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Warren County, IA 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Warren County, IA 1870 census


























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Last Name     First Name       Age   Birthplace     Page-Line 
Mack          Fannie           13    Kan.           301b--39
Mack          Mary E.          18    Ill.           301b--38
Mack          Nettie           10    Kan.           301b--40
Mack          Roger F.         22    Ill.           301b--37
Maguire       James            24    Va.            473a---2
Mahan         A.B.             32    N.Y.           302b--14
Mahan         Anetta           10/12 Iowa           331a---5
Mahan         Charlie          3     Iowa           302b--18
Mahan         Ellen            9     Iowa           302b--16
Mahan         Frank            5     Iowa           302b--17
Mahan         James            52    Ind.           464b--27
Mahan         John             36    Pa.            331a---1
Mahan         Joseph           7     Iowa           331a---4
Mahan         Lucinda          45    Va.            464b--28
Mahan         Mariah           29    Ind.           302b--15
Mahan         Mary             8     Iowa           331a---3
Mahan         Sarah            36    Pa.            331a---2
Maine         Amos             43    O.             341b--13
Maine         Ann              13    Ia.            341b--16
Maine         Ellen            23    Ill.           458a--38
Maine         Emma             3     Ia.            341b--20
Maine         John             16    Ia.            341b--15
Maine         Lodrick          1     Ia.            341b--21
Maine         Luther           25    Ill.           343b---4
Maine         Mary             5     Ia.            341b--19
Maine         Mary A.          41    Ill.           341b--14
Maine         Meranda          11    Ia.            341b--17
Maine         Sarah            8     Ia.            341b--18
Maine         Zucas            21    Ill.           458a--37
Maitland      John             21    Mo.            356a--40
Maleny        Bridget          35    Ireland        317b--26
Maleny        Mary             3     Iowa           317b--27
Malernee      Ellen            38    O.             341b---6
Malernee      James            1     Ia.            341b--12
Malernee      John             4     O.             341b--11
Malernee      Lydia            12    O.             341b---7
Malernee      Mary             9     O.             341b---9
Malernee      Rachael          11    O.             341b---8
Malernee      Thomas           34    O.             341b---5
Malernee      William          7     O.             341b--10
Malone        Daniel           11/12 Iowa           326a--24
Malone        James            2     Iowa           326a--23
Malone        Joseph           38    Ken.           326a--20
Malone        Joseph           3     Iowa           326a--22
Malone        Mary             23    Ind.           326a--21
Maloy         Flora B.         2     Pa.            464a--14
Maloy         James H.         30    Pa.            464a--12
Maloy         Lizzie           28    Pa.            464a--10
Maloy         Margaret         22    Pa.            464a--11
Maloy         Martha           37    Pa.            464a--13
Maloy         Sallie           32    Pa.            464a---9
Maloy         Thomas           8/12  Iowa           464a--15
Maloy         Thomas           64    Va.            464a---7
Maloy         Thomas           24    Pa.            464a---8
Manbeck       John             21    don't know     487b--38
Mann          Charles          4     Ia.            383b--14
Mann          Emaline          37    O.             383b---9
Mann          Emma             15    Ia.            383b--10
Mann          Francis          10/12 Ia.            383b--15
Mann          George           14    Ia.            383b--11
Mann          Mary             9     Ia.            383b--13
Mann          Sarah            11    Ia.            383b--12
Mann          William          45    O.             383b---8
Manty         Albert           9     Wis.           339a---7
Manty         Fred             5/12  Wis.           339a---9
Manty         Fred             38    Wirtemburg     339a---3
Manty         Henry            7     Wis.           339a---8
Manty         Julius           12    Wis.           339a---5
Manty         Lewis            11    Wis.           339a---6
Manty         Min              32    Wirtemburg     339a---4
Maple         Aaron            3     Iowa           372a--18
Maple         Charles          7     Iowa           372a--16
Maple         Frank            1     Iowa           372a--19
Maple         Ira              42    Ohio           372a--14
Maple         Mary             32    N.H.           372a--15
Maple         William          5     Iowa           372a--17
Maray         Thomas           23    Md.            508a--16
Mardock       Dillon           3     Iowa           480b--11
Mardock       Halsa            12    Iowa           480b---8
Mardock       Mary A.          14    Iowa           480b---7
Mardock       Nancy            7     Iowa           480b--10
Mardock       Phebe            10    Iowa           480b---9
Mardock       Susanah          34    Ind.           480b---6
Mardock       William          37    Ill.           480b---5
Marietta      Daniel           20    Penn.          522a---3
Marietta      Jacob            29    Penn.          522a---1
Marietta      Shedrick         22    Penn.          522a---2
Marietta      Susan            58    Penn.          521b--40
Marietta      Uriah            58    Penn.          521b--39
Mark          Arminta          5     Ill.           301a---1
Mark          George           4     Iowa           467a--40
Mark          Henry            34    Ohio           467a--37
Mark          Jeremiah         45    N.Y.           300b--36
Mark          John W.          18    Ill.           300b--37
Mark          Martha           8     Iowa           467a--39
Mark          Martha           17    Iowa           301a---2
Mark          Miles            14    Ill.           300b--39
Mark          Sarah            26    Ind.           467a--38
Mark          Sarah            16    Ill.           300b--38
Mark          William T.       48    Ohio           300b--35
Mark          Wm. T.           11    Ill.           300b--40
Marks         Alvin            7     Ia.            315b--32
Marks         Anna             16    Ind.           492a--30
Marks         Benjamin         29    O.             315b--30
Marks         Catharine        23    Ind.           315b--31
Marks         Dora             4     Ia.            315b--33
Marks         Emma             7     Iowa           449a---4
Marks         Harriet          60    Penn.          337a--11
Marks         Inez             2     Ia.            315b--34
Marks         Irvin            5     Iowa           449a---5
Marks         John             60    Pa             449a---1
Marks         Matilda          3     Iowa           449a---6
Marks         Prissilla        6/12  Ia.            315b--35
Marks         Susan            37    Ind.           449a---2
Marks         William          13    Iowa           449a---3
Marks         William          12    Iowa           446b--23
Markwell      Asenith          40    O.             507b--17
Markwell      George           14    Ia.            507b--19
Markwell      Lewis            46    O.             507b--16
Markwell      Mary             15    Ia.            507b--18
Markwell      Nancy            2     Ia.            507b--20
Marsh         Aaron            11    Iowa           295a---8
Marsh         Edward           15    Ind.           295a---6
Marsh         Jessie           75    Ky.            295a---4
Marsh         Martha           26    Iowa           295a---5
Marsh         Nancy            13    Iowa           295a---7
Marsh         Stephen          4     Iowa           295a--10
Marsh         Willie           8     Iowa           295a---9
Marshal       John             20    Ills.          370b--23
Marshall      Albert           5     Ia.            438b--29
Marshall      Amelia           1/12  Iowa           335b---6
Marshall      Amy              18    Ohio           299a--36
Marshall      Ann              22    Ind.           335b---5
Marshall      Apleton          40    Ohio           401a--22
Marshall      Bruce            3/12  Iowa           401a--30
Marshall      Calvin           3     Iowa           335b---3
Marshall      Clark            7     Wis.           299a--38
Marshall      Elazana          23    Ohio           335b---2
Marshall      Elizabeth        34    Indiana        401a--23
Marshall      George P.        4     Iowa           401a--29
Marshall      Isom             12    Iowa           401a--25
Marshall      J.H.             48    Ohio           299a--34
Marshall      James            8     Iowa           401a--27
Marshall      James            32    Indiana        401a--31
Marshall      James            16    Ohio           397b--20
Marshall      Jane             10    Ia.            438b--27
Marshall      Joanna           17    O.             438b--25
Marshall      John             44    O.             438b--23
Marshall      Josephine        5     Wis.           299a--39
Marshall      Margaret         49    Ohio           397b--18
Marshall      Martha           11    Ia.            438b--26
Marshall      Mary             60    Pa.            335a--40
Marshall      Mary             23    Indiana        401a--32
Marshall      Mary             2     Ia.            438b--30
Marshall      Mary             10    Iowa           401a--26
Marshall      Mary J.          44    Ohio           299a--35
Marshall      Prudence         34    O.             438b--24
Marshall      Robert           14    Iowa           401a--24
Marshall      Rosetta          12    Wis.           299a--37
Marshall      Samuel           8     Ia.            438b--28
Marshall      Sarah            6     Iowa           401a--33
Marshall      Sarahetta        1     Iowa           299a--40
Marshall      Steward          31    Ohio           335b---4
Marshall      Wallace W.       21    Ind.           397b--19
Marshall      William          75    Pa.            335a--39
Marshall      William          6     Iowa           401a--28
Marshall      William          48    Ohio           397b--17
Marshall      William          19    Ohio           335b---1
Martin        Alice J.         15    Ohio           486a---3
Martin        Elizabeth        72    Ken.           449b--12
Martin        Elizabeth        49    O.             337b--39
Martin        Elizabeth        21    Ohio           497a--33
Martin        Emma             9     Ia.            437b--25
Martin        Francis          16    Va.            437b--23
Martin        Fredric          43    Holstein       357a--26
Martin        George           2     Iowa           357a--30
Martin        George           17    Ia.            338a---2
Martin        Grant            2     Ia.            437b--29
Martin        Hannah           37    Va.            437b--22
Martin        Harriet          38    O.             506b--39
Martin        Harriett         54    Pa.            491b--28
Martin        Henry            5     Ia.            338a---6
Martin        I.P.C.           43    Penn.          486a---1
Martin        Isabella         14    Va.            437b--24
Martin        James            38    Ken.           449b--13
Martin        James            20    Ia.            338a---1
Martin        James            2     Ohio           497a--35
Martin        James            11    Ia.            523a--29
Martin        James A.         11    Ohio           486a---5
Martin        Jessee           8     Ia.            338a---5
Martin        Jessee           7     Ia.            437b--26
Martin        John             62    Va.            437b--21
Martin        John             24    Ia.            337b--40
Martin        John             10    Ill.           357a--28
Martin        John C.          18    Pa.            491b--29
Martin        Kate             4     Iowa           357a--29
Martin        Lincoln          5     Ia.            437b--27
Martin        Mary             50    Scotland       321b--15
Martin        Mary F.          13    Ohio           486a---4
Martin        Nancy            4     Ia.            437b--28
Martin        Nancy J.         36    Ohio           486a---2
Martin        Rebecca          26    O.             523a--28
Martin        Robert           4     Ohio           497a--34
Martin        Robert           33    Penn.          523a--27
Martin        Robert           10    Ia.            338a---4
Martin        Samuel           7     Ohio           486a---6
Martin        Samuel           26    Penn.          497a--32
Martin        Sarah            7     Ia.            523a--31
Martin        Sarah R.         2     Iowa           486a---7
Martin        Thomas           13    Ia.            338a---3
Martin        Wilhelmina       39    Holstein       357a--27
Martin        William          46    Ireland        337b--38
Martin        William          11/12 Iowa           497a--36
Martin        William          10    Ia.            523a--30
Martin        Wm.              46    Scotland       321b--14
Marvin        Eliza            38    O.             516a--31
Marvin        Elizabeth        6     Ind.           516a--34
Marvin        James            1     Ind.           516a--36
Marvin        Mary             10    Ind.           516a--33
Marvin        Matilda          4     Ind.           516a--35
Marvin        Thomas           44    Penn.          516a--30
Marvin        William          18    Ind.           516a--32
Maryfield     John             17    Utah           301a--12
Mason         Allen            8     Iowa           327b--17
Mason         Alva             1     Iowa           327b--19
Mason         Cornelius        22    Iowa           418b--36
Mason         David            20    Iowa           418b--37
Mason         Doddie           2     Iowa           461b--13
