The USGenWeb Census Project 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
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Barnwell County, South Carolina - - 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T623-1518
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
10 Baldoc Township (part) incl. Seiglingville town (part)
Sycamors Township (part)
Allendale Twp. (part) incl. Allendale & Seiglingville (part) towns
All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by Miller swamp to its intersection with Jackson branch; thence on Jackson branch to the county line; East by Hanpton county; South by C. and W. C. R.R. West by public road leading from Buford's bridge to Concord Church, known as Buton's ferry road, outside of Allendale and Seiglingville towns
11 Allendale Township (part) including Fairfax town
Excluding Allendale town. All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by C. and W. C. R.R.; East by Hampton county; South by public road leading from Coker's bridge to Leoper's Crossroads and running through the town of old Allendale: West by the Burton's ferry public road, outside of Fairfax town
12 Barnwell Township (part)
Excluding Barnwell town. All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by Williston Township: East by Turkey creek; South and west by Great Salkehatchie river.
13 Barnwell Township (part) including Barnwell town
All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by Blackville Township; East by Tobey's creek; South by Great Salkehatchie river; West by Turkey creek, outside of Barnwell town
14 Baldoc Township (part) including Appleton village (not incorp.)
Excluding that part of Baldoc twp. containing Seiglingville town. See E.D. 10.)
15 Bennett Springs Township      
16 Blackville Township (part)
Excluding Blackville town. All that part of twp. bounded as follws: North by Orangeburg county; East by Bamberg county; South by the Southern R.R. Branch, formerly known as the S. C. and G. R.R.; West by Reeve's creek.
17 Blackville Township (part) including Blackville town
All that part of the Township bounded as follows: North by the Southern R.R. branch, formerly known as the S. C. and G. R.R.; East by Bamberg county; West by Tobey's creek and Williston Twp.; South by George's creek Township, outside of Blackville town
18 Bull Pond Township      
19 Four Mile Township      
20 Georges Creek Township      
21 Great Cypress Township (part)
Excluding Kline town. All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by Salkehatchie river; East by Sycamore Township; South and west by public road leading from Haye's Crossroads to Hurricane branch waters of Great Cypress pond; thence up Hurricane branch to Salkehatchie river.
22 Great Cypress Township (part) including Kline town
All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by Salkehatchie river; East by public road leading from Haye's Crossroads to Hurricane branch waters of Great Cypress pond; thence up Hurricane branch to Salkehatchie river; South by Baldoc Township; West by Red Oak Township, outside of Kline town
23 Red Oak Township      
24 Richland Township      
25 Rosemary Township      
26 Sycamore Township (part) incl. Sycamore and Ulmers towns
Part of Sycamore twp. in E.D. 10.
27 Williston Township (part) including Elko town
Excluding Williston town. All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by Orangeburg county; East by Blackville Township; West by public road leading from Barnwell to Williston: from Williston to Doct. Peeple's place; thence to Orangeburg county line across Winborn Island; South by Barnwell Township, outside of Elko town
28 Williston Township (part) including Williston town
Excluding Elko town. All that part of twp. bounded as follows: North by Orangeburg county; East by public road leading from Barnwell to Williston; from Williston to Doct. Peeple's place; thence to Orangeburg county line across Winborn Island; South by Barnwell Township; West by Rosemary Township
Aiken Co., outside of Williston town

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