The USGenWeb Census Project®
Saginaw County, MI 1850 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.
The free display of the 1850 Saginaw County, Michigan census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Beth Wills and the permission of S-K Publications. 
This index was transcribed by Linda Talbott
and proofread by Claudberta Meador
Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Saginaw County, MI 1850 census








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S*rvis            Emma C               3      New York          109b  20
S*rvis            Luke O               8/12   Michigan          109b  21
S*rvis            Margaret             24     Ireland           109b  19
S*rvis            William              30     Canada            109b  18
Savage            Charles E            25     New York          107a  24
Sayles            D J                  26     Ohio              105b  26
Sayles            Eliza                25     Connecticut       105b  28
Sayles            Franklin W           35     New York          105b  27
Sayles            Helen                2      Ohio              105b  30
Sayles            William H            5      Ohio              105b  29
Sch**pashe        Henry                40     Germany            90a  28
Schit             Yost                 21     Germany           104a  27
Schlei*           Anna K               24     Germany            99b  18
Schlei*           Johann G             28     Germany            99b  17
Schlenk           Babete M             35     Germany           101b   5
Schlenk           Helena               6/12   Michigan          101b   7
Schlenk           John P               39     Germany           101b   4
Schlenk           Maria M              2      Michigan          101b   6
Schmidt           Eva B                28     Germany           105b   5
Schmidt           Johann               31     Germany           105b   4
Schnell           Anna M               51     Germany           102b   1
Schnell           George               21     Germany           102b   2
Schnell           George A             51     Germany           102a  42
Schnell           Leonhard             7      Germany           102b   6
Schnell           Margaretha           12     Germany           102b   5
Schnell           Maria                16     Germany           102b   4
Schnell           Michael              18     Germany           102b   3
Schroll           Anna C               40     Germany            99a  27
Schroll           Anna M               74     Germany            99a  28
Schroll           Johann               45     Germany            99a  26
Schullhass        Friedrich            22     Germany           105a  34
Schwarze          Michael              33     Germany            98b   3
Scofield          Hiram                25     Connecticut        92a  25
Scott             Andrew               14     Pennsylvania      107b  19
Scott             Catherine            31     Pennsylvania      107b  18
Scott             Henry *              6      Canada            107b  20
Scott             Henry C              35     New York          107b  17
Sears             Edgar                18     New York           91b  29
Seeley            Armina               26     New York          107b  32
Seeley            Edward               3      Michigan          107b  35
Seeley            Elias                7      Michigan          107b  33
Seeley            Eugene               5      Michigan          107b  34
Seeley            Judson               34     New York          107b  31
Setterding        Harriet              16     Germany            89a  24
Sevard            Barbara              10     Germany           105a   9
Sevard            Johann M             36     Germany           105a   6
Sevard            Johann M             15     Germany           105a   8
Sevard            Ku*igunda            36     Germany           105a   7
Shales            Authus               30     Ireland            82a  30
Shales            William              36     Ireland            82a  29
Sharon            Alexander            14     Michigan           87b  34
Sharon            Antoine              46     Canada             87b  32
Sharon            Frazine              6      Michigan           87b  36
Sharon            Lewis                8      Michigan           87b  35
Sharon            Mary A               36     N W Territory      87b  33
Sharon            Mary A               3      Michigan           87b  37
Sharon            Sophia               6/12   Michigan           87b  38
Shattuck          Catherine            33     New York           80b  34
Shattuck          Elmore               1      Michigan           80b  36
Shattuck          Prudence             74     Rhode Island       80b  37
Shattuck          Samuel               34     Canada             80b  33
Shattuck          Willard              4      Michigan           80b  35
Shaw              Nathan A             36     New York           94b   7
Shaw              Rosinda              33     Vermont            94b   8
Shaw              Sarah J              8      Michigan           94b   9
She**             William              35     Germany           107b  21
Sheers            Lena                 16     Germany           107b  24
Shelton           Jacob                22     Indiana           107a  39
Shemmons          Edward               21     England            91a  26
Sherwood          James                23     England            91b   1
Shipman           Alvira               18     New York           94a  11
Shipman           Seymour              23     New York           95a  25
Sievers           Carolina             21     Germany           105a  29
Sievers           Ferdinand            34     Germany           105a  28
Sievers           Gustav               24     Germany           105b   8
