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1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns. These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner. Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal. |
The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:
Please refer to the 1930 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.
Microfilm #T626-416 |
Enum Distr |
Enumeration County Description | Transcriber | Proofreader | |
16-1 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) Chicago River; (E) N. State; (S) W. Madison; (W) Chicago River Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat College and Hospital; (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: Iroquois Hospital; (City of Chicago), Colleges/Universities/Seminaries only: American Univ.; (City of Chicago), All others: Physicians and Surgeons Institute of Chicago; (City of Chicago), Y.M.C.A. only: (Northwestern Univ. Student Dept.); (City of Chicago), Jewish/Hebrew only: Denver Sheltering Home for Jewish Children: (City of Chicago), All others: Archdiocesan Union of The Holy Name Society; (City of Chicago), Sanitariums only: Los Angeles Sanitarium; (City of Chicago), Sanitariums only: Lindlahr Sanitarium |
16-2 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Monroe; (E) N. State; (S) W. Van Buren, S. Clark, W. Harrison; (W) Chicago River Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), All others: Country Home for Convalescent Children; (City of Chicago), Sanitariums only: Ottawa Tuberculosis Sanitarium |
16-3 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Harrison, S. Clark, W. Van Buren; (E) S. Dearborn, Polk, S. State; (W) W. Roosevelt Blvd.; (W) Chicago River | |||
16-4 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Van Buren; (E) S. State; (S) Polk; (W) S. Dearborn Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Salvation Army only: (New Century Hotel); (City of Chicago), Colleges/Universities/Seminaries only: Mayo Federated Colleges |
16-5 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. Van Buren; (E) S. Michigan Ave.; (S) E. Harrison; (W) S. State | |||
16-6 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. 7th; (E) S. Wabash Ave.; (S) E. 9th; (S) S. State Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Y.M.C.A. only: (Hotel) |
16-7 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. 8th, S. Michigan Ave., E. Harrison; (E) Lake Michigan; (S) E. Roosevelt Blvd.; (W) S. Wabash Ave. Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Y.M.C.A. only: (Facility) |
16-8 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. 9th; (E) S. Wabash Ave.; (S) E. Roosevelt Blvd.; (W) S. State Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), All others: Catholic Dependent Child Commission |
16-9 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. 14th; (E) Indiana Ave.; (S) E. 18th; (W) S. State. | |||
16-10 | Institutions(s): St. Luke's Hospital | |||
16-11 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. 16th; (E) S. State; (W) W. 18th; (W) S. Branch Chicago River | |||
16-12 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. Roosevelt Blvd.; (E) Lake Michigan; (S) E. 22d; (W) Indiana Ave. Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Sanitariums only: Chicago Sanitarium |
16-13 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. 18th; (E) Indiana Ave.; (S) E. 22d; (W) S. State | |||
16-14 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), Calvert Apts., 1801 S. Wabash Ave. | |||
16-15 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. 22d; (E) Federal; (S) W. 23d; (W) Princeton Ave. Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Hospitals only: Peoples Hospital |
16-2048 | Harvey City (Part) bounded by (N) 147th; (E) Western Ave.; (S) 151st; (W) California Ave., 149th, Rockwell. | |||
16-2049 | Harvey City (Part) bounded by (N) 147th, Robey, City Limits; (E) Ashland; (S) 154th; (W) Dixie Hwy., City Limits, Robey, 151st, Western Ave. | |||
16-2050 | Havey City (Part) bounded by (N) 143d, Little Calumet River; (E) Little Calumet River, City Limits; (S) Little Calumet River, City Limits, 140th, Halsted, 147th; (W) Ashland. | |||
16-2051 | Harvey City (Part) bounded by (N) 147th; (E) Turlington; (S) 154th; (W) Ashland. | |||
16-2052 | Harvey City (Part) bounded by (N) 147th; (E) Halsted; (S) 155th, Broadway, 154th; (W) Turlington. | |||
16-2053 | Harvey City (Part) bounded by (N) 154th; (E) Ashland; (S) 161st, Lincoln Ave., 159th; (W) Dixie Hwy. Institutions(s): (Cook Co. excluding Chicago): Ingall Memorial Hospital |
16-2054 | Harvey City (Part) bounded by (N) 154th, Broadway, 155th; (E) Halsted; (S) 157th; (W) Ashland. | |||
16-2055 | Harvey City (Part) bounded by (N) 157th; (E) Halsted; (S) 159th, City Limits, 161st; (W) Ashland. | |||
16-2056 | Posen Village (West Part) | |||
16-2057 | Posen Village (East Part) | |||
16-2060 | Midlothian Village Institutions(s): (Cook Co. excluding Chicago): Midlothian Health Resort |
16-2061 | Robbins Village | |||
16-2062 | Tinley Park Village | |||
16-2377 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) Chicago River; (E) Lake Michigan; (S) W. Madison; (W) Chicago River Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), All others: Aznoes Central Registry and Natl. Physicians Exchange; (City of Chicago), Colleges/Universities/Seminaries only: Midwest Univ. of Arts and Science; (City of Chicago), Other Schools only: Glenwood Manual Training School; (City of Chicago), Sanitariums only: National Lutheran Sanitarium; (City of Chicago), Others Having Multiple Locations only: Eleanor Assn. (Central); (City of Chicago), Sanitariums only: Lake Geneva Sanitarium; (City of Chicago), Sanitariums only: Sunnybrook Farm Sanitarium |
16-2378 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Madison; (E) N. State; (S) W. Monroe; (W) Chicago River Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Salvation Army only: (Wells Hotel); (City of Chicago), Colleges/Universities/Seminaries only: Chicago Univ.; (City of Chicago), Colleges/Universities/Seminaries only: Western Theological Seminary; (City of Chicago), Academies only: Northwestern Military and Naval Academy; (City of Chicago), Y.M.C.A. only: (Central Dept.) |
16-2379 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. Madison; (E) Lake Michigan; (S) E. Van Buren; (W) N. State Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Other Schools only: Snyder Outdoor School for Boys |
16-2380 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. Harrison; (E) S. Michigan Ave.; (S) E. 8th; (W) S. Wabash Ave. Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Salvation Army only: (Reliance Hotel) |
16-2381 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) E. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) Indiana Ave.; (S) E. 14th; (W) S. State | |||
16-2382 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. Roosevelt Rd.; (E) S. State; (S) W. 16th; (W) S. Branch Chicago River | |||
16-2383 | Chicago City, Ward 1 (Part), bounded by (N) W. 18th; (E) S. Clark; (S) W. Cullerton; (W) S. Branch Chicago River Institutions(s): (City of Chicago), Y.M.C.A. only: (Chinese Dept.) |