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Oglethorpe County, Georgia 1820 Federal Census Index | |||
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E. Annette Rose and the permission of S-K Publications. | ||| | |||
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This index was transcribed by Laura
Ann Flanders and proofread by Bridget Miller for The USGenWeb Census Project® |
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======================================= LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME PAGE LINE ======================================= Adkinson Mary 173 16 Allen Henry 174 23 Allen Howard 189 14 Allen Stephen 174 16 Allin William 173 15 Allison Christiana 180 16 Amis Thomas 178 17 Andrew John 197 2 Andrews Mark 183 24 Andrews Nancy 183 9 Andrews Wm 183 30 Andrews Wm Jr 182 32 Andrews Wyet 182 46 Anglin John 177 31 Anglin Thos 194 25 Anthony Middleton 192 33 Applewhite William 180 25 Arnold Berry 191 14 Arnold Chesley 182 16 Arnold John 191 15 Arnold Joseph 191 22 Arnold Stephen 196 22 Arnold Wm W. 196 29 Arnold Wm Snr 196 30 Arthur Barnabas 187 5 Atkinson Lemuel 189 25 Austen Fielder 189 19 Aycock Burwell 178 16 Aycock Joel 178 8 Aycock Jonathan 173 4 Aycock Richard 171 23 Aycock Zacriah 176 2 -------------------------------------- Bailey Henry 178 36 Bailey Henry J. 171 13 Bailey Jacob 171 39 Bailey James 174 8 Bailey James 180 28 Bailey James 185 8 Bailey Jonathan 171 11 Bailey Wm (Coln) 173 47 Baldwin Catharin 176 25 Baldwin Demaras 176 17 Baldwin Samuel 176 23 Baldwin Wm W. 180 13 Baley Thos S. 196 24 Baley Wm 195 8 Bandrome Josiah 172a 5 Baney Jesse 186 22 Banks James 194 8 Banks Richard 194 9 Barber George 178 34 Barber George Sr 175 19 Barber Jessee 189 34 Barber Mathew 179 28 Barber William 175 20 Barkwell J. W. 188 40 Barkwell Majer 186 31 Barkwell Mary 188 41 Barnett Benj G. 181 35 Barnett Joel 176 38 Barnett Nathan 171 20 Barum Nathaniel 191 35 Bass Christopher 188 30 Batey David 174 12 Baughan John 194 5 Baughan Joseph 194 14 Bauls Henry P. 183 5 Beadles William 176 36 Beasley John 187 31 Beasley William 185 35 Beaty James 171 28 Bell Ellias 177 10 Bell John 188 35 Bell Samuel 181 17 Benett David 174 35 Bennett Alx 183 14 Bentley Wm 195 40 Berrey Charles 194 13 Berrey John D. 189 15 Berrey Susannah 190 31 Berry Bradley 193 28 Berry Thalifery L. 182 47 Bills Jesse 187 7 Billups Jno (estate) 172a 8 Birdsong Freeman 179 29 Birdsong John 180 19 Birdsong John 180 34 Birdsong John 172a 6 Blackman John 180 27 Blake Benjamin 195 3 Blake Henry 175 18 Blake Lemuel 190 30 Blanton Benjamin 175 32 Bledsoe John 180 35 Bledsoe Joseph 185 33 Bledsoe Miller 175 30 Bogus Ezzi 179 37 Bolling John 178 21 Bolton Mariah 195 26 Boman George 194 29 Bond Joel 176 18 Bowden Mary 187 18 Bowden William 177 21 Bowen Christopher 177 26 Bowen Tiney 175 38 Bowling Thornbury 177 34 Bowls Amila 183 16 Bowls Henry 183 17 Brabin James 194 3 Brackman Lewis 185 28 Brackman Moses 185 40 Bradberry Edmond 189 8 Bradbury James 173 37 Bradford Samuel 195 39 Bradley James 195 33 Bradley John A. 189 11 Bradshaw Peter 177 11 Bragg Joseph 186 29 Bragg Mary 186 40 Brand Cashwell 174 