Aroostook, ME 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 6 of 13) This Census was transcribed by Carol Glidden and proofread by C. Gagnon and submitted to the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright 2002 by Carol Glidden ============================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the written consent of the transcriber or the legal representative of the transcriber and contact the USGenWeb Census Project File Manager via the email address with proof of this consent. ============================================================================= All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ============================================================================= More online information for the 1850 US Census of Aroostook County, Maine, including online links to particular individuals and places, township names then and now, an online index of names in the census and other background, and information about French names in the census is available at ============================================================================= THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE NAME FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================= 118a 20 Hacker Ann M. 18 Me. pg0113a.txt 118a 18 Hacker Isaac 45 Me. pg0113a.txt 118a 21 Hacker James F. 7 Me. pg0113a.txt 118a 19 Hacker Violet 41 Me. pg0113a.txt 11a 40 Hacket Alden 5 Me. pg0009b.txt 11a 41 Hacket Cordelia 2 Me. pg0009b.txt 11a 37 Hacket George 10 Me. pg0009b.txt 11a 36 Hacket Lidia 12 Me. pg0009b.txt 11a 35 Hacket Margaret 14 Me. pg0009b.txt 11a 34 Hacket Martha 39 Me. pg0009b.txt 11a 38 Hacket Mary 9 Me. pg0009b.txt 11a 39 Hacket Osborn 7 Me. pg0009b.txt 55b 40 Hackett Catherine O'B. 29 Sacketts Harbor, N.Y. pg0049a.txt 55b 42 Hackett Ellen 4 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 56a 1 Hackett Eveline 2 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 11a 33 Hackett George W. 39 Vermont pg0009b.txt 55b 39 Hackett James H. 37 Ireland pg0049a.txt 55b 41 Hackett Mary E. 6 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 2a 40 Hadley Cassedane 23 Me. pg0001a.txt 2b 1 Hadley Edwin P. 2/12 Me. pg0001a.txt 2a 42 Hadley Harriet F. 3 Me. pg0001a.txt 2a 41 Hadley Mary L. 4 Me. pg0001a.txt 2a 39 Hadley William W. 30 Me. pg0001a.txt 167a 8 Hafey Charlotte 14 NB pg0157b.txt 166b 42 Hafey Christie A. 16 NB pg0157b.txt 166b 41 Hafey Edwin 23 NB pg0157b.txt 78a 17 Haggerty Bridget 19 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 78a 23 Haggerty Francis 3 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78a 21 Haggerty John 10 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78a 20 Haggerty Margaret 13 Bangor, Me. pg0066a.txt 78a 16 Haggerty Nancy 42 Ireland pg0066a.txt 56b 22 Haggerty Nancy 17 Belfast Acad. Gt., Me. pg0049a.txt 78a 19 Haggerty Nancy 15 Bangor, Me. pg0066a.txt 78a 15 Haggerty Peter 42 Ireland pg0066a.txt 78a 18 Haggerty Peter, Jr. 17 Bangor, Me. pg0066a.txt 78a 22 Haggerty Thomas 7 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 94b 11 Haines Albert 8 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 9 Haines Daniel 12 Maine pg0094a.txt 165a 36 Haines Elizabeth 32 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 165a 38 Haines Eunice J 13 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 94b 13 Haines Francis 5 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 12 Haines Frederick 5 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 6 Haines George 16 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 5 Haines Henry 17 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 15 Haines Isadiah 2 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 3 Haines J.W. 45 Maine pg0094a.txt 165a 40 Haines Jabez 5 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 165a 35 Haines James 42 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 94b 8 Haines John 13 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 14 Haines Marilea 3 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 4 Haines Mary 45 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 7 Haines Mary 14 Maine pg0094a.txt 165a 39 Haines Mehalea 9 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 94b 10 Haines Nancy 10 Maine pg0094a.txt 165a 37 Haines Phebe 15 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 94b 16 Haines Theodoah 2 Maine pg0094a.txt 9b 36 Hale Aaron 4 Me. pg0009b.txt 165a 41 Hale Allen G 25 Maine pg0157b.txt 104b 22 Hale Andrew 11 NB pg0103b.txt 9b 37 Hale Augustus 8/12 Me. pg0009b.txt 9a 22 Hale Charles 14 Me. pg0001a.txt 165a 42 Hale Charlotte M 18 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 104b 17 Hale Dennis 53 Ireland pg0103b.txt 104b 21 Hale Dennis 13 NB pg0103b.txt 104b 19 Hale Elesha 17 NB pg0103b.txt 9b 32 Hale Elisibeth 29 Me. pg0009b.txt 9b 35 Hale Ezra 6 Me. pg0009b.txt 8b 20 Hale Fanny 43 Me. pg0001a.txt 165b 1 Hale Francis E 2/12 Maine pg0157b.txt 8b 22 Hale Hellen 8 Me. pg0001a.txt 8b 19 Hale James 41 Me. pg0001a.txt 104b 20 Hale Jane 15 NB pg0103b.txt 10a 21 Hale John 44 Me. pg0009b.txt 9a 24 Hale John 10 Me. pg0001a.txt 9a 20 Hale Jonas 40 Me. pg0001a.txt 8b 21 Hale Laura J. 16 Me. pg0001a.txt 104b 18 Hale Mareah 55 NB pg0103b.txt 9a 23 Hale Mark 12 Me. pg0001a.txt 8b 23 Hale Mary A. 6 Me. pg0001a.txt 9a 21 Hale Mary J. 33 Me. pg0001a.txt 9b 34 Hale Samuel 8 Me. pg0009b.txt 9a 25 Hale Samuel 7 Me. pg0001a.txt 9a 26 Hale Solona 5 Me. pg0001a.txt 9a 27 Hale Sophronia 2 Me. pg0001a.txt 9b 31 Hale Timothy 33 Me. pg0009b.txt 9b 33 Hale Velzera J. 10 Me. pg0009b.txt 18a 42 Haley Joh* 11 Me. pg0018a.txt 100b 1 Haley Mary A. 1 Maine pg0094a.txt 18a 41 Haley Na*** 35 Me. pg0018a.txt 18b 1 Haley Nancy 2 Me. pg0018a.txt 100a 42 Haley Rosanna 23 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 18b 2 Haley William 5/12 Me. pg0018a.txt 18a 40 Haley William 35 Ireland pg0018a.txt 100a 41 Haley William 24 Ireland pg0094a.txt 23b 7 Hall Albert 4 Me. pg0018a.txt 111a 15 Hall Bradbury 25 Me. pg0103b.txt 23a 30 Hall Calils 35 Me. pg0018a.txt 111a 16 Hall Caroline 23 Me. pg0103b.txt 23a 36 Hall Caroline 2 Me. pg0018a.txt 110b 34 Hall Chanilla 13 Maine pg0103b.txt 52a 37 Hall Charles I. 7 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 23b 5 Hall Eames 28 Me. pg0018a.txt 111a 32 Hall Edward 17 Me. pg0103b.txt 110b 32 Hall Eleora 18 Maine pg0103b.txt 52a 35 Hall Elisabeth S. 36 Woodstock, N.B. pg0049a.txt 111a 1 Hall Enoch 18 Me. pg0103b.txt 23a 33 Hall Frances 7 Me. pg0018a.txt 23a 31 Hall Frances 31 N.B. pg0018a.txt 110b 33 Hall Francevella 15 Maine pg0103b.txt 52a 38 Hall Frederic H. 5 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 23a 32 Hall Georgian 9 Me. pg0018a.txt 111a 33 Hall Greenfield 14 Me. pg0103b.txt 110b 42 Hall Harriett 49 Me. pg0103b.txt 111a 18 Hall Harriett 2 Me. pg0103b.txt 111a 3 Hall Harriett 10 Me. pg0103b.txt 72a 2 Hall Harriett S. 38 Norridgwock, Me. pg0066a.txt 110b 36 Hall Hellen F. 5 Maine pg0103b.txt 52a 40 Hall Henry M. 1 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 110b 30 Hall Hiram 43 Maine pg0103b.txt 111a 4 Hall Horrace 10 Me. pg0103b.txt 52a 36 Hall Isaac B. 9 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 23a 35 Hall Jedediah 3 Me. pg0018a.txt 110b 41 Hall John 54 Me. pg0103b.txt 66a 2 Hall John 13 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 52a 34 Hall John F.H. 36 Castine, Me. pg0049a.txt 52a 39 Hall John G. 3 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 72a 3 Hall John S. 10 Corrina, Me. pg0066a.txt 111a 30 Hall Joseph 24 Me. pg0103b.txt 111a 31 Hall Julia A. 18 Me. pg0103b.txt 23b 8 Hall Lilos J. 2 Me. pg0018a.txt 23a 34 Hall Loiza 5 Me. pg0018a.txt 110b 31 Hall Mary 40 Maine pg0103b.txt 72a 4 Hall Mary Ann 5/12 No.6, R.4, Me. pg0066a.txt 111a 38 Hall Mary G. 8 Me. pg0103b.txt 23b 9 Hall Melissa A. 2/12 