The USGenWeb Census Project 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription

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Stark County, Ohio - - 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
five Microfilm Rolls #T626-1869 to T626-1873
Microfilm #T626-1869
Enumeration District Description Status  Transcriber  Proofreader
76-1 Navarre Village      
76-2 Bethlehem Twp. excluding Navarre Village      
76-3 Canton City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) 12Th; (E) Market Ave.; (S) 9th, High Ave., 10th; (W) Fulton Rd.      
76-4 Canton City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) 10th; (E) Harriet Ave.; (S) 7th; (W) Railroad Tracks.      
76-5 Canton City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) 10th, High Ave., 9th; (E) Mckinley Ave.; (S) 5th; (W) Newton Ave., 7th, Harriet Ave.
Institution(s): Hise Maternity Hospital
76-6 Canton City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) 9th; (E) Market Ave.; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Mckinley Ave.
Institution(s): Mercy Hospital; Stark Co. Jail
76-7 Canton City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) 5th; (E) Mckinley Ave.; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Newton Ave.      
76-8 Canton City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) 7th; (E) Newton Ave.; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Railroad Tracks.      
76-23 Canton City, Ward 5(part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) Bedford Ave.; (S) 23d; (W) City Limits.      
76-24 Canton City, Ward 5(part), bounded by (N) Navarre Rd.: (E) Garfield Ave.; (S) 20th, Railroad Tracks, City Limits; (W) Bedford Ave.      
76-25 Canton City, Ward 5(part), bounded by (N) Navarre Rd.; (E) Nimishillen Creek West Branch, Market Ave.; (S) City Limits; (W) Railroad Tracks, 20th, Garfield Ave.      
76-26 Canton City, Ward 5(part), bounded by (N) Navarre Rd., Market Ave., 13Th; (E) Allen Ave.; (S) City Limits, Mill Rd., City Limits; (W) Market Ave., Nimishillen Creek West Branch.      
76-27 Canton City, Ward 5(part), bounded by (N) 11Th; (E) Cherry Ave.; (S) City Limits; (W) Allen Ave., 13Th, Market Ave.      
76-28 Canton City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Tuscarawas; (E) Bedford Ave.; (S) 9th; (W) City Limits.
Institution(s): Aultman Hospital; Monteret Invalid Home
76-29 Canton City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Tuscarawas; (E) Harrison Ave.; (S) 9th; (W) Bedford Ave.      
76-30 Canton City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Tuscarawas; (E) Nimishillen Creek West Branch; (S) 9th; (W) Harrison Ave.      
Microfilm #T626-1870
Enumeration District Description Status  Transcriber  Proofreader
76-9 Canton City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) 17th, Twp. Line; (E) Nimishillen Creek Middle Branch; (S) 12Th; (W) Rowland Ave.
Institution(s): Stark Co. Work House
76-10 Canton City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) 17th; (E) Rowland Ave.; (S) 12Th; (W) Spring Ave.      
76-11 Canton City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) 17th; (E) Spring Ave.; (S) 9th; (W) Market Ave.      
76-12 Canton City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) 9th; (E) Correll Ave.; (S) 6th; (W) Market Ave.
Institution(s): Aultman Home for Aged Women
76-13 Canton City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) 12Th; (E) Nimishillen Creek East Branch; (S) 9th; (W) Spring Ave.      
76-14 Canton City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) 9th; (E) Sylvan Ct.; (S) Mahoning Rd., 6th; (W) Correll Ave.      
76-15 Canton City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) 6th; (E) Gibbs Ave.; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Market Ave.      
76-16 Canton City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) 6th, Young Ave., 7th, Ryan Ct.; (E) Nimishillen Creek East Branch; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Gibbs Ave.      
76-17 Canton City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) 8th; (E) Belden Ave.; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Nimishillen Creek East Branch.
Institution(s): Canton Convalescent Home
76-18 Canton City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) 8th; (E) City Limits; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Belden Ave.      
76-19 Canton City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Tuscarawas; (E) Savannah Ave.; (S) Railroad Tracks; (W) Market Ave.
Institution(s): Salvation Army
76-20 Canton City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Cherry Ave., 8th; (E) Lafayette Ave.; (S) 11Th; (W) Market Ave.      
76-21 Canton City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Savannah Ave., Tuscarawas; (E) Warner Rd.; (S) City Limits; (W) Cherry Ave., 11Th, Lafayette Ave., 8th, Cherry Ave.      
