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1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
Wayne County, Indiana - - 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription | ||||
Microfilm Roll# T623-412 | ||||
ED# | Enumeration Description: | Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
136 | Abington Township | |||
137 | Boston Township Including Boston town | |||
138 | Center Township (part) Including Centerville town All that part of the township lying north of a pike running east and west through the township, known as the National Road. |
139 | Center Township (part) Excluding Centerville town All that part of the township lying south of a pike running east and west through the township, known as the National Road. |
140 | Clay Township | |||
141 | Dalton Township | |||
142 | Franklin Township (part) Including Whitewater town All that part of the township lying south of a line beginning where the half section line running east and west through section 24 intersects the east line of the township, running thence due west along half section line running through sections 24, 23, 22, and 21 to the west line of the township. |
143 | Franklin Township (part) All that part of the township lying north of a line beginning where the half section line running east and west through section 24, intersects the east line of the township, running thence due west along half section line running through sections 24, 23, 22, and 21 to the west line of the township. |
144 | GreeneTownship | |||
145 | Harrison Township | |||
146 | Jackson Township (part) Including Dublin and Mt. Auburn towns All that part of the township lying west of a line beginning where the line between sections 3 and 4 intersects the north line of the township, running thence due south to the S.E. corner of section 33, excluding Cambridge City town. |
147 | Jackson Township (part) Including East Germantown town Excluding Cambridge City town. All that part of the township lying east of a line beginning where the line between sections 3 and 4 intersects the north line of the township, running thence due south to the N.E. corner of section 33. |
148 | Cambridge City town | |||
149 | Jefferson Township (part) All that part of the township lying east and north of a line beginning where the line between sections 16 and 21 intersects the west line of the township, running thence due east 3 miles to the point where sections 23, 14, 24, and 13 corner, thence due south to the south line of the township. |
150 | Jefferson Township (part) Including Hagerstown town All that part of the township lying west and south of a line beginning where the line between sections 16 and 21 intersects the west line of the township, running thence due east 3 miles to the point where sections 23, 14, 24, and 13 corner, thence due south to the south line of the township. |
151 | New Garden Township (part) Incl. Fountain City town (pt.of) All that part of the township lying north of the Williamsburg Road, known as the North Precinct, including that part of Fountain City town lying north of said road. |
152 | New Garden Township (part) Incl. Fountain City town (pt.of) All that part of the township lying south of the Williamsburg Road, known as the South Precinct, including that part of Fountain City town lying south of said road. |
153 | Perry Township | |||
154 | Washington Township (part) Including Milton town All that part of the township lying north of a line beginning where the line between sections 3 and 10, R 13 E, intersects the east line of the township, running thence due west to the west line of the township. |
155 | Washington Township (part) All that part of the township lying south of a line beginning where the line between sections 3 and 10, R 13 E, intersects the east line of the township, running thence due west to the west line of the township. |
156 | Wayne Township (part) Exclusive of Richmond city (part)and Spring Grove town. All that part of the township lying north of the Columbus division of the Pan Handle R. R., and east of the Richmond, Fountain City, & Arba Pike. |
157 | Wayne Township (part) Exclusive of Richmond city. (part) All that part of the township lying south of the Columbus division of the Pan Handle R.R., and east of the Boston Pike. |
158 | Wayne Township (part) Including Spring Grove town Exclusive of Richmond city (part) All that part of the township lying north of the Indianapolis division of the Pan Handle R.R., and west of the Richmond, Fountain City, and Arba Pike. |
159 | Wayne Township (part) Exclusive of Richmond city (part) All that part of the township lying south of the Indianapolis division of the Pan Handle Railroad, and west of the Boston Pike. |
160 | Richmond city, Ward 1 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of S. 7th St. and Main St., running thence south on S 7th St. to S. D St. extended, thence west on S. D St. extended to the river, thence north along the river to Main St., thence east on Main St. to S 7th St. |
161 | Richmond city, Ward 1 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of S. 7th St. and S. D St. extended, running thence south on 7th St. extended, to the corporation line, thence west along the corporation line to the river, thence north along the river to S. D St., thence east on S. D St. extended to 7th St. |
