The USGenWeb Census Project®
Rockingham County, NC 1840 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.
The free display of the 1840 Rockingham County, NC census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Karl L. Kirkman and the permission of S-K Publications. 
This index was transcribed by Deborah Reynolds
and proofread by Marsha Thompson
Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the names
enumerated in the Rockingham, NC 1840 U. S. Federal Census









Because of the many age‑range columns of the 1840 census, each page has two microfilmed pages. The left‑side of the page which includes the Head‑of‑Household name is the "a" page, and the right‑side of the same page with just the remaining age‑range columns is the "b" page.

If you find a name of interest, click on the LEFT‑PAGE link to view the image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives. To see the remaining numbered columns for that page, click on the RIGHT‑PAGE link.

Then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser to return to this index.
Name of Head of Family         LEFT     RIGHT
Adams         Nancy C.         179a  19  179b
Adams         S.F.             131a  20  131b
Adcock        Sam'l            155a  10  155b
Adcock        Wm.              136a  22  136b
Adkins        D.               161a  24  161b
Adkins        James            163a  30  163b
Aiken         G.S.             158a  30  158b
Aiken         Ja's             159a   1  159b
Alderdice     Mary             154a  29  154b
Alexander     Asley            178a  23  178b
Alexander     Joseph           174a  10  174b
Allcorn       Alfred           137a  24  137b
Allcorn       Jno.             150a   8  150b
Allcorn       R.G.             131a  21  131b
Allen         Andrew Jr.       142a   5  142b
Allen         Annis            133a  22  133b
Allen         Benj'n           141a  29  141b
Allen         Charles          133a  24  133b
Allen         Ja's             149a   3  149b
Allen         Jno.             144a  13  144b
Allen         Jo's, Sen        133a  23  133b
Allen         Jo's.            144a  10  144b
Allen         Nancy            145a  18  145b
Allen         Nath'l           126a  18  126b
Allen         Peggy            144a   3  144b
Allen         S.               142a  10  142b
Allen         Samuel           144a  14  144b
Allen         Samuell          172a  21  172b
Allen         Sarah            164a  13  164b
Allen         Tho's            142a   3  142b
Allen         Vallentine       179a  25  179b
Allen         W.               142a   2  142b
Allen         Wm.              133a  25  133b
Alley         Ann              162a   7  162b
Alley         G.D.             162a  19  162b
Alley         Ja's             160a  15  160b
Alley         P.               159a  26  159b
Amos          Isham            162a  14  162b
Amos          Jno. Sen.        136a   6  136b
Amos          Jno. Sen.        136a  29  136b
Amos          Pleasant         163a  11  163b
Apple         Elisha           134a   5  134b
Armfield      Jacob            146a  12  146b
Aselridge     M.               139a  26  139b
Aston         Jno.             131a   9  131b
Atkinson      William          132a   7  132b
Austin        Champion         178a  14  178b
Ayers         John             162a   9  162b
Babb          Judey            175a  12  175b
Bacon         Ja's             141a  23  141b
Bailey        Dan'l            147a  16  147b
Bailey        P.H.             161a  10  161b
Bailey        Sinia            155a  16  155b
Bailey        T.               153a  29  153b
Baily         B.               141a   8  141b
Baker         Abram            152a  15  152b
Baker         Charles          152a  14  152b
Baker         J.R.             161a  20  161b
Ballington    Josiah           158a  10  158b
Banner        A.E.             162a  26  162b
Barbour       Henry            138a   8  138b
Barbour       John             141a  12  141b
Barbour       R.               139a   4  139b
Barker        John             169a  18  169b
Barnes        A.               158a  28  158b
Barnes        Abner            176a  22  176b
Barnes        Eppy P.          177a  12  177b
Barnes        Hiram            175a   6  175b
Barnes        Jno.             140a  28  140b
Barnes        Joab             174a  18  174b
Barnes        John             176a   6  176b
Barnes        Mary             166a   6  166b
Barnes        William          175a   8  175b
Barns         Henry            174a  17  174b
Barr          David            140a  19  140b
Barrack?      Wm.              139a  23  139b
Barter        W.D.             158a  21  158b
Bartlett      Henry            142a   1  142b
