The USGenWeb Census Project®
Autauga County, AL 1840 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.
The free display of the 1840 Autauga County, Alabama census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Kay Rockett and the permission of S-K Publications. 
This index was transcribed by Vickie Moore
and proofread by Marsha Thompson
Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the names
enumerated in the Autauga, Alabama 1840 U. S. Federal Census








  Because of the many age‑range columns of the 1840 census, each page has two microfilmed pages. The left‑side of the page which includes the Head‑of‑Household name is the "a" page, and the right‑side of the same page with just the remaining age‑range columns is the "b" page.

If you find a name of interest, click on the LEFT‑PAGE link to view the image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives. To see the remaining numbered columns for that page, click on the RIGHT‑PAGE link.
Then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser to return to this index.

Name of Head of Family        LEFT-----RIGHT
(no surname)    Nicholas       14a   8  14b
***kland        ?              11a  16  11b
***land         ?              11a  19  11b
***nnel         James          44a  17  44b
**ughs          ?              37a  17  37b
Adair           Farmar         14a  10  14b
Aldridge        ?              11a  13  11b
Aldridge        Jesse          20a  12  20b
Aldridge        Reuben         26a  29  26b
Aldridge        W K            10a  21  10b
Aldridge        William        22a   4  22b
Alford          Isaac H        28a  12  28b
Alford          Wm             32a   1  32b
Allen           M W            08a   7  08b
Allen           Richard        09a   9  09b
Allexander      J D            10a  14  10b
Andrews         Henry          30a  16  30b
Apperson        John           14a  12  14b
Armstrong       Chas           35a  29  35b
Armstrong       Thos D         22a  21  22b
Armstrong       Wm             36a  13  36b
Augustin        Lucy           28a  10  28b
Avans           J D            27a   5  27b
Averhart        Thos           31a   5  31b
Avert           Joshua         44a  18  44b
Avra            S F            23a   3  23b
Avra            Saml           23a   4  23b
Avra            Wm             23a   5  23b
Bailey          Thos R         34a  21  34b
Bain            F H            27a  20  27b
Baker           Amos           23a  15  23b
Baker           E              07a  26  07b
Baker           E              15a   6  15b
Baker           Joseph         29a   7  29b
Baker           Rebecca        22a  22  22b
Baker           Stephen        36a  14  36b
Ballard         Gardner        36a   8  36b
Barber          J              16a  13  16b
Barber          M R            16a  12  16b
Barefield       Martha         42a  28  42b
Barron          James          38a  23  38b
Basdale         Joseph         35a   7  35b
Bates           Henry          11a  10  11b
Bates           Hyram          36a  27  36b
Bates           James M        37a   6  37b
Bates           Joseph         27a  26  27b
Bates           Thos           37a  21  37b
Batman          George         41a  17  41b
Batson          William        19a   3  19b
Beall           Josiah         29a   6  29b
Bean            Silus          11a   1  11b
Bennet          Eliza          21a  23  21b
Benson          Wilken         29a  13  29b
Bentley         James          28a   4  28b
Benton          B E            07a  18  07b
Berdine         ?              28a  15  28b
Betsel          J              08a  10  08b
Betsil          H              08a   8  08b
Bibb            Paton          40a  23  40b
Bibb            Richard        40a  24  40b
Billingley      C              15a  10  15b
Billingley      George         22a   7  22b
Bishop          ?              44a  11  44b
Bishop          Joshua         41a  24  41b
Bishop          Stephen        26a  13  26b
Bissil          R              09a  11  09b
Black           J              43a  11  43b
Blake           A              21a   7  21b
Blakely         Mary           08a  23  08b
Boo*******      N              13a  12  13b
Boon            Bej            34a  16  34b
Boon            Briton         34a  15  34b
Boon            J J            34a  17  34b
Booth           Charles        21a  29  21b
Booth           John           21a  20  21b