Mason         Emily            43    Ky.            300a--29
Mason         George           1     Iowa           300a--33
Mason         infant not named 11/12 Iowa           461b--14
Mason         Jacob            39    Ohio           461b---8
Mason         James            6     Iowa           419a---1
Mason         James T.         42    N.C.           299a---3
Mason         Jane             44    Ten.           418b--35
Mason         John             45    N.C.           300a--28
Mason         John             17    Iowa           418b--38
Mason         John F.          16    Indiana        299a---5
Mason         Joseph           14    Iowa           300a--31
Mason         Joshua           35    N.C.           327b--15
Mason         Joshua           15    Ind.           300a--30
Mason         Leander M.       5     Iowa           300a--34
Mason         Lizzie M.        10    Mo.            299a---7
Mason         Mary             31    Ind.           461b---9
Mason         Mary             15    Iowa           418b--39
Mason         Mary E.          9     Mo.            300a--32
Mason         Milton           12    Mo.            299a---6
Mason         Sarah            28    Ind.           327b--16
Mason         Sophia           35    Indiana        299a---4
Mason         Sylvester        12    Iowa           461b--11
Mason         Wilber           13    Iowa           461b--10
Mason         Wilbur           4     Iowa           327b--18
Mason         William          56    N.J.           418b--34
Mason         William          13    Iowa           418b--40
Mason         Willie           7     Iowa           461b--12
Mathews       Albert           8     Pa.            464b--24
Mathews       Catharine        45    Ind.           430a--35
Mathews       David            18    Ind.           430a--36
Mathews       Edward           14    Iowa           430a--37
Mathews       Ellen            4     Pa.            464b--26
Mathews       Harriett         30    Ky.            491b--37
Mathews       John             6     Pa.            464b--25
Mathews       John             20    Ind.           379a--30
Mathews       John             19    Ind.           400b--34
Mathews       John B.          34    Pa.            464b--22
Mathews       Margaret         27    Pa.            464b--23
Mathews       Marshall         27    Ky.            491b--36
Mathews       Mary             46    Ind.           400b--33
Mathews       Mary             16    Ind.           400b--35
Mathews       Thomas           46    Ind.           400b--32
Matson        Aaron            1     Ia.            434b--17
Matson        Alfred           3     Ia.            360b--17
Matson        Benjamin         44    Penn.          434b--10
Matson        Eliza            6     Ia.            359b--15
Matson        Elizabeth        52    O.             435b--13
Matson        Enoch            82    Penn.          364b---2
Matson        Enoch            53    O.             435b--12
Matson        Enoch            43    O.             359b---7
Matson        Enoch            11    Ia.            435b--16
Matson        George           16    Ill.           435b--15
Matson        George           14    Ia.            434b--13
Matson        Hannah           12    Ia.            359b--12
Matson        Isabella         9     Ia.            434b--14
Matson        James            16    O.             359b--10
Matson        John             24    O.             360b--15
Matson        Joseph           8     Ia.            359b--14
Matson        Julia            4     Ia.            435b--18
Matson        Loran            5     Ia.            435b--17
Matson        Mahala           10    Ia.            359b--13
Matson        Margaret         38    O.             434b--11
Matson        Martha           7     Ia.            434b--15
Matson        Martha           41    Va.            359b---8
Matson        Nancy            20    O.             435b--14
Matson        Phebe            24    O.             360b--16
Matson        Phebe            14    O.             359b--11
Matson        Polly            19    O.             359b---9
Matson        Rebecca          17    O.             364b---3
Matson        Sarah            4     Ia.            359b--16
Matson        Sarah            16    Ia.            434b--12
Matson        Sylvester        2     Ia.            434b--16
Maugh         John             16    Ind.           520a---5
Maxfield      James J.         34    Ohio           503b--10
Maxfield      Laura            25    Ind.           503b--11
Maxon         Elmer            22    Iowa           414b--38
Maxon         Mary             16    Iowa           413b---5
Maxon         Ruth             18    Ind.           414b--39
Maxon         Theodotia        3/12  Iowa           414b--40
Maxwell       Catharine        29    Ohio           396a--19
Maxwell       Charity          70    Tenn.          397a--35
Maxwell       Charlie          17    Iowa           407b--26
Maxwell       Cora             12    Iowa           396a--20
Maxwell       Dillon           49    Ill.           407b--24
Maxwell       Edgar            8     Iowa           470b--39
Maxwell       Eliz             40    Ky.            297a--20
Maxwell       Elizabeth        45    Ind.           407b--25
Maxwell       Elizabeth        40    Ind.           397a--36
Maxwell       Elizabeth        31    Ind.           470b--38
Maxwell       Elvira           30    Ill.           397a--37
Maxwell       Emma             10    Iowa           297a--24
Maxwell       Fannie           3     Iowa           407b--30
Maxwell       Franc            7     Iowa           503a--10
Maxwell       Franes           42    Ohio           503a---7
Maxwell       Harvey           3     Iowa           471a---1
Maxwell       Henry            16    Iowa           297a--21
Maxwell       Hugh W.          43    Ill.           503a---6
Maxwell       Isaac            38    Ill.           470b--37
Maxwell       Jane             7     Iowa           407b--29
Maxwell       Julia            9     Iowa           407b--28
Maxwell       Laura            14    Iowa           407b--27
Maxwell       Levi             43    Ind.           297a--19
Maxwell       Louis            2     Iowa           471a---2
Maxwell       Louisa           4     Iowa           297a--26
Maxwell       Martin           14    Iowa           297a--22
Maxwell       Mary             12    Iowa           297a--23
Maxwell       Mary             12    Iowa           427a--36
Maxwell       Mary B.          13    Iowa           503a---8
Maxwell       May              8     Iowa           297a--25
Maxwell       Oscar            5     Iowa           470b--40
Maxwell       Rufus            35    Ill.           396a--18
Maxwell       Sallie F.        11    Iowa           503a---9
May           Mathew A.        27    Penn.          496b--15
May           Nettie           2     Iowa           496b--17
May           Sarah            26    Penn.          496b--16
May           William          7     O.             435b--33
May           Wm. A.           1     Iowa           496b--18
Mayers        Anna             8     Iowa           452a---3
Mayers        John             33    Pa.            503a---4
Mayers        Martha           28    Ind.           503a---5
Mayers        Willis           10    Iowa           452a---2
Mayfield      Malissa          12    Utah           302b--10
Mayfield      May A.           14    Utah           302b---9
Mayhan        Eliza            10    Ia.            343b---8
Mayhan        Laura            4     Ia.            343b--10
Mayhan        Lucinda          37    Ind.           343b---6
Mayhan        Lydia            8     Ia.            343b---9
Mayhan        Warren           12    Ia.            343b---7
Mayhan        William          36    Ind.           343b---5
Mayor         George           15    Iowa           296b--26
Mayor         Jesse            9     Mo.            296b--27
Mayor         Mary             11    Iowa           296b--29
Mayor         Nancy            50    Ind.           296b--23
Mayor         Sarah            14    Iowa           296b--28
Mayor         Thomas           20    Iowa           296b--24
Mayor         William          52    Ireland        296b--22
Mayor         William          17    Iowa           296b--25
McBride       Elizabeth        78    Tenn.          428a--17
McBride       Hettie           10    Iowa           427a--10
McBride       John             34    Scotland       488b--26
McCain        Alaxander        7     Ia.            505b--35
McCain        Alaxander        57    N.C.           505b--26
McCain        Elizabeth        15    Tenn.          505b--32
McCain        George           11    Tenn.          505b--34
McCain        Hugh             21    Tenn.          505b--29
McCain        James            12    Tenn.          505b--33
McCain        Jane             46    N.C.           505b--27
McCain        Mary             19    Tenn.          505b--30
McCain        Robert           17    Tenn.          505b--31
McCain        William          23    Tenn.          505b--28
McCale        Bridget          46    Ireland        375a--31
McCale        John             52    Ireland        375a--30
McCale        John             4     Iowa           375a--36
McCale        Maggie           22    Ireland        373a---2
McCale        Mathus           27    Ireland        375a--32
McCale        Sarah            8     Iowa           375a--35
McCale        Susan            14    N.Y.           375a--33
McCale        Thomas           12    Iowa           375a--34
McCalfrey     Josephine        10    Ia.            364b---1
McCampbell    Alax             53    Ind.           521b--23
McCampbell    Francis          56    Ky.            521b--24
McCampbell    James            30    Ind.           520a--29
McCampbell    Joseph           15    Ill.           521b--25
McCampbell    Sarah            24    Ind.           520a--30
McCampbell    William          25    Ind.           520a--32
McCampbell    Willie           3     Iowa           520a--31
McCane        Alice            2/12  Ia.            367a--31
McCane        James H.         28    O.             367a--26
McCane        John             54    O.             367b---4
McCane        Margaret         25    O.             367b---6
McCane        Mary G.          32    Ind.           367a--27
McCane        Sarah            56    O.             367b---5
McCardy       George           15    Ind.           491a--35
McCardy       Joseph           19    Ind.           491a--34
McCardy       Samuel           60    Pa.            491a--32
McCardy       Theresa          46    Ind.           491a--33
McCarrol      Albert           12    Iowa           349a--16
McCarrol      Andrew           20    Ill.           349a--14
McCarrol      Henson           7     Iowa           349a--17
McCarrol      Jestus           43    N.Y.           349a--11
McCarrol      Rebecca          44    Ill.           349a--12
McCarrol      Sarah            23    Ill.           349a--13
McCarrol      Thomas           17    Ill.           349a--15
McCartey      Delia K.         75    Con.           495a--16
McCartey      Edson H.         30    Ohio           495a--15
McCartney     Andrew           44    Ireland        490a--19
McCarty       Atlantic         4     Neb.           395b--30
McCarty       Candece A.       17    Ind.           465a---6
McCarty       Charlie          3     Kan.           395b--31
McCarty       Ella L.          13    Ind.           465a---8
McCarty       Eva              9     Iowa           465a--11
McCarty       Freeman          11    Iowa           465a---9
McCarty       Hattie L.        2     Iowa           465a--14
McCarty       Lander           12    Neb.           395b--29
McCarty       Mariah           40    Ohio           465a---5
McCarty       Mary B.          6     Iowa           465a--13
McCarty       May A.           28    Ind.           395b--28
McCarty       Sarah E.         16    Ind.           465a---7
McCarty       Sophronia        11    Iowa           465a--10
McCarty       Wayne B.         6     Iowa           465a--12
McCarty       William P.       48    Ind.           465a---4
McCaten       Andrew           38    Ireland        348b---1
McCaten       Ellen J.         16    Iowa           348b---3
McCaten       Henry            10    Iowa           348b---4
McCaten       May J.           38    Ireland        348b---2
McCaten       Rose             6     Iowa           348b---5
McClain       Affa             7     Iowa           372a--30
McClain       Albert           10/12 Iowa           372a--34
McClain       Alice            3     Iowa           372a--32
McClain       Anna             16    Ohio           375b---8
McClain       Caroline         39    Ohio           372a--25
McClain       Eldora           9     Iowa           372a--29
McClain       Harrison         21    Ohio           375b---7
McClain       Henry            17    Iowa           375b---1
McClain       James            43    Penn.          372a--24
McClain       Jessie           5     Iowa           372a--31
McClain       John             2     Iowa           372a--33
McClain       Lorohama         3     Iowa           375b---5
McClain       Mary             42    Ind.           375a--38
McClain       Mary             15    Iowa           375b---2
McClain       Nancy            11    Iowa           372a--28
McClain       Nathan           6     Iowa           375b---4
McClain       Nathan           48    East Va.       375a--37
McClain       Pearsey          13    Iowa           372a--27
McClain       Phebe            22    Ohio           375a--40
McClain       Samuel           19    Ohio           375a--39
McClain       Sarah            12    Iowa           375b---3
McClain       Thomas           15    Iowa           372a--26
McClane       Anna             1     Ia.            366a--30
McClane       Charles          5     Ia.            366a--29
McClane       Robert           36    Ireland        366a--27
McClane       Sarah            24    Ind.           366a--28
McClarcy      Anna             8     O.             433a--30
