Washington County, AR 1850 Federal Census INDEX (File 4 of 5) This Census was transcribed by Ron Long and proofread by Debbie Leenutaphong for the USGenWeb Census Project®, http://www.us-census.org/ Copyright (c) 1998 by Ron Long ========================================================================= USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Robert E. Lane All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================= THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. http://www.us-census.org/pub/usgenweb/census/ar/washington/1850/ ======================================================================================= PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE BIRTH PLACE FILENAME ======================================================================================= 408A 2 Ragsdale Alfred 31 Ga pg0402a.txt 389A 9 Rainwater Ashley 9 Ten pg0382a.txt 386B 41 Rainwater J. B. 30 NC pg0382a.txt 389A 8 Rainwater Jacob 15 Ten pg0382a.txt 387A 2 Rainwater James 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 387A 5 Rainwater James 15 Ten pg0382a.txt 389A 6 Rainwater James 37 NC pg0382a.txt 389A 7 Rainwater John 16 Ten pg0382a.txt 386B 42 Rainwater Mary 30 Ten pg0382a.txt 387A 3 Rainwater Nancy 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 389A 11 Rainwater Presly R. 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 387A 4 Rainwater Sarah 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 389A 10 Rainwater Susannah 7 Ten pg0382a.txt 387A 1 Rainwater William 6 Ten pg0382a.txt 356B 29 Ramy Barbary 7 Ark pg0351a.txt 356B 27 Ramy Benjamin 10 Ark pg0351a.txt 356B 25 Ramy Elizabeth 31 Ten pg0351a.txt 356B 26 Ramy James 12 Ark pg0351a.txt 356B 28 Ramy Mary 9 Ark pg0351a.txt 356B 24 Ramy Owen 27 Va pg0351a.txt 356B 30 Ramy William 1 Ark pg0351a.txt 417A 8 Rather Barbary 12 Ark pg0410a.txt 417A 7 Rather Dicy 34 NC pg0410a.txt 417A 10 Rather George 1 Ark pg0410a.txt 417A 6 Rather James A. 40 Ten pg0410a.txt 417A 9 Rather John 9 Ark pg0410a.txt 412B 36 Rather William 18 Ark pg0410a.txt 439B 7 Reagan Ann 6 Ark pg0436a.txt 439B 5 Reagan Cynthia 31 Ark pg0436a.txt 439B 6 Reagan Elvira 9 Ark pg0436a.txt 439B 8 Reagan Frances 2 Ark pg0436a.txt 439B 4 Reagan Wilburn D. 34 Ten pg0436a.txt 337A 4 Reager Benjamin F. 21 Ten pg0337a.txt 400A 26 Rector Thos. 18 Ark pg0382a.txt 335A 2 Reddick Catharine 13 Mo pg0329a.txt 335A 1 Reddick Margaret 27 Ten pg0329a.txt 335A 39 Reddick Martha 2/1 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 38 Reddick Parthenia 18 Ark pg0329a.txt 334B 42 Reddick S. 51 SC pg0329a.txt 335A 37 Reddick Thomas W. 23 Ill pg0329a.txt 333B 41 Redman Elizabeth 1 Ark pg0329a.txt 396B 15 Redman Elizabeth 10 Mo pg0382a.txt 396B 12 Redman Francis 16 Ill pg0382a.txt 396B 14 Redman Jane 12 Mo pg0382a.txt 396B 19 Redman John 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 396B 10 Redman John T. 35 Ky pg0382a.txt 396B 13 Redman Louiza 14 Ill pg0382a.txt 396B 17 Redman Martha 6 Mo pg0382a.txt 333B 40 Redman Mary 26 Ark pg0329a.txt 396B 11 Redman Rebecca 34 Ky pg0382a.txt 396B 16 Redman Rebecca 8 Mo pg0382a.txt 396B 18 Redman Sarah 4 Ill pg0382a.txt 333B 39 Redman William 31 Va pg0329a.txt 395A 40 Reece David 57 Ky pg0382a.txt 395A 41 Reece Mary 48 Ky pg0382a.txt 369A 28 Reed A. A. 50 SC pg0364a.txt 358A 11 Reed Ailcy 48 Ky pg0351a.txt 367A 23 Reed Alfred 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 422B 13 Reed Andrew B. 20 Ark pg0420a.txt 378A 25 Reed Anna 30 Ten pg0374a.txt 397A 10 Reed Celia 10 Ala pg0382a.txt 397A 22 Reed Celia 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 397A 11 Reed Cyntha 9 Mo pg0382a.txt 358A 6 Reed Danl. 26 Ky pg0351a.txt 381A 9 Reed Eliza 22 Ten pg0374a.txt 369A 31 Reed Elizabeth 8 Ark pg0364a.txt 397A 14 Reed Elizabeth 40 Ten pg0382a.txt 358A 2 Reed Ellender 35 Ky pg0351a.txt 389A 24 Reed G. W. 21 NC pg0382a.txt 358A 3 Reed George 17 Ky pg0351a.txt 369A 32 Reed George 20 Ark pg0364a.txt 397A 24 Reed George 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 363B 9 Reed Harriet 6 Ten pg0359a.txt 358A 12 Reed Harvy 15 Ky pg0351a.txt 358A 19 Reed Ibba 20 Ky pg0351a.txt 358A 10 Reed James 48 Va pg0351a.txt 358A 14 Reed James 11 Ark pg0351a.txt 381A 12 Reed James 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 358A 13 Reed Jane 13 Ky pg0351a.txt 378A 26 Reed Jane 10 Ark pg0374a.txt 358A 5 Reed Jemima 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 358A 1 Reed John 37 Va pg0351a.txt 363B 8 Reed John 8 Ten pg0359a.txt 367A 24 Reed John 9 Mo pg0364a.txt 381A 11 Reed John 4 Ark pg0374a.txt 397A 8 Reed John 14 Ala pg0382a.txt 397A 21 Reed John 8 Mo pg0382a.txt 378A 24 Reed John H. 30 Ark pg0374a.txt 397A 13 Reed John L. 44 Ten pg0382a.txt 363B 10 Reed Joseph 4 Ten pg0359a.txt 397A 23 Reed Joseph 3 Ark pg0382a.txt 423B 11 Reed Joseph 17 Ark pg0420a.txt 434B 34 Reed Kesiah 24 Ten pg0428a.txt 355B 3 Reed Lewis 27 Ala pg0351a.txt 358A 18 Reed Lewis 22 Ky pg0351a.txt 397A 16 Reed Lucinda 18 Ala pg0382a.txt 358A 4 Reed Lucy 10 Ky pg0351a.txt 397A 9 Reed Lydia 13 Ala pg0382a.txt 363B 12 Reed Marget 6/12 Ark pg0359a.txt 369A 30 Reed Marget 15 Ark pg0364a.txt 389A 25 Reed Marget 20 Ark pg0382a.txt 423B 10 Reed Marget 57 Ohio pg0420a.txt 363B 11 Reed Mark 2 Ark pg0359a.txt 358A 7 Reed Martha 16 Ky pg0351a.txt 367A 22 Reed Martha 30 Ten pg0364a.txt 369A 29 Reed Martha 38 Ten pg0364a.txt 363B 6 Reed Mary 31 Ten pg0359a.txt 367A 26 Reed Mary 5 Mo pg0364a.txt 369A 33 Reed Mary 17 Ark pg0364a.txt 369A 38 Reed Mary 13 Ark pg0364a.txt 397A 7 Reed Mary 35 Ten pg0382a.txt 397A 17 Reed Mary 14 Ala pg0382a.txt 358A 15 Reed Mason 9 Ark pg0351a.txt 355B 4 Reed Nancy 25 Ten pg0351a.txt 367A 27 Reed Nancy 1 Ark pg0364a.txt 381A 8 Reed R. A. 26 Ark pg0374a.txt 397A 6 Reed Ralph 37 Ten pg0382a.txt 397A 18 Reed Ralph 16 Ala pg0382a.txt 358A 16 Reed Rebecca 7 Ark pg0351a.txt 367A 25 Reed Robert 7 Mo pg0364a.txt 369A 36 Reed Saml. 16 Ark pg0364a.txt 363B 5 Reed Samuel 34 Ten pg0359a.txt 423B 13 Reed Samuel 12 Ark pg0420a.txt 434B 35 Reed Samuel 4/12 Ark pg0428a.txt 369A 35 Reed Sarah 53 SC pg0364a.txt 389A 26 Reed Sarah 6/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 397A 19 Reed Sarah 12 Ala pg0382a.txt 397A 20 Reed Shipman 10 Mo pg0382a.txt 355B 5 Reed Terresa 3/12 Texas pg0351a.txt 423B 12 Reed Thomas 15 Ark pg0420a.txt 369A 39 Reed Wesley 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 378A 28 Reed Wiley 5 Ark pg0374a.txt 358A 17 Reed William 27 Ky pg0351a.txt 363B 7 Reed William 10 Ten pg0359a.txt 367A 21 Reed William 31 Ky pg0364a.txt 369A 37 Reed William 23 Ark pg0364a.txt 378A 27 Reed William 7 Ark pg0374a.txt 381A 10 Reed William 6 Ark pg0374a.txt 397A 12 Reed William 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 397A 15 Reed William 21 Ala pg0382a.txt 434B 33 Reed William J. 29 Ky pg0428a.txt 369A 34 Reed Wm. D. 67 NC pg0364a.txt 430A 39 Reeder Alvin 14 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 36 Reeder Dorcas G. 45 NC pg0428a.txt 430A 38 Reeder Green 16 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 40 Reeder Hiram 12 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 37 Reeder Jane 17 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 19 Reeder Jonathan 3/12 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 17 Reeder Mary 22 Ala pg0428a.txt 430A 18 Reeder Noah 2 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 16 Reeder Noah W. 22 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 41 Reeder Tabitha 10 Ark pg0428a.txt 359A 14 Reese Eliza 4 Ark pg0359a.txt 359A 11 Reese Frances 34 NC pg0359a.txt 359A 13 Reese John 8 Ark pg0359a.txt 359A 15 Reese Margaret 5/12 Ark pg0359a.txt 359A 12 Reese Susan 9 Ten pg0359a.txt 359A 10 Reese William W. 32 Ky pg0359a.txt 394B 28 Regg Susannah 18 Ill pg0382a.txt 375A 29 Reiff Eliza 24 Ten pg0374a.txt 375A 32 Reiff James 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 375A 28 Reiff Martin C. 31 Ten pg0374a.txt 375A 31 Reiff Mary 3 Ark pg0374a.txt 375A 30 Reiff Matilda 8 Ark pg0374a.txt 397B 12 Reiff Washington G. 40 Ten pg0382a.txt 377B 31 Remey Almeda 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 377B 28 Remey Araminta 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 377B 30 Remey Eliza 22 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 32 Remey Emeline 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 377B 27 Remey Henry 4 Ark pg0374a.txt 377B 26 Remey James 6 Ark pg0374a.txt 377B 29 Remey James M. 24 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 25 Remey Mary 8 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 24 Remey Sarah 27 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 23 Remey William H. 33 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 22 Remley Elizabeth 8 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 20 Remley Henry 13 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 19 Remley John 15 Ky pg0374a.txt 377B 18 Remley Margaret 50 NC pg0374a.txt 377B 21 Remley Marget 11 Ky pg0374a.txt 347A 17 Reynolds Elizabeth 14 Ala pg0343a.txt 347A 18 Reynolds Emetine 11 Ala pg0343a.txt 347A 27 Reynolds Harriet 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 347A 15 Reynolds John 40 Ten pg0343a.txt 347A 22 Reynolds John 11 Ala pg0343a.txt 347A 25 Reynolds Margaret 5 Ark pg0343a.txt 347A 16 Reynolds Marget 39 Ten pg0343a.txt 347A 24 Reynolds Martha 9 Ala pg0343a.txt 347A 26 Reynolds Natty Ann 4 Ark pg0343a.txt 347A 21 Reynolds Rebecca 30 Ten pg0343a.txt 347A 20 Reynolds Richd. 