Simpson           Frederick            5/12   Michigan           90b   4
Simpson           James                6      Michigan           90b   3
Simpson           John G               44     Pennsylvania       90a  41
Simpson           Juliana              29     Pennsylvania       90a  42
Simpson           Margaret             12     Michigan           90b   1
Simpson           Thomas               63     Pennsylvania       87a  25
Simpson           Thomas               27     Pennsylvania       88a  14
Simpson           Thomas H             8      Michigan           90b   2
Sinke             Ann                  23     Germany            85b  33
Sinke             John                 39     Germany            85b  32
Smith             Aaron                53     Vermont           106a  27
Smith             Aaron K              27     New Jersey         96b   9
Smith             Caleb                21     New York           96b  10
Smith             Calvin A             41     Massachusetts      93a   8
Smith             Calvin S             16     New York           93a  10
Smith             David                14     Massachusetts      94a  17
Smith             Edward               20     Massachusetts      94a  15
Smith             Eliza                10     Wisconsin         106a  32
Smith             Eliza                23     Scotland          109b   4
Smith             Eliza                44     New Hampshire      94a  13
Smith             Eliza A              23     Massachusetts      94a  19
Smith             Emery                17     New York           90a   8
Smith             Enoch                16     New York           96b  11
Smith             George               24     Michigan           86b   7
Smith             George               18     Massachusetts      94a  16
Smith             George *             12     New York           93a  12
Smith             George A             6      Michigan           83a  27
Smith             Harriet              10     Wisconsin         106a  33
Smith             James                8      Massachusetts      94a  20
Smith             John                 14     Ireland           107a  17
Smith             John H               6      New York           93a  15
Smith             John L               21     Massachusetts      94a  14
Smith             John M.              34     England            83a  24
Smith             Julia                6      Michigan           85b  31
Smith             Levi W               6/12   New York           93a  17
Smith             Margaret             12     Ireland           107a  18
Smith             Margaret A           29     New York           83a  25
Smith             Marth M              4      New York           93a  16
Smith             Mary                 17     Ireland           107a  16
Smith             Mary A               29     New York          109b  22
Smith             Mary A               **     New York           93a  13
Smith             Milo J               19     Ohio              106a  28
Smith             Nancy                15     Ohio              106a  30
Smith             Nelson               39     New York           85b  30
Smith             Not named            3/12   Michigan           83a  28
Smith             Rosetta              12     Wisconsin         106a  31
Smith             Sarah                44     Ireland           107a  15
Smith             Sarah                35     Maine              93a   9
Smith             Sarah A              8      New York           93a  14
Smith             Sophia               17     Ohio              106a  29
Smith             Walter W             13     New York           93a  11
Smith             William              39     Ireland           107a  14
Smith             William              10     Ireland           107a  19
Smith             William              22     New York           91a  27
Smith             William              50     Massachusetts      94a  12
Smith             William              12     Massachusetts      94a  18
Smith             William M            10     Michigan           83a  26
Snay              Dominick             28     Michigan           88b  11
Snay              Leon                 9      Michigan           88b  14
Snay              Leon                 33     Michigan           92b  16
Snay              Margaret             42     Michigan           88b  12
Snay              Moses                6      Michigan           88b  15
Snay              Paul                 4      Michigan           88b  16
Snay              Richard              11     Michigan           88b  13
Snay              Sophia               4      Michigan           92b  19
Snay              Thomas               6      Michigan           92b  18
Snay              Victoria             21     Michigan           92b  17
Sohn              Anna B               29     Germany            99b   2
Sohn              Anna C               6/12   Michigan           99b   3
Sohn              George               20     Germany            99b   1
Solms             Emich                29     Germany            83b  36
Solms             Mary                 21     Germany            83b  37
Solms             Mary                 1      Germany            83b  38
Spaulding         Belinda              39     Vermont            93b   3
Spaulding         Margaret             25     Massachusetts      81b  18
Spaulding         Mary                 2      Michigan           81b  19
Spaulding         Mary B               13     Michigan           93b   4
Spaulding         Phineas              45     New Hampshire      93b   2
Spicer            Diana                3      New York          108b   5
Spicer            Ezekiel              35     New York          108b   2
Spicer            Lorain               25     Canada            108b   3
Spicer            Mary P               6      New York          108b   4
