The USGenWeb Census Project®  
  Augusta County, VA 1810 Federal Census Index  
  with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.  
  Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Augusta, VA 1810 census.







The microfilmed pages of this 1810 census (except for the first two pages) have two pages with one above the other. The stamped PAGE number is on the bottom-left of the bottom page. The Hand-Written PAGE number is written vertically on the right side of the pages.

The LINE# after the PAGE#s represents the sequence of the enumerated name on the page. The LINE sequence number for the bottom page starts over with 1.


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Head of Household
Abney           Isabella           398  4
Abney           Wm                 314  3
Abraham         Levi               313 11
Adair           Cos's              314 12
Adams           Davy               398  6
Adams           Wm                 398  5
Ailinger        Geo                312 16
Ailon           Fred               313  6
Alexander       Gab. (SM)          314 19
Alexander       Gab:               314 16
Alexander       Hugh               312 13
Alexander       James              313  4
Alexander       John               314 13
Alexander       John               314 15
Alexander       Wm                 312 11
Alexander       Wm                 315  1
Alexander       Wm                 398  1
Alford          Geo                312  5
Alison          Wm                 313  2
Allen           Dan'l              314 11
Allen           Enoch              314 14
Allen           James              312  4
Allen           Rich'd             312 12
Allison         And'w              312  8
Allison         Fanny              313  9
Allison         James              312 10
Allison         John Jr            315  3
Allison         Wm                 312  7
Allison         Wm Jr              315  2
Allor           George             312  6
Ancel           George             313 15
Ancel           Wm                 313  7
Anderson        Alex'r             314  4
Anderson        And'w              312  3
Anderson        George             314  9
Anderson        George Sr          314  1
Anderson        James              313 17
Anderson        James              314  2
Anderson        Wm                 314  5
Andrews         George             312  9
Andrews         Jn'o               314  8
Anthony         Abel               314 18
Anthony         Mark               313 12
Apple           Mich'l             409 10
Apple           Paul               406 13
Aramgosh        Mich'l             313 14
Argerbright     Augustine          312  1
Argerbright     Fred               312 17
Argerbright     Jacob              313 10
Arinbright      Geo                398  2
Arlinger        G                  313  1
Arlinger        Jac.               314 10
Armentrout      Peter              313 16
Armstong        Wm                 313  8
Armstrong       And'w              312 15
Armstrong       Ja's               314  7
Armstrong       John               314  6
Armstrong       John (WG)          313 13
Ashby           James              410 13
Astins          Tho's              313  5
Aston           John               313  3
Aston           John               409  9
Atwell          Wm                 398  3
Auche           Abram              406 12
Aulburn         G. L.              312 14
Auston          Moris              314 17
Backinttor      John               398 14
Bailor          Christ'n           318 10
Bailor          Geo                319  4
Bailor          Jacob              320 11
Bailor          Martin             320 18
Baily           Rob't              316 16
Bainell         John               324  5
Baker           Betsy              315  6
Baker           Jacob              322 12
Baker           Phillip            322 13
Ballard         John               317 16
Ballard         John               406 15
Ballen          Ann                319  1
Balsley         George             321  6
Banjy           Geo                317  8
Barger          Chester            318  3
Barger          Jacob              324  6
Barnhart        George             324  7
Barnhart        George Jr          324  8
Barry           And'w              398 13
Baskins         Charles            315  5
Baskins         John C             315  4
Bean            Cha                317 10
Bean            Jacob              319  3
Bean            Mich'l             317  9
Bear            Jacob (HC)         315 14
Beard           Christ             319  5
Beard           Ja's               319 12
Beard           Peter Jr           323  9
Beard           Robt               409 11
Beard           Sam'l              319 13
Beard           Wm                 324  4
Beard           Wm Jr              319 11
Bell            Dan'l              410 14
Bell            David              322 16
Bell            Francis            320  2
Bell            Francis            322 15
Bell            Jas Esq            323 17
Bell            John (MT)          322  3
Bell            John (SG)          324 11
Bell            Jos Jr             323 18
Bell            Samuel (Major)     320  3
Bell            Thomas (SG)        322 14
Bell            William Capt       323 16
Bell            Wm (MV)            317 13
Bell            Wm Senr            320  1
Benson          Wm                 319 15
Berry           Geo                319  6
Berry           John               320 14
Berry           John               323 11
Berry           Robt               320 13
Beverly         Carter             399  6
Beverly         G                  324  1
Bian            Jacob (SC)         316 13
Biar            Jacob              324  3
Biard           Peter Jr           321 14