38 Ten pg0343a.txt 347A 23 Reynolds Sarah 10 Ala pg0343a.txt 413A 39 Rhea James 24 Ten pg0410a.txt 430B 39 Rhea James 24 Ten pg0428a.txt 360A 29 Rhinehart Malinda 24 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 30 Rhinehart Marget 6/12 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 28 Rhinehart William 26 Ten pg0359a.txt 399A 25 Rice Absalom 27 Ky pg0382a.txt 399A 24 Rice Amand 19 Mo pg0382a.txt 399A 27 Rice Cynthia 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 402B 13 Rice David 55 Ten pg0402a.txt 402B 15 Rice Elizabeth 13 Mo pg0402a.txt 402B 14 Rice Lavina 48 Ten pg0402a.txt 399A 26 Rice Mary 20 Ark pg0382a.txt 402B 16 Rice Mary 13 Mo pg0402a.txt 399A 23 Rice William 25 Ky pg0382a.txt 428B 41 Rich Absalom 18 Ten pg0428a.txt 428B 42 Rich Augustus 14 Ten pg0428a.txt 428B 40 Rich James 22 Ten pg0428a.txt 428B 39 Rich Rebecca 44 NC pg0428a.txt 415A 25 Richards John 18 Ark pg0410a.txt 362A 17 Richardson Amanda 22 Ark pg0359a.txt 362A 16 Richardson David 28 Ten pg0359a.txt 362A 18 Richardson Eliza 4 Ark pg0359a.txt 362A 19 Richardson John 3 Ark pg0359a.txt 431A 28 Richardson Matilda 50 Ten pg0428a.txt 362A 20 Richardson Wiley 2/12 Ark pg0359a.txt 369B 41 Rickman Adaline 2 Ark pg0364a.txt 369B 36 Rickman Bynum 30 Ark pg0364a.txt 369B 42 Rickman infant 1/12 Ark pg0364a.txt 369B 39 Rickman Joseph 7 Ark pg0364a.txt 369B 40 Rickman Mary 5 Ark pg0364a.txt 369B 37 Rickman Penelope 29 Ten pg0364a.txt 369B 38 Rickman Rosannah 9 Ark pg0364a.txt 428A 12 Riddle Adaline 17 Ala pg0428a.txt 428A 11 Riddle Anderson 18 Ala pg0428a.txt 395A 6 Riddle Charles 23 Ten pg0382a.txt 395A 7 Riddle Elizabeth 19 Ark pg0382a.txt 428A 18 Riddle George 1 Ark pg0428a.txt 428A 10 Riddle James 20 Ala pg0428a.txt 428A 14 Riddle Jefferson 13 Ala pg0428a.txt 395A 8 Riddle John 1/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 428A 16 Riddle Jones 9 Ala pg0428a.txt 428A 15 Riddle Julia 11 Ala pg0428a.txt 428A 13 Riddle Lewis 14 Ala pg0428a.txt 428A 17 Riddle Mary 7 Ala pg0428a.txt 428A 7 Riddle Matthew 46 NC pg0428a.txt 428A 9 Riddle Minerva 23 Ala pg0428a.txt 428A 8 Riddle Rhoda 36 Ten pg0428a.txt 385A 5 Ridge A. J. 13 NC pg0382a.txt 440A 37 Ridge Flora 12 Ark pg0436a.txt 426B 30 Ridley Frances 1 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 23 Ridley James 35 Ten pg0420a.txt 426B 24 Ridley Louiza 34 Ala pg0420a.txt 426B 29 Ridley Louiza 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 28 Ridley Marget 7 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 25 Ridley Taylor 12 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 26 Ridley Thomas 11 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 27 Ridley William 9 Ark pg0420a.txt 385B 33 Ridly Elizabeth 23 Ill pg0382a.txt 385B 34 Ridly Margaret 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 385B 35 Ridly Mary 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 385B 32 Ridly Thomas 33 Ky pg0382a.txt 385B 36 Ridly Thomas 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 337B 25 Rieff Americus 20 Ten pg0337a.txt 367B 38 Rieff Brunetta 11 Ten pg0364a.txt 367B 34 Rieff Charlotte 43 Ten pg0364a.txt 337B 26 Rieff Collatimus 14 Ten pg0337a.txt 381A 4 Rieff Eliza 8 Ark pg0374a.txt 392B 28 Rieff Hannah 66 NC pg0382a.txt 381A 5 Rieff Henry 6 Ark pg0374a.txt 381A 1 Rieff John 14 Ten pg0374a.txt 392B 27 Rieff John 64 Va pg0382a.txt 372B 8 Rieff John H. 21 Ten pg0364a.txt 337B 24 Rieff Joseph 59 Va pg0337a.txt 372B 10 Rieff Lafayette 2/12 Ark pg0364a.txt 381A 7 Rieff Laura 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 367B 37 Rieff Lemuel 13 Ten pg0364a.txt 367B 36 Rieff Louiza 16 Ten pg0364a.txt 381A 6 Rieff Marget 4 Ark pg0374a.txt 367B 40 Rieff Marion 7 Ark pg0364a.txt 367B 41 Rieff Mary 2 Ark pg0364a.txt 372B 9 Rieff Mary 24 Ten pg0364a.txt 381A 3 Rieff Mary 11 Ark pg0374a.txt 380B 42 Rieff Matilda 36 Ten pg0374a.txt 380B 41 Rieff O. M. 39 Ten pg0374a.txt 381A 2 Rieff Robert 13 Ten pg0374a.txt 367B 39 Rieff Tandy 9 Ark pg0364a.txt 367B 33 Rieff Taurus 52 Ten pg0364a.txt 367B 35 Rieff Zuritha 18 Ten pg0364a.txt 407A 1 Riggins George 15 Mo pg0402a.txt 407A 4 Riggins Infant 2 Ten pg0402a.txt 406B 39 Riggins James 54 NC pg0402a.txt 406B 41 Riggins James 20 Ten pg0402a.txt 407A 2 Riggins John 11 Ten pg0402a.txt 406B 42 Riggins Linna 18 Ten pg0402a.txt 406B 40 Riggins Nancy 49 NC pg0402a.txt 407A 3 Riggins Thomas 9 Ten pg0402a.txt 368A 8 Riley Henry 18 Penn pg0364a.txt 338A 32 Ritter Amanda 8 Mo pg0337a.txt 338B 42 Ritter Andrew 2 Ark pg0337a.txt 338A 31 Ritter Daniel 9 Mo pg0337a.txt 338A 33 Ritter Ewen 6 Mo pg0337a.txt 338A 36 Ritter Henry 1 Ark pg0337a.txt 338A 28 Ritter John 35 Ill pg0337a.txt 338A 30 Ritter Louiza 11 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 38 Ritter Malinda 34 Ky pg0337a.txt 338A 34 Ritter Martha 4 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 39 Ritter Martha 13 Ark pg0337a.txt 368B 32 Ritter Martha 65 NC pg0364a.txt 338B 41 Ritter Mary 7 Ark pg0337a.txt 338A 29 Ritter Nancy 30 Ten pg0337a.txt 339A 1 Ritter Rhoda 2/12 Ark pg0337a.txt 338A 35 Ritter Robert 4 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 40 Ritter William 9 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 37 Ritter Young E. 39 Ill pg0337a.txt 384A 9 Rizley Elizabeth 50 Va pg0382a.txt 384A 11 Rizley George 17 Ill pg0382a.txt 384A 13 Rizley Jane 13 Ark pg0382a.txt 384A 8 Rizley John 45 Ia pg0382a.txt 384A 14 Rizley Prudence 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 384A 10 Rizley Riley 18 Ill pg0382a.txt 384A 12 Rizley Wilson 16 Ark pg0382a.txt 353A 11 Robbins Aaron 32 Ark pg0351a.txt 353A 13 Robbins Andrew 11 Ark pg0351a.txt 353B 13 Robbins Anna 24 Ia pg0351a.txt 352B 9 Robbins George 16 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 10 Robbins James 12 Ark pg0351a.txt 353A 14 Robbins Lewis 8 Ark pg0351a.txt 353A 12 Robbins Marget 21 Ten pg0351a.txt 352B 7 Robbins Nancy 54 Ky pg0351a.txt 352B 11 Robbins Nancy 84 NC pg0351a.txt 353A 15 Robbins Nancy 6 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 8 Robbins Richard 20 Ark pg0351a.txt 353A 16 Robbins Richard 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 398A 14 Roberts Aaron 31 NC pg0382a.txt 355A 3 Roberts Anna 30 Ten pg0351a.txt 439A 15 Roberts Caroline 30 Ala pg0436a.txt 352A 19 Roberts Cynthia 33 Ten pg0351a.txt 346B 8 Roberts Emsley 28 Geo pg0343a.txt 346A 35 Roberts Emsly 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 346B 10 Roberts Frances 6/12 Ark pg0343a.txt 439A 17 Roberts George 11 Ark pg0436a.txt 346A 29 Roberts Isaiah 34 Geo pg0343a.txt 355A 4 Roberts James 12 Ten pg0351a.txt 352A 18 Roberts Jas. J. 33 Ten pg0351a.txt 346A 31 Roberts John 11 Mo pg0343a.txt 398A 16 Roberts John 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 439A 16 Roberts John 13 Ark pg0436a.txt 383B 21 Roberts John H. 8 Ala pg0382a.txt 352A 22 Roberts Laura 7 Ten pg0351a.txt 362A 2 Roberts Leroy 28 NC pg0359a.txt 355A 6 Roberts Lewis 9 Ten pg0351a.txt 346A 32 Roberts Lucinda 9 Ark pg0343a.txt 352A 24 Roberts Marget 3 Ten pg0351a.txt 352A 25 Roberts Martha 4/12 Ark pg0351a.txt 346A 30 Roberts Mary 26 Va pg0343a.txt 346B 28 Roberts Mary 34 Geo pg0343a.txt 362A 3 Roberts Mary 20 NC pg0359a.txt 398A 17 Roberts Mary 2/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 439A 18 Roberts Mary 9 Ark pg0436a.txt 346B 29 Roberts Milly 14 Mo pg0343a.txt 346B 9 Roberts Nancy 26 Ten pg0343a.txt 352A 23 Roberts Nancy 5 Ten pg0351a.txt 439A 19 Roberts Orleana 6 Ark pg0436a.txt 352A 20 Roberts Patience 10 Ten pg0351a.txt 355A 7 Roberts Sarah 7 Ten pg0351a.txt 439A 20 Roberts Sarah 4 Ark pg0436a.txt 346A 34 Roberts Sinai 4 Ark pg0343a.txt 346B 30 Roberts Sinai 11 Ark pg0343a.txt 398A 15 Roberts Susan 19 NC pg0382a.txt 352A 21 Roberts Thomas 8 Ten pg0351a.txt 355A 5 Roberts Thomas 11 Ten pg0351a.txt 383B 18 Roberts W. I. 43 NC pg0382a.txt 355A 2 Roberts Wiley 33 Ten pg0351a.txt 346A 33 Roberts William 6 Ark pg0343a.txt 355A 8 Roberts William 3 Ark pg0351a.txt 439A 21 Roberts William 1 Ark pg0436a.txt 437B 19 Roberts William C. 34 Ten pg0436a.txt 439A 14 Roberts William C. 34 Ten pg0436a.txt 396A 16 Robison Aaron 15 Ark pg0382a.txt 396A 35 Robison Abzada 22 Ala pg0382a.txt 380A 17 Robison Alexander 8 Ark pg0374a.txt 355A 36 Robison Amacy 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 396A 17 Robison Anson 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 374B 38 Robison Charity 36 NC pg0374a.txt 374B 39 Robison Charles 12 Ark pg0374a.txt 380A 15 Robison David E. 36 Ten pg0374a.txt 415B 14 Robison Elisha 87 NC pg0410a.txt 355A 39 Robison Frances 2 Ark pg0351a.txt 355A 33 Robison George 10 Ten pg0351a.txt 355A 35 Robison Harriet 6 Ten pg0351a.txt 396A 19 Robison Hester 27 Ark pg0382a.txt 396A 18 Robison Jackson 32 Ten pg0382a.txt 355A 34 Robison James 8 Ten pg0351a.txt 355A 27 Robison John 47 NC pg0351a.txt 374B 37 Robison John 45 Va pg0374a.txt 380A 18 Robison John 6 Ark pg0374a.txt 395A 42 Robison Leander 15 Ill pg0382a.txt 396A 37 Robison Lucinda 6/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 396A 15 Robison Luvicy 27 Ten pg0382a.txt 355A 32 Robison Margaret 12 Ten pg0351a.txt 380A 16 Robison Mary 29 Ark pg0374a.txt 355A 38 Robison Matilda 22 Ten pg0351a.txt 353A 24 Robison Narcissa 2 Ark pg0351a.txt 355A 31 Robison Narcissa 14 Ten pg0351a.txt 355A 40 Robison Priscella 2/12 Ark pg0351a.txt 355A 28 Robison Priscilla 42 Va pg0351a.txt 355A 37 Robison Robert 21 Ten pg0351a.txt 380A 20 Robison Sarah 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 396A 14 Robison Sarah 52 Ten pg0382a.txt 353A 23 Robison Seneca 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 396A 34 Robison Sherwood 26 Ten pg0382a.txt 355A 30 Robison Susan 16 Ten pg0351a.txt 355A 29 Robison Thomas 20 Ten pg0351a.txt 438B 41 Robison Thomas 8 Ark pg0436a.txt 380A 19 Robison William 4 Ark pg0374a.txt 396A 36 Robison William 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 405B 34 Rodder Amanda 7 Ia pg0402a.txt 405B 33 Rodder Elizabeth 30 Ky pg0402a.txt 405B 35 Rodder Isaac 5 Ia pg0402a.txt 405B 32 Rodder John 29 Ia pg0402a.txt 405B 36 Rodder Mary 3/12 Ark pg0402a.txt 398A 20 Rogers Clarissa 61 Va pg0382a.txt 415B 9 Rogers Elizabeth 18 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 11 Rogers Frances 14 Ark pg0410a.txt 415B 10 Rogers George 16 Mo pg0410a.txt 416B 2 Rogers Isaiah 23 Ten pg0410a.txt 360B 36 Rogers James 18 Ten pg0359a.txt 415B 6 Rogers Jane 54 NC pg0410a.txt 360B 38 Rogers John 12 Mo pg0359a.txt 398A 22 Rogers John 22 NC pg0382a.txt 360B 34 Rogers Joseph 45 NC pg0359a.txt 398A 19 Rogers Levi 62 NC pg0382a.txt 360B 35 Rogers Lucinda 42 Ten pg0359a.txt 398A 23 Rogers Mahala 20 NC pg0382a.txt 415B 12 Rogers Marebo 11 Ark pg0410a.txt 360B 39 Rogers Mary 10 Mo pg0359a.txt 415B 7 Rogers Nancy 22 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 13 Rogers Paulina 9 Ark pg0410a.txt 398A 21 Rogers Richmond 25 NC pg0382a.txt 416B 3 Rogers Sarah 19 Mo pg0410a.txt 360B 37 Rogers William 14 Mo pg0359a.txt 415B 5 Rogers William 54 NC pg0410a.txt 415B 8 Rogers William 20 Ten pg0410a.txt 411B 41 Rollins Emily 8 Ark pg0410a.txt 411B 40 Rollins Hay 6 Ark pg0410a.txt 438A 29 Rollins James 13 Ark pg0436a.txt 411B 38 Rollins Moses 37 NC pg0410a.txt 411B 39 Rollins Naoma 