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1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
New Castle County, Delaware - - 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription | ||||
Microfilm # T623-154 | ||||
ED# | Enumeration Description: | Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
1 | Wilmington city: Ward 1 Precinct 14. Bounded by: West Sixth, Market, City line, Orange. |
2 | Wilmington city: Ward 1 Precinct 15. Bounded by: West Sixth, Orange, West Third, Washington. |
3 | Wilmington city: Ward 1 Precinct 16. Bounded by: West Third, Orange, City line, Washington. |
4 | Wilmington city: Ward 2 Precinct 1. Bounded by: East Third, Poplar, Christiana Creek, Market. |
5 | Wilmington city: Ward 2 Precinct 2. Bounded by: East Third, Christiana Creek, Poplar. |
6 | Wilmington city: Ward 2 Precinct 3. Bounded by: Christiana Creek, Heald, City line, Market. |
7 | Wilmington city: Ward 2 Precinct 4. Bounded by: Ward line (East Third Street extended), Christiana River, Delaware River, City line, Heald. |
8 | Wilmington city: Ward 3 Precinct 17. Bounded by: West Second, Washington, West Liberty, Maryland Ave., Madison. |
9 | Wilmington city: Ward 3 Precinct 18. Bounded by: West Third, Madison, and Maryland Ave., ---, Adams. |
10 | Wilmington city: Ward 3 Precinct 20. Bounded by: West Sixth, Madison, West Third, Adams. |
11 | Wilmington city: Ward 3 Precincts 19 and 21. Bounded by: West Sixth, Washington, West Second, Madison. |
12 | Wilmington city: Ward 4 Precincts 5 and 6. Bounded by: East Sixth, Poplar, East Third, Market. |
13 | Wilmington city: Ward 4 Precinct 7. Bounded by: East Sixth, Pine, East Third, Poplar. |
14 | Wilmington city: Ward 4 Precinct 8. Bounded by: East Sixth, Brandywine Creek and Christiana River, East Third, Pine. |
15 | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precinct 22. Bounded by: West Eighth, Market, West Sixth, Washington. |
16 | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precinct 52. Bounded by: West Ninth, Market, West Eighth, Washington. |
17 | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precinct 23. Bounded by: West Eighth, Washington, West Sixth, Madison |
18 | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precinct 53. Bounded by: West Ninth, Washington, West Eighth, Monroe. |
19 | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precinct 24. Bounded by: West Eighth, Madison, West Sixth, Adams. |
20 | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precinct 54. Bounded by: West Ninth, Monroe, West Eighth, Harrison. |
21 | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precinct 30. Bounded by: West Eighth, Adams, West Sixth, Harrison. |
22(part) | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precincts 55 and 31. Bounded by: West Ninth, Harrison, West Sixth, City line. |
Microfilm # T623-155 | ||||
ED# | Enumeration Description: | Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
22(part) | Wilmington city: Ward 5 Precincts 55 and 31. Bounded by: West Ninth, Harrison, West Sixth, City line. |
23 | Wilmington city: Ward 6 Precincts 9 and 10. Bounded by: East Eighth, Poplar, East Sixth, Market. |
24 | Wilmington city: Ward 6 Precincts 38 and 39. Bounded by: East Eleventh, Poplar, East Eighth, Market. |
25 | Wilmington city: Ward 6 Precincts 40 and 41. Bounded by: Brandywine Creek, Poplar, East Eleventh, Market. |
26 | Wilmington city: Ward 7 Precinct 56. Bounded by: West Eleventh, Market, West Ninth, Washington. |
27 | Wilmington city: Ward 7 Precinct 57. Bounded by: Brandywine Creek, Market, West Eleventh, West. |
28 | Wilmington city: Ward 7 Precincts 58 and 60. Bounded by: Delaware Avenue, Washington, West Ninth, Rodney. |
29 | Wilmington city: Ward 7 Precincts 59 and 61. Bounded by: Brandywine Creek, West, West Eleventh, and Washington, Delaware Avenue, Rodney. |
30 | Wilmington city: Ward 7 Precincts 62 and 63. Bounded by: Shallcross Avenue, Rodney, West Ninth, Woodlawn. |
31 | Wilmington city: Ward 7 Precincts 64 and 65. Bounded by: Brandywine Creek, Rodney, Shallcross Avenue and Woodlawn, West Ninth, City line and Rising Sun Road. |
32 | Wilmington city: Ward 8 Precincts 11 and 42. Bounded by: Shearman, Pine, East Sixth, Poplar. |
33 | Wilmington city: Ward 8 Precinct 43. Bounded by: Brandywine Creek, Pine, Shearman, Poplar |
34 | Wilmington city: Ward 8 Precinct 12. Bounded by: East Eighth, Church, East Sixth, Pine. |
35 | Wilmington city: Ward 8 Precincts 44 and 45. Bounded by: Brandywine Creek, Bennett, East Eighth, Pine. |
36 | Wilmington city: Ward 8 Precincts 46 and 13. Bounded by: Brandywine Creek and East Eighth, Brandywine Creek, Ward lines, Christiana River and East Sixth, Church, East Eighth, and Bennett. |
37 | Wilmington city: Ward 9 Precincts 47 and 48. Bounded by: Twenty-fifth (extended to Delaware River), Delaware River, Christiana River, Brandywine Creek, Pine. |
38 | Wilmington city: Ward 9 Precincts 49 and 51. Bounded by: City line, Delaware River, Twenty-fifth, Pine and Brandywine Creek, Market, Twenty-fifth, B. and P. R. R. or City line. |
39 | Wilmington city: Ward 9 Precinct 50. Bounded by: Twenty-fifth, Market, Brandywine Creek, City line |
Microfilm # T623-156 | ||||
ED# | Enumeration Description: | Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
40 | Wilmington city: Ward 10 Precincts 25 and 26. Bounded by: West Front, Adams, Linden, Franklin. |
41 | Wilmington city: Ward 10 Precinct 27. Bounded by: West Third, Adams, West Front, Van Buren. |
42 | Wilmington city: Ward 10 Precinct 28. Bounded by: West Third, Van Buren, West Front, Franklin. |