Bibbs           Jas                320 12
Bickerstaff     Mary               320 15
Bickle          Jacob              322  1
Bile            James              315  8
Bile            John               398  8
Bile            Joseph Jr          315  9
Bile            Tho's Jr           315 10
Biles           Sam'l              319  2
Bill            Joseph (LW)        316 10
Bilsley         Cha's              321  8
Biney           Charles            319 18
Bird            John               316  6
Biron           Jacob              323  6
Bist            James              316  1
Bist            John               315 15
Bittle          Geo                324 12
Biven           T A                399  3
Black           Anthony            316 15
Black           James              315 18
Black           James              322  4
Black           James              323 14
Black           John               318 18
Black           Sally              322 18
Black           Sam'l              316  8
Black           Sam'l              323 12
Black           Wm                 316 14
Black           Wm Jr              316  9
Blackwell       Nimrod             323  8
Blackwood       Sam'l              317  2
Blair           Alex               322  7
Blair           Margaret           322  2
Blair           Matthew            322 19
Blair           Wm                 318 11
Blakeley        John               324  2
Blakely         George             321 17
Blakeman        George             323  2
Blakewood       Rancel             317 12
Boid            Alex'r             315 13
Boman           Jacob              321 13
Boman           Joseph             321 19
Boothe          Alex'r             315 11
Bosang          Wm                 398 11
Boshan          Jacob Jr           321 15
Boshany         Jacob              324 14
Bosseman        Christ'n           320 16
Bosseman        G Jr               320 17
Boswell         Eliz'h             319 19
Boswell         I L                399  9
Bowles          T                  316  7
Bowman          Godfrey            317 11
Bowyer          Phillip            323  7
Bowyer          Thomas             321  7
Boyd            Eliz'h             317  3
Boyd            Wm                 323  3
Boys            Wm                 398 18
Braden          Geo                317 14
Brady           Barnit             399  1
Brady           Benj'n H           399  5
Brady           John               321  9
Brady           Patrick            323 10
Brand           David              316 19
Brand           James              316 12
Brand           John               317 17
Brand           Peter              323  4
Brand           Wm                 317 18
Braniman        David              321  5
Brattan         Eliz't             323 13
Brattan         Peter              321 16
Brattan         Wm                 321  3
Brawford        James              318  5
Brawford        John               318  6
Breese          Wm                 398 17
Brenton         Rob't              318  4
Brickman        Wm                 398 10
Bridge          James              316  5
Bright          Geo                317  4
Bright          Geo A              318 17
Bright          John               317  5
Britton         Nancy              398 16
Britton         Tim                323  5
Britton         Wm                 318 12
Brochus         Abram              315 17
Brooke          George             320  6
Brooks          Abr'm              398 12
Brooks          Wm                 315 16
Brooks          Wm Jr              316  3
Brouthe         Geo                324 13
Brown           Anna               407  1
Brown           Benj               320  8
Brown           Cornelius          398  7
Brown           Enoch              322 17
Brown           Francis            322 11
Brown           Hugh               322 10
Brown           Jacob              316  2
Brown           James              316  4
Brown           James              320  4
Brown           James              321  1
Brown           James              321  2
Brown           James (SH)         320 10
Brown           Jas (M*)           320  7
Brown           John               320 20
Brown           John               399  8
Brown           John               406 17
Brown           John Jr            323 15
Brown           Peter              319 14
Brown           Rich'd             323  1
Brown           Rob't              318  1
Brown           Sam'l              316 11
Brown           Sam'l              318  2
Brown           Samual             320 19
Brown           Thos               320  5
Brown           Tho's              317  1
Brown           Wm                 406 18
Brownlee        Alex               318  8
Brownlee        James              318  7
Brownlee        Mary               316 17
Brownlee        Wm                 316 18
Brubeck         Jacob              318 15
Brubeck         Joseph             318 16
Bruffy          Robt               399  4
Brumfield       Kathy              324  9
Bryan           Chas               321 18
Bryan           Susann             399  7
Buckhannon      Alex'r             319 10
Buckhannon      David              319  8
Buckhannon      James              319  7
Buckhannon      Ja's               319  9
Buckley         Ann                317 15
Bulhart         John               315 12
Bumgardner      Cha's              318 14
Bumgardner      Henry              322  8
Bumgardner      Jacob              318  9
Bumgardner      Jacob              318 13
Bumgardner      Robt               322  9
Bunch           Da                 324 10
Burgess         John               398  9
Burgess         Wm                 320  9
Burgess         Wright             399  2
Burk            Ed                 317  6