26 Ten pg0410a.txt 411B 42 Rollins Rebecca 4 Ark pg0410a.txt 412A 1 Rollins Tennessee 1 Ark pg0410a.txt 333B 22 Rose Elizabeth 10 Ark pg0329a.txt 333B 25 Rose Elvira 2 Ark pg0329a.txt 333B 18 Rose James 37 Ill pg0329a.txt 333B 24 Rose James 4 Ark pg0329a.txt 333B 21 Rose John 12 Ark pg0329a.txt 333B 19 Rose Mary 40 Ten pg0329a.txt 333B 23 Rose Nancy 5 Ark pg0329a.txt 333B 20 Rose Sarah 14 Ark pg0329a.txt 426A 42 Ross Elizabeth 38 Ten pg0420a.txt 426B 1 Ross Elizabeth 16 Ten pg0420a.txt 382A 26 Ross H. P. 44 Ten pg0382a.txt 382A 29 Ross Henrietta 10 Ill pg0382a.txt 382A 31 Ross James 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 426B 3 Ross Jane 12 Ten pg0420a.txt 426B 2 Ross John 14 Ten pg0420a.txt 382A 27 Ross Marget 31 Ten pg0382a.txt 426B 5 Ross Mary 3 Ten pg0420a.txt 382A 32 Ross Sarah 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 426B 4 Ross Sarah 10 Ten pg0420a.txt 382A 33 Ross Thomas 4/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 382A 28 Ross Virgil 13 Ill pg0382a.txt 382A 30 Ross William 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 426B 6 Ross William 1/12 Ten pg0420a.txt 426A 41 Ross William R. 36 Ten pg0420a.txt 354A 20 Routen Abraham 2 Ark pg0351a.txt 354A 18 Routen Andrew 6 Ark pg0351a.txt 354A 19 Routen James 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 354A 21 Routen Nancy 2/12 Ark pg0351a.txt 354A 17 Routen Sarah 29 Ten pg0351a.txt 354A 16 Routen Wm H. 30 Va pg0351a.txt 398B 6 Routh Arvazenia 11 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 4 Routh B. M. 38 Ten pg0382a.txt 398B 32 Routh Elizabeth 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 8 Routh Hugh 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 9 Routh Isabella 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 33 Routh Joseph 3 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 5 Routh Louiza 33 Mo pg0382a.txt 398B 34 Routh Lucinda 3/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 7 Routh Marget 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 31 Routh Mary 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 30 Routh Viny 27 Ala pg0382a.txt 398B 10 Routh William 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 398B 29 Routh William 28 Ten pg0382a.txt 356A 17 Rowan John 18 Ala pg0351a.txt 433A 22 Ruddle Abraham 64 Ky pg0428a.txt 415B 18 Russell Allavinia 14 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 16 Russell Anna 46 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 17 Russell Elizabeth 19 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 20 Russell George 10 Ark pg0410a.txt 385A 2 Russell J. T. 14 Ark pg0382a.txt 415B 19 Russell James 12 Ark pg0410a.txt 415B 23 Russell James P. 16 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 15 Russell Jas. P. 47 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 24 Russell Malinda 13 Ten pg0410a.txt 415B 21 Russell Samantha 8 Ark pg0410a.txt 415B 22 Russell Samuel 6 Ark pg0410a.txt 370A 22 Rutherford A. 39 Ten pg0364a.txt 371A 5 Rutherford Ann 47 Ten pg0364a.txt 371A 33 Rutherford Bayless 34 Ten pg0364a.txt 378A 10 Rutherford Calvin 30 Ten pg0374a.txt 378A 13 Rutherford Charlotte 5 Ark pg0374a.txt 371A 35 Rutherford Elizabeth 24 Ten pg0364a.txt 373A 39 Rutherford Elizabeth 47 Ten pg0364a.txt 375B 38 Rutherford Elizabeth 5 Ark pg0374a.txt 378A 12 Rutherford Elizabeth 7 Ark pg0374a.txt 370A 24 Rutherford Emmerson 2 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 7 Rutherford Eveline 22 Ten pg0364a.txt 371A 11 Rutherford George 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 34 Rutherford Harriett 32 Ten pg0364a.txt 373A 40 Rutherford Hila 19 Ark pg0364a.txt 375B 32 Rutherford J. A. 40 Ten pg0374a.txt 371A 10 Rutherford James 15 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 8 Rutherford John 18 Ten pg0364a.txt 371A 30 Rutherford John 70 Va pg0364a.txt 375B 37 Rutherford John 8 Ark pg0374a.txt 370A 12 Rutherford Joseph 60 Va pg0364a.txt 375B 40 Rutherford Joseph 4/12 Ark pg0374a.txt 375B 33 Rutherford Malinda 35 Ten pg0374a.txt 378A 14 Rutherford Marget 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 370A 13 Rutherford Mariah 50 Ten pg0364a.txt 375B 39 Rutherford Martha 3 Ark pg0374a.txt 370A 25 Rutherford Mary Stout 18 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 32 Rutherford Noel 43 Ten pg0364a.txt 375B 36 Rutherford Noel 10 Ark pg0374a.txt 387A 40 Rutherford R. B. 17 Ark pg0382a.txt 373A 41 Rutherford Rebecca 18 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 4 Rutherford Robert 50 Ten pg0364a.txt 371A 9 Rutherford Ruth 17 Ten pg0364a.txt 370A 23 Rutherford Sarah 25 Ark pg0364a.txt 378A 11 Rutherford Sarah 28 Ten pg0374a.txt 375B 34 Rutherford Thomas 17 Ark pg0374a.txt 371A 6 Rutherford William 24 Ten pg0364a.txt 375B 35 Rutherford William 12 Ark pg0374a.txt 371A 31 Rutherford Winna 65 Va pg0364a.txt 373A 42 Rutherford Winna 16 Ark pg0364a.txt 422B 2 Salee Christena 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 422B 3 Salee Frances 2 Ark pg0420a.txt 422A 42 Salee George B. 29 Va pg0420a.txt 422B 1 Salee Sinai 28 Ark pg0420a.txt 432B 8 Salter Nancy 24 Ten pg0428a.txt 432B 7 Salter Robert 24 Va pg0428a.txt 419B 4 Samuels Mary V. 11 Mo pg0410a.txt 373A 21 Saunders Isaac 53 Ky pg0364a.txt 373A 25 Saunders John 16 Ark pg0364a.txt 373A 22 Saunders Nancy 42 Ten pg0364a.txt 373A 24 Saunders Nancy 18 Ark pg0364a.txt 373A 27 Saunders Pleasant 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 373A 23 Saunders Sarah 20 Ark pg0364a.txt 373A 26 Saunders Thomas 14 Ark pg0364a.txt 438B 24 Sawyer Sophia 58 Mass pg0436a.txt 364A 18 Sawyers Addison 8 Ark pg0364a.txt 411B 3 Sawyers Alexander 3 Ark pg0410a.txt 364A 21 Sawyers Archibald 2 Ark pg0364a.txt 364A 20 Sawyers Cane Hill 4 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 11 Sawyers Cynthia 1 Ark pg0364a.txt 411B 4 Sawyers Cynthia 2 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 42 Sawyers Eliza 27 Ark pg0410a.txt 366A 10 Sawyers Isabella 3 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 8 Sawyers James 7 Mo pg0364a.txt 364A 15 Sawyers James M. 40 Va pg0364a.txt 364A 19 Sawyers Jefferson 6 Ark pg0364a.txt 364A 17 Sawyers John 10 Ark pg0364a.txt 411B 5 Sawyers John 8/12 Ark pg0410a.txt 411B 2 Sawyers Lavinia 5 Ark pg0410a.txt 364A 16 Sawyers Lucinda 29 Ark pg0364a.txt 411B 1 Sawyers Mark 6 Ark pg0410a.txt 366A 9 Sawyers Nancy 5 Ark pg0364a.txt 411A 41 Sawyers Paten C. 26 Ten pg0410a.txt 366A 5 Sawyers Rebecca 29 Ten pg0364a.txt 366A 7 Sawyers Robert 8 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 4 Sawyers Robert A. 39 Ten pg0364a.txt 366A 3 Sawyers Robert P. 16 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 6 Sawyers William 10 Ark pg0364a.txt 346A 37 Scantlin Elizabeth 21 Ala pg0343a.txt 346A 38 Scantlin Marget 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 346A 36 Scantlin Nathan 22 Ohio pg0343a.txt 416B 4 Scott Christina 51 Geo pg0410a.txt 400A 28 Scott Edwd. 16 Mo pg0382a.txt 416B 5 Scott George 24 Ark pg0410a.txt 360A 24 Scott James 18 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 22 Scott Joseph 54 Ten pg0359a.txt 360A 26 Scott Joseph 8 Ark pg0359a.txt 416B 6 Scott Louiza 22 Ark pg0410a.txt 395B 20 Scott Martha 17 Ark pg0382a.txt 360A 23 Scott Mary 36 Ky pg0359a.txt 416B 7 Scott Meliss 15 Ark pg0410a.txt 395B 19 Scott Rufus 18 Mo pg0382a.txt 360A 25 Scott William 13 Ark pg0359a.txt 416B 8 Scott William 20 Ark pg0410a.txt 387A 38 Scraggs Amanda 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 387A 37 Scraggs David 9 Ala pg0382a.txt 387A 39 Scraggs James 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 387A 30 Scraggs James H. 47 Va pg0382a.txt 387A 35 Scraggs Martha 13 Ala pg0382a.txt 387A 31 Scraggs Mary 40 Ten pg0382a.txt 387A 34 Scraggs Mary 15 Ala pg0382a.txt 387A 36 Scraggs Nathan 10 Ala pg0382a.txt 387A 32 Scraggs Robert 19 Ala pg0382a.txt 387A 33 Scraggs William 17 Ala pg0382a.txt 352B 1 Scrich Bennet 17 Ky pg0351a.txt 352B 2 Scrich John 14 Ky pg0351a.txt 352B 4 Scrich Jonah 11 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 5 Scrich Mary 9 Ark pg0351a.txt 352A 42 Scrich Nancy 39 Ten pg0351a.txt 352B 6 Scrich Samuel 3/12 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 3 Scrich Sarah 14 Ky pg0351a.txt 352A 41 Scrich William 39 Va pg0351a.txt 384B 6 Sears A. B. 30 Ten pg0382a.txt 395B 34 Sears C. J. 36 Ten pg0382a.txt 395B 39 Sears David 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 384B 7 Sears Elizabeth 17 Ten pg0382a.txt 395B 37 Sears George 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 395B 36 Sears James 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 395B 35 Sears Jane 30 Ten pg0382a.txt 395B 38 Sears Sarah 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 414B 5 Seay Allen 60 Va pg0410a.txt 414B 7 Seay Columbus 16 Ark pg0410a.txt 414B 9 Seay Jospeh 12 Ark pg0410a.txt 414B 10 Seay Mary 10 Ark pg0410a.txt 414B 11 Seay Nancy 7 Ark pg0410a.txt 414B 12 Seay Rebecca 5 Ark pg0410a.txt 414B 6 Seay Rufus 18 Ark pg0410a.txt 414B 8 Seay Sarah 14 Ark pg0410a.txt 402A 27 Segmour Elizabeth 22 Ten pg0402a.txt 402A 29 Segmour James 4 Ark pg0402a.txt 402A 30 Segmour Julian 2 Ark pg0402a.txt 402A 28 Segmour Nancy 7 Ark pg0402a.txt 402A 26 Segmour Robert 38 England pg0402a.txt 402A 31 Segmour Susannah 1 Ark pg0402a.txt 362B 13 Serat Calvin 10 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 19 Serat George 21 Mo pg0359a.txt 362B 12 Serat Henry 12 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 20 Serat Isabella 16 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 14 Serat Jeremiah 6 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 6 Serat John 35 Ky pg0359a.txt 362B 9 Serat Mahala 17 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 10 Serat Martin 16 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 16 Serat Mary 1 Ark pg0359a.txt 362B 7 Serat Nancy 26 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 8 Serat Nancy 18 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 15 Serat Samuel 4 Ten pg0359a.txt 362B 11 Serat William 14 Ten pg0359a.txt 430A 4 Severs Basimia 9 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 1 Severs Basinia 39 SC pg0428a.txt 429B 42 Severs Charles J. 39 Ten pg0428a.txt 430A 6 Severs Eliza 3 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 2 Severs Frederick 15 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 5 Severs Helen 6 Ark pg0428a.txt 430A 3 Severs Mary 11 Ark pg0428a.txt 422B 35 Sexton Ann 10 Mo pg0420a.txt 422B 33 Sexton Dorothy 67 Va pg0420a.txt 422B 32 Sexton Jacob 65 Va pg0420a.txt 417B 30 Sexton Jane 14 Mo pg0410a.txt 422B 36 Sexton John 11 Ark pg0420a.txt 422B 34 Sexton William 20 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 25 Shannon Alexr. 