43 | Wilmington city: Ward 10 Precinct 29. Bounded by: West Sixth, Adams, West Third, Franklin. |
44 | Wilmington city: Ward 11 Precincts 35, 36 and 37. Bounded by: Linden, Maryland Avenue, and West Liberty, Washington, City line, (West to P. W. and B. R. R., P. W. and B. R. R.) City line, City line. |
45 | Wilmington city: Ward 12 Precincts 32 and 33. Bounded by: West Sixth, Franklin, Linden, Scott. |
46 | Wilmington city: Ward 12 Precinct 34. Bounded by: West Sixth, Scott, Linden (City line) Greenhill and West Front, City line (Cleveland) |
47 | Appoquinimink hundred incl. Townsend town | |||
48 | Blackbird hundred | |||
49 | Brandywine hundred (part) All that part of the hundred lying to the South and East of the middle of the Wilmington and Great Valley turnpike and the Foulk road. |
50 | Brandywine hundred (part) All that part of the hundred lying to the North and West of the Wilmington and Great Valley turnpike and the Foulk road. |
51 | Christiana hundred (part) incl. Newport town All that part of the hundred lying to the South of the middle of Lancaster turnpike. |
52 | Christiana hundred (part) All that part of the hundred lying to the North and East of the following deseribed line: Commencing in the middle of the public road at the Rockland Paper Mills (on the Brandywine), running from thence along the middle of said road in a westerly direction, following its several courses direct to the corner formerly known as Campbell's Shops on the Kennet turnpike; thence on across said turnpike to the mill formerly known as Fulton's Mill; thence by stream running from said mill to where it empties into Red Clay Creek. |
53 | Christiana hundred (part) All that part of the hundred lying to the North of the middle of the Lancaster turnpike, and South of the following described line: Commencing in the middle of the public road, at the Rockland Paper Mills (on the Brandywine), running from thence along the middle of said road in a Westerly direction, following its several courses direct to the corner formerly known as Campbell's Shops, on the Kennet turnpike; thence on across said turnpike to the mill formerly known as Fulton's Mill; thence by stream running from said mill to where it empties into Red Clay Creek. |
54 | Mill Creek hundred (part) All that part of the hundred lying to the North of the following desoribed' lines: Commencing at McDaniels Mill on Red Clay Creek, and running along the middle of the road leading from there to Mermaid P. O., thence up the Limestone Road to Schoolhouse #32, thence Westerly along road running through Pleasant Hill to Mechanicsville to White Clay Creek. |
55 | Mill Creek hundred (part) All that part of the hundred lying to the South of the following deseribed line: Commencing at McDaniels Mill on Red Clay Creek, and running along the middle of the road leading from there to Mermaid P. O., thence up the Limestone Road to Schoolhouse #32, thence Westerly along road running through Pleasant Hill to Mechanicsville to White Clay Creek. |
56 | Newcastle hundred Excluding Newcastle city |
57 | Newcastle city (part) All that part of the city lying to the North of the center of Delaware Street and the Frenchtown turnpike. |
58 | Newcastle city (part) All that part of the city lying to the South of Delaware Street and the Frenchtown turnpike. |
59 | Pencader hundred | |||
60 | Red Lion hundred incl. Delaware City and St. Georges town | |||
103 | Fort Du Pont (Military Post) (see E. D. 60) | |||
104 | Fort Delaware (Military Post) (see E. D. 60) | |||
61 | St. Georges hundred (part) incl. Port Penn town All that part of the hundred lying to the East of the Delaware Railroad, and North and East of a boundary line leading from Mount Pleasant Post Office to Augustine Creek; and from thence along said creek to the Delaware River. |
62(part) | St. Georges hundred (part) incl. Odessa town All that part of the hundred lying within the following boundary lines: Commencing at the mouth of Augustine Creek on Delaware River; thence along said creek to its intersection with the road leading from the creek to Mount Pleasant Post Office; thence along said road to the Delaware Railroad; thence along said railroad to Armstrong's corner; thence along public road leading from Armstrong's corner to Brick Mill Lane; and from thence along said lane through to Appoquimimink Creek and along said creek and the Delaware River to place of beginning. |
Microfilm # T623-157 | ||||
ED# | Enumeration Description: | Status | Transcriber | Proofreader |
62(part) | St. Georges hundred (part) incl. Odessa town All that part of the hundred lying within the following boundary lines: Commencing at the mouth of Augustine Creek on Delaware River; thence along said creek to its intersection with the road leading from the creek to Mount Pleasant Post Office; thence along said road to the Delaware Railroad; thence along said railroad to Armstrong's corner; thence along public road leading from Armstrong's corner to Brick Mill Lane; and from thence along said lane through to Appoquimimink Creek and along said creek and the Delaware River to place of beginning. |
63 | St. Georges hundred (part) incl. Middletown town All that part of the hundred lying to the west of the Delaware Railroad, and that part of the hundred lying east of railroad and south and west of the public road leading from Armstrong's corner to Brick Mill Lane and said lane extended to Appoquimimink Creek. |
64 | White Clay Creek hundred Excluding Newark town |
65 | Newark town | |||