McClarcy      Anna             24    O.             433a--29
McClarcy      Cora             4     O.             433a--31
McClarcy      William          30    O.             433a--28
McCleay       Horace           12    Iowa           494a--14
McCleay       Irene            16    Illinois       494a--13
McCleay       John             41    Illinois       494a--11
McCleay       Lester           4     Iowa           494a--15
McCleay       Mary             6/12  Iowa           494a--16
McCleay       Sarah            38    Illinois       494a--12
McClees       Charles          12    Ind.           378a--27
McClees       Joseph           45    Pa.            378a--25
McClees       Phebe            44    Pa.            378a--26
McClees       William          9     Ind.           378a--28
McClellan     Alice            9     Ia.            337b--24
McClellan     Barbary          12    Ia.            390a--21
McClellan     David            5     Ia.            515b--15
McClellan     Ellen            45    Scotland       515b--10
McClellan     Elmer            2     Ia.            337b--27
McClellan     Emma             14    Ia.            390a--20
McClellan     Ida              4     Ia.            337b--26
McClellan     James            9     Ia.            390a--22
McClellan     James            49    Penn.          390a--16
McClellan     James            41    Penn.          337b--22
McClellan     Jane             12    Scotland       515b--12
McClellan     Janett           10    Scotland       515b--13
McClellan     Jessee           14    Scotland       515b--11
McClellan     John             8     Scotland       515b--14
McClellan     John             6     Ia.            390a--23
McClellan     Margaret         7     Ia.            337b--25
McClellan     Mary             29    Ind.           337b--23
McClellan     Phebe            47    Penn.          390a--17
McClellan     Robert           21    O.             390a--18
McClellan     Sarah            18    O.             390a--19
McClellan     Susan            35    Ind.           433b--18
McClellan     Thomas           37    Ind.           433b--17
McClellan     William          55    Scotland       515b---9
McClellen     Anna             17    Scotland       394b---9
McClellen     Catharine        20    Scotland       394b---8
McCleman      Ada              3     Ia.            508a--29
McCleman      Edith            6/12  Ia.            508a--30
McCleman      Hettie           18    Ky.            508a--28
McCleman      William          35    Scotland       508a--27
McClews       Caroline         19    Ken.           378b---7
McClews       Clara            10/12 Iowa           378b---8
McClews       John             23    Pa.            378b---6
McClintic     Amanda           9     Iowa           475b--36
McClintic     Amanda           44    N.Y.           475b--32
McClintic     Andrew J.        9     Iowa           475b--24
McClintic     Angeline         17    Iowa           475b--33
McClintic     Charlie          6     Iowa           475b--37
McClintic     Curtis           1     Iowa           475b--27
McClintic     Ellen            4     Iowa           475b--26
McClintic     George           13    Iowa           475b--35
McClintic     James            46    Va.            475b--21
McClintic     Lorenzo          44    Va.            475b--31
McClintic     Mary A.          12    Iowa           475b--23
McClintic     Otis             15    Iowa           475b--34
McClintic     Sarah J.         6     Iowa           475b--25
McClintic     Sarah R.         36    Ill.           475b--22
McClintich    Alberta          11    Iowa           483b---2
McClintich    John             60    Va.            483a--38
McClintich    Martha           15    Iowa           483b---1
McClintich    Minerva          19    Iowa           483a--40
McClintich    Nancy            53    Va.            483a--39
McClintock    David            25    Penn.          321b---5
McClinton     John             65    S.C.           343a---4
McClinton     Louisa           23    Ill.           343a---2
McClinton     William          4     Ill.           343a---3
McClinton     William          28    Ill.           343a---1
McCloud       Mary             7     Ind.           395a--30
McCloud       Robert           33    Ind.           395a--28
McCloud       Sarah            6     Ind.           395a--32
McCloud       Sarah            24    Ohio           395a--29
McClure       Eldora           6     Iowa           519a---6
McClure       Frances          29    Ind.           518b--40
McClure       Frank            3     Iowa           519a---7
McClure       Hosea A.         22    Ind.           519a---1
McClure       John             14    Iowa           519a---4
McClure       Laura            52    Ky.            462b---2
McClure       Laura            17    Iowa           462b---4
McClure       Mary             12    Iowa           519a---5
McClure       Mary J.          34    Ind.           519a---3
McClure       Nath'l           57    Ky.            462b---1
McClure       Ruth             68    Va.            518b--39
McClure       Samuel           22    Ky.            462b---3
McClure       Thomas           75    Va.            518b--38
McClure       Thomas           35    Ind.           519a---2
McClure       Thomas           16    Iowa           462b---5
McClure       William          13    Iowa           462b---6
McClury       Charley          17    O.             505a--14
McClury       Con              2     Ia.            505a--15
McClury       John             51    N.Y.           505a--12
McClury       Sarah            30    Md.            505a--13
McCollum      Eliza            30    Ia.            506b--20
McCollum      James            14    Ia.            506b--21
McCollum      Joseph           40    O.             506b--19
McCollum      Nora             5     Ia.            506b--23
McCollum      Octavia          11    Ia.            506b--22
McConnel      George           38    Scotland       387b---6
McConnel      George           15    N.Y.           387b---8
McConnel      Mary             34    N.Y.           387b---7
McConnel      Mary             11    N.Y.           387b---9
McConnell     Eliza            26    O.             513b--34
McConnell     Elizabeth        17    Ind.           513a--13
McConnell     Hugh             63    O.             513a--10
McConnell     Jaysom           23    Ind.           513b--38
McConnell     Joseph           5     Ia.            513b--35
McConnell     Margaret         9/12  Ia.            513b--26
McConnell     Margaret         53    O.             513a--11
McConnell     Margaret         26    Tenn.          513b--24
McConnell     Martha           17    Ind.           513b--39
McConnell     Martha           11    Ind.           513a--15
McConnell     Mary             48    Ind.           513b--37
McConnell     Mary             2     Ia.            513b--25
McConnell     Mary             13    Ind.           513a--14
McConnell     Samuel           29    Ind.           513b--33
McConnell     Samuel           19    Ind.           513a--12
McConnell     Sarah            4/12  Ia.            513b--36
McConnell     Thomas           27    Ind.           513b--23
McCormick     Amanda           20    Ind.           441a---3
McCormick     Ann              18    N.J.           353b--40
McCormick     Charles          1     Iowa           441a---8
McCormick     Charles W.       4     Iowa           345b--32
McCormick     Easter E.        7     Iowa           345b--31
McCormick     Eli              50    Ohio           345b--28
McCormick     Elizabeth        16    Ind.           441a---5
McCormick     James            51    Va.            441a---1
McCormick     Laura            11    Iowa           441a---6
McCormick     Margaret         49    Ohio           345b--29
McCormick     Martin B.        10    Iowa           345b--30
McCormick     May              52    Ireland        353b--39
McCormick     Minnie           7     Iowa           441a---7
McCormick     Sarah J.         45    Ind.           441a---2
McCormick     Thomas           17    Ind.           441a---4
McCown        Edwin            4/12  Ia.            309b---9
McCown        John             27    Penn.          309b---6
McCown        Margaret         23    O.             309b---7
McCown        Ronald           2     Ia.            309b---8
McCoy         C.M.             28    Pa.            463b--35
McCoy         Clara            13    Iowa           410a--27
McCoy         Dennis           12    Ill.           520b--11
McCoy         E.J.             30    Pa.            463b--34
McCoy         Eliza A.         35    Pa.            410a--24
McCoy         Elizabeth        7     Ill.           520b--12
McCoy         Henry            5     Iowa           410a--29
McCoy         J.D.             24    Pa.            463b--36
McCoy         Jim              2/12  Iowa           410a--30
McCoy         John B.          38    Pa.            410a--23
McCoy         Joseph           17    Pa.            410a--25
McCoy         Lavina           18    O.             431a---5
McCoy         M.E.             16    Ohio           463b--37
McCoy         Malinda          8/12  Iowa           520b--14
McCoy         Mary             5     Ill.           520b--13
McCoy         Mary             34    Ireland        520b--10
McCoy         Mortimer         14    Iowa           410a--26
McCoy         Nancy            68    Pa.            463b--33
McCoy         Robert           21    Ireland        520b---9
McCoy         Samuel           24    Ia.            431a---4
McCoy         Walter           8     Iowa           410a--28
McCrary       Sarah            80    Pa.            464a--28
McCrary       Sarah            31    Pa.            464a--29
McCrole       Almeda           18    Md.            344b--34
McCrole       Delphia          1     Mo.            344b--35
McCrole       Isaac            24    Md.            344b--33
McCuller      James            28    Va.            417b---9
McCurdy       John             31    Scotland       319b--38
McCurdy       John             26    Scotland       318b--12
McCusker      Anthony          1     Iowa           375a--20
McCusker      Catharine        4     Iowa           375a--18
McCusker      Edward           37    Ireland        375a--16
McCusker      Eliza            30    Ireland        375a--17
McCusker      Ellen            2     Iowa           375a--19
McCutcheon    Elida            14    Ill.           491a--11
McCutcheon    Rebecca          59    Pa.            491a--10
McCutcheon    Robert           59    Pa.            491a---9
McDaniel      Alice R.         5     Mo.            377b--26
McDaniel      Burnard          33    Mo.            377b--23
McDaniel      Elmer E.         1     Iowa           334a--36
McDaniel      Harriett         24    Ohio           334a--35
McDaniel      Harriett         2     Iowa           377b--27
McDaniel      Henry            29    Mo.            334a--34
McDaniel      Mary C.          8     Iowa           377b--25
McDaniel      Sarah            29    Ohio           377b--24
McDaniel      William          9/12  Iowa           377b--28
McDaniels     Abraham          4     W.Va.          518a---7
McDaniels     Garet            28    W.Va.          518a---5
McDaniels     James            2     W.Va.          518a---8
McDaniels     Sarah            26    W.Va.          518a---6
McDole        Albert L.        12    Iowa           470a---8
McDole        Andrew           19    Iowa           470a---5
McDole        Caroline         38    Ind.           470a---3
McDole        Eliza J.         20    Ind.           470a---4
McDole        Jacob            2     Ia.            309b--29
McDole        John H.          14    Iowa           470a---7
McDole        Julia            16    Iowa           470a---6
McDole        Martha           22    O.             309b--28
McDole        Nathan           28    Ind.           309b--27
McDole        William          43    Ohio           470a---2
McDole        William          25    Ill.           518b--14
McDonald      Mary             52    Ireland        355b---9
McDonald      Peter            50    Ireland        355b---8
McDonnel      Martha           23    Ohio           399b--33
McDonnel      Mary M.          5/12  Iowa           399b--34
McDonnel      Samuel           23    Ohio           399b--32
McDonnell     Bridget          32    Ireland        374b--34
McDonnell     Pat              37    Ireland        374b--33
McDowell      Esther           31    Ohio           493a---1
McDowell      Richard          30    Pa.            376b--26
McEeldery     Jennie           24    Ohio           475b--38
McEldey       Albert           22    Ohio           320b--18
McEldey       James            27    Ohio           320b--21
McEldey       Margaret         63    Ohio           320b--19
McEldey       Margaret         30    Ohio           320b--20
McElroy       Amanda           26    Ohio           468a--37
McElroy       Anson J.         13    Iowa           483b--18
McElroy       Arthur           1     Iowa           468b---3
McElroy       Catharine        36    Germany        469b--18
McElroy       Catharine        28    Ireland        294a--12
McElroy       Charles          1     Iowa           469b--19
McElroy       George L.        9     Iowa           468a--40
McElroy       John             32    Ireland        294a--11
McElroy       John             31    Ohio           469b--17
McElroy       John L.          18    Ohio           468a--38
McElroy       Katie            12    Iowa           469b--20
McElroy       Lenox T.         12    Iowa           468a--39
McElroy       Luetta           4/12  Iowa           483b--19
McElroy       Mary             14    Iowa           472a--17
McElroy       Mary J.          33    Ind.           483b--17
McElroy       Mathew           36    Ohio           483b--16
McElroy       Mintie E.        3     Iowa           468b---2
McElroy       Rachel           62    Ireland        294a--10
McElroy       Robert           40    Pa.            472a--14
McElroy       Robert           4     Iowa           472a--18