38 Ky pg0420a.txt 425A 12 Shannon Alexr. 12 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 17 Shannon Barney 1 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 28 Shannon Caroline 13 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 13 Shannon Elmyra 9 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 15 Shannon Emma 5 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 29 Shannon Finis 10 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 14 Shannon Finis 7 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 34 Shannon Granville B. 16 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 8 Shannon Granville B. 49 Ky pg0420a.txt 420B 30 Shannon Isaac 57 Ky pg0420a.txt 420B 32 Shannon James 21 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 30 Shannon Jefferson 8 Ark pg0420a.txt 420B 31 Shannon Jemima 45 NC pg0420a.txt 420B 34 Shannon John 12 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 10 Shannon Joseph 20 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 33 Shannon Malachia 1 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 27 Shannon Margaret 15 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 16 Shannon Mark 3 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 31 Shannon Martha 6 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 32 Shannon Mary 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 423B 26 Shannon Perniza 34 Ten pg0420a.txt 425A 9 Shannon Unity 40 Ten pg0420a.txt 420B 33 Shannon William 15 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 11 Shannon William 15 Ark pg0420a.txt 372B 38 Sharp A. R. 42 Ten pg0364a.txt 347A 28 Sharp Adam 37 Ten pg0343a.txt 347A 34 Sharp Amanda 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 371A 24 Sharp Andrew 16 Ten pg0364a.txt 373A 3 Sharp Andrew 8 Mo pg0364a.txt 365A 41 Sharp Catharine 15 Ark pg0364a.txt 347B 28 Sharp Daniel 7 Mo pg0343a.txt 347A 33 Sharp Eliza 3 Ark pg0343a.txt 347B 24 Sharp Elizabeth 39 Ten pg0343a.txt 347A 32 Sharp Emily 7 Ark pg0343a.txt 365A 42 Sharp Eveline 13 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 22 Sharp Frances 44 Va pg0364a.txt 371A 23 Sharp Hannah 18 Ten pg0364a.txt 365B 2 Sharp Harriet 8 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 25 Sharp Isaac 14 Ten pg0364a.txt 345B 22 Sharp James 9 Ark pg0343a.txt 364B 36 Sharp James 2 Ark pg0364a.txt 372B 40 Sharp James 21 Ten pg0364a.txt 372B 19 Sharp James C. 25 NC pg0364a.txt 365A 39 Sharp James N. 44 NC pg0364a.txt 347B 26 Sharp John 14 Ten pg0343a.txt 365B 3 Sharp John 6 Ark pg0364a.txt 372B 41 Sharp John 18 Ten pg0364a.txt 365B 1 Sharp Josephine 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 372B 42 Sharp Lafayette 16 Ten pg0364a.txt 345B 23 Sharp Levi 7 Ark pg0343a.txt 345B 25 Sharp Louiza 3 Ark pg0343a.txt 345B 21 Sharp Manerva 36 Ten pg0343a.txt 347A 30 Sharp Marget 11 Ark pg0343a.txt 347A 31 Sharp Mary 9 Ark pg0343a.txt 347B 27 Sharp Mary 11 Ten pg0343a.txt 365A 40 Sharp Mary 32 Ky pg0364a.txt 371A 26 Sharp Mary 12 Ten pg0364a.txt 372B 39 Sharp Mary 45 Ten pg0364a.txt 373A 2 Sharp Mary 10 Ten pg0364a.txt 347A 29 Sharp Nancy 30 Ark pg0343a.txt 372B 25 Sharp Nancy 77 Va pg0364a.txt 347B 23 Sharp Richard 44 Ten pg0343a.txt 371A 28 Sharp Richard 7 Mo pg0364a.txt 364B 34 Sharp Richard A. 45 Ten pg0364a.txt 371A 29 Sharp Stephen 4 Ark pg0364a.txt 347B 29 Sharp Sylvanus 2 Ark pg0343a.txt 345B 26 Sharp Thomas 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 345B 20 Sharp William 37 Ten pg0343a.txt 345B 24 Sharp William 5 Ark pg0343a.txt 347B 25 Sharp William 17 Ten pg0343a.txt 364B 37 Sharp William 1 Ark pg0364a.txt 371A 27 Sharp William 10 Ten pg0364a.txt 373A 1 Sharp William 14 Ten pg0364a.txt 371A 21 Sharp William D. 40 Ten pg0364a.txt 364B 35 Sharp Wincy 38 NC pg0364a.txt 426A 40 Shelhorn Mary A. 15 NC pg0420a.txt 382B 21 Shelton Robert 16 Ark pg0382a.txt 357A 16 Shepherd Cynthia 8 Ark pg0351a.txt 357A 18 Shepherd Jesse 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 357A 17 Shepherd John 6 Ark pg0351a.txt 357A 15 Shepherd Mary 10 Ark pg0351a.txt 357A 14 Shepherd Mary A. 30 Ky pg0351a.txt 337A 41 Sherod Alvy 19 Ten pg0337a.txt 337A 39 Sherod Carlotte 5 Va pg0337a.txt 337A 42 Sherod John 16 Ark pg0337a.txt 337A 40 Sherod Nancy 19 Ten pg0337a.txt 337A 38 Sherod William 63 NC pg0337a.txt 380B 30 Sherrill Mary E. 29 Ark pg0374a.txt 380B 31 Sherrill Sarah C. 27 Ark pg0374a.txt 340B 18 Sherrod Charlotte 3 Ark pg0337a.txt 340B 17 Sherrod Edley 5 Ark pg0337a.txt 340B 16 Sherrod Elizabeth 7 Ark pg0337a.txt 340B 15 Sherrod Marget 28 Ala pg0337a.txt 340B 14 Sherrod S. B. 28 Ten pg0337a.txt 378B 6 Sherry Delilah 30 Ten pg0374a.txt 378B 10 Sherry Elizabeth 7 Ark pg0374a.txt 378B 5 Sherry G. W. 38 Ky pg0374a.txt 378B 14 Sherry James 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 378B 8 Sherry John 12 Ark pg0374a.txt 378B 11 Sherry Malinda 5 Ark pg0374a.txt 378B 7 Sherry Martha 14 Ark pg0374a.txt 378B 9 Sherry Mary 9 Ark pg0374a.txt 378B 13 Sherry Sarah 3 Ark pg0374a.txt 378B 12 Sherry William 4 Ark pg0374a.txt 406B 29 Sherwood George 4 Ill pg0402a.txt 406B 27 Sherwood James 12 Ill pg0402a.txt 406B 25 Sherwood Jane 40 Ky pg0402a.txt 406B 28 Sherwood Martha 7 Ill pg0402a.txt 406B 26 Sherwood Mary 16 Ill pg0402a.txt 406B 24 Sherwood Salmon 46 Ohio pg0402a.txt 421A 22 Shipley Edmund 6 Ark pg0420a.txt 421A 16 Shipley Elijah 43 Ten pg0420a.txt 421A 20 Shipley Jesse 23 Ten pg0420a.txt 421A 18 Shipley John 16 Ten pg0420a.txt 421A 17 Shipley Margaret 43 Ten pg0420a.txt 421A 21 Shipley Tolbert 10 Ark pg0420a.txt 421A 19 Shipley William 14 Ten pg0420a.txt 428A 20 Shirley John 70 Pa pg0428a.txt 428A 23 Shirley Lucinda 9 Ark pg0428a.txt 428A 21 Shirley Mary 44 Ten pg0428a.txt 428A 24 Shirley Mary 9 Ark pg0428a.txt 428A 22 Shirley Sarah 24 Ten pg0428a.txt 375A 2 Shores Alfred 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 375A 1 Shores Charity 6 Ark pg0374a.txt 329B 24 Shores Elizabeth 26 Ten pg0329a.txt 374B 41 Shores Elizabeth 38 NC pg0374a.txt 329B 26 Shores Hilyard 35 Ten pg0329a.txt 329B 25 Shores Hiram 30 Ten pg0329a.txt 329B 21 Shores James 25 Ten pg0329a.txt 329B 29 Shores James 9 Ten pg0329a.txt 383B 36 Shores John C. 37 NC pg0382a.txt 329B 30 Shores Josephine 7 Ark pg0329a.txt 329B 22 Shores Mary 28 Ten pg0329a.txt 329B 31 Shores Mary 4 Ark pg0329a.txt 374B 42 Shores Mary 10 Ark pg0374a.txt 329B 23 Shores Nancy 30 Ten pg0329a.txt 329B 28 Shores Sarah 12 Ten pg0329a.txt 329B 27 Shores Wesley 36 Ten pg0329a.txt 374B 40 Shores William D. 45 NC pg0374a.txt 372B 16 Short Benjamin 2/12 Ark pg0364a.txt 372B 14 Short Joel 4 Ark pg0364a.txt 372B 11 Short Joel F. 29 Ten pg0364a.txt 372B 13 Short Mary 6 Ky pg0364a.txt 372B 12 Short Nancy 24 Ky pg0364a.txt 372B 15 Short Nancy 1 Ark pg0364a.txt 424B 39 Shuler Cassander 33 Miss pg0420a.txt 424B 40 Shuler Christopher 17 Ark pg0420a.txt 424B 42 Shuler Josephine 9 Ark pg0420a.txt 424B 38 Shuler Leonard 43 Germany pg0420a.txt 425A 1 Shuler Marcellus 6 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 2 Shuler Mary 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 424B 41 Shuler Washington 12 Ark pg0420a.txt 337B 8 Shumake Ann 8 Ark pg0337a.txt 337B 5 Shumake Bernett 14 Ky pg0337a.txt 337B 9 Shumake Clarissa 6 Ark pg0337a.txt 429B 28 Shumake Cullen 9 Ten pg0428a.txt 337B 4 Shumake Davis 17 Ky pg0337a.txt 337B 7 Shumake James 10 Ark pg0337a.txt 429B 25 Shumake James 47 SC pg0428a.txt 429B 29 Shumake John 7 Ten pg0428a.txt 427B 1 Shumake Martha 88 SC pg0420a.txt 337B 10 Shumake Nancy 1 Ark pg0337a.txt 429B 31 Shumake Parlee 3 Ark pg0428a.txt 337B 3 Shumake Sarah 38 Ky pg0337a.txt 429B 27 Shumake Silas 11 Ten pg0428a.txt 429B 26 Shumake Susan 32 SC pg0428a.txt 337B 2 Shumake William 38 Ky pg0337a.txt 337B 6 Shumake William 12 Ark pg0337a.txt 429B 30 Shumake William 5 Ky pg0428a.txt 338B 22 Shutts Elizabeth 23 Ky pg0337a.txt 338B 23 Shutts James 48 Mo pg0337a.txt 338B 24 Shutts Sarah 43 Ill pg0337a.txt 338B 25 Shutts Sarah 15 Mo pg0337a.txt 338B 26 Shutts Silas 9 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 21 Shutts William 22 Mo pg0337a.txt 360A 10 Simpson Amanda 5 Ark pg0359a.txt 426B 14 Simpson Armanda 1 Ark pg0420a.txt 436A 24 Simpson Caroline 2/12 Ark pg0436a.txt 426B 12 Simpson Cindarilla 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 13 Simpson Drucella 3 Ark pg0420a.txt 360A 9 Simpson Elizabeth 7 Ark pg0359a.txt 370A 15 Simpson Elizabeth 27 Ten pg0364a.txt 436A 20 Simpson Frances 11 Ala pg0436a.txt 421B 7 Simpson George 22 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 8 Simpson Harriet 28 Ala pg0420a.txt 421B 5 Simpson Hugh 63 SC pg0420a.txt 421B 9 Simpson Hugh 14 Ark pg0420a.txt 426B 7 Simpson Hugh 44 Ky pg0420a.txt 426B 10 Simpson James 7 Ark pg0420a.txt 436A 21 Simpson James 6 Ark pg0436a.txt 421B 6 Simpson Jane 55 SC pg0420a.txt 421B 8 Simpson Jane 16 Ark pg0420a.txt 436A 16 Simpson Jas. B. 36 Ten pg0436a.txt 360A 7 Simpson John 32 Ky pg0359a.txt 426B 11 Simpson John 6 Ark pg0420a.txt 436A 18 Simpson John 16 Ten pg0436a.txt 370A 16 Simpson Lucy 13 Ark pg0364a.txt 426B 9 Simpson Manerva 9 Ark pg0420a.txt 370A 18 Simpson Marget 3 Ark pg0364a.txt 436A 22 Simpson Marget 8 Ark pg0436a.txt 370A 17 Simpson Mary 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 436A 17 Simpson Mary 34 NC pg0436a.txt 436A 19 Simpson Mary 14 Ala pg0436a.txt 360A 11 Simpson Sarah 3 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 8 Simpson Terry 28 Ark pg0359a.txt 370A 19 Simpson William 1 Ark pg0364a.txt 436A 23 Simpson William 3 Ark pg0436a.txt 370A 14 Simpson William H. 38 Ky pg0364a.txt 431A 29 Sinclair Elizabeth 5 Ark pg0428a.txt 351B 28 Skane Elizabeth 32 Mo pg0351a.txt 351B 36 Skane Elizabeth 3/12 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 31 Skane Hester 10 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 29 Skane Jacob 13 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 32 Skane James 8 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 27 Skane Joseph 33 Mo