Booth           W              10a   4  10b
Bosseau         W              07a  12  07b
Boulware        A              07a   5  07b
Bowden          William        18a  11  18b
Bozori          W H            16a  26  16b
Bracket         John           20a  11  20b
Bradford        James M        37a  24  37b
Bradley         Abraham        15a  19  15b
Brevard         T W            31a  11  31b
Broadenax       Henry          13a  18  13b
Broadenax       Thos           13a  17  13b
Brosby          Wm             35a  26  35b
Brown           A              08a  20  08b
Brown           H              15a   3  15b
Brown           Jane           23a  11  23b
Brumfiler       Pleasant       35a  14  35b
Bryant          Irving         44a   5  44b
Bryant          W H            12a  19  12b
Bryant          William        19a  15  19b
Bugg            ?              17a  10  17b
Bullard         Wm             21a  14  21b
Bullock         Joseph         28a  22  28b
Bundy           Maryan         30a  25  30b
Burkley         N H            07a  14  07b
Burks           John           17a  28  17b
Burns           Elsa           41a   9  41b
Burrage         Edward         42a  12  42b
Burrows         E              07a   2  07b
Bursh           Conrad         19a  10  19b
Burt            S R            42a   6  42b
Burt            W              11a   9  11b
Burt            W R            31a  17  31b
Burton          Alford         42a  24  42b
Burton          Thos           37a  25  37b
Butler          George         17a  14  17b
Butler          Henry          35a  27  35b
Butler          James A        13a   8  13b
Butler          Thos           21a   2  21b
Butler          Thos           35a  16  35b
Butts           Josiah         23a  14  23b
Butts           Seth           19a   7  19b
Buyen           Edward L       32a   7  32b
Cain            Elisha         18a  29  18b
Caloway         ?              36a  22  36b
Caloway         Benj           36a  23  36b
Campbell        Sally          42a  21  42b
Canterbary      Isaac          39a   4  39b
Cardis          James          29a  29  29b
Carol           Ansley         27a  15  27b
Carrol          John           27a  25  27b
Carter          ?              37a  10  37b
Carter          John           39a  26  39b
Carwell         John           44a  19  44b
Carwile         ?              36a   4  36b
Carwile         David          36a   5  36b
Cash            C B            09a  16  09b
Casling         William        20a   6  20b
Cater           John           30a   9  30b
Cato            P W            35a  24  35b
Cato            Phillip W, Sr  35a  23  35b
Caver           Henry          13a  24  13b
Caver           Saml           14a   2  14b
Caves           James          41a   6  41b
Chamless        Allen          31a  22  31b
Chamless        Gray           34a   2  34b
Chamless        Henry          13a  14  13b
Chancelor       Abram          35a  28  35b
Chancelor       Moses          35a  10  35b
Chancelor       William        21a  16  21b
Chancelor       Wm             21a  15  21b
Chandler        Sidney S       12a  23  12b
Chappel         J J            10a  23  10b
Cherry          J              43a  25  43b
Chevas          Martin         21a  25  21b
Chrenshaw       James          42a  22  42b
Church          Mary           30a  21  30b
Clark           J              07a  16  07b
Clarke          E              30a  20  30b
Clarke          Nelson         26a  25  26b
Cleavland       Gilbert        37a   3  37b
Clivenshaw      ?              22a  24  22b
Coe             E              19a   1  19b
Coe             N              07a   4  07b
Coggin          Wily           35a  17  35b
Coker           D              15a   8  15b
Coker           G W            12a   7  12b
Coker           Jame           39a   7  39b
Coker           James          40a  22  40b
Collwell        Thos           12a   9  12b
Colman          J M            28a  13  28b
Colman          Luther         31a  26  31b
Colman          Thos           31a  25  31b
Colwell         Saml           13a   6  13b
Colwell         Wm L           19a   8  19b
Connel          Thos           10a  20  10b
Connell         Wm             15a  21  15b
Cook            Jesse          14a  30  14b
Cook            Saml           23a  24  23b
Cooler          Abner S        42a  20  42b
Coope           C C            07a  19  07b