Springstead       Daniel               32     New York          102b  42
Stahl             John G               1      Michigan          101a   5
Stahl             John M               34     Germany           101a   3
Stahl             Maria S              28     Germany           101a   4
Stelzriede        Catherine            41     Germany            83b   3
Stelzriede        Eliza                9      Michigan           83b   4
Stelzriede        Henry                42     Germany            83b   2
Stelzriede        Henry                2      Michigan           83b   6
Stelzriede        Levi                 5      Michigan           83b   5
Stern             Anna S               49     Germany           100a  37
Stern             Anna S               11     Germany           100a  39
Stern             George M             14     Germany           100a  38
Stern             George M             9      Germany           100a  40
Stern             Johann M             44     Germany           100a  36
Sterns            Anna B               12     Germany           100a  33
Sterns            Anna K               9      Germany           100a  34
Sterns            Anna S               44     Germany           100a  31
Sterns            Johann M             16     Germany           100a  32
Sterns            Leonard              69     Canada            108a  40
Stevens           Clara E              38     New York           91a   7
Stevens           D**ius               14     Michigan           94b  23
Stevens           Emilus               1      Michigan           94b  30
Stevens           George               4      Michigan           91a  11
Stevens           George               6      Michigan           94b  27
Stevens           Jerome               14     New York           91a   9
Stevens           Jothan               10     Michigan           94b  25
Stevens           Lyman                37     New York           94b  20
Stevens           Lyman                8      Michigan           94b  26
Stevens           Maria                16     New York           91a   8
Stevens           Menzo C              40     New York           91a   6
Stevens           Michael              2      Michigan           94b  29
Stevens           Orville              16     Michigan           94b  22
Stevens           Rhoda                12     Michigan           94b  24
Stevens           Sally                37     New York           94b  21
Stevens           Sally A              4      Michigan           94b  28
Stevens           Willimina            12     New York           91a  10
Stillwell         Charles M            7/12   Michigan           79a  8 
Stillwell         Dorcas               2      Michigan           79a  7 
Stillwell         Jane                 19     New York           79a  6 
Stillwell         Stephen              28     New York           79a  5 
Stilton           Ann                  2/12   Michigan          103b   7
Stilton           John                 24     Ireland           103b   5
Stilton           Mary                 23     Ireland           103b   6
Stone             Roselle              25     Canada            109a  25
Stone             Solomon              36     France            109a  24
Stout             Edward               3      Michigan           94b   1
Stout             Jane                 6      Michigan           94a  42
Stout             John                 21     New York           92a  37
Stout             Jonathan H           2/12   Michigan           94b   2
Stout             Roseanna             31     New York           94a  41
Stout             S W                  32     New York           94a  40
Streb             George M             30     Germany           102b  25
Streb             Margaretha           27     Germany           102b  26
Stroup            Almira               15     New York           80b  25
Stueber           Otto                 23     Germany            87b  18
Sturm             Anna R               24     Germany           105a  11
Sturm             Johann G             25     Germany           105a  10
Sturtevant        Charles C            26     New York           92a  40
Sunderland        John                 46     England            92a  14
Sutherland        Jabez G              24     New York           91a  30
Sutherland        Julia K              1      Michigan           91a  32
Sutherland        Julius               22     New York          109a  12
Sutherland        Sarah D              26     New York           91a  31
Sutherland        William              27     New York           92a  35
Sutherland        William O            9      Michigan           91a  33
Swartout          Anthony              53     New York           83a  35
Swartout          Edith                9      New York           90a  31
Swartout          Edward               9      Michigan           83a  41
Swartout          Emma                 6      Michigan           83b   1
Swartout          Emma                 4      New York           90a  33
Swartout          Hannah               53     New York           83a  36
Swartout          James                19     Michigan           83a  38
Swartout          James W              2      New York           90a  34
Swartout          John P               5      Canada             90a  32
Swartout          Lewis                22     Michigan           83a  37
Swartout          Lois                 24     New York           83a  42
Swartout          Margaret A           25     Canada             90a  30
Swartout          Nelson               17     Michigan           83a  39
Swartout          Norman               12     Michigan           83a  40
Swartout          Orsemus              29     New York           90a  29
Sweet             Arminda              24     New York           89b  14
Sweet             Emma J               1      New York           89b  16
