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1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns. These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner. Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal. |
The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:
Please refer to the 1930 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.
Microfilm #T626-2066 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status |
Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-1 | Ashley Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Aumans Alley; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Ashley; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-2 | Ashley Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Ashley, Railroad Tracks, Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks, Solomon's Creek; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-3 | Ashley Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Solomon's Creek, Railroad Tracks; (E) Railroad Tracks, Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-4 | Avoca Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Ward Line; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-5 | Avoca Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Hawthorne, Hawthorne Extended; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-6 | Avoca Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits, York Ave., Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Hawthorne Extended, Hawthorne, Railroad Tracks, Ward Line. | |||
40-7 | Bear Creek Twp. | |||
40-8 | Black Creek Twp. (Southwest Part) and Weston Village | |||
40-9 | Black Creek Twp. (Northeast Part) | |||
40-10 | Buck Twp. | |||
40-11 | Butler Twp. | |||
40-12 | Institutions(s): Luzerne Co. Industrial School for Boys | |||
40-13 | Conyngham Borough | |||
40-14 | Conyngham Twp. and Mocanaqua Village | |||
40-15 | Courtdale Borough | |||
40-16 | Dallas Borough | |||
40-17 | Dallas Twp. excluding Dallas Borough | |||
40-18 | Institutions(s): Misericordia College | |||
40-19 | Denison Twp.
Institution(s): Fern Cliff Sanatorium |
40-20 | Dorrance Twp. | |||
40-21 | Dupont Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Front, Bear Creekrd., 1st Ave., Ward Line; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-22 | Dupont Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits, Railroad Tracks, Ward Line, Wyoming Ave., Wyoming Ave. Extended; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Ward Line, 1st Ave., Bear Creek Rd., Front. | |||
40-23 | Dupont Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Wyoming Ave. Extended, Wyoming Ave., Ward Line. | |||
40-24 | Duryea Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Stevenson; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Lackawanna River, Susquehanna River; (W) Susquehanna River. |
40-25 | Duryea Borough, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Lackawanna River; (E) Lackawanna River, Marcy St.; (S) Railroad Tracks; (N) Stevenson. |
40-26 | Duryea Borough, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Marcy Ave., Foster, Railroad Tracks; (S) Marcy St., Lackawanna River, Ward Line; (W) Susquehanna River. |
40-27 | Duryea Borough, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-28 | Duryea Borough, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Stevenson, Ward Line; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-29 | Duryea Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Foster, Marcy Ave., Borough Limits; (E) Wood, Borough Limits; (S) Ward Line, Stevenson; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-30 | Duryea Borough, Ward 5, bounded by (N) County Line; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits, York Ave.; (W) Wood. | |||
40-31 | Edwardsville Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Main Ave., Main Ave. Extended; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-32 | Edwardsville Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Main Ave., Borough Limits; (E) Susquehanna River; (S) Railroad Tracks, Ward Line; (W) Hillside Ave. | |||
40-33 | Edwardsville Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Main Ave.; (E) Hillside Ave.; (S) Ward Line; (W) Green Ave. | |||
40-34 | Edwardsville Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Main Ave.; (E) Green Ave.; (S) Ward Line, Church Ave., Borough Limits; (W) Ward Line. | |||
40-35 | Edwardsville Borough, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Main Ave. Extended, Main Ave.; (E) Ward Line; (S) Borough Limits, Arch; (W) Atlantic Ave., Ward Line, Borough Limits. | |||
40-36 | Edwardsville Borough, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Atlantic Ave., Arch, Jackson Ave.; (S) Borough Limits, Thomas, Borough Limits; (W) Luzerne Ave. | |||
40-37 | Edwardsville Borough, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Hillside Ave., Ward Line; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Woodward Ave., Borough Limits, Poplar, Church Ave. | |||
40-42 | Exeter Twp. excluding Duryea, Exeter and West Pittston Boroughs | |||
40-43 | Fairmont Twp. | |||
40-44 | Fairview Twp. | |||
40-94 | Hunlock Twp. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2067 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-38 | Exeter Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Susquehanna River; (S) Borough Limits, Tunkhannock Ave.; (W) Mercer Ave. Ward Line, Packer Ave., Ward Line. | |||
40-39 | Exeter Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Ward Line, Packer Ave., Ward Line, Mercer Ave., Tunkhannock Ave., Erie Ave.; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Ward Line, Lincoln Ave., Ward Line. | |||
40-40 | Exeter Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Ward Line, Lincoln Ave., Lincoln Ave. Extended; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Ward Line, Valley Ave., Ward Line.