McElroy       Samuel E.        4     Iowa           468b---1
McElroy       Sarah            35    Va.            472a--15
McElroy       William          41    Ohio           468a--36
McElroy       William          15    Iowa           472a--16
McElwe        Anthony          12    Iowa           375a--27
McElwe        Cecelia          1     Iowa           375a--29
McElwe        Daniel           18    Ohio           375a--24
McElwe        Edward           14    Iowa           375a--26
McElwe        Grace            7     Iowa           375a--28
McElwe        Mary             16    Ohio           375a--25
McElwe        Neil             50    Ireland        375a--22
McElwe        Sophia           40    Ireland        375a--23
McElwee       Anthony          38    Ireland        381a--14
McElwee       Anthony          35    Ireland        381a--16
McElwee       Catharine        66    Ireland        381a--15
McElwee       Charles          1     Iowa           381a--19
McElwee       John             19    Ireland        379a--19
McElwee       Mary             3     Iowa           381a--18
McElwee       Michael          4     Iowa           381a--17
McFadden      Ashel            9     Ia.            507a--33
McFadden      Daniel           19    O.             507a--31
McFadden      Delilah          4     Ia.            507a--35
McFadden      Harriet          29    Ia.            507a--28
McFadden      Leander          21    O.             507a--30
McFadden      Margaret         1     Ia.            507a--36
McFadden      Mary             12    O.             507a--29
McFadden      Mathias          7     Ia.            507a--34
McFadden      William          39    Penn.          507a--27
McFadden      Wilson           16    O.             507a--32
McFarland     Charles          6     Wis.           367b--33
McFarland     Edward           13    Wis.           367b--30
McFarland     Jennie           12    Wis.           367b--31
McFarland     John             9     Wis.           367b--32
McFarland     John             49    Ky.            367b--25
McFarland     Minnie           3     Ia.            367b--34
McFarland     Robert           21    Ill.           367b--27
McFarland     Samuel           19    Wis.           367b--28
McFarland     Sarah            44    Ill.           367b--26
McFarland     William          17    Wis.           367b--29
McGauflin     Andy             66    Virginia       400a---4
McGee         Cassanda         20    Pa.            489a--40
McGee         Cleson           19    Va.            492a--28
McGee         Dora             1     Iowa           489b---1
McGee         Edith            1     Iowa           500b--34
McGee         Frances          4     Ia.            523b--30
McGee         James            8     Ia.            523b--29
McGee         James            33    West Va.       500b--28
McGee         James M.         31    Va.            489a--39
McGee         John A.          10    Iowa           500b--30
McGee         John B.          36    W. Va.         523b--27
McGee         Lavina           28    Ia.            523b--28
McGee         Mary A.          33    West Va.       500b--29
McGee         Media R.         8     Iowa           500b--31
McGee         Minnie           6     Iowa           500a--34
McGee         Nancy            28    West Va.       500a--33
McGee         Rine             4     Iowa           500b--33
McGee         Rufus            6     Iowa           500b--32
McGee         Wm.              30    West Va.       500a--32
McGinnis      A.               35    Ohio           301b--34
McGinnis      Alax             48    Va.            340b--33
McGinnis      Alaxander        10    Ia.            340b--38
McGinnis      Clemon           5     Ia.            340b--40
McGinnis      David            38    Penn.          340b---3
McGinnis      Edmon            5     Ia.            340b--10
McGinnis      Elder            6     Ia.            340b---9
McGinnis      Isaac            12    Ia.            340b--30
McGinnis      Isabella         15    Ia.            340b--36
McGinnis      James            3     Ia.            340b--11
McGinnis      James            13    Ia.            340b--37
McGinnis      James            11    Ia.            340b---7
McGinnis      Jane             41    Penn.          340b---4
McGinnis      John             9     Ia.            340b---8
McGinnis      John             76    Va.            341a---2
McGinnis      John             45    Penn.          340b--27
McGinnis      John             4     Ia.            341a---1
McGinnis      Malissa          9     O.             521b--26
McGinnis      Margaret         7     Ia.            340b--39
McGinnis      Margaret         45    Penn.          340b--34
McGinnis      Margaret         14    Ia.            340b---5
McGinnis      Mary             16    Ia.            340b--35
McGinnis      Nancy            34    Ill.           340b--28
McGinnis      Nancy            2     Ia.            340b--31
McGinnis      Rachael          14    Ia.            340b--29
McGinnis      William          12    Ia.            340b---6
McGlothelen   Catharine        24    Ohio           332b--37
McGlothelen   Clara            5     Iowa           332b--39
McGlothelen   Elmer            7     Iowa           332b--38
McGlothelen   James            31    Ind.           332b--36
McGlothelen   Minnie           3     Iowa           332b--40
McGranahan    Carrie           6     Pa.            463b---4
McGranahan    Frank            3     Pa.            463b---5
McGranahan    Geo. E.          14    Pa.            463b---1
McGranahan    James            12    Pa.            463b---2
McGranahan    Jno.             44    Pa.            463a--39
McGranahan    Ralph            8     Pa.            463b---3
McGranahan    Rebecca          36    Pa.            463a--40
McGregor      Charles          16    Penn.          362b--26
McGregor      Eliza            20    Penn.          362b--24
McGregor      James            7     Penn.          362b--28
McGregor      John             18    Penn.          362b--25
McGregor      Lawrence         4     Penn.          362b--29
McGregor      Nancy            5/12  Ia.            362b--30
McGregor      Sarah            38    O.             362b--23
McGregor      William          42    Penn.          362b--22
McGregor      William          11    Penn.          362b--27
McGriff       Commodore        24    O.             435b--24
McGuir        May              50    Ireland        354a--11
McGuir        Thomas           54    Ireland        354a--10
McGuire       Catharine        32    N.Y.           372b--28
McGuire       David            15    Michigan       372b--29
McGuire       Ellen            5     Michigan       372b--33
McGuire       Gertrude         1     Iowa           372b--35
McGuire       James            11    Michigan       372b--31
McGuire       John             13    Michigan       372b--30
McGuire       Mary             8     Michigan       372b--32
McGuire       Redman           37    Michigan       372b--27
McGuire       Thomas           4     Michigan       372b--34
McIntire      Alex             51    Penn.          501a--11
McIntire      Charles          3/12  Iowa           424b--23
McIntire      Clara            9     Pa.            424b--19
McIntire      Cora B.          2     Iowa           424b--22
McIntire      Ella             29    Ind.           501a--12
McIntire      George           6     Pa.            424b--20
McIntire      Harry            11    Pa.            424b--18
McIntire      Ida M.           2     Iowa           501a--14
McIntire      James            23    Ohio           468b--35
McIntire      James D.         77    Pa.            424b--24
McIntire      James F.         42    Pa.            424b--13
McIntire      Lewis            40    Pa.            424b--16
McIntire      Lizzie           23    Ohio           468b--36
McIntire      Lydia E.         10    Iowa           424b--15
McIntire      Maggie           30    Ohio           467a---7
McIntire      Margaret         5     Iowa           501a--13
McIntire      Martha           35    Pa.            424b--17
McIntire      Sarah            37    Pa.            424b--14
McIntire      Thomas           30    Ohio           467a---6
McIntire      William          5     Pa.            424b--21
McIntire      William          4     Ill.           467a---8
McIntire      William          1     Ohio           468b--37
McIntosh      Abs              30    Va.            458b--22
McIntosh      Alaxander        22    W. Va.         433b--14
McIntosh      David            54    Ohio           300a--38
McIntosh      David            4     Iowa           300b---2
McIntosh      Drucilla         2     Iowa           300b---3
McIntosh      Emily            19    W. Va.         433b--20
McIntosh      Emma             5     Iowa           458b--26
McIntosh      Isabell          6     Iowa           300b---1
McIntosh      John             8     Va.            458b--24
McIntosh      Mary             7     Va.            458b--25
McIntosh      Nancy            8     Iowa           300a--40
McIntosh      Nancy            37    Ohio           300a--39
McIntosh      Ottis            3/12  Ia.            433b--16
McIntosh      Prudy            5/12  Iowa           458b--27
McIntosh      Rosey            28    Va.            458b--23
McIntosh      Virginia         20    W. Va.         433b--15
McIntosh      William          4/12  Iowa           300b---4
McIntosh      William          28    W. Va.         433b--19
McKay         Charles          8     Iowa           495a--23
McKay         Charles          42    Ken.           495a--17
McKay         Frank            3     Iowa           495a--24
McKay         Hannah           32    Ind.           495a--18
McKay         Martha           11    Iowa           495a--21
McKay         Oneal            13    Iowa           495a--20
McKay         Walter           14    Iowa           495a--19
McKay         Willie           9     Iowa           495a--22
McKee         Edd R.           28    Ind.           493b--30
McKee         Edwin W.         21    Va.            300a--35
McKee         Emma B.          23    Iowa           493b--31
McKee         Mahala           19    West Va.       322a---4
McKee         Sarah            67    North Carolina 493b--34
McKee         Tabor W.         69    Ohio           493b--33
McKee         Wm. O.           5     Iowa           493b--32
McKinley      William          28    Tenn.          506b--15
McKinley      William          25    Tenn.          508a--31
McKinney      Alfred           38    Penn.          393b---1
McKinney      Anna             4     Ill.           393b---5
McKinney      Cora             1     Iowa           346a--23
McKinney      Eugene C.        8     Iowa           346a--21
McKinney      Jane N.          40    Ind.           346a--17
McKinney      John             39    Ind.           346a--16
McKinney      Julia            1     Ill.           393b---6
McKinney      Louisa           36    Ill.           393b---2
McKinney      Lydia            1     Iowa           346a--24
McKinney      Mary             18    Ill.           393b---3
McKinney      Mary E.          11    Iowa           346a--19
McKinney      Nancy            12    Ill.           393b---4
McKinney      Olive            20    Iowa           478b--15
McKinney      Robert           3     Iowa           346a--22
McKinney      Roswell A.       12    Iowa           346a--18
McKinney      Sarah H.         9     Iowa           346a--20
McKisie       Amanda           9     Pa.            376b--21
McKisie       Caroline         6     Pa.            376b--22
McKisie       Charlie          2     Iowa           376b--24
McKisie       Corietta         4     Iowa           376b--23
McKisie       Elizabeth        40    Pa.            376b--17
McKisie       Martha           13    Pa.            376b--20
McKisie       Sarah            15    Pa.            376b--19
McKisie       Thomas           84    Pa.            376b--25
McKisie       Thomas           39    Pa.            376b--16
McKisie       William          17    Pa.            376b--18
McLain        Don Carlos       1     Iowa           471a---9
McLain        Harriet          10    Ohio           471a---6
McLain        Irena            33    Ohio           471a---5
McLain        Jennie           4     Iowa           471a---8
McLain        Marl             8     Iowa           471a---7
McLain        Oliver           32    Ohio           471a---4
McLutire      Peter            20    Ills.          374b--40
McMahan       Nancy            13    Iowa           413b--37
McMahan       Rose             70    Ireland        380b--24
McMahan       Sarah            17    Iowa           413b--36
McMan         Annie            8     Iowa           350a--18
McMan         Daniel           60    Ireland        350a--14
McMan         Daniel           12    Iowa           350a--19
McMan         John             25    Ireland        350a--16
McMan         Kittie           15    Penn.          350a--17
McMan         Kitty            50    Ireland        350a--15
McManus       Edward           53    Ireland        354a---1
McManus       Ellen            3     Iowa           354a---8
McManus       Felix            45    Ireland        354a---9
McManus       James            15    Iowa           354a---3
McManus       John             10    Iowa           354a---5
McManus       Joseph           5     Iowa           354a---7
McManus       Mary             40    Ireland        354a---2
McManus       Mary C.          12    Iowa           354a---4
McManus       Rosa             8     Iowa           354a---6
McMarshman    Georgean         9     Iowa           428b--35
McMarshman    Mary C.          35    Ohio           428b--34
McMarshman    Wm.              56    Pa.            428b--33
McMaster      George           11/12 Ill.           363a---9
McMaster      Jane             4     Ill.           363a---8
McMaster      John             6     Ill.           363a---7
McMaster      Sarah            25    Ill.           363a---6
McMaster      Wilson           31    N.Y.           363a---5
