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Mississippi County, MO 1850 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Mississippi County, MO 1850 census













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Laerwell       Abraham          21    Tennessee        475b  25
Laerwell       Jacob            12    Missouri         478a  12
Laerwell       R.               19    Tennessee        478a  10
Laerwell       Wm.              15    Missouri         478a  11
Lane           Bridget          75    Pennsylvania     452a  26
Lane           R. P.            6     Missouri         451a  32
Langston       James A.         1     Missouri         457b  24
Langston       Leonard          25    North Carolina   457b  22
Langston       Minerva          24    Tennessee        457b  23
Lankersham     A. L.            29    England          453b   7
Lankersham     Isaac            32    Bavaria          453b   6
Lankersham     James B.         5/12  Missouri         453b   9
Lankersham     S. H.            3     Missouri         453b   8
Lawrence       Jesse            27    Tennessee        466a  38
Lawrence       Pomelia          18    Illinois         466a  39
Lee            C. H.            7     Kentucky         451a  40
Lee            Christopher      5     Kentucky         454b  26
Lee            Dorothy          37    Kentucky         456a  37
Lee            E.               9     Kentucky         451a  39
Lee            Elizabeth H.     20    Kentucky         450a  18
Lee            Elizabeth J.     16    Kentucky         456a  40
Lee            Elmira M.        4     Kentucky         456b   3
Lee            H. C.            19    Kentucky         451a  35
Lee            Henry            66    Maryland         456a  20
Lee            James            44    Kentucky         451a  33
Lee            James A.         12    Kentucky         456a  42
Lee            James R.         1     Kentucky         450a  20
Lee            Jesse            20    Kentucky         456a  22
Lee            Jno.             14    Kentucky         451a  37
Lee            John H.          18    Kentucky         456a  39
Lee            M.               17    Kentucky         451a  36
Lee            M. A.            8     Kentucky         454b  25
Lee            Margaret         43    Virginia         451a  34
Lee            Margaret A.      20    Kentucky         456a  38
Lee            Mary Ann         18    Kentucky         456a  23
Lee            Nancy            66    Kentucky         456a  21
Lee            Nancy            42    Kentucky         454b  23
Lee            Nancy            18    Illinois         464b  29
Lee            Nancy E.         14    Kentucky         456a  41
Lee            R. A.            44    Kentucky         454b  22
Lee            Rachel           11    Kentucky         451a  38
Lee            Rebecca J.       6     Kentucky         456b   2
Lee            Silvester        14    Kentucky         454b  24
Lee            Susan O.         2     Kentucky         456b   4
Lee            Thomas           4     Kentucky         454b  27
Lee            Thomas T.        23    Kentucky         450a  17
Lee            Wilson           20    Kentucky         464b  28
Lee            Wm. H.           2     Kentucky         450a  19
Lee            Wm. R.           9     Kentucky         456b   1
Lee            Wm. T.           42    Kentucky         456a  36
Lett           A. J.            27    North Carolina   452b  12
Lett           Ambrose          34    Tennessee        452b  11
Lett           B. F.            3     Tennessee        454a  42
Lett           Brunetta         29    Tennessee        454a  38
Lett           Elizabeth        4/12  Missouri         452b  17
Lett           Elizabeth        35    North Carolina   452b  19
Lett           John             7     Tennessee        452b  14
Lett           John             31    Tennessee        454a  37
Lett           L. C.            5     Tennessee        452b  15
Lett           Mary J.          8     Tennessee        452b  13
Lett           William          40    Tennessee        452b  18
Lett           Wm.              2     Missouri         452b  16
Lewis          Alfred           34    Illinois         468b  15
Lewis          Cebron           9     Kentucky         468b  18
Lewis          Elizabeth        24    Kentucky         475a  15
Lewis          Elizabeth A.     18    Tennessee        466b   8
Lewis          Ira              57    S. Carolina      466b   7
Lewis          Isaac            4     Missouri         475a  17
Lewis          James            6     Kentucky         468b  19
Lewis          James            5     Missouri         475a  16
Lewis          John A.          16    Tennessee        466b   9
Lewis          Lott             45    Ohio             475a  14
Lewis          Lucy A.          11/12 Missouri         475a  18
Lewis          P. Ambros        8     Missouri         457b  36