Institution(s): St. Cecilia's Convent |
40-41 | Exeter Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Ward Line, Valley Ave., Valley Ave. Extended; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Borough Limits, 1st, Borough Limits. | |||
40-45 | Forty Fort Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) Dana; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-46 | Forty Fort Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Ward Line; (S) Ward Line; (N) Borough Limits. | |||
40-47 | Forty Fort Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Dana, Ward Line. | |||
40-48 | Upper Lehigh Village and Foster Twp. (North Part) excluding White Haven Borough
Institution(s): Hamilton Cottage Sanitarium; Sunnyrest Sanitarium |
40-49 | Drifton (Part), Highland, and Sandy Run Villages and Foster Twp. (Middle Part) excluding Freeland, Jeddo, and White Haven Boroughs | |||
40-50 | Foster Twp. (South Part) and Eckley Village | |||
40-51 | Franklin Twp. | |||
40-52 | Freeland Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Chestnut, Pine, Johnson, Dewey; (E) Alvin; (S) Borough Limits, Main; (W) Centre. | |||
40-53 | Freeland Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Alvin, Dewey, Johnson, Pine, Chestnut; (W) Washington. | |||
40-54 | Freeland Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Washington; (S) Chestnut, Laurel, Chestnut; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-55 | Freeland Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Chestnut, Laurel, Chestnut; (E) Centre; (S) Main, Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-56 | Freeland Borough, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Main, Ward Line; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Centre. | |||
40-57 | Freeland Borough, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Main; (E) Centre; (S) Borough Limits, Luzerne, Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-58 | Hanover Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Susquehanna River, Solomon's Creek, Railroad Tracks; (E) St. Mary's Rd.; (S) Middle Rd.; (W) Nanticoke City Limits; Includes Buttonwood, Hanover Green, and Korn Krest Villages. | |||
40-59 | Hanover Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Fellows Ave., Colley, St. Marys Rd.; (S) Railroad Tracks, Solomon's Creek; (W) Susquehanna River; Includes Breslau Village. | |||
40-60 | Hanover Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Wilkes-Barre City Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) St. Mary's Rd., Colley, Fellows Ave. | |||
40-61 | Hanover Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Wilkes-Barre City Limits; (S) Regent; (W) St. Mary's Rd.; Includes Lee Park Village (Part). | |||
40-62 | Hanover Twp. (Part), excluding Ashley Borough, bounded by (N) Middle Rd., Regent; (E) Wilkes-Barre City Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Sugar Notch Borough Limits, Unnamed Road; Includes Lee Park Village (Part). | |||
40-63 | Hanover Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Ashley Borough Limits, Railroad Tracks; (E) Wilkes-Barre City Limits, Twp. Line, Laurel Run Borough Limits, Twp. Line; (S) Twp. Line; (W) Ashley Blvd. | |||
40-64 | Hanover Twp.(Part) bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Ashley Borough Limits, Ashley Blvd.; (S) Twp. Line; (W) Railroad Tracks, Sugar Notch Borough Limits. | |||
40-65 | Hanover Twp., excluding Warrior Run Borough, bounded by (N) Nanticoke City Limits, Midddle Rd.; (E) Unnamed Road, Sugar Notch Borough Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks, Twp. Line; (W) Twp. Line. | |||
40-95 | Huntington Twp. excluding New Columbus Borough | |||
40-96 | Jackson Twp. | |||
40-97 | Jaddo Borough | |||
40-98 | Jenkins Twp. (North Part) and Port Blanchard, Port Griffith, and Tuckerman Villages | |||
40-99 | Inkerman and Sebastopol Villages and Jenkins Twp. (Middle Part) excluding Laflin and Yatesville Boroughs | |||
40-100 | Boston Village and Jenkins Twp. (South Part) excluding Laflin and Yatesville Boroughs
Institution(s): Pittston Hospital Assn |
Microfilm #T626-2068 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description | Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-66 | Hazel Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Twp. Line; (E) Railroad Tracks, County Line; (S) Railroad Tracks, Hazelton City Limits, Railroad Tracks, County Line; (W) Twp. Line; Includes Cranberry, Greenview, and Harwood Villages. | |||