McMurdy       James            46    Scotland       319a--25
McMurry       N.N.             .     .              490a---3
McNair        Alice            16    Penn.          304a--13
McNair        Nancy            38    Penn.          304a--11
McNair        Robert           42    Penn.          304a--10
McNair        William          29    Penn.          304a--12
McNamey       Patrick          40    Pa.            347a--21
McNann        Owen             40    Ireland        355a--38
McNeal        David            49    Ind.           520b---3
McNeal        James            19    Ind.           520b---5
McNeal        John             12    Iowa           520b---8
McNeal        Lizzie           14    Iowa           520b---7
McNeal        Lousetta         16    Ind.           520b---6
McNeal        Mary             49    Ind.           520b---4
McNeer        America          4     Penn.          304a--39
McNeer        Andrew           5     Penn.          304b---7
McNeer        Caroline         12    Ia.            313b--31
McNeer        Charles          3/12  Ia.            304a--24
McNeer        Clara            34    Penn.          304a--15
McNeer        Deborah          32    Penn.          304b---6
McNeer        Elias            11    Ill.           304a--18
McNeer        Ella             5     Ill.           304a--34
McNeer        Emanuel          3/12  Ia.            304a--23
McNeer        Ethelda          10    Ia.            313b--32
McNeer        George           4     Ia.            313b--35
McNeer        George           11    Ill.           304a--17
McNeer        Jahne            1     Op             313b--36
McNeer        James            40    Va.            304a--32
McNeer        Jane             7     Ia.            313b--34
McNeer        Jane             37    Penn.          304a--37
McNeer        John             17    Penn.          304a--16
McNeer        Joseph           3     Penn.          304b---8
McNeer        Lucinda          25    Ind.           304a--26
McNeer        Mahala           9     Ia.            313b--33
McNeer        Marion           3     Ia.            304a--22
McNeer        Martha           7     Mo.            304a--20
McNeer        Martha           30    N.Y.           304a--33
McNeer        Mary             14    Penn.          304a--38
McNeer        Nathan           29    Penn.          304a--25
McNeer        Nettie           3     Ia.            304a--35
McNeer        Osborn           9     Ill.           304a--19
McNeer        Peter            33    Penn.          304b---5
McNeer        Phebe            37    Ind.           313b--29
McNeer        Robert           45    Penn.          304a--14
McNeer        Samuel           44    Va.            304a--36
McNeer        Samuel           39    Ind.           313b--28
McNeer        Thomas           1     Ia.            304a--27
McNeer        William          6     Ia.            304a--21
McNeer        William          14    Ia.            313b--30
McNees        Jehu             77    Penn.          443b--13
McNees        Mahala           9     Iowa           443b--15
McNees        Mary             73    Md.            443b--14
McNeil        Almon            15    Ia.            304b--17
McNeil        Amy              44    O.             304b--15
McNeil        Arminna          1     Ia.            304b--23
McNeil        Byron            13    Ia.            304b--18
McNeil        Charles          11    Ia.            304b--19
McNeil        Clarence         9     Ia.            304b--20
McNeil        Cyrus            6     Ia.            304b--21
McNeil        Harry            30    Ohio           486b---8
McNeil        James            4     Ia.            304b--22
McNeil        John             45    N.Y.           304b--14
McNeil        Laura            35    O.             514a--25
McNeil        Lodestia         24    O.             514a--26
McNeil        Mary             58    N.Y.           514a--24
McNeil        Oliver           17    Ia.            304b--16
McNeil        William          63    Vt.            514a--23
McNeiruy      John             1     Iowa           374b--27
McNeiruy      Mary             4     Iowa           374b--26
McNeiruy      Nora             22    Ireland        374b--25
McNeiruy      Pat              35    Ireland        374b--24
McPherson     Celia            20    Ind.           418a--25
McPherson     Dora             10/12 Iowa           418a--28
McPherson     Edward           2     Iowa           418a--27
McPherson     Elsworth         4     Iowa           418a--26
McPherson     William          33    Ten.           418a--24
McQueid       Elizabeth        24    Ireland        355a--36
McQueid       Kate             4/12  Iowa           355a--37
McQueid       Pat              36    Ireland        355a--35
McQuigg       Silas            28    O.             431a--20
McQuigg       Susan            25    Ill.           431a--21
McRae         Charles          19    Ind.           448b--14
McRae         Edgar            2/12  Iowa           448b--24
McRae         Elmer            2     Iowa           448b--23
McRae         Franklin         16    Ind.           448b--16
McRae         Grant            5     Iowa           448b--21
McRae         Isadora          12    Iowa           448b--17
McRae         Joseph           4     Iowa           448b--22
McRae         Josephine        9     Iowa           448b--19
McRae         Mary             17    Ind.           448b--15
McRae         Nancy            30    Ind.           448b--12
McRae         Nancy            10    Iowa           448b--18
McRae         Thomas           7     Iowa           448b--20
McRae         Thomas           44    Ken.           448b--11
McRae         William          20    Ind.           448b--13
McRease       Margaret         27    Illinois       493a---2
McVay         Amanda           37    Ohio           406a---6
McVay         George           10    Iowa           406a---9
McVay         Hannah           16    Iowa           406a---7
McVay         Ida Bell         4     Iowa           406a--11
McVay         James            40    Ohio           406a---5
McVay         Peter N.         8     Iowa           406a--10
McVay         William          12    Iowa           406a---8
McWilliams    Alice            13    Ill.           473b--10
McWilliams    Josephine        15    Ill.           473b---9
McWilliams    R.B.             48    Pa.            473b---7
McWilliams    Sarah            54    Ark.           473b---8
Meek          Clara            3     Ind.           421b---6
Meek          Eva              12    Ind.           421b---4
Meek          Harriett         21    Ind.           497a--29
Meek          Joseph           36    Ind.           421b---2
Meek          Kate             3     Iowa           497a--31
Meek          Louisa           30    Ind.           421b---3
Meek          Minnie           8     Iowa           497a--30
Meek          William          10    Ind.           421b---5
Meek          Wm. P.           43    Indiana        497a--28
Meeker        Harry            5     Ill.           366b--26
Meeker        Herbert          9     Ill.           366b--25
Meeker        Michael          36    O.             366b--23
Meeker        Sarah            30    Ill.           366b--24
Meeks         Lundy            4     Iowa           302c---4
Mellon        Edson            15    N.Y.           389a--23
Mendenhall    Anna             2     Iowa           396a--17
Mendenhall    Arsenath         40    Ill.           396a--13
Mendenhall    Celestia         16    Ill.           396a--14
Mendenhall    Charity          6     Ill.           396a--16
Mendenhall    John             21    Ill.           397b---1
Mendenhall    Jonathan         24    Ind.           478b--14
Mendenhall    Silas            41    Ohio           396a--12
Mendenhall    Viola            13    Iowa           396a--15
Merrill       Basha            12    Iowa           521a--18
Merrill       C.R.             25    Mich.          486b--37
Merrill       Fred             10/12 Iowa           486b--39
Merrill       James            18    Ind.           438b--14
Merrill       Lucretia         58    N.Y.           486b---7
Merrill       R.T.             66    Vt.            486b---6
Merrill       Sarah            24    Va.            486b--38
Merrill       Stephen          14    Ia.            438b--15
Merriman      Edgar S.         1     Iowa           352a---4
Merriman      Eliza            32    England        351b--40
Merriman      Eliza E.         5     Iowa           352a---2
Merriman      Frank            12    Mo.            352a---1
Merriman      John             39    West Va.       351b--39
Merriman      Josephine        4     Iowa           352a---3
Messinger     Benjaman         4     Ia.            436b--26
Messinger     Edward           38    Va.            436b--22
Messinger     Eva              33    Va.            436b--23
Messinger     Jacob            11    Va.            436b--24
Messinger     James            1     Ia.            436b--27
Messinger     Sarah            9     Va.            436b--25
Metcalf       Amorette         32    Ohio           415b--16
Metcalf       Anna T.          46    Ohio           476b--22
Metcalf       Eden             6     Iowa           415b--17
Metcalf       Esther           4     Iowa           415b--18
Metcalf       George           26    Mich.          518a--37
Metcalf       Hattie           1     Iowa           415b--19
Metcalf       Hiram            28    Ohio           488a--16
Metcalf       Joshua           9     Ill.           479b--23
Metcalf       Mabel            23    Ten.           488a--17
Metcalf       William          36    England        415b--15
Metsler       Henry            19    Ind.           330b--31
Metsler       Martin           17    Ill.           330b--32
Michael       Elizabeth        62    Va.            368a---5
Michael       James            19    O.             368a---6
Michael       Joseph           64    Va.            368a---4
Michael       Lydia            30    Ind.           315a--22
Michael       William          30    Ind.           315a--21
Michaels      Amos             7     Iowa           329b---4
Michaels      Clara            1     Iowa           329b---7
Michaels      Clemment         11    Iowa           329b---2
Michaels      Ellen            12    Iowa           329b---1
Michaels      John             34    Ind.           329a--39
Michaels      Livenda          9     Iowa           329b---3
Michaels      Mary             7     Iowa           329b---5
Michaels      Matilda          4     Iowa           329b---6
Michaels      Ruth             30    Ind.           329a--40
Middleswart   Cornelia         6     Iowa           522b---3
Middleswart   James            41    O.             522a--35
Middleswart   John             9     Iowa           522b---2
Middleswart   Juliaett         3     Iowa           522b---4
Middleswart   Lucy             43    O.             522a--36
Middleswart   Mary             15    O.             522a--38
Middleswart   Nancy            17    O.             522a--37
Middleswart   Sarah            11    Iowa           522b---1
Middleswart   William          13    Iowa           522a--39
Millen        Charles          13    Ind.           461a--39
Millen        Emma             11    Iowa           461a--40
Millen        Eva              17    Ind.           461a--37
Millen        James            37    S.C.           461a--36
Millen        Martha           15    Ind.           461a--38
Miller        Abram            43    Ind.           376b--27
Miller        Abram            38    Ohio           402b--17
Miller        Albert           13    Ind.           511a--22
Miller        Althea           2     Penn.          496a--34
Miller        Ambrose          52    Va.            419a---9
Miller        Andrew           15    Penn.          342a--13
Miller        Annie            8     Ill.           496a--33
Miller        Barbara          17    Ind.           419a--13
Miller        Catharine        30    Pa.            410b---1
Miller        Charles          10    Iowa           379a--27
Miller        Charles          1     Iowa           374a--32
Miller        Charlie          5     Iowa           296a--32
Miller        Clara A.         14    Iowa           376b--29
Miller        Daniel           32    Ohio           458a--22
Miller        Daniel           30    Ind.           523b--22
Miller        Daniel           28    Ind.           465b--15
Miller        Delilah          4/12  Ia.            523b--26
Miller        Edward           17    Ind.           376b--33
Miller        Elenor           57    Md.            410b---6
Miller        Eliza            6     Iowa           484b---4
Miller        Eliza            27    Ohio           413b---1
Miller        Elizabeth        57    Va.            492a--32
Miller        Ellen            28    Pa.            402a--28
Miller        Elva             8     Ia.            523b--24
Miller        Elzinah          39    O.             504a--36
Miller        Emily            3     Ia.            504a--40
Miller        Emily            29    Ohio           379a--26
Miller        Emily            12    Iowa           332b--35
Miller        Emma             8     Iowa           402b--20
Miller        Emma             11    Iowa           376b--35
Miller        F. David         41    S.C.           469a--38
Miller        Faldy            5     Penn.          342a--16
Miller        Flora            1     Iowa           465b--17
Miller        Frank            2     Ill.           402a--29
Miller        Frank            1     Iowa           296a--34
Miller        Frank P.         16    Ohio           410b---7
Miller        George           7     Ia.            504a--39
Miller        George           33    Penn.          496a--31
Miller        George           24    Ohio           413a--40
Miller        George           19    Penn.          342a--10
Miller        Hattie           5/12  Iowa           410b---5
Miller        Hattie           2/12  Iowa           465b--18
Miller        Isaac            25    Ind.           419a--11