Me. pg0018a.txt 23b 6 Hall Nancy J. 25 Me. pg0018a.txt 111a 29 Hall Ruth 50 Me. pg0103b.txt 111a 34 Hall Ruth A. 13 Me. pg0103b.txt 72a 1 Hall Samuel A. 36 Hampden, Me. pg0066a.txt 111a 35 Hall Sarah 10 Me. pg0103b.txt 111a 2 Hall Ward 16 Me. pg0103b.txt 111a 17 Hall Watson 4 Me. pg0103b.txt 110b 35 Hall William H. 9 Maine pg0103b.txt 111a 28 Hall Winslow 52 Me. pg0103b.txt 83a 33 Hallett David 42 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 69a 8 Hallett David 25 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 1a 33 Ham Abner 60 NH pg0001a.txt 27a 33 Ham Abner 16 N.B. pg0026b.txt 28a 17 Ham Benjamin 28 N.B. pg0026b.txt 28a 18 Ham Elisibeth 27 Me. pg0026b.txt 28a 22 Ham Emeline 23 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 16 Ham George R. 34 N.B. pg0026b.txt 27a 34 Ham Henry 13 Me. pg0026b.txt 28a 20 Ham Herbert J. 3 Me. pg0026b.txt 28a 21 Ham Hiram B. 33 N.B. pg0026b.txt 28a 25 Ham Isaac B. 16 Me. pg0026b.txt 85a 35 Ham James 25 Hodgdon, Me. pg0080a.txt 27a 30 Ham Jane 53 N.B. pg0026b.txt 27a 35 Ham John 23 Me. pg0026b.txt 55a 3 Ham Levi 18 Hodgdon, Me. pg0049a.txt 27a 32 Ham Levi 18 N.B. pg0026b.txt 28a 23 Ham Lydia C. 19 Me. pg0026b.txt 28a 19 Ham Mansfield 6 Me. pg0026b.txt 28a 24 Ham Martha J. 18 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 17 Ham Mary J. 28 N.B. pg0026b.txt 27a 31 Ham William 21 N.B. pg0026b.txt 28a 26 Ham William H.H. 14 Me. pg0026b.txt 128a 29 Hamell Henry 35 N.B. pg0122b.txt 117a 31 Hames Ann M. 11 Me. pg0113a.txt 117a 29 Hames Benjamin 37 Me. pg0113a.txt 117a 30 Hames Mary A. 37 Me. pg0113a.txt 118a 24 Hames Prince 81 Me. pg0113a.txt 117a 32 Hames Sarah 6 Me. pg0113a.txt 112a 41 Hamilton Abel 2 Maine pg0103b.txt 112a 37 Hamilton Henry 48 Maine pg0103b.txt 112a 38 Hamilton Marcy 20 Maine pg0103b.txt 112a 39 Hamilton Marcy 13 Maine pg0103b.txt 19b 12 Hamilton William 22 N.B. pg0018a.txt 112a 40 Hamilton William 11 Maine pg0103b.txt 55a 29 Hammond Andrew 49 Ireland pg0049a.txt 99b 39 Hammond Ann 30 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 2 Hammond Bridgett 7 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 135b 2 Hammond Caroline 29 N.Brunswick pg0131a.txt 99b 38 Hammond Charles 50 Me. pg0094a.txt 135b 7 Hammond Charles 1 Me. pg0131a.txt 55a 37 Hammond Charlotte I. 4 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 135b 1 Hammond Cook 32 N.Brunswick pg0131a.txt 55a 30 Hammond Elizabeth 49 Ireland pg0049a.txt 55a 33 Hammond Elizabeth 13 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 55a 36 Hammond Geo. Leonard 6 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 99b 41 Hammond George 14 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 55a 34 Hammond Isabel 11 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 100a 5 Hammond Jacob 1 Me. pg0094a.txt 12a 12 Hammond Jenett A. 25 Me. pg0009b.txt 55a 35 Hammond Joan 8 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 135b 5 Hammond John 4 Me. pg0131a.txt 55a 31 Hammond John 26 Ireland pg0049a.txt 12a 11 Hammond John R. 28 Me. pg0009b.txt 135b 3 Hammond Mary 9 N.Brunswick pg0131a.txt 99b 40 Hammond Phebe 16 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 4 Hammond Pressilla 2 Me. pg0094a.txt 100a 3 Hammond Richard 6 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 12a 13 Hammond Susan C. 1/12 Me. pg0009b.txt 135b 6 Hammond Thomas 2 Me. pg0131a.txt 99b 42 Hammond Thomas 11 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 94a 32 Hammond Thomas C. 12 N.B. pg0094a.txt 55a 32 Hammond W'm H. 18 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 100a 1 Hammond Warren 8 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 135b 4 Hammond William C. 7 N.Brunswick pg0131a.txt 26a 28 Haney Alexander 3 Me. pg0018a.txt 26a 27 Haney Thomas 7 Me. pg0018a.txt 128b 8 Hanies Arrick 35 Me. pg0122b.txt 128b 9 Hanies Susan P. 27 Me. pg0122b.txt 128b 10 Hanies W'm R. 4 Me. pg0122b.txt 128b 11 Hanies Washington 28 Me. pg0122b.txt 15b 32 Hannaford Olive 30 Me. pg0009b.txt 83a 41 Hannegan David 26 Ireland pg0080a.txt 83b 2 Hannegan Fanny P. 2 Wms. College Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 83b 1 Hannegan Isa P. 4 Houlton, Me. pg0080a.txt 83a 42 Hannegan Lydia 28 Houlton, Me. pg0080a.txt 83b 3 Hannegan Marietta 10/12 Wms. College Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 126b 4 Hannewell Barnebas 59 Me. pg0122b.txt 126b 8 Hannewell Barnebas 3 Me. pg0122b.txt 126b 5 Hannewell Elz'th 30 Me. pg0122b.txt 126b 21 Hannewell Fidelia 5 Me. pg0122b.txt 126b 9 Hannewell Franklin 1 Me. pg0122b.txt 126b 7 Hannewell Isabel 7 Me. pg0122b.txt 126b 6 Hannewell Josephine 9 Me. pg0122b.txt 49a 23 Hanning Abagail 6 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 92a 42 Hanning Almeida 3 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 49a 22 Hanning Amos 8 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 49a 19 Hanning Charles 14 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 92a 41 Hanning Eleazor 4 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 49a 20 Hanning Elizabeth 12 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 92a 39 Hanning Hannah 28 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 92a 40 Hanning Hiram 6 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 49a 15 Hanning John 38 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 49a 24 Hanning Joseph 1 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 65b 20 Hanning Mrs. Mary 84 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 49a 17 Hanning Nathan 18 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 49a 21 Hanning Obadiah 10 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 92b 1 Hanning Percival 1 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 49a 16 Hanning Priscilla 39 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 49a 18 Hanning Sarah Ann 18 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 92a 38 Hanning Stephen 31 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 85b 2 Hanscomb Susan F. 40 Elliot, Me. pg0080a.txt 10b 12 Hanson Charles 38 Me. pg0009b.txt 10b 9 Harden Charles 31 Me. pg0009b.txt 1a 7 Harden Isaac 35 Me. pg0001a.txt 10b 10 Harden Jane 39 Me. pg0009b.txt 61a 24 Harding Elizabeth 62 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 61a 23 Harding Patrick 50 Ireland pg0057b.txt 111b 5 Hardison Adi 4 Maine pg0103b.txt 111b 2 Hardison Ai 14 Maine pg0103b.txt 115a 21 Hardison Alva F. 16 Me. pg0113a.txt 111a 40 Hardison Dorcas 46 Me. pg0103b.txt 112a 11 Hardison Elizabeth 23 Maine pg0103b.txt 111b 4 Hardison Harvey 5 Maine pg0103b.txt 115a 19 Hardison Hiram 46 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 22 Hardison Hiram P. 15 Me. pg0113a.txt 111a 39 Hardison Ivory 51 Me. pg0103b.txt 112a 10 Hardison Jacob 25 Maine pg0103b.txt 111b 3 Hardison James 8 Maine pg0103b.txt 111b 1 Hardison Martin 15 Maine pg0103b.txt 115a 20 Hardison Mary 43 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 23 Hardison Mary A. 8 Me. pg0113a.txt 111a 42 Hardison Mary L. 19 Maine pg0103b.txt 111a 41 Hardison Oliver 21 Maine pg0103b.txt 125b 33 Harford Dan'l 25 Me. pg0122b.txt 168a 20 Harford Elizabeth 7 Maine pg0167b.txt 125b 37 Harford Esther 12 Me. pg0122b.txt 168a 39 Harford James 15 Me. pg0167b.txt 168a 41 Harford Jane 11 Me. pg0167b.txt 125b 36 Harford Jere'h 17 Me. pg0122b.txt 125b 31 Harford John 56 Me. pg0122b.txt 168a 21 Harford John 4/12 Maine pg0167b.txt 168a 18 Harford John 26 Maine pg0167b.txt 125b 32 Harford Martha 56 Me. pg0122b.txt 168a 37 Harford Mary 43 Me. pg0167b.txt 168a 19 Harford Mary 25 Maine pg0167b.txt 168a 40 Harford Mary 13 Me. pg0167b.txt 125b 35 Harford Mehalta 17 Me. pg0122b.txt 125b 34 Harford Mullerman 20 Me. pg0122b.txt 168a 36 Harford Randall 58 Me. pg0167b.txt 168a 38 Harford Samuel 18 Me. pg0167b.txt 168a 42 Harford William 8 Me. pg0167b.txt 34a 27 