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1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns. These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner. Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal. |
The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:
Please refer to the 1930 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.
Microfilm #T626-2055 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
36-1 | Adamstown Borough | |||
36-2 | Akron Borough | |||
36-3 | Bart Twp. | |||
36-4 | Brecknock Twp. excluding Adamstown Borough | |||
36-5 | Caernarvon Twp. | |||
36-6 | Christiana Borough | |||
Microfilm #T626-2056 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
36-7 | Clay Twp. | |||
36-8 | Colerain Twp. | |||
36-9 | Columbia Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) 3d; (S) Locust; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
36-10 | Columbia Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Locust; (E) 4th; (S) Union; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
36-11 | Columbia Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Union; (E) 4th, 4th Extended; (S) Ward Line; (W) Susquehanna River. | |||
36-12 | Columbia Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Furnace Rd.; (E) 6th; (S) Locust; (W) 3d. | |||
36-13 | Columbia Borough, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Locust; (E) 6th, Lancaster Ave.; (S) Union; (W) 4th. | |||
36-14 | Columbia Borough, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Furnace Rd., Chestnut Hill Tpk.; (S) Locust; (W) 6th.
Institution(s): Columbia Hospital |
36-15 | Columbia Borough, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Locust; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Columbia-Lancaster Tpk. Rd., Union; (W) Lancaster Ave., 6th. | |||
36-16 | Columbia Borough, Ward 8, bounded by (N) Union, Columbia-Lancaster Tpk. Rd.; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Mill; (W) 4th. | |||
36-17 | Columbia Borough, Ward 9, bounded by (N) Mill; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Susquehanna River, Ward Line, 4th. | |||
36-18 | Conestoga Twp. | |||
36-19 | Conoy Twp. and Bainbridge Village | |||
36-20 | Denver Borough | |||
36-21 | Drumore Twp. | |||
36-22 | Earl Twp. (North Part) excluding New Holland Borough | |||
36-23 | Earl Twp. (South Part) excluding New Holland Borough | |||
36-24 | Reamstown Village (Part) and East Cocalico Twp. (North Part) excluding Denver Borough | |||
36-25 | Reamstown Village (Part) and East Cocalico Twp. (South Part) excluding Adamstown Borough | |||
36-26 | Florim Village (Part) and East Donegal Twp. (East Part) excluding Mt. Joy Borough
Institution(s): Bretheren In Christ Children's Home |
36-27 | Maytown Village and East Donegal Twp. (West Part) excluding Marrieta Borough | |||
36-28 | East Drumore Twp. excluding Quarryville Borough | |||
36-29 | East Earl Twp. (North Part) excluding Terre Hill Borough | |||
36-30 | East Earl Twp. (South Part) | |||
36-31 | East Hempfield Twp. (North Part) and East Petersburg Village | |||
36-32 | East Hempfield Twp. (Middle Part) and Landisville, Rohrerstown (Part), and Salunga Villages | |||
36-33 | East Hempfield Twp. (South Part) and Rohrerstown Village (Part) | |||
36-34 | East Lampeter Twp. (North Part) | |||
36-35 | East Lampeter Twp. (South Part) | |||
36-36 | Eden Twp. excluding Quarryville Borough | |||
36-37 | Elizabeth Twp. | |||
36-38 | Elizabethtown Borough (West of Market St.) | |||
36-39 | Elizabethtown Borough (East of Market St.)
Institution(s): Elizabethtown College |
36-40 | Ephrata Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) State; (S) Main, Old Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
36-41 | Ephrata Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Main; (W) State. | |||
36-42 | Ephrata Borough, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Main; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits, State. | |||
36-43 | Ephrata Borough, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Borough Limits, Main; (E) State; (S) State, Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
36-44 | Ephrata Twp. (Northeast Part) excluding Ephrata Borough | |||
36-45 | Ephrata Twp. (Southwest Part) excluding Akron and Ephrata Boroughs | |||
36-46 | Fulton Twp. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2057 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
36-47 | Lancaster City, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Walnut; (E) Queen; (S) King; (W) Mulberry. | |||
36-48 | Lancaster City, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Chestnut; (E) Plum; (S) King; (W) Queen.
Institution(s): Shippen School for Girls |
36-49 | Lancaster City, Ward 2 (Part), bounded by (N) Chestnut; (E) Broad; (S) King; (W) Plum.
Institution(s): Lancaster Co. Prison; Sacred Heart Academy |
36-50 | Lancaster City, Ward 3, bounded by (N) King; (E) Howard; (S) Howard; (W) Queen. | |||
36-51 | Lancaster City, Ward 4 (Part), bounded by (N) King; (E) Queen; (S) Conestoga; (W) Water, Strawberry, Mulberry.
