169a--16
Proudfoot       Morgan         4      West Va             168b--15
Proudfoot       Naylor         4      West Va             168b--16
Proudfoot       Peter M        40     Virginia            175b--30
Provence        Sarah          17     Virginia            119a-- 2
Province        Bennett H      12     Virginia            110b--29
Province        Elisha         37     Pennsylv'a          110b--26
Province        Jedediah C     14     Virginia            110b--28
Province        Lora H         7      Virginia            110b--30
Province        Mary           34     Virginia            110b--27
Province        Verlona M      5      West Va             110b--31
Prunty          Anna           3      West Va             106b--19
Prunty          Catharine      50     Virginia            146a--36
Prunty          David C        9/12   West Va             146a--34
Prunty          David W        43     Virginia            106b--17
Prunty          Eve M          59     Virginia            146a--18
Prunty          Henrietta A    41     Virginia            146a--32
Prunty          Jacquelina A   3      West Va             146a--33
Prunty          John           74     Virginia            106b--16
Prunty          John           61     Virginia            146a--31
Prunty          Matilda        35     Pennsylva           106b--18
Prunty          Rosa           89     Virginia            146a--35
Prunty          Samuel         2      West Va             106b--20
Pryor           Erskin F       16     Virginia            133a--17
Pryor           Laura R        21     Maryland            133a--16
Pryor           Mary           58     Maryland            133a--14
Pryor           Wesley C       23     Maryland            133a--15
Purdew          Leonard        17     Pennsylv'a          163a-- 4
Purdew          Lydia          15     Pennsylv'a          163a-- 5
Purdew          Mary           36     Pennsylv'a          163a-- 3
Purkey          Casper A D     1      West Va             105a-- 4
Purkey          David R        4      West Va             105a-- 2
Purkey          Isaac          42     Virginia            104b--37
Purkey          Isaac          11     Virginia            104b--39
Purkey          John D         6      West Va             105a-- 1
Purkey          Julian         37     Virginia            104b--38
Purkey          Juliann C      2      West Va             105a-- 3
Purkey          Noah C         7      Virginia            104b--40
Purky           Mary A         66     Virginia            102b--37

The free display of the 1870 Taylor County, WV census images in
the U.S. Data Repository was made possible through the generosity of
the Allen County Public Library (Indiana)
This index was transcribed by Connie Burkett
and proofread by Glenda Thompson

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