Lewis          Rachel           34    Kentucky         468b  16
Lewis          Saml.            4     Kentucky         468b  21
Lewis          Thomas           5     Kentucky         468b  20
Lile           James            8     Arkansas         476a  21
Lile           Mariah           17    Indiana          476a  20
Lile           Peter            30    Kentucky         476a  19
Little         Francis          3     Missouri         475a  23
Little         George           5     Missouri         475a  21
Little         Mary A.          4     Missouri         475a  22
Lockhart       J. A.            23    Virginia         465b  34
Logan          Benjamin         4/12  Missouri         475b  15
Logan          Clarena          7     Missouri         475b  13
Logan          Easter           36    Tennessee        475b  10
Logan          Elizabeth A.     10/12 Missouri         464b  19
Logan          Francis          4     Missouri         475b  14
Logan          H. D.            47    Kentucky         475b   9
Logan          Joel             15    Tennessee        475b  11
Logan          Joseph           24    Tennessee        475b  16
Logan          Robert           13    Tennessee        475b  12
Logan          William          26    Kentucky         464b  18
Loury          Robert           18    Missouri         465b  42
Lovell         Preslley L.      23    Tennessee        461b   3
Lowry          E.               13    Missouri         451b   5
Lowry          Malinda          16    Missouri         477a  12
Lucas          Emeline          20    Tennessee        470a  14
Lucas          James            39    Missouri         470a  13
Lucas          Levina           5     Missouri         470a  18
Lucas          M. C.            17    Missouri         470a  15
Lucas          M. E.            2     Missouri         470a  19
Lucas          Mary A.          10    Missouri         470a  16
Lucas          S. A.            8     Missouri         470a  17
Luce           Celia            58    Tennessee        458b  17
Lynch          B. F.            7     Kentucky         453a  31
Lynch          E. F.            12    Tennessee        453a  30
Lynch          Isaac            39    South Carolina   453a  28
Lynch          Mary             34    Tennessee        453a  29
Lynch          T. J.            5     Kentucky         453a  32
Macum          Stephen          24    Missouri         463b  39
Mahon          Cary             33    Kentucky         460a  34
Mahon          John             10    Kentucky         460a  37
Mahon          Lewis            52    North Carolina   460a  33
Mahon          Martha           7     Kentucky         460a  38
Mahon          Mary             5     Kentucky         460a  39
Mahon          Richard          14    Kentucky         460a  36
Mahon          Susan            18    Kentucky         460a  35
Mangrum        H. J.            31    Kentucky         457b  32
Mangrum        Lucinda          29    Kentucky         457b  33
Mangrum        S. A.            7     Missouri         457b  35
Mangrum        W. H.            12    Kentucky         457b  34
Manson         Matthew          23    Scotland         466b   6
Markham        A. D.            45    Alabama          476b  12
Markham        Catharine        40    Alabama          476b  13
Markstine      H.               24    Prussia          450a  22
Markstine      Jane             2     Missouri         450a  23
Markstine      N.               30    Germany          450a  21
Martin         A.               20    Tennessee        461b  28
Martin         Cook             2/12  Missouri         461b  29
Martin         Eleanor          28    Kentucky         462b  20
Martin         Elizabeth        11    Illinois         462b  23
Martin         F. M.            16    Kentucky         461b  30
Martin         John             28    Kentucky         461b  27
Martin         John             2     Missouri         462b  25
Martin         Lewis            23    Kentucky         461b  31
Martin         Mariah           9     Illinois         462b  24
Martin         Reeves           7     Missouri         462b   9
Martin         Tranquilla       8/12  Missouri         462b  26
Martin         Uriah            40    Kentucky         462b  19
Mason          Ann              11    Kentucky         465b   4
Mason          Ira E.           46    North Carolina   451a  28
Mason          L.               17    Missouri         471b  20
Mason          Martha           21    Tennessee        451a  30
Mason          Mary             30    Missouri         451a  29
Mason          Thos. J.         13    Tennessee        451a  31
Mason          Zadock           21    Indiana          471b  19
Massy          E. C.            3     Kentucky         463a  23
Massy          Isabella         22    Tennessee        463a  22
Massy          John             25    Kentucky         458b   6
Massy          Levi             25    Tennessee        463a  21