Sweet             Frederick B          3      New York           89b  15
Sweet             William              30     New York           89b  13

Tate              Eliza                5      Michigan          108a  42
Tate              Mary                 3      Michigan          108b   1
Tate              Peter                39     Ireland           108a  41
Taylor            Charles              38     New York          106b  32
Taylor            Charles              7      New York          106b  36
Taylor            Charlotte            14     New York          106b  34
Taylor            David                9      New York          106b  35
Taylor            Hannah               6      Ohio              106b  37
Taylor            Helen                35     New York           86a  24
Taylor            Jeanette             3      Ohio              106b  38
Taylor            Mary                 32     New Hampshire     106b  33
Teinaur           Johann M             26     Germany           105b   7
Telander          Gertraud             2      Michigan          100a   1
Telander          Johann               40     Germany            99b  37
Telander          Johann F             7      Germany            99b  41
Telander          Johann S             14     Germany            99b  39
Telander          Margaretha           4      Germany            99b  42
Telander          Maria M              38     Germany            99b  38
Telander          Maria M              9      Germany            99b  40
Telly             John                 30     Ireland           103a  14
Terry             Almon Mac            25     Michigan           96b   5
Terry             Aurelia              24     New York           95a  35
Terry             Calista              2      New York           95a  36
Terry             James B              25     New York           95a  34
Thergood          Ebenezer             36     England            84a   6
Thergood          Ebenezer             6      New York           84a   9
Thergood          Hephzibah            3      Michigan           84a  10
Thergood          Margaret             40     New York           84a   7
Thergood          Ruth                 8      New York           84a   8
Thiele            Sergusmund           33     Germany           102a   5
Thompson          D. FitzHugh          4      Michigan           80a  29
Thompson          Henry                2      Michigan           80a  30
Thompson          Octavus              36     Maryland           80a  27
Thompson          Theresa J            33     New York           80a  28
Thomson           David                5      Michigan           79a  36
Thomson           Eliza                3      Michigan           79a  37
Thomson           Helen                11     Michigan           79a  32
Thomson           James                7      Michigan           79a  34
Thomson           Jane                 42     Scotland           79a  29
Thomson           Jane                 21     Scotland           79a  30
Thomson           John                 43     Scotland           79a  28
Thomson           John                 17     Scotland           79a  31
Thomson           Thomas               9      Michigan           79a  33
Thomson           William              6      Michigan           79a  35
Tibbetts          Alma                 12     Michigan           80b  41
Tibbetts          Sephronia            54     Vermont            80b  42
Tiffany           Samuel               20     New York           92a  11
Tiviers           Alice                3      Ohio              109a  31
Tiviers           Emily                23     Ohio              109a  29
Tiviers           Henry                26     Canada            109a  28
Tiviers           James                19     Canada            109a  26
Tiviers           Mary                 6      Ohio              109a  30
Tiviers           William              1      Ohio              109a  32
Tolman            Dorcas               14     Michigan           86b   8
Tromble           Adeline              8      Michigan          106a  16
Tromble           Andrew               8      Michigan          106a  42
Tromble           Benedict             61     Michigan          105b  32
Tromble           Benjamin             32     Michigan          106a   7
Tromble           David                2      Michigan          106a  18
Tromble           Elizabeth            2      Michigan          106b   3
Tromble           F***zin              26     Michigan          106a  41
Tromble           Franklin             2      Michigan          106a  36
Tromble           Harriet              6      Michigan          106a   9
Tromble           Helen                2/12   Michigan          106a  37
Tromble           Joseph               37     Michigan          106a  12
Tromble           Joseph               12     Michigan          106a  14
Tromble           Julia                14     Michigan          105b  35
Tromble           Leon                 52     Michigan          106a   6
Tromble           Leon                 32     Michigan          110a   1
Tromble           Lewis                27     Michigan          106a  40
Tromble           Louis                25     Michigan          105b  37
Tromble           Louisa               28     Michigan          106a   8
Tromble           Louisa               2      Michigan          106a  11
Tromble           Margaret             23     Michigan          105b  38
Tromble           Martin               10     Michigan          106a  15
Tromble           Medore               34     Michigan          106a  34
Tromble           P*****               6      Michigan          106b   1
Tromble           Peter                4      Michigan          106b   2
Tromble           Rachel               18     Michigan          105b  34
Tromble           Rosalie              4      Michigan          106a  10