40-67 | Hazel Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Twp. Line; (E) Wilkes-Barre Rd.; (S) Hazleton City Limits; West Hazleton Borough Limits; (W) Railroad Tracks; Includes Harleigh (Part) and Milnesville Villages. |
On-Line |
Marie Delese | Lael Fuller |
40-68 | Hazel Twp. bounded by (N) Twp. Line; (E) Twp. Line; (S) Jeddo Borough Limits; Railroad Tracks; (W) Wilkes-Barre Rd.; Includes Drifton (Part), Eberval (Part), Harleigh (Part), Japan, Latimer, and Oakdale Villages. |
On-Line |
Marie Delese | Lael Fuller |
Remaining |
40-69 | Hazel Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Jeddo Borough Limits; (E) Twp. Line; (S) County Line; (W) Wilkes-Barre Rd., Hazelton City Limits, Wilkes-Barre Rd.; Includes Ebervale (Part), Harleigh (Part), and Stockton Villages. | |||
40-70 | Hazel Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Hazleton City Limits, Wilkes-Barre Rd.; (S) County Line; (W) County Line. | |||
40-71 | Hazelton City, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Holly; (E) Poplar; (S) Broad; (W) Wyoming. | |||
40-72 | Hazelton City, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Broad; (E) Poplar; (S) Walnut; (W) Wyoming. | |||
40-73 | Hazelton City, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Holly Ave., Ward Line; (E) City Limits; (S) City Limits; (W) Luzerne Extended, Luzerne, Lahm Ave., Ward Line, Poplar. | |||
40-74 | Institutions(s): Pennsylvania State Hospital for Injured Persons In Coal Region | |||
40-75 | Hazleton City, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Walnut; (E) Poplar, Ward Line; (S) Ward Line; (W) Wyoming Extended, Wyoming. | |||
40-76 | Hazelton City, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Walnut; (E) Wyoming, Wyoming Extended; (S) Ward Line; (W) Vine Extended, Vine.
Institution(s): St. Joseph's Convent |
40-77 | Hazelton City, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Broad; (E) Wyoming; (S) Walnut; (W) Vine, Ward Line, Vine. | |||
40-78 | Hazelton City, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Holly; (E) Wyoming; (S) Broad; (W) Vine. | |||
40-79 | Hazelton City, Ward 8, bounded by (N) City Limits, Diamond Ave.; (E) Vine, Vine Extended; (S) Ward Line; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-80 | Hazleton City, Ward 9, bounded by (N) 7th; (E) Carson, Diamond, Fulton Ct.; (S) Holly; (W) Church. | |||
40-81 | Hazelton City, Ward 10, bounded by (N) 7th; (E) Church; (S) Holly, Vine, Diamond Ave.; (W) Locust. | |||
40-82 | Hazelton City, Ward 11, bounded by (N) 7th; (E) Locust; (S) Diamond Ave.; (W) Lincoln. | |||
40-83 | Hazelton City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) 15th; (E) Church; (S) 7th; (W) Locust. | |||
40-84 | Hazelton City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) 15th; (E) Locust; (S) 7th; (W) Clinton Ct. | |||
40-85 | Hazelton City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) 22d; (E) Church; (S) 15th; (W) Lincoln, 17th, City Limits. | |||
40-86 | Hazelton City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) City Limits, 17th, Lincoln, 15th; (E) Clinton Ct., 7th, Lincoln; (S) Diamond Ave.; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-87 | Hazelton City, Ward 13, bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) City Limits, 11th, Scott; (S) 3d, Carson, 7th; (W) Church. | |||
40-88 | Hazelton City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) 11th; (E) City Limits; (S) 3d; (W) Scott. | |||
40-89 | Hazelton City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) 3d; (E) City Limits; (S) Ward Line, Holly; (W) Fulton Ct., Diamond, Carson. | |||
40-90 | Institutions(s): Novitiate and Convent of Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy | |||
40-91 | Hazelton City, Ward 15, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Lahm Ave.; (E) Luzerne, Ward Line; (S) City Limits; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-92 | Hollenbeck Twp. | |||
40-93 | Hughestown Borough | |||
Microfilm #T626-2069 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-101 | Kingston Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Grove; (E) Division; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Main, Tobys Creek, Borough Limits. | |||
40-102 | Kingston Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Pringle; (S) S. Wyoming Ave.; (W) Main.
Institution(s): Wyoming Seminary |
40-103 | Kingston Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Sharp; (S) Wyoming Ave.; (W) Pringle.