13 Brand Wm 174 14 Branen Kishah 175 31 Brantley Dansy 193 22 Brewer William 177 42 Brews James 184 11 Bridges Berry J. 181 50 Bridges Jacob 181 28 Bridges James 174 27 Bridges Killis C. 179 10 Bridges Mary 172a 18 Bridges Solomon 196 1 Brightwells Samuel 192 21 Brisco John 186 13 Britten Henry 177 15 Brittin George 176 3 Broach George 192 8 Brockman John 194 26 Bronson Zenos 180 12 Brook Gilbert 188 24 Brook John L. 186 16 Brook Samuel 186 3 Brooke Wilson 180 29 Brooks Littlejohn 185 24 Brown Alexander 190 26 Brown Archable M. 179 27 Brown Charles M. 188 18 Brown David 183 40 Brown Isaac 185 36 Brown James W. 178 6 Brown Thomas A. 178 9 Brown Thomas R. 192 42 Bryant John 186 5 Bryant William 185 25 Bugg Wm 189 29 Bullock Harvey 183 4 Bullock Wyatt 175 13 Burch Jasper 195 18 Burford Phillip A. 175 3 Busbin David 172a 15 Busbin John 172a 14 Busbin Sarah 172a 16 Byant Wm 172a 17 Bybin Sarah 175 4 -------------------------------------- Cables John 176 16 Callahan William 186 10 Callaway William 176 43 Callin Elizabeth 172a 23 Calvery Thos 191 23 Cambell Wm 189 28 Cardwell John 176 32 Carington John 174 26 Carithers James 174 32 Carithers Robert 174 31 Carter Arnold 187 23 Carter Benoney 190 21 Carter Charles 182 17 Carter Charles 182 41 Carter Edward 183 36 Carter Elisha 174 41 Carter Jesse 181 16 Carter John 176 40 Carter John A. 184 22 Carter Pall 181 37 Carter Robart 188 32 Carter Thomas 172a 2 Carter Thomas Junr 172a 24 Carter Thomas Sr 173 28 Carter Thos 190 3 Carter Wiley 181 29 Carter William 172a 1 Carter Wm 182 44 Carty Secrtary 184 5 Caruthers William 181 47 Cason Elisha 183 39 Casterton Thos 196 8 Catcherson James 171 27 Cellum Sarah 174 24 Chandler Lewis 174 33 Chandler William C. 185 34 Chatham Isham 171 24 Cheatham Isham 174 2 Cheatham Josiah 174 1 Christin Gabrel 183 46 Christopher David 173 3 Christopher John 173 8 Christopher Wm 189 31 Clawsles Wiley 179 32 Clements Lucy 191 39 Clemons Jesse 181 39 Clift Zacriah 182 13 Cobb Thomas W. 171 6 Cobias Benj 188 13 Cobias Cuthburth 187 38 Cobias Viner 188 16 Cockbourn Samuel 179 11 Colbert Larkin 181 49 Colbert Nichlace 178 40 Colbert Phillip P. 179 5 Colier Isaac 188 3 Coller Wm 180 9 Collery Anderson 191 8 Colley James 195 9 Collier Henden 182 19 Colliers Wm 194 12 Collins Henry 189 36 Collins Jonas 189 37 Collins Willis 187 11 Colquet James 194 11 Colquit John 182 9 Colquit Robart 181 4 Colquitt James 192 37 Colquitt Wm 182 38 Colwell Glenn 196 31 Colwell Wm 196 32 Conden John 187 32 Cooper Thos 191 1 Cormikle Richard 186 38 Cox Edward 180 24 Cox Robert 193 9 Cox Thomas T. 177 28 Cramer Samuel 188 14 Crawford David 176 14 Crawford Joseph 176 9 Crawford Robert 178 42 Crawford Wm H. 178 41 Crawley Abraham 179 39 Crawley Annable 179 41 Crawley James 179 44 Crook John 190 46 Crook John 191 26 Crook Lewis 191 41 Crook Valentine 191 42 Crouder George 172a 22 Cruse Martin 196 3 Crutchfield John W. 196 39 Cumming Thos 179 45 Cumpton Plesant 183 35 Cunningham James 171 32 Curry Malcum 173 41 -------------------------------------- Dabenport Martin S. 193 36 Dalling Samuel 180 4 Dalrympel James 178 14 Dalrymple Wm 175 29 Daniel David 183 11 Daniel James 183 