1850 Mortality Census for Dearborn County, IN Totals Enumerator Henry Raymond reported totals by various categories for two of the townships he enumerated - Sparta and Laughrey. This information doesn't fit with the rest of the transcribed data, so it is recorded separately in this document. ======================================================================================= Page 247, lines 13-35 reports totals for Sparta Townships, pages 247 & 250. ======================================================================================= By Place of Birth: Native of Indiana 22 Native of N. York 5 Native of Ohio 6 Native of N. Jersey 1 Native of Ken. 2 Native of Penn. 2 Native of Del. 2 Native of Ireland 3 Native of Virginia 1 Native of Conn. 1 Native of Md. 1 By Age: Under 1 year 8 From 1 to 5 12 From 5 to 10 11 From 11 to 15 2 From 15 to 20 2 From 20 to 30 7 From 30 to 40 5 From 40 to 50 2 From 50 to 60 1 From 60 to 70 4 From 70 to 80 1 From 80 to 90 2 By Month of Death: January 4 February 3 May 1 June 3 July 26 August 4 September 2 October 1 December 2 By Gender: Males 25 Females 21 By Marital Status: Married 17 Widowed 4 Unmarried 25 By Occupation: Farmer 9 Cooper 2 None 3 By Cause of Death: Old Age 2 Measles 2 C. Infantum 3 Cholera 15 Dysentery 1 Infl. Lungs 1 Consumption 4 Flux 3 Fits 2 Infl. Brain 1 Dropsy 2 Liver Complaint 1 Hernia 1 Pleurisy 1 Croup 1 B. Fever 1 Unknown 3 ========================================================================================= Page 254, lines 6-33 reports totals for Laughrey Township, pages 251 & 254. ========================================================================================= By Place of Birth: Native of Indiana 14 Native of Kentucky 2 Native of England 2 Native of Virginia 2 Native of N. York 2 Native of Penn. 1 Native of Germany 1 Native of Mass. 1 Native of Maine 1 Native of Vermont 1 Native of N. Carolina 1 Native of Md. 1 Native of Ohio 1 Native of N. Hapshire 1 Native of Unknown 2 By Age: Under 1 year 3 From 1 to 5 5 From 5 to 10 2 From 11 to 15 1 From 15 to 20 1 From 20 to 30 8 From 30 to 40 4 From 40 to 50 3 From 50 to 60 2 From 60 to 70 3 From 70 to 80 5 From 80 to 90 1 By Month of Death: 0 January 11 February 3 March 1 April 3 May 1 June 6 July 16 August 5 September 0 October 0 November 2 December 1 By Gender: Males 22 Females 16 By Occupation: Farmer 13 M.D. 1 Varnisher 1 Shoemaker 1 None 2 By Cause of Death: Cholera 18 Lung Fever 2 Gravel 1 Palsy 1 Inflam. Fever 1 Bronchitis 1 Erysipelous 2 Dysentery 1 Flux 2 Dropsy 2 Old Age 1 Whooping Cough 1 Fever 1 Unknown 4 Average length of sickness - 13 6/10 days