Barton        Lewis            143a   6  143b
Basin         Ja's             159a  24  159b
Basin         Joseph           126a  21  126b
Basin         Martha           139a   5  139b
Bass          H.               142a  21  142b
Bateman       J.               143a  17  143b
Baughn        Henry            169a   4  169b
Baughn        J.K.             126a  25  126b
Baughn        Jno.             130a  16  130b
Baughn        Silas            131a  26  131b
Baughn        William          169a  15  169b
Beaf          Eliz.            139a  30  139b
Bearey        H.               144a  15  144b
Beaucock      Drury            165a   8  165b
Beck          A.D.             170a  16  170b
Belton        Mary             164a  30  164b
Belton        Oney             165a   3  165b
Bennet        Cha's            140a  23  140b
Bennet        Geo.             139a  19  139b
Bennet        Nath'l           139a  16  139b
Bennet        W.N.             146a  20  146b
Benton        Alex'r           149a   8  149b
Benton        O.               125a  29  125b
Benton        Tho's            142a  28  142b
Benton        Tho's            155a  14  155b
Beram         Benj'n           160a  30  160b
Beram         Eli              161a   1  161b
Beram         Lemuel           160a  27  160b
Bethel        Alfred           149a  14  149b
Bethell       W.D.             157a  27  157b
Billingsly    S.B.             128a  15  128b
Birney        Jane             134a   1  134b
Bishop        F.               144a  26  144b
Black         J.               127a   4  127b
Black         Ja's             139a  15  139b
Black         Pleasant         162a  17  162b
Blackburn     Jno.             130a  21  130b
Blackwell     Tho's Jun.       136a  20  136b
Blackwell     Tho's Sen.       136a  19  136b
Blair         Henry W.         173a   6  173b
Blair         John             152a  13  152b
Boak          Nancy            147a  23  147b
Boatwright    J.M.             153a   4  153b
Bolden        Jariot           175a   4  175b
Bolden        Margaret         175a   3  175b
Boman         Rial             143a  13  143b
Boman         Wiley            141a  28  141b
Bostic        Absolam          159a  28  159b
Boyd          Elizabeth        148a   5  148b
Boyd          G.D.             127a  14  127b
Boyd          H.A.             158a  19  158b
Boyles        Dan'l            145a  10  145b
Boyles        G.               142a   6  142b
Boyles        M.               145a  13  145b
Bradfield     Lewis?           160a  10  160b
Brand         Jno.             133a  20  133b
Brannon       Judey            169a  21  169b
Brannon       N.               152a  27  152b
Braswell      B.W.             129a   9  129b
Brent         J.N.             134a   9  134b
Briant        Coleman          133a  27  133b
Bridgefield   A.               142a  14  142b
Bridgeman     Fanny            165a   9  165b
Bright        J.M.             163a  15  163b
Brim          Joseph           179a   8  179b
Brim          M.               164a  18  164b
Brim          Martha           178a  16  178b
Brim          P.               158a  31  158b
Brim          Raley            179a  14  179b
Brim          Rice             171a   5  171b
Brinchfield   Clemment         132a  16  132b
Brintle       Jno.             142a  20  142b
Brisindine    Abner            162a  20  162b
Brisindine    Isaac            128a  11  128b
Brisindine    Jerry            128a   1  128b
Brisindine    Philip           127a  17  127b
Brisle        Nancy            131a  13  131b
Broadnax      E.T.             158a   8  158b
Broadnax      Robt.            166a  19  166b
Browder       Rich'd           150a   1  150b
Brown         Alex'r           128a  13  128b
Brown         Elizabeth        143a  29  143b
Brown         H.               166a  16  166b
Brown         J.B.             134a  12  134b
Brown         J.B.             134a  20  134b
Brown         Jno.             165a  25  165b
Brown         John             135a   7  135b
Brown         Nancy            166a   4  166b
Brown         Robert           137a   9  137b
Brown         Robt.            164a  19  164b
Brown         Wm.              126a  16  126b
Browning      E.G.             138a  27  138b
Bryant        Elisha           177a  15  177b
Bryant        S.O.             156a  22  156b
Bunden        James            176a   3  176b
Burant        Jno.             147a  27  147b
Burgess       Celia            140a  17  140b
Burke         F.               166a  18  166b
Burres        Ja's             134a  27  134b
Burris        William          176a   8  176b
Burton        Ja's             130a  24  130b
Burton        Jno.             155a   6  155b