10 Darden Burch 184 16 Davenport Francis 173 40 Davis Benjamin 176 13 Davis Champen 174 44 Davis David 196 34 Davis Dudley 171 7 Davis Isam 194 19 Davis Moses 176 26 Davis Seburn 194 31 Davis William 174 43 Debenport Wm 197 3 Dent Richard 176 20 Denton James 173 19 Dickins John 196 36 Dicks Maccagah 189 2 Dillard Ruben 176 30 Dilliar Martha 171 33 Dix John 186 7 Dodd James 174 11 Doget George 193 38 Dorsey Thos B. 195 15 Dorsey Walter B. 190 4 Dowdy Henry 194 7 Dowdy Martin 195 17 Dowdy Richard 192 15 Drake Archable 188 33 Drake James 187 41 Duffel James 191 36 Duke Thos 180 14 Dunn David 187 36 Dunn Galewood 173 21 Dunn John 187 8 Dunn Thomas 187 30 Dunnahoo James 183 37 Dupree Daniel 176 41 Dupree Lewis J. 193 16 -------------------------------------- Eads Reuben 192 35 Eason John 189 30 Eason Rise 190 6 Ebberhart Addam 179 20 Edmonds Anthony 186 44 Edmonds Fanney 185 37 Edmonds James 186 42 Edmonds John 186 43 Edmondson John 187 14 Edmondson Philemon 186 2 Edson James 190 18 Edwards Benj 184 2 Edwards Elizabeth 177 32 Edwards Henry L. 178 15 Edwards John 178 7 Edwards John M. 176 6 Edwards Littleberry B. 178 35 Edwards Ruben 177 35 Edwards Syntha 178 4 Edwards Wm W. 175 40 Eidson Boice 184 39 Eidson Shelton 184 37 Eliot Cornelas 188 12 Eliot George 173 38 Elkins Wm 172a 13 Ellis Nathan 190 10 Ellis Wm 189 35 Ellis Wm Snr 189 39 Ellsberry Ben 171 36 Embry Joel 174 34 Embry Joseph 181 10 Embry Uriah 184 4 Embry Wm 181 25 English Henry 185 9 English Parnums 185 10 Epperson James 178 11 Erley Henry 185 15 Erley Sarah 185 42 Erly Jacob 188 28 Espy Joseph 178 26 Everett Mathew 195 5 Everheart Jacob 190 39 Evins Jermiah 183 12 Evins John 183 6 Eyden Elisha 196 15 -------------------------------------- Fambrough Thos 190 13 Farmer Henry 174 20 Felps Polly 188 42 Femby Nathan 186 27 Finch Berchel 186 19 Finch John C. 188 17 Finch William 173 29 Finch William 188 39 Fletcher Thos 178 44 Floid Alx 179 9 Floid Wm R. 181 33 Floyd Clement 175 41 Floyd Elizabeth 195 43 Floyd John 192 19 Floyd Richard 190 28 Ford Daniel 183 32 Foster John 194 32 Fowler Benj 188 19 Franklin William 171 4 Freeman John 177 20 Freeman Noah 177 9 Freeman Robart 180 23 Freeman Samuel 190 24 Freeman Wm 187 21 Fullilove John 177 39 Fulton John 176 35 Furgason James 176 42 -------------------------------------- Galbriath Joseph 180 17 Gallaway Mathew 175 2 Galloway Britton 176 22 Galoway Thos 196 13 Gammon Jonathan 182 23 Gansford Henry 179 40 Garlington Joseph 187 44 Garvin Richard 195 23 Gillam Ezekel 180 15 Gillespi Robert 176 39 Gillmer Elizabeth 195 37 Gillum Thomas 188 38 Gilmer John 196 16 Gilmer Parky 187 35 Gilmer Wm 195 38 Gipson Hugh 189 22 Gipson Luke 191 16 Glase Thos 177 5 Glaze Ruben 186 17 Glenn Betsy 186 30 Glenn John 196 14 Glenn John Jnr 192 1 Glenn Joseph 197 4 Glenn Thos 179 24 Glenn Wm 195 34 Glenn Wm Snr 189 17 Glenn Wm Snr 193 24 Glinn William 173 42 Glore Abner 192 12 Golden Jesse 182 8 Golden Thos W. 177 40 Golesby Isaiah 195 24 Golesby James 196 2 Golesby Miles 197 5 Golesby Richard 189 7 Golesby Shirley 193 33 Golesby Waide 194 33 Golesby Wm 192 34 Golesby Wm 195 35 Golsby Thornton B. 189 5 Gordan James F. Sr 178 22 