pg0351a.txt 351B 35 Skane Joseph 2 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 33 Skane Mary 6 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 30 Skane Nancy 12 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 34 Skane Norris 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 19 Skein Amelia 3 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 18 Skein Dederick 5 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 15 Skein Elizabeth 11 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 21 Skein Elizabeth 20 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 12 Skein John 40 Mo pg0351a.txt 352B 13 Skein Mary 32 Mo pg0351a.txt 352B 14 Skein Nancy 13 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 20 Skein Nancy 63 Ky pg0351a.txt 352B 17 Skein Sarah 7 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 16 Skein William 9 Ark pg0351a.txt 383A 7 Skelton Adaline 15 Ark pg0382a.txt 379B 18 Skelton Alfred 12 Ark pg0374a.txt 383A 8 Skelton America 13 Ark pg0382a.txt 379B 14 Skelton Catharine 30 Ia pg0374a.txt 383A 11 Skelton Cornelia 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 379B 22 Skelton Elizabeth 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 405B 16 Skelton Elizabeth 1 Ark pg0402a.txt 405B 11 Skelton Fanny 9 Ark pg0402a.txt 383A 9 Skelton Helen 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 405B 9 Skelton J. L. 32 Ark pg0402a.txt 379B 21 Skelton Jacob 5 Ark pg0374a.txt 383A 4 Skelton James 23 Ten pg0382a.txt 383A 5 Skelton John 21 Ten pg0382a.txt 383A 6 Skelton Louiza 16 Ark pg0382a.txt 405B 15 Skelton Luvicy 3 Ark pg0402a.txt 405B 12 Skelton Manerva 8 Ark pg0402a.txt 383A 12 Skelton Martha 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 398A 10 Skelton Martha 57 Ky pg0382a.txt 379B 19 Skelton Mary 10 Ark pg0374a.txt 383A 3 Skelton Mary 43 Ten pg0382a.txt 405B 10 Skelton Mary 29 Ten pg0402a.txt 405B 14 Skelton Mary 5 Ark pg0402a.txt 379B 20 Skelton Phebe 8 Ark pg0374a.txt 379B 17 Skelton Prudence 14 Ark pg0374a.txt 379B 13 Skelton Ralph 63 NC pg0374a.txt 379B 16 Skelton Robert 16 Ark pg0374a.txt 405B 13 Skelton Shelby 6 Ark pg0402a.txt 379B 15 Skelton William 22 Ark pg0374a.txt 383A 2 Skelton William 49 Va pg0382a.txt 383A 10 Skelton William 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 398A 9 Skelton William 60 Unknown pg0382a.txt 391B 6 Skillin Audley 33 Ten pg0382a.txt 391B 7 Skillin Elizabeth 25 Ten pg0382a.txt 391B 9 Skillin Martha 4 Ten pg0382a.txt 391B 8 Skillin Mary 6 Ten pg0382a.txt 385A 17 Sloan Alfred 13 Ark pg0382a.txt 391A 36 Sloan Amanda 14 Ark pg0382a.txt 385A 18 Sloan Jane 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 409A 4 Slover Ann 25 Ten pg0402a.txt 409A 5 Slover Daniel 13 Ark pg0402a.txt 409A 7 Slover Elias 5 Ark pg0402a.txt 409A 3 Slover Enos 33 Ohio pg0402a.txt 395A 26 Slover Hariet 19 Ten pg0382a.txt 395A 25 Slover James A. 26 Ten pg0382a.txt 409A 6 Slover Margaret 11 Ark pg0402a.txt 409A 8 Slover Martha 4 Ark pg0402a.txt 406A 36 Smiley F. M. 25 Ten pg0402a.txt 406A 39 Smiley Mary J. 14 Mo pg0402a.txt 406A 38 Smiley Reuben 1 Ark pg0402a.txt 406A 37 Smiley Tabetha 21 Ia pg0402a.txt 404A 34 Smiley William 18 Ten pg0402a.txt 424A 17 Smith . 2 Ark pg0420a.txt 367A 37 Smith A. C. 39 Ten pg0364a.txt 390A 12 Smith Alexander 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 431A 14 Smith Allen 4 Ark pg0428a.txt 409B 34 Smith America 13 Ark pg0402a.txt 367A 40 Smith Andrew 12 Ark pg0364a.txt 431A 8 Smith Andrew 40 Ten pg0428a.txt 433B 32 Smith Andrew 10 Ky pg0428a.txt 337A 6 Smith Andrew J. 28 Ten pg0337a.txt 339A 19 Smith Ann 43 NC pg0337a.txt 431A 12 Smith Ann 11 Ark pg0428a.txt 422B 22 Smith Archibald 3 Ark pg0420a.txt 390A 10 Smith Arkchibald 27 Ia pg0382a.txt 424A 8 Smith Augustus 18 Ark pg0420a.txt 424A 11 Smith Beverly 11 Ark pg0420a.txt 330B 19 Smith Bolin 50 Va pg0329a.txt 409B 31 Smith Burgess 24 Ten pg0402a.txt 424A 6 Smith Burton 39 Ten pg0420a.txt 424A 13 Smith Burton 8 Ark pg0420a.txt 433B 34 Smith Calloway 6 Ky pg0428a.txt 393A 37 Smith Calvin 9 Ten pg0382a.txt 365B 16 Smith Catharine 13 Va pg0364a.txt 436B 29 Smith Catharine 11 Ark pg0436a.txt 367A 42 Smith Charles 6 Ark pg0364a.txt 409B 37 Smith Charles 4 Ark pg0402a.txt 433B 31 Smith Cynthia 12 Ky pg0428a.txt 430B 42 Smith David 23 Ten pg0428a.txt 421B 38 Smith David W. 15 Ia pg0420a.txt 430A 33 Smith Delilah 3 Ark pg0428a.txt 330B 20 Smith Eliza 14 Ark pg0329a.txt 393A 36 Smith Eliza 34 Va pg0382a.txt 436B 31 Smith Eliza 3 Ark pg0436a.txt 421B 37 Smith Elizab. Ann 17 Ill pg0420a.txt 430B 31 Smith Elizabeth 23 Ten pg0428a.txt 431A 1 Smith Elizabeth 24 Ten pg0428a.txt 431A 10 Smith Elizabeth 14 Ark pg0428a.txt 424A 16 Smith Flavius 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 365B 18 Smith Frances 8 Va pg0364a.txt 412B 35 Smith Geo. W. 22 Ky pg0410a.txt 365B 19 Smith George 4 Mo pg0364a.txt 409B 30 Smith Glaphey 45 Ten pg0402a.txt 390A 11 Smith Hanah 25 Ohio pg0382a.txt 431A 3 Smith Hannah 15 Ark pg0428a.txt 422B 21 Smith Hila R. 5 Ark pg0420a.txt 332A 42 Smith Hiram 18 Ark pg0329a.txt 365B 15 Smith Hiram 15 Va pg0364a.txt 436B 32 Smith Infant 6/12 Ark pg0436a.txt 332B 3 Smith Isaac 13 Ark pg0329a.txt 430B 30 Smith J. C. 25 Ky pg0428a.txt 399B 28 Smith J.M.J. 51 DNK pg0382a.txt 424A 15 Smith Jackson 5 Ark pg0420a.txt 365B 14 Smith James 18 Va pg0364a.txt 379B 10 Smith James 18 Ala pg0374a.txt 430A 35 Smith James 1 Ark pg0428a.txt 430B 40 Smith James 50 Ten pg0428a.txt 431A 5 Smith James 11 Ark pg0428a.txt 330B 22 Smith Jane 7 Ark pg0329a.txt 413A 11 Smith Jane 8 Ark pg0410a.txt 431A 15 Smith Jane 2 Ark pg0428a.txt 330B 21 Smith John 10 Ark pg0329a.txt 365B 12 Smith John 27 Va pg0364a.txt 386A 2 Smith John 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 390A 13 Smith John 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 393A 35 Smith John 29 Ten pg0382a.txt 422B 16 Smith John 18 Ky pg0420a.txt 430A 34 Smith John 2 Ark pg0428a.txt 409B 35 Smith Josephin 11 Ark pg0402a.txt 436B 30 Smith Lafayette 9 Ark pg0436a.txt 433B 35 Smith Lawson 4 Ky pg0428a.txt 424A 10 Smith Leah 13 Ark pg0420a.txt 332B 1 Smith Louiza 16 Ark pg0329a.txt 422B 17 Smith Louiza 16 Ark pg0420a.txt 386A 3 Smith Lucinda 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 440A 21 Smith Lucy 57 Va pg0436a.txt 332A 41 Smith Luricy 37 Ten pg0329a.txt 361B 28 Smith Marget 18 Ia pg0359a.txt 422B 14 Smith Marshall B. 49 Va pg0420a.txt 332B 5 Smith Martha 9 Ark pg0329a.txt 367A 41 Smith Martha 9 Ark pg0364a.txt 337A 7 Smith Mary 22 Mo pg0337a.txt 337A 8 Smith Mary 1 Ark pg0337a.txt 365B 11 Smith Mary 49 Va pg0364a.txt 367A 39 Smith Mary 14 Ark pg0364a.txt 393A 39 Smith Mary 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 424A 14 Smith Mary 7 Ark pg0420a.txt 436B 27 Smith Mary 38 Ten pg0436a.txt 436B 28 Smith Mary 15 Ten pg0436a.txt 438B 36 Smith Mary C. 14 Ark pg0436a.txt 431A 2 Smith Matthew 19 Ten pg0428a.txt 422B 18 Smith MInerva 11 Ark pg0420a.txt 367B 1 Smith Nancy 4 Ark pg0364a.txt 385B 42 Smith Nancy 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 409B 36 Smith Nancy 8 Ark pg0402a.txt 431A 11 Smith Nancy 14 Ark pg0428a.txt 433B 33 Smith Nancy 8 Ky pg0428a.txt 436B 26 Smith P. R. 39 Ten pg0436a.txt 367A 38 Smith Penelope 36 Ill pg0364a.txt 365B 10 Smith Phillip 54 Va pg0364a.txt 430A 30 Smith Pleasant M. 27 Ten pg0428a.txt 430A 31 Smith Priscilla 25 Mo pg0428a.txt 409B 33 Smith Ralph 17 Ark pg0402a.txt 409B 32 Smith Randolph 20 Ia pg0402a.txt 430A 32 Smith Rebecca 5 Ark pg0428a.txt 430B 41 Smith Rebecca 47 Ten pg0428a.txt 431A 9 Smith Rebecca 40 Va pg0428a.txt 385B 40 Smith Richard 33 Ten pg0382a.txt 393A 38 Smith Richard 7 Ten pg0382a.txt 431A 4 Smith Samuel 14 Ark pg0428a.txt 365B 17 Smith Sarah 10 Va pg0364a.txt 385B 41 Smith Sarah 30 Mo pg0382a.txt 398A 18 Smith Sarah 43 NC pg0382a.txt 431A 6 Smith Sarah 9 Ark pg0428a.txt 433B 30 Smith Sarah 34 Ten pg0428a.txt 422B 19 Smith Susan 9 Ark pg0420a.txt 424A 7 Smith Susan 32 Ten pg0420a.txt 367B 2 Smith Tabitha 2/12 Ark pg0364a.txt 422B 20 Smith Tennessee 7 Ark pg0420a.txt 332B 2 Smith Thomas 14 Ark pg0329a.txt 339A 18 Smith Thomas 66 NC pg0337a.txt 365B 13 Smith Thomas 25 Va pg0364a.txt 424A 12 Smith Thomas 9 Ark pg0420a.txt 421B 36 Smith Thos. J. 20 Ill pg0420a.txt 436B 1 Smith W. A. J. 19 Ten pg0436a.txt 431A 13 Smith Wilburn 8 Ark pg0428a.txt 332B 4 Smith William 11 Ark pg0329a.txt 386A 1 Smith William 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 422B 15 Smith William 22 Ten pg0420a.txt 424A 9 Smith William 16 Ark pg0420a.txt 437A 19 Smithson B. K. 46 Va pg0436a.txt 437A 20 Smithson Cynthia 39 Ten pg0436a.txt 437A 23 Smithson Cyrene 14 Ark pg0436a.txt 437A 22 Smithson David 16 Ark pg0436a.txt 437A 24 Smithson James 11 Ark pg0436a.txt 437A 25 Smithson Samuel 8 Ark pg0436a.txt 437A 21 Smithson William 18 Ark pg0436a.txt 340B 26 Snyder Cassander 25 Ten pg0337a.txt 340B 25 Snyder Henry 31 Germany pg0337a.txt 340B 27 Snyder Mary 5 Ark pg0337a.txt 340B 28 Snyder Robert 1 Ark pg0337a.txt 389B 24 Son Abram 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 389B 23 Son Anna 13 Ark pg0382a.txt 389B 22 Son David 15 Ark pg0382a.txt 389B 18 Son James 49 Ky pg0382a.txt 389B 26 Son John 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 391A 4 Son Lucinda 22 Mo pg0382a.txt 389B 19 Son Marget 37 Mo pg0382a.txt 389B 21 Son Mary 17 Ark pg0382a.txt 391A 2 Son Michael 73 Va pg0382a.txt 389B 20 Son Michail 19 Ark pg0382a.txt 391A 3 Son Nancy 60 SC pg0382a.txt 389B 25 Son William 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 415A 29 Spencer Amanda 15 Ten pg0410a.txt 382A 35 Spencer Amy 41 NC pg0382a.txt 415A 24 Spencer Catharine 8 Ark pg0410a.txt 365B 35 Spencer Dicy 27 Ten pg0364a.txt 382A 38 Spencer Ellen 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 382A 36 Spencer Emily 14 Ill pg0382a.txt 415A 21 Spencer Hiram 16 Ark pg0410a.txt 415A 32 Spencer Hobert 13 Ten pg0410a.txt 415A 18 Spencer Isaac 42 Ky pg0410a.txt 382A 37 Spencer James 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 415A 34 Spencer James 5 Ark pg0410a.txt 415A 30 Spencer John 45 Ten pg0410a.txt 415A 35 Spencer John 3 Ark pg0410a.txt 415A 20 Spencer Marget 18 Ark pg0410a.txt 415A 28 Spencer Marget 17 Ten pg0410a.txt 415A 33 Spencer Martha 8 Ark pg0410a.txt 415A 22 Spencer Mary 14 Ark pg0410a.txt 415A 31 Spencer Mary 37 Ten pg0410a.txt 415A 23 Spencer Maurice 10 Ark