The USGenWeb Census Project 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
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Erie County, New York - - 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T623-1028
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
97(part) Buffalo city: 13th Ward; 1st Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Genesee, Jefferson, Sycamore, Mortimer, Blocks numbered
98 Buffalo city: 13th Ward; 1st Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Madison, Broadway, Mortimer, Blocks numbered
99 Buffalo city: 13th Ward; 2nd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Genesee, Adams, Sycamore, Jefferson, Blocks numbered
100 Buffalo city: 13th Ward; 2nd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Grey, Broadway, Madison, Blocks numbered
101 Buffalo city: 13th Ward; 3rd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Genesee, Sherman, Sycamore, Adams, Blocks numbered
102 Buffalo city: 13th Ward; 3rd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Sherman, Broadway, Grey, Blocks numbered
103 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 1st Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Genesee, Reed, Sycamore, Sherman, Blocks numbered
104 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 1st Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Genesee, Fillmore Avenue, Sycamore, Reed, Blocks numbered
105 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 2nd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Reed, Broadway, Sherman, Blocks numbered
106 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 2nd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Fillmore Avenue, Broadway, Reed, Blocks numbered
107 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 3rd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Genesee and Walden Avenue, Woltz Avenue, Sycamore, Fillmore Avenue, Blooks numbered
108 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 3rd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Woltz Avenue, Broadway, Fillmore Avenue, Blocks numbered
109 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 4th Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Walden Avenue, *, *, * Avenue, Blocks numbered
110 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 4th Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Sobieski, Broadway, Woltz Avenue, Blocks numbered
111 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 5th Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: * Avenue, Miller Avenue, Sycamore, Sobieski, Blocks numbered
112 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 5th Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Sycamore, Miller Avenue, Broadway, Sobieski, Blocks numbered
113 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 6th Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Walden Avenue, City line, West Shore R. R., and West Shore, Avenue, Miller Avenue
114 Buffalo city: 14th Ward; 6th Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: West Shore R. R., and West, Shore Avenue, City line, Broadway, Miller Avenue
115 Buffalo city: 15th Ward; 1st Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Goodell, Cherry and Hickory, Genesee, Michigan, Blocks numbered
116 Buffalo city: 15th Ward; 1st Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Virginia, Mulberry, Goodell, Oak, Burton and Demond Place, Blocks numbered
117 Buffalo city: 15th Ward; 2nd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: High, Washington and Carlton, Ellicott, Goodell, Main, Blocks numbered
118(part) Buffalo city: 15th Ward; 2nd Election Dist. (part)
Bounded by: Carlton, Mulberry, Virginia, Demond Place, Burton, Oak and Goodell, Ellicott, Blocks numbered

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