Gordan Phillimen H. 174 47 Gordin James C. 172a 21 Gosden Ezekiel 174 15 Goss Isham 172a 11 Gowen Henry 181 32 Graham John 184 21 Granger Absolem 172a 3 Green Elizabeth 175 23 Green John 197 6 Green Mial 185 7 Green Wm 194 24 Greenwood John 173 9 Greenwood Thos B. 189 40 Grenard Sarah 178 33 Grieve John 180 10 Griffin John 177 37 Griffin Silas 187 40 Griffith Ann 192 17 Griffith David 183 23 Griffith David H. 190 37 Griffith George 186 32 Grisham James D. 182 33 Grisham John 177 1 Grisham John 186 23 Grisham Martha W. 183 44 Grisham Robert 186 4 Grisham William 185 32 Guill August 186 15 Gunn Bradford 186 41 Guthery Sarah 181 2 -------------------------------------- Haight Elizabeth 193 41 Hail John 190 5 Hails Thomas 185 1 Hall Thomas 175 27 Ham Ruben 181 23 Ham Stephen 195 28 Hammet James 186 26 Hammet James Jr 183 22 Hammon Charles 197 7 Hancock Joel 194 40 Hancock Joseph 194 27 Hancock Wm 195 16 Hand Christopher 187 15 Hand Spencer 189 26 Handy Nathaniel 195 7 Haney Charles 192 25 Hanson Richard T. 175 39 Harden Arabelah 192 32 Harden Sarah 178 32 Hardman Allin 180 38 Hardman Charles 189 18 Hardman Charles 196 12 Hardman Elbert 192 36 Hardman Felix 196 11 Hardman Isaah 176 37 Hardman John 180 21 Hardman Namain 182 27 Hardman Samuel 181 26 Hardman Uel 196 10 Hardman Wm 182 29 Hardman Wm 189 6 Hardman Wm Jnr 191 31 Hargrave Richard 175 14 Harris Jery 178 10 Harris John 178 20 Harris John 194 6 Harris Nathaniel 193 6 Harris Overton 194 35 Harris William 186 24 Harrison John 184 43 Hart Archibald 172a 20 Hartsfield Andrew 181 34 Hartsfield Andrew 182 15 Hartsfield James 182 14 Hartsfield Wm 182 34 Harwell Mark 179 21 Hatchett William 184 14 Hause Burwell 181 43 Hause Mariah 181 42 Hawkins Alx 178 25 Hawkins John 187 43 Haynes Richard 187 28 Haynie Francis 179 25 Hayns Jasper 188 2 Hayns Robart 188 8 Henden Isham 182 22 Henden Johnson 179 16 Henden Robertson 182 4 Herin John 192 26 Hicks Isaac 171 26 Hill Abraham 178 1 Hill Henry 193 7 Hill Miles 177 30 Hill Sarah 195 13 Hill Theophles 178 2 Hitchcock John 174 25 Hitson James 184 10 Hixon George 183 15 Holaway Asa 193 31 Hollaway Daniel 183 34 Holms Robert 178 19 Holt Elizabeth 190 38 Holtz Elijah Snr 192 45 Holtzlaw Williford 196 41 Hoof Robert 189 10 Hopper Rolley 193 4 Hopper Samuel 173 45 Hopper Thomas 193 2 Houke Henry 179 2 Howard Elizabeth 181 12 Howard Graves 181 45 Howard Henry 188 4 Howard Mordeca 177 2 Howard Thos 180 36 Howel Wyatt 192 24 Hoyles Mary 190 8 Hubbard Joseph 193 34 Hubbert Bennett 194 10 Hubbert Irvin 194 20 Hubbert John 193 13 Hubbert Robert 194 23 Huckaby Wm 190 23 Huddelson George 184 27 Huddleston John 181 44 Hudelston Willis 180 41 Hudleston Robert 193 29 Hudspeth George 193 40 Huff Peter 195 42 Humphary John 181 46 Hurd J. K. 185 4 Hurt Joel 185 13 Hutson Ward 185 29 -------------------------------------- Ingland Thos 183 29 Ingland William 181 19 -------------------------------------- Jackson Daniel 184 9 Jackson L. B. 184 38 Jackson Woody 188 7 James Cary 177 8 James Gabrel 181 11 James George 180 33 James John 187 33 James Joseph 187 34 James Robert 177 17 Jenkins James J. 195 19 Jennings Elija 174 10 Jennings Henry 180 2 