Harrington Betsy 53 Mass. pg0026b.txt 34a 30 Harrington Ebenezer 17 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 29 Harrington Francis 22 Mass. pg0026b.txt 69a 7 Harrington James 61 Ireland pg0066a.txt 34a 28 Harrington Joseph 24 Mass. pg0026b.txt 34a 26 Harrington Nathaniel 57 Mass. pg0026b.txt 34a 31 Harrington Sarah 24 Mass. pg0026b.txt 20a 39 Harris Adeline A. 15 Me. pg0018a.txt 20a 40 Harris Amanda 13 Me. pg0018a.txt 163b 38 Harris Augusta 5 N.B. pg0157b.txt 163b 3 Harris Cha's 1 Me. pg0157b.txt 163a 39 Harris Charlotte 34 N.B. pg0157b.txt 20b 1 Harris Delana 7 Me. pg0018a.txt 20b 2 Harris Emeline 3 Me. pg0018a.txt 20a 42 Harris George 9 Me. pg0018a.txt 163a 42 Harris Georgeanna 7 Me. pg0157b.txt 163b 39 Harris Hezekiah 3 N.B. pg0157b.txt 20a 37 Harris Hezikiah 45 N.B. pg0018a.txt 163b 2 Harris Jarvis 4 Me. pg0157b.txt 163b 36 Harris John C. 27 N.B. pg0157b.txt 163b 37 Harris Margaret 28 N.B. pg0157b.txt 20a 41 Harris Martha 11 Me. pg0018a.txt 163a 40 Harris Mary 13 N.B. pg0157b.txt 20a 38 Harris Roxana 43 Me. pg0018a.txt 163b 1 Harris Sarah 5 Me. pg0157b.txt 163a 41 Harris Sophronia 10 Me. pg0157b.txt 163a 38 Harris Stephen 30 N.B. pg0157b.txt 163b 40 Harris Thoda M. 1 N.B. pg0157b.txt 111b 41 Hart Edward 26 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 111b 42 Hart Henry 23 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 167b 28 Hart John 40 Ireland pg0167b.txt 111b 14 Hart Mary 15 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 167b 29 Hart Patrick 38 Ireland pg0167b.txt 111b 40 Hart William 28 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 166a 22 Harvey Angeleca 37 Canada pg0157b.txt 166a 27 Harvey Angeleca 12 Canada pg0157b.txt 80b 34 Harvey Apphia 55 Berwick, Me. pg0080a.txt 96b 33 Harvey Asa L. 4 Me. pg0094a.txt 166a 26 Harvey Belinda 13 Canada pg0157b.txt 113b 3 Harvey Clarissa 14 Me. pg0113a.txt 166a 24 Harvey Claudia 15 Canada pg0157b.txt 96b 31 Harvey Emeley H. 19 Me. pg0094a.txt 166a 30 Harvey Francis 8 Me. pg0157b.txt 166a 21 Harvey Francis 45 Canada pg0157b.txt 166a 32 Harvey Frederick 5 Me. pg0157b.txt 74b 10 Harvey George H. 13 Woodstock, N.B. pg0066a.txt 166a 23 Harvey Harriett 16 Canada pg0157b.txt 74b 8 Harvey Henry C. 45 Albion, Me. pg0066a.txt 96b 32 Harvey James C. 10 Me. pg0094a.txt 96b 30 Harvey Lawrey 44 Me. pg0094a.txt 80b 35 Harvey Leonard B. 27 Industry, Me. pg0080a.txt 166a 25 Harvey Madline 14 Canada pg0157b.txt 74b 9 Harvey Martha C. 47 Bowdoin, Me. pg0066a.txt 166a 29 Harvey Mary 9 Me. pg0157b.txt 166a 31 Harvey Oliver 7 Me. pg0157b.txt 96b 29 Harvey Reuben 49 Me. pg0094a.txt 74b 11 Harvey Sam'l E. 12 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 166a 28 Harvey Susan 10 Me. pg0157b.txt 80b 36 Harvey Temperance 15 Industry, Me. pg0080a.txt 80b 33 Harvey William 55 Kittery, Me. pg0080a.txt 111b 9 Hasband Angeline 28 Maine pg0103b.txt 111b 8 Hasband Weston R. 30 Maine pg0103b.txt 23b 39 Haskel Caroline 20 Me. pg0018a.txt 23b 38 Haskel Erastus 30 Mass. pg0018a.txt 42a 29 Haskell Alonzo 40 Me. pg0035b.txt 42a 30 Haskell Elisibett 29 Me. pg0035b.txt 54b 19 Haskell Elizabeth 56 Orange, Mass. pg0049a.txt 29a 36 Haskell George W. 34 Me. pg0026b.txt 29a 37 Haskell Hannah 24 N.B. pg0026b.txt 57a 24 Haskell Isabel 36 Hallowell, Me. pg0049a.txt 86a 41 Haskell James 23 Enfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 54b 20 Haskell John R. 28 New Salem, Mass. pg0049a.txt 57a 25 Haskell Julia 7 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 42a 31 Haskell Lucinda E. 1 Me. pg0035b.txt 54b 21 Haskell Ruth 25 New Salem, Mass. pg0049a.txt 54b 18 Haskell Samuel 58 New Salem, Mass. pg0049a.txt 54b 22 Haskell Sarah F. 19 New Salem, Mass. pg0049a.txt 29a 38 Haskell William M. 3 Me. pg0026b.txt 57a 23 Haskell Zelotes 55 Minot, Me. pg0049a.txt 85b 6 Hassett Mary H. 52 Carlyle, Mass. pg0080a.txt 85b 5 Hassett Thomas 40 Ireland pg0080a.txt 123a 31 Hasty Dan'l C. 16 Me. pg0122b.txt 123a 30 Hasty John H. 17 Me. pg0122b.txt 123a 32 Hasty Lydia 15 Me. pg0122b.txt 106a 35 Hatch Roxina 17 Maine pg0103b.txt 30b 4 Haven Frances A.M. 13 Me. pg0026b.txt 30b 5 Haven George C.L. 12 Me. pg0026b.txt 30b 2 Haven Joseph B. 38 Me. pg0026b.txt 30b 6 Haven Laura S. 9 Me. pg0026b.txt 30b 3 Haven Mary E. 30 N.B. pg0026b.txt 30b 7 Haven Nancy E. 6 Me. pg0026b.txt 30b 8 Haven Salone S. 3 Me. pg0026b.txt 2b 17 Hawes Samuel 23 Mass. pg0001a.txt 89a 5 Hayden A***** R. 14 Madison, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 25 Hayden Almira 6 No.9, R.6, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 3 Hayden Charles B. 18 Madison, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 12 Hayden Edson 9/12 No.9, R.6, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 23 Hayden Elias H. 33 Madison, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 11 Hayden Isaac J. 3 No.9, R.6, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 6 Hayden Marilla M. 12 Madison, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 10 Hayden Martha Ann 4 No.9, R.6, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 24 Hayden Mary A.F. 23 Bangor, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 2 Hayden Mary B. 39 Madison, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 8 Hayden Mary E. 8 Patten, Me. pg0080a.txt 65b 31 Hayden Mary S. 7 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 65b 30 Hayden Mrs. Margaret 45 Ireland pg0057b.txt 89a 4 Hayden Paulina H. 16 Madison, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 1 Hayden Samuel 43 New Portland, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 9 Hayden Samuel, Jr. 6 No.9, R.6, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 26 Hayden Sophia L. 5 No.9, R.6, Me. pg0080a.txt 89a 7 Hayden Watson N. 10 Madison, Me. pg0080a.txt 45b 30 Hayes Alijah 17 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 31 Hayes Caroline 15 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 36 Hayes Charles 5 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 34 Hayes Edmund 8 Me. pg0044b.txt 57b 11 Hayes Ellen 50 Ireland pg0057b.txt 50a 20 Hayes James 14 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 45b 28 Hayes Jonathan 53 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 33 Hayes Jonathan 11 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 35 Hayes Mary 6 Me. pg0044b.txt 57b 12 Hayes Michael 21 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 57b 13 Hayes Morris 11 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 45b 29 Hayes Sally 39 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 32 Hayes Sally 13 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 37 Hayes Sylvina 3 Me. pg0044b.txt 45b 38 Hayes William 1/12 Me. pg0044b.txt 76b 5 Haymour Benjamin D 2 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 76b 3 Haymour Daniel D 6 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 76b 1 Haymour Hannah 12 Freeman, Me. pg0066a.txt 76a 42 Haymour Lucy P 33 New Castle, Me. pg0066a.txt 76b 6 Haymour Mary C 1/12 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 76b 4 Haymour Melzar D. 4 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 76b 2 Haymour Theodore H 10 Strong, Me. pg0066a.txt 76a 41 Haymour William 35 Lower Canada pg0066a.txt 91b 40 Hayward Aurilla 24 Castine, Me. pg0091b.txt 91b 41 Hayward Aurilla 2 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 92b 13 Hayward Bradford D. 18 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 91b 42 Hayward Charles 25 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 92a 1 Hayward Cordelia 21 Freedom, Me. pg0091b.txt 92b 16 Hayward Cordelia 11 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 92b 11 Hayward John 51 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 92b 17 Hayward John, Jr. 2 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 92b 12 Hayward Martha 48 