Maxfield       Benjamin         20    Missouri         475b  17
Maxfield       Thomas           27    Alabama          468b  25
Maxwell        Sarah            14    Missouri         475a  32
Maybee         Mary             4     Missouri         469a  22
Maybee         Rebecca          11    Missouri         469a  21
McBride        David            49    Tennessee        476a   5
McBride        Francis          15    Tennessee        476a   6
McBride        Sarah            12    Missouri         457b  37
McBride        William          12    Tennessee        476a   7
McCary         Edward           21    Missouri         465b   5
McClane        John             7/12  Missouri         473b  38
McClane        Joseph           32    Alabama          473b  37
McClannahan    A.               55    Virginia         458b  41
McClannahan    Elizabeth        Blank Blank            458b  42
McCloud        David            12    Indiana          465a  26
McCloud        Elizabeth        5     Missouri         459a  29
McCloud        Elizabeth        32    Kentucky         459a  23
McCloud        James M.         11    Missouri         459a  25
McCloud        John G. C.       3     Missouri         459a  30
McCloud        Mary A.          15    Missouri         459a  24
McCloud        Sam F.           7     Missouri         459a  28
McCloud        Sarah E.         10    Missouri         459a  26
McCloud        Susannah         1     Missouri         459a  31
McCloud        Wm.              26    Virginia         459a  22
McCloud        Wm. J.           9     Missouri         459a  27
McClure        Andrew Jackson   53    New Jersey       473a  23
McClure        Emeline          3     Illinois         473a  28
McClure        Hannah E.        5     Illinois         473a  27
McClure        John J.          9     Arkansas         473a  25
McClure        Nancy D.         6     Illinois         473a  26
McClure        Polly A.         9/12  Missouri         473a  29
McClure        Sarah            27    Tennessee        473a  24
McCoy          James            33    Ohio             472a  27
McCoy          Mahala           27    Tennessee        472a  28
McDaniel       M. M.            21    Indiana          455b  28
McDaniel       Nancy E.         2     Missouri         455b  30
McDaniel       S. L.            16    Alabama          455a  37
McDonald       John             25    New York         451b  39
McDonald       William          32    Ohio             477a  35
McElmurry      Abigail          33    Tennessee        461a   5
McElmurry      Absalom          13    Missouri         453b  31
McElmurry      B. G.            35    Missouri         461a   4
McElmurry      Elizabeth        6     Missouri         453b  30
McElmurry      Hardin W.        1/12  Missouri         461a   9
McElmurry      John S.          10    Missouri         453b  32
McElmurry      Mary S.          5     Missouri         461a   7
McElmurry      Nancy J.         20    Kentucky         453b  29
McElmurry      Philip J.        2     Missouri         461a   8
McElmurry      Sarah E.         10    Missouri         461a   6
McElmurry      Thos. S.         34    Missouri         453b  28
McElyeah       Martha J.        9     Missouri         466a  22
McFarland      James            25    Tennessee        458b   8
McGill         Amanda           25    Tennessee        477a  40
McGill         Henry            9     Kentucky         477a  41
McGill         J. A.            7     Kentucky         477a  42
McGill         John             10/12 Missouri         477b   3
McGill         William          30    Tennessee        477a  39
McIntosh       Benjamin W.      53    Tennessee        473a  42
McIntosh       Elizabeth        50    Tennessee        473b   1
McIntosh       George Ann       5/12  Missouri         473b   4
McIntosh       Martha A.        21    Maryland         473b   3
McIntosh       Seth B.          22    Tennessee        473b   2
Means          Eliza            25    Kentucky         462b   6
Means          John             50    Pennsylvania     462b   5
Means          Margaret         1     Missouri         462b   7
Metcalf        C.               35    N. York          472b  36
Metcalf        S. H.            3     Tennessee        472b  38
Metcalf        T.               28    Tennessee        472b  37
Millar         Abraham          74    Virginia         457b   5
Millar         Abraham          34    Ohio             457b  13
Millar         Abraham          18    Ohio             457b  11
Millar         Adam             38    Ohio             457b   7
Millar         Ann R.           6     Missouri         457b  15
Millar         B. F.            12    Ohio             477a  31
Millar         Charles          16    Ohio             457b  10
Millar         E. R.            1     Missouri         477a  34
Millar         Franklin         20    Ohio             457b   9
Millar         G. R.            9     Ohio             477a  32