Jennings Nelson 183 13 Jennings Robart 184 23 Jennings William 184 24 Jinkins Daniel 179 33 Jinks David 191 43 Jinks William 171 25 Jinnins Lilly 196 4 Johnson Amos 171 31 Johnson Cary 171 21 Johnson Elizabeth 187 1 Johnson George W. 189 16 Johnson Green 191 34 Johnson Isaac N. 180 39 Johnson James 171 19 Johnson Jeremiah 178 38 Johnson John 185 21 Johnson John 188 44 Johnson Larkin 192 28 Johnson Lee 189 3 Johnson Nathaniel 190 32 Johnson Noel 171 30 Johnson Robert 190 15 Johnson Ruben 184 7 Johnson Samuel 188 43 Johnson Samuel M. 196 23 Johnson Thos 180 40 Johnson Thos 197 8 Johnson William 184 6 Johnston Luke 174 4 Jones Brewin 194 39 Jones Edward 176 7 Jones Leroy 174 7 Jones Mason 182 6 Jones Randolph 191 21 Jordan Edmond 181 21 Jorden Reuben 193 19 Jorden Thos 180 26 Jourdan Josiah 192 44 Jourden James 196 26 Jourden Josiah 196 25 Jourdin Janet 195 30 Juel James 177 41 Juel Jane 188 27 -------------------------------------- Kellum Sarah 174 17 Kelly Shedrick 174 42 Kelly Wm 173 7 Kendell Robertson 173 32 Kent Charles 190 43 Kent Daniel 194 22 Kent Daniel Snr 191 40 Kent Elijah 191 25 Kent Jane 193 32 Kent Lewis 194 21 Kent Sampson 193 27 Kerlin John 179 30 Kerr David 189 13 Kerr William 179 6 Kidd Abraham 182 45 Kidd Abslom 193 1 Kidd John 182 30 Kidd Richard 172a 7 Kidd Wm 182 43 Kidd Zaiharah 182 26 Kield William 181 6 Killgore Allen 193 42 Kimball David 177 38 Kimbrel Benjam 178 29 Kimbrel Thos 175 35 Kinnbrew Littleberry 184 20 Knowlinson Anthony 171 15 -------------------------------------- Landers Lewis 192 20 Landrum James B. 179 35 Landrum John 177 13 Landrum Joseph 177 12 Landrum Thos 180 8 Landrum Wm 180 6 Lankston David 176 21 Lansford Henry 177 16 Latimer George 180 22 Laughlion David 190 42 Law Noah 193 5 Lawless John 173 48 Lawrance Wm 182 42 Lay William 187 42 Lee Charles B. 182 37 Lee Sigmon 181 20 Lee Wm H. 183 33 Leftwich James H. 185 39 Leonard Wm 194 16 Lesley William 180 7 Lester Alexander 173 26 Lester George 175 12 Lester Louis 176 33 Lester Louis Junr 176 34 Leverett Robart S. 184 25 Lovin Gabriel 192 2 Luckie Henry 190 2 Luckie James 176 8 Lucky Hizzikiah 183 25 Lumpkin George 177 27 Lumpkin Henry H. 192 41 Lumpkin John 188 5 Lumpkin Joseph 190 20 Lumpkin Sack 187 13 Lumpkin Samuel 191 13 Lumpkin William 175 36 Lumpkin William 188 15 Lunsford John 183 20 Lunsford William 183 18 Lyon Norris 171 2 -------------------------------------- Maloy Joseph M. 177 19 Mamman James 186 34 Manley John A. 181 3 Manley Joseph 180 1 Mann Susan 193 39 Marible Champen 173 10 Marible Wm 173 2 Martain Cluff 192 11 Martain Hels 191 24 Martan Anthony 177 4 Martin Alexr. 193 26 Martin Barton 194 38 Martin James B. 196 5 Martin James G. 180 30 Martin Jessee 196 17 Martin Sally 178 31 Martin Susanah 195 41 Martin Wilford 194 4 Mase Bird 191 6 Mathes Charles L. 193 21 Mathes Jacob G. 192 39 Mathews Polly 173 44 Mathies Wm 192 6 Mathis Littleberry 191 27 Maxey Barnes 189 43 Maxey Hail 190 7 Maxey Yelanton 186 21 Mcarty John 190 14 McCarly Sally 175 33 McClain Ruben 184 33 McClain Thos 175 21 McCown Alx 177 33 McCoy James 192 27 McCullar Samuel 175 22 McCuskey M. L. 191 38 McDaniel Charles 171 34 McElroy