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The USGenWeb
Census Project

A Michigan Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
USGW Census Project

Meeting Notices
Special Meeting Announcement
Friday, January 19, 2001 16:33

The Board of Directors of The USGenWeb Census Project is announcing a SPECIAL
MEETING in accordance with the recently adopted bylaws of the project.  Our
intention is to establish and maintain an open line of communication between
the Board of Directors and the voting membership.

This meeting is the first meeting of the entire voting membership.  Your
ideas and inputs are highly valued as The USGenWeb Census Project sets course
for the future.

The primary subject of the meeting will be discussion of the recently passed
Bylaws and to determine future meeting dates and times.

The meeting will be held via Internet Relay Chat at 8 pm EST, Monday 22
January.  The use of mIRC allows realtime communication between each
individual in the electronic meeting.

If you do not have mIRC software on your computer, you may download this
software at: or
Please contact Ms. April Phillips  or myself
 to get the setup information that is required to establish
a connection with the correct server.

The Board of Directors looks forward to a productive meeting with the entire
voting membership. Hope to see you there.


Wayne Duncan
President, Board of Directors
The USGenWeb Census Project

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