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1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
Hamilton County, Ohio - - 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilmed on 16 rolls, T626-1805 to T626-1820 |
Microfilm Roll# |
Enum. District Numbers
for County #31 |
Enumeration District Descriptions (Brief) |
T626-1805 | 292 to 294 | Newtown Village; Anderson Twp. |
T626-1805 | 1 to 2, 395, 3 to 4, 396, 5 to 6, 397, 7, 398 to 399, 8 to 9 | Cincinnati City, Ward 1(part)
Institution(s): Sisters of Mercy; St. Gregory Preparatory Seminary; St. Joseph's Convent Academy (Mt. Washington) |
T626-1806 | 10, 400 to 401, 11, 402, 12 to 14, 403 to 404, 15, 405 to 407, 16, 408 to 409, 17 to 18, 410, 19, 411, 20, 412, 21 to 22, 413, 23, 414, 24, 415, 25, 416 to 417 | Cincinnati City, Ward 1(part); Ward 2(part)
Institution(s): St. Stephen's Convent; Children's Home; Sisters of Charity |
T626-1807 | 26 to 27, 418, 28, 419, 29, 420, 30 to 35, 421, 36 to 38, 422, 39 to 40, 423, 41, 424, 42 to 43, 425, 44, 426, 45, 427, 46, 428, 47 to 49, 429 to 430, 50 to 51, 431, 52 to 53, 432 | Cincinnati City, Ward 2(part); Ward 3; Ward 4; Ward 5(part)
Institution(s): Home For The Aged (Little Sisters of The Poor); Home for Incurables; Monastery of The Holy Name; St. Ursula's Convent and Academy; Jewish Orthodox Orphans Home; Widows and Old Men's Home; Colored Women's Home; Catherine Booth Home for Women and Children; Collegiate School for Girls; Shelter Home for Colored Children |
T626-1808 | 54 to 55, 433, 56 to 59, 434, 60 to 63, 435 (NP), 436, 64 to 68, 437, 69 to 70, 438, 71 to 76, 439 to 441, 77, 442, 78, 443, 79 to 80, 444, 81 to 82, 445 to 446, 83 | Cincinnati City, Ward 5(part); Ward 6; Ward 7
Institution(s): Hamilton Co. Jail; Juvenile Court; Salvation Army (Citadel Hotel); Notre Dame Convent, Novitiate, and Academy; Sisters of The Precious Blood; Sisters of Charity; Boys Home of Cincinnati (Fenwick Club); Boys School; Notre Dame Convent; D. T. Vail's Private Hospital; Holmes Hospital; Cincinnati Union Bethel Hotel for Men; Lawrence Home; Sacred Heart Home for Girls; Trinidad Hospital; Children's Home; Salvation Army (Emergency Home); Cincinnati Union Bethel; Nast Christian Home for Men; Santa Maria Italian Educational and Industrial Institute; Ida Prickett Private Hospital; Y.M.C.A. (Central Pkwy. Branch); Opthalmia Hospital |
T626-1809 | 84, 85 (NP), 447 to 448, 86 to 89, 449 to 450, 90, 451, 91 to 93, 452, 94, 453, 106 to 108, 464, 109, 465, 110 to 114, 466, 115 to 116, 467, 117 to 118, 468, 119, 469, 120 to 123, 470 to 471 | Cincinnati City, Ward 8; Ward 10; Ward 11
Institution(s): Sisters of Charity; Holy Cross Monastery; U.S. Public Health Service; Sisters of Charity; Children's Hospital of The Episcopal Church; Sisters of St. Francis; St. Francis Monastery; Sisters of Charity (Two Facilities) |
T626-1810 | 95, 454 to 455, 96, 456, 97 to 98, 457, 99, 458, 100, 459 to 460, 101 to 102, 461, 103, 462, 104, 463, 105, 124, 472, 125 to 126, 473, 127 to 131, 474 to 475, 132 to 133, 476 to 477, 134, 478, 135 to 136, 479 to 480, 137 | Cincinnati City, Ward 9; Ward 12
Institution(s): Ursuline Academy and Convent of Our Lady of Victory; Bethesda Hospital; Kappa Sigma Pi Home; Christ Hospital; Cincinnati Orphan Home; Martha House Home for Jewish Working Girls; St. Theresa's Home for The Aged; God's Bible School; Home for The Aged; Cincinnati General Hospital; Bodeman German Protestant Widows Home; German Protestant Orphan Home; Sisters of Charity; Home for The Aged (Little Sisters of The Poor); Good Samaritan Hospital; Dorcas Institute; Ohio Hospital for Women and Children; Aged German Home; Univ. of Cincinnati Dormitories; Deaconess Hospital |
T626-1811 | 138 to 140, 481, 141 to 142, 482 to 483, 144 to 147, 484, 148, 485, 149 to 150, 486 to 487, 151, 488, 152 to 153, 489, 154 to 155, 490 | Cincinnati City, Ward 13; Ward 14(part)
Institution(s): Deaconess Rest Home; Ursuline Sisters; Longview Hospital; St. Aloysius Orphan Asylum; St. Xavier College; St. Joseph's Maternity Hospital and Infants Asylum; Psychopathic Institute; Jewish Home and Hospital; Colored Orphan Asylum; Orthodox Jewish Home for The Aged |
T626-1812 | 156 to 159, 491, 160 to 161, 492, 162 to 163, 493, 164, 174, 497, 175, 498, 176 to 179, 499, 180, 500, 181 to 182, 501, 183 to 184, 502, 185, 503, 186 to 187, 504, 188 | Cincinnati City, Ward 14(part); Ward 15; Ward 16; Ward 17(part)
Institution(s): St. Vincent's Home for Boys; Sisters of The Blessed Sacrament; Colored Catholic Girls Home; Elizabeth Gambles Deaconess Home; Sisters of Charity; Jewish Shelter Home; Sisters of St. Francis; St. Joseph's School; Evangeline Booth Home for Colored Girls; Home for Colored Girls; Emergency Hospital; St. Ann's Home; Dominican Sisters Convent; Brothers of Mary |
T626-1813 | 189 to 191, 505, 192 to 195, 506, 196 to 197, 507, 198, 508, 199 to 202, 509, 203, 510, 204 to 209, 511, 210, 512, 211 to 212, 513, 213 to 217, 514 | Cincinnati City, Ward 17(part); Ward 18; Ward 19; Ward 20(part)
Institution(s): St. Mary's Hospital; Sisters of Mercy; Glen Industrial Home; Esther Home for Girls; L. B. Harrison Hotel; Santa Maria Italian Educational and Industrial Institute; Working and Newsboys Home; Y.M.C.A.; Sisters of St. Francis; Grand View Hospital; Presbyterian Hospital; Seton Hospital; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent; Sisters of St. Francis; Convent of The Good Shepherd (Mt. St. Mary's Training School for Girls) |
T626-1814 | 218 to 219, 515, 220 to 221, 516 to 517, 222, 518, 223, 519 to 520, 224, 521 to 522, 225 to 226, 523, 227, 524, 228, 525 to 526, 229 to 230, 527, 340, 231 to 236, 528, 237, 529, 238, 530 | Cincinnati City, Ward 20(part); Ward 21; "Covedale" Annexation (Formerly Green Twp.)