Billy 173 34 McElroy Samuel 173 18 McElroy Sarah 173 35 McElroy William 183 1 McGhee Abner 193 20 McGhee John 196 40 McGown James 195 32 McKebing James 171 9 McKilary Edward 182 24 Mclane James 186 36 McLaughlin David 189 32 McLaughlin John 189 41 Mcnun John 196 6 Mcules Samuel 190 12 McWherter John 176 5 McWhirter Hugh 188 34 McWhorter Wm 185 22 Meaders Abslom 174 29 Meaders Isaac 174 28 Mercer Mount M. 187 37 Merwether Thomas 192 29 Merwether Valentine H. 196 21 Michelbraugh Aldus 188 26 Midders Jacob 179 15 Millner Johnathan 187 26 Mitchel Jesse 178 28 Moody Aust 184 34 Moody Daniel 184 18 Moody John N. 187 24 Moody Thos 193 30 Moore Charles 187 4 Moore John 171 1 Moore Joseph J. 171 22 Moore Sarah 197 9 Moore William 183 21 Moore William H. 186 28 Moore Wm 191 4 Moore Wm 191 33 Morgan Daniel 184 19 Morris Samuel 172a 12 Morris Westley 195 36 Mosley Stephen Z. 195 31 Murry Alx 188 45 Murry Betty 188 46 Murry Thos 182 31 Murry William 181 5 Myrick Robart 185 31 -------------------------------------- Nickle Jacob 173 5 Nickle Wm 173 6 Nickols Thos 191 12 Nicleson George 187 2 Nilleson Wm 189 27 Nix Edward 189 9 North Anthoney 195 11 North Robert 195 10 Northington James 184 31 Norton William 177 14 Nowel James 181 14 Nowel John 182 5 Nowel Mary 182 40 Nowel Thos 182 10 Nowell John 173 33 -------------------------------------- Oaks Jonathan 175 37 Ogelbie William 181 13 Ogilbia Peter F. 187 45 Ogleby Richard 187 20 OKelly James 179 14 OKelly James 182 36 OKelly Mary 181 36 OKelly Thomas 183 2 Olive John 182 21 Owen Davis 184 28 Owen Glenn 184 17 -------------------------------------- Pace James 173 43 Pace Paris 179 38 Pain Flail 187 47 Parks Bird 192 38 Parris Nathaniel H. 190 16 Partrige John 191 2 Paskel George 191 10 Pass Andrew 192 13 Pass Mathew J. 192 18 Patman James B. 174 6 Patman Lenard 174 9 Patman Watson 196 37 Patman William Jr 183 43 Patman Wm Snr 192 40 Patrick David 189 24 Patrick Josiah 190 22 Patrick William 178 30 Patterson Henry 174 19 Patterson Henry 176 29 Patterson James 174 18 Pattmon John 176 31 Patton Benjamin 194 1 Patton Samuel 192 7 Patton Samuel Snr 190 34 Patton Solloman 190 33 Payton William 184 41 Pender James H. 171 18 Penn Edmond 173 20 Penn Francis 187 25 Penn John T. 185 17 Penn Moses 185 19 Petarman Benj 183 38 Peters Jesse Sr 175 15 Peters John 175 16 Peters Wm N. 173 24 Petty John 173 11 Peyson John 185 3 Phillips John 181 24 Phillips Mathew 186 35 Phinizy Jacob 188 29 Pickett Alx 173 39 Pie Bessie 190 41 Pie James 192 10 Pie James 193 10 Pie Wm 190 40 Pinson Baid 176 10 Pinson Mary 175 9 Pinson Thomas B. 175 8 Pitard William 182 2 Pittard William 173 30 Pollard Mary 183 8 Ponder Elizabeth 179 4 Ponder John M. 180 37 Ponder Vitale 179 3 Ponder William L. 179 1 Pope Archable 183 41 Pope Burwell 177 29 Pope Josiah 194 15 Pope Middleton 178 27 Pope Wiley 178 3 Porter John 184 40 Porter William 184 36 Potts Samuel 176 4 Poulain Thos M. 178 39 Pounds John 191 9 Powers Mikel 188 37 Powers Nickles 195 6 Pratt Basdel 184 15 Pratt John 176 1 Price George 173 17 -------------------------------------- Ragan David 184 35 Ragan Hamilton 174 21 Ragan John 186 39 Ragan Mark 174 22 