pg0410a.txt 415A 19 Spencer Pinkey 42 Ky pg0410a.txt 382A 34 Spencer W. O. 40 Ill pg0382a.txt 351A 32 Springsten Calvin 8 Ark pg0351a.txt 351A 33 Springsten Elizabeth 5 Ark pg0351a.txt 351A 26 Springsten Emeline 45 Ms pg0351a.txt 351A 30 Springsten Linton 14 Ia pg0351a.txt 351A 27 Springsten Mariah 20 Ia pg0351a.txt 351A 28 Springsten Marinda 18 Ia pg0351a.txt 351A 31 Springsten Rebecca 10 Ia pg0351a.txt 351A 29 Springsten Warren 15 Ia pg0351a.txt 351A 25 Springsten William 48 Ky pg0351a.txt 351A 34 Springsten Williamson 3 Ark pg0351a.txt 338B 1 Sprinkle Catharine 35 Penn pg0337a.txt 338B 3 Sprinkle Henry 10 Ohio pg0337a.txt 338B 4 Sprinkle James 9 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 5 Sprinkle John 7 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 7 Sprinkle Joseph 3 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 2 Sprinkle Mariah 14 Ohio pg0337a.txt 338B 8 Sprinkle Mary 2/12 Ark pg0337a.txt 338A 42 Sprinkle Michael 40 Md pg0337a.txt 338B 6 Sprinkle William 5 Ark pg0337a.txt 376B 14 St. Clair Amanda 12 Ark pg0374a.txt 376B 13 St. Clair Emily 22 Ark pg0374a.txt 376B 16 St. Clair Isabella 4 Ark pg0374a.txt 376B 12 St. Clair Jacob 47 Ten pg0374a.txt 356A 19 St. Clair Martha 25 Ky pg0351a.txt 356A 18 St. Clair Perry 30 England pg0351a.txt 376B 15 St. Clair Rebecca 7 Ark pg0374a.txt 377A 37 St.Clair Chrisley 3 Ark pg0374a.txt 377A 33 St.Clair Elizabeth 30 Ill pg0374a.txt 377A 35 St.Clair Frances 6 Ark pg0374a.txt 377A 34 St.Clair Jacob 7 Ark pg0374a.txt 377A 32 St.Clair John 30 Ark pg0374a.txt 377A 38 St.Clair Marget 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 377A 36 St.Clair Nancy 5 Ark pg0374a.txt 432A 5 Stagner Barney 35 Ten pg0428a.txt 432A 6 Stagner Elizabeth 24 Ten pg0428a.txt 432A 9 Stagner James 2 Ark pg0428a.txt 338B 30 Stagner Marget 5 Ark pg0337a.txt 432A 7 Stagner Martha 5 Ark pg0428a.txt 432A 8 Stagner Mary 3 Ark pg0428a.txt 432A 10 Stagner Thela 5/12 Ark pg0428a.txt 376A 10 Standifer Ann 22 Ark pg0374a.txt 376A 11 Standifer Jane 19 Ark pg0374a.txt 376A 7 Standifer Jemima 53 Va pg0374a.txt 376A 6 Standifer Luke 64 Va pg0374a.txt 376A 12 Standifer Mary 16 Ark pg0374a.txt 376A 8 Standifer Samuel 30 Ten pg0374a.txt 376A 9 Standifer William 26 Ten pg0374a.txt 393A 13 Stanfield Alexander M. 46 Ten pg0382a.txt 393A 16 Stanfield Elmyra 14 Ark pg0382a.txt 393A 17 Stanfield James 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 393A 14 Stanfield Lurana 39 Ten pg0382a.txt 393A 15 Stanfield Martha 17 Ark pg0382a.txt 393A 18 Stanfield Tray 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 393A 19 Stanfield William 3 Ark pg0382a.txt 399B 16 Stanford Amanda 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 399B 11 Stanford B. A. 35 Ten pg0382a.txt 399B 18 Stanford Eliza 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 382A 18 Stanford George 16 Ark pg0382a.txt 382A 22 Stanford Isaac 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 382A 21 Stanford James 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 399B 14 Stanford Jemima 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 399B 13 Stanford John 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 382A 17 Stanford L. K. W. 35 Ten pg0382a.txt 382A 23 Stanford Lewis 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 399B 12 Stanford Martha 34 Geo pg0382a.txt 382A 20 Stanford Moses 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 399B 15 Stanford Nancy 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 399B 17 Stanford Sarah 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 382A 16 Stanford Thomas 36 Ten pg0382a.txt 382A 19 Stanford William 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 437B 4 Stapp Benjamin 16 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 6 Stapp Elizabeth 8 Ten pg0436a.txt 398A 7 Stapp James 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 437B 8 Stapp John 22 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 2 Stapp Joshua 50 Ky pg0436a.txt 398A 6 Stapp Lucinda 21 Ill pg0382a.txt 437B 7 Stapp Martha 6 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 5 Stapp Mary 11 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 3 Stapp Sarah 48 Ten pg0436a.txt 398A 5 Stapp Silas S. 29 Ten pg0382a.txt 398A 8 Stapp Virgil 4/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 431B 41 Starks George W. 28 Va pg0428a.txt 432A 3 Starks Hantipha 3 Ark pg0428a.txt 432A 4 Starks Jasper 1 Ark pg0428a.txt 432A 1 Starks John B. 9 Mo pg0428a.txt 431B 42 Starks Parthenia 28 Mo pg0428a.txt 432A 2 Starks Thomas 6 Mo pg0428a.txt 396A 3 Steel Christopher 13 Wis pg0382a.txt 400A 12 Steel Cicero 16 Mo pg0382a.txt 396A 1 Steel Elizabeth 17 Wis pg0382a.txt 396A 7 Steel Hannibal 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 395B 41 Steel Harriet 43 Ky pg0382a.txt 396A 8 Steel Josephine 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 395B 40 Steel M. W. 44 Va pg0382a.txt 396A 4 Steel Margaret 11 Wis pg0382a.txt 396A 5 Steel Mariah 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 395B 42 Steel Mary 20 Mo pg0382a.txt 396A 2 Steel Mathew 15 Wis pg0382a.txt 396A 6 Steel Matilda 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 396A 9 Steel Thomas 3 Ark pg0382a.txt 400A 11 Steel Wesley 18 Mo pg0382a.txt 437B 40 Stepp Elizabeth 2/12 Ark pg0436a.txt 437B 38 Stepp John 4 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 36 Stepp Nancy 22 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 35 Stepp Samuel R. 25 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 39 Stepp Silas 2 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 37 Stepp William 6 Ten pg0436a.txt 390A 7 Stette Elizabeth 29 Ark pg0382a.txt 396B 36 Stette Elizabeth 11 Ark pg0382a.txt 390A 9 Stette John 1/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 396B 34 Stette John 35 Ohio pg0382a.txt 396B 40 Stette Louiza 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 396B 35 Stette Matilda 34 Ia pg0382a.txt 396B 37 Stette Phebe 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 390A 8 Stette Sarah 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 390A 6 Stette Searing 30 Ohio pg0382a.txt 396B 38 Stette Searing 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 396B 39 Stette Timothy 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 404B 41 Stevenson Archibald 2 Ark pg0402a.txt 369A 9 Stevenson Carmelia 18 Ark pg0364a.txt 404B 38 Stevenson Emeline 28 Ala pg0402a.txt 369A 10 Stevenson James 17 Ark pg0364a.txt 404B 40 Stevenson Mary 4 Ark pg0402a.txt 404B 37 Stevenson N. H. 38 Ohio pg0402a.txt 369A 8 Stevenson Nancy 46 Ala pg0364a.txt 369A 11 Stevenson Saml. 10 Ark pg0364a.txt 369A 12 Stevenson Sarah 7 Ark pg0364a.txt 404B 39 Stevenson William 5 Mo pg0402a.txt 394B 7 Stinart James 47 Va pg0382a.txt 333A 23 Stinesicker Danl. 84 Va pg0329a.txt 355B 30 Stinson Henry 3 Ark pg0351a.txt 355B 31 Stinson James 1 Ark pg0351a.txt 355B 27 Stinson Joseph 28 Mo pg0351a.txt 355B 28 Stinson Martha 24 Inda pg0351a.txt 355B 29 Stinson William 5 Ark pg0351a.txt 437B 32 Stirman Catharine 35 Ky pg0436a.txt 437B 31 Stirman J. H. 43 Ky pg0436a.txt 437B 33 Stirman James 11 Ark pg0436a.txt 383B 19 Stockston Jane 37 Ten pg0382a.txt 436A 40 Stone Amanda 25 Ten pg0436a.txt 403A 13 Stone America 4/12 Ark pg0402a.txt 392A 8 Stone Delany 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 343B 6 Stone Elizabeth 23 Ten pg0343a.txt 402B 21 Stone Elizabeth 59 Ky pg0402a.txt 392A 7 Stone Emeline 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 402B 18 Stone George D. 31 Mo pg0402a.txt 392A 9 Stone James 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 402B 25 Stone Jane 15 Mo pg0402a.txt 403A 11 Stone Jospeh A. 27 Mo pg0402a.txt 402B 22 Stone Leroy 22 Mo pg0402a.txt 392A 6 Stone Lucinda 26 Geo pg0382a.txt 402B 19 Stone Luelza 19 Ala pg0402a.txt 402B 20 Stone Lueza 1 Ark pg0402a.txt 392A 11 Stone Madison 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 436A 41 Stone Mary 7 Ark pg0436a.txt 403A 12 Stone Melissa 20 Ill pg0402a.txt 343B 7 Stone Nolin 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 436A 42 Stone Robert 2 Ark pg0436a.txt 340B 24 Stone Samuel 30 Ten pg0337a.txt 343B 5 Stone Shelton A. 32 Ky pg0343a.txt 436B 2 Stone Sophia 14 Ten pg0436a.txt 436A 39 Stone Stephen K. 31 NC pg0436a.txt 402B 24 Stone Thomas 20 Mo pg0402a.txt 343B 8 Stone Virginia 6/12 Ark pg0343a.txt 392A 5 Stone Wesley P. 37 Ky pg0382a.txt 392A 10 Stone William 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 402B 23 Stone Willis 21 Mo pg0402a.txt 421B 10 Story Amanda 3 Ark pg0420a.txt 360B 19 Story Ann 26 Ten pg0359a.txt 360B 22 Story Emerilus 1 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 36 Story James 14 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 32 Story Jane 30 Ia pg0359a.txt 360B 20 Story John 8 Ark pg0359a.txt 360B 21 Story Martha 6 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 34 Story Milton 4 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 33 Story Saml. 11 Ark pg0359a.txt 360B 18 Story Saml. 30 Mo pg0359a.txt 360A 35 Story Tabetha 2 Ark pg0359a.txt 360A 31 Story William 35 Mo pg0359a.txt 423A 19 Stout Benjamin C. F. 24 Ten pg0420a.txt 423A 17 Stout Catharine 61 SC pg0420a.txt 358B 27 Stout Celia 17 Ill pg0351a.txt 423A 36 Stout Charles 12 Ark pg0420a.txt 358B 26 Stout Cynthia 19 Ill pg0351a.txt 358B 31 Stout David 10 Ark pg0351a.txt 423A 35 Stout Elizabeth 34 Ten pg0420a.txt 389B 9 Stout Emily J. 23 Ark pg0382a.txt 423A 14 Stout Gracy 25 Ten pg0420a.txt 437B 20 Stout Isaac 25 Ia pg0436a.txt 373B 5 Stout Isabella 25 Ten pg0364a.txt 423A 40 Stout James 2 Ark pg0420a.txt 423A 34 Stout James W. 35 Ten pg0420a.txt 358B 33 Stout Jeremiah 4 Ark pg0351a.txt 423A 39 Stout John 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 358B 24 Stout Jonathan 45 Ky pg0351a.txt 423A 16 Stout Joseph P. 62 NC pg0420a.txt 358B 28 Stout Julian 15 Ill pg0351a.txt 358B 29 Stout Kesiah 14 Ark pg0351a.txt 423A 21 Stout Lewis 2 Ark pg0420a.txt 373B 6 Stout Lucy 21 Ten pg0364a.txt 358B 25 Stout Margaret 42 Ky pg0351a.txt 423A 20 Stout Marget 22 Ten pg0420a.txt 423A 22 Stout Marshall 6/12 Ark pg0420a.txt 438B 29 Stout Mary 16 Ark pg0436a.txt 440A 26 Stout Mary 16 Ark pg0436a.txt 371A 36 Stout Matilda 24 Ten pg0364a.txt 373B 4 Stout Moses 53 Ten pg0364a.txt 423A 41 Stout Newton 1 Ark pg0420a.txt 423A 13 Stout P. B. 34 Ten pg0420a.txt 