Tromble           Sallie               12     Michigan          105b  36
Tromble           Sarah                23     New York          106a  35
Tromble           Sophia               32     Michigan          106a  13
Tromble           Theodore             6      Michigan          106a  17
Tromble           Therese              48     Michigan          105b  33
Truedell          Benjamin             6      Michigan          107b   9
Truedell          John                 10     Michigan          107b   8
Truedell          John B               57     Canada            107b   5
Truedell          Joseph               3      Michigan          107b  10
Truedell          Lewis                6/12   Michigan          107b  11
Truedell          Polly                34     Michigan          107b   6
Truedell          Therese              13     Michigan          107b   7
Tubbs             Rhoda S              36     New York          102b  28
Tubbs             Sarah L              7      New York          102b  29
Tucker            Christina            26     Germany            98b  39
Tucker            Christina            9      Germany            99a   1
Tucker            Johan                16     Germany            98b  41
Tucker            Martin               56     Germany            98b  37
Tucker            Michael              13     Germany            98b  42
Tucker            Walbruga             52     Germany            98b  38
Tuckey            Hezekiah             38     New Hampshire      79b  42
Tuckey            Isabelle             3      Michigan           80a   4
Tuckey            James                5      Michigan           80a   3
Tuckey            Louela               7      New York           80a   2
Tuckey            Susan                26     New York           80a   1
Tuckey            Susannah             66     New Hampshire      79b  41
Turbil            John                 72     Germany           102a  10
Turnace           Harriette            24     New York           92a   8
Turner            Francis              6      New York           95a  24
Turner            John W               50     New York           95a  21
Turner            Loisa                50     Connecticut        95a  22
Turner            Mary                 16     New York           95a  23

Ulrich            Christian            27     Germany           101b  33
Ulrich            Jakobine             23     Germany           101b  34
Ulrich            John                 10     Germany           101b  39
Ulrich            Lucy                 20     Germany           101b  38
Ulrich            Mary                 60     Germany           101b  36
Ulrich            Michael              80     Germany           101b  35
Ulrich            Michael              34     Germany           101b  37
Unsola            Helena               32     Germany            98b   5
Ure               Agnes                50     Scotland           80a  34
Ure               Agnes                24     Massachusetts      80a  36
Ure               Andrew               62     Scotland           80a  33
Ure               John                 12     Michigan           80a  39
Ure               Margaret             21     Massachusetts      80a  37
Ure               Mary                 16     Massachusetts      80a  38
Ure               Mary                 14     England            80a  41
Ure               Robert               27     Massachusetts      80a  35
Ure               William              50     Scotland           80a  40

Van Horn          Benjamin             56     New York           93b  30
Van Horn          Catherine            23     New York           93b  33
Van Horn          Deborah              21     New York           93b  34
Van Horn          Mary J               10     Ohio               93b  36
Van Horn          Polly                56     New York           93b  31
Van Horn          Robert               19     New York           93b  35
Van Norman        J M C                34     Ohio               95a  37
Van Norman        Mahetable            23     New York           95a  38
Van Vasold        August               46     Germany            79b  21
Van Vasold        August               17     Germany            79b  25
Van Vasold        Clara                10     Germany            79b  28
Van Vasold        Ernestine            46     Germany            79b  22
Van Vasold        Heinrich             18     Germany            79b  24
Van Vasold        Hermann              15     Germany            79b  26
Van Vasold        Hugo                 13     Germany            79b  27
Van Vasold        Otto                 7      Germany            79b  29
Van Vasold        The***               19     Germany            79b  23
Van Wormer        Thomas               28     New York           89a  36
Vance             Caroline             10     New York           89b  18
Vance             Eliza                10     New York           86b  12
Vance             Henry                16     New York          109b  23
Vance             Margaret             38     Ireland            86b  11
Vance             Mary                 6      New York           86b  13
Vaser             Eva B                40     Germany            99b  14
Vaser             Johann F             31     Germany            99b  13
Vaser             Johann F             1      Michigan           99b  16
Vaser             Margaretha           6      Germany            99b  15
Vaughn            Caroline             3      Michigan           92b  39
Vaughn            Celestia             23     Michigan           92b  38
Vaughn            Erastus              35     New York           92b  37
Vaughn            Mary E               1      Michigan           92b  40
Veckel            Eberhard             46     Germany           104a   9
Veisengruber      Anna M               55     Germany            99b  26
