The USGenWeb Census Project 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
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York County, Pennsylvania - - 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T623-1500
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
125 Carroll Township, including Dillsburg borough      
126 Chanceford Township (part)
All the territory North of the road leading from Red Lion through the villages of Keys, Brougueville, Chanceford, to Airville.
127 Chanceford Township (part) including Felton borough
All the territory South of road leading from Red Lion through the villages of Keys, Brougueville Chanceford, to Airville.
128 Codorus Township (part) including Jefferson borough
All the territory North of the following roads: Leading from the borough of Jefferson to Brodbecks P.O. past the properties of public school cemetery, W. Schue, J. Schmidt, J. Wermer, Wm. Rohrabaugh, J. M. Barthold, Hotel, Store, thence by another road leading Eastwardly towards Glen Rock, past property of D. Schue, J. Krebs, F. Frasher, D. S. Miller H. Bailey, C. Devery, Mrs. Cornbower, Wm. Croft. ending at Codorus Creek.
129 Codorus Township (part)
All the territory South of the following roads: Leading from the borough of Jefferson to Brodbecks P. O. past the properties of public school, cemetery, W. Schue J. Schmidt, J. Wermer, Wm. Rohrabaugh. J. M. Barthold, Hotel, Store, thence by another road leading Eastwardly towards Glen Rock, past property of D. Schue, J. Krebs, F. Frasher, D. S. Miller, H. Bailey, C. Devery, Mrs Cornbower Wm. Croft, ending at the Codorus Creek, Excluding the borough of Jefferson.
130 Conewago Township (part)
That part of Township North of the road leading from York to Zion's View, thence West past the property of S. Hay, G. Witmer, and C. Short, to the Newberry Township line, excluding Zion's View.
131 Conewago Township (part)
That part of Township South of the road leading from York to Zion's View, thence west past the property of S. Hay, G. Witmer, and C. Short to the Newberry Township line including Zion's View (not incorporated)
132 Dallastown borough      
133(part) Peach Bottom Township (part) including Delta borough (part)
All the territory South and East of the road leading from Paltimore to Delta, including the borough of Delta, and South of the York Southern Railroad, leading from Delta to Peach Bottom to the terminus of said railroad, and from thence to the Susquehanna River, crossing the canal at right angles to said river.
Microfilm # T623-1501
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
133(part) Peach Bottom Township (part) including Delta borough (part)
All the territory South and East of the road leading from Paltimore to Delta, including the borough of Delta, and South of the York Southern Railroad, leading from Delta to Peach Bottom to the terminus of said railroad, and from thence to the Susquehanna River, crossing the canal at right angles to said river.
134 Peach Bottom Township (part)
All the territory North and West of the road leading from Baltimore to Delta, excluding the borough of Delta, and North and West of the York Southern Railroad, leading from Delta to Peach Bottom to the terminus of said railroad, and North of the line from the terminus of said road to the Susquehanna River crossing the canal.
135 Dover Township (part) including Dover borough
All the territory North of the public road leading from York city, through Weigelstown to Dover borough, including said borough, thence continuing a short distance along said road to another public road leading to the village of Roller, and ending at the bridge near the said village of Roller where the road crosses the Conewago Creek.
136 Dover Township (part)
All the territory South of the public road leading from York city through Weigelstown to Dover borough, including said borough, thence continuing a short distance along said road to another public road leading to the village of Roller, and ending at the bridge near the said village of Roller where the road crosses the Conewago Creek, excluding the borough of Dover.
137 East Hopewell Township, including Cross Roads borough      
138 East Manchester Township (part)
That part of Township West of Northern Central R.R. from Harrisburg to Baltimore.
139 East Manchester Township (part) Manchester borough
That part of Township East of Northern Cemitary. including Manchester borough
140 Lower Windsor Township (part) including East Prospect borough
All territory North of the Pike leading from York City through Yorkanna to River.
141 Lower Windsor Township (part)
Southern Dist. All the territory South of the Pike leading from York city through Yorkanna to River, excluding the borough of East Prospect.
142 Fairview Township (part) including Lewisberry borough
All territory South of the following roads; Beginning on the West at the bridge across Yellow Breeches Creek, thence Eastward past the properlies of P. Hoover and G. Gehr, M. Yancel, S. Sunday, Dr. J. M. Kilmore, school, H. Kilmore, Jps. Kilnore, Mrs. Yancel, R. Nelson, Mrs Pyles, J. Ring, S. Wood and ending where the road enters Newberry Township.