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 92b 15 Hayward Mary Ann 14 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 91b 39 Hayward Samuel 27 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 92b 14 Hayward Thomas 16 Province of N.B. pg0091b.txt 114b 4 Hazden Cyrus F. 12 Me. pg0113a.txt 114b 5 Hazden Emery N. 8 Me. pg0113a.txt 114b 1 Hazden Freeman 41 Me. pg0113a.txt 114b 3 Hazden Granville A. 13 Me. pg0113a.txt 114b 6 Hazden Marrilla 2 Me. pg0113a.txt 114b 2 Hazden Sarah 43 Me. pg0113a.txt 16a 2 Haze John 50 Ireland pg0009b.txt 6a 41 Hearn Richard 70 Ireland pg0001a.txt 96a 27 Hegwood Albron P. 35 Me. pg0094a.txt 96a 30 Hegwood Emily 5 Me. pg0094a.txt 96a 28 Hegwood Sarah A. 33 Me. pg0094a.txt 96a 29 Hegwood Theodore 10 Me. pg0094a.txt 143b 39 Helgot David 13 Me. pg0140b.txt 168a 14 Henderson Ann 13 NB pg0167b.txt 102a 28 Henderson B. D. E. 7 Me. pg0094a.txt 82b 4 Henderson Betsey 18 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82a 41 Henderson Catherine 36 Ireland pg0080a.txt 62b 40 Henderson Catherine 24 Ireland pg0057b.txt 96a 14 Henderson Charles 20 N.B. pg0094a.txt 17b 30 Henderson David 13 Me. pg0009b.txt 82a 32 Henderson Dorothy 30 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82a 34 Henderson Edward 4 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 62b 39 Henderson Edward 37 England pg0057b.txt 168a 13 Henderson Elizabeth 15 NB pg0167b.txt 82a 39 Henderson Fanny S. 25 Ireland pg0080a.txt 62b 41 Henderson Helen L. 2 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 62b 42 Henderson Henry B. 8/12 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 168a 15 Henderson James 10 Maine pg0167b.txt 168a 17 Henderson Jane 6 Maine pg0167b.txt 168a 9 Henderson John 45 Nova Scotia pg0167b.txt 82b 3 Henderson John 28 Ireland pg0080a.txt 168a 11 Henderson John 20 NB pg0167b.txt 82a 38 Henderson Joseph 30 Ireland pg0080a.txt 168a 12 Henderson Luther 18 NB pg0167b.txt 168a 16 Henderson Margarett 8 Maine pg0167b.txt 82b 1 Henderson Martha 8 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82a 37 Henderson Martha 63 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82a 35 Henderson Nathaniel 2 Wms. College Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 82a 42 Henderson Robert 10 Ireland pg0080a.txt 168a 10 Henderson Sarah 40 NB pg0167b.txt 96a 13 Henderson Stephen 22 N.B. pg0094a.txt 82a 36 Henderson Thomas 62 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82a 33 Henderson Thomas 6 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82b 2 Henderson Thomas 5 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82a 40 Henderson Thomas, Jr. 32 Ireland pg0080a.txt 82a 31 Henderson William 34 Ireland pg0080a.txt 3a 28 Henderson William 30 Scotland pg0001a.txt 6a 40 Henebary Anastacia 42 Ireland pg0001a.txt 21b 14 Henesy Sarah 6 N.B. pg0018a.txt 22a 9 Henica Lucinda 10 Me. pg0018a.txt 22a 39 Henicia James 50 Ireland pg0018a.txt 3a 29 Henry James 20 N.B. pg0001a.txt 8a 37 Hense Daniel 25 U. Cannada pg0001a.txt 151a 30 Herbare Belony 7 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 34 Herbare Elenor 6/12 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 29 Herbare Julia 9 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 31 Herbare Lavino 6 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 28 Herbare Margaret 32 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 27 Herbare Rajist 33 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 32 Herbare Salme 5 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 33 Herbare Vavia 2 Me. pg0149a.txt 130b 21 Herbert Alfred 20 Me. pg0122b.txt 150b 28 Herbert Christie 4 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 38 Herbert Christine 7 Me. pg0149a.txt 144a 38 Herbert Demoy 10 Me. pg0140b.txt 150b 13 Herbert Edit 3 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 14 Herbert Elenor 1 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 23 Herbert Flora 4 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 40 Herbert Frederick 3 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 18 Herbert Frederick 3 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 11 Herbert Haria 5 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 26 Herbert Harriet 28 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 25 Herbert Henry 27 Me. pg0149a.txt 144a 42 Herbert Janie 1 Me. pg0140b.txt 151a 21 Herbert Joseph 6 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 1 Herbert Joseph 28 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 27 Herbert Julia 6 Me. pg0149a.txt 130b 20 Herbert Julia 55 Can. pg0122b.txt 150b 12 Herbert Julia 4 Me. pg0149a.txt 144a 36 Herbert Laurent 13 Me. pg0140b.txt 151a 14 Herbert Lewis 35 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 15 Herbert Louisa 40 Canada pg0149a.txt 150b 10 Herbert Magluone 6 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 39 Herbert Magruld 5 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 35 Herbert Marcel 37 Me. pg0149a.txt 144a 41 Herbert Margaret 3 Me. pg0140b.txt 150b 9 Herbert Margaret 29 N Brunswick pg0149a.txt 151a 36 Herbert Mary 30 N Brunswick pg0149a.txt 151a 16 Herbert Nora 17 Me. pg0149a.txt 130b 19 Herbert Paul 60 Can. pg0122b.txt 151a 20 Herbert Phemo 7 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 4 Herbert Ramo 1 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 22 Herbert Razest 5 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 17 Herbert Remmo 13 Me. pg0149a.txt 144a 39 Herbert Silver 9 Me. pg0140b.txt 144a 35 Herbert Soca 38 Me. pg0140b.txt 151a 37 Herbert Sophia 8 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 17 Herbert Sophia 4 Me. pg0149a.txt 144a 40 Herbert Stausee 8 Me. pg0140b.txt 144a 37 Herbert Tarree 12 Me. pg0140b.txt 151a 3 Herbert Telleno 7 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 2 Herbert Venson 27 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 15 Herbert Vetal 25 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 41 Herbert Vetal 1 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 16 Herbert Victory 23 Me. pg0149a.txt 150b 8 Herbert Xavial 29 Maine pg0149a.txt 144a 34 Herbert Zapha 38 Canada pg0140b.txt 151a 18 Herbert Zeta 9 Me. pg0149a.txt 151a 19 Herbert Zetad 8 Me. pg0149a.txt 99a 33 Herd Barbery 7 Maine pg0094a.txt 99a 29 Herd Bridgett 35 Ireland pg0094a.txt 99a 28 Herd Henry 47 Ireland pg0094a.txt 99a 31 Herd Henry 12 Maine pg0094a.txt 99a 32 Herd Margrett 10 Maine pg0094a.txt 99a 30 Herd Mary 13 NB pg0094a.txt 99a 34 Herd Morah 4 Maine pg0094a.txt 99a 35 Herd Sarah 2 Maine pg0094a.txt 55b 7 Herrin Charles M. 16 Exeter, Me. pg0049a.txt 56a 14 Herrin Hannah 53 Fairfield, Me. pg0049a.txt 55b 5 Herrin Julia O. 6 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 55b 8 Herrin Mary J. 17 Ireland pg0049a.txt 55b 6 Herrin Nancy 3 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 55b 3 Herrin Nancy 27 Dover, N.H. pg0049a.txt 55b 2 Herrin Nelson 34 Skowhegan, Me. pg0049a.txt 55b 4 Herrin Sarah A. 9 Bangor, Me. pg0049a.txt 56a 13 Herrin Timothy 58 Bloomfield, Me. pg0049a.txt 11b 7 Hersey Alonzo C. 29 Me. pg0009b.txt 37b 5 Hersey Ann 55 N.B. pg0035b.txt 11b 10 Hersey Benjamin 62 Me. pg0009b.txt 37b 3 Hersey Charles A. 2 Me. pg0035b.txt 37b 4 Hersey Elijah 61 N.B. pg0035b.txt 37b 6 Hersey Elijah 19 N.B. pg0035b.txt 37b 2 Hersey Elisibett 26 N.B. pg0035b.txt 37b 7 Hersey Greenleaf 16 Me. pg0035b.txt 11b 9 Hersey James H. 1 Me. pg0009b.txt 11b 8 Hersey Phebe 26 Me. pg0009b.txt 37b 1 Hersey Samuel B. 28 N.B. pg0035b.txt 37b 8 Hersey Sarah E. 13 Me. pg0035b.txt 160b 8 Hewes Caroline F. 27 Me. pg0157b.txt 160b 9 Hewes Delano A. 5 Me. pg0157b.txt 160b 10 Hewes Frances 2 Me. pg0157b.txt 160b 7 Hewes Stephen P. 34 N.H. pg0157b.txt 69a 4 Hews Adeline 13 Lincoln, Me. pg0066a.txt 69a 1 Hews Benjamin H. 38 Effingham, N.H. pg0066a.txt 