Minnesota Mortality Census
Census Assignment Coordinator: Linda
Talbott |
County / Year |
1850 |
1860 |
1870 |
1880 |
Aitkin |
Anoka |
Becker |
Beltrami |
Benton |
Big Stone |
Blue Earth |
Brown |
Carlton |
Carver |
Cass |
Chippewa |
Chisago |
Clay |
Cook |
Cottonwood |
Crow Wing |
Dakota |
Dodge |
Douglas |
Faribault |
Fillmore |
Freeborn |
Goodhue |
Grant |
Hennepin |
Houston |
Isanti |
Itasca |
Jackson |
Kandiyohi |
Kittson |
Lac Qui Parle |
Lake |
Le Sueur |
Lincoln |
Lyon |
Mahnomen |
Marshall |
Martin |
McLeod |
Meeker |
Mille Lacs |
Monongalia |
(county discontinued) |
Morrison |
Mower |
Murray |
Nicollet |
Nobles |
Olmsted |
Otter Tail |
Pembina |
Pine |
Pipestone |
Polk |
Pope |
Ramsey |
Redwood |
Renville |
Rice |
Rock |
Scott |
Sherburne |
Sibley |
St Louis |
Stearns |
Steele |
Stevens |
Swift |
Todd |
Traverse |
Wabasha |
Wadena |
Waseca |
Washington |
Watonwan |
Wilkin |
Winona |
Wright |
Yellow Medicine |
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