Veisengruber      Johann G             14     Germany            99b  29
Veisengruber      Johann L             19     Germany            99b  27
Veisengruber      Johann M             52     Germany            99b  25
Veisengruber      Johann M             16     Germany            99b  28
Vibber            Alfred               9      Michigan          103b  20
Vibber            Christine            32     Canada            103b  18
Vibber            Frederick            3      Michigan          103b  22
Vibber            Harriett             1      Michigan          103b  23
Vibber            John                 7      Michigan          103b  21
Vibber            Sylvester            45     Massachusetts     103b  17
Vibber            Sylvester            11     Michigan          103b  19
Vogt              Christina            27     Germany           104a  11
Vogt              Egbert W. L. A. J    1      Germany           104a  13
Vogt              Jacob                29     Germany           104a  10
Vogt              Theodore             2      Germany           104a  12
Vorheis           Rosanna W            54     Massachusetts      89a   8
Voss              Christian            25     Germany           105a  12
Voss              Elsie M              55     Germany           105a  13
Voss              Lucie                20     Germany           105a  31
Voter             Peggy                61     Massachusetts      84b  20

Wagner            Mathias              29     Germany           100a  30
Wall              Catherine            18     Germany           108b   9
Wall              John                 28     Germany           108b   8
Wall              Magdeline            16     Germany           108b  10
Wall              Mary                 23     Germany           108b  11
Wapper            Anna                 12     Germany           105a  38
Wapper            Johann *             50     Germany           105a  35
Wapper            Johann H             15     Germany           105a  37
Wapper            Johann J             10     Germany           105a  39
Wapper            Maria                40     Germany           105a  36
Wapper            Maria C              1      Germany           105a  40
Warner            Anglica E            24     New York           85b  12
Warner            Cora A               4      Michigan           85b  13
Warner            Enos                 56     New York          105b  42
Warner            Frederick M          2      Michigan           85b  14
Warner            Otis S               34     New York           85b  11
Weaver            Henry                22     New York          103a   8
Webb              Zachariah R          71     England            86a  25
Weber             Anna B               2      Michigan           99a   5
Weber             Anna K               1      Michigan           99a   6
Weber             Johann C             40     Germany            99a   2
Weber             Johann L             3      Michigan           99a   4
Weber             Kunigunda            27     Germany            99a   3
Weed              John                 20     New York          105b  22
Weed              John                 24     Ohio              107a   6
Wegener           Caroline             25     Germany           104b   6
Wegener           Ludwig               35     Germany           104b   5
Wegner            Conradina W D        2      Germany           104b  32
Wegner            Heinrich W           26     Germany           104b  30
Wegner            Luise J              26     Germany           104b  31
Weismuller        George A             30     Germany           102a   7
Weismuller        Margaretha           1      Michigan          102a   9
Weismuller        Margaretha A         31     Germany           102a   8
Weiss             Christiana B         22     Germany           105b   3
Weiss             Johann G             29     Germany           105b   2
Welch             Cogan                21     Canada             92a   2
Welch             Edward P             26     New York          107a  20
Welch             Finette              10/12  Michigan          107a  23
Welch             Julia A              24     New York          107a  21
Welch             Marshall             3      Michigan          107a  22
Weldon            Delia                15     New York           97a  23
Weldon            Emeline              41     Connecticut        97a  22
Weldon            Julia                8      Michigan           97a  24
Weldon            Wareham              74     Connecticut        97a  26
Weldon            Wesley               43     Connecticut        97a  21
Wellington        Almira L             9      Michigan           79b  16
Wellington        Frederick            5      Michigan           79b  18
Wellington        Hirem                7      Michigan           79b  17
Wellington        James H              11     Michigan           79b  15
Wellington        Luke                 49     New Hampshire      79b  11
Wellington        Martha A             1      Michigan           79b  20
Wellington        Mary E               3      Michigan           79b  19
Wellington        Nancy M              38     New York           79b  12
Wellington        Samuel F             13     Michigan           79b  14
Wellington        Sarah                15     New York           79b  13
Welson            Douglass             11     Michigan           90b  23
Welson            Harriett             28     New York           90b  22
Welson            Lavina               7      Michigan           90b  25
Welson            Lucy                 9      Michigan           90b  24
Welson            William H            29     Vermont            90b  21
Weston            Eliza A              4      Michigan           86a   3
Weston            Harvey C             43     Vermont            85b  39