162 | Richmond city, Ward 2 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of N. 8th St. and Main St., running thence west on Main St. to North 5th St., thence north on North 5th St. to the Pan Handle R. R. tracks, thence east along Pan Handle R.R. tracks to N. 8th St., thence south on North 8th St. to Main St. |
163 | Richmond city, Ward 2 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of N. 5th St. and Main St., running thence north on N. 5th St. to Pan Handle R. R. tracks, thence west along Pan Handle R. R. tracks to the river, thence south along the river to Main St., thence east on Main St. to N. 5th St. |
164 | Richmond city, Ward 3 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at N. 12th St. and the Pan Handle R. R. tracks, running thence north on N 12th St. and the Hillsboro Pike to the corporation line, thence west along the corporation line to Spring Grove line, thence west along Spring Grove line to west fork of the river, thence south along the west fork of the river to Pan Handle R. R. tracks, thence east along Pan Handle R. R. tracks to N. 12th St. |
165 | Richmond city, Ward 3 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of N. 8th St. and Main St. running thence east on Main St. to N 12th St., thence north on N. 12th St. to Pan Handle R.R. tracks, thence west along Pan Handle R.R. tracks to N. 8th St., thence south on N. 8th St. to Main St. |
166 | Richmond city, Ward 4 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of Main St. and S. 12th St., running thence south on S 12th St. to S. C St. thence west on S. C St. to S. 10th St., thence south on S. 10th St. to S. E St., thence west on S. E St. to S. 7th St., thence north on S. 7th St. to Main St., thence east on Main St. to S 12th St. |
167 | Richmond city, Ward 4 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of S. 12th St. and S. C St., running thence west on S. C St to S. 10th St., thence south on S. 10th St. to S. E St., thence west on S. E St. ext a to S. 7th St., thence south on S. 7th St. to the corporation line, thence east on corporation line to the east line of the 4th ward, thence north on the east line of the 4th ward to S 12th St. and S. C St. |
168 | Richmond city, Ward 5 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at N. 12th St. and the Pan Handle R. R. tracks, running thence north on N. 12th St and the Hillsboro Pike to the north corporation line, thence east along the north corporation line to the east corporation line, thence south along the east corporation line to the east fork of the river, thence west along the east fork of the river to N. 16th St., thence south on N. 16th St to the Pan Handle R. R. tracks, thence west on the Pan Handle R. R. tracks to N. 12th St. |
169 | Richmond city, Ward 5 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of N. 12th St. and Main St., running thence east on Main St. to N. 16th St., thence north on N. 16th St. to Pan Handle R. R. tracks, thence west along Pan Handle R. R. tracks to N. 12th St., thence south on N. 12th St. to Main St. |
170 | Richmond city, Ward 5 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of N. 16th St. and Main St., running thence north on N. 16th St. to the east fork of the river, thence east along the east fork of the river to the corporation line, thence south along the corporation line to Main St., thence west on Main St. to N. 16th St. |
171 | Richmond city, Ward 6 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of S. 12th St. and Main St., running thence south on S. 12th St. to S. B St., thence east on S. B St. to the corporation line, thence north along the corporation line to Main St., thence west on Main St. to S. 12th St. |
172 | Richmond city, Ward 6 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of S. 12th St. and S. B St., running thence east on S. B St. to the east corporation line, thence south along the east corporation line to the south corporation line, thence west along the south corporation line to S. 12th St extended thence north on S. 12th St. extended to the corner of S. 12th St. and S. B St. |
173 | Richmond city, Ward 7 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of W. 5th St. and Randolph St, running thence east on Randolph St. to W. 1st St., thence north on W. 1st St. to Richmond Ave. thence east on Richmond Ave. to the river, thence north along the river and the west fork of the river to the corporation line, thence west along the corporation line to W. 5th St., thence south on W. 5th St to Randolph St. |
174 | Richmond city, Ward 7 (part) All that part of the ward included within the following boundary lines: Beginning at the corner of W. 5th St. and Randolph St. running thence south on W. 5th St. to Main St., thence west on Main St. to the West corporation line, thence south along the west corporation line to the south corporation line, thence east along the south corporation line to the river, thence north along the river to Richmond Ave., thence west on Richmond Ave to W. 1st St., thence south on W. 1st St. to Randolph St., thence west on Randolph St to W. 5th St. |
175 | Webster Township | |||
178 | Eastern Indiana Hospital for the Insane |