Cooper          C K            43a  21  43b
Cotton          Sherood        38a  16  38b
Couch           W J            29a   5  29b
Cox             A              07a  23  07b
Craton          Margarett      41a  12  41b
Crawford        D              28a  14  28b
Crawford        S              44a   6  44b
Crenshaw        A              07a   1  07b
Crocheron       John S         30a   7  30b
Crosby          Jarman         18a  25  18b
Crumpler        Araza          35a  15  35b
Culp            A C            44a  25  44b
Culp            John           44a  24  44b
Culp            N N            44a  26  44b
Cundif          John           10a  19  10b
Curtis          ?              17a   3  17b
Daffin          George H       27a  21  27b
Darden          E              11a  29  11b
Darringer       V              43a  29  43b
Dassey          Joseph         43a  16  43b
Davis           ?              11a  25  11b
Davis           ? H            12a  24  12b
Davis           A P            43a  24  43b
Davis           H B            14a  20  14b
Davis           J R            21a  26  21b
Davis           John H         22a   8  22b
Dawson          Enoch          26a  27  26b
Dean            Sterling       21a   3  21b
Debartabourn    Henry          38a  11  38b
Debose          Benj           26a  19  26b
Debose          Isaac          26a  12  26b
Dejarnett       ?              28a  29  28b
Dejarnett       John P         38a   6  38b
Dejarnett       Wm P           38a   5  38b
Denison         Mary           17a   5  17b
Dennis          ?              15a  11  15b
Dennis          Daniel         20a  16  20b
Dennis          Gaven          20a  22  20b
Dennis          Jackson        20a   1  20b
Dennis          Jesse          15a  29  15b
Dennis          Joel           20a   2  20b
Dennis          Peter          20a  18  20b
Dennis          Posey          20a  19  20b
Dennis          Winney         20a  17  20b
Derammus        George         29a  21  29b
Derammus        Henry G        32a  27  32b
Derammus        Jacob          32a  24  32b
Derammus        John           32a  28  32b
Derdan          Benj           31a  15  31b
Derdan          Gelly          28a  18  28b
Derdan          J W            09a   7  09b
Derdan          James          31a  29  31b
Derdan          Josiah         23a  17  23b
Derdan          Saml           31a  16  31b
Deshay          W K            16a   4  16b
Devenport       Elizabeth      42a  23  42b
Dickenson       Henry          19a   5  19b
Dickerson       J M            43a   4  43b
Dixon           Alford         40a   4  40b
Dixon           Ann B          41a  15  41b
Dixon           S A W          29a  15  29b
Dobson          John           23a   7  23b
Dorammus        Joseph         28a  25  28b
Dosten          H              08a  18  08b
Douglass        James          30a  14  30b
Dozier          ?              37a  27  37b
Drummond        H C            43a  18  43b
Dudy            Henry          23a  26  23b
Due             W J            17a   8  17b
Duke            Mastin         36a  20  36b
Dunaway         T C            14a   3  14b
Duncan          Jno            08a  16  08b
Dunklin         H H            11a  26  11b
Dunn            Benj           41a   8  41b
Dunn            Henry          28a  20  28b
Dunn            Wm             27a  18  27b
Dunn            Wm             41a  10  41b
Easterling      Lewis          15a  26  15b
Eastling        Hewit          36a  16  36b
Eastling        Sam            36a  15  36b
Edgeley         John           34a  25  34b
Edwards         ?              44a  10  44b
Edwards         Donald         44a   8  44b
Edwards         Elijah         44a  27  44b
Edwards         James W        14a  23  14b
Edwards         James W        32a   2  32b
Edwards         John, Jr       21a  18  21b
Edwards         John, Sr       34a  24  34b
Elliot          F              08a   1  08b
Elliott         A R            26a  11  26b
Ellis           Elisha         17a  22  17b
Ellis           Raleigh        19a  23  19b
Ellis           Wesley         12a   8  12b
Elmore          Ann            43a  12  43b
Eubanks         M              08a  21  08b
Eubanks         Wm J           28a  23  28b
Evans           Alford         38a  19  38b
This index was transcribed by Vickie Moore
and proofread by Marsha Thompson

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