Weston            James                11     Michigan           85b  42
Weston            John                 9      Michigan           86a   1
Weston            Julia                14     Michigan           85b  41
Weston            Lois J               6      Michigan           86a   2
Weston            Ruth                 38     Vermont            85b  40
Wevis             Maria                16     England            91a  42
Wheeler           Sherman              37     Vermont            89b  30
Whitcomb          Ann                  6      Canada             95b  19
Whitcomb          Anna L               10     Canada             95b  17
Whitcomb          Ephraim              32     Canada             95b  15
Whitcomb          Ephraim              4      Michigan           95b  20
Whitcomb          Jerusha R            8      Canada             95b  18
Whitcomb          Maria                1      Michigan           95b  21
Whitcomb          Sarah                27     Canada             95b  16
Whitman           Dorcas               60     Vermont            79a  4 
Whitman           George               24     New York           79a  1 
Whitman           Harvey               24     New York           80b  27
Whitman           John                 63     New Hampshire      79a  3 
Whitman           Julia                23     New York           79a  2 
Whitney           Jonathan             37     Michigan           88a  31
Wickham           Caroline F           14     New York           82a   5
Wickham           Joseph               17     England            82a   4
Wickham           Margaret A           11     New York           82a   6
Wickham           Reuben               19     England            82a   3
Wiesmiller        Adam                 38     Germany           101b   8
Wiesmiller        John G               4      Germany           101b  11
Wiesmiller        Lorenzo              2      Michigan          101b  12
Wiesmiller        Margaretha           34     Germany           101b   9
Wiesmiller        Margaretha           7      Germany           101b  10
Willett           .                    4/12   Michigan          108a  28
Willett           Joseph               5      Michigan          108a  26
Willett           Margaret             21     Michigan          108a  25
Willett           Samuel               34     Michigan          108a  24
Willett           Samuel               3      Michigan          108a  27
Willey            Aletta               26     New York           88b  41
Willey            Clarissa             24     New York           88b  39
Willey            Marietta             6      Michigan           88b  42
Willey            Seth                 38     Massachusetts      88b  38
Willey            Thomas               29     Massachusetts      88b  40
Williams          Alpheus F            37     Massachusetts      86b  34
Williams          Amanda               22     New York           94a  32
Williams          Ambrose              11     New York           96b   4
Williams          Ann K                34     Pennsylvania       86b  35
Williams          Betsey               69     Connecticut        81a  14
Williams          Charles              29     England            90b  26
Williams          Clara                2      Michigan           86b  39
Williams          Elijah               18     New York           96b   3
Williams          Eliza                3      Michigan           82a  28
Williams          Eliza H              42     New York           86a  20
Williams          Elizabeth            22     Michigan          109b  34
Williams          Elizabeth            33     New York           81a   9
Williams          Emeline              13     New York           94a  34
Williams          Francis              4      Michigan           86b  38
Williams          Francis              14     New York           94a  33
Williams          Gardiner D           46     Massachusetts      86a  19
Williams          Gardiner D           8      Michigan           86b  36
Williams          George               1      Michigan           81a  13
Williams          George               49     Connecticut        94a  29
Williams          George F             18     Michigan           86a  21
Williams          Harvey               53     Massachusetts     109b  32
Williams          John                 9      New York           81a  10
Williams          Julia                48     Michigan          109b  33
Williams          Levi                 9      New York           94a  36
Williams          Lodowick             6      New York           81a  11
Williams          Maria                11     New York           94a  35
Williams          Mary A               1/12   Michigan           94a  39
Williams          Phineas              38     New York           81a   8
Williams          Procter              46     Vermont            96b   1
Williams          Robert N             5      Michigan           86b  37
Williams          Ruth A               34     New York           94a  30
Williams          Samantha             44     Massachusetts      96b   2
Williams          Sarah A              4      Michigan           81a  12
Williams          Silas                19     New York           94a  31
Williams          Stuart L             13     Michigan           86a  23
Williams          Wallis               3      Michigan           94a  38
Williams          Warren               7      Michigan           94a  37
Williams          William A            15     Michigan           86a  22
Wilson            Ann                  3      Michigan          107b   3
Wilson            Elizabeth            9      Michigan          107b   2
Wilson            Emeline              33     New York          107a  41
Wilson            John L               44     New York          107a  40
Wilson            Mary J               6/12   Michigan          107b   4
