The USGenWeb Census Project 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription

If you are interested in helping to transcribe an Enumeration District for this census,
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The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns.  These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner.  Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal.

The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:

Please refer to the 1930 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.

District of Columbia - - 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T626-301
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
1-318 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Broad Branch Rd., Rock Creek Park East Boundary, Upshur Extended, Upshur; (E) 14Th; (S) Spring Rd., 16Th, Spring Rd., Piney Branch Pkwy. Parkway Park Boundary, Klingle Rd.; (W) Rock Creek.
1-319 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Buchanan Extended, Buchanan; (E) Georgia Ave.; (S) Upshur, Upshur Extended; (W) Rock Creek.
1-320 Institution: Municipal Tuberculosis Hospital and Nurses Home      
1-321 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Upshur; (E) Georgia Ave.; (S) Quincy; (W) 14Th.
1-322 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Shepherd; (E) Illinois Ave., Rock Creek Church Rd.; (S) Quincy; (W) Georgia Ave.
1-323 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Varnum; (E) 7Th; (S) Shepherd; (W) Georgia Ave.
1-324 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Varnum; (E) Illinois; (S) Shepherd; (W) 7Th.
1-325 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Varnum; (E) 3D; (S) Rock Creek Church Rd.; (W) Illinois Ave.
1-326 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Rock Creek Cemetery; (SE) Rock Creek Church Rd.; (W) 3D.
1-327 Dist. of Columbia (NW), Police Pct. 10 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Buchanan; (E) 3D; (S) Varnum; (W) Georgia Ave.
1-328 Institution: U.S. Soldiers' Home      
1-329 Dist. of Columbia (NE), Police Pct. 11 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) City Limits; (E) Railroad Tracks, Deane Ave. Extended., Deane Ave., 46Th (Browning Pl.), 47Th; (S) Central Ave., Benning Rd.; (W) Anacostia River.
1-330 Dist. of Columbia (NE), Police Pct. 11 (Part)
Bounded By: (NW) Railroad Tracks; (NE) City Limits, Division Ave.; (S) Hayes, Deane Ave., Deane Ave. Extended.
1-331 Dist. of Columbia (NE and SE), Police Pct. 11 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Hayes; (E) Division Ave., E. Capitol, Central Ave.; (S) City Limits; (W) Benning Rd., Central Ave., 47Th, 46Th (Browning Pl.).
1-332 Dist. of Columbia (NE and SE), Police Pct. 11 (Part)
Bounded By: (NW) Division Ave.; (NE) City Limits; (S) City Limits, Central Ave., E. Capitol.
1-333 Dist. of Columbia (NE and SE), Police Pct. 11 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Benning Rd.; (E) City Limits; (S) Pennsylvania Ave.; (W) Anacostia River.
1-334 Dist. of Columbia (SE), Police Pct. 11 (Part)
Bounded By: (N) Pennsylvania Ave.; (E) City Limits; (S) Naylor Rd., Good Hope Rd.; (W) 18Th, Minnesota Ave., Naylor Rd., Potomac Ave.
Institutions: German Orphan Asylum; Rupert Home

The USGenWeb Census Project

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