Miller        Isaac            12    Iowa           402b---3
Miller        Iva              9/12  Iowa           402b---8
Miller        Jacob            9     Ia.            504a--38
Miller        Jacob            20    Ill.           513a--18
Miller        James            23    Ind.           321a--10
Miller        James            2     Iowa           402b--21
Miller        James M.         35    Ind.           296a--30
Miller        James W.         31    N.Y.           299b--19
Miller        Jane             4     Iowa           402b---7
Miller        Jane             31    Ind.           402b--18
Miller        Jesse            8     Iowa           379a--28
Miller        John             52    O.             513a--16
Miller        John             50    Ind.           511a--19
Miller        John             45    Nassau         341b--40
Miller        John             4     Ia.            338a--20
Miller        John             2     Iowa           410b---4
Miller        John             13    Penn.          342a--14
Miller        John A.          3     Ohio           458a--25
Miller        John F.          38    Md.            410a--40
Miller        John M.          64    Ohio           468b--39
Miller        John T.          28    Ill.           402a--27
Miller        Joseph           3     Penn.          342a--17
Miller        Joseph           25    Ohio           328b---2
Miller        Joseph           13    Ind.           511a--23
Miller        Julia            16    Penn.          342a--12
Miller        Julia            13    Iowa           469a--40
Miller        Lafayette        39    Ohio           402b---1
Miller        Louisa           25    Ill.           296a--31
Miller        Lucinda          50    Ind.           511a--20
Miller        Madora           7     Ct.            299b--21
Miller        Maggie           6     Iowa           410b---3
Miller        Margaret         3     Iowa           296a--33
Miller        Margaret         3     Iowa           413b---2
Miller        Martha           63    Tenn.          374a--33
Miller        Martha           62    Pa.            376b--32
Miller        Martha           31    Indiana        402b---2
Miller        Martha           30    Ohio           374a--31
Miller        Martha           24    Ind.           523b--23
Miller        Martha           1     Iowa           299b--22
Miller        Mary             61    Penn.          513a--17
Miller        Mary             46    Ohio           419a--10
Miller        Mary             4     Iowa           376b--31
Miller        Mary             34    Ohio           458a--23
Miller        Mary             30    Penn.          496a--32
Miller        Mary             29    Ind.           469a--39
Miller        Mary             2     Iowa           413b---3
Miller        Mary             17    Ind.           511a--21
Miller        Mary             12    Ia.            504a--37
Miller        Mary             10    Penn.          342a--15
Miller        Mary             10    Iowa           402b---4
Miller        Mary C.          35    Ind.           376b--28
Miller        Mary E.          27    Pa.            465b--16
Miller        Michael          18    Penn.          342a--11
Miller        Nancy            62    Ohio           468b--40
Miller        Nancy            34    Nassau         342a---9
Miller        Nathan           38    Md.            504a--35
Miller        Rezin            11    Iowa           402b--19
Miller        Samuel           39    Ind.           379a--25
Miller        Sarah            9     Ill.           410b---2
Miller        Sarah            8     Iowa           323b---1
Miller        Sarah            8     Iowa           402b---5
Miller        Sarah            3     Ia.            523b--25
Miller        Sarah            17    Ia.            513a--19
Miller        Sheloriett       26    England        299b--20
Miller        Sherman          6     Iowa           402b---6
Miller        Susan            4     Ohio           458a--24
Miller        Thomas           55    Va.            492a--31
Miller        Thomas           20    Ind.           419a--12
Miller        Viola            12    Ind.           419a--14
Miller        Warner           40    Va.            508b--14
Miller        Wash.            35    Ind.           374a--30
Miller        William          7     Iowa           469b---1
Miller        William          13    Iowa           376b--30
Miller        William          11    Ind.           511a--24
Millet        Allen            35    N.Y.           444b--13
Millet        Henrietta        30    New York       444b--14
Millhan       John             21    Ohio           346a--26
Millhan       Mary A.          29    Ill.           346a--27
Millican      Phebe            13    Iowa           494b--19
Milligan      Harriet          15    Ia.            389a--20
Milligan      John             22    Ind.           392a--14
Milligan      Joseph           10    Ia.            389a--21
Milligan      Malissa          23    Ill.           389a--18
Milligan      Martha           6     Ia.            389a--22
Milligan      Mathew           45    Ind.           389a--17
Milligan      Nancy            17    Ia.            389a--19
Milligan      Sarah            18    Ind.           392a--15
Mills         Elvin            7     Iowa           470a--32
Mills         James            22    Ind.           312a---7
Mills         Jane             51    Conn.          432a--29
Mills         Levi             52    O.             432a--28
Millspaugh    Mary             19    N.Y.           483b---5
Millspaugh    Theodore         26    N.Y.           483b---4
Misler        Emma             22    N.Y.           490a--36
Misler        Oscar            26    N.Y.           490a--35
Mitchel       Aloyria          8     Ia.            306b--24
Mitchel       Archabald        5     Ia.            306b--25
Mitchel       Elizabeth        47    O.             306b--19
Mitchel       Elva             3     Ia.            306a--16
Mitchel       George W.        50    Va.            368a---7
Mitchel       Jeremiah         10    Ia.            306b--23
Mitchel       John             25    O.             306a--14
Mitchel       Mark             13    Ia.            306b--22
Mitchel       Narcissus        20    O.             306a--15
Mitchel       Rebecca          23    O.             306b--20
Mitchel       Robert           40    East Va.       326a--40
Mitchel       Thomas           47    Va.            306b--18
Mitchel       Thomas           1     Ia.            306a--17
Mitchel       William          16    O.             306b--21
Mitchell      Albert           9     Iowa           321a--31
Mitchell      Albert S.        9     Iowa           332b--14
Mitchell      Amanda           33    Ken.           321a--30
Mitchell      Amanda           33    Ky.            332b--13
Mitchell      Andrew           41    Md.            321a--29
Mitchell      Andrew J.        41    Md.            332b--12
Mitchell      Anta             1     Iowa           464b--15
Mitchell      Augustus         16    Ind.           510b---3
Mitchell      Caroline         9     Ind.           510b---7
Mitchell      Charles          9/12  Ia.            337b--37
Mitchell      Clara            2     Ill.           499a--34
Mitchell      Denice           4     East Va.       326b---5
Mitchell      Dora             1     Iowa           321a--33
Mitchell      Dora B.          1     Iowa           332b--16
Mitchell      Elenor           35    East Va.       326b---1
Mitchell      Elizabeth        19    O.             337b--36
Mitchell      Elizabeth        18    Ind.           510b---2
Mitchell      Eva              10    Ind.           510b---6
Mitchell      Francis          35    Ohio           499a--31
Mitchell      George           50    Va.            368b---6
Mitchell      James            5     Ia.            510b---8
Mitchell      James            5     Ia.            510b---9
Mitchell      James            15    Ohio           464b--10
Mitchell      Jerusha          12    East Va.       326b---2
Mitchell      John             19    Ohio           464b---8
Mitchell      Joseph           12    Ind.           510b---5
Mitchell      Julius           17    Ind.           513a---9
Mitchell      Laura            4     Iowa           321a--32
Mitchell      Laura            3     Iowa           332b--15
Mitchell      Laura            2     Minn.          326b---6
Mitchell      Lizzie           18    O.             394a--20
Mitchell      Maggie           35    Pa.            465a--38
Mitchell      Margaret         57    Pa.            464b---6
Mitchell      Martha           27    East Virginia  499a--32
Mitchell      Mathew           23    O.             337b--35
Mitchell      May              10    Ill.           499a--33
Mitchell      Rebecca          23    O.             516a---2
Mitchell      Reese            4     East Va.       326b---4
Mitchell      Robert           17    Ohio           464b---9
Mitchell      Samantha         21    Ohio           464b---7
Mitchell      Sarah            40    Ky.            510b---1
Mitchell      Sarah            24    Ohio           464b--14
Mitchell      Thomas           7     East Va.       326b---3
Mitchell      Thomas           25    Ohio           464b--13
Mitchell      William          45    Ky.            510a--40
Mitchell      William          17    O.             312a--12
Mitchell      William          14    Ind.           510b---4
Moffitt       Clarkson         7     N.C.           478a--39
Moffitt       Mary             28    N.C.           478a--38
Moffitt       Mary E.          1     Iowa           478a--40
Moffitt       William A.       33    N.C.           478a--37
Monasmith     Laura            30    Ohio           371a--22
Monasmith     Sophia           6     Iowa           371a--23
Moneae        William          17    Ken.           451a--23
Monford       Alice            9     N.Y.           307b---7
Monford       Anna             39    N.Y.           307b---3
Monford       Carrie           11    Ind.           305a--30
Monford       Charles          8     N.Y.           305a--31
Monford       Cora             11    N.Y.           307b---6
Monford       Delania          7     N.Y.           307b---8
Monford       Edward           43    N.Y.           305a--26
Monford       Edward           17    N.Y.           305a--28
Monford       Elmer            16    N.Y.           307b---5
Monford       Emerson          22    N.Y.           307b---4
Monford       Fanny            3     Ia.            305a--32
Monford       Frank            2     Ia.            305a--33
Monford       Jessie           14    N.Y.           305a--29
Monford       Lottie           33    N.Y.           305a--27
Monford       Louisa           4     Ill.           307b---9
Monford       Peter            49    N.Y.           307b---2
Mong          Martin           20    Pa.            488b--32
Monroe        Albert           17    Ia.            311b--29
Monroe        Arminda          5     Ia.            311b--38
Monroe        baby             3/12  Iowa           396b--32
Monroe        Catharine        37    O.             392a--40
Monroe        Charlie          5     Ind.           396b--30
Monroe        Columbus         15    O.             310b---5
Monroe        Cynthia          54    Penn.          310b---2
Monroe        Daniel           56    O.             310b---1
Monroe        Electa           15    Ia.            311b--30
Monroe        Ellen            21    Ind.           310b--18
Monroe        Elmore           7     Ind.           396b--29
Monroe        Emily            6     Ia.            311b--32
Monroe        Frances          34    O.             311b--34
Monroe        Frances          23    Ia.            311b--33
Monroe        Francis          53    O.             311b--27
Monroe        George           16    O.             310b---4
Monroe        Hannah           30    Penn.          391b--20
Monroe        Jessee           47    O.             392a--39
Monroe        Jessee           30    O.             391b--19
Monroe        Lavisa           15    Ia.            392b---2
Monroe        Lora             4     Ind.           310b--19
Monroe        Marilla          13    Ia.            311b--31
Monroe        Martha           8     Ia.            392b---4
Monroe        Martha           20    O.             310b---3
Monroe        Mary             29    Penn.          311b--35
Monroe        Mary             2     Ind.           310b--20
Monroe        Mary             2     Ia.            392b---7
Monroe        Millie           2     Ia.            311b--39
Monroe        Nancy            7     Ia.            311b--37
Monroe        Oral             2     Ind.           396b--31
Monroe        Parris           4     Ia.            391b--21
Monroe        Peter            4     Ia.            392b---6
Monroe        Rachael          52    Penn.          311b--28
Monroe        Rhoda            17    Ia.            392b---1
Monroe        Samantha         9     Ia.            311b--36
Monroe        Samuel           6     Ia.            392b---5
Monroe        Trulove          29    Ind.           396b--28
Monroe        William          26    O.             310b--17
Monroe        William          24    Ind.           396b--27
Monroe        William          12    Ia.            392b---3
Montgomery    Alex             18    Iowa           473a--18
Montgomery    David            40    Ind.           344b--10
Montgomery    Elizabeth        48    Penn.          361a--38
Montgomery    Elizabeth        44    Ill.           344b--11
Montgomery    Ellen            56    Scotland       318b--11
Montgomery    Irwin            47    Penn.          361a--37
Montgomery    Isadora          18    Ill.           344b--13
Montgomery    John             54    Scotland       318b--10
Montgomery    John             22    Ill.           344b--12
Montgomery    Mary             13    Ill.           344b--14
Montieth      Alice            17    Ill.           340a---1
Montieth      Charlotte        48    N.Y.           339b--40
Montieth      George           62    O.             339b--39