Institution(s): St. Mary's Convent |
36-52 | Lancaster City, Ward 4 (Part), bounded by (N) Conestoga; (E) Queen; (S) South St.; (W) Hoffman Run, Water. | |||
36-53 | Lancaster City, Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) Walnut; (E) Mulberry; (S) King; (W) Pine. | |||
36-54 | Lancaster City, Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) Walnut Extended, Walnut; (E) Pine; (S) King, Columbia Ave.; (W) City Limits.
Institution(s): St. Joseph's Hospital; Sacred Heart Convent |
36-55 | Lancaster City, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) Liberty; (E) Shippen; (S) Fredrick; (W) Queen. | |||
36-56 | Lancaster City, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) Fredrick; (E) Lime; (S) Chestnut; (W) Queen.
Institution(s): Lancaster General Hospital |
36-57 | Lancaster City, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) Fredrick, Plum; (E) Lemon, Marshall; (S) Chestnut; (W) Lime. | |||
36-58 | Lancaster City, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) Liberty, City Limits; (E) City Limits, (S) New Holland Ave., Ross, Hamilton, Plum, Fredrick; (W) Shippen. | |||
36-59 | Lancaster City, Ward 6 (Part), bounded by (N) Hamilton, Ross, New Holland Ave.; (E) City Limits, Broad; (S) Chestnut; (W) Marshall, Lemon, Plum. | |||
36-60 | Lancaster City, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) Howard, King; (E) Plum; (S) Dauphin; (W) Lime. | |||
36-61 | Lancaster City, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) Howard; (E) Lime; (S) Dauphin; (W) Duke. | |||
36-62 | Lancaster City, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) Howard, Duke; (E) Chester, Strawberry, Strawberry Extended; (S) City Limits, South St.; (W) Queen. | |||
36-63 | Lancaster City, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) Chester, Duke, Dauphin, Rockland; (E) Susquehanna, Duke; (S) City Limits; (W) Strawberry Extended, Strawberry. | |||
36-64 | Lancaster City, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) Dauphin; (E) City Limits; (S) City Limits; (W) Duke, Susquehanna, Rockland. | |||
36-65 | Lancaster City, Ward 7 (Part), bounded by (N) King; (E) Broad; (S) Dauphin; (W) Plum.
Institution(s): Lancaster Co. Home for Children; Thaddeus Stevens Industrial School |
36-66 | Lancaster City, Ward 8 (Part), bounded by (N) King; (E) Mulberry, Strawberry; (S) St. Joseph, Dorwart; (W) Manor. | |||
36-67 | Lancaster City, Ward 8 (Part), bounded by (N) King; (E) Manor, Dorwart, High; (S) Laurel, Manor; (W) Coral. | |||
36-68 | Lancaster City, Ward 8 (Part), bounded by (N) King; (E) Coral; (S) Manor; (W) Ruby. | |||
36-69 | Lancaster City, Ward 8 (Part), bounded by (N) King; (E) Ruby; (S) Manor; (W) City Limits.
Institution(s): Ann C. Witner Home |
36-70 | Lancaster City, Ward 8 (Part), bounded by (N) High, Dorwart, St. Joseph; (E) Strawberry, Water; (S) Andrew, Dorwart, Union; (W) Laurel.
Institution(s): St. Francis Convent |
36-71 | Lancaster City, Ward 8 (Part), bounded by (N) Manor, Laurel, Union, Dorwart, Andrew; (E) Hoffman Run; (S) South St., City Limits; (W) City Limits. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2058 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
36-72 | Lancaster City, Ward 9 (Part), bounded by (N) James; (E) Queen; (S) Walnut; (W) Charlotte. | |||
36-73 | Lancaster City, Ward 9 (Part), bounded by (N) City Limits, Liberty; (E) Queen; (S) James; (W) College Ave., Harrisburg Ave.
Institution(s): Reformed Theological Seminary |
36-74 | Lancaster City, Ward 9 (Part), bounded by (N) James; (E) Charlotte; (S) Walnut; (W) Nevin. | |||
36-75 | Lancaster City, Ward 9 (Part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Harrisburg Ave., College Ave., James, Nevin; (S) Walnut, Walnut Extended; (W) City Limits.