143 Fairview Township (part)
Excluding the borough of Lewisberry. All the territory North of the following roads: Beginning on the West at the bridge across Yellow Breeches Creek, thence Eastward past the properties of P.Hoover, and G. Gehr, M. Yencel, S. Sunday, Dr. J. M. Kilmore, school, H. Kilmore, Jos. Kilmore, Mrs. Yencel, R. Nelson, Mrs. Pyles, J. Ring, S. Wood, and ending where the road enters Newberry Township
144 Fawn Township and Fawn Grove borough      
145 Franklin Township, including Franklintown borough      
146 Shrewsbury Twp. (part) incl. Glen Rock borough and
New Freedom borough
All territory West of the Northern Central Railroad, including the boroughs of Glen Rock and New Freeden, and excluding Railroad borough.
147 Shrewsbury Township (part) including
Shrewsbury borough: North & South Wards;
and Railroad borough
The territory East of the Northern Central R.R.
148 Newberry Township (part) including Goldsboro borough
All the territory North of the road leading from Lewisberry past the properties of Wm. Hammond, A.S. and J.A Powell, Friends meeting house, J. Frazar, J. Mansberger, L. Williams, D. H. Kister, through to Newberrytown to the road leading to Goldsboro thence along said road leading from Newberrytown to Goldsboro past the properties of S. McGreany, Baptist Church, J. Yinger, G. Peeser I. Kister, L. Knight, along the Southern boundary of Goldsboro to the Susquehanna River including the borough of Goldsboro and excluding Lewisberry borough.
149 Newberry Township (part) including York Haven borough
All the territory South of the road landing from Lewisberry past the properties of William Hammond, and E. Hammond, A.S and J. A Friends meeting house, J. Frazar, J. Mansberger, L. Williams, D.H.Kister, through to Newberrytown to the road lending to Goldsboro, thence along said road leading from Newberrytown to Goldsboro past the properties of S.McGrery, Raptist Church, J. Yinger G. Peeser L. Kister along the Southern boundary of Goldsboro to the Perduehanna River, including York River Pereuch, and excluding Lewisberry borough.
150 Hanover borough: Wards 1 and 3      
151 Penn Township, including Hanover borough: Wards 2 and 4      
152 Heidelberg Township      
153 Hellam Township (part)
Excluding Wrightsville borough. All territory North of the Pike leading from Wrighteville borough through the village of Hellan to York City.
154 Hellam Township (part)
Excluding Wrightsville borough. All territory North of the Pike leading from Wrightsville borough through the village of Hellan to York city.
155 Hopewell Township (part) including Stewartstown borough
All the territory North of the railroad leading from Tolna through the villare of Orwig to the borough of Stewart and South of the road * Baltimore.
156 Hopewell Township (part)
All the territory North of the railroad leading from Tolna through the Village of Orwig to the borough of Stewartstown, and South of the road leading from Stewartstown to Baltimore, * the borough of Stewartstown.
157 Jackson Township (part) including Spring Grove borough
Spring Grove borough and all territory South of the York and Hanover Road.
158 Jackson Township (part)
All the territory North of the York and Hanover Road.
159 Springfield Township (part) including Loramaville borough
All the territory East of the Ballimore Pike.
160 Springfield Township (part) including Sexon Vallor borough
All territory West of the Baltmore Pike.
161 Lower Chanceford Township (part)
All territory East of the following * * * the property of J. We*l*hairs on the road leading from Del* to York, thence alonf said rond Northwestward through the towns of Sunnyburn, Kileville and Airville.
162(part) Lower Chanceford Township (part)
All territory West of the following roads Beginning at the Bridge across Muddy Creek past the property of J. Welso heirs on the road leading from Delta to York, thence along said Northwestward through the towns of Sunnyburn, Mileville and Hirville.
Microfilm # T623-1502
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
162(part) Lower Chanceford Township (part)
All territory West of the following roads: Beginning at the Bridge across Muddy Creek past the property of J. Welso heirs on the road leading from Delta to York, thence along said Northwestward through the towns of Sunnyburn, Mileville and Hirville.
163 Manchester Township (part)
That part west of road leading from Emigaville and Gubbane to the city of York, excluding North York borough.
164 Manchester Township (part) including North York borough
That part east of road leading from Manchester through Emigsville and Cabbane to the city of York
165 Manheim Township      
166 Monaghan Township      
167 North Codorus Township (part) including New Salem borough
All the territory East of the following roads Beginning at a point where the road crosses the run West Manchester Township and North Poland Township, thence along said road past the properties of S. Martin. G. H. Moyer, leading towards Stoyerstown, thence by another public road running Southeastward past the properties of J.Hosler, G.Hilbert, H.Kendig, H.Baer, G.Buie, A.Miller, to another public road leading south just the properties of Wm.Diehl, German Reformed Lutheran Church, and School, continuing Southwardly a short distance, thence Southwardly crossing a small run and the Hanover Branch Railroad, thence by a line kiln and property of J. Zigler, and ending in Codorus Township.