Montieth      Maggie           11    Wis.           340a---2
Montieth      Mary             6     Ia.            340a---3
Moody         Andrew J.        17    Ill.           475b--18
Moody         Columbus         19    Ind.           475b--17
Moody         Elizabeth        14    Ill.           475b--19
Moody         George           54    Va.            475b--15
Moody         Phebe A.         12    Ill.           475b--20
Moody         Syntha           52    Ohio           475b--16
Moon          Clara            9     Ia.            508b--22
Moon          Edward           5     Mo.            399b---5
Moon          Eliza            15    Ohio           401b--36
Moon          Elizabeth        79    Va.            408a--19
Moon          Elizabeth        10/12 Iowa           402a---2
Moon          Henry            15    Tenn.          470b--25
Moon          Hiram            40    Ohio           401b--33
Moon          Isaac            8     Iowa           401b--39
Moon          Jacob B.         33    Va.            521a--24
Moon          James            29    Indiana        399b---3
Moon          Jane             3     Iowa           402a---1
Moon          John W.          26    Va.            521a--27
Moon          Laura            2     O.             521a--29
Moon          Leroy            12    Iowa           401b--37
Moon          Lurilda          17    Ohio           401b--35
Moon          Malissa          24    Ind.           508b--21
Moon          Margaret         1     Iowa           521a--26
Moon          Marinda          34    Ind.           521a--25
Moon          Martha           36    Ohio           401b--34
Moon          Mary             47    Ohio           408a--20
Moon          Mary A.          10    Iowa           401b--38
Moon          Matilda          49    Ind.           508b--20
Moon          Nannie           19    O.             521a--28
Moon          Orlando          3     Iowa           399b---6
Moon          Rachel           45    Ohio           408a--21
Moon          Victoria         24    Mo.            399b---4
Moon          William          6     Iowa           401b--40
Moor          Margaret         70    Ireland        429b--39
Moor          Martha A.        41    Pa.            429b--40
Moore         Aaron            23    Ohio           398b---4
Moore         Adaline          3     Iowa           403b--39
Moore         Allie            7     Iowa           348b--17
Moore         Alonzo           11    Iowa           403b--35
Moore         Alvira           13    Iowa           403b--34
Moore         America          25    Mo.            395a---7
Moore         Anderson         66    Ten.           405b--23
Moore         Anderson         13    Iowa           405b--26
Moore         Arminta          3     Iowa           302c--10
Moore         Attilia          7     Iowa           403b--37
Moore         Betsy A.         3*    Ind.           403b--31
Moore         Catharine        7     Iowa           302c---8
Moore         Charles          12    Ind.           498a---9
Moore         Charlie          8/12  Iowa           302c--11
Moore         Charlie          6     Ind            491a--17
Moore         Cora             4/12  Ia.            310b--13
Moore         Cyrus            13    Iowa           398b---8
Moore         David            18    Iowa           398b---6
Moore         Edward           20    Ohio           398b---5
Moore         Eli              36    Ind.           403b--30
Moore         Eliza            52    O.             310b--14
Moore         Eliza            16    O.             310b--15
Moore         Elizabeth        39    Ohio           469a--18
Moore         Elizabeth        35    Ind.           482a---9
Moore         Elizabeth        33    Ind.           477a--19
Moore         Elizabeth        24    Penn.          459b--10
Moore         Ellen            17    Ill.           310b--12
Moore         Emma J.          9     Iowa           403b--36
Moore         Emma M.          30    Ohio           348b--15
Moore         Enoch S.         37    Ky.            491a--14
Moore         George           10    Ia.            360a--25
Moore         H.M.             31    Iowa           301a--18
Moore         Harry W.         2     Iowa           491a--18
Moore         Henrietta        45    Mass.          498a---7
Moore         Henry            8     Ia.            360a--26
Moore         Isaac T.         22    Ohio           395a---6
Moore         Jacob            49    Ohio           398b---2
Moore         James            46    Ireland        360a--19
Moore         James            18    Iowa           424b--11
Moore         Jane             50    Ky.            428a--27
Moore         Jane             50    Ind.           405b--24
Moore         Jennie           18    Ia.            360a--17
Moore         Jennie           1/12  Iowa           348b--19
Moore         Jhon T.          30    Iowa           348b--14
Moore         John             9     Iowa           302c---7
Moore         John             14    Ia.            360a--23
Moore         Joseph           4     Iowa           398b--10
Moore         Joseph           27    Ohio           302c---5
Moore         Julia            13    Ala.           482a--10
Moore         Kaziah           19    Ohio           419a--35
Moore         Lori             9     Ala.           482a--11
Moore         Lorinda          15    Iowa           403b--33
Moore         Luella           9     Ind.           498a--10
Moore         Luella           7     Iowa           477a--20
Moore         Lydia            45    Ohio           398b---3
Moore         Lydia            16    Iowa           408b--37
Moore         Maggie           15    Ia.            360a--22
Moore         Margaret         50    Ireland        424b--10
Moore         Martha           16    Iowa           403b--32
Moore         Martha           14    O.             310b--16
Moore         Mary             35    Penn.          360a--20
Moore         Mary B.          2/12  Iowa           491a--19
Moore         Mary M.          3     Penn.          459b--11
Moore         Mary M.          19    Penn.          360a--21
Moore         May J.           6     Iowa           398b---9
Moore         Milletta         5     Ind.           498a--11
Moore         Nancy            70    Pa.            420a--40
Moore         Nettie           36    Ohio           491a--15
Moore         Olive M.         9     Iowa           348b--16
Moore         Oliver M.        14    Ind.           498a---8
Moore         Osrow            5     Iowa           403b--38
Moore         Phebe            32    Va.            301a--19
Moore         Richard          45    Ind.           482a---8
Moore         Robert           30    England        360a--16
Moore         Robert           1     Ia.            360a--18
Moore         Ruby S.          14    Ind.           491a--16
Moore         Samuel           53    Pa.            424b---9
Moore         Samuel           42    Ohio           471a--25
Moore         Samuel           24    Penn.          459b---9
Moore         Samuel           22    O.             310b--11
Moore         Sarah            15    Iowa           405b--25
Moore         Sarah A.         37    Ohio           471a--26
Moore         Sarah A.         25    Iowa           302c---6
Moore         Tho.E.           28    Iowa           348b--21
Moore         Thomas           14    Iowa           424b--12
Moore         Thomas C.        42    Ohio           469a--17
Moore         Ulysses          6/12  Iowa           395a---8
Moore         William          5     Iowa           348b--18
Moore         William          4     Iowa           302c---9
Moore         William          37    Pa.            428a--26
Moore         William          24    Ohio           419a--34
Moore         William          16    Iowa           398b---7
Moore         William          13    Ia.            360a--24
Moorhouse     Catharine        28    Ireland        356a--21
Moorhouse     Ellen            5     Iowa           356a--23
Moorhouse     Joseph           4     Iowa           356a--24
Moorhouse     Lizzie A.        7     Iowa           356a--22
Moorhouse     Marvin           2     Iowa           356a--25
Moorhouse     Samuel           32    Ohio           356a--20
Moorman       Childs           24    Ohio           448a--11
Moorman       Elmira           4     Iowa           471b---4
Moorman       Ionia            2     Iowa           471b---6
Moorman       John             60    Va.            312a---4
Moorman       Joseph           2     Iowa           471b---5
Moorman       Lydia            48    O.             312a---5
Moorman       Martha           21    Ind.           312a---6
Moorman       Mattie           1     Ia.            312a--37
Moorman       Olevia           18    Ind.           448a--12
Moorman       Sarah            26    Ind.           312a--35
Moorman       Sarah A.         41    Ind.           471b---3
Moorman       Walter           3     Ia.            312a--36
Moorman       William          53    Ohio           471b---2
Moorman       Wm.              29    O.             312a--34
Moredoch      Ida C.           3     Iowa           296a---6
Moredoch      Millie           24    Ind.           296a---5
Moredoch      Theophilis       27    Ohio           296a---4
Morgan        Catharine        74    Va.            395b--33
Morgan        Catharine        29    Ind.           389b--21
Morgan        Catharine Jr.    40    Ten.           395b--34
Morgan        Charles          7     Ia.            391a--35
Morgan        David            26    Ia.            389b--20
Morgan        David            24    West Va.       326b--10
Morgan        Elijah           35    Va.            516a---3
Morgan        Eliza            24    Ind.           485a--20
Morgan        Elizabeth        29    Ind.           471b--19
Morgan        Elizabeth        21    Ind.           395b--36
Morgan        Jeptha W.        33    Ten.           471b--18
Morgan        John             36    Tenn.          391a--31
Morgan        John H.          1     Iowa           326b---9
Morgan        Lincoln          10    Ia.            391a--34
Morgan        Lucinda          28    O.             391a--32
Morgan        Mahala           6     Ia.            391a--36
Morgan        Maria V.         23    West Va.       326b---8
Morgan        Mary             4     Ia.            391a--37
Morgan        Nancy            5/12  Ia.            391a--38
Morgan        Napolean         34    West Va.       326b---7
Morgan        Sarah            70    N.C.           389b--19
Morgan        Thompson         16    Ten.           471b--20
Morgan        William          29    Ten.           395b--35
Morgan        William          11    Ia.            391a--33
Morninger     Emma             5     Ill.           362a--33
Morninger     Erminna          4     Ill.           362a--34
Morninger     Frank            8     Ill.           362a--31
Morninger     George           1     Ia.            362a--35
Morninger     Jacob            7     Ill.           362a--32
Morninger     John             5/12  Ia.            362a--36
Morninger     Leander          32    Mo.            362a--28
Morninger     Mary             31    Penn.          362a--29
Morninger     William          9     Ill.           362a--30
Morris        Aaron            39    Ohio           372a--38
Morris        Allen            11    Iowa           353a---8
Morris        Amanda           34    Ind.           372a--39
Morris        Anna             16    Iowa           386a--39
Morris        Annie            5     Ia.            432a---3
Morris        Artie            42    West Va.       353a---3
Morris        Berryman         49    Ken.           353a---2
Morris        Catharine        77    Penn.          431b--35
Morris        Charles          4     Ia.            386b---3
Morris        Daniel           22    Ind.           353a---4
Morris        David            40    O.             365a--36
Morris        Dora             4/12  Iowa           353a--10
Morris        Edward           9     Col. T.        386b---1
Morris        Elizabeth        51    Ohio           398b--36
Morris        Elizabeth        46    Va.            431b--34
Morris        Florilla         11    Iowa           386a--40
Morris        Frank            7/12  Iowa           372b---1
Morris        Frank            4     Ia.            386b---4
Morris        Hattie           7     Iowa           372a--40
Morris        Isabella         13    Ia.            431b--39
Morris        James            12    Ia.            431b--40
Morris        John             56    Va.            398b--35
Morris        John             25    Ind.           434b--19
Morris        John             24    Ind.           431b--36
Morris        Joseph           20    Ind.           431b--37
Morris        Lauretta         19    Ind.           524b--40
Morris        Louisa           16    Ind.           431b--38
Morris        Maria            8     Ia.            432a---2
Morris        Marion           13    Iowa           353a---7
Morris        Mary             30    Ind.           365a--40
Morris        Messor           51    Ky.            431b--33
Morris        Phebe            35    O.             386a--38
Morris        Polly            20    Ind.           353a---6
Morris        Riley            9     Iowa           353a---9
Morris        Robert           7     Ia.            386b---2
Morris        Robert           36    Ind.           386a--37
Morris        Rosanna          25    O.             365a--37
Morris        Ruth             12    Iowa           398b--39
Morris        Samuel           20    Ind.           398b--37
Morris        Samuel           18    Ind.           498a--19
Morris        Sarah            8     Ia.            432a---1
Morris        Thomas           23    Ind.           524b--39
Morris        Victor           1     Ia.            386b---5
Morris        Wesley           18    Iowa           398b--38
Morris        Willis           18    Ind.           353a---5
Morrison      Hartley          1     Ia.            308a--20
Morrison      Harvey           28    Penn.          311a--34