Institution(s): Nesbit West Side Hospital |
40-104 | Kingston Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Wyoming Ave.; (W) Sharp. | |||
40-105 | Kingston Borough, Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) Wyoming Ave.; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Rutter Ave., Church, Rutter Ave., S. Dorrance, Warren; (W) Butler. | |||
40-106 | Kingston Borough, Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) Warren, S. Dorrance, Rutter Ave., Church, Rutter Ave.; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Butler Extended, Butler. | |||
40-107 | Kingston Borough, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Wyoming Ave.; (E) Hoyt; (S) Loveland Ave.; (W) Northampton. | |||
40-108 | Kingston Borough, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Wyoming Ave., Wyoming Ave.; (E) Butler; (S) Ward Line, Loveland Ave.; (W) Hoyt. | |||
40-109 | Kingston Borough, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) Loveland Ave., Ward Line; (E) Butler; (S) Tioga, Chester, Thomas Ave.; (W) Northampton. | |||
40-110 | Kingston Borough, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) Thomas Ave., Chester, Tioga; (E) Butler, Butler Extended; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Borough Limits, Northampton. | |||
40-111 | Kingston Twp. (North Part) | |||
40-112 | Trucksville Village and Kingston Twp. (South Part) excluding Courtdale, Luzerne, Pringle, Swoyersville and West Wyoming Boroughs | |||
40-113 | Laflin Borough | |||
40-114 | Lake Twp | |||
40-115 | Larksville Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Nesbitt Extended; (S) Railroad Tracks, Brown, State; (W) Keating, Borough Limits. | |||
40-116 | Larksville Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) State, Brown, Railroad Tracks; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Ward Line; (W) Washington, Borough Limits, Harris. | |||
40-117 | Larksville Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Nesbitt Extended, Nesbitt; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-118 | Larksville Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Railroad Tracks, Nesbitt, E. Main (Church); (E) Garfield, Ward Line, Woodward, Pine, Hillside Ave., Borough Limits; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-119 | Larksville Borough, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) Lee Extended, Lee, Lee Extended; (S) E. Main (Church); (W) Nesbitt, Nesbitt Extended. | |||
40-120 | Larksville Borough, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Ward Line, State (Church); (E) Ward Line; (S) E. Main (Church); (W) Lee Extended, Lee, Lee Extended. | |||
40-121 | Larksville Borough, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits, Luzerne (Willow), Thomas, Thomas Extended, Orchard, Borough Limits; (S) E. Main (Church), Ward Line, State (Church), Ward Line; (W) Nesbitt Extended. | |||
40-180 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Brown's Creek; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Main; (W) Edward, Ward Line, Brown's Creek. | |||
40-181 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Main; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Ward Line, Dobcon. | |||
40-182 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits, Brown's Creek, Ward Line; (S) Willow Extended, Willow; (W) Eno, Ward Line, Davis. | |||
40-183 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Willow, Willow Extended; (E) Ward Line, Edward, Dobcon, Ward Line; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Ward Line, Eno. | |||
40-184 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Walnut, Gaylord Ave., Walnut; (E) Centre Ave., S. Centre Ave., Ward Line; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Ward Line, S. Academy, Academy. | |||
40-185 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Ward Line, 1st; (E) Ward Line, Picketts Ln., Academy, S. Academy, Ward Line; (S) Susquehanna River, Ward Line; (W) Ward Line, Davenport. | |||
40-186 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) Davenport, Ward Line; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Coal Creek, Ward Line, Franklin. | |||
40-187 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 8, bounded by (N) Borough Limits, Ward Line, Mill; (E) Franklin, Ward Line, Coal Creek; (S) Borough Limits, Flat Rd.; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-188 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 9, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Davis, Ward Line, Eno; (S) Willow; (W) Centre Ave., Centre Ave. Extended. | |||
40-189 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 10, bounded by (N) Willow; (E) Eno, Eno Extended; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Ward Line, S. Centre Ave., Centre Ave. | |||
40-190 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 11, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Centre Ave. Extended, Centre Ave.; (S) Walnut, Gaylord Ave., Walnut, Ward Line; (W) Academy, Shawnee Ave., Picketts Ln., Picketts Ln. Extended. | |||
40-191 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 12, bounded by (N) 4th, Borough Limits; (E) Ward Line; (S) 1st; (W) Nottingham. | |||
40-192 | Plymouth Borough, Ward 13, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Nottingham; (S) Ward Line, Mill; (W) Ward Line, Borough Limits. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2070 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-122 | Laurel Run Borough | |||
40-123 | Lehman Twp. and Selma Town | |||
40-124 | Luzerne Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Sly; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Union. | |||
40-125 | Luzerne Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Buckingham Ave., Main, Chapel; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Sly; (W) Union, Borough Limits. | |||