373B 7 Stout Richard 16 Ark pg0364a.txt 358B 30 Stout Samuel 12 Ark pg0351a.txt 423A 38 Stout Sarah 5 Ark pg0420a.txt 415A 12 Stout Thomas 13 Ark pg0410a.txt 358B 32 Stout William 7 Ark pg0351a.txt 423A 15 Stout William 2 Ark pg0420a.txt 423A 37 Stout William 7 Ark pg0420a.txt 438A 42 Stout William 26 Ten pg0436a.txt 351B 24 Strain Benjamin 8 Ark pg0351a.txt 394B 15 Strain Elizabeth 37 Ten pg0382a.txt 394B 20 Strain Elizabeth 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 351B 26 Strain George 1 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 18 Strain George B. 42 Ten pg0351a.txt 394B 19 Strain Hannah 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 394B 22 Strain Henry 1/12 Ark pg0382a.txt 394B 14 Strain James 44 Ten pg0382a.txt 394B 18 Strain James 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 351B 25 Strain Jane 6 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 23 Strain John 10 Ark pg0351a.txt 394B 16 Strain Martha 14 Ark pg0382a.txt 351B 10 Strain Mary 83 NC pg0351a.txt 351B 19 Strain Mary 35 Ark pg0351a.txt 394B 17 Strain Mary 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 351B 20 Strain Minerva 18 Ark pg0351a.txt 351B 9 Strain Robert 32 Ten pg0351a.txt 351B 22 Strain Robert 12 Ark pg0351a.txt 394B 21 Strain Robert 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 351B 21 Strain William 14 Ark pg0351a.txt 362A 7 Stricklen Eliza 21 Ohio pg0359a.txt 362A 6 Stricklen John 24 Ten pg0359a.txt 362A 8 Stricklen Mary 6 Ark pg0359a.txt 362A 10 Stricklen Tandy 1 Ark pg0359a.txt 362A 9 Stricklen William 3 Ark pg0359a.txt 361B 16 Strickler Albert 5 Ark pg0359a.txt 361B 13 Strickler Alfred 12 Ark pg0359a.txt 361B 11 Strickler Benj. 40 Ten pg0359a.txt 357B 23 Strickler Caroline 3 Ark pg0351a.txt 357B 22 Strickler Charles 6 Ark pg0351a.txt 364B 33 Strickler Elizabeth 2 Ark pg0364a.txt 357B 16 Strickler Emily 37 Ia pg0351a.txt 357B 15 Strickler Jacob 37 Ia pg0351a.txt 364B 28 Strickler Jacob 35 Ten pg0364a.txt 357B 21 Strickler Levi 8 Ark pg0351a.txt 364B 31 Strickler Lucy E. 8 Ark pg0364a.txt 364B 29 Strickler Malinda 32 Ten pg0364a.txt 361B 14 Strickler Martha 11 Ark pg0359a.txt 357B 19 Strickler Mary 12 Ark pg0351a.txt 364B 32 Strickler Mary 5 Ark pg0364a.txt 361B 12 Strickler Nancy 37 Ten pg0359a.txt 357B 17 Strickler Rachael 16 Ark pg0351a.txt 357B 14 Strickler Stephen 18 Ill pg0351a.txt 357B 18 Strickler Susanna 14 Ark pg0351a.txt 357B 20 Strickler William 10 Ark pg0351a.txt 361B 15 Strickler William 9 Ark pg0359a.txt 361B 17 Strickler Wm. B. 38 Ten pg0359a.txt 403B 13 Stroud Allen 18 Ten pg0402a.txt 403B 14 Stroud J. W. 22 Ten pg0402a.txt 398A 4 Stuart Caladonia 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 398A 1 Stuart Martha 29 Ten pg0382a.txt 393B 14 Stuart Samuel 12 Ten pg0382a.txt 398A 3 Stuart Thomas 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 398A 2 Stuart Violia 7 Ten pg0382a.txt 397B 42 Stuart William 33 NY pg0382a.txt 337A 20 Stuckenbow Harmon 22 Germany pg0337a.txt 439A 7 Sublett Amerilus 2 Ark pg0436a.txt 439A 5 Sublett L. N. 34 Ky pg0436a.txt 439A 6 Sublett Mary 20 Ark pg0436a.txt 439A 8 Sublett William 5/12 Ark pg0436a.txt 393B 15 Sulford William M. 33 Ten pg0382a.txt 349A 30 Sumner Lucy 57 Geo pg0343a.txt 349A 29 Sumner Owen 63 Va pg0343a.txt 349A 31 Sumner Samuel 18 Ark pg0343a.txt 382A 25 Sutfield Tennessee 15 Ark pg0382a.txt 439B 17 Sutton George 3 Ark pg0436a.txt 389B 4 Sutton Hannah 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 439B 15 Sutton Henry 9 Ark pg0436a.txt 439B 13 Sutton Isabella 33 Ky pg0436a.txt 438A 35 Sutton James 50 Ky pg0436a.txt 439B 14 Sutton James 15 Mo pg0436a.txt 389A 42 Sutton Jeremiah 46 Ohio pg0382a.txt 389B 1 Sutton Marget 44 Ohio pg0382a.txt 439B 16 Sutton Mary 7 Ark pg0436a.txt 389B 2 Sutton Phillip 18 Ill pg0382a.txt 389B 3 Sutton Rhoda 14 Ark pg0382a.txt 389B 5 Sutton Seaburn 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 439B 12 Sutton Seneca 40 Ky pg0436a.txt 425B 3 Swaggerty L. N. C. 16 Ark pg0420a.txt 425B 4 Swaggerty Mary 10 Ark pg0420a.txt 416A 24 Swearingin John 2 Ark pg0410a.txt 416A 22 Swearingin Robert 4 Ark pg0410a.txt 416A 19 Swearingin Saml. 30 Mo pg0410a.txt 416A 20 Swearingin Sarah 25 Ky pg0410a.txt 416A 21 Swearingin Sarah F. 6 Ark pg0410a.txt 416A 23 Swearingin William 3 Ark pg0410a.txt 424B 1 Sweat William 24 Ten pg0420a.txt 394B 13 Tackett Sarah 25 Ark pg0382a.txt 394B 12 Tackett Wm. 78 NC pg0382a.txt 365B 7 Talkington Ethalinda 14 Ark pg0364a.txt 365B 8 Talkington George Ann 12 Ark pg0364a.txt 372A 2 Tankesly Campbell 4 Ark pg0364a.txt 371B 42 Tankesly Catharine 9 Ark pg0364a.txt 371B 41 Tankesly Elizabeth 9 Ark pg0364a.txt 371B 38 Tankesly Elvira 34 Ten pg0364a.txt 371B 40 Tankesly Jackson 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 371B 37 Tankesly Larkin 38 Ten pg0364a.txt 372A 1 Tankesly Leonard 7 Ark pg0364a.txt 372A 3 Tankesly Mary 3 Ark pg0364a.txt 371B 39 Tankesly Thomas 13 Ark pg0364a.txt 329A 4 Taylor Aaron 25 Ill pg0329a.txt 329A 8 Taylor Agnes 18 Ill pg0329a.txt 360B 13 Taylor Alden 9 Ark pg0359a.txt 386B 8 Taylor Alfred 40 Ten pg0382a.txt 386B 14 Taylor Andrew 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 349A 12 Taylor Ann 3/12 Ark pg0343a.txt 363B 15 Taylor Delila 23 Ala pg0359a.txt 433B 41 Taylor Delilah 53 Ga pg0428a.txt 433B 42 Taylor Delize 16 Mo pg0428a.txt 334B 6 Taylor Eliza 6 Ark pg0329a.txt 329A 3 Taylor Elizabeth 30 Ten pg0329a.txt 334A 42 Taylor Elizabeth 21 Ark pg0329a.txt 329A 1 Taylor George 63 Ten pg0329a.txt 329A 10 Taylor George 13 Ark pg0329a.txt 386B 12 Taylor George 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 360B 11 Taylor Harriet 15 Ark pg0359a.txt 363B 13 Taylor Hiram 30 Geo pg0359a.txt 386B 13 Taylor Isabella 4 Ark pg0382a.txt 349A 10 Taylor James 23 Ill pg0343a.txt 434A 1 Taylor James 14 Ark pg0428a.txt 334B 2 Taylor John 17 Ark pg0329a.txt 363B 20 Taylor John 3 Ark pg0359a.txt 433B 40 Taylor John 75 NC pg0428a.txt 395A 39 Taylor John W. 32 Geo pg0382a.txt 363B 17 Taylor Lucinda 8 Ark pg0359a.txt 360B 12 Taylor Mahala C. 12 Ark pg0359a.txt 362B 42 Taylor Malinda 63 NC pg0359a.txt 363B 16 Taylor Malinda 10 Ala pg0359a.txt 363B 14 Taylor Margret 45 Ala pg0359a.txt 329A 5 Taylor Mary 22 Ill pg0329a.txt 334B 5 Taylor Mary 10 Ark pg0329a.txt 386B 9 Taylor Mary 32 Va pg0382a.txt 363B 19 Taylor Nancy 5 Ark pg0359a.txt 434A 2 Taylor Nancy 12 Ark pg0428a.txt 334B 1 Taylor Nancy J. 19 Ark pg0329a.txt 329A 11 Taylor Pleasant 9 Ark pg0329a.txt 329A 6 Taylor Rebecca 21 Ill pg0329a.txt 334B 4 Taylor Rebecca 12 Ark pg0329a.txt 349A 11 Taylor Rebecca 23 Ala pg0343a.txt 329A 2 Taylor Rhoda 54 Ten pg0329a.txt 329A 7 Taylor Rhoda 19 Ill pg0329a.txt 334A 41 Taylor Sarah 45 Penn pg0329a.txt 334B 3 Taylor Sarah 14 Ark pg0329a.txt 363B 18 Taylor Sarah 7 Ark pg0359a.txt 386B 11 Taylor Sarah 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 334A 40 Taylor Stuart 53 Ten pg0329a.txt 344B 7 Taylor Stuart 17 Ark pg0343a.txt 329A 9 Taylor Walter 16 Ark pg0329a.txt 436A 35 Taylor Whitson B. 34 NC pg0436a.txt 386B 10 Taylor William 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 439B 25 Tebbetts Clinton 2 Ark pg0436a.txt 370B 36 Tebbetts Elmyra 11 Ia pg0364a.txt 370B 34 Tebbetts Frances 31 Ky pg0364a.txt 439B 23 Tebbetts Jonas M. 30 NH pg0436a.txt 439B 26 Tebbetts Marion 8/12 Ark pg0436a.txt 370B 40 Tebbetts Mary 1 Ark pg0364a.txt 439B 24 Tebbetts Matilda 20 Mo pg0436a.txt 370B 38 Tebbetts Nancy 8 Mo pg0364a.txt 370B 37 Tebbetts Samuel 9 Mo pg0364a.txt 370B 35 Tebbetts Susan 12 Ia pg0364a.txt 370B 33 Tebbetts William 37 ME pg0364a.txt 370B 39 Tebbetts William 4 Ark pg0364a.txt 421B 28 Tenant Adaline 17 Ark pg0420a.txt 421B 30 Tenant Addison 4 Ark pg0420a.txt 421B 27 Tenant Clarissa 38 Ten pg0420a.txt 421B 29 Tenant Maranda 11 Ark pg0420a.txt 421B 26 Tenant Thomas H. 58 Va pg0420a.txt 421B 31 Tenant Thomas S. - Ark pg0420a.txt 373A 37 Tennison Abigail 45 Geo pg0364a.txt 373A 36 Tennison John 25 Ill pg0364a.txt 355A 42 Tharp Eliza 23 Ten pg0351a.txt 355B 18 Tharp Elizabeth 1 Ark pg0351a.txt 400A 5 Tharp Elizabeth 2 Ark pg0382a.txt 355B 1 Tharp Emeline 3 Ark pg0351a.txt 355A 41 Tharp Jesse 25 Ten pg0351a.txt 355B 2 Tharp John 1 Ark pg0351a.txt 358B 20 Tharp Juda 55 NC pg0351a.txt 358B 19 Tharp Lewis 64 Va pg0351a.txt 358B 21 Tharp Lucy 17 Ten pg0351a.txt 355B 17 Tharp Mary 26 Ky pg0351a.txt 400A 4 Tharp Mary 28 Ky pg0382a.txt 432A 31 Therman America 2 Ala pg0428a.txt 432A 26 Therman Andrew 14 Ala pg0428a.txt 432A 24 Therman Ann 39 Ten pg0428a.txt 433A 15 Therman Danl. 19 Ala pg0428a.txt 432A 28 Therman Elizabeth 9 Ala pg0428a.txt 432A 23 Therman John 37 Ga pg0428a.txt 432A 30 Therman John 5 Ala pg0428a.txt 432A 27 Therman Rachael 11 Ala pg0428a.txt 432A 25 Therman Tanzada 16 Ala pg0428a.txt 432A 29 Therman William 6 Ala pg0428a.txt 392A 39 Thomas Alley 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 392A 37 Thomas Daniel 12 Ark pg0382a.txt 421A 25 Thomas Elizabeth 19 Ark pg0420a.txt 397B 35 Thomas F. L. 33 Ky pg0382a.txt 392A 40 Thomas Franklin 3 Ark pg0382a.txt 397B 41 Thomas Geroge 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 388B 22 Thomas Harriet 17 Ia pg0382a.txt 392A 36 Thomas Irene 30 Ia pg0382a.txt 388B 21 Thomas John 24 Mo pg0382a.txt 397B 38 Thomas Joseph 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 397B 36 Thomas Julian 28 Ia pg0382a.txt 397B 40 Thomas Lucinda 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 397B 39 Thomas Marget 6 Ark pg0382a.txt 392A 38 Thomas Nathan 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 397B 37 Thomas Nathan 9 Ark pg0382a.txt 392A 35 Thomas William 35 Ky pg0382a.txt 338B 10 Thompson Andrew 34 Ten pg0337a.txt 425A 32 Thompson Cyrus 6 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 29 Thompson Eleanor 28 Ark pg0420a.txt 425A 33 Thompson Ellen 11 Ark pg0420a.txt 338B 12 Thompson Henry 10 Ark pg0337a.txt 352B 25 Thompson Henry 12 Ark pg0351a.txt 425A 28 Thompson James 38 Md pg0420a.txt 425A 30 Thompson James 11 Ark pg0420a.txt 352B 28 Thompson John 6 Ark pg0351a.txt 425A 31 Thompson John 9 Ark pg0420a.txt 338B 15 Thompson Lewis 4 Ark pg0337a.txt 425A 36 Thompson Lewis 1/12 Ark pg0420a.txt 338B 13 Thompson Lucretia 8 Ark pg0337a.txt 425A 34 Thompson Martha 5 Ark pg0420a.txt 352B 26 Thompson Mary 10 Ark pg0351a.txt 352B 22 Thompson Mary Ann 40 Ten pg0351a.txt 338B 14 Thompson Nancy 6 Ark pg0337a.txt 338B 