Burton        Jones W.         170a  17  170b
Burton        Robt.            138a  14  138b
Busey         Jno.             149a  31  149b
Busic         Andy             141a  17  141b
Busic         D.               141a  15  141b
Busic         R.               147a   3  147b
Butler        Moss             144a   1  144b
Buxton        Jno.             151a   5  151b
Cabaniss      Wm.              158a  29  158b
Cahall        Barney           153a   1  153b
Calhoun       Moses            164a  26  164b
Campbell      John             177a   1  177b
Cantrell      John             153a  26  153b
Cantrell      Thompson         140a   5  140b
Cardiff       C.C.             163a  10  163b
Cardwell      Gabriel          171a  29  171b
Cardwell      J.S.             125a  12  125b
Cardwell      Joel             125a  19  125b
Cardwell      Peter A.         169a   1  169b
Cardwell      R.P.             128a  14  128b
Cardwell      Susan            165a   5  165b
Carroll       Athel            153a  17  153b
Carroll       Dan'l            150a  11  150b
Carroll       E.               142a  11  142b
Carroll       Laney            150a   9  150b
Carroll       Wm.              150a  10  150b
Carter        Benj'n           150a   5  150b
Carter        D.               160a  13  160b
Carter        Ebenezer         173a   5  173b
Carter        George           179a  26  179b
Carter        Hardin           172a   7  172b
Carter        Isaac            177a  23  177b
Carter        J.               152a   6  152b
Carter        Jno.             136a  18  136b
Carter        John             128a  28  128b
Carter        Jones            177a  22  177b
Carter        Joseph           152a  10  152b
Carter        Melchisdic       169a  29  169b
Carter        Thomas           172a   2  172b
Carter        Thomas           172a  11  172b
Carter        Thomas           172a  28  172b
Carter        Thomas           177a  21  177b
Carter        Tho's            130a   7  130b
Carter        Tollaver         172a  29  172b
Carter        Tyre             172a   6  172b
Carter        W.B.             151a  27  151b
Carter        William          152a   9  152b
Carter        William          177a  24  177b
Carver        Leonard          156a  17  156b
Case          Elizabeth        161a  14  161b
Casey         Cha's            128a  22  128b
Celley        Elizabeth        172a  17  172b
Chambers      Jno.             146a   9  146b
Chambers      Pinckney         146a  23  146b
Chambers      Prior            146a   8  146b
Chance        Alfred           141a  27  141b
Chance        B.               142a   9  142b
Chance        T.C.             149a  10  149b
Chance        Tho's            146a  10  146b
Chandler      E.               166a   8  166b
Chandler      J.D.             146a   6  146b
Chandler      Wm.              165a  17  165b
Chatham       James            142a  27  142b
Chilton       Sam'l            150a  28  150b
Christmas     Saml.            134a  16  134b
Churchill     Ja's             162a  13  162b
Churchill     Owen             125a  24  125b
Claiborne     Martha           147a   7  147b
Claybrock     Henry            174a  16  174b
Clemmons      Martin           134a  25  134b
Clifton       Elias            176a  13  176b
Clymer        Bennett          133a  13  133b
Coarts        Geo.             151a  18  151b
Coats         R.H.             151a  15  151b
Cobb          J.D.             127a  10  127b
Cobb          Mat.             141a  22  141b
Cobb          Milton           152a  19  152b
Cobb          P.               154a  30  154b
Cobler        Elijsha          178a  19  178b
Cobler        Frederick        178a  15  178b
Cobler        James            178a  25  178b
Cobler        Nicholas         178a  13  178b
Cobler        Thomas           178a  20  178b
Cody          Jno.             131a  28  131b
Coffee        Dan'l            165a  13  165b
Coffee        Nancy            172a  14  172b
Cole          Jane             132a  15  132b
Cole          Rebecca          146a   7  146b
Cole          Tunis            153a  18  153b
Coleman       George           159a  22  159b
Coleman       Isaac            145a  12  145b
Coleman       Tilsmon          170a   6  170b
Coleman       Wm.              137a   3  137b
Collins       Sarah            146a   4  146b
Coltson       Elizabeth        175a  24  175b
Coltson       Mary             175a  23  175b
Coma          Wiley J.         172a   8  172b
Combs         William          173a   4  173b
Conner        William          147a  17  147b
Connor        Benj'n           156a  15  156b
Cook          Joseph           152a   3  152b
Coram         R.L.             153a  22  153b