Burk            Wm                 317  7
Burket          Dan'l              315  7
Burket          Matt               321  4
Burley          James              407  2
Burns           Nancy              322  5
Burns           Sam'l              406 14
Burns           Tho's              318 19
Burnside        Jim                322  6
Burton          Claudius           406 16
Bush            David              321 12
Bush            John               321 10
Bush            Martin             321 11
Bush            Salley             398 15
Byars           David              319 17
Byars           John               319 16
Cain            Cos                326 21
Caldwell        Amos               331 18
Caldwell        David              331 16
Caldwell        John               331 17
Caldwell        Katty              331 15
Caldwell        Wm                 329  7
Calhoon         Wm                 399 16
Callison        Hiram              328  1
Callison        Robt               328 11
Calvert         Hanse              400  3
Cambell         Eliz't             410 15
Campbell        Hugh               326 22
Campbell        James              326 19
Campbell        John               325  1
Campbell        Robt               326 20
Campbell        Tandy              328  6
Campbell        Tho's              331  5
Carahoof        J. F.              326  7
Carahoof        John               326 10
Carden          Robt               328 12
Carminy         John               329 10
Caron           And'w              329 15
Carr            Wm                 329 21
Carrol          Wm                 400  1
Carsner         Jacob              330 21
Carson          Abram              326 12
Carson          Robt               328 15
Carson          Sam'l              328 17
Caruthers       David              331 23
Caruthers       Thos               329 11
Carwile         Mich'l             330  6
Cash            Geo                327  2
Cassell         Valintin           328  2
Cease           Harry              399 11
Chambers        Ann                399 19
Chandler        Sarah              328 20
Chapman         Tim                325  3
Chapman         Wm                 407  6
Chesnut         James              331  2
Chesnut         John               331  3
Christ          Dan'l              331  6
Christ          Jacob              324 20
Christ          John               328 10
Christ          Peggy              332  2
Christian       John               331  8
Christian       Patrick            331  7
Christian       Robt               328  3
Churchman       Elijah             324 17
Claburn         John               329  8
Clark           Jane               399 15
Clark           Nath'l             326 16
Clark           Sam'l              399 10
Clark           Turner             327  9
Claton          John               332  6
Claxton         Nelson             331  1
Clemens         Christ             327  6
Clemens         John               326  3
Clemens         John               326  6
Clemens         Stephen            326  2
Clemens         Thos               326  5
Clemmer         Geo S              330  5
Clemons         Jasper             327 15
Cocaran         Jacob              329 12
Cochran         James              326 18
Coffett         Augustus           330 18
Cofman          Betsy              329 20
Cofman          Dan'l              407  4
Cofman          Jacob              329 19
Cofman          Stophil            329 18
Coiner          Christ'n           331 11
Coiner          Geo Jr             327 18
Coiner          Geo M              329  6
Coiner          George Jr          325 15
Coiner          John               331 12
Coiner          Philip             327 19
Coisner         John Jr            331 19
Colby           Dabney             330 13
Coleman         Ann                399 12
Collett         Isaac              399 18
Colley          Jane               399 14
Collins         James              327 12
Collins         John               325  5
Collins         John (ST)          325 16
Collins         Luke               328 13
Collins         Micajah            327 10
Colly           Wm                 399 13
Coltrider       Henry              329  9
Concle          Jacob              410 16
Conley          Arthur             329  3
Conley          David              331  9
Conley          John               332  7
Connel          Margaret           326  1
Conner          Jacob              327 16
Conner          James              327 13
Conner          John               327 17
Conrad          David              330  8
Conway          Aggy               325 19
Cook            John               324 19
Cook            John (ST)          331  4
Cook            Paul               329 16
Cooper          Ezekial            329  5
Cooper          Henry              399 20
Cooper          James              330 14
Cooper          James              330 20
Cooper          John               400  2
Cooper          Robt               330 16
Cooper          Wm                 330 17
Coorous         John               328  9
Copland         Nancy              331 10
Corbet          Wm                 326 14
Corby           Wm                 330 19
Corner          Jasper             325 13
Corner          Martin             325 11
Cossman         John               326  4
Cother          Charlotte          407  3
Coulter         David              331 20
Coulter         John               331 22
Coulter         John Esq           324 15
Coulter         John Jr            331 21
Coulter         Wm                 407  5
Coultor         John (SR)          332  4
Coursey         James              329  4
Cousins         Bill               400  4
Cowan           Joseph             399 17
