The USGenWeb Census Project 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
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Broome County, New York - - 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T623-1009
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
1 Barker town      
2 Binghamton city: 1st Ward
Bounded by: City Limits, Chenango River, Erie R. R., Oak Street, Prospect Street, Mygatt Street continued to City Limits
3 Binghamton city: 1st Ward
Bounded by: Prospect Street, Oak Street, Erie R. R., Victor Avenue, Clinton Street, Mygatt Street
4 Binghamton city: 1st Ward
Bounded by: City Limits, Mygatt Street continued to City Limits, Clinton Street, Victor Avenue, Erie R. R., City Limits
5 Binghamton city: 2nd Ward
Bounded by: Erie R. R., Chenango River, Main Street, Chapin Street, North Street, Murray Street
6 Binghamton city: 2nd Ward
Bounded by: Erie R. R., Murray Street, North Street, Chapin Street, Main Street, Hamilton Street
7 Binghamton city: 3rd Ward
Bounded by: Main Street, Front, Eaton Place, Oak, Leroy, Walnut
8 Binghamton city: 3rd Ward
Bounded by: Leroy Street, Chenango River, Susquehanna River, Laurel Avenue
9 Binghamton city: 3rd Ward
Bounded by: Main Street, Walnut Street, Leroy Street
146 Binghamton city: 3rd Ward
Bounded by: Eaton Place, Front, Main, Chenango River, Leroy, Oak.
10 Binghamton city: 4th Ward
Bounded by: Erie R. R., Hamilton Street, Main Street, Laurel Avenue, Susquehanna River, City Limits
11 Binghamton city: 5th Ward
Bounded by: Susquehanna River, Mill Street, City Limits, Vine Street, Vestal Avenue, DeRussey Street
12 Binghamton city: 5th Ward
Bounded by: Susquehanna River, DeRussey Street, Vestal Avenue, Mitchell Avenue, Morris Street, Cross Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, Line from Pennsylvania Avenue * extended West to meet City Limits, City Limits
13 Binghamton city: 5th Ward
Bounded by: Line of City Limits extended East to join Pennsylvania Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, Cross Street, Morris Street, Mitchell Avenue, *
14 Binghamton city: 6th Ward
Bounded by: Susquehanna River, Alfred Street, City Limits, Mill Street
15 Binghamton city: 6th Ward
Bounded by: Susquehanna River, City Limits, Alfred Street
16 Binghamton city: 7th Ward
Bounded by: Court Street, Carroll Street, Susquehanna Street, Susquehanna River, Exchange Street
17 Binghamton city: 7th Ward
Bounded by: Court Street, Erie R. R., Line from Oliver Street South to Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River, Susquehanna Street, Carroll Street
18 Binghamton city: 8th Ward
Bounded by: Court Street, Collier Street, Orchard Street, Line straight South to Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River, Chenango River
19 Binghamton city: 8th Ward
Bounded by: Court Street, Exchange Street, Susquehanna River, Line straight North to Orchard Street, Orchard Street, Collier Street
20 Binghamton city: 9th Ward
Bounded by: Erie R. R., Chenango Street, Court Street, Chenango River
21 Binghamton city: 10th Ward
Bounded by: Henry Street, Liberty Street, Court Street, Carroll Street
22 Binghamton city: 10th Ward
Bounded by: Erie R. R., Liberty Street, Henry Street, Carroll Street, Court Street, Chenango Street
23 Binghamton city: 11th Ward
Bounded by: Line directly West from the intersection of State with Chenango Street, Chenango Street, Erie R. R., Chenango River
24 Binghamton city: 11th Ward
Bounded by: Munsell Street, Liberty Street, Robinson Street and Ward Boundary, Erie R. R., Chenango Street
25 Binghamton city: 11th Ward
Bounded by: Virgil Street, Liberty Street, Frederick Street, Ward Boundary, Robinson Street, Liberty Street, *ll Street, * Street
26 Binghamton city: 11th Ward
Bounded by: Ward Line, Ward Line, Frederick Street, Liberty Street, Virgil Street, Chenango Street, State Street, Line drawn from intersoction of Brower and State Streets West to Chenango River, Chenango River
27 Binghamton city: 12th Ward
Bounded by: Bingham Street and City Limits, City Limits, Court Street, Ward Line
28 Institution: Binghamton State Hospital
Binghamton city: 12th Ward
29 Binghamton city: 13th Ward
Bounded by: City Limits, City Limits, Bingham Street, Ward line, Chenango River
30 Binghamton town      
31 Chenango town      
32 Colesville town (part)
1st Election Dist.
33 Colesville town (part)
2nd and 3rd Election Dists.

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