The USGenWeb Census Project 1920 Federal Census Team Transcription

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Wells County, North Dakota - - 1920 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm #T625-1341
Enumeration District Description Status  Transcriber  Proofreader
 244  Berlin Township
 Progress Township
 Cottonwood Township
 Speedwell Township
 245  Cathay Village, Cathay Township
 Cathay Township
 Woodward Township
 Bilodeau Township
 Fairville Township
 246  Bowdon Village
 Haland Township
 Borough of Chaseley
 Chaseley Township
 Delger Township
 West Ontario Township
 247  Germantown Township
 Hamberg Township
 248  Lynn Township
 Bull Moose Township
 Hurdsfield Village, Bull Moose Township
 Crystal Lake Township
 Silver Lake Township
 249  Fessenden City, Oshkosh Township
 Oshkosh Township
 250  Rusland Township
 Pony Gulch Township
 Forward Township
 251  Fram Township
 Heimdal Township
 Norway Lake Township
 252  Harvey City      
 253  Hawks Nest Township
 Johnson Township
 Sykeston Township
 Sykeston Village
 254  Highland Township
 Manfred Township
 Norway Township
 255  Wells Township
 Hillsdale Township
 Western Township
 265  Vallhalla Township
 Bremen Township

Please refer to the 1920 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.

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