The USGenWeb Census Project 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription

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The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns.  These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner.  Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal.

The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:

Please refer to the 1930 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.

Cook County, Illinois - - 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm #T626-455
Enumeration County Description Transcriber Proofreader
16-883 Chicago City, Ward 24 (Part), bounded by (N) W. 16th; (SE) Ogden Ave.; (W) S. Homan Ave.    
16-884 Chicago City, Ward 24 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) S. California Ave.; (S) W. 16th Projected; (W) S. Albany Ave., Douglas Blvd., S. Kedzie Ave.    
16-885 Chicago City, Ward 24 (Part), bounded by (N) Railroad Tracks; (E) S. California Ave.; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) S. Sacramento Blvd.    
16-886 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Van Buren; (E) S. Maplewood Ave.; (S) W. Harrison; (W) S. California Ave.    
16-887 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Lexington, S. Washtenaw Ave., Flournoy; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Taylor; (W) S. California Ave.    
16-888 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Taylor; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) S. California Ave.    
16-889 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Ogden Ave.; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) W. 16th; (W) S. California Ave.
Institution(s): (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: Mt. Sinai Hospital
16-890 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Van Buren; (E) S. Oakley Blvd.; (S) W. Harrison; (W) S. Western Ave.    
16-891 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Harrison; (E) S. Western Ave.; (S) Polk; (W) Railroad Tracks.    
16-892 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Polk; (E) S. Western Ave.; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) Railroad Tracks.    
16-893 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) S. Western Ave.; (S) W. 16th; (W) Railroad Tracks.    
16-894 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) S. Hoyne Ave.; (S) W. 16th; (W) S. Oakley Ave., Washburn Ave., S. Leavitt.    
16-895 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd., S. Lincoln, W. 13th; (S) S. Wood; (W) S. Hoyne Ave., W. 15th, S. Damen Ave.    
16-896 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Taylor; (E) S. Wood; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) S. Damen Ave.    
16-897 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Taylor; (E) S. Leavitt; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) S. Oakley Blvd.
Institution(s): (City of Chicago), All others: Juvenile Detention Home
16-898 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Polk; (E) S. Oakley Blvd.; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) S. Western Ave.    
16-899 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Harrison; (E) S. Oakley Blvd.; (S) Polk; (W) S. Western Ave.    
16-900 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Harrison; (E) S. Winchester Ave.; (S) Polk; (W) S. Leavitt.    
16-901 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Polk; (E) S. Damen Ave., Birch, S. Seeley Ave.; (S) Taylor; (W) S. Leavitt.    
16-902 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Polk; (E) S. Wood; (S) Taylor; (W) S. Winchester Ave.
Institution(s): (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: Illinois Research and Educational Hospital
16-903 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Harrison; (E) S. Hermitage Ave.; (S) Polk; (W) S. Winchester Ave.
Institution(s): (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: Frances E. Willard Natl. Temperance Hospital; (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: Durand Hospital (McCormick Institution of Infectious Diseases)
16-904 Institutions(s): Cook Co. Hospital    
16-2623 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Harrison; (E) Railroad Tracks, Flournoy, S. Washtenaw Ave.; (S) Lexington; (W) S. California Ave.    
16-2624 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) Railroad Tracks; (S) Ogden Ave.; (W) S. California Ave.    
16-2625 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Van Buren; (E) S. Western Ave.; (S) W. Harrison; (W) S. Maplewood Ave.
Institution(s): (City of Chicago), Other Schools only: Precious Blood School; (City of Chicago), Convents/Sisters only: Sisters Home
16-2626 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) S. Leavitt, Washburn Ave., S. Oakley Ave.; (S) W. 16th; (W) S. Western Ave.    
16-2627 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) S. Damen Ave.; (S) W. 15th; (W) S. Hoyne Ave.    
16-2628 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) S. Wood; (S) W. 13th; (W) S. Lincoln.    
16-2629 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Taylor; (E) Cypress; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) S. Leavitt    
16-2630 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Taylor; (E) S. Damen Ave.; (S) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (W) Cypress
Institution(s): (City of Chicago), High Schools only: St. Mary's High School; (City of Chicago), Other Schools only: St. Charles School
16-2631 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Harrison; (E) S. Leavitt; (S) Polk; (W) S. Oakley Blvd.    
16-2632 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Polk; (E) S. Leavitt; (S) Taylor; (W) S. Oakley Blvd.    
16-2633 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) Polk; (E) S. Winchester Ave.; (S) Taylor; (W) S. Seeley Ave., Birch, S. Damen Ave.    
16-2634 Chicago City, Ward 25 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Congress; (E) S. Wood; (S) W. Harrison; (W) S. Winchester Ave.
Institution(s): (City of Chicago), Y.M.C.A. only: (West Side Student Dept.); (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: West Side Hospital of Chicago

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