Institution(s): Hamilton Co. Tuberculosis Sanitorium; Salvation Army (Industrial Home); Sisters of Charity; Jewish Convalescent Home; Jewish Foster Home; Elder High School; Sisters of Charity |
T626-1815 | 239 to 244, 531 to 532, 245, 533, 257, 543, 258 to 259, 544 to 546, 260 to 261, 547, 262, 548, 263, 549 to 550, 264, 551, 265 to 266, 552 to 553, 267, 554 to 555, 268 to 269, 556 | Cincinnati City, Ward 22; Ward 24
Institution(s): Sisters of St. Francis; St. Francis Hospital for Incurables; Sisters of St. Francis; Sisters of St. Francis; Sisters of Mercy; Sisters of St. Francis; Cincinnati City Work House; House of Refuge; Hope Haven Home for Girls; Sisters of St. Francis |
T626-1816 | 246, 534, 247, 535, 248 to 253, 536 to 537, 254, 538, 255, 539 to 241, 256, 542, 270, 557 to 558, 271 to 273, 559, 274 to 275, 560 to 562, 276, 563, 277 to 278, 564, 279, 565, 280, 566 | Cincinnati City, Ward 23; Ward 25
Institution(s): St. Anthony's Monastery; St. Joseph's Diocesan Orphan Asylum; Sacred Heart Convent and Academy; Bethesda Home for The Aged; Sisters of Charity |
T626-1817 | 281 to 282, 567, 283 to 284, 568, 285 to 286, 569 to 570, 287 to 288, 571 to 573, 289 to 291, 574 to 576 | Cincinnati City, Ward 26
Institution(s): House of The Good Shepherd; Cincinnati Sanitarium and Rest Cottage; Methodist Home for The Aged; Hamilton Co. Order of Eastern Star Home and Hospital; Notre Dame Convent; Ohio Military Institute; Sisters of St. Francis |
T626-1817 | 295 to 299, 308 to 314 | Colerain Twp.; Norwood City, Ward 1(part); Norwood City, Ward 4(part)
Institution(s): Mt. St. Mary's Seminary of The West; Sisters of Charity |
T626-1818 | 300 to 306, 307 (NP), 315, 378, 316 to 318, 383, 319 to 339, 341 to 350 | Norwood City, Ward 2(part); Norwood City, Ward 3(part); Madeira Village; Silverton Village; Terrace Park Village; Columbia Twp.; Mariemont Village; Crosby Twp.; Delhi Twp.; Cheviot Village; Green Twp.; Harrison Village; Harrison Twp.; Addyston Village; Cleves Village; North Bend Village; Miami Twp.; Maderia Village; Silverton Village
Institution(s): St. Theresa's Home for The Aged; Franciscan Brothers for The Protection of Boys; St. Joseph Motherhouse and Novitiate; St. Michael's Convalescent Home; Mt. St. Joseph College; Juvenile Court Home for Delinquents; Rock Hill Sanitarium |
T626-1819 | 351 to 358, 374, 359 to 360, 377, 361 to 373, 143, 375 to 376, 379 to 381 | Elmwood Place Village; St. Bernard City, Ward 1; St. Bernard City, Ward 2; St. Bernard City, Ward 3; St. Bernard City, Ward 4; Arlington Heights Village; Glendale Village; Lockland Village; Mt. Healthy Village; North College Hill Village; Wyoming Village; Springfield Twp.; Blue Ash Village; Deer Park Village; Lockland Village; Montgomery Village; Reading Village
Institution(s): Hamilton Co. Chronic Disease Hospital; St. Clemens Franciscan Monastery; Hamilton Co. Home; Glenview School For Boys; St. Clare Convent; Hillcrest School; Home for The Friendless and Foundlings; Opportunity Farm for Girls; Bethany Home for Girls; Glendale College; God's Bible School Home; Clovernook Home for The Blind |
T626-1820 | 382, 384 to 388, 338, 389 to 394 | Cheviot Village; Sharonville Village; Sycamore Twp.; Loveland Village; Symmes Twp.; Whitewater Twp.
Institution(s): Mt. Notre Dame Literary Institute; St. Rita School for Deaf; St. Edmond's Home for Boys |