Morrison      James            27    Wisc.          308a--18
Morrison      Jane             56    O.             433a---3
Morrison      Michael          58    Penn.          433a---2
Morrison      Oscar            20    Penn.          311a--33
Morrison      Rebecca          26    Ind.           308a--19
Morrison      Wm.              21    O.             309a--23
Morrow        Edwina           21    Ill.           473a---6
Morrow        Walter           28    N.Y.           473a---5
Morton        Albion           39    Ohio           501a---6
Morton        Hannah           36    N.J.           501a---7
Morton        John             8     Iowa           501a---8
Morton        Luretia          3     Iowa           501a---9
Moser         Ann              23    Pa.            441a--23
Moser         Cordelia         16    Ohio           441a--24
Moser         Eva              19    Iowa           442b--26
Moser         Jacob            20    Ohio           442b--25
Moser         Josephene        13    Ohio           441a--25
Moser         Rebecca          54    Pa.            441a--21
Moser         Samuel           53    Penn.          441a--20
Moser         Sarah            27    Pa.            441a--22
Moser         Susan            1/12  Iowa           442b--27
Mosher        Adaline          27    O.             368a---2
Mosher        Arminda          26    N.Y.           368a---9
Mosher        Asa              68    N.Y.           365a--26
Mosher        Asa              15    O.             362b--34
Mosher        Elijah           31    O.             368a---8
Mosher        Ella             3     Ia.            362b--38
Mosher        Joseph           34    O.             368a---1
Mosher        Joseph           3     Ia.            362b--37
Mosher        Lemuel           17    O.             362b--33
Mosher        Mary             7     Ia.            362b--36
Mosher        Mary             40    O.             362b--32
Mosher        Obidiah          23    O.             365a--28
Mosher        Sarah            8     Ia.            362b--35
Mosher        Sarah            64    N.Y.           365a--27
Mosher        Stephen          42    O.             362b--31
Mosphew       Calaway          10    Ill.           458b--19
Mosphew       James            20    Ill.           458b--15
Mosphew       Lincoln          2/12  Iowa           458b--21
Mosphew       Martha           4     Ill.           458b--20
Mosphew       Rebecca          16    Ill.           458b--17
Mosphew       Rolly H.         18    Ill.           458b--16
Mosphew       Sarah            37    Ill.           458b--14
Mosphew       William          40    Ind.           458b--13
Mosphew       William          13    Ill.           458b--18
Moss          Margaret         70    Tenn.          393b--40
Mote          Ann E.           24    Ind.           396b--34
Mote          Annie            10/12 Iowa           396b--38
Mote          Butler           24    Ohio           403a--24
Mote          Ephraim          35    Ohio           396b--33
Mote          Hattie           6     Iowa           396b--35
Mote          Jonathan         79    Georgia        403a--21
Mote          Jonathan         3     Iowa           396b--36
Mote          Lucinda          4     Iowa           403a--27
Mote          Luella           5     Iowa           403a--26
Mote          Mary             26    Ind.           403a--25
Mote          Sallie           5     Iowa           396b--37
Mote          Susan            59    Va.            403a--22
Motsie        Amanda           7     Iowa           491b--10
Mounts        Barbara          5     Ind.           432b--23
Mounts        Caroline         24    O.             432b--18
Mounts        David            11    O.             432b--21
Mounts        John             13    O.             432b--20
Mounts        John H.          36    O.             432b--17
Mounts        Noah             16    O.             432b--19
Mounts        Sarah            10    Ind.           432b--22
Mounts        Susan            1     Ind.           432b--24
Mouser        Emily            16    Va.            462b--27
Mouser        George W.        20    Va.            462b--26
Mouser        Margaret         53    Va.            462b--24
Mouser        Virginia         22    Va.            462b--25
Muhm          Daniel           26    Germany        420a--13
Muhm          Mahala           1     Iowa           420a--16
Muhm          Mary             21    Ohio           420a--15
Muhm          Zachariah        2     Canada         420a--14
Mulance       Bridget          33    Ireland        319b---5
Mulance       Cornelius        1/12  Iowa           319b---8
Mulance       Cornetius        34    Ireland        319b---4
Mulance       Ellen            4     Iowa           319b---7
Mulance       Mary             5     Iowa           319b---6
Mulance       Patrick          70    Ireland        319b---9
Mullen        Elsie            56    Penn.          497a---8
Mullen        Josiah           35    Penn.          497a---6
Mullen        Josie            8     Penn.          497a--10
Mullen        Margaret         32    West Va.       497a---7
Mullen        Wm.              5     Penn.          497a---9
Mulray        Hannah           30    Ireland        355b--27
Mulray        John             40    Ireland        355b--26
Munger        David            6     Wisconsin      495b--11
Munger        Lydia            16    Wisconsin      495b---9
Munger        Maria            38    N.Y.           495b---8
Munger        Orange           43    N.Y.           495b---7
Munger        Orange           12    Wisconsin      495b--10
Munsom        James            21    Iowa           382a--39
Munson        Benjamin         18    Ind.           355a--33
Munson        Benjamin         18    Iowa           381a--11
Munson        James            23    Ind.           355a--32
Munson        Martha           46    Ind.           381a--10
Munson        Mary             14    Mo.            381a--13
Munson        Thomas           16    Iowa           381a--12
Murphin       Christina        4     Iowa           421b--37
Murphin       Emma             24    Ken.           421b--36
Murphin       Sam'l.           32    Ohio           421b--35
Murphy        Alvira           17    Ind.           421b--39
Murphy        David            3     Iowa           381b--33
Murphy        Ellen            9     Ind.           381b--29
Murphy        John             70    Va.            357a--18
Murphy        John             19    Ill.           421b--38
Murphy        John B.          38    Va.            357a--14
Murphy        John C.          10    Mo.            357a--16
Murphy        Margaret         26    Pa.            357a--15
Murphy        William          7     Ohio           357a--17
Murray        Catharine        12    Pa.            381a--38
Murray        Ellen            40    Pa.            381a--34
Murray        Ellen M.         9/12  Iowa           381b---2
Murray        Frances P.       14    Pa.            381a--36
Murray        Hugh J.          10    Pa.            381a--37
Murray        John F.          5     Iowa           381a--40
Murray        Mary A.          16    Pa.            381a--35
Murray        Peter            40    Ireland        381a--33
Murray        Rose M.          8     Iowa           381a--39
Murray        Sarah A.         3     Iowa           381b---1
Murry         Alice            10    Iowa           416a--27
Murry         Almira           26    Ind.           416a--19
Murry         Ann              47    Md.            510b--11
Murry         Columbus         14    Ia.            510b--14
Murry         Curtis           3/12  Iowa           416a--31
Murry         Edward           62    Md.            416a--13
Murry         Edward           4     Iowa           416a--20
Murry         Elizabeth        57    Pa.            416a--14
Murry         Elizabeth        13    Iowa           416a--26
Murry         Ezra D.          26    Ohio           416a--18
Murry         Jacob            40    Ohio           416a--24
Murry         Jacob            3     Iowa           416a--30
Murry         Josephine        7     Ia.            510b--13
Murry         Joshua           7     Iowa           416a--28
Murry         Lenora           12    Iowa           416a--37
Murry         Mary             12    Md.            510b--12
Murry         Mary E.          2     Iowa           416a--21
Murry         Rufus            49    Md.            510b--10
Murry         Samuel           2/12  Iowa           416a--22
Murry         Sarah A.         36    Ind.           416a--25
Murry         William          5     Iowa           416a--29
Musgrove      Benjamin         27    Ky.            387b--28
Musgrove      Henrietta        3     Ind.           387b--32
Musgrove      James            41    Ky.            387b--34
Musgrove      Mary             12    Ind.           387b--30
Musgrove      Nancy            39    O.             387b--35
Musgrove      Samuel           4     Ind.           387b--31
Musgrove      Susan            26    Ind.           387b--29
Musgrove      William          3/12  Ia.            387b--33
Musgrove      William          16    Ind.           387b--36
Muss          Emma             4     Ohio           356a---3
Muss          Lizzie           3     Ohio           356a---4
Muss          Mary             29    France         356a---2
Muss          Peter            31    Belguim        356a---1
Musselman     Amanda           3     O.             438b--33
Musselman     John             24    Va.            438b--31
Musselman     Nancy            23    O.             438b--32
Myerly        Catharine        5     Iowa           332b--11
Myerly        Eliza            45    Ga.            332b---8
Myerly        John             11    Iowa           332b--10
Myerly        Joseph           52    Pa.            332b---7
Myerly        Joseph           13    Iowa           332b---9
Myers         Benjamin         5/12  Iowa           411b--12
Myers         Clara            10    Ia.            508a--36
Myers         Cornelia         24    N.Y.           462a--35
Myers         Earnest          2/12  Iowa           411b--16
Myers         Eliza            29    Ind.           508a--34
Myers         Elmer            7     Ia.            508a--37
Myers         Emma             12    Ia.            508a--35
Myers         Furman           4/12  Ia.            508a--40
Myers         Hattie           27    Ohio           411b--14
Myers         Henry            12    Iowa           471a--27
Myers         Isaaca           35    O.             508a--33
Myers         Isabell          60    Pa.            410b--17
Myers         James            23    Ohio           411b--10
Myers         John             30    Ohio           411b--13
Myers         John             28    Ohio           414a---8
Myers         Julia            14    Ill.           414a---9
Myers         Lloyd H.         2     Ia.            508a--39
Myers         Lucinda          18    Ind.           411b--11
Myers         Lucy             11    Iowa           471a--28
Myers         Mahetable        58    Ohio           414a---5
Myers         Matilda          18    Ohio           414a--10
Myers         Permelia         4     Ia.            508a--38
Myers         Ruben            31    Ohio           414a---7
Myers         Stella           3     Ohio           411b--15
Myers         Strawder         62    Ohio           414a---4
Myers         Ulysses          1     Iowa           414a--11
Myers         William          32    Ohio           414a---6
Myers         William          1/12  Iowa           414a--12
Myrich        Anderson         15    Iowa           400a--28
Myrich        Eli              36    Indiana        400a--26
Myrich        Elizabeth        33    Ky.            400a--27
Myrich        Elyel            8/12  Iowa           400a--32
Myrich        Jane             13    Iowa           400a--29
Myrich        Lydia            11    Iowa           400a--30
Myrich        Mary             15    Iowa           403a--14
Myrich        Perry            7     Iowa           400a--31
Myrick        Alva             25    Ind.           407b--11
Myrick        Andrew           43    Ohio           414b---2
Myrick        Carrie           1/12  Iowa           425a--21
Myrick        Edward           5     Iowa           413a---8
Myrick        Elias            11    Iowa           414b---6
Myrick        Eliza            16    Iowa           413a---4
Myrick        Elizabeth        22    Ind.           425a--18
Myrick        Eunice           11    Iowa           413a---6
Myrick        Fannie           2     Iowa           413a--11
Myrick        Isabell          14    Iowa           414b---5
Myrick        James            5     Iowa           414b---8
Myrick        James            19    Iowa           413a---3
Myrick        Lorena           5     Iowa           425a--19
Myrick        Lydia            63    Me.            425b---3
Myrick        Lydia            2     Iowa           407b--14
Myrick        Marion           9/12  Iowa           407b--15
Myrick        Marion           3     Iowa           425a--20
Myrick        Marion           18    Iowa           414b---4
Myrick        Martha           37    Ind.           414b---3
Myrick        Mary             23    Ohio           407b--12
Myrick        Mary             14    Iowa           413a---5
Myrick        Melvina          2/12  Iowa           413a---9
Myrick        Nancy            10    Iowa           414b---7
Myrick        Percy            27    Ind.           425a--17
Myrick        Sarah            41    Ind.           413a---2
Myrick        William          45    Ohio           413a---1
Myrick        William          4     Iowa           407b--13
Myrick        Willis           7     Iowa           413a---7

The free display of the 1870 Warren County, IA census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
the Allen County Public Library (Indiana)
This index was transcribed by Karon S. King
and proofread by LaVern Velau

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