168 North Codorus Township (part)
All the territory West of the following roads; Beginning at a point where the road crossea the run between West Manchester Township and North Codoras Township, thence along said road east of the properties of S. Martin, G. H. Moyer leading towards Stoverstewn, thence by another public road running Southeastward past the properties of J. Hosler, G. Hilbert, H. Kendig, H. Raer, G.Baie, A.Miller, to another public and leading South past the properties of Wm. Diehl, German Reformed Lutheran Church and school continuing southwestwardly a short stance, thence Southwardly crossing a small run and the Hanover Branch Railroad, thence by a lime kila and property of J.Zigler, and ending in Codorus Township. Excluding the borough of New Salem.
169 North Hopewell Township (part) including Winterstown borough
All territory East of the road leading from Hartley through Winterstown Rinely.
170 North Hopewell Township (part)
All territory West of the road leading from Hartley through Winteratown Rinely, excluding Winterstown.
171 Paradise Township      
172 Penn Township
Excluding Hanover borough
173 Windsor Township (part) including Red Lion borough
All the territory South of the public road leading from Keys through Red Lien borough exincluding Red Lion *, towards Dallastown borough and excluding Felton borough.
174 Windsor Township (part)
All territory North of the Public road leading from Keys through Red Lion borough, excluding Red Lion borogh, towards Dallastown borough and excluding Felton borough.
175 Springetsbury Township      
176 Spring Garden Township
Excluding York city.
177 Warrington Township (part) including Wellsville borough
All the territory South of the public road leading from the village of Monaghan past the stean saw mill and John Sidensticker's property, public school and church and passing through the village of Rossville to Mount Royal village.
178 Warrington Township (part)
All the territory North of the public road leading from the village of Monaghan past the stean saw mill and John Sidensticker's property public school and church, and passing through the village of Rossville to Mount Royal village, excluding the borough of Wellsville.
179 Washington Township (part)
All territory North of the following roads: Beginning at the public road on the West side of Washington Township on the line of Adams County, thence Eastwardly by properties of S.A.Firestone, W.Hoops, J. Hoops, J.Krall, D. Craul, to another public road, thence Northward a short distance on said road to a second public road leading Eastwardly across a small run called Doe run, thence continuing Eastward parallel to said Doe run past properties of Wm. Stretch, D. Trimmer and others, and ending where the road enters Warrington Township.
180 Washington Township (part)
All territory south of the following roads: Beginning at the public road on the West side of Washington Township on the line of Adams County, thence Eastwardly by properties of S. A. Firestone, W.Hoops, J.Hoops, J.Krall, D.Cranl, to another public road, thence Northward a short distance on said road to a second public road leading Eastwardly across a small run called Doe run, thence continuing Eastward arallel to said Doe run past properties of Wm. Stretch D. Trimmer and others, and ending where the road enter Warrington Township
181 West Manchester Township      
182 West Manheine Township      
183 Wrightsville borough      
184 York Township (part) including Yoe borough
All the territory North of the public of road including York city through the village of Spry * Dallastown Borbugh and the territory borough of the road leading from Dallastown borough to Red Lion. Including the borough of Yoe, and excluding Dallastown borough
185 York Township (part)
Excluding the borough of Dallastown. All the territory South of the public road leading from York city through the village of Spring Dallastown Borough and the territory North of the road leading from Dallastown borough to Red Lion.
186 York city: Ward 1 (part)      
187 York city: Ward 1 (part)
All territory bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the Southeast corner of South George Street and East South Street, thence Eastwardly along the South side of East South Street to South Duke Street, thence Southwardly along the West side of South Duke Street to the city line, thence along the North side of the city line to South George Street, thence along the East side of South George Street to East South Street.
188 York city: Ward 2
Beginning at center square and North George Street, North George Street to East Gas Avenue East Gas Avenue to City line, City line to East Market Street, East Market Street to Centre Square.
Microfilm # T623-1503
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
189 York city: Ward 3
Beginning at Center Square and North George Street North George Street to Codorus Creek, Codorus Creek to West Mch* St., West Market Street to Centre Square.
190 York city: Ward 4
Beginning at Centre Square and West Market Street, West Market Street to Codorus Creek, Codorus Creek to West Baptist Avenue, West Baptist Avenue to South George Street, South Geenge Street to Centre Square.