11 Thompson Phebe 33 Ten pg0337a.txt 352B 27 Thompson Seth 8 Ark pg0351a.txt 425A 35 Thompson Unity 2 Ark pg0420a.txt 369A 4 Thornhill Jas. 29 Mo pg0364a.txt 369A 6 Thornhill John 9 Mo pg0364a.txt 369A 5 Thornhill Lishia 29 Mo pg0364a.txt 369A 7 Thornhill Lucy 2 Mo pg0364a.txt 331B 10 Thornsbury Amanda 21 Va pg0329a.txt 331B 11 Thornsbury Eliza 18 Va pg0329a.txt 331B 8 Thornsbury Elizabeth 64 Penn pg0329a.txt 434B 20 Thornsbury Martin W. 40 Va pg0428a.txt 434B 21 Thornsbury Talitha 22 Ten pg0428a.txt 331B 7 Thornsbury Walter 70 NC pg0329a.txt 331B 9 Thornsbury Walter J. 27 Va pg0329a.txt 437B 13 Throckmorton J. A. 28 Ten pg0436a.txt 437B 17 Throckmorton Jane 1 Ark pg0436a.txt 437B 16 Throckmorton Mary 3 Ark pg0436a.txt 437B 14 Throckmorton Nancy 24 Ky pg0436a.txt 437B 18 Throckmorton Nancy H. 15 Ark pg0436a.txt 437B 15 Throckmorton William 7 TX pg0436a.txt 438A 3 Throgmorton Caroline 2 Ark pg0436a.txt 437B 42 Throgmorton Eliza 30 Ky pg0436a.txt 438A 1 Throgmorton Martha 10 Ark pg0436a.txt 438A 2 Throgmorton Mary 6 Ark pg0436a.txt 437B 41 Throgmorton William A .L. 30 Ten pg0436a.txt 331A 16 Tice Ann 18 Ten pg0329a.txt 331A 18 Tice Jane 3 Ark pg0329a.txt 331A 17 Tice Malvina 13 Ten pg0329a.txt 331A 19 Tice Marantha 2/1 Ark pg0329a.txt 331A 15 Tice Susan 44 NC pg0329a.txt 331A 14 Tice Thomas 46 NC pg0329a.txt 411B 6 Tilly Edmond 40 Ten pg0410a.txt 411B 7 Tilly Elisha 42 Ten pg0410a.txt 412A 8 Tilly Elizabeth 26 Ten pg0410a.txt 334B 22 Tilly John 78 Va pg0329a.txt 334B 30 Tilly John 1 Ark pg0329a.txt 412A 7 Tilly John 39 Ten pg0410a.txt 412A 9 Tilly John 8 Ark pg0410a.txt 412A 11 Tilly Joseph 4 Ark pg0410a.txt 334B 23 Tilly Martha 78 Va pg0329a.txt 412A 10 Tilly Mary 6 Ark pg0410a.txt 412A 12 Tilly Rebecca 1 Ark pg0410a.txt 334B 28 Tilly Reuben 45 Ten pg0329a.txt 334B 29 Tilly Susan 20 Ten pg0329a.txt 413B 5 Tilsworth John R. 19 Ark pg0410a.txt 380B 3 Tilsworth Sarah 29 Geo pg0374a.txt 380B 4 Tilsworth Sarah 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 380B 2 Tilsworth Wm P. 27 Ky pg0374a.txt 430A 9 Tiner Elizabeth 14 Ala pg0428a.txt 382B 13 Tingler Sophiah 14 Ill pg0382a.txt 371A 37 Tinin Harriet 10 Ark pg0364a.txt 366B 5 Tinin Thomas 18 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 42 Tinnin Albert 2 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 37 Tinnin Elizabeth 22 Miss pg0364a.txt 366A 41 Tinnin Emeline 7 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 39 Tinnin Harriet 11 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 36 Tinnin Helen 24 Ky pg0364a.txt 366A 35 Tinnin Hugh 51 Ten pg0364a.txt 366B 15 Tinnin Hugh 16 Ark pg0364a.txt 366A 38 Tinnin John 14 Miss pg0364a.txt 366A 40 Tinnin William 9 Ark pg0364a.txt 344B 1 Todd Ann 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 349A 22 Todd Elijah 10 Mo pg0343a.txt 344A 33 Todd Elijah S. 39 Ohio pg0343a.txt 349A 21 Todd Isabella 12 Ark pg0343a.txt 349A 19 Todd Jane 18 Ark pg0343a.txt 344A 37 Todd John 12 Ark pg0343a.txt 344A 39 Todd Josephine 7 Ark pg0343a.txt 344A 35 Todd Julia 19 Ten pg0343a.txt 344A 38 Todd Marget 9 Ark pg0343a.txt 344A 34 Todd Martha 38 Ten pg0343a.txt 344A 36 Todd Martha 14 Ark pg0343a.txt 344A 40 Todd Mary 5 Ark pg0343a.txt 349A 17 Todd Owen 59 Ky pg0343a.txt 349A 20 Todd Owen 14 Ark pg0343a.txt 344A 41 Todd Sarah 5 Ark pg0343a.txt 349A 18 Todd Sarah 48 Ohio pg0343a.txt 349A 23 Todd Victoria 7 Mo pg0343a.txt 349A 24 Todd William 4 Mo pg0343a.txt 344A 42 Todd Willis 3 Ark pg0343a.txt 403B 11 Tolbert Edward 18 Mo pg0402a.txt 383B 8 Tollett Eliza 51 Va pg0382a.txt 383B 9 Tollett Ferdinand 21 Ark pg0382a.txt 383B 10 Tollett Harriet 16 Ark pg0382a.txt 405A 10 Tollett Harvey 1 Ark pg0402a.txt 383B 7 Tollett Henry 52 Va pg0382a.txt 405A 8 Tollett Louiza 6 Ark pg0402a.txt 405A 7 Tollett Martha 25 Ark pg0402a.txt 405A 9 Tollett Mary 2 Ark pg0402a.txt 405A 6 Tollett William J. 30 Ark pg0402a.txt 431B 29 Tomason Daniel 7 Ark pg0428a.txt 433B 15 Tomason Elizabeth 18 Ark pg0428a.txt 438A 40 Tomason Hugh F. 21 Ten pg0436a.txt 431B 27 Tomason John D. 27 Ten pg0428a.txt 433B 14 Tomason Mary 42 Ten pg0428a.txt 433B 17 Tomason Mary 14 Ark pg0428a.txt 431B 28 Tomason Nancy 25 Ala pg0428a.txt 433B 18 Tomason Sarah 12 Ark pg0428a.txt 431B 31 Tomason Tilford 2 Ark pg0428a.txt 433B 16 Tomason Tilford 16 Ark pg0428a.txt 431B 30 Tomason William 5 Ark pg0428a.txt 389B 12 Tombolin Elizabeth 17 Ala pg0382a.txt 389B 15 Tombolin James 11 Ark pg0382a.txt 389B 13 Tombolin John 15 Ala pg0382a.txt 389B 17 Tombolin Marget 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 389B 11 Tombolin Mary 37 Ten pg0382a.txt 389B 10 Tombolin Richard 45 NC pg0382a.txt 389B 14 Tombolin Sarah 13 Ala pg0382a.txt 389B 16 Tombolin Susan 8 Ark pg0382a.txt 348A 2 Townsend Andrew 1 Ark pg0343a.txt 347B 40 Townsend Catharine 13 Ark pg0343a.txt 348A 1 Townsend Frances 5 Ark pg0343a.txt 347B 39 Townsend George 18 Ark pg0343a.txt 347B 38 Townsend Lucinda 28 Ten pg0343a.txt 347B 42 Townsend Robert 8 Ark pg0343a.txt 347B 41 Townsend Susan 11 Ark pg0343a.txt 340A 5 Trammell Felix G. 20 Mo pg0337a.txt 337B 13 Trammell Fields 21 Mo pg0337a.txt 340A 8 Trammell George 8 Ark pg0337a.txt 339A 15 Trammell George S. 24 Mo pg0337a.txt 337B 19 Trammell Hannah 2 Ark pg0337a.txt 340A 4 Trammell Henry 10 Ark pg0337a.txt 340A 9 Trammell Jackson 6 Ark pg0337a.txt 340A 7 Trammell Jane 24 Ill pg0337a.txt 337B 17 Trammell Jarrett 9 Ark pg0337a.txt 340A 3 Trammell Jarrett 59 Ten pg0337a.txt 340A 11 Trammell Jarrett 1 Ark pg0337a.txt 337B 11 Trammell John 46 Ky pg0337a.txt 340A 6 Trammell Leonard P. 27 Mo pg0337a.txt 337B 20 Trammell Louiza 4/12 Ark pg0337a.txt 337B 15 Trammell Marget 11 Mo pg0337a.txt 337B 12 Trammell Martha 42 Ten pg0337a.txt 337B 16 Trammell Martha 9 Ark pg0337a.txt 339A 16 Trammell Mary 15 Ark pg0337a.txt 340A 10 Trammell Mary 3 Ark pg0337a.txt 337B 18 Trammell Matilda 4 Ark pg0337a.txt 339A 17 Trammell Nathan 5/12 Ark pg0337a.txt 337B 14 Trammell Sarah 17 Mo pg0337a.txt 440B 9 Trimble Martha C. 18 Mo pg0436a.txt 392B 32 Trott Adam 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 392B 31 Trott Enoch 3 Ark pg0382a.txt 392B 30 Trott Jane 21 Mo pg0382a.txt 392B 29 Trott John 29 NC pg0382a.txt 411A 11 Troutt Alley 37 Ky pg0410a.txt 411A 16 Troutt Elizabeth 8 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 13 Troutt Emily 12 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 15 Troutt Garrison 5 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 17 Troutt James 3 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 14 Troutt John 10 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 12 Troutt Mary 14 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 18 Troutt Nancy 1 Ark pg0410a.txt 411A 10 Troutt P. H. 39 Ten pg0410a.txt 386A 40 Truet Josiah 45 Geo pg0382a.txt 386B 5 Truet Josiah 7 Ark pg0382a.txt 386B 7 Truet Lutitia 1 Ark pg0382a.txt 386B 3 Truet Martha 11 Ark pg0382a.txt 386B 2 Truet Mary 13 Ark pg0382a.txt 386A 42 Truet Matilda 15 Ark pg0382a.txt 386A 41 Truet Sarah 37 Ill pg0382a.txt 386B 6 Truet Sarah 5 Ark pg0382a.txt 386B 4 Truet Susannah 10 Ark pg0382a.txt 386B 1 Truet Wesley 14 Ark pg0382a.txt 416A 15 Truisdale Elizabeth 6 Ark pg0410a.txt 416A 16 Truisdale Emily 4 Ark pg0410a.txt 416A 13 Truisdale James 34 Ia pg0410a.txt 416A 18 Truisdale James 4/12 Ark pg0410a.txt 416A 14 Truisdale Jane 30 Ky pg0410a.txt 416A 17 Truisdale Nancy 1 Ark pg0410a.txt 359B 5 Truitt Catharine 52 SC pg0359a.txt 359B 13 Truitt Catharine 1 Ark pg0359a.txt 359B 9 Truitt Elijah 12 Ark pg0359a.txt 359B 10 Truitt Elizabeth 8 Ark pg0359a.txt 359B 8 Truitt George 15 Ark pg0359a.txt 359B 6 Truitt John 24 Ky pg0359a.txt 359B 11 Truitt Manerva 24 Ten pg0359a.txt 359B 12 Truitt Mary A. 8 Ark pg0359a.txt 359B 7 Truitt William 21 Ky pg0359a.txt 418A 22 Tucker Shelton 14 Ten pg0410a.txt 378A 41 Tulk Isaac 6/12 Ark pg0374a.txt 378A 40 Tulk John 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 378A 39 Tulk Lucinda 24 Ark pg0374a.txt 369B 27 Tulk Saml. 23 Ark pg0364a.txt 378A 38 Tulk William W. 24 Ark pg0374a.txt 361A 35 Tune Asbery 24 Ky pg0359a.txt 417A 11 Tune Charles 30 Ky pg0410a.txt 417A 12 Tune Elizabeth 23 Ark pg0410a.txt 361B 19 Tune Jemima 20 Ten pg0359a.txt 361A 38 Tune John 6/12 Ark pg0359a.txt 361B 20 Tune John 2 Ark pg0359a.txt 361A 37 Tune Marget 3 Ark pg0359a.txt 416B 33 Tune Marget E. 11 Ark pg0410a.txt 361B 18 Tune Moses 28 Ky pg0359a.txt 361A 36 Tune Nancy 20 Ky pg0359a.txt 417B 29 Tune Thomas L. 10 Ark pg0410a.txt 361B 21 Tune William 1/12 Ark pg0359a.txt 376A 28 Turnbow David 3 Mo pg0374a.txt 376A 25 Turnbow Dorcas 11 Mo pg0374a.txt 376A 21 Turnbow Elizabeth 18 Ten pg0374a.txt 376A 26 Turnbow Franklin 9 Mo pg0374a.txt 376A 22 Turnbow George 16 Ten pg0374a.txt 376A 23 Turnbow Jane 15 Ten pg0374a.txt 376A 17 Turnbow Jeremiah 42 Ten pg0374a.txt 376A 27 Turnbow Louiza 7 Mo pg0374a.txt 376A 29 Turnbow Medley 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 376A 24 Turnbow Nancy 13 Mo pg0374a.txt 376A 18 Turnbow Rutha 25 Ten pg0374a.txt 376A 19 Turnbow Samuel 22 Ten pg0374a.txt 376A 20 Turnbow William 19 Ten pg0374a.txt 380A 1 Turner Catharine 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 379B 40 Turner Eliza 25 Ark pg0374a.txt 379B 39 Turner John 25 Ten pg0374a.txt 344B 42 Turner Middleton 20 Ten pg0343a.txt 379B 42 Turner Sarah 2 Ark pg0374a.txt 379B 41 Turner William 4 Ark pg0374a.txt 400A 31 Tuttle Solomon 76 Va pg0382a.txt 379A 25 Tygart A. J. 22 Ark pg0374a.txt 379A 24 Tygart Emily 15 Ark pg0374a.txt 379A 23 Tygart Fanny 54 Geo pg0374a.txt 379A 27 Tygart James 1 Ark pg0374a.txt 379A 22 Tygart Mary 20 Ark pg0374a.txt 379A 26 Tygart Sarah 18 Ark pg0374a.txt 379A 21 Tygart Wilson M. 24 Ark pg0374a.txt 335A 29 Tyner Aaron 23 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 30 Tyner Andrew 13 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 35 Tyner Edward 3 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 32 Tyner Elizabeth 11 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 36 Tyner Henry 1 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 34 Tyner Martha 7 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 28 Tyner Mary 34 Ten pg0329a.txt 335A 33 Tyner Mary 9 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 31 Tyner Nancy 15 Ark pg0329a.txt 335A 27 Tyner Thos. 52 NC pg0329a.txt 408B 27 Tyree Meridith 46 Va pg0402a.txt 408B 28 Tyree Susan 36 Ky pg0402a.txt