76-22 Canton City, Ward 4(part), bounded by Tuscarawas; City Limits, Cole Ave., City Limits, Lucinda Ave., City Limits; Warner Rd.      
76-31 Canton City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Tuscarawas; (E) High Ave.; (S) 6th; (W) Nimishillen Creek West Branch.      
76-32 Canton City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) 6th; (E) High Ave.; (S) 9th; (W) Nimishillen Creek West Branch.      
76-33 Canton City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Tuscarawas; (E) Market Ave.; (S) 6th; (W) High Ave.
Institution(s): Canton City Jail
76-34 Canton City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) 6th; (E) Market Ave.; (S) 9th; (W) High Ave.      
76-35 Canton City, Ward 7(part), bounded by (N) Twp. Line, 17th; (E) Oxford Ave.; (S) 12Th; (W) Fulton Rd.
Institution(s): Griffith's Maternity Hospital
76-36 Canton City, Ward 7(part), bounded by (N) 17th, Twp. Line; (E) Cleveland Ave.; (S) 12Th; (W) Oxford Ave.
Institution(s): Fuller Home for Invalids
76-37 Canton City, Ward 7(part), bounded by (N) Twp. Line, Cass Pl., 17th; (E) Market Ave.; (S) 15th; (W) Cleveland Ave.
Institution(s): Schueffell Little Flower Hospital
76-38 Canton City, Ward 7(part), bounded by (N) 15th; (E) Market Ave.; (S) 12Th; (W) Cleveland Ave.      
76-39 Canton City, Ward 7(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Cleveland Ave.; (S) 17th, Twp. Line; (W) Railroad Tracks, City Limits.      
76-40 Canton City, Ward 7(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Market Ave.; (S) 21st; (W) Cleveland Ave.      
76-41 Canton City, Ward 7(part), bounded by (N) 21st; (E) Market Ave.; (S) 17th, Cass Pl., Twp. Line; (W) Cleveland Ave.      
76-50 Canton City, Ward 9(part), bounded by (N) 9th; (E) Arlington Ave.; (S) 12Th; (W) City Limits.
Institution(s): Navarre Maternity Hospital
76-51 Canton City, Ward 9(part), bounded by (N) 9th; (E) Dueber Ave.; (S) Navarre Rd.; (W) Harrison Ave., 13Th, Arlington Ave.      
76-52 Canton City, Ward 9(part), bounded by (N) 12Th; (E) Arlington Ave., 13Th, Harrison Ave.; (S) Navarre Rd., Railroad Tracks; (W) City Limits.      
76-53 Canton City, Ward 9(part), bounded by (N) 9th; (E) Nimishillen Creek West Branch; (S) Navarre Rd.; (W) Dueber Ave.      
76-54 Canton City, Ward 9(part), bounded by (N) 9th; (E) Market Ave.; (S) Navarre Rd.; (W) Nimishillen Creek West Branch.      
Microfilm #T626-1871
Enumeration District Description Status  Transcriber  Proofreader
76-42 Canton City, Ward 8(part), bounded by (N) 17th; (E) Fulton Rd., 10th, Railroad Tracks; (S) Tuscarawas, Lincoln Ave., 4th; (W) Harrison Ave.      
76-43 Canton City, Ward 8(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Harrison Ave.; (S) 8th; (W) Clarendon Ave.      
76-44 Canton City, Ward 8(part), bounded by (N) 8th; (E) Harrison Ave.; (S) 4th; (W) Clarendon Ave.      
76-45 Canton City, Ward 8(part), bounded by (N) 4th; (E) Lincoln Ave.; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) Clarendon Ave.      
76-46 Canton City, Ward 8(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Clarendon Ave.; (S) 8th; (W) City Limits.      
76-47 Canton City, Ward 8(part), bounded by (N) 8th; (E) Clarendon Ave.; (S) 3d; (W) City Limits.      
76-48 Canton City, Ward 8(part), bounded by (N) 3d; (E) Clarendon Ave.; (S) Tuscarawas; (W) City Limits.      
76-49 Canton City, Ward 8(part), In Plain Twp. (No Population)      
76-55 Canton City, Ward 10(part), bounded by (N) 17th, Twp. Line; (E) City Limits; (S) Nimishillen Creek East Branch; (W) Nimishillen Creek Middle Branch.
Institution(s): Bethshan Home
76-56 Canton City, Ward 10(part), bounded by (N) Nimishillen Creek East Branch; (E) City Limits; (S) 8th, Nimishillen Creek East Branch, 7th, Young Ave., 6th; (W) Mahoning Rd., Sylvan Ct., 9th, Nimishillen Creek East Branch.      