69a 5 Hews Charlotte C. 8 Lincoln, Me. pg0066a.txt 69a 3 Hews Geo. W. 15 Lincoln, Me. pg0066a.txt 69a 6 Hews Harriett Ann 3/12 No.8, R.5, Me. pg0066a.txt 69a 2 Hews Julia Ann 40 Troy, Me. pg0066a.txt 39b 15 Hewse Andrew 39 Ireland pg0035b.txt 39b 18 Hewse Archibald 14 N.B. pg0035b.txt 39b 22 Hewse James 4 Me. pg0035b.txt 39b 19 Hewse John 11 N.B. pg0035b.txt 39b 17 Hewse Margaret 15 N.B. pg0035b.txt 39b 21 Hewse Mary 7 Me. pg0035b.txt 39b 20 Hewse Sarah 9 Me. pg0035b.txt 39b 16 Hewse Sarah 39 Ireland pg0035b.txt 162a 31 Hickey Daniel 47 Ireland pg0157b.txt 163a 36 Hickey John 62 Ireland pg0157b.txt 109b 8 Hill Abagale 3 Maine pg0103b.txt 81a 30 Hill Bradford A. 24 Waterboro, Me. pg0080a.txt 109b 4 Hill Catherine 32 New Brunswick pg0103b.txt 109b 6 Hill Elizabeth 7 New Brunswick pg0103b.txt 81a 31 Hill Hannah J. 23 Foxcroft, Me. pg0080a.txt 85a 20 Hill Jane 30 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 3a 2 Hill John 21 N.B. pg0001a.txt 109b 7 Hill Sewell 5 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 3 Hill Sewell 45 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 5 Hill Thomas 10 New Brunswick pg0103b.txt 118b 36 Hillman Sam'l 31 Me. pg0113a.txt 19a 28 Hinch Eliza 4 Me. pg0018a.txt 19a 26 Hinch Eliza 32 Me. pg0018a.txt 19a 29 Hinch Jane 2 Me. pg0018a.txt 19a 25 Hinch Robert 36 Ireland pg0018a.txt 19a 27 Hinch William 6 Me. pg0018a.txt 1a 26 Hindle Lorlact H. 2 Me. pg0001a.txt 111a 36 Hines J.W. 29 Me. pg0103b.txt 59b 14 Hines John 27 Province of N.S. pg0057b.txt 111a 37 Hines Marcelles 21 Me. pg0103b.txt 54a 11 Hiscock Almira 12 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 54a 7 Hiscock Elias 50 Strong, Me. pg0049a.txt 54a 13 Hiscock Elias 2 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 54a 9 Hiscock Freeman 17 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 54a 12 Hiscock Jeannette 9 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 54a 8 Hiscock Susan 38 Freeman, Me. pg0049a.txt 54a 10 Hiscock William 14 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 55a 11 Hitchings Isabel E. 24 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 55a 10 Hitchings Jonas B. 27 St. Stephens, N.B. pg0049a.txt 10a 8 Hoatham George F. 5/12 Me. pg0009b.txt 10a 7 Hoatham Orienth 16 Me. pg0009b.txt 10a 6 Hoatham William 20 N.B. pg0009b.txt 109b 24 Hobert Allah H. 4 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 22 Hobert Almond J. 9 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 20 Hobert Ann M. 15 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 18 Hobert Drusilla 40 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 21 Hobert Randolph B. 12 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 23 Hobert Sophia M. 8 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 17 Hobert Thomas J. 45 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 19 Hobert William 19 Maine pg0103b.txt 56a 17 Hodgdon John 49 Ware, N.H. pg0049a.txt 56a 18 Hodgdon Margaret A. 30 City of N.Y. pg0049a.txt 21a 15 Hodnate Charles 2 Me. pg0018a.txt 21a 13 Hodnate Emro 7 Me. pg0018a.txt 21a 11 Hodnate Harriet 15 Me. pg0018a.txt 21a 14 Hodnate Henry 5 Me. pg0018a.txt 21a 16 Hodnate Jane 4 Me. pg0018a.txt 21a 10 Hodnate Mary 40 Me. pg0018a.txt 21a 12 Hodnate Mary 10 Me. pg0018a.txt 21a 9 Hodnate Patrick 43 Ireland pg0018a.txt 21a 17 Hodnate Patrick 1/12 Me. pg0018a.txt 64a 8 Hogan Catherine 13 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 64a 7 Hogan Edward 16 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 49b 7 Hogan Ellen 22 Ireland pg0049a.txt 64a 4 Hogan John 54 Ireland pg0057b.txt 64a 5 Hogan John, Jr. 21 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64a 6 Hogan Mary 18 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64a 10 Hogan Thomas 29 Ireland pg0057b.txt 64a 14 Hogan William 25 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 52b 15 Holden Alvina 13 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 89a 27 Holden Brazier 17 Houlton, Me. pg0080a.txt 52b 16 Holden Caroline 11 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 52b 18 Holden Emeline 6 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 52b 17 Holden Mary 9 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 52b 13 Holden Mary 50 Burlington, N.Y. pg0049a.txt 52b 14 Holden Melissa A. 17 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 52b 12 Holden Ralph 59 England pg0049a.txt 7b 32 Holland Bridget 50 Ireland pg0001a.txt 127b 24 Holland Jane 23 N.B. pg0122b.txt 127b 23 Holland Michael 26 Ireland pg0122b.txt 162a 16 Holmes Alexander 12 Me. pg0157b.txt 162a 17 Holmes Daniel 11 Me. pg0157b.txt 162a 14 Holmes Drussilla 15 N. Scotia pg0157b.txt 128a 27 Holmes Edmond 58 England pg0122b.txt 162a 12 Holmes Elza 20 N. Scotia pg0157b.txt 162a 15 Holmes Hugh 14 Me. pg0157b.txt 162a 9 Holmes James 49 N. Scotia pg0157b.txt 162a 10 Holmes James, Jr. 23 N. Scotia pg0157b.txt 162a 13 Holmes Mary 17 N. Scotia pg0157b.txt 162a 19 Holmes Meriam 3 Me. pg0157b.txt 162a 18 Holmes Samuel 8 Me. pg0157b.txt 162a 11 Holmes Sarah 22 N. Scotia pg0157b.txt 162a 20 Holmes W'm H. 1 Me. pg0157b.txt 20b 38 Holt Hannah 1 N.B. pg0018a.txt 20b 35 Holt John 28 N.B. pg0018a.txt 20b 36 Holt Sibbel 23 N.B. pg0018a.txt 20b 37 Holt Warren 3 N.B. pg0018a.txt 80b 16 Holts John 7 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 82b 39 Homan John 64 Andover, Mass. pg0080a.txt 83a 1 Homan Matilda G. 14 Pembroke, Me. pg0080a.txt 82b 40 Homan Sarah 54 Andover, Mass. pg0080a.txt 82b 41 Homan Sarah 25 Marion, Me. pg0080a.txt 82b 42 Homan William 17 Edmonds, Me. pg0080a.txt 124a 9 Honcey Tho's 24 Can. pg0122b.txt 83a 5 Hone Andrew 28 Ireland pg0080a.txt 83a 6 Hone Isabel 26 Ireland pg0080a.txt 117b 7 Honey John M. 25 N.B. pg0113a.txt 163a 37 Honness Franklin 35 Ireland pg0157b.txt 106b 6 Hooper Susan 67 New Brunswick pg0103b.txt 52a 11 Hopkins Daniel 24 Unknown pg0049a.txt 98a 31 Hopkinson Fransis 7 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 29 Hopkinson Granvelle 16 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 30 Hopkinson Henry 10 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 26 Hopkinson Jon'a 47 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 27 Hopkinson Susan 50 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 28 Hopkinson William 17 Me. pg0094a.txt 67b 40 Hotham Betsey 50 England pg0066a.txt 67b 41 Hotham Elizabeth 17 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 68a 2 Hotham George 8 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 67b 39 Hotham George 55 England pg0066a.txt 68a 1 Hotham John W. 11 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 67b 42 Hotham Thomas 14 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 98b 19 Houghton Betsey 26 N.B. pg0094a.txt 19b 32 Houghton Joseph 25 N.B. pg0018a.txt 98b 20 Houghton Polly 10 Me. pg0094a.txt 98b 21 Houghton Shevah 2 Me. pg0094a.txt 98b 18 Houghton William 37 Vermont pg0094a.txt 60a 38 Houlton Almira 44 Manchester, N.H. pg0057b.txt 51a 38 Houlton Amos 22 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 62a 32 Houlton Caroline 17 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 60a 42 Houlton Charles A. 10 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 51a 41 Houlton Dwight 4 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 60a 41 Houlton Edward 12 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 59b 31 Houlton Eliza 25 Eaton, N.H. pg0057b.txt 51a 37 Houlton Fidelia 49 Fitchburg, Mass. pg0049a.txt 60b 1 Houlton Frances L. 7 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 60a 40 Houlton Frederic R. 17 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 64b 13 Houlton Greenleaf 28 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 57a 13 Houlton Henry 48 New Salem, Mass. pg0049a.txt 51a 39 Houlton Horatio 16 