Cox             John               329 14
Cox             Philip             330 15
Cox             Stephen            328  8
Cragge          Robt               330  3
Craig           James              327  1
Craig           Susanna            325 14
Craig           Wm                 327  4
Crain           Fred               325 10
Crass           Anderson           332  1
Cravins         James              325  4
Crawford        Alex'r             330  9
Crawford        Geo                327  8
Crawford        James              324 18
Crawford        James              329  2
Crawford        James (NM)         330 10
Crawford        John               329  1
Crawford        John (NM)          326 17
Crawford        Mary               327  7
Crawford        Robt               327  3
Crawford        Sam'l              327  5
Cray            Alex'r             326 13
Cribile         Christ'n           331 13
Crick           Jacob              330 22
Crider          Jacob              330  2
Crim            Jacob              327 11
Croan           Henry              328  5
Croan           Michael            328  7
Crookshank      John               326 15
Croomer         Sam'l              326 11
Crosby          George             328  4
Crouse          Dan'l              328 21
Crouse          Ja's               330  4
Crow            Jacob              331 14
Crow            John               328 16
Crow            John               328 18
Crow            Katy               328 19
Crow            Philip             328 14
Crowbarger      Geo                332  5
Cudden          John               409 12
Culp            Christian          324 16
Cumins          James              327 14
Cummins         John               330 11
Cundiff         James              332  3
Cunningham      A***               330  1
Cunningham      David              330  7
Cunningham      John               329 22
Cunningham      Robt               330 12
Cunningham      Sam'l              329 13
Cups            Dan'l              325  7
Cups            Jacob              329 17
Cups            Marcus             325  2
Curry           Alex'r             325  8
Curry           Benj'n             325  9
Curry           Isaiah             325 18
Curry           James              325  6
Curry           Robt               326  9
Curry           Sam'l              325 12
Curry           Sam'l Capt         325 17
Curry           Wm                 325 17
Curtis          Betsy              326  8
Daggy           John               332 15
Daggy           Peter              332 14
Dalhous         John               335  9
Daniel          Joseph             332 12
Davies          D.W.               335  4
Davies          Eliz't             334  5
Davies          Jerse              334 18
Davies          Nancy              334 21
Davies          Wm                 334 20
Davies          Wm (HG)            335  3
Davies          Wm (MT)            335 10
Davies          Wm Jr              335  8
Davis           Jacob              334  3
Deafabaugh      Geo                335  6
Decken          And'w              333 15
Deeds           Geo                333 17
Deel            John               407  8
Defenbaugh      John               333  9
Deitrich        Jacob D            400  5
Deitrick        Philip             333  3
Denison         John               333 14
Denison         John Jr            333 13
Detimore        Jacob              333 12
Diam            John               333  2
Dickenson       Cha's              333  7
Diddle          John               335  5
Diddle          Wm                 332 10
Dillon          James              333 16
Dixon           Arch'd             333  5
Dixon           John               333 11
Dixon           John Jr            333  8
Dixon           John Sr            333  6
Dixon           Polly              335  2
Dixon           Tho's              333  4
Doak            Cal'n Robt         334 11
Doak            David              334  9
Doak            Jane               334  8
Doak            John               334 12
Doak            Sam'l              334  7
Doak            Tho's              334 10
Dold            Philip             332  8
Donaghe         John               332 19
Donahoe         Sam'l              333 19
Donahoe         Wm                 333 18
Donalson        Jane               334  1
Donalson        John               334  2
Donavan         Dan'l              333 10
Donnally        John               335  7
Doom            Conrad             407  7
Doome           Jacob              332 11
Doome           Widow              332 18
Dougherty       Hugh               334 16
Dougherty       John               334 19
Dowell          Major              332  9
Draper          James              334 14
Duke            James              334  4
Dull            Geo Jr             334  6
Dull            Geo Jr             334 12
Dull            John               334 13
Dull            Philip             335  1
Dunlap          Arch'd             334 17
Dunlap          John               332 16
Dunlap          Joseph             332 13
Dunlap          Robt               332 17
Dunlap          Robt               334 15
Dunston         James              333  1
Eagle           Chas               335 14
Eagle           Henry              336 12
Eagle           John               337 16
Eagle           John               337 17
Eagle           Jonathan           337 11
Eagle           Peter              400 11
Eagle           Philip             337 12
Eagle           Philip             400  8
Eagors          Samson             400 12
Eamen           Henry              337 10
Earhart         Chr's              336  6
Earhart         Peter              336  9
Earley          John               337 14