Ragan Markes B. 184 8 Raines Henry 194 34 Rainey Mathew 171 5 Rakestraw Robt 171 12 Ramey Edmond 184 13 Ramus David B. 185 38 Raney Daniel 175 24 Raney Isam 196 38 Raney Thomas 194 28 Ransey Hannah 175 34 Ravens James 180 5 Ray Moses 186 9 Redd Wm 190 9 Reneau Wm 187 6 Rhoads Richard 183 3 Rhodes Isaac 184 29 Rice Jacob 187 16 Richardson John 183 45 Richardson Wm 173 12 Right Sarah 181 38 Ritchardson Allen 182 39 Robartson Eli 186 33 Robbertson Plesant 181 15 Robertson David 177 6 Robertson James 184 26 Roland Richard 191 17 Roseberry James 190 36 Roseberry James 190 44 Rosebery Richard 197 1 Roysmith James C. 194 30 Runels Georg 177 25 Rupert John 177 18 Russ Thos 184 12 Russel Jane 186 8 Russel William R. 186 14 Rutherford Josiah 176 11 Rutherford Josiah 172a 4 Rutledge James 191 3 Rutledge James 191 20 Rutledge Joseph 191 19 Rutt Dianah 185 11 -------------------------------------- Sades Elizabeth 196 9 Sample Sally 173 13 Scoggin Wiley 172a 19 Scott John 191 18 Scroggen Chaten D. 181 48 Scroggin Thos E. 179 31 Scrogin Thos 195 4 Shaw Amos 173 14 Shaw Josiah W. 171 29 Short Labourn 186 18 Short Yong W. 176 19 Silvy Stephin 183 19 Simmons Charles 192 43 Simmons David 179 7 Simmons Elizabeth 174 37 Simmons Vincent 190 29 Sims Allin 179 18 Sims Fanny 174 36 Sims John 175 5 Sims John M. 193 37 Sims Lewis 182 12 Sims Martan 181 30 Sims Richard 173 25 Sims Wiley 181 31 Slaton Zaihriah 186 25 Smith Anthony G. 183 26 Smith Benj 188 20 Smith Brinkley 191 29 Smith Charles 179 43 Smith Charles 187 46 Smith Charles L. 183 31 Smith Fredrick 196 27 Smith Harrison 171 3 Smith Hill 174 46 Smith Isham 180 31 Smith James 193 3 Smith James H. 171 8 Smith John 179 46 Smith John 190 45 Smith John B. 175 11 Smith Larkin 181 22 Smith Luke 174 40 Smith Mark 178 43 Smith Moses 193 25 Smith N. H. 178 37 Smith Nathaniel 188 21 Smith Parker 188 1 Smith Peterson 188 23 Smith Robart 182 20 Smith Robert R. 191 32 Smith Robert S. 182 18 Smith Shedrick 182 25 Smith Sion 183 42 Smith William 171 10 Smith William 173 27 Sogin Umphrey 196 33 Sorrel Etheldred 178 23 Sorrow George P. 174 30 Sorrow James 192 23 Sorrow Jesse M. 181 27 Sorrow Randolph 192 5 Sorrow Wm 192 4 Spencer George 173 36 Spratling James 172a 9 Stallins Moses 184 32 Stamps Britton 179 8 Stamps James Senr 174 3 Stamps Thos J. 175 17 Stanfield Elizabeth 171 37 Starett Alexander 171 14 Starke Jesse 185 23 Stephens Fany 176 12 Stephens Joseph 190 35 Stephens Thos 196 18 Stephens Wm 196 20 Stevens John W. 186 12 Steward Floid 185 27 Steward John 185 6 Steward John M. 180 32 Steward John Jnr 185 5 Steward Thomas 185 26 Steward William 186 11 Stewart John 195 22 Stokes Henry 173 46 Stokes Wm H. 172a 10 Stool Bartholomew 195 27 Stovall Benjamin 193 23 Strong Charles 176 28 Strong Elisha 179 34 Strong Samuel 193 18 Strowd Sherwood 190 19 Stubblefield Colvin 195 1 Stubblefield Seth 195 2 Suddath James 196 42 Sutherlen Edmond 178 5 Swanson James 186 20 Swanson John 185 12 Swapsher Spencer 185 14 -------------------------------------- Taber Hezakiah 196 7 Tackwell Benjamin 174 38 Tarpley Ann 175 25 Tarpley Joel 178 13 Tarpley John 178 24 Taylor Clarke 193 8 Taylor Swepson 194 18 