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 62a 31 Houlton James 66 New Salem, Mass. pg0057b.txt 64b 14 Houlton Jane W. 28 New Salem, Mass. pg0057b.txt 60b 2 Houlton John Franklin 5 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 60a 37 Houlton Joseph 51 New Salem, Mass. pg0057b.txt 60a 39 Houlton Joseph, Jr. 18 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 59b 33 Houlton Lyman 4/12 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 59a 38 Houlton Mary Ann 30 Winthrop, Me. pg0057b.txt 59a 37 Houlton S. Willard 31 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 51a 36 Houlton Samuel 61 New Salem, Mass. pg0049a.txt 59b 32 Houlton Sarah 2 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 51a 40 Houlton William H. 8 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 120b 2 House Adeline 33 Me. pg0113a.txt 120b 7 House Almeda 6 Me. pg0113a.txt 120b 9 House Babe 3/12 Me. pg0113a.txt 120b 8 House Benj. R. 3 Me. pg0113a.txt 120b 6 House Geo. W. 7 Me. pg0113a.txt 120b 1 House George 46 Me. pg0113a.txt 120b 5 House Hannah 10 Me. pg0113a.txt 165a 10 House Lorany 1 Me. pg0157b.txt 165a 2 House Mary Ann 26 N. Brunswick pg0157b.txt 120b 3 House Pressilla 14 Me. pg0113a.txt 120b 4 House Vestha 12 Me. pg0113a.txt 165a 1 House Wilson 38 Me. pg0157b.txt 13a 15 Houston Bachelor H. 16 Me. pg0009b.txt 13a 14 Houston Harriet 39 Me. pg0009b.txt 13a 17 Houston Harriet T. 12 Me. pg0009b.txt 13a 16 Houston Isabell L. 15 Me. pg0009b.txt 13a 18 Houston Jane H. 8 Me. pg0009b.txt 119a 21 Houston Noah 23 Me. pg0113a.txt 13a 13 Houston Samuel 45 Me. pg0009b.txt 13a 19 Houston Samuel P. 1 Me. pg0009b.txt 11b 13 Hovey Daniel B. 5 Me. pg0009b.txt 11b 12 Hovey Irene 40 Me. pg0009b.txt 11b 11 Hovey Tyam 36 Vermont pg0009b.txt 33b 11 Howard Albert F. 4 Me. pg0026b.txt 41b 41 Howard Benjamin 17 Me. pg0035b.txt 41b 38 Howard Calvin 36 Me. pg0035b.txt 33b 8 Howard Charles A. 10 Me. pg0026b.txt 52a 18 Howard Charlotte 22 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 37b 16 Howard Daniel 44 Mass. pg0035b.txt 74b 38 Howard David 50 Unknown pg0066a.txt 92a 37 Howard David 40 New York City pg0091b.txt 41b 39 Howard David 24 Me. pg0035b.txt 33b 6 Howard Elisibeth 14 Me. pg0026b.txt 41b 42 Howard Emeline 15 Me. pg0035b.txt 33b 5 Howard Frances H. 17 Me. pg0026b.txt 41b 36 Howard Hamilton 55 Me. pg0035b.txt 37b 17 Howard Hannah 43 Me. pg0035b.txt 42a 27 Howard Joel 26 Me. pg0035b.txt 41b 37 Howard Lydia 54 Me. pg0035b.txt 42a 28 Howard Mary 18 Me. pg0035b.txt 33b 4 Howard Mary A. 43 N.B. pg0026b.txt 33b 7 Howard Mary A. 12 Me. pg0026b.txt 33b 12 Howard Napolaen 1 Me. pg0026b.txt 33b 9 Howard Rosaline A. 8 Me. pg0026b.txt 41b 40 Howard Uriah 19 Me. pg0035b.txt 33b 10 Howard Willard 6 Me. pg0026b.txt 33b 3 Howard William 43 Me. pg0026b.txt 37b 18 Howard William H. 11 Me. pg0035b.txt 121a 14 Howd Adaline 2 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 7 Howd Benj. A. 20 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 4 Howd Benjamin 47 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 8 Howd Franklin 17 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 11 Howd Henry 10 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 6 Howd Hiram 28 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 13 Howd Ira 4 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 10 Howd Lucretia 12 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 12 Howd Mary 7 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 5 Howd Mary 42 Me. pg0113a.txt 121a 9 Howd Syrena 15 Me. pg0113a.txt 78b 7 Howe Charles 20 Parsonsfield, Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 11 Howe Geo. H. 12 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 5 Howe George 56 Parsonsfield, Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 12 Howe Harrison 9 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 14 Howe Levi T. 4 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 10 Howe Louisa B. 15 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 6 Howe Mary 43 Parsonsfield, Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 8 Howe Mary Ann 18 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 13 Howe Nancy Jane 7 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 9 Howe Sarah 16 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78b 15 Howe Winfield Scott 2 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 111b 35 Howell Catherine 30 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 111b 39 Howell Cha's E. 6/12 Maine pg0103b.txt 111b 37 Howell George 5 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 111b 38 Howell John 3 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 111b 34 Howell Rich'd 28 England pg0103b.txt 111b 36 Howell William 8 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 32a 20 Howse Alexander 20 Me. pg0026b.txt 32a 22 Howse Elisibeth E. 14 Me. pg0026b.txt 32a 23 Howse John R. 11 Me. pg0026b.txt 32a 24 Howse Octava A. 6 Me. pg0026b.txt 32a 19 Howse Olive 40 Me. pg0026b.txt 32a 18 Howse William 51 Ireland pg0026b.txt 32a 21 Howse William H. 17 Me. pg0026b.txt 98b 5 Hoyt Albert 19 Maine pg0094a.txt 98b 6 Hoyt Charles 15 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 36 Hoyt Dennis 16 Me. pg0094a.txt 94b 40 Hoyt Dexter W. 8 Me. pg0094a.txt 98b 3 Hoyt Enoch 25 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 35 Hoyt Hiram 18 Me. pg0094a.txt 94b 41 Hoyt John 6 Me. pg0094a.txt 90a 14 Hoyt John L. 37 Lebanon, N.H. pg0080a.txt 98b 7 Hoyt Joshua 12 Maine pg0094a.txt 98b 8 Hoyt Julia 10 Maine pg0094a.txt 98b 1 Hoyt Levi 50 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 34 Hoyt Louisa 22 Me. pg0094a.txt 98b 2 Hoyt Lucy 50 Maine pg0094a.txt 94b 37 Hoyt Orrin 14 N.B. pg0094a.txt 94b 33 Hoyt Rachael 51 Mass. pg0094a.txt 94b 38 Hoyt Rachael S. 12 N.B. pg0094a.txt 94b 39 Hoyt Rich'd S. 10 Me. pg0094a.txt 86b 38 Hoyt Samuel 50 Unity, Me. pg0080a.txt 61a 22 Hoyt Samuel 20 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 94b 32 Hoyt Simeon 59 Me. pg0094a.txt 94b 42 Hoyt Stephen 4 Me. pg0094a.txt 90a 15 Hoyt Susanna 42 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 98b 4 Hoyt Thomas 21 Maine pg0094a.txt 161a 1 Hoyt W'm K. 50 N.B. pg0157b.txt 167b 32 Hughes John 31 Ireland pg0167b.txt 108a 3 Hughes Laney 2 Maine pg0103b.txt 108a 2 Hughes Marcy 18 Maine pg0103b.txt 108a 1 Hughes Warren 32 Maine pg0103b.txt 104b 14 Humphrey Abel 7 Maine pg0103b.txt 104b 11 Humphrey Abel 55 Maine pg0103b.txt 104b 16 Humphrey Eliza J. 3 Maine pg0103b.txt 104b 13 Humphrey Lydia 13 Maine pg0103b.txt 104b 15 Humphrey Mary Jane 5 Maine pg0103b.txt 104b 12 Humphrey Rosanna 18 Maine pg0103b.txt 35a 13 Hunter Christiana 15 Me. pg0026b.txt 103a 13 Hunter Elijah 29 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 35a 8 Hunter Francis 51 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35a 14 Hunter Franklin 13 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 11 Hunter George 20 N.B. pg0026b.txt 103a 17 Hunter Hannah 4 Me. pg0094a.txt 103a 16 Hunter James 7 Me. pg0094a.txt 65a 27 Hunter James 29 Ireland pg0057b.txt 103a 15 Hunter Jane 8 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 35a 9 Hunter Jane 49 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35a 15 Hunter John 9 Me. pg0026b.txt 103a 18 Hunter Mary A. 1 Me. pg0094a.txt 103a 14 Hunter Matilda 25 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 35a 12 Hunter Nancy 18 Me. pg0026b.txt 65a 28 Hunter Sarah P. 32 Ireland pg0057b.txt 35a 10 Hunter Sidney 22 N.B. pg0026b.txt 59b 21 Hunter Stephen 25 Canada pg0057b.txt 57b 14 Hunter Stephen 21 Lower Canada pg0057b.txt 85a 6 Huntley Abial D. 14 Wesley, Me. pg0080a.txt 85a 7 Huntley Caroline M. 12 Wesley, Me. pg0080a.txt 85a 4 Huntley Isaac S. 36 Machias, Me. pg0080a.txt 85a 8 Huntley Isaac S., Jr. 9 Leeds, Me. pg0080a.txt 85a 5 Huntley Philena D. 44 Leeds, Me. pg0080a.txt 85a 9 Huntley Sam'l B.D. 3 Smyrna, Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 17 Huntoon Helen F. 13 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 16 Huntoon Irene 35 Windsor, Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 18 Huntoon Irene A. 9 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 15 Huntoon James 36 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 20 Huntoon James M. 4 Framingham A.Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 19 Huntoon Lois M. 6 Framingham A.Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 21 Huntoon Lorietta 1 Framingham A.Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 60b 29 Hussey Batchelor 53 Vassalboro, Me. pg0057b.txt 60b 32 Hussey C. Stetson 19 Plymouth, Me. pg0057b.txt 60b 31 Hussey Harrison O. 31 Vassalboro, Me. pg0057b.txt 56b 25 Hussey Mary Jane 22 Boston, Mass pg0049a.txt 60b 33 Hussey Patience A. 15 Plymouth, Me. pg0057b.txt 60b 30 Hussey Rebecca 42 Skowhegan, Me. pg0057b.txt 56b 24 Hussey Sylvanus H. 27 Albion, Me. pg0049a.txt 35a 21 Hutchinson Addison L. 24 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 22 Hutchinson Alonzo S. 14 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 29 Hutchinson Alvarada 4/12 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 26 Hutchinson Benjamin F. 27 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 20 Hutchinson Christopher C. 38 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 25 Hutchinson Daniel B. 1 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 3 Hutchinson Eliza A. 8 Me. pg0026b.txt 39b 32 Hutchinson Eliza J. 24 Me. pg0035b.txt 35a 27 Hutchinson Emely J. 24 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35a 5 Hutchinson Floretta 4 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 24 Hutchinson Fraces 7 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 19 Hutchinson Had 62 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 25 Hutchinson Hannah L. 5 Me. pg0026b.txt 34b 41 Hutchinson Isaac 36 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 6 Hutchinson Isaac 2 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 21 Hutchinson Jane 33 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 28 Hutchinson Jerusha E.A. 2 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 18 Hutchinson John 65 Me. pg0026b.txt 39b 31 Hutchinson John 31 Me. pg0035b.txt 35a 2 Hutchinson John 10 Me. pg0026b.txt 39b 35 Hutchinson John H. 1 Me. pg0035b.txt 34b 42 Hutchinson Lidia 30 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 4 Hutchinson Lidia J. 6 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 22 Hutchinson Mahala W. 24 Me. pg0026b.txt 39b 33 Hutchinson Mary A. 8 Me. pg0035b.txt 35a 24 Hutchinson Mary E. 4 Me. pg0026b.txt 34a 23 Hutchinson Mathaias 12 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 1 Hutchinson Ruth 11 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 23 Hutchinson Saloma 5 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 7 Hutchinson Sinepta 6/12 Me. pg0026b.txt 39b 34 Hutchinson Zoa 6 Me. pg0035b.txt 13b 15 Huxford Charles 5/12 Me. pg0009b.txt 13b 14 Huxford Jane 30 Me. pg0009b.txt 13b 13 Huxford Lucius 33 Me. pg0009b.txt 96b 28 Hyde Fidelia 19 Me. pg0094a.txt 96b 27 Hyde Henry 25 Me. pg0094a.txt 7b 23 Hynds Ann 4 Me. pg0001a.txt 7b 22 Hynds Ann 34 Ireland pg0001a.txt 49b 6 Ingersoll Arthur S. 6 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 49b 5 Ingersoll Augustus W. 10 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 49b 4 Ingersoll Clara 12 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 49b 3 Ingersoll Frederic G. 14 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 49b 2 Ingersoll Nancy W. 44 Monmouth, Me. pg0049a.txt 49b 1 Ingersoll Zebulon 50 New Gloucester, Me. pg0049a.txt 35b 15 Ingraham Andrew 15 N.B. pg0035b.txt 33b 41 Ingraham Andrew J. 16 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35b 17 Ingraham Ann 11 N.B. pg0035b.txt 34a 1 Ingraham Ann E. 12 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35b 14 Ingraham Bethsheba 43 N.B. pg0035b.txt 33b 40 Ingraham Bethshebah 43 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35b 18 Ingraham Ebenezer 10 N.B. pg0035b.txt 34a 2 Ingraham Eleazer S. 9 Me. pg0026b.txt 18a 21 Ingraham Eliza 10 N.B. pg0018a.txt 34a 5 Ingraham George 3 Me. pg0026b.txt 33b 42 Ingraham Henry 14 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35b 16 Ingraham Henry 13 N.B. pg0035b.txt 34a 3 Ingraham Ira 7 Me. pg0026b.txt 35b 19 Ingraham Ivory 8 N.B. pg0035b.txt 18a 24 Ingraham James 5 Me. pg0018a.txt 35b 13 Ingraham John 42 N.B. pg0035b.txt 18a 19 Ingraham John 28 Eng. pg0018a.txt 18a 27 Ingraham John 1/12 Me. pg0018a.txt 33b 39 Ingraham John C. 42 N.B. pg0026b.txt 34a 4 Ingraham Lothrop 5 Me. pg0026b.txt 18a 22 Ingraham Margaret 8 N.B. pg0018a.txt 18a 25 Ingraham Maria 3 Me. pg0018a.txt 18a 26 Ingraham Mary 1 Me. pg0018a.txt 35b 20 Ingraham Samuel 6 N.B. pg0035b.txt 35b 21 Ingraham Sarah 4 N.B. pg0035b.txt 18a 20 Ingraham Sarah 33 N.B. pg0018a.txt 18a 23 Ingraham Susan 6 Me. pg0018a.txt 122a 30 Innis Hannah 22 Me. pg0113a.txt 122a 31 Innis Lydia 15 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 28 Ireland Augustus 1 Me. pg0113a.txt 106b 7 Ireland Betsey 19 Maine pg0103b.txt 116a 36 Ireland Charlotte E. 1 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 19 Ireland Cilia 53 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 33 Ireland Elizabeth 25 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 26 Ireland Emma 4 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 24 Ireland Geo. 27 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 21 Ireland Hannah 15 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 22 Ireland Isabel 13 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 34 Ireland Joel 5 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 35 Ireland John L. 3 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 32 Ireland Jona 25 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 27 Ireland Mary 3 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 25 Ireland Mary 27 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 20 Ireland Otis 18 Me. pg0113a.txt 116a 18 Ireland Silas 64 . pg0113a.txt 116a 23 Ireland Wheeler 8 Me. pg0113a.txt 18b 27 Irish Abigail 56 N.H. pg0018a.txt 13b 31 Irish Betsy C. 26 Me. pg0009b.txt 13b 30 Irish Charles 31 Me. pg0009b.txt 13b 34 Irish George 2 Me. pg0009b.txt 18b 28 Irish Henry 22 Me. pg0018a.txt 18b 29 Irish James 19 Me. pg0018a.txt 13b 33 Irish John 5 Me. pg0009b.txt 13b 32 Irish Simeon 7 Me. pg0009b.txt 18b 26 Irish Simeon 55 Me. pg0018a.txt 28b 41 Jackins Abigail 56 Me. pg0026b.txt 27a 38 Jackins David 7 Me. pg0026b.txt 28b 42 Jackins James C. 22 Me. pg0026b.txt 27a 36 Jackins John W. 35 Me. pg0026b.txt 27a 37 Jackins Nancy 30 N.B. pg0026b.txt 27a 40 Jackins Palaski 2 Me. pg0026b.txt 28b 40 Jackins Samuel E. 56 Me. pg0026b.txt 29a 1 Jackins Samuel E. 20 Me. pg0026b.txt 27a 39 Jackins Wendal 5 Me. pg0026b.txt 85b 10 Jackman Charles H. 23 Manchester, Mass. pg0080a.txt 85b 12 Jackman Charlotte 4 Smyrna, Me. pg0080a.txt 85b 11 Jackman Charlotte 24 Andover, N.H. pg0080a.txt 85b 13 Jackman Helen 2 Smyrna, Me. pg0080a.txt 16a 33 Jackson Abel J. 24 Me. pg0009b.txt 128a 2 Jackson Arem 28 Me. pg0122b.txt 114b 42 Jackson Jarvis 22 N. Brunswick pg0113a.txt 16a 35 Jackson Mary 1 Me. pg0009b.txt 115a 1 Jackson Mary E. 18 Me. pg0113a.txt 16a 34 Jackson Mary J. 21 Me. pg0009b.txt 3b 24 Jackson Thomas 37 Eng. pg0001a.txt 28a 7 James Henry 19 Me. pg0026b.txt 63b 6 Jameson Frazier 32 Woodstock, N.B. pg0057b.txt 63b 7 Jameson George 25 Woodstock, N.B. pg0057b.txt 63b 4 Jameson Nathaniel 65 Scotland pg0057b.txt 167a 20 Jaundero Andrew 33 Canada pg0157b.txt 166b 19 Jaundero Esther 8 Me. pg0157b.txt 167a 12 Jaundero Herbert 3 Me. pg0157b.txt 