40-126 | Luzerne Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Kelley, Bennett, Kelley; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Chapel, Main, Buckinham Ave., Ward Line; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-127 | Luzerne Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Kelley, Bennett, Kelley, Ward Line; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-128 | Nanticoke City, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) City Limits; (S) Main; (W) Market, Ward Line. | |||
40-129 | Nanticoke City, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) Market, Hill; (S) Main; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-130 | Nanticoke City, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) Ward Line; (S) Hill, Ward Line; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-131 | Nanticoke City, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Ward Line; (S) Ward Line; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-132 | Nanticoke City Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) Main; (E) City Limits; (E) Green Extended, Green; (W) Walnut. | |||
40-133 | Nanticoke City, Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) Green, Green Extended; (E) City Limits; (S) Ridge Extended, Ridge; (W) Walnut. | |||
40-134 | Nanticoke City, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Main; (E) Walnut; (S) Ridge; (W) Prospect. | |||
40-135 | Nanticoke City, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Main; (E) Prospect; (S) Ridge; (W) Market, Broad, Orchard. | |||
40-136 | Nanticoke City, Ward 8, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) City Limits; (S) Railroad St., Railroad Tracks; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-137 | Nanticoke City, Ward 9, bounded by (N) Ridge; (E) City Limits; (S) Ward Line and (W) Ward Line, Washington, Walnut. | |||
40-138 | Nanticoke City, Ward 10, bounded by (N) Main; (E) Orchard, Broad, Market; (S) Ridge; (W) Hanover. | |||
40-139 | Nanticoke City, Ward 11 (Part), bounded by (N) Main; (E) Hanover; (S) Church; (W) Main. | |||
40-140 | Nanticoke City, Ward 11 (Part), bounded by (N) Main, Church; (E) Hanover; (S) Grand; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-141 | Nanticoke City, Ward 12, bounded by (N) Grand, Hanover, Ridge; (E) Market, Ward Line; (S) Ward Line; (W) Railroad Tracks, Ward Line.
Institution(s): Nanticoke State Hospital |
40-142 | Nanticoke City, Ward 13, bounded by (N) Ridge; (E) Walnut, Washington, Ward Line; (S) Ward Line; (W) Ward Line, Market. | |||
40-143 | Nescopeck Borough | |||
40-144 | Nescopeck Twp. excluding Nescopeck Borough | |||
40-145 | New Columbus Borough | |||
40-146 | Newport Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Nanticoke City Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks, Reservoir, Apple, New; (W) Twp. Line; Includes Glen Lyon Village. | Assigned | ||
40-147 | Institutions(s): Hospital for Insane Retreat | Assigned | ||
40-148 | Institutions(s): Luzerne County Almshouse ("Retreat Home and Hospital") | Assigned | ||
40-149 | Newport Twp. bounded by (N) Reservoir, Railroad Tracks; (E) Maple; (S) New; (W) Apple; Includes Glen Lyon Village (Part).
Institution(s): Luzerne Co. Almshouse (Aka "Retreat Home and Hospital") |
40-150 | Newport Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Spring; (S) Line; (W) Maple; Includes Glen Lyon Village (Part). | |||
40-151 | Newport Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) New, Line, Spring, Railroad Tracks; (E) Nanticoke City Limits; (S) Newport Rd. Via Stearns To Railroad Tracks; (W) Twp. Line; Includes Glen Lyon (Part), Sheatown (Part), and Wanamie (Part) Villages. | |||
40-152 | Newport Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Newport Rd.; (E) Nanicoke City Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Newport Rd. Via Stearns; Includes Sheatown Village (Part). | |||
40-153 | Newport Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Newport Rd. Extended; (S) Twp. Line; (W) Twp. Line; Includes Wanamie Village (Part). | |||
40-154 | Newport Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Twp. Line; (S) Twp. Line; (W) Newport Rd. Extended; Includes Alden and Wanamie (Part) Villages. | |||
40-155 | Institutions(s): St. Stanislaus Orphanage | |||
40-156 | Nuangola Borough
Institution(s): St. Stanislaus Orphanage |
40-195 | Pringle Borough | |||
Microfilm #T626-2071 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-157 | Pittston City, Ward 1, bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) City Limits; (S) Chapel Extended, Chapel, Chapel Extended; (W) Lackawanna River. | |||
40-158 | Pittston City, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Chapel Extended, Chapel, Chapel Extended; (E) City Limits; (S) New Extended, New, New Extended; (W) Susquehanna River | |||
40-159 | Pittston City, Ward 3, bounded by (N) New Extended, New, New Extended; (E) City Limits; (S) Parsonage, Parsonage Extended; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
40-160 | Pittston City, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Parsonage Extended, Parsonage; (E) Ward Line, Prospect, Seneca, Ward Line; (S) Stark, Church, Mill, Mill Extended; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
40-161 | Pittston City, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Parsonage; (E) City Limits; (S) Mill; (W) Church, Stark, Ward Line, Seneca, Prospect. | |||
40-162 | Pittston City, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Mill Extended, Mill, City Limits; (E) City Limits; (S) City Limits, Ward Line, Butler, Butler Extended; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
40-163 | Pittston City, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Butler Extended, Butler; (E) Ward Line; (S) Ward Line, Vine, Broad, Water; (W) Susquehanna River.