Cornwall      Edith            143a  24  143b
Cornwall      Sam'l            146a  13  146b
Covington     Edmond           171a  13  171b
Covington     Joseph           171a  15  171b
Covington     Nancy            145a  26  145b
Covington     William          125a   8  125b
Cox           R.               165a   4  165b
Coxes         John             172a  19  172b
Cradoc        Thomas           178a  26  178b
Cradock       Isham            177a   9  177b
Cradock       John             177a  10  177b
Craig         J.               138a  23  138b
Craig         William          173a  15  173b
Crawford      Archibald        145a  30  145b
Crawford      E.H.             161a  17  161b
Crawford      J.               160a  12  160b
Crawford      Joseph           146a   2  146b
Crawford      Peter            146a   1  146b
Crier         Jno. Jr.         148a   9  148b
Crier         Jno. Sen.        148a   7  148b
Crier         N.G.             148a   6  148b
Crier         T.L. Esqr.       148a  11  148b
Cromwell      E.               148a  13  148b
Crowder       Jacob            147a  20  147b
Crumpton      Abner            149a  16  149b
Crutchfield   Wm.              163a   5  163b
Cummings      Isaac            127a  16  127b
Cummings      Sarah            128a  27  128b
Cummings      Wm.              128a  17  128b
Cummings      Wm.              130a  23  130b
Currie        Cally            152a  12  152b
Currie        James            137a  23  137b
Curtice       James            126a  13  126b
Dalton        E.G.             125a  15  125b
Dalton        Rachall          135a   4  135b
Dalton        Reuben           151a  14  151b
Dalton        S.A.             162a   4  162b
Dalton        Tho's            136a  28  136b
Dalton        William          169a   7  169b
Daniel        Martin           156a   4  156b
Daniel        Willis           156a  12  156b
Davis         Jno.             155a   8  155b
Davis         Jno.             158a   4  158b
Davis         Rich'd           125a  27  125b
Davis         Sarah            160a   9  160b
Davis         T.M.             163a   1  163b
Dawson        Jno.             133a  26  133b
Day           Margaret         174a  30  174b
Dearen        Jno.             146a  21  146b
Dearman       James M.         176a  20  176b
Dearman       Robert           177a   2  177b
Delaney       Catharine        141a   1  141b
Dennon        Mary             173a  16  173b
Denny         Jno.             163a   4  163b
Denton        Wm.              141a  20  141b
Dickerson     Peyton           171a  11  171b
Dicky         Davy             134a  14  134b
Dillard       James            170a   4  170b
Dilworth      A.               129a   7  129b
Dilworth      H.               129a   6  129b
Dilworth      Nancy            133a   1  133b
Dimond        Jno.             134a  22  134b
Dismukes      R.T.             140a  15  140b
Dix           G.W.             157a  30  157b
Dix           W.P.             157a  29  157b
Dixon         Robt.            147a  24  147b
Dodd          Nathaniel        174a  11  174b
Dodd          P.A.             126a  12  126b
Dogget        Geo.             147a  25  147b
Donnell       E.               139a  28  139b
Donnell       Wm. Jr.          140a  14  140b
Donnell       Wm. Sen.         140a  12  140b
Driskel       Mosy             152a  24  152b
Duke          K.R.             138a  24  138b
Duncan        William          152a  22  152b
Duncan        William          157a  15  157b
Durham        David            156a   6  156b
Durham        John             146a  19  146b
Durham        Wm.              156a   5  156b
Dye           Brown            129a   8  129b
Easley        Anderson         128a  21  128b
Edwards       Catharine        154a  28  154b
Edwards       Saml.            134a  15  134b
Edwards       William          176a  12  176b
Ellington     C.F.             130a  10  130b
Ellington     Farrow           158a   3  158b
Ellington     J.D.             154a  19  154b
Ellington     J.P.             158a   9  158b
Ellington     J.W.             138a  29  138b
Ellington     Joseph           170a  11  170b
Ellington     Pleasant         158a   6  158b
Ellington     W.M.             138a  18  138b
Elliot        Sabina           174a   5  174b
Elliott       Amos             138a   6  138b
England       James            170a   9  170b
England       R.M.             151a  23  151b
Ervin         George           170a   3  170b
Estice        B.               157a  25  157b
Estice        Rich'd           157a  24  157b
This index was transcribed by Deborah Reynolds
and proofread by Marsha Thompson

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