Millar         Isaac            43    Ohio             477a  27
Millar         J. W.            7     Missouri         477a  33
Millar         Lucinda          4     Missouri         457b  16
Millar         Mariah           43    Ohio             477a  28
Millar         Nancy B.         13    Ohio             477a  30
Millar         Orlena           17    Kentucky         477b   4
Millar         Rebecca          67    Virginia         457b   6
Millar         Rebecca          15    Ohio             477a  29
Millar         Reynolds         26    Ohio             457b   8
Millar         Sarah A.         34    Virginia         457b  14
Mills          A.               12    Missouri         451a   4
Mills          A. M.            5     Missouri         458b  24
Mills          Allis            2     Missouri         471a  19
Mills          Benj. B.         15    Missouri         460b  36
Mills          D. A.            4     Missouri         458b  25
Mills          D. A.            3/12  Missouri         472a  11
Mills          D. A.            2     Missouri         472a  10
Mills          Dorcas           57    S. Carolina      472a   7
Mills          E. A.            33    Tennessee        458b  20
Mills          Elizabeth        26    Missouri         471a  15
Mills          F.               9/12  Missouri         451a   8
Mills          F. L.            33    Indiana          458b  19
Mills          Harriet C.       20    England          472a   9
Mills          I.               39    Indiana          451a   2
Mills          I.               10    Missouri         451a   5
Mills          Jefferson        42    Georgia          460b  35
Mills          Jones            32    Indiana          471a  14
Mills          M. J.            5     Missouri         451a   7
Mills          Mary C.          9     Missouri         458b  21
Mills          Prudence         7     Missouri         458b  23
Mills          Richard D.       10    Missouri         460b  37
Mills          S.               7     Missouri         451a   6
Mills          S. A.            3     Missouri         460b  38
Mills          Senah            27    Missouri         451a   3
Mills          W. N.            1     Missouri         458b  26
Mitchell       Elizabeth        23    Maryland         454a  34
Mitchell       George L.        25    Maryland         454a  32
Mitchell       Virginia         24    Tennessee        474a   3
Mitchell       W. H.            33    Tennessee        473b  39
Montgomery     William          22    Kentucky         464b  31
Moore          Ann              23    Indiana          465b  36
Moore          B. J.            26    Kentucky         454a  14
Moore          Catharine        41    Kentucky         453b   4
Moore          Catharine A.     28    Kentucky         464b  12
Moore          Chas. W.         36    Maryland         453b   3
Moore          Ditha            3     Misssouri        465b  38
Moore          H. H.            7     Missouri         453b   5
Moore          James L.         44    Maryland         456b  20
Moore          Joseph           6     Missouri         465b  37
Moore          Joseph C.        17    Missouri         456b  22
Moore          Joshua           27    Kentucky         464b  11
Moore          Lillard          30    Missouri         465b  35
Moore          Lucretia A.      10/12 Missouri         464b  16
Moore          Margaret O.      2     Missouri         464b  15
Moore          Mary E.          3     Missouri         456b  23
Moore          Mary J.          40    Kentucky         456b  21
Moore          William H.       4     Missouri         464b  14
Morgan         Abraham          56    Kentucky         467b   2
Morgan         Banabas          10    Tennessee        471b   8
Morgan         John             4/12  Missouri         467b   5
Morgan         M. E.            5     Kentucky         468a  11
Morgan         M. O.            3     Missouri         468a  12
Morgan         Mary             25    Kentucky         468a  10
Morgan         N. A.            25    Indiana          467b   3
Morgan         S. A.            15    Tennessee        471b   7
Morgan         S. J.            3     Missouri         467b   4
Morgan         Thomas           17    Tennessee        471b   6
Morgan         William          26    Kentucky         468a   9
Morgan         William          11    Missouri         471b   9
Morris         Elizabeth        15    Kentucky         469a  36
Morris         George           42    Kentucky         469a  35
Morris         George           10    Kentucky         459a   2
Morris         James            13    Kentucky         469a  40
Morris         M. J.            8     Kentucky         469a  37
Morris         Mary A.          4     Kentucky         469a  39
Morris         Polly            14    Kentucky         470b  34
Morris         Richard          6     Kentucky         469a  38
Morris         William          12    Kentucky         468b  27
Morrison       C.               15    Missouri         451b  11