Wilson            Melissa              12     Michigan          107b   1
Wilson            Wallis               14     New York          107a  42
Wiltse            Electa               46     New York           81a  41
Wiltse            Eliza                4/12   Michigan           82b  35
Wiltse            Hartman              14     Ohio               81b   2
Wiltse            Henry                21     Ohio               81a  42
Wiltse            Huldah               19     New York           82b  34
Wiltse            Jacob                8      Michigan           81b   3
Wiltse            John                 24     Ohio               82b  33
Wiltse            Joseph               8      Michigan           81b   4
Wiltse            Neil                 51     New York           81a  40
Wiltse            William              18     Ohio               81b   1
Wing              Chandler L           18     Ohio               80b  11
Wirth             Andreas              4      Germany           104b  25
Wirth             Anna                 6/12   Michigan          104b  26
Wirth             Anna M               25     Germany           104b  23
Wirth             Johann A             27     Germany           104b  22
Wise              Barbara              3*     Germany            90a  17
Wise              John                 35     Germany            90a  16
Wolcott           Adelbert             5      New York           96a  14
Wolcott           Delos                9      New York           96a  12
Wolcott           Emaranda             7      New York           96a  13
Wolcott           Henry H              25     New York           96a   8
Wolcott           Perry J              3      Michigan           96a  15
Wolcott           Sarah                32     Canada             96a   9
Wolcott           Walter               18     Canada             96a  10
Wolcott           William              11     New York           96a  11
Wolf              Robert               26     Ireland            93a   3
Wolzlein          Anna Barbara         27     Germany            99a  20
Wolzlein          Barbara              6/12   Michigan           99a  21
Wolzlein          Jacob                30     Germany            99a  19
Wooden            George               24     New York           90a   4
Woodruff          Flora K              4      Michigan           87b   4
Woodruff          Harriett             22     New York           87b   3
Woodruff          J. F.                40     New York           87a  40
Woodruff          Julia A              3      New York           87a  42
Woodruff          Julia B              34     Ohio               87a  41
Woodruff          P***aro              28     New York           87b   2
Woodward          Elizabeth            32     New York           97b  26
Woodward          Esther               12     New York           97b  27
Woodward          Henry                1      New York           97b  29
Woodward          Leoni                10     New York           97b  28
Woodward          Silas                41     New York           97b  25
Wooster           Godfrey              28     Germany            88b   4
Wortman           Ann                  27     New York           82a  37
Wortman           Charles F            3      Michigan           82a  38
Wortman           John                 39     New Jersey         82a  36
Wortman           John F.              1      Michigan           82a  39
Wright            Benjamin F           1      Michigan           88a  41
Wright            Charles              3      New York           92b  14
Wright            George               45     New Hampshire      88a  39
Wright            Jacob                26     New York           92b  12
Wright            Mary                 23     New York           92b  13
Wright            Rebecca              20     Canada             88a  40
Wright            Richard              23     New York          103a   2
Wright            William              1      New York           92b  15
Wyman             Ann                  13     Michigan           82b   9
Wyman             Charles              22     New York           82b   5
Wyman             Daniel               20     New York           82b   6
Wyman             Erastus              17     New York           82b   7
Wyman             John                 47     New York           82b   3
Wyman             John                 9      Michigan           82b  11
Wyman             Lucy                 11     Michigan           82b  10
Wyman             Mariella             15     New York           82b   8
Wyman             Sally                45     Pennsylvania       82b   4

Yancer            Horace               17     New York           80a  31
Yancer            Mary E               12     New York           80a  32
Young             Eliza                5      Michigan           86a  35
Young             George               48     New Jersey         86a  27
Young             George               17     Michigan           86a  29
Young             John                 13     Michigan           86a  31
Young             Mary                 15     Michigan           86a  30
Young             Rosana               7      Michigan           86a  34
Young             Sophia               27     Michigan           86a  28
Young             Thomas               9      Michigan           86a  33
Young             William H            11     Michigan           86a  32

Zachert           Anna                 40     Germany           104a   7
Zachert           George               43     Germany           104a   6
Zachert           Margaretta           12     Germany           104a   8
Ziegler           Johann M             33     Germany           104b  13
Ziegler           Margaretha           27     Germany           104b  14
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