The USGenWeb Census Project 1940 Federal Census Team Transcription
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Ottawa County, Oklahoma - - 1940 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T627-3321
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
58-1 Afton town      
58-2 Afton Twp, twps 25, 26 and 27 R 23      
58-3 Afton Twp, twps 25, 26 and 27 R 22      
58-4 Quapaw twp, Cardin      
58-5 Commerce City E of River st      
58-6 Commerce City W of River st
Institution(s): City Jail
58-7 Council House twp E of Neosho or Grand River and N of section line from the point where the S line of section 21 twp 26 R 25 crosses the county line to the point where the S line of section 20 twp 26 R 24 crosses the Neosho or Grand River      
58-8 Council House twp E of Neosho or Grand River and S of section line from the point where the S line of section 21 twp 26 R 25 crosses the county line to the point where the S line of section 20 twp 26 R 24 crosses the Neosho or Grand River      
58-9 Council House twp W of Neosho or Grand River      
58-10 Fairland town      
58-11 Miami city, ward 1 bounded by (n) city limits; (e) city limits; (s) E Central av; (w) Main
Institution(s): Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College
58-12 Miami city, ward 2 bounded by (n) city limits; (e) Main; (s) W Central av; (w) H St NW      
58-13 Miami city, ward 2 bounded by (n) city limits; (e) city limits, H St NW; (s) W Central av; (w) city limits      
58-14 Miami city, ward 3 bounded by (n) W Central av; (e) Main, ward line; (s) city limits; (w) city limits
Institution(s): Miami Baptist Hospital, Miami City Jail
58-15 Miami city, ward 4 bounded by (n) E Central av; (e) city limits; (s) city limits; (w) ward line, Main
Institution(s): Ottawa County Jail
58-16 Narcissa twp excluding Miami city E of S L & S F RR
Institution(s): Ottawa County Welfare Home
58-17 Narcissa twp excluding Miami city W of S L & S F RR      
58-18 North Miami town      
58-19 Ottawa twp E of section line from the NE corner of section 28 twp 28 R 23 to the point where E line of section 4 twp 27 R 23 crosses the Neosho or Grand River      
58-20 Ottawa twp excluding Miami city W of section line from the ne corner of section 28 twp 28 R 23 to the point where E line of section 4 twp 27 R 23 crosses the Neosho or Grand River      
58-21 Peoria town      
58-22 Peoria twp exluding Peoria town E of Spring River      
58-23 Peoria twp W of Spring River, Hockerville (part), Lincolnville      
58-24 Picher city, ward 1 bounded by (n) city limits; (e) city limits; (s) ward line, E D st, W D st; (w) city limits Assigned   Gale Jacobson  
58-25 Picher city, ward 2 bounded by (n) E D st, ward line; (e) city limits; (s) ward line, E 3rd; (w) S Connell, N Connell
Institution(s): Picher Hospital
58-26 Picher city, ward 2 bounded by (n) W D st, E D st; (e) N Connell, S Connell; (s) E 3rd, W 3rd; (w) city limits
Institution(s): Picher City Jail
58-27 Picher city, ward 3 bounded by (n) E 3rd, ward line; (e) city limits; (s) city limits; (w) city limits, S Main
Institution(s): American Hospital, American Hospital Nurses Home
58-28 Picher city, ward 4 bounded by (n) W 3rd; (e) S Main; (s) city limits; (w) S Treece      
58-29 Picher city, ward 4 bounded by (n) W 3rd; (e) S Treece; (s) city limits; (w) city limits      
58-30 Quapaw town      
58-31 Quapaw twp excluding Quapaw town in E 1/2 of twp 29 R 23, Hockerville (part), Zincville      
58-32 Quapaw twp excluding Picher city and Cardin in sections 16 and 21, twp 29 R 23, also Monarch      
58-33 Quapaw twp excluding Cardin and Picher city in sections 28 to 33, twp 29 R 23, also Century      
58-34 Quapaw twp excluding Commerce city in twp 29 RS 21 and 22 and in section 1 twp 28 R 21 sections 1 to 6 twp 28 R 22 and section 6 twp 28 R 23      
58-35 Quapaw twp excluding Miami city and North Miami town in twp 28 rs 22 and 23 except section 6 twp 28 R 23 and sections 1 to 6 twp 28 R 22      
58-36 Wyandotte town      
58-37 Wyandotte twp N of section line from point where the S line of section 9 twp 27 R 25 crosses the county line to the sw corner of section 9 twp 27 R 24      
58-38 Wyandotte twp excluding Wyandotte town S of section line from the point where the S line of section 9 twp 27 R 25 crosses the county line to the sw corner of section 9 twp 27 R 24
Institution(s): U.S. Indian School

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