Institution(s): St. John's Hospital |
40-164 | Pittston City, Ward 8, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) City Limits; (S) Pine; (W) Vine. | |||
40-165 | Pittston City, Ward 9, bounded by (N) Water, Broad; (E) Vine; (S) Pine, East St.; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
40-166 | Pittston City, Ward 10 (Part), bounded by (N) Pine; (E) City Limits; (S) Brown, Robert, Frothingham; (W) Main. | |||
40-167 | Pittston City, Ward 10 (Part), bounded by (N) Frothingham, Robert, Brown; (E) City Limits; (S) City Limits; (W) Plank, S. Main. | |||
40-168 | Pittston City, Ward 11 (Part), bounded by (N) East St. Extended, East St.; (E) S. Main; (S) Frothingham, Frothingham Extended; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
40-169 | Pittston City, Ward 11 (Part), bounded by (N) Frothingham Extended, Frothingham; (E) S. Main, Plank; (S) City Limits; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
40-170 | Pittston Twp. (North Part) excluding Pittston City and Avoca, Dupont, and Hughestown Boroughs | |||
40-171 | Pittston Twp. (South Part) | |||
40-172 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Susquehanna River, Twp. Line; (E) Main, N. Main, Slope, Pittston Rd.; (S) Mill Creek, Susquehanna River; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
40-173 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Slope; (E) N. Main; (S) Carey; (W) Pittston Rd.; Includes Plains Village (Part). | |||
40-174 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by Carey; Maffet; Pittston Rd.; Includes Plains Village (Part). | |||
40-175 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Carey; (E) Mill, Abbot, Twp. Line, S. Main; (S) Mill Creek; (W) Pittston Rd., Maffet. | |||
40-176 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Twp. Line; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Stark, Wilcox; (W) N. Main, Main. | |||
40-177 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Wilcox, Stark; (E) Oak; (S) Mill Creek, Wilkes-Barre City Limits, Mill, Carey; (W) N. Main.
Institution(s): Sacred Heart Convent; St. Peter and St. Paul Convent |
40-178 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Twp. Line; (E) Garner Creek, Mill Creek; (S) Mill Creek; (W) Oak, Stark, Stark Extended, Railroad Tracks.
Institution(s): St. Joseph's Convent |
40-179 | Plains Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Laflin Borough, Jenkins Twp.; (E) Bear Creek Twp., Laurel Run Borough; (S) Wilkes-Barre Twp.; (W) Wilkes-Barre City Limits, Yale, Wilkes-Barre City Limits, Hill, Mill Creek, Garner Creek. | |||
40-196 | Rice Twp. excluding Nuangola Borough | |||
40-197 | Ross Twp. | |||
40-198 | Beach Haven and East Berwick Villages and Salem Twp. excluding Shickahinny Borough | |||
40-203 | Sugarloaf Twp. excluding Conyngham Borough | |||
40-204 | Swoyerville Borough, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Kasack, Kasack Extended. | |||
40-205 | Swoyerville Borough, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Kasack. | |||
40-206 | Swoyerville Borough, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Kasack Extended, Kasack; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Shoemaker, Shoemaker Extended. | |||
40-207 | Swoyerville Borough, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Shoemaker Extended, Shoemaker; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Tripp, Ward Line. | |||
40-208 | Swoyerville Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits, Ward Line, Tripp; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2072 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-193 | West Nanticoke Village and Plymouth Twp. (East Part) excluding Larksville, Nanticoke, and Plymouth Boroughs | |||
40-194 | Plymouth Twp. (West Part) | |||
40-199 | Shickahinny Borough | |||
40-200 | Slocum Twp. excluding Nuangola Borough | |||
40-201 | Sugar Notch Borough (East Part) | |||
40-202 | Sugar Notch Borough (West Part) | |||
40-209 | Union Twp. excluding Shickaninny Borough | |||
40-210 | Warrior Run Borough | |||
40-211 | West Hazelton Borough, Ward 1, bounded by Borough Limits; Borough Limits; 4th | |||
40-212 | West Hazelton Borough, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Jefferson Ave.; (E) Borough Limits; (S) 4th, Broad; (W) Broad.