76-57 Canton City, Ward 10(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Nimishillen Creek Middle Branch; (S) Twp. Line, 17th; (W) Market Ave.      
76-58 Canton City, Ward 10(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) City Limits, Winfield Way; (S) Twp. Line, 17th; (W) Nimishillen Creek Middle Branch.      
76-59 Canton Twp. (East Part)      
76-60 Canton Twp. (West Part) excluding Meyers Lake Village      
76-68 Alliance City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) City Limits, Mayfield Rd.; (E) N. Union Ave.; (S) Main; (W) City Limits.      
76-69 Alliance City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) West, N. Walnut Ave., N. Freedom Ave., S. Freedom Ave.; (S) E. Columbia; (W) S. Union Ave., N. Union Ave.      
76-70 Alliance City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Mahoning Ave.; (S) Noble, N. Webb Ave., Patterson; (W) N. Freedom Ave., N. Walnut Ave., West.      
76-71 Alliance City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) Patterson, N. Webb Ave., Noble; (E) Mahoning Ave.; (S) E. Broadway, Railroad Tracks, E. Columbia; (W) S. Freedom Ave., N. Freedom Ave.      
76-72 Alliance City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) E. Columbia, Railroad Tracks, E. Broadway; (E) Mahoning Ave.; (S) E. Summit, Morgan Ave., Cambridge; (W) S. Linden Ave.      
76-73 Alliance City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) E. Cambridge; (E) S. Webb Av.; (S) South; (W) S. Linden Ave.      
76-74 Alliance City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) E. Cambridge, Morgan, E. Summit; (E) Mahoning Ave.; (S) City Limits; (W) S. Liberty Ave., South, Webb Ave.      
76-75 Alliance City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) W. State, E. State; (E) S. Liberty Ave. Extended; (S) City Limits; (W) City Limits.      
76-76 Alliance City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Old City Limits, S. Linden Ave., South; (E) S. Liberty Ave.; (S) E. State, W. State; (W) City Limits.
Institution(s): Alliance City Hospital; Mount Union College
76-77 Alliance City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Glamorgan, S. Union Ave., E. Cambridge; (E) S. Linden Ave.; (S) Old City Limits; (W) City Limits.      
76-78 Alliance City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Main, Mckinley Ave., W. Cambridge; (E) S. Union Ave.; (S) Glamorgan; (W) City Limits.      
76-79 Alliance City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Main, S. Union Ave., E. Columbia; (E) S. Linden Ave.; (S) E. Cambridge, W. Cambridge; (W) Mckinley Ave.      
76-80 Limaville Village      
76-81 Lexington Twp. excluding Alliance City and Limaville Village      
76-82 Marlboro Twp. (East Part)      
76-83 Marlboro Twp. (West Part)      
76-134 Meyers Lake Village (part)      
76-136 Meyers Lake Village (part)      
Microfilm #T626-1872
Enumeration District Description Status  Transcriber  Proofreader
76-61 Jackson Twp. (East Part) excluding Hills and Dales Village      
76-62 Jackson Twp. (West Part)      
76-63 Lake Twp. (West Part) and Greentown Village



76-64 Lake Twp. (East Part) and Hartville Village      
76-65 Canal Fulton Village      
76-66 Lawrence Twp. (East Part) excluding Canal Fulton Village      
76-67 Lawrence Twp. (West Part) excluding Canal Fulton Village      
76-84 Louisville Village      
76-85 Institution(s): St. Louis Home for Elderly People      
76-86 Nimishillen Twp. (East Part) excluding Louisville Village
Institution(s): Molly Sanatorium
76-87 Nimishillen Twp. (West Part) excluding Louisville Village      
76-88 East Canton Village
Institution(s): Lincoln Way Sanitorium
76-89 Osnaburg Twp. (North Part) excluding East Canton Village      
76-90 Osnaburg Twp. (South Part) excluding East Canton Village      
76-91 Minerva Village (part)      
76-92 Paris Twp. (East Part) excluding Minerva Village      
76-93 Paris Twp. (West Part)      
76-94 Massillon City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) E. Main, S. Lincoln Ave., Sippo Creek; (E) Old City Limits; (S) E. South Extended, E. South, Mclain, E. Oak; (W) Ohio Canal.      
