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1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns. These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner. Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal. |
The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:
Please refer to the 1930 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.
Microfilm #T626-834 |
Enum Distr |
Enumeration District Description | Transcriber | Proofreader | |
6-17 | Clinton Town
Institution(s): Clinton Town Farm |
6-18 | Farmingdale Town | |||
6-19 | Fayette Town | |||
6-20 | Gardiner City, Ward 1, bounded by (N) City Limits, Adams, Northern Ave., City Limits; (E) Kennebec River; (S) Cobbosseecontee Stream, Bridge, Highland Ave.; (W) City Limits. | |||
6-21 | Gardiner City, Ward 2, bounded by (N) Highland Ave.; (E) Bridge; (S) Cobbosseecontee Stream, Ward Line; (W) City Limits. | |||
6-22 | Gardiner City, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Cobbosseecontee Stream; (E) Kennebec River; (S) Ward Line; (W) Ward Line, Dresden Ave., Church, Brunswick Ave., Bridge.
Institution(s): Gardiner General Hospital |
6-23 | Gardiner City, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Ward Line, Cobbosseecontee Stream; (E) Elm Extended, Elm, Brunswick Ave., Ward Line; (S) Ward Line; (W) City Limits.
Institution(s): Home for Aged, Gardiner City Home |
6-24 | Gardiner City, Ward 5, bounded by (N) Cobbosseecontee Stream; (E) Bridge, Brunswick Ave., Church, Dresden Ave.; (S) Ward Line; (W) Ward Line, Brunswick Ave., Elm, Elm Extended.
Institution(s): House Of Good Shepherd |
6-25 | Gardiner City, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Ward Line; (E) Kennebec River; (S) City Limits; (W) Cobbosseecontee Stream. | |||
6-26 | Hallowell City (North Part) | |||
6-27 | Institution(s): Maine State School for Girls | |||
6-28 | Hallowell City (South Part)
Institution(s): Hallowell City Farm |
6-29 | Litchfield Town | |||
6-30 | Manchester Town | |||
6-31 | Monmouth Town
Institution(s): Monmouth Town Associates |
6-32 | Mount Vernon Town | |||
6-33 | Oakland Town
Institution(s): Oakland Town Farm |
6-34 | Pittston Town and East Pittston Village | |||
6-35 | Randolph Town | |||
6-36 | Readfield Town | |||
6-37 | Rome Town | |||
6-38 | Sidney Town | |||
6-39 | Unity Plantation | |||
6-40 | Vassalboro Town and North Vassalboro Village
Institution(s): Oak Grove Seminary Institution(s): Vassalboro Town Farm |
6-41 | Vienna Town | |||
6-42 | Waterville City, Ward 1, bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Kennebec River; (S) Ash Extended, Ash, Ticonic, Kelsey; (W) Main, City Limits.
Institution(s): Sisters Hospital, Sunset Home |
6-43 | Waterville City, Ward 2, bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Main, Kelsey, Ticonic Ash, Ash Extended; (S) Kennebec River, Chaplin Extended, Chaplin, Railroad Tracks; (W) North, Messalonskee Stream, City Limits. | |||
6-44 | Waterville City, Ward 3, bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks, Chaplin, Chaplin Extended; (E) Kennebec River; (S) Temple, Main, Center, Gilman Ave.; (W) Messalonskee Stream. | |||
6-45 | Waterville City, Ward 4, bounded by (N) Gilman Ave., Center, Main, Temple; (E) Kennebec River; (S) Bridge, Lockwood, Main, Silver, Spring, Elm, School, Pleasant, W. Winter; (W) Messalonskee Stream.
Institution(s): Convent Of Ursuline Sisters, Coburn Classical Institute |
6-46 | Waterville City, Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) Messalonskee Stream, North, Railroad Tracks; (S) Messalonskee Stream, W. Winter, Pleasant, School, Elm; (W) Western Ave., Railroad Tracks.
Institution(s): Elm City (Gray's)Hospital, Waterville City Almshouse |
6-47 | Institution(s): Mt. Merici Convent | |||
6-48 | Waterville City, Ward 5 (Part), bounded by (N) City Limits, Railroad Tracks, Western Ave.; (E) Elm; (S) Silver, Oakland Rd., Messalonskee Stream, Kennebec River; (W) City Limits. | |||
6-49 | Waterville City, Ward 6, bounded by (N) Silver, Elm, Spring, Silver; (E) Main, Lockwood, Bridge; (S) Kennebec River; (W) Gray Extended, Gray, Summer, Gold. | |||
6-50 | Waterville City, Ward 7, bounded by (N) Oakland Rd., Silver; (E) Gold, Summer, Gray, Gray Extended; (S) Kennebec River; (W) Messalonskee Stream.
Institution(s): Convent Of Ursuline Sisters (Notre Dame Church) |
6-51 | Wayne Town | |||
6-52 | West Gardiner Town | |||
6-53 | Windsor Town | |||
6-54 | Winslow Town (Northwest Part) and Winslow Village | |||
6-55 | Winslow Town (Southeast Part) | |||
6-56 | Winthrop Town
Institution(s): Winthrop Community Hospital, Winthrop Town Farm |