Institution(s): United Charities Home |
40-213 | West Hazelton Borough, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Jefferson Ave., Broad, Monroe, Wayne, Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-214 | West Hazelton Borough, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) Monroe; (E) Broad, E. 4th; (S) Cranberry Ave.; (W) Wayne. | |||
40-215 | West Hazelton Borough, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Wayne; (S) Ridge; (W) W. 4th. | |||
40-216 | West Pittston Borough (Part) bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Susquehanna River; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Exeter. | |||
40-217 | West Pittston Borough (Part) bounded by (N) Tunkhannock Rd.; (E) Exeter; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Luzerne Ave. | |||
40-218 | West Pittston Borough (Part) bounded by (N) Tunkhannock Rd.; (E) Luzerne Ave.; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Montgomery. | |||
40-219 | West Pittston Borough (Part) bounded by (N) Tunkhannock Rd.; (E) Montgomery; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Erie Ave. | |||
40-220 | West Wyoming Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Ward Line; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-221 | West Wyoming Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Ward Line. | |||
40-222 | White Haven Borough
Institution(s): White Haven Sanatorium Free Hospital for Poor Consumptives; Claire Mont Sanatorium; Mill Crest Sanatorium |
40-223 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Courtright Ave. Extended, Courtright Ave., River, Kulp Ave.; (S) Main; (W) W. North St.
Institution(s): Luzerne Co. Prison |
40-224 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Mill Creek; (S) Main; (W) Kulp Ave., River, Courtright Ave., Courtright Ave. Extended.
Institution(s): Wilkes-Barre Hospital |
40-225 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Conyngham Ave., Bowman, Pine, Spring, Mundy; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Ward Line, Chapel, Scott. | |||
40-226 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Pennsylvania Ave., Ward Line; (E) Ward Line; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Mundy, Spring, Pine, Bowman, Conyngham Ave. | |||
40-227 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) N. Grant, Coal, N. Grant; (W) E. Market. | |||
40-228 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Scott, Chapel, Chapel Extended; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Coal Extended, Coal, N. Grant, Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-229 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) N. Grant; (E) Coal; (S) N. Meade; (W) E. Market. | |||
40-230 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 3 (Part), bounded by (N) N. Meade; (E) Coal, Coal Extended; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) New Market, Hillside. | |||
40-231 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 4, bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) W. North St.; (S) N. Main; (W) Public Square, W. Market. | |||
40-233 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) E. Market; (S) S. Sherman; (W) E. Northampton. | |||
40-234 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Sherman; (E) E. Market, Hillside, New Market, New Market Extended; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) E. Northampton. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2073 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-232 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Public Square, N. Main; (E) E. North St.; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) E. Main. | |||
40-235 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 7, bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) E. Market, Public Square; (S) S. Main; (W) W. South St., City Limits.
Institution(s): F.M. Kirby Park; Wilkes-Barre Institute |
40-236 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 8, bounded by (N) S. Main; (E) Public Square, E. Market; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) E. South St. | |||
40-237 | St. Mary's Convent | |||
40-238 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 9 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) E. Northampton; (S) S. Grant; (W) E. South St.
Institution(s): Florence Crittenton Shelter and Day Nursery |
40-239 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 9 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Grant; (E) E. Northampton; (S) S. Empire; (W) E. South St.
Institution(s): Mallinckrodt Convent |
40-240 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 10 (Part), bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Susquehanna River, W. South St.; (S) S. River; (W) Academy, Academy Extended. | |||
40-241 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 10 (Part), bounded by (N) S. River; (E) W. South St.; (S) S. Main; (W) Academy.
Institution(s): Home for Friendless Children |
40-242 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 11 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Main; (E) E. South St.; (S) S. Penn. Ave.; (W) E. Ross, S. Washington, Hazle Ave., Legrand Ave.
Institution(s): St. Joseph's Convent |
40-243 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 11 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Main; (E) Legrand Ave., Hazle Ave., S. Washington, E. Ross, S. Pennsylvania Ave., E. South St.; (S) Railroad Tracks, High; (W) Dana. | |||
40-244 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) Race, Walnut, S. River; (E) Academy; (S) S. Main; (W) Wood.
Institution(s): Missionary Home |
40-245 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) Carey Ave., Alexander, Peach Ln., Orchard, Susquehanna, Elder; (E) Academy; (S) S. River, Walnut, Race; (W) Wood. | |||
40-246 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) Old River Rd.; (E) Academy; (S) Elder, Susquehanna, Orchard, Peach Ln., Alexander, Carey Ave.; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-247 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 12 (Part), bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Ward Line; (S) Old River Rd.; (W) Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-248 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 13 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) E. South St.; (S) Park Ave.; (W) Lehigh, Hickory, Columbus Ave., Hazle Ave. | |||
40-249 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 13 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Main; (E) Dana, High, Hazle Ave., Dana; (S) Park Ave.; (W) Moyallen, Moyallen Extended.