76-95 Massillon City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) E. Oak, Mclain, E. South, E. South Extended; (E) City Limits; (S) E. Walnut, S. Lincoln Ave., Maple, S. Erie, E. Walnut; (W) Ohio Canal.      
76-96 Massillon City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) E. Walnut, S. Erie, Maple, S. Lincoln Ave., E. Walnut; (E) City Limits; (S) City Limits, S. Erie, City Limits; (W) Ohio Canal.      
76-97 Massillon City, Ward 1(part), bounded by (N) E. Tremont, E. Main; (E) City Limits; (S) City Limits; (W) Old City Limits.      
76-98 Massillon City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) W. Main; (E) Ohio Canal; (S) City Limits, Oberlin Rd.; (W) Railroad Tracks.      
76-99 Massillon City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) W. Main; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Anthony Ave., Lincoln, Webb; (W) Superior, W. Walnut, Henry, Green, Henry, W. Tremont, Henry.      
76-100 Massillon City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) W. Main; (E) Henry, W. Tremont, Henry, Green, Henry, W. Walnut, Superior; (S) Webb, Jarvis Ave., W. Walnut; (W) Pigeon Run Rd.      
76-101 Massillon City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) W. Walnut, Jarvis Ave., Webb, Lincoln, Anthony Ave.; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Oberlin Rd., City Limits, Pennock Ave., City Limits; (W) Twp. Line, Pigeon Run Rd.      
76-102 Massillon City, Ward 2(part), bounded by (N) W. Main; (E) Twp. Line, Pigeon Run Rd.; (S) City Limits; (W) City Limits.      
76-103 Massillon City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Akron, State, Kossuth, Ward Line, Paul, E. Cherry, N. Hill; (S) E. Main, N. Mill, E. Cherry; (W) Ohio Canal.      
76-104 Massillon City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Ohio Canal, E. Cherry, N. Mill; (S) E. Main, W. Main; (W) N. Summit, W. Cherry, City Limits.      
76-105 Massillon City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) W. Cherry; (E) N. Summit; (S) W. Main; (W) Twp. Line, North Rd.      
76-106 Massillon City, Ward 3(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Twp. Line; (S) W. Main, W. Tremont, City Limits; (W) City Limits.      
76-107 Massillon City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Old City Limits; (E) Waverly, Sheffield Ave., Center; (S) E. North; (W) N. Mill, E. Cherry, Paul, Ward Line, Kossuth, State, Akron.
Institution(s): Massillon City Hospital
76-108 Massillon City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) E. North; (E) Old City Limits; (S) Sippo Creek; (W) S. Lincoln, E. Main, N. Hill.      
76-109 Massillon City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) Old City Limits; (E) City Limits, Old City Limits; (S) E. North; (W) Center, Sheffield Ave., Waverly.      
76-110 Massillon City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) City Limits; (S) Old City Limits; (W) Akron, City Limits.      
76-111 Massillon City, Ward 4(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) City Limits; (S) E. Main, E. Tremont; (W) Old City Limits.      
76-115 Pike Twp. (East Part)      
76-116 Pike Twp. (West Part)      
76-121 Magnolia Village (part)      
76-122 Waynesburg Village      
76-123 Sandy Twp. excluding Magnolia and Waynesburg Villages      
76-135 Hills and Dales Village      
Microfilm #T626-1872
Enumeration District Description Status  Transcriber  Proofreader
76-112 Reedurban Village and Perry Twp. (North Part) excluding Massillon City
Institution(s): Immaculate Conception College
76-113 Perry Twp. (South Part) excluding Massillon City      
76-114 Institution(s): Massillon State Hospital      
76-117 North Canton Village      
76-118 Plain Twp. (East Part) excluding Canton City      
76-119 Plain Twp. (West Part) excluding Canton City, and Meyers Lake and North Canton Villages      
76-120 Institution(s): Stark Co. Infirmary      
76-124 Beach City Village      
76-125 Brewster Village      
76-126 Wilmot Village      
76-127 Sugar Creek Twp. (North Part) excluding Brewster and Wilmot Villages      
76-128 Sugar Creek Twp. (South Part) excluding Beach City and Wilmot Villages      
76-129 Tuscarawas Twp. (North Part) excluding Massillon City      
76-130 East Greenville Village and Tuscarawas Twp. (South Part) excluding Massillon City      
76-131 Washington Twp. (East Part) excluding Alliance City
Institution(s): Kingdom of God Brotherhood
76-132 Institution(s): Fairmount Children's Home      
76-133 Washington Twp. (West Part) excluding Alliance City      


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