Early           And'w              336 11
Early           Dan'l              336 10
East            Charles            335 11
Eavens          Joseph             335 16
Eckard          Christian          336  1
Eckard          Jacob              336 20
Eckard          John               409 13
Eckerly         Paul               336  4
Edmonson        Lucy               400  6
Edson           Henry              335 17
Edwards         Martin  G          407  9
Edwards         Samuel             335 13
Eliot           John               336  2
Eliot           Tho's              336 19
Elvin           Janis              336 21
Engleman        Peter              337  2
Engleman        Philip             337  1
Engleman        Wm                 335 18
Engleman        Wm Jr              335 19
Engleton        Anthony            400  7
Engleton        Wm                 400 10
Ervin           James              337 15
Ervin           Jane               336 14
Ervin           John               336 16
Ervin           Joseph             336  3
Ervin           Sam'l              336 13
Ervin           Tho's              336 17
Ervin           Wm & Francis       336 15
Erwin           Ed'w (SG)          336 18
Erwin           Ed'w Jr            337  4
Erwin           Ed'w Sr            337  5
Erwin           James              337  6
Erwin           Peggy              335 15
Estele          John               337  3
Esum            Robt               337 13
Etwater         Anslana            335 12
Eubanks         Garland            400  9
Evans           Evan               337  8
Evans           Evan Jr            336  8
Evans           James              336  5
Evans           Jesse              337  9
Evans           Joseph             335 20
Evans           Joshua Jr          336  7
Eversole        Abram              407 10
Eversole        Abram Jr           407 11
Evilsisor       William            337  7
Fackler         Ann                338 16
Facklin         Jacob              400 15
Fairbain        Wm                 341 12
Fairbarger      Rob't              339 12
Fall            Dan'l              341  8
Fall            Geo                338 18
Fall            Geo Jr             338 19
Fane            Dan'l              339  8
Farkler         Eliz't             340  5
Fasset          Sam'l              340  1
Fauber          Ch'a               338 12
Fauber          Jacob              338 15
Fauber          Jacob              339  6
Fauber          John               338 13
Fauber          John Jr            338 14
Fauber          Joseph             340 20
Fauber          Peter              340  2
Fauber          Tilty              341  2
Feller          Ulrich             339 14
Fellows         Joseph             341 10
Fennel          John               338  4
Fichpatrick     Ja's               341  1
Fichpatrick     Sam'l              340 19
Fifer           Geo                337 18
Fifer           John               337 19
Findley         Sam'l              409 14
Findley         Wm                 340  4
Finton          Enoch              400 13
Fishbourne      Teter              338  6
Fisher          Anthony            338 17
Fisher          Dan'l              341  4
Fisher          David              341  6
Fisher          Henry              339 10
Fisher          Jacob              338 10
Fisher          John               340 11
Fisher          John               341  7
Fisher          John               409 15
Fisher          Wm                 341  9
Fitchpatrick    Caleb              400 17
Fix             Jacob              338 22
Fix             Philip             338 20
Flack           Mary               407 13
Flacks          John               400 16
Flemming        Isaac              341 11
Fletcher        Tho's C            338 11
Fliger          John               338  7
Forbes          Geo                339  5
Forbes          Wm                 400 14
Forman          Jacob              338  5
Fornought       Geo                338  1
Forsythe        Sam'l              339 11
Forty           Henry              339 15
Foster          Wm                 341  3
Fox             Mathias            340 13
Fox             Stophel            340 10
Frame           Sam'l              338  8
Francis         Wm                 340  8
Franker         Geo                340 18
Franker         Gothasine          338 21
Frankum         John               338  9
Fraser          James              339 19
Fraser          James A            340 16
Fraser          James Jr           339 18
Fraser          John W             339 20
Fraser          Mary               339 17
Frasier         Wm                 339 16
Freeman         Molly              340  3
Fretwell        Wm                 407 12
Fridley         Jacob              338  3
Fulton          And'w              339 13
Fulton          Hugh               339  2
Fulton          Hugh               340 14
Fulton          James              340  6
Fulton          John               339  4
Fulton          John               340 15
Fulton          Robt               339  3
Fulton          Tho's              340 17
Fulton          Wm                 340  7
Fultz           Peter              338  2
Fulwider        Geo Sr             340  9
Fulwider        Jacob              339  1
Fulwider        John               339  7
Funk            Abram              341  5
Funkhouser      Isaac              340 12
Fusik           Dan'l              339  9
  The free display of the 1810 Augusta County, Virginia census images in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Carmen J. Finley and the permission of S-K Publications.
  This index was transcribed by Kevin Williams
and proofread by Marsha Thompson

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