Institution(s): Maternity Hospital; Salvation Army Industrial Home; Wyoming Valley Homeopathic Hospital |
40-250 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 13 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Main; (E) Moyallen Extended, Moyallen; (S) Park Ave.; (W) Stanton. | |||
40-251 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 13 (Part), bounded by (N) Hazle; (E) Columbus Ave., Hickory, Lehigh; (S) Park Ave.; (W) Dana. | |||
40-252 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 13 (Part), bounded by (N) Park Ave.; (E) E. South St.; (S) S. Empire; (W) Metcalf.
Institution(s): St. Ann's Academy |
40-253 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 13 (Part), bounded by (N) Park Ave.; (E) Metcalf; (S) S. Empire; (W) Stanton. | |||
40-254 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) Brown; (E) Blackman; (S) City Limits; (W) Solomon, Hazle, McLean. | |||
40-255 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) New Grove; (E) McLean; (S) Hazle; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-256 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Main; (E) Blackman; (S) Brown, McLean, New Grove; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-257 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) S. Main; (E) Whalen Ct., Ward Line, Stanton; (S) Brown; (W) Blackman. | |||
40-258 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) Brown; (E) Stanton; (S) Loomis; (W) Blackman.
Institution(s): St. Boniface Convent; Home for Friendless Women |
40-259 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 14 (Part), bounded by (N) Loomis; (E) Stanton; (S) City Limits; (W) Blackman. | |||
40-260 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 15 (Part), bounded by (N) Susquehanna River; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Old River Rd., Carey Ave.; (W) City Limits. | |||
40-261 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 15 (Part), bounded by (N) Carey Ave.; (E) Horton; (S) S. Main; (W) Division. | |||
40-262 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 15 (Part), bounded by (N) Carey Ave., Old River Rd.; (E) Hanover; (S) S. Main; (W) Horton.
Institution(s): Mercy Hospital; Riverside Hospital and Training School for Nurses |
40-263 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 15 (Part), bounded by (N) Old River Rd.; (E) Railroad Tracks, Carey Ave., Wood; (S) S. Main; (W) Hanover. | |||
40-270 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 17, bounded by (N) Laurel Run, Miners Rd.; (E) George Ave., Ward Line; (S) City Limits; (W) City Limits, Ward Line. | |||
40-271 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 18, bounded by (N) Miners Rd., Ward Line; (E) Ward Line, Railroad Tracks, Charles Ave., Ward Line, City Limits; (S) City Limits; (W) Ward Line, George Ave. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2074 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40-264 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 16 (Part), bounded by (N) N. Main; (E) Beaumont; (S) Pennsylvania Ave.; (W) E. North St. | |||
40-265 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 16 (Part), bounded by (N) N. Washington; (E) Laurel Run; (S) Ward Line, N. Pennsylvania Ave., Olin, Wyoming; (W) Butler. | |||
40-266 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 16 (Part), bounded by (N) Wyoming, Olin, N. Pennsylvania Ave.; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Butler. | |||
40-267 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 16 (Part), bounded by (N) N. Main; (E) Butler; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) E. North St., Pennsylvania Ave., Beaumont. | |||
40-268 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 16 (Part), bounded by (N) N. Main; (E) Linden; (S) N. Washington; (W) Butler. | |||
40-269 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 16 (Part), bounded by (N) N. Main, City Limits; (E) Ward Line; (S) Miners Rd., N. Washington; (W) Linden. | |||
40-272 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 19, bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Abbott, City Limits, Mill Creek; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Ward Line. | |||
40-273 | Wilkes-Barre City, Ward 20, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Mill Creek, City Limits; (S) City Limits, Yale Extended; (W) Ward Line, Charles Ave. | |||
40-274 | Wilkes-Barre Twp. (Part), excluding Ashley and Laurel Run Boroughs, bounded by (N) Wilkes-Barre City Limits; (E) Northampton; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Twp. Line. | |||
40-275 | Wilkes-Barre Twp. (Part), excluding Laurel Run Borough and Wilkes-Barre City, bounded by Railroad Tracks; Northampton, Tammany; Railroad Tracks. | |||
40-276 | Wilkes-Barre Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Wilkes-Barre City Limits; (E) Wilkes-Barre City Limits, Twp. Line; (S) Laurel Run Borough Limits; (W) Tammany, Northampton. | |||
40-277 | Wright Twp. | |||
40-278 | Wyoming Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) 6th. | |||
40-279 | Wyoming Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) 6th; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) 8th. | |||
40-280 | Wyoming Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) 8th; (S) Susquehanna River; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
40-281 | Yatesville Borough |