191 York city: Ward 5
Beginning at Codorus Creek and West Market Street, West Market to North Penn Street, North Penn Street to city line, City line East and South to Codorus Creek, Codorus Creek South to West Market St.
192 York city: Ward 6. 1st Dist.
Beginning at the Southeast corner of S. Duke and East Market Streets, thence along the South side of East Market St. Eastward to the city line, thence Southward West of the city line to Poplar St., a continuation of Newsen Avenue, thence Westward along the North side of Poplar Street and Newton Avenue to South Duke Street, thence along the East side of South Duke Street to E. Market Street.
193 York city: Ward 6. 2nd Dist.
Beginning at the Southeast corner of South Duke St. and Newton Ave., thence along the South side of Newton Ave. and Poplar St. Eastward to the city line, thence southward on the West side of city line to Plank road, thence crossing the said Plank road, and continuing Westward on the North side of East College Avenue to South Duke Street, thence along the east side of South Duke Street to Newton Avenue.
194 York city: Ward 7
Beginning at East Gas Avenue and North George Street, North George Street to Codorus Creek, Codorus Creek to City line, City line South and East to East Gas Avenue, East Gan Avenue to North George Street.
207 Institution: York County Almshouse      
195 York city: Ward 8
Beginning at West Baotist Ave. and South George St., South George St. to city line, City line West and North to Codorus Creek, Codorus Creek to West Baptist Avenue, West Baptist Avenue to South George Street.
196 York city: Ward 9. 1st Dist.
Beginning at the in age across Codorus Creek, thence Westward along the South side of West Market Street to South Penn Street, thence along the east side of South Penn St. to West King Street at the intersection of Salen Avenue, Thence Southwestward along the South Side of Salem Avenue to South Hartley Street, thence Southwardly along the east side of South Nartley Street crossing Codorus Creek to the City line, thence continuing eastwardly along the city line where it leaves said creek, thence northward across said creek, thence along the North and West share of said Creek to the West side of the bridge on West Market Street.
197 York city: Ward 9. 2nd Dist.
Beginning at the Southwest corner of West, Market and South Penn Streets, thence along the West side of south Penn St. to Salem Avenue, thence southwestwardly along the North side of Salem Avenue, thence Southwardly along the West side of South Hartley Street to Codorus Creek, thence crossing said Creek to the city line, thence along the city line on the south bank of Codorus Creek westward crossing said Creek, thence North said along the city line on the east side of * line to West Market St., thence * along the South side of West Market * Street.
198 York city: Ward 10. 1st Dist.
Beginning at the Southeast corner of South Fuke St. and First College Avenue, thence along the South side of East College Avenue of the plank road, thence along the south said of the Plank road to the City line, thence along the city line to Charles, Avenue, * Westward along the North side of Charles Avenue, to South Duke Street, thence Northward along the East side of South Duke. * to East Colleve Avenue.
199 York city: Ward 10. 2nd Dist.
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of south Duke Street and Charles Avenue, thence Eastward along the south side of Charles Avenue to the city line, thence Southward along the city line and Edgar Street continuing along the city line to South Duke Street, thence along the east side of South Duke Street to Charles Avenue.
200 York city: Ward 11. 1st Dist.
Beginning at the Northward Corner of West Market and North Penn Street, thence along the North side of West Market Street to North Martley Street, thence Northward along the East side of North Hartley Street to the city line, thence Northeastward along the city line to North Penn Street, thence Southward along the West side of North Penn Street to West Market Street.
201 York city: Ward 11. 2nd Dist.
Beginning at the Northwest corner of West Market Street and North Hantley Street, thence westwardly along the North side of West Market Street to the city limits, thence North and East along the city line to where a continuation of the middle of North Hartley St. intersects said city line, thence Southwardly along the West side of North Hartley St. to West Market Street.
202 York city: Ward 12 (part)
That part of territory recently annexed to York city north of the extension of East King street, including the North side of East King street.
203 York city: Ward 12 (part)
That part of territory recently annexed to York city South of East King street extended including the south side of East King street, also including the territory annexed to the south side of York city.
204 York city: Ward 13 Annexed from West Manchester Township
Beginning at the bridge across the Codorus creek at North George street; thence along the west bank of said creek to West North street extended; thence westward along the north side of West North street to Newberry street; thence north along the east side of Newberry St. to Old City line; * northwestward along Old City line to the end of Garfield St.; thence eastward along the New City line to Willis Road; thence southward along Willis Road to North George St., thence southward along the west side of North George St. to the bridge across the Codorus creek.

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