166b 22 Jaundero James 2 Me. pg0157b.txt 167a 13 Jaundero John B. 1 Me. pg0157b.txt 166b 21 Jaundero Leareo 5 Me. pg0157b.txt 166b 18 Jaundero Lucy 30 Canada pg0157b.txt 166b 17 Jaundero Luthur 40 Canada pg0157b.txt 167a 9 Jaundero Pascal 30 Canada pg0157b.txt 167a 11 Jaundero Philoman 6 Me. pg0157b.txt 166b 20 Jaundero Stuasy 7 Me. pg0157b.txt 167a 10 Jaundero Talley 21 Canada pg0157b.txt 3a 12 Jenkins Charles H. 1 Me. pg0001a.txt 18b 36 Jenkins Gustavus 40 Me. pg0018a.txt 3a 11 Jenkins Gustavus E. 3 Me. pg0001a.txt 18b 39 Jenkins Hellen 8 Me. pg0018a.txt 18b 41 Jenkins Lucy 4/12 Me. pg0018a.txt 18b 40 Jenkins Mariah 5 Me. pg0018a.txt 18b 37 Jenkins Nancy 35 Me. pg0018a.txt 3a 10 Jenkins Persia 22 Me. pg0001a.txt 3a 9 Jenkins Robert 36 Me. pg0001a.txt 18b 38 Jenkins Salina 15 Me. pg0018a.txt 147a 16 Jenze Andrew 30 Canada pg0140b.txt 147a 17 Jenze Elenor 20 Me. pg0140b.txt 147a 18 Jenze James 6/12 Me. pg0140b.txt 90a 2 Jewell Abagail 23 Province of N.S. pg0080a.txt 91b 31 Jewell Alonzo 2 Monticello, Me. pg0091b.txt 90a 12 Jewell Augusta A. 8 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 90a 13 Jewell Charles 6 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 90b 30 Jewell Clarissa B. 22 Industry, Me. pg0080a.txt 90a 7 Jewell David 51 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0080a.txt 91b 29 Jewell David H. 27 Starks, Me. pg0091b.txt 90a 1 Jewell David L. 25 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0080a.txt 90a 9 Jewell Edward B. 23 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0080a.txt 90a 6 Jewell Elthea 16 Meddybemps, Me. pg0080a.txt 91b 2 Jewell Emeline 20 Pittston, Me. pg0091b.txt 113a 27 Jewell Emeline 19 Me. pg0113a.txt 91b 19 Jewell Emeline 18 Starks, Me. pg0091b.txt 90a 8 Jewell Hannah 46 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0080a.txt 90b 31 Jewell Harriet 3 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 90a 5 Jewell Jacob 30 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0080a.txt 91b 17 Jewell John 48 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0091b.txt 90a 11 Jewell John 12 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 90b 29 Jewell John, Jr. 24 Industry, Me. pg0080a.txt 91b 1 Jewell Josiah B. 27 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0091b.txt 91b 20 Jewell Lavina 11 Starks, Me. pg0091b.txt 90a 4 Jewell Lorena E. 1/12 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 91b 18 Jewell Maria 46 New Castle, Me. pg0091b.txt 90a 3 Jewell Melissa E. 2 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 90a 10 Jewell Susan 14 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 91b 30 Jewell Zuba A. 20 New Sharon, Me. pg0091b.txt 13a 36 Johnson Edward 20 N.B. pg0009b.txt 13b 17 Johnson Mary 16 Unknown pg0009b.txt 97b 17 Johnston Abagael 47 Me. pg0094a.txt 97a 8 Johnston Agness 17 N.B. pg0094a.txt 97b 21 Johnston Alanso 13 Me. pg0094a.txt 112a 2 Johnston Ann 23 Maine pg0103b.txt 97a 7 Johnston Ch's W. 23 Me. pg0094a.txt 109a 37 Johnston Daniel 22 Maine pg0103b.txt 97b 19 Johnston Daniel 16 Me. pg0094a.txt 97b 16 Johnston Edward 49 N.B. pg0094a.txt 97b 18 Johnston Edward 21 Me. pg0094a.txt 109a 36 Johnston Elenor 24 Maine pg0103b.txt 90a 41 Johnston Elizabeth 30 Atlantic Ocean pg0080a.txt 112a 3 Johnston George 1/12 Maine pg0103b.txt 83b 20 Johnston Hiram 20 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 97b 23 Johnston James 8 Me. pg0094a.txt 112a 1 Johnston James 29 Scotland pg0103b.txt 96b 34 Johnston James 22 Me. pg0094a.txt 97a 22 Johnston John 24 Me. pg0094a.txt 109a 39 Johnston Julia 4 Maine pg0103b.txt 90a 42 Johnston Julia F. 1 Monticello, Me. pg0080a.txt 109a 35 Johnston Lewis 57 New Brunswick pg0103b.txt 83b 19 Johnston Lewis B. 23 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 97b 25 Johnston Lewis F. 3 Me. pg0094a.txt 97a 23 Johnston Lothrop 18 Me. pg0094a.txt 83b 18 Johnston Louisa 46 Mt. Vernon, Me. pg0080a.txt 97b 20 Johnston Lymon 15 Me. pg0094a.txt 97a 9 Johnston Margarett 15 Me. pg0094a.txt 97b 24 Johnston Mary A. 6 Me. pg0094a.txt 97b 22 Johnston Matta 10 Me. pg0094a.txt 109a 38 Johnston Mehala 20 Maine pg0103b.txt 97a 5 Johnston Sarah 56 N.B. pg0094a.txt 97a 6 Johnston Warren A. 25 Me. pg0094a.txt 97a 4 Johnston William 58 N.B. pg0094a.txt 76a 34 Jones Angela 1 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 76a 32 Jones Benjamin F. 25 Houlton, Me. pg0066a.txt 37a 14 Jones Catherine 39 Ireland pg0035b.txt 37a 13 Jones Daniel 42 Me. pg0035b.txt 37a 21 Jones Daniel H. 3 Me. pg0035b.txt 63a 23 Jones Dorcas B. 32 Embden, Me. pg0057b.txt 37a 20 Jones Dorithy 6 Me. pg0035b.txt 37a 17 Jones Elisibeth 13 Me. pg0035b.txt 37a 16 Jones Emely H. 15 Me. pg0035b.txt 72a 7 Jones Geo W. 21 Houlton, Me. pg0066a.txt 60b 20 Jones George 25 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 102a 22 Jones Hugh 25 Ireland pg0094a.txt 63a 27 Jones John A. 5 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 63a 22 Jones John H. 39 Hallowell, Me. pg0057b.txt 63a 28 Jones Joseph 82 Rye, N.H. pg0057b.txt 37a 19 Jones Joseph 8 Me. pg0035b.txt 63a 24 Jones Julia E. 14 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 77b 2 Jones Levi I 19 Houlton, Me. pg0066a.txt 76a 33 Jones Mahala I. 24 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 52a 33 Jones Maria 15 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 37a 18 Jones Mary S. 10 Me. pg0035b.txt 63a 26 Jones Phoebe 7 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 59a 19 Jones Richard 25 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 61b 25 Jones Sarah 18 Hodgdon, Me. pg0057b.txt 37a 15 Jones Sarah H. 17 Me. pg0035b.txt 37a 22 Jones Sidelia A. 7/12 Me. pg0035b.txt 63a 25 Jones Susan 12 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 59b 5 Jones Thomas 25 Province of N.S. pg0057b.txt 90b 15 Jones William 6 Houlton, Me. pg0080a.txt 64a 33 Jordan Ellen McC. 60 Ireland pg0057b.txt 64a 39 Jordan Ellen S. 23 Ireland pg0057b.txt 64a 31 Jordan James 1 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 64a 38 Jordan John 31 Ireland pg0057b.txt 64a 30 Jordan John 1 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 64a 41 Jordan Letitia 10/12 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 49b 41 Jordan Margaret 20 Ireland pg0049a.txt 64a 29 Jordan Mary 24 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 66a 21 Jordan Thomas 25 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 64a 32 Jordan William 60 Ireland pg0057b.txt 64a 40 Jordan William 2 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 64a 28 Jordan William, Jr. 27 Ireland pg0057b.txt 138b 11 Joseph John 26 Canada pg0131a.txt 67b 37 Jossyln Carlton 9 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 67b 35 Jossyln Mrs. Julia 28 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 67b 36 Jossyln Nelson 11 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 164b 4 Jourdan Abraham 24 NB pg0157b.txt 95a 6 Jourdan Abram 25 N.B. pg0094a.txt 95a 9 Jourdan Edward 14 N.B. pg0094a.txt 95a 5 Jourdan Elizabeth 47 N.B. pg0094a.txt 95a 8 Jourdan Elizabeth 16 N.B. pg0094a.txt 95a 10 Jourdan Eunice 10 N.B. pg0094a.txt 95a 7 Jourdan John 19 N.B. pg0094a.txt 95a 11 Jourdan Mahalua 7 N.B. pg0094a.txt 95a 4 Jourdan Nath'l 55 N.B. pg0094a.txt 100a 39 Jourden Abagale 6 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 38 Jourden Eunice 9 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 36 Jourden John 15 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 37 Jourden Julia 13 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 40 Jourden Martha 2 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 34 Jourden Mary 34 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 33 Jourden Rich'd 47 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt 100a 35 Jourden Samuel 20 New Brunswick pg0094a.txt