Taylor Wm 194 17 Tennisons Sollomon 193 17 Thaman Polly 174 5 Thaxton Thos 187 10 Thaxton Yelvington 187 19 Thomas Alex 171 17 Thomas James 177 36 Thomas James 179 13 Thomas John 176 15 Thomas Richard 191 11 Thomas William 179 19 Thomas Wm 191 5 Thomason Susana 173 31 Thompkins Susanah 182 3 Thompson Ann 173 22 Thompson John 185 20 Thompson Samuel 187 17 Thompson Samuel Sr 177 24 Thompson William 186 1 Thornton Herod 193 14 Thornton John 193 15 Thornton Wyley 195 20 Threlkele Wm 195 29 Tiller John 192 16 Tiller Randel 194 2 Tiller Wm 191 37 Tillis Burwell 192 30 Tipper James 190 27 Tipper Wiley 171 38 Torbert James 193 44 Townsend John 189 38 Trailor Edward 195 21 Tribble Benj 181 9 Tribble Benjamin 175 10 Triplet Wm 179 26 Tuck Josiah 195 12 Tucker Tarpley 184 3 Turman Martin B. 195 25 Turner Andrew 181 1 Turner Benj 179 22 Turner Pascuel 179 23 Tuttle Peterson 185 41 Tye Samuel 174 45 -------------------------------------- Upson Stephen 179 42 -------------------------------------- Vanlandingham Betsey 193 11 Varner Fredrick 186 37 Varner George 184 30 Varner Mathew 174 48 Varnum John 196 28 Vaughan Wm 189 20 Vaughan Wm 189 23 Venable Abraham 176 24 Vernon Fredrick 196 19 Vihers Grisham 177 22 -------------------------------------- Walis John F. 176 27 Walker James 179 36 Walker Mason 174 39 Walker William 173 1 Walton John 177 3 Ward John 175 28 Ward Samuel 189 33 Ward Seth 188 31 Ward Wm 187 9 Waters Joseph 177 23 Watkins Phillip 193 35 Watkins Rease 193 43 Watson Elisha 175 6 Watson Jane 175 7 Watson John 189 12 Weaver Andrew 189 4 Weaver Isaac 189 21 Weaver John P. 191 28 Weaver John P. 192 31 Weaver Wm B. 192 3 Webb Plesant 181 40 Webb William 181 41 West James 184 42 Wheeler George 195 14 White Jonathan 183 7 Whitehead Joel 179 17 Whitehead Samuel 179 12 Whitehead Samuel 192 22 Whitsell George 175 1 Wilder Levy 180 20 Wilke Osburn 188 36 Wilkey Samuel 185 2 Wilks Aaron 180 18 Wilks Moses 180 3 Willaford John 181 8 Williams Henry 187 22 Williams James 185 16 Williams Lucy 186 6 Williams Mathew 173 23 Williams Robert O. 190 1 Williams Thos 175 26 Williams Wyitt 188 22 Williamson George C. 187 12 Willingham Alban 191 30 Willingham Jay 189 1 Willingham Jesse 196 35 Willis Phillip 191 7 Willson Sally 180 11 Wilson Penelope 177 7 Winfrey John 184 1 Winfrey William 181 7 Wise Jacob 193 12 Wise John 194 37 Wise Margaret 194 36 Wood John L. 171 35 Wood Thomas 178 18 Woodroff Benj 181 18 Woodruff Clifford 182 11 Woodruff Elisha 182 7 Woodruff Ruben 183 28 Woods Samuel 192 14 Wornick John P. 185 18 Worth William 187 29 Wray John 189 42 Wray Jonathan 190 17 Wray Phillip 187 27 Wray Wm 192 9 Wright Asa 183 27 Wright Henry 182 35 Wright Johnson 182 1 Wright Wm 182 28 Wynn John 192 46 -------------------------------------- Yancy Thomas 171 16 Yanley Samuel P. 187 3 Yarbrough John 185 30 Young Fredrick 188 11 Young George 187 39 Young Henry 188 9 Young James Jr 188 25 Young Lenard 188 6 Young Lenard Sr 188 10 Young Thoms 178 12 Young Wayd 197 10 -------------------------------------- Zuber Emanuel 190 25 Zuher Daniel 190 11 ====================================== |
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