Morton         Jno. M.          9     Missouri         451b   3
Mory           William          35    New Jersey       476a  14
Moulder        C.               9     Missouri         450a  39
Moulder        Elizabeth        35    Kentucky         450a  37
Moulder        H. W.            50    Georgia          450a  36
Moulder        L. H.            36    Alabama          472b  29
Moulder        M. B.            7     Missouri         450a  40
Moulder        N.               14    Kentucky         450a  38
Munn           Ellen            3     Missouri         469b  25
Munn           L. D.            32    Ohio             469b  22
Munn           Martha           25    Tennessee        469b  23
Munn           William          5/12  Missouri         469b  26
Myars          A. W.            7     Missouri         474a  34
Myars          C. C.            11    Tennessee        474a  33
Myars          David B.         20    Tennessee        474a  30
Myars          Elizabeth J.     17    Tennessee        474a  31
Myars          Emily J.         14    Tennessee        474a  32
Myars          Sarah            53    Virginia         474a  28
Myars          Thomas W.        23    Tennessee        474a  29
Myrick         Amanda           11    Missouri         476b  23
Myrick         George W.        8     Missouri         454b   4
Myrick         James L.         19    Tennessee        476b  21
Myrick         Jason            47    Tennessee        476b  19
Myrick         L.               2     Missouri         454b   5
Myrick         Lewis            4     Missouri         476b  25
Myrick         Mariah           20    Tennessee        476b  20
Myrick         Martha           9     Missouri         476b  24
Myrick         Matthew          13    Tennessee        476b  22
Myrick         Wm. F.           25    Tennessee        453b  27
Naive          E. F.            4     Tennessee        465a   3
Naive          James H.         25    Tennessee        465a   1
Naive          M.A.             2     Missouri         465a   4
Naive          Mary             23    Tennessee        465a   2
Nesler         Hiram            20    Indiana          474b  40
Newman         A. R.            37    Virginia         450a   1
Newman         Arabella         5     Missouri         450a   6
Newman         Franklin         21    Kentucky         463a  12
Newman         Martha M.        1     Missouri         450a   7
Newman         Milton           19    Kentucky         463a  13
Newman         N. A.            32    Kentucky         450a   2
Newman         Rebecca          54    Kentucky         463a  11
Niman          John             35    Kentucky         476a  15
Niman          Missouri         25    Missouri         476a  16
Niman          No Name          5/12  Missouri         476a  18
No Name        Andrew Jackson   4     Missouri         466b  38
No Name        Eliza            23    Missouri         466b  36
No Name        Mary             8/12  Missouri         466b  39
No Name        Sarah Ann        7     Missouri         466b  37
Norrid         A. F.            25    Tennessee        474a  41
Norrid         John D.          2     Missouri         474a  42
Norrid         No Name          1/12  Missouri         474b   1
Norrid         Preston A.       30    Tennessee        474a  40
Norris         Angeline         26    Kentucky         472a  23
Norris         Charles          38    Indiana          472b  34
Norris         David            4     Missouri         472a  25
Norris         Malissa          6     Missouri         472a  24
Norris         R.               9     Mississippi      458b  16
Noyes          Allis            15    Kentucky         463a  42
Noyes          Edwin            11    Missouri         463b   1
Noyes          Elijah           9     Illinois         463b  21
Noyes          Ellen            6     Missouri         463b   3
Noyes          Emma             8     Missouri         463b   2
Noyes          Evan             17    Ohio             463b  18
Noyes          Farnma           28    Massachusetts    463b  23
Noyes          Florella         38    New Hampshire    463a  41
Noyes          Isaac            41    Massachusetts    463b  16
Noyes          Levina           13    Illinois         463b  20
Noyes          Margaret         39    Maryland         463b  17
Noyes          Sarah            15    Ohio             463b  19
Nunn           George W.        29    Kentucky         458b  11
Nunn           Mary J.          1     Misssouri        458b  14
Nunn           S. S.            3     Missouri         458b  13
Nunn           Sarah            24    Kentucky         458b  12
The free display of the 1850 Mississippi County, MO census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Lesa Kirksey and the permission of S-K Publications. 
This index was transcribed by Lesa Kirksey
and proofread by Mark A. Kirksey

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