Institution(s): Franklin Marshall College; Henry G. Long Home for Aged |
36-76 | Lancaster Twp. (Part), bounded by (N) Twp. Line; (E) Lancaster City Limits; (S) Columbia Pike; (W) Twp. Line. | |||
36-77 | Lancaster Twp. (Part), bounded by (N) Columbia Pike; (E) Lancaster City Limits; (S) Millersville Pike; (W) Twp. Line. | |||
36-78 | Lancaster Twp. (Part), bounded by (N) Millersville Pike, Lancaster City Limits; (E) Twp. Line; (S) Twp. Line; (W) Twp. Line. | |||
36-79 | Lancaster Twp. (Part) bounded by (N) Twp. Line; (E) Twp. Line; (S) Twp. Line; (W) Lancaster City Limits. | |||
36-80 | Institutions(s): Lancaster Co. Almshouse | |||
36-81 | Institutions(s): Lancaster Co. Insane Asylum | |||
36-82 | Leacock Twp. and Intercourse Village | |||
36-83 | Lititz Borough, Ward 1, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Borough Limits; (W) Borough Limits.
Institution(s): Linden Hall Seminary; Moravia Home for Aged Women |
36-84 | Lititz Borough, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Borough Limits; (E) Borough Limits; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Borough Limits. | |||
36-85 | Little Britain Twp. | |||
36-86 | Manheim Borough (North Part), Ward 1 | |||
36-87 | Manheim Borough (Central Part), Ward 2 | |||
36-88 | Manheim Borough (South Part), Ward 3 | |||
36-89 | Rossmere Village and Manheim Twp. (Southeast Part) excluding Lancaster City
Institution(s): Rossmere Sanatorium |
36-90 | Manheim Twp. (Southwest Part) excluding Lancaster City
Institution(s): Mennoite Home; Rotary Home for Boys |
36-91 | Manheim Twp. (North Part)
Institution(s): Brethren Home Orphanage; Brethren Home |
36-92 | Millersville Village (Part) and Manor Twp. (North Part) excluding Washington Borough
Institution(s): Mennonite Children's Home |
36-93 | Manor Twp. (Southwest Part) excluding Washington Borough | |||
36-94 | Manor Twp. (Southeast Part) and Millersville Village (Part)
Institution(s): Pennsylvania State Normal School |
36-95 | Marietta Borough | |||
36-96 | Martic Twp. | |||
36-97 | Mount Joy Borough | |||
36-98 | Mount Joy Twp. (North Part) excluding Elizabethtown Borough
Institution(s): Pennsylvania State Crippled Children's Hospital |
36-99 | Florin Village and Mount Joy Twp. (South Part) excluding Elizabethtown and Mount Joy Boroughs | |||
36-100 | Mountville Borough | |||
36-101 | New Holland Borough | |||
36-102 | Paradise Twp. | |||
36-103 | Penn Twp. (North Part) | |||
36-104 | Penn Twp. (South Part) | |||
36-105 | Pequea Twp. | |||
Microfilm #T626-2059 | ||||
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description |
Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
36-106 | Providence Twp. | |||
36-107 | Quarryville Borough | |||
36-108 | Rapho Twp. (North Part) excluding Manheim Borough | |||
36-109 | Rapho Twp. (Middle Part) excluding Manheim Borough | |||
36-110 | Rapho Twp. (South Part) excluding Manheim Borough | |||
36-111 | Sadsbury Twp. excluding Christiana Borough | |||
36-112 | Salisbury Twp. (North Part) | |||
36-113 | Salisbury Twp. (South Part) and Gap Village | |||
36-114 | Strasburg Borough | |||
36-115 | Strasburg Twp. excluding Strasburg Borough | |||
36-116 | Terre Hill Borough | |||
36-117 | Upper Leacock Twp. (North Part) | |||
36-118 | Upper Leacock Twp. (South Part) | |||
36-119 | Warwick Twp. (North Part) excluding Lititz Borough
Institution(s): United Zion Home for Aged |
36-120 | Rothsville Village and Warwick Twp. (South Part) excluding Lititz Borough | |||
36-121 | Washington Borough | |||
36-122 | West Cocalico Twp. (North Part) excluding Denver Borough | |||
36-123 | West Cocalico Twp. (South Part) excluding Denver Borough | |||
36-124 | West Donegal Twp. excluding Elizabethtown Borough | |||
36-125 | Institutions(s): Masonic Homes of Pennsylvania | |||
36-126 | West Earl Twp. (North Part) and Brownstown Village | |||
36-127 | West Earl Twp. (South Part) | |||
36-128 | West Hempfield Twp. (North Part) excluding Columbia Borough | |||
36-129 | West Hempfield Twp. (South Part) excluding Columbia and Mountville Boroughs | |||
36-130 | West Lampeter Twp. (North Part) | |||
36-131 | West Lampeter Twp. (South Part) and Willow Street Village
Institution(s): West Lampeter Vocational School |